Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 8 days ago

It was 7 P.M and the ginger-haired young man was wearing a unbuttoned dress-shirt over a tank top, a welding visor in front of his face as he was welding a panel in the utility closet under the living quarters of The Penthouse. The power had gone out. The wiring was shit, this place had been left to rot after finishing building about half of it. The wiring, plumbing and internet had just about all needed to been replaced by Julian once he twisted Morgan Edge - the biggest Real Estate scumbag in Metropolis history, well, maybe second only to a certain man with the same last name as Julian. The flames of the welder burned out as he finished fixing the metals that were busted. He had redone the wiring already. All that remained was flipping the breaker and redirecting power from the city's power grid into the tower.

He took a step back, took off his gear and ran his hand through his hair. It was dirty. He'd need a shower after this. He still couldn't quite comprehend certain things, things he had never experienced, but things that still felt like memories to him. Like thinking of a hotspring in eastern asia and showering under a warm waterfall. He knew who these memories - these... feelings, belonged to, truly. And something about it always made him feel uneasy.

Certainly when it made him crave Romanee Conti, one of the most expensive wines in the world - belonging to the family collection. A wine, that like all the other wines, Julian has never had. These urges brings with them both a biological and philosophical conundrum. He understands that they're the product of his creation. But he's not able to grasp why he gets them. He gets disturbed from his thoughts by the apartment still being dark, he shrugs and puts the welder and goggles to the side, putting his hand on the breaker and speaking a single sentence as he pulls it down.

"Let there be light."
The three floors of the apartment on the 10th floor of Edge Towers in Seattle lights up. The TV's and computers turns back on as does the old radio Julian kept carrying around, tuned to listening in on the evening's game of the Smallville Crows. Caring about high school football sure was kind of stupid, but something about it felt like home.

Speaking of home, this was his. And he had tried his damnest to make it not fall apart. Perhaps a metaphor for the people he had gathered here, hoping to make it their home, too. A base of operations at the very least. The 'team' he called it, any name you give yourself in these situations are kind of bad luck, after all, had done extraordinary little in their short two months spent together. The world had been quiet, no trouble had been brewing. No earthquakes, invasions of alien species or melomaniac planning on taking over the world. But something in his gut told him that things weren't gonna remain that way forever.

He moved up to the kitchen, to check if everyone else got power back, too.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Stormyx
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Stormyx Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 4 days ago

The clicks and clanks of the power waking back up filtered through splashes of varying colourful lines against the eigengrau in front of her. She was unsure just how much of the power had returned, but the echoes and vibrations left behind from that switch drew out the basic shape of the room in front of her in visual sound.

Eilidh rose from her the lounge chair that she had been quietly resting in. She suspected there would be a flurry of activity in the kitchen soon enough. This time of the evening had become something of a snacking hour in the building and all and sundry would soon congregate in the halls in search of sugary sustenance. They’d all be sure to return now, having all been put to work by their illustrious leader.

Power outages were of no worry to the Scottish woman. For one, she was blind. For another, she was, well, Scottish. Barely a month would go by in Pittenweem without something happening to the grid, and those evenings would always become an adventure in front of a log fire. Eilidh recalled her father keeping a packet of marshmallows at all times for just such occasions. Perhaps Eilidh could do that here too… The thought alone made a soft smile of remembrance curl upon her lips. There would be no amount of marshmallows that she could store here that would be enough for Hayden, of course. She smiled even more.

The blonde knew where the kettle was, and she knew how close it was to the tap - from memory of its weight, she let it fill to the brim and set it upon the stove. Her fingers moved through the grooves that decorated the cast-iron beauty in art-deco style. Whomsoever had filled this kitchen had taste. Of course, Eilidh couldn’t see it, but the heavy sound of the kettle and the cool feeling of the hooped handle in her palm spoke to the expense it would have been. It was no ordinary piece of kitchen equipment.

Something else pleasant to the touch, was the feeling of her pyjamas brushing against her skin. Eilidh felt assured that the colour was plum; it felt like that kind of luxury - dark and warm. Cashmere. She kept her feet bare, for want to feel the texture of the flooring.

She began to hum as she reached into the cupboard, feeling for a particular box. She picked up a few and shook them one at a time. The first felt to much like grain, the second too light - the third was perfect. Cookies.

As the kettle whistled and whined on the stove, with cookies in one hand, she lifted the kettle away from the heat with the other, “I know, I know, shush up now,” she said aloud as the sound died down. “Dramatic, aren’t ye?” she chuckled before placing it down. “Gottae hope there’s enough in there for us all,” she sighed, tapping her fingers across the bench until she found the box of tea. “Course, someone’ll be after coffee,” she laughed. The resonance of her voice in the cold kitchen helped in forming the shapes before her of the finer details of the place.

"Oh well, guess if they want that they know how tae de it themselves," she smiled, pouring herself a brew, humming all the while.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Conors Room / Edge Tower / Seattle
19:00HRS Local Time

Conor had cursed as the lights had went out, grabbing a nearby candle he ran his hand up it. His fingers crossing over a number of symbols as the room lit up in a way far brighter than a candle had any right to be. He turned to look back at the mirror and recoiled in disgust. The face he had been wearing beforehand had become all warped, his nose had become waxy and began to melt as his cheeks dropped. His mouth was half in a smile and a thrown as his eyes seemed to be slowly enroaching on what was formerly forehead territory though now looked more like raw scalp. Lord knows where his ears had gotten too. He sighed as he reached beneath his shirt to a collar he was wearing around his neck, pressing two symbols near his collarbone. The fake face melted away collapsing into the collar revealing his true face. Reasonably charming, if he said so himself. He sighed as he looked into his own eyes.

She always loved your eyes.

