Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 39 min ago

Humans fear the unknown, for they can not understand what is beyond it. Humans can have the purest of souls or the darkest of lives but one thing that connects all men and women is death. Death does not discriminate for it was their time to die. However what is beyond death? They say in the Christin faith that it is heaven and hell for those of the Jewish faith there is no hell. Some simply believe that death is the end and there is the only darkness that awaits and they are partially true.

For a rare few they are given the chance to change and are unknowingly thrust into a world that won't forgive failure or weakness. In this world, they are born as weak creatures but with the rare ability to grow in not only height but to a completely different lifeform entirely. This is the story of a few of those that are born on this day and will go out into this unforgiving world and change it in ways never thought possible, this is their story...

Darkness everlasting. It is all that could be seen and while it is very unsettling it is also somewhat calming. Anything from the darkness is forgotten or buried deep in the back of their minds. They don't know what is going on but soon they realize that they were dead or rather that something is happening.

Soon a soft shuffling could be heard getting closer and closer to them. When they opened their eyes the light was blinding for a brief moment before it was revealed that they were in a church and that their skin was green. While they were very tiny one word came to mind immediately


They knew it the second they opened their eyes. The elder goblin shuffled closer to them seeing the goblin that would be soon be known as Goblin Grandpa. "Come little ones time to wake up" The goblin said in a raspy voice looking over each and every one of the baby goblins with a discerning eye gently waking each one to see the world around them and to see which one will become the strongest.

On the third day when the young goblins would be strong enough to walk the elder ones who have become hobgoblins will be back after another hunt. No doubt to give the new young ones their last given meal before they would be forced to hunt for themselves just like their elder brother and sisters. None get a free pass forever and that was one of the rules that governed the world. If you want to eat you have to earn the right to do so by hunting and getting your own meal. They didn't always live in a church until recently they had lived in a cave not far from here but the young hobs found this place and took it from the undead skeletons that had called this place home. Now they have stone walls and giant oak doors to defend themselves properly then before. He knew the young hobs would be back soon to greet their younger goblin brothers and sisters...
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Day 0 || Morning || Church

It was so...so frustrating! To be so small, to not be able to move at first! Over the following days it would get better, bit by bit, until Kir found herself unable to sit still as soon as she was able to first move about. Moving about the church, looking for cool rocks or trinkets or such to grab up into her own little pile, examining the place, examining the others, all of it! If nothing else to get a better idea of things. Strange memories of someone that 'used' to be her hung in her mind as well, what they did and were and that basic stuff, but nothing more beyond that. She got the feeling they weren't her, but also 'had been' her at the same time. It was strange, in a way, but nothing she would think hard on for the time being at all.

After all, it was a new day! The day she could escape the church, and finally stretch her legs into the forest to get an idea of more things as well. But Grandpa had said to wait for the hobs to get back with their last meal...ugh! She wanted to ask about the layout of the forest, and get out there already to explore it all so she could get started! To this end, Kir was already pacing around the entrance to the church itself. She'd already snuck this far as soon as she could simply crawl it the night before, before Grandpa had drug her back!

"They need to get here already!" the admittedly attractive female goblin said aloud, before giving a light childish 'huff' and sitting down in front of the great doors.

Was she being impatient? Yes. But to be frank, living in a tiny body unable to move only a few days ago had left her with a desire to get some fresh air. Not that she wanted to die, that's why she was still here at the church after all, but to hell if she was sitting around forever. That, and being hungry was honestly probably getting under her skin just a little bit. Just a little.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Hobgoblin Gird
A new day /// Day 0 // Morning

A gentle morning breeze blew through forest, a lush green landscape full of strange wildlife and curious plants. One such animal was a small brown and white rabbit, its defining feature being a sharp pointed horn protruding from its skull. The small creature was quick to move from bush to bush. As beautiful as the landscape may be danger and predators could be lurking around every corner. The horned rabbit was taking its time nibbling on what grass or leaf’s it could get to and moved on to the next bush.

A blur was all the rabbit would see as it seemed to be devoured by a bush. A small squeak came from the rabbit as it fought to break free from the bush that seemed to stand up. In between the branches and leaves one could make out the form of a humanoid. Sharp white teeth tightened down just behind its back. One might think that the humanoid missed but as it pulled its mouth away from the bunny a small white wisp seemed to be pulled away from the animal. With one last jerk the white wisp was pulled from the rabbit and swallowed.

