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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Eisenhower Building - Lobby ---> East Wing - Room 97 -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Telepathy - Binding

Luna looked around as they walked towards the East Wing. Veil’s shield was working well, keeping them invisible as they walked but it seemed it wasn’t needed as there weren’t many people in the hallway. When they approached room 97, voices filtered out and then one of those voices filled their head. Luna frowned, looking at Veil when the door was pushed open and the shield dropped. As a telepath, she much preferred being the one in people’s heads rather than the other way around.
She scanned the room, noticing the other people in the room, as well as the one currently tampering with the vaccines while Havok, Veil and Kid Omega spoke. The only one Luna seemed to recognize was Kid Omega, knowing him to have gone to school at Xavier’s. She smirked as Havok spoke out against him. Perhaps they should be a little more cautious around him but all Luna could remember was his failed attempt to take over the school at one point.
Luna’s attention was redirected when Kristina used her power to shoot a laser at the vaccines but she missed, hitting herself by hitting a mirror and then Sapphire when she attempted again. It seemed Kristina was a little too ambitious in trying to start the fight. The Underground had a habit of doing that it seemed. Luna concentrated on the one with skin like a domino who was working with the vaccines. She managed to bind them but it wasn’t a strong connection as she had the feeling of them slipping out of her grasp.
”I suggest we move the school reunion along,” Luna urged. Not only had Kristina visibly started the fight but now Luna had started the mental battle and it wasn’t a good enough hold but she wasn’t going to engage physically yet.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing
Skills: N/A

"Wouldn't surprise me if we weren't alone..." Sapphire commented as she followed along closely to the group as they reached the room where the vaccines were being kept. This entire mission was a bit strange to them, but at the moment they had more important things to worry about than that, and when they got to the room, their fears about not being alone were *definitely* confirmed. That being when they went into the room and immediately saw a small group of people that were surrounding the crates of sorts. This was not good, not good at all.

"Any ideas?" she muttered to Veil when Kid Omega, the one person in the group that she recognized, revealed that they were there and Veil dropped their cloak. Of course, a few people got even more trigger happy then she typically was and instantly started attack. That didn't end well, at least for her as Kristina's lasers slammed into her shoulder. "How about you be a bit more careful?" she responded to Kristina, her tone definitely seeming to have the usual bite that she tended to have when she spoke. Maybe the pain from the injury was helping to snap her out of her problems.

Location: the Glitter Factory
Skills: Enhanced Durability

Zari actually looked a little bit annoyed when Echo decided to do exactly what she had done moments before and more or less, that being charge right in without caring at all about what might happen. The other thing that annoyed her was the Mr. Stabby McStabberson (or whatever he called himself... The X-Cutioner? What sort of a name was that?) had teleported away and just disappeared entirely. Meaning that she still couldn't get revenge on him for having ripped apart Mr. Eyeball not too long ago! Ugh, why couldn't people hold still for more then a few minutes! She wasn't even paying attention to what he had said with regards to his plans.

Jack glanced towards the hooded figure who had shot his brother. Casper clearly wasn't doing too well, even with the added plus side of things being that Callie had ensure that he wouldn't bleed out. This was going to end horribly, since what the man who identified himself as the "X-Cutioner" had said, this was bad. Like beyond bad and he had no idea what it was that they should do, but heading back to the Underground and waiting for Veil's group to return definitely seemed like an idea worth doing. They had no idea what they were doing after all.

"Honestly? I'm fine. I've had waaaaaaaaaay worse injuries then just a knife wound to the stomach, where I'm from fighting is pretty common, so don't worry about it," she said to Callie with a smile as she more or less brushed off the injury. It wasn't really bugging her and her Asgardian physiology seemed to be aiding her in the healing part of the injury. It didn't really hurt anymore, and she shifted her sword back into its much smaller flashlight form, and walked towards where the others were. "Let's goooooooooooo! This place is booooooooring!"

He couldn't help but shake his head slightly at Zari, clearly the kid had a hard time focusing on one thing at a time, or keeping focused on anything for that matter. Made him wonder if she had even been paying much attention to what the hell had just happened. "Back to the Underground, and as fast as we can. When we leave though, might I suggest taking a detour of sorts, since we need to make sure no one is following us at all... Since either that guy knew we were coming and orchestrated everything, or someone tipped him off, neither are good options and we can't risk him following us," he said eventually, before heading towards the car, seeing that Waverly and James had a handle on Casper and were helping him to the car.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Veil’s Group: Eisenhower Building - Lobby
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive); MMA; Electricity Manipulation

Andy followed the group as quietly as she could until they got to the door to room 97. For a moment they tried to listen at the doors before a voice was clear in her head. She flinched. She hadn't been around many telepaths so it was an odd sensation. The group then went into the room. The fighting started almost immediately.

She stepped forward and pushed the table that was there, it was metal, which was perfect for conducting electricity. Even trying her hardest she couldn't push the table, it barely moved. She got irritated and just lifted and flipped it. The table landed only on one of the guy's feet. The blonde guy with the pink jumpsuit. She let a blast of electricity flow from her hand through the table and into the dude's toe.

He was freaking out and crying in pain. She blinked. She had definitely not sent enough electricity in that blast to do that much damage if she was honest with herself. But the guy was acting like he had been shot or something.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Ronald Reagan Airport
Skills: ConjurationNew Outfit

Max nodded back towards Sunshine as she offered to look around. He knew better than to tell her what to do, even if she did need to take a breath after the days exhausting journeys. There was food scattered about the dining room, some cutlery was scattered across the floor and some objects looked to be severely misplaced or tossed. A pit began to form in his stomach, one he tried to fill with food as he attempted to push his thoughts away. His relaxation came to a halt as soon as Sunshine asked about the blood. He tried swallowing what food was in his mouth but his throat remained closed. Max quickly scarffed down a cold coffee to allow it to pass down as he shakily got up to see what Sunshine was talking about.