He chastised himself for the stray thought and returned to his desk, unclipping the collar and returning it to the desk. Something was going wrong, the image held for the first couple of minutes but then after that it just seemed to fail. He pulled on his glasses, pulling the loupe down to get a closer look at the runes, looking between them and the ones on scrolls and his notes. He cursed as he noticed a few minor imperfections. It was entirely possible that they were the cause of the problems, as by all other counts the facade should be holding up perfectly. Leaning back in the chair he pushed his hands up over his eyes covering the, pushing his glasses up onto his hair. As his back stretched he let out a groan in frustration.

Working on the facade for weeks, the espionage capabilities aside they would lessen the worry of his photo being taken whenever one of their subtle tasks became less so. As if his photo was taken then it wouldn't be his face plastered everywhere but one of his own fabrication. Picking up the collar he opened one of the many drawers on his desk and threw it in. Standing up he stamped his foot near the front of his desk, kicking a symbol and the candle raised into the air. Following him over his left shoulder as he walked around the room. Other people had entertainment centres, tvs and sofas. Meanwhile Conor had a miniature library full of old tomes, a couple of sophisticated chairs and his desk. Almost every tome in here was older than he was, with the exception of his own notes and the couple of books he bought for CeCe so she had something to read during her visits.

Running hands over the spines of the books some were paperbound, others leather or cloth, some were stranger materials like wood and even one of stone. Recoiling slightly as the lights came back on as suddenly as they had went out, he flicked the bottom of the candle and it returned to its resting space on his desk. No smaller than it had been before. His phone vibrated in his pocket, pulling it out he stuck his thumb between the two halfs and flipped it open revealing the text.

[I've found someone with a copy of what you want. Will give you an update when I have more.]

Smiling as he walked out into the hall, he worked his way to the kitchen. Each room may have its own kitchenette however there was always good odds that Eilidh had a pot of tea on the go. Walking into the kitchen he smiled as he saw her working away with the kettle.

"What's the craic Eilidh?" He slid onto a stool at the breakfast bar. Grabbing a mug he slid it over to her as he grabbed himself a cookie, taking a bite off it as he allowed her to fill his mug just the way he liked it.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sat quietly in the dark, Dandelion's legs hung over the end of their bed as they tapped their fingers together, patiently waiting. Julian had given them very clear instructions to sit in their room until the lights came back on, and they did so without objection. At first, Dandelion had not understood why Julian had told them that no one on the team wanted to "bump into" Dandy in the dark, but the longer they sat there alone, the better they understood. This was all beginning to seem familiar to them; they had gone through this ten years ago already. The startling discovery, the apprehension, the wary acceptance... humans were surprisingly predictable animals.

Even this room had a stifling familiarity to it. When Dandelion had first come to the penthouse, it was a spare room, filled with unwanted furniture and other miscellany. They had not been anticipating a sixteenth member joining the team. Now, however, it was Dandy's room, and barren save for the bed that Dandy never slept on, and the chest of drawers that Dandy didn't own enough clothes to keep in. If nothing else, the laboratory cell that they had called home for the last ten years had fixtures that were of considerably more practical use to to Dandelion, like the rope swing that they liked to climb and perch on. That was not all this room lacked: it also had no cameras or one-way mirrors anywhere in it, as Dandy had checked the room themselves, thoroughly, when they "moved in."

Dandelion's newfound privacy was confusing to them, to say the least. Before, in the lab, the scientists that were always watching Dandy praised them whenever they changed their shape, especially if it had been in a way they had not seen before, and generously offered them new samples and forms for them to try. Now, Dandy's teammates typically reacted badly whenever Dandy changed their shape where they could see. Julian had asked them to stay in human form and not change unless they were in their room, or in a bathroom, and Dandy did so without objection. This was fine for the first few days, until someone had come into Dandy's room to fix something and found them clinging to the ceiling in their natural form. Then came the conversation about door locks and privacy, and Dandy had been apologized to, but they still came away feeling ashamed, like they had been the one doing something wrong.

So Dandelion sat in their human form, mismatched eyes blinking at steady intervals, quietly twiddling their fingers in the dark. Then, with a hum of electricity and the sound of appliances sparking to life, the power returned, and the lights flickered back on. Dandy's silent contemplation was over, and a wide smile broke across their face as they emerged from their room, gently shutting the door behind them. Heading up to the kitchen where they heard others talking, Dandy tread carefully up the stairs, each one creaking loudly under their weight. The stairs were a horribly inefficient mode of travel, but the only one that Dandy could use in human form. They swallowed their frustration, compartmentalizing it with their shame, and strode into the kitchen to greet their teammates, smiling brightly.

"The power is back on!" Dandelion remarked. They knew that everyone else in the room also knew this, but a large part of human conversation involved stating the obvious. Seeing that the kettle was on, Dandy looked to Eilidh and asked, "May I also have a cup of tea, please?" Dandelion's voice was human, for sure, but the accent and meter of their speech was strange and disjointed in a way that seemed like they were a child trying to work what they were saying into a song, or some sort of strange poem. They looked to Julian, and asked him, "Julian," they said his name slowly and carefully, the way Julian had done when they had met, "Is there any work on the penthouse that I can help with?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Streaks of brilliant orange and soft pink filled the sky, creating an almost lavender backdrop in place of the usual blues above the quiet waters of Elliot Bay. The humidity of the day had all but vanished, leaving behind a cool breeze that washed over the skin like a silk sheet in a freshly made bed. It was absolutely serene. Opting not to put her earbuds in, Charity instead chose to take in the sounds of the waves lapping up against the soft sands of Alki Beach. At the same time, the gulls called out greedily above, eying up anyone along the boardwalk carrying the fresh churros that tantalized Cece with their smell.

