C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A LOutlander
Varo Yelkian ♦ Male ♦ 18 ♦ Zenith

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
One must life to ones ideals or risk living a life of regret.
Varo was never meant to live on Earth. The son of an exile whose crimes he is somewhat aware of and knows that his father regrets it immensely. An absent mother who he was taught never to trust if she ever shows her face. Varo and his father would have gone on their endless journey through the galaxy had their ship not been damaged by a group of pirates and forced to crash land on Earth. Landing on the outskirts of Central City. Varo was founded by the Flash in the wreckage and taken to a hospital.
There after waking up, he learned that his father had died during the crash, and he was all alone in a foreign world. Varo, after grieving for his father, was unsure of how to proceed. Not knowing of any other family he had and with only distant hints of where he was born. Varo ultimately decided to stay on Earth, at least for the time being. To get his thoughts together and figure out his next move.
While he tried to understand human culture and at times is still clueless about it. He could not help to think about the evil in it and the courageous actions of its guardians, the Justice League. It made him remember his father's path of atonement by helping whoever he can while traveling the galaxy. Watching his father be a hero and would even help when he was old enough. Even was taught by his father the way of magic that he used to help people. Varo thought long and hard before coming to a conclusion. With no home and a desire to honor his father's legacy. But not wanting to make the same mistakes that his father did. Varo decided on helping this world though he was not sure he would fit in with the Justice League or the Teen Titans. Wanting to have more freedom with how he helps people and Varo would find out about the Renegades and Julian. From there, the rest was history.
Stellar Magic - Varo's magic is tied to the star Zraa, the home star of his father's people. After undergoing a ritual to tie himself to the star's power. It granted Varo the ability to use its magic and can perform steller-based abilities. Such as sending out steller energy as projectiles, empower his physical attacks with steller magic, or call down steller blasts from above and more. As long as his connection to Zraa is secure. If Varo's connection to Zraa is disputed, it can weaken Varo's magic or disable it entirely.
Pilot - Years of traveling the stars with only his father have led to Varo acquiring certain skills such as knowing how to fly a ship. Though he is still learning how to pilot human ships/aircraft. He will get it in time.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
Varo is someone that is finding their place in the universe and not wanting to make the same mistakes as his father. Always traveling with a father that is on the road of atonement. Varo never got a chance to be with a proper family and has nowhere that he can actually call home. A family and home that he might call Earth and the Renegades his family. Which might be tested if his mother shows up tries to convince him to leave with her. Also, honoring his father's legacy of helping people after watching for years of his father helping people. That and I like the idea of an alien magic user.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
While he is an alien, Varo is actually a hybrid of two alien races. His father an Elaian and his mother a Sestrin.
Despite what his father says about his mother, he has an urge to meet her. To see for himself who his mother really is. Even if things go south.
Though he respects his father for trying to atone for his crimes. Varo still can't forget what his father did for the Greater Good and he will not admit it easily. He wants to be better than his father and maybe even be greater than him as a hero.
Has a pair of gauntlets that he was gifted from his father to help channel his magic and were used in the ritual to connect himself to Zraa.
R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
Short summary of your characters thoughts, feelings and regards for the rest of the cast. Optional and can be added to whenever.