| PLACEHOLDER | C H A R I T Y C H A R L E S T O N C H A R I T Y C H A R L E S T O N ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Streaks of brilliant orange and soft pink filled the sky, creating an almost lavender backdrop in place of the usual blues above the quiet waters of Elliot Bay. The humidity of the day had all but vanished, leaving behind a cool breeze that washed over the skin like a silk sheet in a freshly made bed. It was absolutely serene. Opting not to put her earbuds in, Charity instead chose to take in the sounds of the waves lapping up against the soft sands of Alki Beach. At the same time, the gulls called out greedily above, eying up anyone along the boardwalk carrying the fresh churros that tantalized Cece with their smell.
Taking a seat in the warm sand, the older teen dragged her left hand through the loose grains feeling each bead as they washed over the artificial skin and nails. Everything in Charity's head said that she felt everything her bionic arm did, but she couldn't shake the fact that there was still a disconnect, that it wasn't just some longing for sensation.
It had almost been three years since the accident, which meant that Charity had now lived with her new body for almost two years of that span. Everything the doctors had told her said that she wouldn't be able to tell the difference between her natural limb and the mechanical ones used to replace those she had lost. Yet, in her heart, Cece knew the difference. She felt unnatural; everything was so quick and responsive. At times it was as though her mind was receiving an information overload like her body was processing everything in a heightened state.
Then there was the lack of pain.
Never would Cece have thought that she'd miss the sensation of stubbing her toe or poking her eye with the mascara brush, and yet, she hadn't felt those things in over two years. Or rather, she hadn't felt the proper amount of discomfort that should have come with those sensations. She felt it when she stubbed her toe. In the same way, one feels it when they punch a hole through a piece of paper. Except, in this case, it was her toe splintering the leg of a coffee table that she had bumped into. The mascara brush in the eye was a whole other story; instead of an eye-watering inducing poke of discomfort, it was like someone had run a feather duster over her arm.
It was just wrong.
Standing up, Charity quickly brushed herself off. She was supposed to promote her outfit before her workout, and she couldn't have the latest in workout chic from Freemont Athletics covered in sand. Her parents had a very tight schedule for these sorts of deals, but Cece never minded receiving new clothes. There were lines to be drawn about what she'd model, but workout equipment was rarely too risqué for her image. Looking down at the pastel-coloured outfit, Cece smiled. Even Julian would have to admit that this outfit was 'totes adorbs.' The tie-dyed off-the-shoulder crop-top was probably a bit impractical, but it was loose enough not to hinder Cece's arm movement. The black capris joggers were a perfect fit, definitely giving those from Lulu a run for their money, and the creamsicle-coloured sports bra beneath her top was surprisingly comfortable. Top that off with a cute pair of white trainers, her hair pulled into a pair of ponytails, and you had the type of workout outfit you want to be seen in.
Taking a couple of selfies, Cece put her phone down and switched it to video before doing some stretches. The funny thing was, the stretching was more habit than anything. Her muscles didn't need to be stretched; the upgrades to her body took care of that. In much the same vein, she could have gotten away with eating anything she wanted, including churros that smelled oh so tempting. The nanites in her system regulated her caloric intake and nutrition. While Charity still required food, the quality of the substance was of little consequence.
Finishing her routine, the blonde picked her phone up from the beach. Quickly scanning through the video for some good shots, Charity was satisfied with what she had and holstered the device back into the case on her left bicep. Ensuring her earbuds were snugly in place, she pressed play on controls and began to run as music filled her ears.
Alki Beach was usually peaceful this time of night, unlike the Penthouse, which was usually a scramble to get the power back on. Supper time always put a drain on the circuits, flipping the breakers and leaving not only the kitchen but often most of the team's three floors in the dark. Charity had found it best not to be around when that happened, as some of the team members reacted a little over the top.
And yes, that was coming from her.