The Underground was definitely abandoned, and there was most certainly blood on the floor. Max made a dash towards Havoks room, knowing the idiot had brought home a known enemy for some forsaken reason. The thought clung there for a moment as he recalled that he too was once a known enemy. The pit in his stomach now growing larger. When he'd reached the door, he slowly opened it up to realise the daughter of Magneto was missing. Everyone was. If he hazard to guess..."I don't think it's Jack related. That blonde haired idiot brought home Magnetos daughter the other day. Maybe she woke up? Freaked out that she was in an enemy stronghold and fought her way out? Magneto was no joke when I fought against him...I'm pretty sure his daughter is just as powerful if not close to it. It would explain the mess in the dining room, and the railings all fucked up. That or Colossus accidentally leaned on them." He added that joke in hopes to lighten the mood, but even he didn't feel more chipper.


Location: Glitter Factory (Jacks group)
Skills: .

It took everything in him not to roll his eyes at the man's name. A wave of worry washing over him as the man's message rang through his head. A terrigen bomb massive enough to cover the D.C. area. How many more mutants had to suffer at the hands of extremists like him? How many more had to fall ill or die from this foreign chemical that seemed to target anyone with the X-gene? His heart stiffened and twisted as he thought on all the children back at Xaviers mansion. The kids with no where else to go, those who had visible mutations and couldn't easily fit in to society due to others prejudice. It all made him so sick. The man's words were punctuated by his absence as he swiftly disappeared with the press of a button. It was then that Echo was able to come back to his senses, then that he noticed a child was bleeding next to him. "Oh my god, damn it. Are you ok? I know you said you're fine but are you actually ok? You know what? Barry, help her out if she needs it. No hero acts today. For now I gotta make a phone call."

Harry hated every second of this. Someone either tipped this X-cutioner off or he had a form of contact with the Underground and piped in false information for a trap. Neither option was good, nor was his message of war. Harry's hand fidgeted as he went for his shirt pocket, an old habit from smoking too many times in an effort to relieve stress. When his fingers found no purchase on the familiar carton Harry simply paced in a small space tapping his foot against the floor. The clicking barely audible between all the sounds resonating around them. Finally he took in a deep breath, mustering what strength he had to call in a contact he hadnt spoken to in over 9 years. One hand made its way to his pocket, pulling out his phone and speed dialing his third emergency contact. It simply bore an X as the information. Whilst the phone rang, Harry held it between his shoulder and ear, using his hands to undo his clip on skates and holding them with his left two fingers.

He began to make his way towards the car, the dial tone still ringing as he nervously tapped his fingers on the phone. Debating on of he should hang up or stay on the line. Just before he was able to make that decision the call picked up and there was an unfamiliar voice of a woman. It had been 9 years after all and he was certain this voice wasn't any of the usual suspects. Another concern for him now. "I need to speak to Charles, this is an emergency of epic proportions and it hinges on a time constraint that lasts until midnight tonight." He voice was trembling, the hatred in the robotic man's voice echoing that of the one who murdered his love. He felt like he was a child again, needing to tug on Xaviers pant leg to gain his attention for help. Harry did all he could not to cry as he entered into the vehicle.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

February 17th, 2021 - 1:30 PM

Casper Theriot

Location: the Glitter Factory
Skills: Mediumship
Casper's brain really needed to decide whether or not he was going to be alert or not. He snapped back into awareness just in time for him and James to fall to the ground, toppling like dominos. He wheezed in pain from the impact, even if his boyfriend softened the fall for him. The pain was still immense and he hadn't been aware enough when James healed one of his wounds to notice that he only had one wound to deal with. "James, I think the food is burning..." Casper murmured. "I smell burnt toast." He didn't realize the burned food smell was coming from him.

He blinked and the next thing he knew, he was off of the ground, with Waverley struggling to carry him. He was about twice her size, so it was basically impossible for her to move at anything faster than a snail's pace. Casper tried to walk on his own, to make it easier for her, but he blinked and the next thing he knew, he was sprawled on the floor again, right by the exit of the club. He raised his hand and pawed slightly at the air above him. "Who you gonna call?" he asked Callie. "Ghostbusters!"


Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing
Skills: Leadership, Invisible Energy Manipulation
Veil took a deep breath, forcing her brain to come up with a plan. She knew all about Kid Omega - he was an omega level telepath. The only other omega level telepath was Jean Grey - the infamous member of the X-Men who merged with some cosmic force and tried to destroy the world. He was telekinetic as well, and there was another power he had that Veil couldn't remember. The other mutants present were wild cards, she didn't know anything about them.

Kristina and Andy started the fight, forcing the inevitable confrontation. "Kid Omega's mental powers are the biggest threat here. Glimpse and Stareyes, double time him. We'll handle the rest," Veil ordered. Glimpse was a telepath with superspeed, arguably the person with the best chance to stop Kid Omega. And Stareyes had a powerful eye beam that could hopefully knock the asshole out.

Of course, their own asshole of the group wasn't in the mood to listen to Veil, as he attacked Kid Omega himself. Havok shot off a powerful blast of hula-hooping energy, sending it on a collision course with Kid Omega - only for Omega to use his telekinesis and deflect it to the side easily, blasting a gigantic hole in the wall. "Yikes, seems you guys got stuck with the worst Summers brother," Omega taunted.

The blast didn't just make a hole in the wall though - it shook the entire room. The lights dangling from the ceiling apparently had a few screws loose, so the force sent them falling down onto the ground, hitting Glimpse square in the head and breaking her concentration. Luck was on Domino's side it would seem, as she was free from the mental hold.

"Oh go suck a cock, Kid," Havok growled.

"Oh, I'm going to kill you you little runt!" Empath screamed at Andy. He was hopping around on one foot, using his hands to hold onto his crushed little toes. He didn't seem to do anything though, so Veil didn't throw up a force field to reflexively save her, but that was because Empath's power was invisible. He could control people's minds and prey upon their emotions. He could convince them they were something else entirely.

And as petty as it was, Empath used his powers to make Andy believe that she was naked - the nightmare of pretty much everyone alive, being completely nude in public.

As if there wasn't enough chaos going on already, as Domino was nearing completion on what she was doing to the vaccines, the quiet girl threw a card up into the air. Red smoke started to form out of nowhere, condensing and taking on the shape of a horrific monster - a beast with horns and hooves. "Devil, escort nos amis off the premises," the girl ordered.