Taking a seat in the warm sand, the older teen dragged her left hand through the loose grains feeling each bead as they washed over the artificial skin and nails. Everything in Charity's head said that she felt everything her bionic arm did, but she couldn't shake the fact that there was still a disconnect, that it wasn't just some longing for sensation.

It had almost been three years since the accident, which meant that Charity had now lived with her new body for almost two years of that span. Everything the doctors had told her said that she wouldn't be able to tell the difference between her natural limb and the mechanical ones used to replace those she had lost. Yet, in her heart, Cece knew the difference. She felt unnatural; everything was so quick and responsive. At times it was as though her mind was receiving an information overload like her body was processing everything in a heightened state.

Then there was the lack of pain.

Never would Cece have thought that she'd miss the sensation of stubbing her toe or poking her eye with the mascara brush, and yet, she hadn't felt those things in over two years. Or rather, she hadn't felt the proper amount of discomfort that should have come with those sensations. She felt it when she stubbed her toe. In the same way, one feels it when they punch a hole through a piece of paper. Except, in this case, it was her toe splintering the leg of a coffee table that she had bumped into. The mascara brush in the eye was a whole other story; instead of an eye-watering inducing poke of discomfort, it was like someone had run a feather duster over her arm.

It was just wrong.

Standing up, Charity quickly brushed herself off. She was supposed to promote her outfit before her workout, and she couldn't have the latest in workout chic from Freemont Athletics covered in sand. Her parents had a very tight schedule for these sorts of deals, but Cece never minded receiving new clothes. There were lines to be drawn about what she'd model, but workout equipment was rarely too risqué for her image. Looking down at the pastel-coloured outfit, Cece smiled. Even Julian would have to admit that this outfit was 'totes adorbs.' The tie-dyed off-the-shoulder crop-top was probably a bit impractical, but it was loose enough not to hinder Cece's arm movement. The black capris joggers were a perfect fit, definitely giving those from Lulu a run for their money, and the creamsicle-coloured sports bra beneath her top was surprisingly comfortable. Top that off with a cute pair of white trainers, her hair pulled into a pair of ponytails, and you had the type of workout outfit you want to be seen in.

Taking a couple of selfies, Cece put her phone down and switched it to video before doing some stretches. The funny thing was, the stretching was more habit than anything. Her muscles didn't need to be stretched; the upgrades to her body took care of that. In much the same vein, she could have gotten away with eating anything she wanted, including churros that smelled oh so tempting. The nanites in her system regulated her caloric intake and nutrition. While Charity still required food, the quality of the substance was of little consequence.

Finishing her routine, the blonde picked her phone up from the beach. Quickly scanning through the video for some good shots, Charity was satisfied with what she had and holstered the device back into the case on her left bicep. Ensuring her earbuds were snugly in place, she pressed play on controls and began to run as music filled her ears.

Alki Beach was usually peaceful this time of night, unlike the Penthouse, which was usually a scramble to get the power back on. Supper time always put a drain on the circuits, flipping the breakers and leaving not only the kitchen but often most of the team's three floors in the dark. Charity had found it best not to be around when that happened, as some of the team members reacted a little over the top.

And yes, that was coming from her.

Passing a group of joggers who had the same idea as her, Charity flashed her million-dollar smile and excused herself as she continued on her way by. She didn't like to match pace with those around her. She missed her lungs burning in her chest, the gasping for air at the end of a run, all the little bad habits you weren't supposed to do. But now that they didn't come, she longed for them. Charity had achieved it once by sneaking off and running alongside the cars on the freeway. But even when she had finally been out of breath, it didn't take long for her lungs to catch up the moment she stopped. It was almost frustrating not being able to feel the work she was putting in.

Realizing her mind had wandered while she completed her first lap, Cece passed the same group of joggers a second time, once again going around them as she called out politely as possible.

"On your left."

It wasn't until she was coming up on the same group a third time that Cece realized it was perhaps time to call it a night. Three times was pushing her luck. Despite the surplus of followers she had, and her large social media presence, Charity still had to be cautious. Attracting unwanted attention was never a good thing. Her parents loved the attention she garnered, but Cece didn't want to bring people to where she was, at least not while she was there. And especially not now while working with the team. Cece ran every upload she made through Julian's software to remove any geotagging. People could recognize Seattle landmarks, and Cece could still advertise for her favourite places, but the team's location was at least safe.

"On your left," Charity called out again, now fearing her usual sing-song tone would probably come off more condescending than polite. A collective groan rose from the group of Seattle University students eliciting an amused smirk from Cece. Based on their attire, the students were undoubtedly involved in athletics, maybe even the school's track and field team. She had to imagine that being lapped three times by a random teenager was more than a little disheartening.

Leaving the beach behind, Cece slowed her pace to a walk before climbing onto the nearby boardwalk. Flicking her wrist to check her Wayne Enterprises Fitwrap, the small screen illuminated before projecting her vitals in front of her. Cece hung her head as she realized the read-out hadn't even registered the workout due to the lack of strain on her body.

"I miss sweating," She muttered, walking towards a nearby juice stand. "#FirstWorldProblems though, amirite?" Charity added under her breath before her mouth widened into a smile as she approached the cashier.

"Hey Pablo, can I get my usual, please?" She asked, dragging out the 'please' in the same way a child might have.

"No juice for you!" The older gentleman behind the counter snapped before suddenly throwing his head back in raucous laughter.

"You, Miss Cece, can have whatever you want!" Pablo beamed. His smile was infectious, but the dark eyes beneath the grey eyebrows were almost sad. Pablo's forehead was crinkled with worry though he didn't allow it to infect the pep in his step as Pablo hurried around the small kiosk, grabbing the variety of ingredients to make the smoothie that Cece had requested.