Passing a group of joggers who had the same idea as her, Charity flashed her million-dollar smile and excused herself as she continued on her way by. She didn't like to match pace with those around her. She missed her lungs burning in her chest, the gasping for air at the end of a run, all the little bad habits you weren't supposed to do. But now that they didn't come, she longed for them. Charity had achieved it once by sneaking off and running alongside the cars on the freeway. But even when she had finally been out of breath, it didn't take long for her lungs to catch up the moment she stopped. It was almost frustrating not being able to feel the work she was putting in.
Realizing her mind had wandered while she completed her first lap, Cece passed the same group of joggers a second time, once again going around them as she called out politely as possible.
"On your left."
It wasn't until she was coming up on the same group a third time that Cece realized it was perhaps time to call it a night. Three times was pushing her luck. Despite the surplus of followers she had, and her large social media presence, Charity still had to be cautious. Attracting unwanted attention was never a good thing. Her parents loved the attention she garnered, but Cece didn't want to bring people to where she was, at least not while she was there. And especially not now while working with the team. Cece ran every upload she made through Julian's software to remove any geotagging. People could recognize Seattle landmarks, and Cece could still advertise for her favourite places, but the team's location was at least safe.
"On your left," Charity called out again, now fearing her usual sing-song tone would probably come off more condescending than polite. A collective groan rose from the group of Seattle University students eliciting an amused smirk from Cece. Based on their attire, the students were undoubtedly involved in athletics, maybe even the school's track and field team. She had to imagine that being lapped three times by a random teenager was more than a little disheartening.
Leaving the beach behind, Cece slowed her pace to a walk before climbing onto the nearby boardwalk. Flicking her wrist to check her Wayne Enterprises Fitwrap, the small screen illuminated before projecting her vitals in front of her. Cece hung her head as she realized the read-out hadn't even registered the workout due to the lack of strain on her body.
"I miss sweating," She muttered, walking towards a nearby juice stand. "#FirstWorldProblems though, amirite?" Charity added under her breath before her mouth widened into a smile as she approached the cashier.
"Hey Pablo, can I get my usual, please?" She asked, dragging out the 'please' in the same way a child might have.
"No juice for you!" The older gentleman behind the counter snapped before suddenly throwing his head back in raucous laughter.
"You, Miss Cece, can have whatever you want!" Pablo beamed. His smile was infectious, but the dark eyes beneath the grey eyebrows were almost sad. Pablo's forehead was crinkled with worry though he didn't allow it to infect the pep in his step as Pablo hurried around the small kiosk, grabbing the variety of ingredients to make the smoothie that Cece had requested.
"How's business doing, Pablo?" Cece asked while watching Pablo work.
"Boomin'!" He lied, relenting only after his smile faded some. "To be honest, Miss Cece, it's actually dried up a lot lately. Not as many people are coming to the beach, I can't afford to relocate to a busier area. It's getting tough to turn a profit here. It was a more thriving area three years ago, but people are struggling, and it trickles down. Juice bar is a luxury, y'know? Nobody is budgeting for their daily boost of the best freshly squeezed juice this side of the equator!"
"Maybe you just need a little advertising?" Cece offered as Pablo shook his head.
"Oh no, Miss Cece, I don't have the budget to afford advertisement. I can barely pay for the Missus' medical bills."
"I'm not talking about that kind of advertisement." The blonde replied with a smile. Taking her phone out, she snapped a picture of her order as Pable set it down in front of her. "Here, come do a video with me!"
Opening her live page, Cece smiled for the camera, angled it to show both Pablo and his kiosk behind her as she began to speak.
"Guys, if you're not outside tonight, you are missing out. This weather is gorgeous, and this sunset is a blessing from God himself. Seriously, get out, go for a run! And if you're like me, the best thing to refresh after a run is a fresh smoothie. If you're down by Alki Beach, make sure you stop by Pablo's 'Verde Nector.' Seriously, this guy uses the freshest fruits and vegetables. It's all 100% natural and 100% vegan. Pablo, say hi!"
Cece's face lit up as Pablo smiled into the camera. Flashing her perfect smile, she continued to speak.
"And in your own words, Pablo, why should they choose Verde Nector?"