"What the hell..." Veil cursed in astonishment, throwing up a shield just in time. The Devil moved with unnatural speed, letting out a roar as he breathed pure hellfire at the ground. The fire dissipated when it touched Veil's force field and Veil cried out in pain as her hands became severely burned in an instant.


Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: N/A
Sunshine was confused at first as to why Max was calling Glimpse an idiot, before realizing that he must have meant Havok. There were too many blondes in the Mutant Underground. Of course, Sunshine loved her hair color. It was where she had gotten her mutant name from, because in sunlight it appeared golden and shimmery. She winced slightly as Max mentioned Colossus though - thinking about Colossus just made her think about Magik, and how she had failed her. She had had the power all along to save her and she hadn't been able to do it... She could do it for Max, someone she hated, but not for someone she loved.

"So what, everyone left to go hunt down Havok's ex-girlfriend?" Sunshine asked, unconvinced. She couldn't really imagine Veil mobilizing the entire Mutant Underground for that. If Havok's ex didn't want to be there, she would have just let her go - like she had let stupid Max and stupid Leighton leave to go join the actual Nazis. "Don't you have a phone or something?" she added. She didn't have any of her possessions really. She didn't know if Jack had stashed them somewhere or if they were still upstairs in the room she shared with Waverley.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Inside the Glitter Factory

"Alright if you say so." Callie said towards Zari, she wasnt sure if the girl had some kind of healing factor or not but if she said she didnt need help at the moment then she wouldnt unless Zari did actually need it. "Lets get going." Callie said as she started to leave the club now, and caught up with Casper as Waverly attempted to carry him. She heard him complaining about something burning knowing that it was from her little bit of help. "Sorry there Casper, it was the only thing I could think of James couldnt heal you for some reason." Callie said.

Callie nodded at Jack she wasnt sure what else this x-cutioner guy knew about them but she wasnt going to take any chances with the guy who seemed to have lured them all into a trap of sorts. "I'll get the car started." Callie said as she made her way towards the car and got into the driver's side and started up the car waiting for everyone else to get in.

Kristina Smith

Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing
Skills: Laser Vision

"Sorry for the Stormtrooper moment then it wont happen again." Kristina said looking over towards Sapphire she wasnt even sure why that even happened in the first place. Her attention turned towards Kid Omega as Veil told her and Glimpse to take him out first and nodded towards her. If he was the largest threat here then he would need to be taken out first and quickly Kris watched as Havok went and attacked Kid Omega first only for him to miss the shot. And some stuff from the ceiling falling hitting Glimpse on the head which she winced slightly.

Kristina took a step forward only for her to end up tripping and falling onto the ground, sending an eyeblast into the ground making a small hole into the ground. She groaned getting annoyed as Kris got back onto her feet again her attention on Omega as she sent another eye blast towards Kid Omega managing to hit him in the face.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Inside the Glitter Factory

Waverley let out a grunt as Casper twisted about in her arms. He was heavier than she'd expected; he looked skinnier then her beloved rebar, and yet he weighed what she imagined Colossus would've weighed. Realistically she knew, of course, that it was more likely her tiny, sad excuse for muscles that barred her from getting the young man out the door, though Casper did not make it easy on her either, with his wiggling and squirming about in her hands. After just a little shuffle, he dropped out of her arms, landing on the grimy club floor like a fish flopping onto the deck of a ship.

"Jesus Cas, how are you so heavy?! You've got less meat on your bones than I do!" Waverley exclaimed with a huff, though there was no malice in her voice, only exhaustion. She let out a deep sigh as she leaned over, grabbing under his armpits and dragging him a step closer to the door. She didn't want to ask for help, not wanting to burden anyone else with something she thought she could handle. If she couldn't do this one little thing, then, she figured, what good was she?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Glitter Factory
Skills: Healing Factor

“Yeah, you’re a little well done right now, honey. Nothing we won’t get fixed sooner or later.” James smiled appreciatively Waverly as she took Casper, a groan escaping him as the weight came off. The man was nothing but dead weight right now and James was barely in any condition to be schlepping him around. He gave her a thumbs up and laid down on the floor for a few seconds longer to catch his breath. He even closed his eyes but he felt the pull of sleep and he snapped them right back open and forced himself up onto one knee and then up the rest of the way. He rolled his shoulders for a few seconds, rubbing away the soreness of laying on the floor, and turned to follow Waverly.

Just in time to see Casper hit the floor. He winced at the nasty sounding thud, another bruise or bump he probably couldn’t mend right now, and made his way over as Casper rambled about Ghostbusters. Waverly tried to keep him moving but she was barely faring better than he had been. “Since no one else is in danger of dying or bleeding out, give me a second to try and close him up one more time and then maybe together we can keep him off the floor. Teamwork makes the dream work and all that, right?” James suggested as he knelt down next to his boyfriend one more time. Everything, and James literally meant everything, in him protested but he laid his hands out again and focused, searching for that familiar feeling. It took a moment, long enough that James was sweating at the thought of yet another fail, but finally he clung onto that familiar heartbeat and fixed the remaining bullet hole.

“Oh, thank fuck.” James sighed as he hoisted Casper to his feet and got him moving to the car with Waverly. “Making sure Echo was okay took way more out of me than I thought. Does it wear you out to use your gifts, Waves? Do you do any training to make it less exhausting to handle stuff?”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing - Room 97 -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Telepathy - Binding; Enhanced Speed

Luna was managing to hold onto the domino girl’s mind until she suddenly wasn’t. Luna knew Veil was more worried about Kid Omega and with good reason but she also wanted to keep hold of the one tampering with the vaccines. She wouldn’t have much choice though as Havok engaged Kid Omega, causing the room to shake from the impact made to the wall. Lights from above rattled but Luna didn’t notice until a couple hit her square on top of the head. She stumbled a moment, seeing spots in her vision before it cleared up. She was bleeding quite a bit and her head was achy but Luna would have no choice but to push through.
With her hold on domino now lost, she focused on Kid Omega but couldn’t get a decent hold. Unsurprising. So, Luna decided to switch tactics. She shook her hands out and made a run for Kid Omega. Or at least, she was trying to. Luna looked down as she seemed to be running but not going anywhere fast. Which she should be, being able to move at 700 MPH. However, she was running in place.
”Bloody hell!”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing
Skills: Cryokinesis, Ice Attacks

Sapphire wasn't too sure what to think regarding everything, but now wasn't the time for her mind to stray from the task at hand, no now she needed to try and use her powers to do something. At this rate, things were starting to go from bad to worse, and her eyes shifted to the apparent devil that had decided to appear from out of nowhere or something like that. That thing was dangerous, and since it popped up after Veil had given her orders, well she figured that maybe she should try and deal with that. Since that thing wasn't exactly a normal thing at all. "It's about to get a little cold," she muttered as her hair went the frosty white color now.