The bush shook itself free of several of its branches revealing bone tied together with web strands and dried tendons over pale white skin. Several scars showed through the pale skin, black marks over its chest and torso with paler ones across its head and thigh. The pale skin and goblin scent of this rather ghost looking hobgoblin was covered and concealed with mud, grass, and pieces of the bush he was pretending to be. Quickly he made his way back toward the church with three rabbits as his morning catch for the young ones, he already ate the first one he found.

The church was always a comforting sight. Not only was it made of stone like the cave they started in but it had giant doors and it was almost as tall as the trees around it for a vantage point. On top of that it held many secrets still to be found. His memory of the night they cleared out the church and the skeletons that they had to destroy flashed through his mind. After that he woke up like this, hell they all woke up to be different.

Hobgoblin Gird walked confidently through the main doors of the church to find the goblin elder helping the newest additions to their group. One could see some differences right away but for some they just looked regular. Hopefully they could become strong members of the tribe. “Goblin Elder, I have returned with three rabbits for food. I did not clean them hopefully some of these can do something with them.” Gird set the rabbits down next to the elder and nodded, “I split up from the others I don’t know what they will bring back.”

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Day 0

What was this?

What was any of this?

If she had been a less rational and level headed person...goblin, she might have very well gone mad from it all. Yet, memories from
'before' helped somewhat. Memories from another 'her' that seemed to exist in some other place. Was it real? was it just a dream? Fragments of a childs fantasy before birth that would be forgotten once more solid memories formed? Hm. Something told her it wasn't. Whatever this situation was, honestly it wasn't that bad. All she had to do was look at what was in front of her. She was small. She was weak.

And she hated it.

Unpleasant memories surfaced.

Not that any other goblin present would notice this inner thought. Nay, unlike most of the rambunctious goblins...Yzzi had been quiet. Sitting in a quiet corner of the Church that served as their home, sitting cross legged, eyes closed. At least, until the voice of one of her sisters broke her train of thought.

"...hmph." She got to her feet, her larger than average frame cracking slightly from the prolonged bout of meditation. Was that the word? It came to mind. Loud. Annoying.

"Impatient." She approached Kir from behind, giving the other goblin a light smack on the back of the head. "You can't change the situation yet. Don't spend time complaining." She could agree though. She wanted out of here. While she was fine with sitting and waiting, should that be what was needed...she still disliked it. She wanted to get out there. She wanted to fix this pathetic, scrawny body of hers.

It was then one of the Hobgoblins returned. A bounty of meat. Rabbit, huh. Hm. She wanted bigger prey than a rabbit...but patience. Patience. So this was one of the hobgoblins. Impressive, but something about them rubbed her the wrong way.

She narrowed her eyes, focusing more on what else was in the room.

As much as she'd like to do something better with her time than sit around, there was nothing in this place to make use of. Pathetic, if that's what these other goblins used for shelter. What of things to fight with? Food? Tools? Were they so completely destitute and simple minded they did not think of these things before attempting to...have baby goblins? It seemed no one here had a brain to think with.

She'd have to change that.

"Grandpa, I want a weapon."

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Day: 0 (Morning) Location: Church

The sound of a raspy voice and the gentle nudge of his shoulder caused the young Grik's eyes to flutter open, as the light invaded his eyes so did the sudden realization that he had been something or at least someone before he had awoken from the darkness where he had been devoid of thoughts and emotions. All he knew was that he had felt big and strong before as well as respected for that strength, but how could that be possible?

Images of a tall and muscular person played in his head but this person seemed like a stranger to him, whoever that person might have been was clearly not Grik but he couldn't help but envy that person for their strength.

Grik wanted that strength and he wouldn't be happy until he became as strong as the person in his memories, but he knew he couldn't do it by simply sitting idly. Filled with the desire to move around and passion to overcome all obstacles the young goblin got up on his little knees and looked around the dusty church where he would learn from the old goblin he soon called his grandfather alongside his brothers and sisters.