"How's business doing, Pablo?" Cece asked while watching Pablo work.

"Boomin'!" He lied, relenting only after his smile faded some. "To be honest, Miss Cece, it's actually dried up a lot lately. Not as many people are coming to the beach, I can't afford to relocate to a busier area. It's getting tough to turn a profit here. It was a more thriving area three years ago, but people are struggling, and it trickles down. Juice bar is a luxury, y'know? Nobody is budgeting for their daily boost of the best freshly squeezed juice this side of the equator!"

"Maybe you just need a little advertising?" Cece offered as Pablo shook his head.

"Oh no, Miss Cece, I don't have the budget to afford advertisement. I can barely pay for the Missus' medical bills."

"I'm not talking about that kind of advertisement." The blonde replied with a smile. Taking her phone out, she snapped a picture of her order as Pable set it down in front of her. "Here, come do a video with me!"

Opening her live page, Cece smiled for the camera, angled it to show both Pablo and his kiosk behind her as she began to speak.

"Guys, if you're not outside tonight, you are missing out. This weather is gorgeous, and this sunset is a blessing from God himself. Seriously, get out, go for a run! And if you're like me, the best thing to refresh after a run is a fresh smoothie. If you're down by Alki Beach, make sure you stop by Pablo's 'Verde Nector.' Seriously, this guy uses the freshest fruits and vegetables. It's all 100% natural and 100% vegan. Pablo, say hi!"


Cece's face lit up as Pablo smiled into the camera. Flashing her perfect smile, she continued to speak.

"And in your own words, Pablo, why should they choose Verde Nector?"

"Because Miss Cece, it is the best this side of the Equator!" Pablo repeated, raising his hand and sympathetically pointing to be sure his whole body made his point.

"I second that, so get your beautiful faces down here and enjoy. First fifty orders are on me!" Charity added, closing the live stream only to turn around and see Pablo angrily shaking his head at her.

"No, no, you can't do that, Miss Cece. I won't allow it."

"Please, Pablo! I just want to help." Sticking out her bottom lip, Cece began to pout. Shaking his head, the older man began to relent.

"And what if fifty people don't come, I can't just take your money."

"Consider it a deposit then." Cece smiled. It was the least she could do, and she honestly had no interest in getting the money back. Her parents threw away money on far worse things. Heck, Heck, her parents technically paid her spot on the Renegades for. Not that her parents knew Julian rerouted the money to proper charities, but still, they weren't frugal. Never had been, had then been then maybe Cece wouldn't have been standing in front of a juice kiosk on Alki Beach.

The sound of mutual laughter reached Cece's ears, her eyes darting away from Pablo towards the source of the mirth. Out of the corner of her eye, Cece saw a small red coupe parking at the beach. Inside were three girls around her age, dressed similarly. Cece blinked as she swallowed hard.

Laughter turned to screams; tires squealed as metal protested the way it was being twisted. And the blood, so much blood...

"Miss Cece?"

"For next time." Cece smiled, looking back at Pablo. "If you don't want to keep it, anything leftover can be passed forward for my next visit." She winked and swiped her credit card. "Everything is pre-authorized! I know it isn't much, but hopefully, it'll help, Pablo!"

"I appreciate the sentiment, Miss Cece!"

"You're very welcome!" She called back, turning to head back towards the Renegades' base.


While normally she would have taken the stairs, Cece opted instead tonight to ride the elevator as she finished what was left of her smoothie. Ten floors didn't take long to go by as Cece passed the offices and other workspaces that made up the building below the penthouse apartments. There was something of a separation between the two portions of the building. The lower section had been completed and maintained while the endeavour of luxury apartments had fallen through shortly before opening. This meant the lower section was well maintained and had its own power supply, not suffering the same issues the penthouse did.

The penthouse, on the other hand, had sat abandoned until Julian took it over. This meant it had been home to who knows what for far too long. Wires had been chewed through, pipes had frozen, and burst and ductwork had become nests. Honestly, Cece had to be convinced numerous times that nothing was going to scurry across the floor of her bedroom as she got up in the morning. Thankfully while the damage remained, she had yet to see any of the nuisances that had caused it.

The penthouse itself was comprised of three floors. The first floor contained a massive walk-out patio that looked out over the Pacific to the West and the city to the East. Perhaps the largest shame of all was the desolate pool that sat in the middle of it, filled with debris, leaves and rainwater. Cece longed for it to be cleaned up and lounge out by the pool on a hot summer's day. But unfortunately, such luxuries were rather low on Julian's to-do list. The remainder of the first floor was mostly occupied by the team's athletic center, where most of the team trained. Both Kevvy and Red-red were frequently found there, and Charity wouldn't have been surprised if both were in there at this moment.

The second floor of the Penthouse was where most of the team's common areas were located, while the third floor was mostly apartments. Though several team members also resided on the second floor, and there were even a few specialized apartments for those with specific needs, such as Vincent. Julian himself had an entire wing that included his workshop and living quarters. All in all, it was an impressive homestead.

When the lights stayed on.

The elevator came to a stop on the eleventh floor, the second floor of the Penthouse, as Charity exited into the center of the wing. The sounds of conversation and smell of freshly brewed tea let her know that at least some of her teammates had taken to residing in the galley at this time of night. Smoothie in hand, Charity glided down the hall before popping her head in the doorway of the galley, her twin ponytails spinning golden strands of hair over either shoulder. Spotting the likes of Julian, Conor, Eilidh and Dandelion within, she smiled towards the group, calling out her salutations.

"Hey, beautiful people! Hope you all are having a blessed evening!" She beamed, "I'm going to see if anyone is watching anything in the common lounge, feeling like a movie myself."