Creating a spear of ice, she instantly threw it directly towards the devil. For a brief moment, Sapphire had a slight flashback to that alternate reality when she had used the spear to kill Polaris by accident, but she shook her head to get the memory out of her mind as she threw it. The spear went straight through the Devil's mouth and right out the other side, but the thing unfortunately was still standing, and she sent another one after him, but this time the creature caught it. She wasn't able to really land another attack as the creature charged at her and broke through Veil's force field, stabbing her with it's horns. Yeah, this was definitely not working out all too well for her.

Location: the Glitter Factory
Skills: Technopathy

"Why won't you listen to me about me telling you that I'm fine!" Zari somewhat complained, directing the complaint towards Echo. "I've had way worse, that guy hits like a 5 year old little kid!" She was being entirely serious with regards to that, she'd met a few kids growing up that hit harder then that guy did, and that was saying something since the guy's knife definitely had burned when he cut her with it. That was also another thing she was annoyed with the guy about that, aside from him having broken Mr. Eyeball, that pissed her off even more.

Jack let out a sigh when he saw Waverly more or less dragging Casper along the ground after trying to carry him, that clearly was not a good thing to do to someone with a gunshot injury. That was just common sense. If James hadn't gone over to help Waverly more or less carry Casper along, he would have. He has had to carry his brother before, so he knew he could do it if he needed to, but he was glad that James seemed to have the same idea as he did and went to help him out some more, including healing him completely now.

She raced back to the car and threw open the door as she climbed in to where her robot friends were. "Mr. Eyeball you won't believe what just happened! Remember the guy with the weird hood or mask or whatever who attacked us not long after we got into the city who then used his knife to break you in half? He showed up and started firing off a gun and shot the weird guy and then he stabbed me! He was really rude and not so kind, and sounds like we might run into him again!" she sort of rambled a bit to the robot as it started floating around again, and sort of beeped sadly as if it knew there was no point in trying to stop Zari from rambling.

He wasn't too sure what to think with regards to Echo immediately calling Xavier. He also wasn't sure how his brother would feel with regards to his father being called in at all. That relationship was complete and utterly horrible, but he knew in this situation he knew that they needed to. Especially since the guy had referred to him and the X-Men by name. "Calm down a bit kid," he said towards Zari as he headed for the car and seeing her go racing over towards it, before glancing towards Echo as he started talking to someone on the other end of the phone who sounded like wasn't Xavier. Well that was probably going to be an interesting conversation.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Veil’s Group: Eisenhower Building
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive); MMA; Boxing; Electricity Manipulation

Andy had picked her target, mostly by chance. The crying jumpsuit guy was a good enough target. Though, she did feel a little bad for picking on someone so weak apparently. She prepared to move in and punch him, but before she could she was stripped of every stitch on her. Fear pulsed through her. She did not want to be naked in front of Havok or any of the others. Anger also reared its head. Anger at the embarrassment and anger at the loss of her jacket. Oh and let's not forget actual literal hellfire going off.

Somehow though she kept her wits mostly about her. She was pissed. More pissed than anything else and even though she had yelped and reflexively covered herself she wanted revenge for the disappearance of her jacket. She launched herself at Empath ducking low taking a fighter stance and going for a gut punch. "That jacket was a gift asshole." She yelled.

He dodged. She swung again and he kept dodging. She hated this. It was like being back in the ring with someone who was just toying with her. Three swings and nothing but air. The fourth time she swung he caught her fist. She grinned. And let out a shock of electricity. Again it wasn't a big blast, she had definitely hit people harder with the electricity. He overreacted again. She rolled her eyes. Idiot.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Ronald Reagan Airport
Skills: Sending ConjurationNew Outfit

Max watched the slight shift in Sunshines mood as his joke fell flat. Forgetting the fact that Colossus could be a reminder of Magik and her early demise due to M-pox. He thought back on the demon that Casper describe, wondering if there was a hell and how she became entangled in it. He shrugged that off to the side, grasping at what was unfolding before them at the moment first. "I left my phone behind when I left the Hellfire Club. I didn't want to risk putting any of you in danger, I didn't want them finding your location, even if we met at the old Underground. But I have another way...hopefully." Max concentrated once more, trying to find the same mindset he had before when contacting James, Wanda, and others by this power of his. When he opened his eyes, the whites and pupils were replaced by swirls of blues, pinks, and purples. Galaxies twisting within them as he whispered out a few words. "Harry it's Max, what happened at the Underground? Are you guys ok? Was it Jack? Where are you?"

A loud ringing pounded into Harrys ears as Maxs voice boomed through. His phone dropping and ending the barrage of messages as Harrys hands immediately clasped around his head and covered his ears. Groans of pain were screamed out for a moment as the message fed its way to him, every word a threat. Once it finally stopped Harry was able to let go. All his muscles falling from fatigue of that intense contraction. Blood staining the palms of his hands. "We're fine, for the most part, could you be a bit quieter though? Message came in a bit loud. The Brotherhood attacked us, Jack has been fixed, and we're out looking for you and Sunshine." "They're at the Underground it sounds like. They were asking about what happened."