As soon as he could walk on his own as well as properly speak Grik wouldn't let his voice go unheard nor let his actions go unnoticed by those around him. After the first day he followed their grandfather closely and peppered the old goblin with questions as he simply had no interest in his siblings.

"Hey Gramps?" standing close to his grandfather Grik repeated "Hey hey Gramps?" Grik looked up at the Goblin Grandpa with an inquisitive look in his eyes "Is there bad people outside?" he asked the paternal goblin with a slight tilt of the head "If there is I'll beat'em up someday Gramps," Grik spoke confidently and stared the elder in the eyes with steely determination as he crossed his arms and stood imposingly "Then I will be the strongest and everyone will respect me!" It sounded naive and stupid but it was everything he wanted from life.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheMushroomLord
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TheMushroomLord I am me... I hope.

Member Seen 18 min ago

Goblin Aya

When the goblin girl had first woken up she'd immediately begun to freak out. Being born was frightening, even more so when she was pretty sure this wasn't the first time it'd happened. Even if she couldn't remember the previous time, she was almost certain she'd had a different life, one that she'd been living up until she'd woken up wherever it was she was now.

Panic mounting she'd tried to pick herself up, but had found herself lacking the strength to do so, instead only managing to flail her tiny green limbs. Wait why were her limbs green? Oh right, she was a goblin now. She probably should have taken more time to consider the fact that she hadn't been a goblin prior to now, at least as far as she could recall, work out just how she knew she was a goblin in the first place, or answer any of the multitudes of other questions all this raised, but it seemed as though her current form wasn't quite yet as capable of handling as much excitement as her previous one so instead she'd begun to cry.

It was the third day since the goblin had first woken up. She probably could have continued crying up until now, had her body not quickly exhausted itself on that day and fallen asleep. The goblin girl guessed that made sense, she'd since worked out that she was a baby so it was only natural that she'd spend much of her time sleeping. Or at least she had been a baby, looking now she seemed to be the size of a young child now possessing more than enough strength to pick herself up. It seemed goblins grew faster than they had any right to, did that mean they'd also die young? If she continued to age at the rate she had been wouldn't she only live for... She forcibly pushed away that line of thought with a shudder, there were more important things to freak out about for now.

Now standing up for the first time since she'd become a goblin, well for the first time she could remember ever doing so really though she was pretty sure she'd stood in her past life, the goblin observed her surroundings. She was in a building of some sort, perhaps some kind of rundown church, though she failed to recognise any iconography. More importantly, she was surrounded by goblins, quite a few of which looked to be stirring to get up for the first time as she had just done or who had otherwise already done so.

She watched one of her... sisters(?) complain about wanting food, and another one chastisee them for it. Wait how did she understand her siblings? She was three days old and she was pretty sure she hadn't heard enough of whatever language they were speaking to properly contextualise it yet... another goblin, a large male, arrived carrying what appeared to be a rabbit but with a large horn protruding from its forehead.

The young goblin was realising now that she was pretty hungry, the sight of the horned rabbit causing her to salivate. Should she go up and ask for some? Maybe not, there clearly wasn't enough to feed them all and if it came to a fight she doubted she could do much. Actually, given how pointy her teeth felt in her mouth she was pretty sure goblins were preditors of some sort, so fighting her siblings would probably be a bad idea if she didn't want to get hurt. Then again what if avoiding fights just meant that she would never get food until she eventually starved to death? That sounded even worst than getting injured in a fight! Trying to push down the rising panic she felt the goblin took a moment to think things through some, the larger goblin with the rabbit had probably hunted it down and it seemed like one of her sisters was planning to do the same, so why couldn't she also go hunting? Because hunting in an unknown place shortly after birth seemed like a really stupid idea. What if she tried to go with her sister? That also seemed like a bad idea, but not nearly as much so, especially if they played things smart.

Unable to think of a better plan the goblin mustered up what courage she could before approaching her sister, "Er. Um..." Wait was talking to people meant to be this hard? Surely not when it was a sibling. Was she forgetting some kind of trick to it... oh yeah, that was right. The goblin let the corners of her mouth begin to twitch up into a smile before stretching the whole thing into the horrifying grin she'd perfected in her bast life. As long as she pretended to be someone else talking wouldn't be so hard. "Er.. sister are you going to hunt something? Could I come with? I think..."