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Deja
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Deja Yeet me like one of your billionaires

Member Seen 1 yr ago

...The crowd was a roar, but Kevin could only hear the blood in his ears...
...dodge the straight, come up withan upper cut, exit with a check hook...
...rafters splintering, walls crumbling, you have to save them...

The dark gym flicked on sequentially, and the sound system youtube.com/watch?v=xSPsrvnYbMg reared back to life. At the end of the room, that had been smoked out past the point of knowing where it ended, sat a smoldering figure huffing and puffing with exertion. Julian's new electrical work must have payed off, Kevin was chagrin to admit the work he was putting on the air purifying unit. KeV didnt' know the right end of a screwdriver, and the last time he dabbled in what he thought was a communal library an Irishman educated him on fire safety. The cagefighter needed a lesson on personal space, this wasn't the Gotham frathouse after all. Granted, when you sweat fire... but he did like the mention of Julian's nullifying gloves. It'd had been fun trying to explain what jazz hands were to Red was enough to have him entertained in his third set for the day. The bossman had mentioned some heavy lifting was coming up after all so he took it to fiery heart. It was seeing the bar slowly dull it's glow from the heat that brought back what he spoke out like a mantra
"Play nice, and don't burn the place down."


Kevin shook himself off as he sat up, droplets of sweat ignited before burning themselves out immediately in the atmosphere. A bucket of water was right by his side, and also a tin spray can of benzine, thanks to Julian. The combination kept the worst of Kevin's habits from causing too much harm, though lately you could spot where there might have been a toasty incident. He'd been curious on the logistics of the place when he'd first arrived; and had been along side Julian's installing fume hoods in the gym for his sake. It could have been a nice set of places once upon a time, but as the gals lamented, even the pool needed work. A pool sounded really nice right about now as the bench and gym quickly became more than just the center of his universe. He shook his hands vigorously burning off the excess phosphorous and dunked them into a steamy ritual he'd come to know well. It was quite therapeutic, feeling the heat dissipate and the lull in his fire production. Also wiping down all the equipment with a benzine rag was almost monk like in it's zen. Quickly the rag went over barbells and locks, weights and treadmills. This small care for your actions was a sort of mediation Kev strived in, or kneeing someone in the face for a few grand. Speaking of which, it was about time for him to smash some noodles. Noodles were upstairs, something he didn't exactly dealing with in the dark. Contacts don't work well melted after all, and he refused to wear glasses. But a young man's pride comes before curses in the night over newly moved furniture. He wasn't the only noob in the game, they were all new here it seemed(especially the appliances). Sparks jumped and flew as he took one last dunk to cool him off before turning to the stairs and taking them two-a-time. He could hear the voices from upstairs already and it made his hops up the flight faster. He had a carbs to crush.


"Movies n Noodles folks, power's back on!."
he grunted as bounced up the last set of stairs in his way. He saunted smoldering, obviously excited about the turn in the evening.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DocTachyon
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DocTachyon Teenage Neenage Neetle Teetles

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hayden is a hunter, ravenous and deadly. Her haunches crash against the sheet metal as she runs, sending reverberations and the hefty clack of her claws with each footfall. It is dark in the cave, a metal straight shot defined only by pockets of off-pink foliage that she knows she mustn’t eat. Her body slams against the steel wall as she barrels around a corner, braving the blow with nary a whimper. Her prey is close; there is a hint of its succulent aroma in the air.

She finds the cave’s exit, a narrow portway leading to the under canopy below. She takes it, claws skittering as she forces her scaled body through the opening. She drops to the forest floor and stumbles across its slick surface before regaining her footing. She senses other hunters in the dark, their distant footfalls and the tittering of hungry animals. She hears the mice that live in the darkest, quietest corners of the jungle where they gnaw out their existence. She considers refocusing her hunt to dine on the delicacy. She imagines their plump little bodies still holding the weight of their greasy autumnal fat. But she knows her real prize is far more valuable.

She ascends to the canopy. Her mouth fills with saliva that pours out in rivulets beyond her fangs. Her feast is close. There is another cave, one she must pry her way into with the hook-claws on her feet. The cave opens to her, and she is finally upon her prey.

She rends its soft skin apart with her hind claws and gulps mouthfuls of the sweet and cold flesh inside. She is dimly aware of the cave sealing behind her and the cold closing around her, but all that exists now is the bountiful meat disappearing down her gullet and filling her belly.

By the time she has devoured her prize she detects the unnatural hum echoing through the forest walls, seeping into the cave around her with a wash of bitter cold air. She snarls and reels backward, dragging her prey’s corpse along as she moves for the mouth of the cave.

She pushes the cave’s face aside to see that the jungle is now alive with light, a dozen miniature suns shining brilliantly to the brush below. The others have arrived, betrayed by their clumsy footfalls and the high squeals of their voices.

The taste for the hunt began to ebb in the dinosaur as her claws clicked against the tile. Her snout folded backwards and the dimples of her nose retreated beneath the cartilage of an appendage that had not been there moments ago. Names and feelings bubbled into her heart as her bones lengthened and her skin softened. She reached her full height as her scalp populated itself with hair follicles, running down loose to her shoulders.

She made a count of the others as she took her first full breath on human lungs, outside the bitter cold of the freezer. Six had already turned up; she’d need to attack the rest of the fridge quickly if she wanted to sate her diet… But the others had to eat, too. Hayden’s stomach growled.

Hayden tucked the vivisected remains of the box of Big Belly Brand Dinosaur Chicken Tenders under her arm and her hands came back to pull her brown hair into a ponytail. Something rolled in the box -- she had missed one! She popped the cold nugget in her mouth and looked to Cee.