Max relaxed as the colors faded from his eyes and he watched Sunshine before him. "They're fine. It was the Brotherhood that attacked and he said something about Jack being fixed? Not entirely sure what that meant. But they're looking for us that's why they aren't here." He mindlessly picked at his cuticles as his hands were by his side. His mind worked and turned like cogs in a machine as he finally made a decision. "I'll...I'll be right back." Max rushed himself towards his room, not taking the chance that Sunshine may know how to read lips. Closing the dor behind him he sat criss-cross on his bed as he attempted to send another message, this time to an estranged acquaintance, Doctor Strange. "Hey Strange its Max, from Wanda World, I wanted to ask you about demons, and if you knew anything about them or in particular ones that look like this." He proceeded to describe what Casper had seen, the symbol that appeared and what followed after. If anyone might know of what happened he would.


Location: Car (Jacks group)
Skills: .

Harry scooted over towards the window of the car as everyone began to shuffle in. "Sorry, but the Professor isn't here right now, he's at a conference of some sort with Hank," came the voice on the other end, "Maybe I can help you." Harry leaned his head back against the headrest of the car. Exasperation sweeping over him as one thing piled onto another. He fought the urge to sigh aloud, leaving it in his mental state before answering back with closed eyes. "Ofcourse he'd be at a conference with Hank. Sorry I'm not upset with you I'm just...ugh this is so messed up. We got a message from an anti mutant organization, threatening all mutant life in the area if he doesn't respond a call by midnight. So if you have any way for me to contact him directly..."

"Sadly I don't, I'm pretty sure I have Hank's number though maybe around here somewhere, but not sure if he'd answer the phone... Who exactly am I talking to?"

Harrys eyes opened up as the stranger on the phone mentioned having Hanks number. His shoulders dropping as a bit of tension released from them. Hank McCoy was nothing if reliable. However the chances of him answering his phone during a conference was about 50/50. It was times like these that they needed an X-Watch or something to use in emergencies so that others would know. "Honestly Hank will have to do, especially if he's in closer contact with Charles. As for who I am, names Harrold Simmons, graduate of Xavier Mansion and a man who owes a debt of gratitude to all the kids back at Xavier Mansion. Mind if I ask who I'm speaking to?"

"Oh, I recognize that name, Marygold Isley, now leader of the X-Men team but I was at the mansion for maybe a year or so before you left it when I was like, 12 or 13 years old,," she responded, he'd be able to hear her messing with something, likely looking for that phone number.

"Glad to hear a fellow alumni has made it to such high status. Charles must be proud, and I'm sure the X-men are in capable hands." There was a tension in Harrys voice, a slight tapping sound coming from his end. His finger clicking against the hard glass surface of his phones backing, not from impatience but from nervous agitation. Every second spent without Xaviers ear was a second closer to a bomb being unleashed upon them.

"Yeah well, " she responded, before there was a moment of silence before she spoke again, "Alright, I've got Hank's number here, no guarantees on you getting a hold of him, it depends on what they are doing right now." after saying that she said the phone number out loud for him to make note of.

Harry immediately opened up his notes app as Marygold began to say the number. Placing it down for later reference both after this call and if it was ever needed for the future. "Thank you for your help Marygold, you're doing a lot of good out there." Harry hung up the phone, a harsh sigh rushing out of his chest as he began to immediately dial Hank. His foot tapped against the floor and his leg shook the car, every ring making him more and more nervous. Finally he reached a voice-mail, another sigh bleeding out of him. "Hank. Its Harrold, call me back its an emergency." He didn't say much more, just hanging up the call before opening his logs to tap the number and send a barrage of texts messages. His phone rested in his right hand, not needing the left to maneuver the texts or type, his left hand however shook in a way only Casper and Jack may find familiar. One of a junkie needing a fix he hasn't had in a long time.

His left hand gripped the fabric on his pants, holding it still, as he sent several messages to Hank in hopes that the annoyance of vibrations would cause him to check his phone. "Hank its an emergency please answer now."
"There isn't much time, a threat has been placed on all mutants in the area by midnight tonight."
"Honestly I'm gonna keep sending messages until you respond, I need Xavier NOW. Have him reach me telepathically, my name is Harrold Simmons"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

February 17th, 2021 - 1:40 PM

Casper Theriot

Location: the Glitter Factory -> the Car
Skills: Mediumship
"I'm heavy because I have matter and therefore I mass," Casper explained to Waverley, butchering the joke as he swapped the two important concepts. However, he was too delirious from the pain and the shocks, and add on top of that his already slightly spacey personality, and voilà. It was like he was high without even having touched a pill or a joint in months. He gasped as James told him that he was well done. "But I wanted to be pink!!" he whined. Pink was his favorite color. He had always wanted pink hair as a kid growing up. His dad didn't let him dye it.

"Sometimes, I think it's hard to tell if you're high or not," Ben told Casper, leaning up against the wall. "You act almost exactly the same when you're on drugs and when you're off."

Casper blew a kiss at Ben in response. A moment later though, he felt brand new! His chest wasn't burning with pain - well, not any more than was normal. His thoughts cleared and he burst out into a grin, realizing that his adorable and amazing boyfriend had healed him. He adored James. He loved him more than he had ever loved anyone before (besides himself). "If you want your powers to shut off, I'd recommend a healthy amount of cocaine and heroin. Kid tested, Casper approved."

He was able to support himself as they walked back to the car, but that didn't stop Casper from pretending to need James help so he had an excuse to hold on to his precious beau. When they arrived at the car, Casper couldn't help but overhear Echo prattling on about how proud Charles had to be - and other annoying statements about the X-Men and their mighty leader. Casper rolled his eyes and did his best nasally old man voice, before then putting his fingers over his eyes and spreading them out so he had a crazy, maniac looking sort of stare.

"Ah yes, good job my X-Men! Now, lovely Jean, if you wouldn't mind assisting me in the Cerebro room? I'm quite afraid you'll have to wear a bikini for this, make sure you're adequately waxed down there or it won't work! And bring refreshments and energy bars, yes!" Casper mocked.


Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation
Kid Omega's beautiful nose had been broken, thanks to Kris' (successful) shot. That didn't stop him though from using his telekinesis to suspend Glimpse in the air, forcing her to run in place without making any real traction. "You know, you're not the speedster I was prepping to fight - but I have to give it to you... You're waaaaay slower than I thought you'd be," Kid Omega taunted, snickering. While continuing to suspend Glimpse in the air, he then started telekinetically throwing things at Kris, like the desk and some cabinets and whatnot, but they all missed her.