The goblin paused, she should wait for a response before anything else and at the very least she should spend some time thinking her plans through before actually presenting them.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hobgoblin Luz


It sometime in the morning. A horn rabbit peeks out of its home in a burrow and looked around right quick before stumbling out of its hole. It then stood still, Only to be killed instantly by a hurled spear aimmed at its neck, its body sent flying cause of the sheer force of which the spear was thrown. "Damn..." A hobgoblin remarked at her work, clearly impressed by her newfound strength.

She then walked up to the body and lifted up the spear that penetrated cleanly through the rabbit's neck. She then grabbed the rabbit by its fur on its back and pulled the spear out of the rabbit's deceased body before rewrapping the spear it vines before tying the makeshift spear back on her back. Afterward, she then went back to the church with the dead rabbit in her arm. She opens the Church door to find Gird already beat her there...and is currently holding one more rabbit than her.

Honestly, she couldn't help but frown a bit and sigh knowing that one of her rival hobgoblins had beaten her, and him no less. The one who got this name first. Nevertheless, Luz went to the elder and sweetly ask him "Hey grandpa where should i put this?" before taking a minute to the younger goblins, glaring at them as she checks out their lifeforces. She can tell that the newbies were not much as they are now but hopefully they would make something of themselves later.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Shovel
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Shovel A Shovel is typing!

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Day 3/ Morning/ Church

Awakened from her slumber, Krishna was not a very happy goblin on this particular day. Not that she was very pleasant the day before or the day before that, just that she felt more irritated today. She just had a dream where she lived in a jungle of these grey trees, where the night is blighted with lights and these metallic beasts roared endlessly. And she died. And that made her irritated ... as if she had lost something very important in that dream.

Confused, irritated, and somewhat hungry, Krishna made her way toward the gate, where there was already a little line beginning to form. Looks who is agitated , Krisha glanced over those before her before joining the line. If it wasn’t … What was that goblin name again? Kiro? Kira? Ki?

To be honest, Krishna isn't doing very well in remembering her brothers and sisters' names yet. With how much they all look alike and the fact that she was born three days ago, Krishna only has a few names in her mind. One of them is Monk, a female goblin who also happened to be in line right now. But Krishna thinks it is better to call her Weird because of how she always spends hours sitting in a corner in the same position. The other would be Lexie. She is cool. She plays with Krishna yesterday, so she is on Krishna's cools sisters list.

This also brings Krishna’s attention to the fact that it is the third day, and she should look to go out with someone else. Luckily enough, there is a goblin before her who just happens to ask the weirdo who sits weirdly in the corner. So pulling the female goblin from behind, Krishna said with a gleeful tone while pointing at herself.

You. Go with me?

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


She…existed. That was weird. Hadn’t she died not too long ago? The memories were rather hazy though, not nearly clear enough for her to regret anything she might have lost in her past life. If that is what it truly was, rather than a dream or delusion. She didn’t move around much until she could see, just a bit of crawling, sometimes bumping into someone or something else.

When Lexie was finally able to open her eyes, she saw a lot of green. And an enormous building, which upon closer inspection she could easily identify as a church. A human church, most likely. She – and her siblings, which there were a fair number of – were goblins. Whether she realized that based on her previous life’s information or if it was an instinctive knowledge, she wasn’t sure. However, in the end, it did not matter. More importantly, she could now walk, which she did, to explore the place a bit. Not the whole of the church, though, since being as small as they were made it take longer than she’d like, and tired her out besides.

By the time she was getting hungry, an older, wrinkled goblin approached them, and had them gather around him. Lexie did so, wondering if this was their father – and if so, where the mother was. Not long after, an older brother returned from a hunt, carrying a pair of rabbits. They weren’t exactly how she thought they should be; the shape was right, and though they weren’t a small thing to a goblin, the size wasn’t exactly wrong either. However, they both had a bony sharp horn protruding from the top of their heads. Lexie eyed it curiously, somehow drawn to the sharp thing nearly as much as she was to the smell of food.