“Movie time?” She asked around a mouthful of frozen chicken.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Red Morrow sat in his room's one chair and stared into the darkness, thinking.

It had been quite a week. He'd by now made himself well acquainted with his living quarters and at least cursory greetings had taken place amongst all of the new people who would be making up this team. Obviously more time had been spent with some than others, but he'd tried to be welcoming and hope that people would be receptive to it.

Strangely, again, some had been moreso than others. And as a result Red had spent more time with those people. It did strike him strange that some viewed his presence as a nuisance on occasion. After all, Red knew that others had also been informed that they were to function as a team. A unit. Red's virtual education formed analogy of a computer comprising of various components, all functioning in unison for a set of predetermined tasks and queries. Or to better work with the 'team' descriptor; goals.

Surely at some point these other people would realise that it remains in mutual interest to come together on the same page in order to function effectively? Julian might have to specifically delegate roles for individuals if they couldn't prove themselves capable of collaboration. Not an impossible way to lead, but one which lacks the versatility of a team capable of both working together and on self-driven goals.

Still, it was early days yet. And even the people Red had spent time with it was most often spent with the distractions of this world he woke up in, so it was hardly other people's problems alone. If he was going to be able to function as a valuable teammember he was going to need to have a basic understanding of common aspects of culture and society, so that he wouldn't be fooled or distracted by new things out in the field. And new things in society weren't the only distraction.

There had been times he'd been helping 'spot' his new friend Kevin on the rack in the gym, and he'd get lost in thought and find himself staring at Gabi whilst she was running on the treadmill, and somehow time would pass and he'd hear a gurgling underneath him as Kevin was having trouble putting the bar back up, so he'd have to help him red-faced after being caught negligent in his duty. Or sometimes he'd be listening to something Hayden had been talking about which was honestly really interesting and he'd normally be concentrating really hard and then Selene would walk in the room and his eyes would just follow her across the room until Hayden would have to snap him out of it, and they'd be upset, but Red didn't know why his attention would just stray. Or when Hana would say something lewd and provocative to the group and everyone else would kind of keep moving on with the conversation as if it had never happened whilst his mind just seemed to stay there, thinking on it for some reason. Or Cece.

Just Cece. For some reason. So many different occasions he'd just dropped what he was doing when she'd needed help with something. Even when he was already doing something else. There was just something about Cece. He couldn't quite put his finger on it. And what it could have to do with these other instances where his attention had wavered.

Wait a-minu-- An idea just hit Red.

The lights flicked back on just overhead.

A voice called through the crack in his door, distracting him from his moment of illumination. "You know Julian's had lanterns downstairs for during the blackout, right?"

"I'm in my room. I know everything that's in here already. What's there to see?"

The only response to this was a loooong whistle, as if something was falling. Apparently Red had given another "interesting" response.

"What's there to see he says..." The voice mutters as it's owner went down the hallway.

Red tried to go back to his thought, but it was gone. He sighed at the lost train of thought, then scowled back at the door at the distraction. He saw Hana walk past the cracked open door and his brow raised in interest. He got to his feet, hearing the raucous noise of teenagers announcing movie night elsewhere in the depths of the house.

The cultural education continues.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gabriela didn’t mind the dark all too much. She’d gotten used to such things back in Guatemala. Blackouts had been frequent throughout the neighbourhood and as such the people had quickly adapted. They would roam the streets, flashlights, or rusty old oil lamps in hand, ensuring that everyone was ok and had whatever they needed. Even before the storm, Gabi would be out helping. She would find herself handing out blankets or food, side by side with her mother, along with many of the other women from their street. It was only natural that she continued this role even after everything that had happened. She was proud to. Now she had the power to do more.

She would patrol the peripheral of the block, scaring off would-be looters with a single flash of her axe. She would accompany those sent to collect a new diesel generator from one of the neighbouring streets. She would protect them.

Gabi didn’t mind of course. She enjoyed it in fact. It was nice to watch everyone come together to help one another. To watch everyone laugh and sing in the warm glow of whatever Lightsource they could get going.

Such traditions didn’t to be as prevalent in the States. Instead of the comforting togetherness, she was used to, the Penthouse had descended into silence as its lights blackened. Gabi didn’t mind all that much. She had come to expect these differences in behaviour during the two weeks she had been here. It had been a struggle at first, but soon she had adjusted, just as she had on the numerous other occasions her life had been shifted. It seemed that adjusting came naturally now.

On this occasion, she found herself nestled in her bed, a book in her hand. Her room was still illuminated, one half from a dimly lit scented candle that she had found here upon arrival, the other from her axe. It lay to her side, letting out a deep purple glow, that gave her just enough light to read the words on the page before her. Lugging that thing around everywhere she went was another thing she had adjusted to.

The only thing she had not gotten used to yet was the temperature. Seattle was cold. Especially for someone who lived so close to the equator. It was only made worse by the power outage, as already the temperature in the Penthouse had dropped so much that she needed the duvet from her bed wrapped around her entirely.

She let out a huge sigh of relief as a low hum rang out around her, signalling the return of the power, her prayers answered. The warm glow of the candle and axe found itself overwhelmed by the bright white of the bulbs above her head, as the sound of Spanish singing from her radio erupted around her as it regained its life.

A smile now on her face, she slipped a crumpled old photograph between the pages of her book as she closed it shut, before rising to her feet. She was dying to socialise and expected that now that they were not shrouded in darkness, the others in the rooms around her would be too. Pulling a cardigan around her with one hand, she grabbed the handle of her axe before venturing out into the corridor, already hearing a number of her teammates stirring around her.

In no time at all she found herself descending the stairs to the second floor, where the Penthouse’s communal areas were situated, with her heading straight towards the door to the kitchen. She stopped in her tracks however halfway up the corridor when a familiar voice in the room ahead met her ears.