"Omega, stop that! We can't leave this place looking like a wrecking team hit it or they'll toss the vaccines!" Domino hissed. She had finished her job and now, she just needed to make the room look spotless and harmless. The main obstacle in her way? The pesky Mutant Underground team. She picked up a stapler and opened it up, before chucking it into the fray. Her aim was true, as the stapler soared and hit Veil in the head, with Veil's force field not coming up fast enough to protect her.

Veil rubbed her head slightly and her hand came away with blood, but at least it wasn't a lot. She glanced up in time to see the Devil scoop up Sapphire like a rag doll, and start to carry her out of the room like yesterday's trash. "No," Veil hissed, refusing to let the monster make off with her friend. She turned and looked at the girl who had summoned the creature, noticing the card floating in the air above her, and Veil thrusted her hand out, sending a gigantic force field crashing into Tarot like a tidal wave. The card fell to the ground and the Devil vanished, causing Sapphire to fall to the floor, landing on her butt.

Empath was cursing enough to make a sailor blush, although his swears weren't really that creative. His eyes were glowing red as he glared at Andy, trying another tactic since apparently making her believe she was naked wasn't enough. He tried to make Andy believe she was a bubblegum princess who was madly in love with him, but it didn't work. He couldn't concentrate properly as he was still nursing his wounded foot. In fact, his previous manipulation would vanish and Andy would realize she had been fully clothed the entire time.

Tarot frantically through up another card - one that caused Domino to curse at the incompetency of the crew she had been sent with - the Tower. A massive tower, the sort that Rapunzel would throw down her hair from, started to grow in out of nowhere. It was covered in vines and fire was coming from each open window. As the tower continued to grow and grow, it broke through the ceiling and continued to go higher and higher, until it was as high as the Washington Monument. It'd be impossible to cover up.

And of course, where there's a tower, there's also a dragon.

"Son of a bitch - I guess our princess is in another castle," Havok muttered, before deciding that he wanted to continue fighting Kid Omega. Sapphire, Veil, and the new kid had the weird tower nonsense handled. He let off three powerful blasts of energy - the first one missed but the second two were perfect hits. Kid Omega, a bit of a glass cannon, crumbled from the effort - meaning that Glimpse was then released from the telekinetic hold.


Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: N/A
Sunshine couldn't help but do a double take when Max's eyes turned into swirling spheres of galaxies. If he wasn't eternally annoying, she might have found his eyes to be beautiful in this moment, if not breathtaking. She huffed slightly, blowing the air upwards so that way her bangs moved a bit out of her eyes, and she tapped her foot impatiently. She didn't like how empty the Mutant Underground was and she wanted answers already. When Max started to explain what happened, her eyes narrowed.

The Brotherhood of Mutants had attacked them? They were supposed to be pro-mutant, protecting them from the hated of stupid flatscans. She had always seen them more as being heroes than the X-Men, but then she remembered - Magneto was their leader and he was part of the Hellfire Club. He was one of the assholes who worked with Nazis and murdered Erg and didn't care about the innocent Morlocks living underneath the ground. Her fist clenched slightly. Why couldn't it be mutants against humans? Why did it have to be mutants v mutants v humans? Why was everyone such an egotistical, greedy asshole?

Before she could ask Max though, especially with what he meant by Jack being fixed, he excused himself and ran off, leaving Sunshine alone. She huffed and kicked at the ground. The Brotherhood were officially on her naughty list. She stared at her hands, thinking for a moment. If she could take away Max's M-Pox, maybe she could punish the Brotherhood by ensuring they got the disease.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Inside the Glitter Factory

Once everyone had gotten into the car Callie started to pull out of their parking spot, listening to Zari going on a rant over what had happened to her weird floating eyeball friend. She let out a slight sigh at least Sunshine and Max were okay now from what Echo had said, as she continued to drive down the road. Hearing Harry pretty much spamming poor Hank Mccoy's phone over and over she turned to look over her shoulder towards him.

"You might want to mention the Underground if you are contacting either of them, just going with your name might not really mean anything unless they actually do know you." Callie said towards Echo. "How are you feeling Casper?" Callie asked looking over at him, he was better know by the looks of it after being healed up by James, she was glad that her friend was actually healed. Callie started to take some side roads just to make sure that they hopefully werent being followed by the X-cutioner guy to.

Kristina Smith

Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing
Skills: Laser Vision

Kristina tried to shield herself from the things being thrown her way by Kid Omega but she was surprised that none of them hit her, and turned to look at him. "You know you aim like a Stormtrooper right?" Kristina said sarcastically as she watched the demon thing trying to take Sapphire away before disappearing. Havok luckily managed to know out Kid Omega with some of his own attacks, her eyes turning towards Empath and Tarot both seem to preoccupied with the others. A large tower then suddenly appeared in the room, she wasnt sure how it would be useful against them in a fight really.

Her attention turned towards Domino she fired off a laser beam at her, and missed causing her to groan again, and fired off another which also sadly missed. When she charged and fired off another eyebeam at Domino finally managing a hit on her, grazing the woman's shoulder, sadly it wasnt enough to knock her out though.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Inside the Glitter Factory

"Oh, it's really fi-" Waverley began to say as James helped her keep Casper off the ground, though she was interrupted as the thin man's arm slipped from her hand, a mistake that would've wound up with Casper on the floor were it not for James' aid. She let out a sigh, grabbing hold of Casper's arm once more as they worked together to get him outside. "Thanks..." she finally said. She crooked her head to the side a little at Casper's goofed up joke, furrowing her eyebrows, trying to decipher if there was any actual meaning behind his words. It was often hard to tell with him. With the wound healed up, Casper was able to largely walk by himself, though he continued to put most of his weight on James. Waverley, oblivious to the fact that this damsel in distress act was just an excuse to cuddle up with his boy toy, did her best to pull Casper away, to more equally distribute his weight between them. As they reached the car, James asked her about her powers.