As soon as both rabbits were laid onto the ground, Lexie walked closer bravely. The rest of her siblings weren’t so prompt. Perhaps they were afraid of older brother? Regardless, she grabbed a rabbit by the neck, and dragged it just a bit away from the older goblins, and closer to the pile of younger ones. “Food?” she asked them, waving at the rabbit pointedly. As an example, she plonked herself down right by the corpse’s head, and bit into its neck. She was able to suck some fresh blood out of it, and nibbled on the neck and shoulder until her hunger was sated. She wasn’t hogging the whole rabbit at all; at least another goblin should be able to eat simultaneously.

We really are tiny, after all, she concluded. She wasn’t as grumpy about that fact anymore; it was just how life was now. That she wasn’t the only one also helped, though she did note the older brother was larger, and her mind supplied hobgoblin in regards to him. I wanna grow like that too, she determined, still holding the rabbit head between both hands. Although her hunger was sated, she had not departed yet. She’d overheard two sisters talking about weapons and hunting. Lexie also felt that having their food brought was a luxury, so the self-sufficiency was most likely another goblin instinct.

Given that, Lexie thought how she could safely remove the horn. Pulling at the base of it unfortunately accomplished nothing. The best bet was to smash the skull, but she’d have to be really careful not to damage her target. Crouching over the head, and wrapping her hands protectively around the horn, she kicked and ground her little knee at the base of the horn, knocking the rabbit’s head into the ground each time she did so.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hobgoblin Zats

Zats was relieved this would be the last they had to get food for their younger siblings as well as themselves, not that he begrudged them for it after all he was once in their position. Still it would be nice to have more time to spend on his interests than on gathering as much food as he could.

It was a shame that his spear broke while fighting a Horned Rabbit earlier but he was sure that with his shield and instant armor he should be fine. He broke the horn form his prey and used it to skin the meat, using the fur as a makeshift loincloth before eating his fill of the animal.

Knowing that if he dragged the rabbit home like this dirt and such would make it inedible Zats buried the remains of the meat and looked for some other food to give to the little ones.

After a few minutes he came across a bush growing berries and plucked a handful, figuring they would be good enough since the other Hobgoblins would no doubt bring back bigger bounties and they could plant the seeds to make things easier in the future. With that in mind he headed back to the tribe's new home.

Once he was back in the church he showed his loot to Grandpa Goblin to see if they were edible or if he would feel obligated to waste more time hunting.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hᴏʙɢᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Finally, the little ones would be able to go off to hunt for themselves, hopefully not dying to any stray spider or wolf that happened to go near them. He broke his mostly used stick killing this last pair of rabbits he had on his hands, not that it was special on any level, it was just a tough twig. He would certainly get another one later, or at some point.

For now, the hobgoblin was bringing back those two rabbits. He walked into the church unceremoniously and then over to where the little goblins. He nodded at the goblin grandpa before scanning the goblins. He wasn't much taller than these goblins, though his limbs were a bit longer and had more meat into them. One distinct feature though was that Hob Arch's skin a dark green shade that was almost brown.

After a moment, he nodded at the goblins and dropped the rabbits near the entrance, "This is the last meal I'll give any of you. The next one you will have to hunt it yourselves. If you get hurt, tell me and I'll be sure you can still hunt the next day." That said, he stood there to see if any of the goblins would ask him anything.

He also glanced a bit at the other hobgoblins that were contributing for the goblins last meal. He was amazed at how much everyone grew ever since they were just little hungry goblins, not that he grew that much. He was sure that the same would happen to these goblins, at least a few of them.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Day 0 || Morning || Church

The young goblin rubbed the back of her head with a light scowl on her face after the light smack to the back of her head. Even so, seeing who it was, she let out a sigh and simply shrugged. She knew she was being impatient. She was also very hungry, and it all made her irritated the more about their situation. They hadn't seemingly been left anything but the three peculiar shrines sitting in this Church and Grandpa here to care for em' till the Hobs would bring food over the last few days. Was it the thought of a fool to want to get out and do something?

"Not like they gave us much here to work with, sis, probably hid the good stuff if there was any."