She held her breath slightly, despite being too far from the room for any of the inhabitants within to actually hear her. While she had come seeking social interaction, this was an interaction that she’d rather not have at this moment. She didn’t want a camera shoved in her face just yet. Shaking away the small feeling of guilt she felt, Gabi turned from the kitchen, directing her movement to the entrance to the lounge instead.

The lounge distracted her thoughts entirely but did little to lift her spirits. Instead, she now felt guilty for a different reason. Despite having been at the Penthouse for some time now, she still marvelled every time she entered this room. Sleek and modern, the room was huge. An entire family or 2 from her neighbourhood could have lived comfortably in a space like this.

She found herself moving towards the window, which spanned the entirety of one of the walls. From here she could look down on the whole of Seattle, the people moving below like ants. She remembered being back home and looking up at the skyscrapers in Guatemala City. Is that how she had looked to the people living in them there? Like a mere insect?

The sound of movement behind her as someone entered the room snapped her out of her thoughts.

Evening.” She said, putting on a smile as she turned towards them.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 21 min ago

Vincent rubbed his cheek against the smooth white wall of his room. His prison. His room-prison. Maybe prison was too harsh, and Julian certainly didn't like the word - Vincent noticed the slight facial tic every time he broached the topic of internment, and therefore broached it as often as he could - but prison felt accurate. It was a room designed, specifically, to interfere with Vincent's leaving. It was hardly Vincent's fault that leaving was easier for him than the others. Decidedly unfair, and thoroughly deserved, treatment.

He stepped back and surveyed, as he had done so many times since his first night. Perfectly round, who knows what the original intention was for a round room in a luxury penthouse apartment, but the roundness fucked with Vincent; round things didn't have entrances and exits and clear edges and sensible interior design.

His skin crawled from the lack of feng shui in this room.

So, round walls. They were unevenly partitioned, and the idea was they freely slid back and forth from each other, so a wall could become a door at a moment's notice, but Julian was too clever by half for that; by some nefarious design he had developed a way to intermittently fasten each partition: a wall that slid away to allow passage one day never did the next. Occasionally Vincent would search the walls for the right one with the feverish fervour that can only be brought on by being woken at 3AM by a full bladder, and on his return from relief found that the walls had closed again, and the angle that granted him exit now stood a steadfast obstacle to entrance, and then by the time you find the right one again you're wound up, so you don't sleep, and what you do instead is march down to Julian's quarters, banging on doors and walls with steam coming out of your ears and wake him up and hit him enough to goad him into giving chase; then you take the sharp corner at the end of the corridor and you match it with Gabi's en-suite, and Julian has to awkwardly explain why he's stumbling bleary-eyed and swearing from Gabi's shower.

Of course, Vincent often found that no walls opened the next morning.

Give-and-take was the foundation of whatever you wanted to call the budding dynamic between he and Julian.

Round walls isn't even the half of it, Vincent thought, having returned to himself after a tangent. No, to focus on the shape of the walls was to miss what was splashed across them, courtesy of an innocuous-looking half-sphere that bubbled from the centre of his room's ceiling. A projector: a full three-hundred and sixty degrees of crisp, 4K imaging, switching between global scenes of serenity on a semi-regular basis. Today was a calming tropical forest, with a gentle breeze ruffling the leaves. The deep green hid the seams of the walls quite well, as was the purpose of the projector rather than simple aesthetic.

His current incarceration - well, that was a misunderstanding. Julian misunderstood how important it was that Vincent not be eaten by Dande- "Understudy for John Carpenter's The Thing" -lion. Just because the meat-moss gave itself a name doesn't mean it wasn't using the name to earn their trust and then suck out their insides through their noses while they slept. So Vincent hadn't exactly been 'welcoming', but Jesus Christ, he was twenty years old. Being grounded - grounded! - by a kid two years his junior inflamed him serious. And over schoolyard japes at best. Japes!

Vincent resumed his search, muttering foul nothings under his breath as he pressed his face back against the wall to feel for draughts and carefully slid his palms up and down, splaying his fingers out to seek out the hidden crevice. The projector splashed the rainforest across the back of his head and he squinted as the light hit his eyes.

A moment later, Vincent's eyes went wide as the power went out and the light shut off completely. Naturally, he thought. He'd seen the clock creeping towards 7PM some many minutes ago. More fool him, he supposed. He stepped back, dejected and frustrated and deciding if the light was out he may as well get some sleep. Less time spent conscious in idle boredom.

Except there was the faintest red line coming from the opposite side of the room, just barely visible; it was only as Vincent's vision adjusted better to the pitch darkness that he was able to make out the soft glow of what he now realised was the emergency lighting outside his room. Emergency lighting that wormed its way through the very, very slightly open partition in the wall of his dorm. Vincent grinned in the dark, jeering triumph replacing frustrated curses. Lights are gone except the one I was looking for, Vincent thought, wondering how he could rub that in Julian's face later. Wondering, in fact, how long and far he could make Julian chase after him before he got the opportunity to partake in some face-rubbing. Tracking device or no, he could still be a pain in the ass to pin down.

Vincent pulled on boots and a jacket as he moved towards the red light, and then with a practiced grip, pulled the wall apart. Either he'd gotten lucky and this was today's chosen wall regardless, or the powercut had knocked out whatever device kept them fastened - either way, the partition opened slowly but steadily, and with a little effort, Vincent was able to squeeze his lithe frame sideways through the gap, the hydraulics hissing and the wall clanking as it shut behind him. He took a deep breath. The air wasn't any fresher on this side of the wall - perhaps even a little danker without the AC of his room to purify the airflow - but Vincent liked the showmanship of it. More than that, though, he liked walking to the end of the corridor, focusing himself somewhat, and seeing the faintest shift and shimmer in the air as he folded the turn with a good estimate of the ground-floor elevator door.