"Um..." Waverley mumbled, caught off-guard by the question. Being one of the youngest and least experienced members of the Underground, people rarely asked her for her advice, so this was new. She had to think about it for a second, finally answering as she popped open the van door. "I mean, not as much as it used to. Sound waves are still tiring, but radio waves are more a matter of precision than energy now," she explained, helping Casper into the car, before taking the seat behind him. "I've found it helpful to meditate...well, I'm not some wise monk, so maybe meditation is the wrong word, but I like to just sort of...feel the waves as they pass around me. Not do anything with them, just feel 'em. So...maybe you could try doing that with your power. Feeling what's going on inside of you or other people without necessarily trying to fix anything. To learn more about what you're working with, y'know?" Waverley suggested, clearly unsure if her advice would be helpful. Then, she heard Echo's frantic message to one of the X-Men, and saw him frantically tapping on the screen of his phone.

"If you want, Z and I can break into his phone, see what we can learn about where he is and what's going on," she suggested, before a look of confusion dawned on her face. "Wait, didn't you say they were at the Underground base? Why not just wait to fill them in when we get back?" When Echo had mentioned that an unspecified 'they' were at the Underground base, she'd assumed he'd meant the X-Men rather than Sunshine and Max.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Glitter Factory -> The Car
Skills: N/A

“Sweetheart, light of my life, apple of my eye, and I say this with all the love and affection in the world, but absolutely the fuck not.” James shook his head with a chuckle. “I’m about 100% certain I’d rather have someone put me through a woodchipper. Turning off my healing would be a disaster.” God only knows how Casper survived that. He pressed a kiss to Casper’s cheek as they helped him to the car and then listened intently as Waverly explained how she worked on her control. He wasn’t convinced it would be helpful. Though, who knows. Maybe it would be. Even he wasn’t sure how this all worked,much less how he gave it to someone else, but maybe all that weird new age vibration stuff had some merit. “It wouldn’t hurt to give it a try. Worst thing that comes out of it is that I feel a little more relaxed. Thanks for the suggestion!” James thanked her, climbed in so he could help Casper in, and then nestle in next to him.

Now, did James know Casper was playing at needing help still? Absolutely. Echo was up and walking around minutes after his spine was sliced through and Casper himself had been moving almost instantly the last time he and Jack showed up at the MU half dead. Did that mean James was going to do anything other than indulge his adorable as fuck boyfriend? Absolutely not. He snuggled in a little closer to Casper, leaving his hand out on his thigh for Casper to take once he was satisfied with mocking his dad. The guy certainly deserved it and more; honestly, James kinda wanted to punch him in the face for all the shit he put Casper through. At least James had a guarantee there wouldn’t be an awkward meet the parents dinner where he had to sit and play nice. Even if Casper for some reason did want to be in the same room as that man, James is 100% certain he’d win more of Casper’s approval if he did end up decking the guy. Of course, that would mean dealing with one of the most powerful telepaths in the world and frankly, he just didn’t want to.

“So on a scale of Max accidently setting a roof on fire to M-Pox decimating the mutant population unchecked, how fucked are we and how are we going to fix it?” James asked the group. He’d caught a little of the X-Cutioner guy’s commentary, something about a bomb and the x-men surrendering, but he’d been focused on his boyfriend dying on the ground in front of him. The thought made him wrap around Casper a little bit tighter.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing - Room 97 -- Washington D.C.

Luna glared at Kid Omega when he taunted her speed. If only she could get inside his head, then he wouldn’t be able to do a damn thing. Sure he was an Omega level mutant but Luna had her own tricks that she had improved upon. While she was struggling to get out of his hold, the rest of the room was transforming and a tower was appearing out of nowhere.
Finally, with Havok’s handy work, Luna dropped to the ground as she was freed from Kid Omega’s telepathic hold. She pushed herself to her feet and nodded at Havok, "thanks." Luna looked away from Kid Omega's unconscious form to the growing tower and soaring dragon. What were they supposed to do about that? ”This is usually the time my father shows up with his team,” she joked.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing
Skills: Cryokinesis, Ice Attacks

"Hey let go of me!" Sapphire said to the Demon that had decided to pick her up and start walking away, and she was about to fight back when suddenly it disappeared, causing her to land on the ground. "Ouch..." she muttered under her breath, but was grateful to Veil for causing the thing to disappear and not drag her off to who knew where. Of course, there luck was horrendous when it came to literally everything that tended to happen. They were just bad luck people, hard not to be when they had their jobs. Then, things got worse, a lot worse.

There was a dragon. A FREAKING DRAGON!!!!!

"...Well guess our luck just got a hell of a lot worse," she said out loud, before getting up off the ground and looking upwards at the dragon and the tower. Unfortunately, they didn't exactly have a lot of people who were good at ranged attacks. Actually, she was pretty sure that for the most part it was only her and Havok, and the one new girl, and the other two had decided to hit Kid Omega. That left her as the only one who wasn't seemingly fighting someone else and who had ranged attacks, "You know Havok, having someone else with range powers attack the dragon might also be helpful," she commented to him, before she started throwing ice at the dragon. Her first attack seemingly did nothing, not even phasing the dragon. Her next attack did better though, as the spear sunk into the dragon's hide and it roared in pain, her next spear wasn't as lucky as the dragon breathed fire downwards making the spear disappear, but luckily the ice prevented it from hitting her.

Her last attack resulted in a rather large meteor of ice that she formed and sent it flying directly at it, it was large enough that the dragon had to dodge out of the way in order to not get hit by it. Sapphire was more then a little annoyed with Glimpse's attempts at a joke. "Now is not the time to be talking about dear old daddy," she responded with an eye roll, clearly annoyed with it.

Location: the Glitter Factory
Skills: Technopathy

"...Casper I hate your dad as much as you do, but seriously did not need you to say that sort of creepy impression," Jack couldn't help but say to his brother, since that was not the sort of image that he needed in his brain. If it wasn't for the fact that his brother had just been shot and that they were in a car with more then a few people in it, he might have said more to him with regards to that. The thing was that they had more important things to do then deal with Casper and his hatred for Xavier, since there was the chance a lot of people were going to die from this whole thing.