Letting out a small huff of a sigh after her more muted comment to Yzzi, Kir did at least try to reign herself in a little more. Some of the others here were a bit goofy, but at least that sister of hers was trying to keep a head on her at least. Not that she wasn't trying, but frankly it was getting more cramped feeling in here than it ought to be. Albeit it did not take long, though, for one of the Hobgoblins to simply walk in now with several pieces of fresh meat to enjoy. Her mouth watered at the thought of a bite to eat, finally, but some of the others began to mooch in as Yzzi talked to Grandpa about a weapon.

It was enough to make Kir very quickly back away to avoid the suddenly growing crowd of her siblings, letting out a sigh and running a hand through her hair before moving around to the Hobgoblins side near Grandpa. The pale white one that had entered first seemed to at least leave them the opportunity to make use of the animal parts at least. That was something. Plus she took a look over his armor and such to boot, which was quite interesting to say the least. Then there was the next one, who was more feminine, and frankly seemed to just glare at them. However, she did have some cool things on her as well that Kir took a glance at as she observed the Hobs. Cloak, spear, and...a rusty sword with some of the stuff scraped off? Cool.

The last two Hobgoblins seemed to be peculiar as well though. Neither female, but one was nearly brown with long meaty arms and the other was dark green skin with brown hair. Only the former seemed to speak, though, basically emphasizing what Grandpa had said despite a seeming offer of helping heal them if they were hurt? Ok. Then the latter seemed to have a pretty cool shield to boot.

Not much to tell from them all, but after looking them over herself Kir rubbed her chin with one hand. She could use 'that', see if one of those things was able to be recreated. Most likely she could, since one was a wooden spear and another was a simple rusty blade a goblin could manage. Still, she walked over to the pale looking one in particular and poked him a little to try to get his attention.

"Could I have the leftover parts of the catches brought in? Ah, the sinews and sinewy bits mainly, and any of the hides if possible."

It was worth an ask at least. Even if the answer was 'no', she was at least going to make the effort whilst her siblings were...distracted. But she had some ideas at least, something that might be useful beyond later simply trying her hand at recreating the weapons she'd observed so far today. Plus if she could get as much of those sinews and pelt as she could, maybe she could put them to more uses beyond simply her primary plan.


Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Hobgoblin Gird
A new day >> a plan for the day /// Day 0 // Morning

The elder goblin seemed to be busy watching the other new goblins while his other brothers and sisters returned from their hunts. The first to return was Luz, a fellow follower of Duvelna and a strong opponent. The two of them made a good team but she was very competitive, that could be said about all his siblings. At least she was able to get some more food this time. When she asked about where to put the food Gird gestured to the pile he had started and shrugged.

Zat’s was the next one to return. A strong hob possibly the strongest of them always wielding his mighty shield. Yet it didn’t seem like he came back with much this time. The newer additions to the group seemed to be getting the hang of their new environment and were quickly starting to group up or communicate. He did notice a few of them paying more attention to the other hobs more than himself but he didn’t blame them. As he was a bit closer to death than the other’s.

Then Arch finally crept back into the church. His evolution made him a bit shorter with longer arms and legs compared to the others. He didn’t have too many striking features but that was a blessing. The animals that stand out are likely special and should be dealt with first. For him he could blend in and be the opponent you never see. A small poke to his leg pulled him out of his thoughts and down to the goblin next to him.

“My name is Gird. The food given to you is for you and the others, take or share it’s up to you.” He felt that was enough of an explanation for the young one and turned back to the elder and his fellow hobgoblins. “I’m going to scout north today, I might be out for a day or two. Elder here said there are bats that fly at night up there. I’m tired of not being able to see in the dark so I will eat my fill.” He was trying to get himself and the others used to at least giving the direction that they were going off in. not that he expected anyone to follow him just so they knew this time around.

@Crusader Lord@Darked13@Duthguy@demonspade64@Jangel13

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Day 0 || Morning || Church

Gird? Not a bad name, though he seemed to indicate the choice of animal parts was more her problem. Fair enough, she supposed, she'd just wanted to see before anything else. Besides, it was time to eat anyways. With that in mind, the young goblin felt the 'ping' of an idea ringing in her head. Yes. This would do nicely...and maybe free Yzzi from the sudden crowd. Maybe. Either way she was ready to get started, the plan would benefit the others as well, and she knew just the tool to apply to this situation. It was already stored in her head now, so might as well give this Skill of hers a spin! It was her skill, so she had all the right to use it as she pleased!