"Because Miss Cece, it is the best this side of the Equator!" Pablo repeated, raising his hand and sympathetically pointing to be sure his whole body made his point.
"I second that, so get your beautiful faces down here and enjoy. First fifty orders are on me!" Charity added, closing the live stream only to turn around and see Pablo angrily shaking his head at her.
"No, no, you can't do that, Miss Cece. I won't allow it."
"Please, Pablo! I just want to help." Sticking out her bottom lip, Cece began to pout. Shaking his head, the older man began to relent.
"And what if fifty people don't come, I can't just take your money."
"Consider it a deposit then." Cece smiled. It was the least she could do, and she honestly had no interest in getting the money back. Her parents threw away money on far worse things. Heck, Heck, her parents technically paid her spot on the Renegades for. Not that her parents knew Julian rerouted the money to proper charities, but still, they weren't frugal. Never had been, had then been then maybe Cece wouldn't have been standing in front of a juice kiosk on Alki Beach.
The sound of mutual laughter reached Cece's ears, her eyes darting away from Pablo towards the source of the mirth. Out of the corner of her eye, Cece saw a small red coupe parking at the beach. Inside were three girls around her age, dressed similarly. Cece blinked as she swallowed hard.
Laughter turned to screams; tires squealed as metal protested the way it was being twisted. And the blood, so much blood...
"Miss Cece?"
"For next time." Cece smiled, looking back at Pablo. "If you don't want to keep it, anything leftover can be passed forward for my next visit." She winked and swiped her credit card. "Everything is pre-authorized! I know it isn't much, but hopefully, it'll help, Pablo!"
"I appreciate the sentiment, Miss Cece!"
"You're very welcome!" She called back, turning to head back towards the Renegades' base.
While normally she would have taken the stairs, Cece opted instead tonight to ride the elevator as she finished what was left of her smoothie. Ten floors didn't take long to go by as Cece passed the offices and other workspaces that made up the building below the penthouse apartments. There was something of a separation between the two portions of the building. The lower section had been completed and maintained while the endeavour of luxury apartments had fallen through shortly before opening. This meant the lower section was well maintained and had its own power supply, not suffering the same issues the penthouse did.
The penthouse, on the other hand, had sat abandoned until Julian took it over. This meant it had been home to who knows what for far too long. Wires had been chewed through, pipes had frozen, and burst and ductwork had become nests. Honestly, Cece had to be convinced numerous times that nothing was going to scurry across the floor of her bedroom as she got up in the morning. Thankfully while the damage remained, she had yet to see any of the nuisances that had caused it.
The penthouse itself was comprised of three floors. The first floor contained a massive walk-out patio that looked out over the Pacific to the West and the city to the East. Perhaps the largest shame of all was the desolate pool that sat in the middle of it, filled with debris, leaves and rainwater. Cece longed for it to be cleaned up and lounge out by the pool on a hot summer's day. But unfortunately, such luxuries were rather low on Julian's to-do list. The remainder of the first floor was mostly occupied by the team's athletic center, where most of the team trained. Both Kevvy and Red-red were frequently found there, and Charity wouldn't have been surprised if both were in there at this moment.
The second floor of the Penthouse was where most of the team's common areas were located, while the third floor was mostly apartments. Though several team members also resided on the second floor, and there were even a few specialized apartments for those with specific needs, such as Vincent. Julian himself had an entire wing that included his workshop and living quarters. All in all, it was an impressive homestead.
When the lights stayed on.
The elevator came to a stop on the eleventh floor, the second floor of the Penthouse, as Charity exited into the center of the wing. The sounds of conversation and smell of freshly brewed tea let her know that at least some of her teammates had taken to residing in the galley at this time of night. Smoothie in hand, Charity glided down the hall before popping her head in the doorway of the galley, her twin ponytails spinning golden strands of hair over either shoulder. Spotting the likes of Julian, Conor, Eilidh and Dandelion within, she smiled towards the group, calling out her salutations.
"Hey, beautiful people! Hope you all are having a blessed evening!" She beamed, "I'm going to see if anyone is watching anything in the common lounge, feeling like a movie myself."