"Wait it tires you people out to use your powers? So weeeeeeeird!" Zari said, suddenly deciding to pay attention to what James and Waverly seemed to be saying. She never really had a problem with that sort of thing, but then again, she typically didn't use her powers in large amounts, typically only with enough to be able to hear and understand the electronics and such around her. She probably could do something incredibly large, stop a giant robot or something, now that would be cool, but she was pretty sure she wasn't going to have to do that anytime soon.

"01011010 01100001 01110010 01101001 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101110 01100101 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01101110 01101001 01100011 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110000 01100101 01101111 01110000 01101100 01100101" the robot beeped at her.

"Oh don't be so condescending like that! Ruuuuuuuuude!" she complained to the robot who just sort of beeped in response to her. This was a bit ridiculous to her, the whole situation that they were finding themselves in, and she wasn't sure how this might relate to the prophecy that she still had to deal with. If only everyone else in this group knew about what she was having to deal with despite being the youngest person in the entire Underground or whatever. Since they didn't have much to do at the moment she was still expecting Waverly to start drilling her with questions.

"In all honesty? Royally screwed, since there is no way we can actually have this all work out for us in the end, we are never that lucky. The best we can hope for is that we manage to prevent this guy from accomplishing his goals, and I guess technically if Echo gets Xavier to actually do something... No guarantees on that though at best considering what the other group was doing..." he responded, before glancing over at Waverly when she was somewhat confused about things, "He's talking about Sunshine and Max. They are back at the Underground, so definitely safe to assume this whole thing was a setup and a trap the entire time... he told her, before going back to looking out the window of the car again.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Veil’s Group: Eisenhower Building
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive); MMA; Boxing; Electricity Manipulation

Her clothes were back. Her jacket was on her. Thank goodness. She didn't know what she would have done if she had lost her jacket. This dude was annoying. Had he actually made her clothes go away but it had failed? Or just made her think that? She didn't know but the dude was still a jerk.

There was a lot going on around her, but Andy was used to that. She was used to screaming crowds and betting and cheering and booing. This just involved more fire, and apparently, buildings popping out of no-where with actual dragons on them. She had to admit that was a cool power. But the ring was her life she didn't think she'd ever trade her powers for something else.

Empath was still standing, even if he was being a huge wimp and cussing up a storm about the minor amounts of damage Andy had done. That was the annoying part she knew she could have hurt him worse than she had so far but he was acting like he had never been hit before in his life. He couldn't take a punch at all.

Her hand was free again though. She ducked in and swung, but he dodged her. He didn't have much space to maneuver now that there was an actual tower in the room shooting up and out of the building. She used that to her advantage pressing in on him and swung a nice right hook into his face. Her skin sparking with just a little thought and he crumpled to the ground. Andy watched him for a second to make sure he was still breathing then turned to assess and see who her next target should be.

The Kid Omega guy was down. Empath was down. That left Domino and Tarot. Tarot was the one throwing the cards that made the wilds stuff appear (including hellfire). If Andy could knock her out too then they'd only have one person by themselves without any card tricks to deal with. Andy moves in and before she can get close enough to even try to hit Tarot the dragon's tail whips out from no-where. Even with her enhanced reflexes, there was no dodging that.

Andy soared through the air hitting a wall that was conveniently in the way. She slid down the wall and sat on the floor trying to catch her breath. That had been cool but it hurt a lot. She'd have to be more careful if she got another chance to get back into the fray of things. For now, she was just trying to see straight and breathe again.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Mutant Underground
Skills: ConjurationNew Outfit

Max wasn't expecting to see the familiar sparks of a sling ring once again, but just as soon as he had sent that message did one spark appear. Then another and another until the portal was opened up and Max took a step back. He wasn't sure if he should expect Runa to pop by and kick his ass or if Strange would come in person to assist him. What he hadn't expected to see was a real life teifling standing before him with a sleek black book and a note attack. Max squinted his eyes in an attempt to read the illegible writing that simply said "Try not to set the world on fire." He looked the note front and back before smiling at the girl before him and thanking her. "I really appreciate this, might even be able to save a friend. Thank you, and if you could tell Dr. Strange I say thank you as well."

Too excited to wait, Max thumbed through the black book to get a general sense of what it is that Strange sent his way. It appeared to be a book on demons, a demonomicon if he would. His fingers fell to a gap between pages, a red satin ribbon marking off a page that was for Limbo. From what Max had heard it was a place forblost souls, a in-between, and if that was what it truly was then perhaps she could be saved. Trying to read the pages he noticed a confluence of languages. He could read the latin, but his eyes and mind couldn't make heads or tails on the Greek written on the pages. Had certain characters not appeared before in his life and had it not bled into other studies he may not of even recognized the symbols. He closed the book and placed it in his bag, stepping out of his room to see Sunshine standing alone. "Sorry I...I had an idea and got carried away, contacted an old friend from another reality to see if he could help but I've hit another dead end. Can't read Greek so I may need to snag a book for translation."


Location: Car (Jacks group)
Skills: .

Harry tilted his head back, resting it against the headrest of the car as he relaxed for a moment. His eyes stayed closed as he paced his breathing and allowed the sounds of this world to fade into him and for the ringing to fade away. Blood trickled and dried down his cheeks as he listened to the others around him. "I appreciate the advice Callie, but I assure you Charles would remember me. Heck he recalls Veil and we attended the same years so how could he forget me." Harry arched an eyebrow at the conversation Waverly and James had brought into the car. It appeared the young medic was wearing himself thin which would explain his performance issues earlier. Waverly's advice was sound, it was something he'd learned to do with his lasers. Feeling the world around him, the sounds that pulsated through him, though unlike her it was easier for him to manipulate the gamma end of the spectrum.

" She has a point kid. Ability to use and control your powers without feeling exhausted comes from constant practice and use of them. If you'd like to I wouldn't mind taking time to help you with it, try some things I learned at Xaviers while also allowing you to just connect with me and experience your powers without having to strenuously heal something. But our powers, these gifts, they're not unlike muscles and mind, you have to use them and push them to expand them and gain easier control. When you become used to the feeling of healing minor cuts, push past it for a larger one, a new weight set, and keep pushing after every feeling of complacency, that is how you'll grow and lose a lot of that exhaustion that you're feeling. Honestly Waverly, if of never guessed you didn't attend Xaviers, you're a natural."
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