Kir conjured the information locked deep in her brain, drawing on it as she imagined the grip of a rusty sword in her hand. A warmth flared to life within her body, and the flow of power seemed to course through her. A sensation of something physical in her left hand began to appear, as a green crackling glow visibly appeared in her empty hand in turn. A moment later, the mini-light-show would fade as the light rapidly ceased...and in her hand was held what looked like Luz' rusty sword. Though in Kir's mind, she knew it was weaker, inferior, but still strong enough to maybe carve up some rabbit and such.

After this the goblin very briefly beamed at her creation, before grabbing up the five rabbits and berries in haste and moving to the side where she has some space. From here she'd begin the process to as best as possible skin and carve up the meat from the rabbits with the recreated sword. If it took more than five minutes, then she'd make another sword to keep going!

That and she would make sure to remove the sinews and bits and the furs, and put them with her to keep them in her possession. The meat and berries would be divided out rather evenly, including one portion to her personally, though the sinews and furs as she got them ready would be kept with her. If the others tried to grab those bits or more than their share of food she'd swing the blade at them...with real intent to show her mind.

Otherwise, she wasn't going to mess over the others. Bad for herself to make all enemies right now.

"Hey, I'm carving up the rabbits for you guys, so get your butts over here if you want to eat meat and berries!"

@SilverPaw@Shovel@TheMushroomLord@Dark Cloud@Rune_Alchemist@Jangel13

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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(Ignore please, Deletion pending)

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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@Darked13@Shovel@demonspade64@Crusader Lord@SilverPaw@Guy0fV4lor@ReusableSword@Duthguy@Rune_Alchemist@Dark Cloud@TheMushroomLord

Goblin grandpa smiled as he watched the young ones get up one by one. One had even asked about a weapon making him smirk. He then tapped that one on the head with his cane and said "then go get one. These old bones had a hard enough time keeping you all from dying after your born" he said before another goblin came over and looked at him such with innocent eyes saying they would beat up all the bad guys out there making him laugh a bit before he gently pats the goblins head and said "then get strong young one. Actions speak more then words, never miss a chance to become stronger and prove your words" he said as the first of the young hobs came back and of course it was the dark one gird. Then it was luz the competitive female that join in and asked where to put her rabbit and he simply pointed next to the one gird dropped and said "just over there dear" as he watched everyone come back following her. Once they were all together he coughed to get everyone's attention as he said ""young ones from this point on your on your own. Your elder hobgoblins brothers and sister helped provide for you for your first three days. Just as I had done for them, every generation gets this and every generation also gets told this. The world is unforgiving and cruel, so go out there and get stronger. We will no longer provide for you so you must strike out on your own. Nothing in this world comes free, I am simply here to be your date grandfather. Here are your names, now go forth and get stronger" he said sitting down on a pew effectively ending his speech.

Darkness and cold was all argos could feel and it felt wrong. He felt like he wasn't meant to do nothing he needed to do something! When he finally had the strength to open his eyes he looked around and saw green forms and immediately the thought on his mind were twofold. Brothers and goblins. That's what they were. He looked at himself and saw his appearance was the same so he understood he was a goblin as well.

As he was growling up he was learning what his body was capable of and when he was finally able to stand the first thing he did was hit random things like the stones or less just to feel the sensation of something hitting his knuckles. Pain and joy came in equal amounts to him. He turned when the grandfather had did his whole speech and he saw his elder brothers and sisters coming in to give them their last meal. However he didn't bother, he won't ever be in debt to anyone. Once he was given the green light from grandpa he stood up from his corner and he walked past them not saying a word. He needed to see what he could do in this world with his own fists and first thing to test was getting his own rabbit like them...
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Day 0 → 3 // Morning // Church

Smiling broadly as the wizened old goblin gave his head a gentle pat, Grik was resolutely determined to follow Goblin Grandpa's words. It was almost like his grandfather had gleaned something locked deep in the back of his mind, and the words stuck close to Grik's heart.

Grik knew no matter what the world threw at him, no matter the hardships he would endure that he was going to face each challenge he faced head-on with bold actions in order to prove his strength and become stronger with each victory he achieved. One of his sisters was by the rabbit that the tall and imposing hobgoblins brought and Grik decided he would eat because he felt a pang of hunger.

