Time: Morning Location: Forest outside Roshmi
Interaction: @helo Cade & @Tae Elsea
Mention Ayita & Rei

“Thank you Cade,” she replied. Cora took the lettuce wrap and hid the vermin inside of it. If she could trick her mind that it wasn’t a rodent, perhaps she could maybe digest it. She sighed and took a deep breath before finally biting into it. Grimacing, unsuccessfully. She tried to hide it from Cade, and forced herself to chew and swallow it. Then she forced out a smile. ”I believe I would take this over bugs.” In case he was offended, she continued to eat. She began thinking of how to respond to Cade in a way he might understand to distract her from her food. ”I… I am from a different timeline of Ayita. See, I come from her future. The white men are my ancestors. I condone what happened to her tribe and the many others that existed." Cora paused to allow the differences sink it and continued.
"Also, my family isn't noble. My family was - never mind. I lived alone on Earth for quite some time before I got pulled here," Cora avoided delving deeper into her history. A noble - as if. She was an orphan for most of her life until the Kings adopted her, only to throw her out in the end. How ironic was that? Alone... That's where she had been when she was pulled until she found Rei. He was all she had from home, and she desperately wished he was safe. She couldn't wait to see him again and tell him about Ayita. Cora couldn't help but wonder if she would end up alone on Avalia as well. It seamed as if life had her out to be alone. Perhaps this was her chance to turn the page and make a new fate for herself. She smiled faintly, thinking of her friends here. At first it had been Rei, Kenia and Malachi; now she had Elsea and Cade.
In reverie, she paused and forced herself to chew and swallow the food. She would kill right now for Taco Bell or Panera. Even a hamburger and milkshake. Cora turned to watch Elsea join them and offered her a sweet smile, in between her bites. She stared at her now too, frozen. Was Elsea from a different timeline as well? Her voice held an Irish accent as well. What timeline was she from? Taking a deep breath, she replied, ”The patch of land that Christopher Columbus thought was India, became the United States of America. It’s by Canada and Mexico.” Her jade green eyes were wide with shock and awe. Realizing this might not help, she pushed further. "Where and what year are you from?” Cora watched her friend eat the rat as if it were normal and knew this girl was from a vastly different time as well. Cora was stunned into silence and turned her attention to her lettuce wrap while glancing at Elsea for a response.