He hadn't paid much attention to how his siblings looked because they all appeared at least somewhat similar to each other physically. But for the first time he realized how strikingly different each of his brothers and sisters were, such as his sister whom called everyone to eat.

Grik was the first to make his way over to where Kir was using a makeshift item to separate portions of meat, he sat across from his sister and scooped one of the portions up into his hand. Quietly eating the berries and bits of meat, Grik noted how Kir's appearance looked better than their other siblings. "What is that you are using?" finally he asked after a moment of silence.

His attention however was interrupted by the cough of the old goblin standing at the church pew, as their grandfather sat down upon the pew and finished his speech Grik looked around at his siblings. Silently he stood up off the ground and stretched languidly looking content with his meal, he relaxed his tense muscles and looked at the church one last time before walking out of the church.

Hesitantly he stopped at the threshold and looked back at the old goblin "I'll make you proud Gramps," Grik said loudly as the walls echoed his voice "I'll be the strongest goblin that ever lived." smiling he waved goodbye to the Goblin Grandpa, and stepped into a world full of possibility.

Interactions: @Jangel13, and @Crusader Lord

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

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Hᴏʙɢᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Hobgoblin Arch nodded at Gird after he said where he planned to go, "Alright. For the next day or two, I'll stay near the church. There are a few things I want to do nearby, and..." He looked from Gird to the goblins, "I want to be sure none of them dies because something out of their league came nearby." He looked back at Gird then the other hobgoblins, "My offer of healing is also open for you, if you get hurt, let me know and I'll do what I can."

After standing near the other hobgoblins for a few more moments, or at least until they all said where they planned to go, he walked over to shrine for Shirila. He grasped his bracelet with a hand and prayed, "Shirila, please protect them in this first hunt of theirs."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Hobgoblin Zats

Zats took his own of the berries he had collected and headed out the church. When he got to what looked like a good spot he used his rabbit horn to dig several small holes in the ground and planted his loot. After covering the holes back up he considered looking for one of those swords. He quickly decided to stick with his spear since he was pretty good with it.

So Zats left the church-grounds in order to look for a good decent sized stick, he looked both on the forest floor and in the trees since he didn't want to waste too much time on this task. After about five minutes he came across a tree with several branches that seemed like they would make decent sticks. After thinking it over for a bit he decided he might as well go for them all since young could probably use some weapon.

He set his shield at the base of the tree and started climbing. It took him some effort but eventually he made it and began breaking of the branches he thought would make good spears.

Five minutes later Zats was back on solid ground and had four mostly straight sticks of varying lengths, which he thought was a decent amount. Back at the church he dropped three of them on the ground. Since he unfortunately ha no way to combine his rabbit horn and stick into a spear that would have to wait. Instead he headed for the few books still in the church to try and learn to read them.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hobgoblin Luz

@ReusableSword@SilverPaw@Crusader Lord@Jangel13

Luz's eyes popped open when she saw one of the stronger goblin(Lexie) trying to break off one of the horns. She meant to claim the horn from the rabbit she bought later, but it seems that peculiar goblin was already ahead of the program. She guesses that calling dibs now would make her look bad, so she will allow her to have it as a reward for forward-thinking; Hell Luz may even recruit that goblin if she survives long enough.

One of the more pretty goblins(Kir) actually courtesy enough to ask for the leftover to which Gird kindly gave her the green light before the group Hobgoblin began talking with the others. It seems that Gird was heading north, while Arch was planning on staying near. "I think I'll be heading out to...by the way grandpa I'm curious to know what we can evolve into next...do you happen to know what that may be?"

She asked him nicely before doing a Keirei(A Japanese bow that you do standing to show respect to someone higher than you) "I can grab you something with interest when i come back." She promised him for like he said earlier "Nothing in this world comes free". Her bow may look weird to the others but that how people showed her respect to her in her past life. Cause she was busy talking with the other Luz did not notice that a certain someone was magically counterfeiting her weapons.

Summary: Luz tells the group she planning on going on a trip, asks the Elder what the next evolution for a Hobgoblin was, and offers to pay(with interest) the elder for his information when she comes back.

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