When he stepped around the corner he found himself neither in the corridor leading to his dorm, as is expected from rational geometry and basic architectural rules, nor did he find himself stepping from the lift into the building's antechamber as he had envisioned and attempted to fold together. Instead it was the corridor one-up from his dorm, where most of the team bunked. He swore. Why here? Usually it worked or it didn't, there were rarely half-measures. What bastard piece of him bridged one bit of the penthouse with another bit of the penthouse?

He didn't know, but he made a mental note to strangle it with tactically-placed vodka bomb-strikes when he got his hands on it. The cheaper the better. Paint-stripper stuff. Hell, maybe actual paint-stripper.

The lights came back on, and Vincent groaned in frustration, lamenting the cartoonish timing of it all. He got his bearings on where exactly in the penthouse he was, and in doing so saw Big Red sat perfectly serene on a chair, staring straight at the wall. Like the current quota of freakiness contained within the flat wasn't quite hitting the mark.

"You know Julian's had lanterns downstairs for during the blackout, right?" He called out, half to see if the guy hadn't just died sitting straight up in the dark.

"I'm in my room. I know everything that's in here already. What's there to see?"

Vincent whistled a long, patronising whistle.
"What's there to see he says..." He said, not really replying but aware Red could hear him regardless; he walked off down the corridor and past Hana, throwing a thumb over his shoulder back at Red's room and pointing another finger at his own temple, making circular motions. Hana didn't respond, staring at him blankly as she carried on her way. Vincent scoffed and made his way to the room in this corridor he was most familiar with - Conor's - and once again held the image of the ground floor lobby in his mind as he reached out into reality and did some light reorganising. He opened the door, pushed on through towards a night on the town...

...and, when he found himself coming out of the kitchen fridge, swore loudly and held two middle fingers up and no one in particular. He only lowered them so he could turn around and fish out a beer from the fridge that suddenly stopped being Conor's dorm. He watched over the rim of the bottle, waving over-enthusiastically, and with not a small amount of pettiness, as Hana walked in.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Tackytaff
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Selene had taken her time to properly move into the penthouse. Initially it had been because she hadn't had anything to move in. It wasn't as though she'd had much space for any of her New Hampshire comforts when staying with the League, and well, Diana hadn't exactly given her time to pack. As it was, the only proof that Selene's room was in fact her own was a small framed picture from a family camping trip four years before. But finally, nearly three weeks after being in her new home the packages containing the remains of her old life had arrived and things had settled enough for there to be time to sort through it.

There was a great deal more than she'd been expecting. Her adoptive family had sent everything from middle school trophies to cards from her 10th birthday. Most of it didn't have a place decorating the walls of a would-be super-hero. But the overwhelming feelings of nostalgia had left Selene to spend the better part of the day sitting on the floor reliving old memories; reminders of her life and individuality before everything had gone sideways, and was grateful for it. It took a few hours to change out all the bedding, pin up the pictures of herself, family, and former school friends, and organize the piles of ridiculous fiction books. The result was underwhelming; unsurprisingly after her past year of experiences it all seemed rather juvenile to hold onto.

Selene sighed and pulled the last item from the boxes; a carefully packaged lamp wrapped in layers of bubble wrap. Whatever the room was, she decided it looked was better than the inhospitable grey that she'd been living in before. When she pulled the generic standard-issue lamp from the socket, her arm stung and twitched away as the panel itself fell from the wall to hang from a string of wires. For a brief moment she considered consulting Julian: While she didn't know the specifics about the building's history her experiences so far had proven that the workmanship was spotty at best if not completely absent in many areas of the penthouse. But her surface inspection deduced that a screw had simply come loose and it would be fine just to plug in the new lamp, after all the wiring itself had been working fine before, and what worry could little shock be to someone like herself? The moment she plugged into the outlet, there was an audible pop, and everything went dark.

Selene remained kneeling on her floor as feeling gradually returned to the left side of her body before suddenly deciding it was a lovely evening to go out. She jumped from the floor and with a double upward gesture and flew outside her open balcony doorway. Within seconds she was hovering over the roof of Edge tower, taken aback by the sun setting over the horizon of endless sea. There was a sudden pang of homesickness again, as memories of early morning trips along the East coast and a similar sunrise surfaced. She settled cross-legged on the rooftop, trying to admire the view while shielding her eyes from the glare until the sun completely disappeared and the spilling light from the upper level windows assured Selene the power had been fixed.

She returned through her room, where she very, very carefully pushed the socked back into the wall with a silent vow to never so much as look at it again before leaving to pass the gathering voices in the kitchen to the less-crowded lounge.

"Evening ladies," she greeted Cece and Gabi as cheerfully and casually as possible. "Watching something?" Not waiting for an answer or invitation, she slid over the back of the couch to take a seat.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by psych0pomp
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psych0pomp DOUBT EVERYTHING / except me... i'm cool

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hana wasn't aware the lights had gone out when they did. She had her earbuds in, rocking out in her usual fashion dancing atop her bed with her eyes squeezed shut. Her hand was clenched into a fist, and she belted into it like it was a microphone. Her voice was more tuneless than usual. Then the guitar kicked on. She opened her eyes to darkness. It was immediately disorienting, and she stumbled forward. Her foot caught on the edge of the bed and she went catapulting through the pitch. Her shoulder collided with something—bed, dresser, or dead body—and that sent her careening into something else—bed, dress, or yet another dead body. Her chin caught it and pain lanced up her jaw and down through her teeth. She was assured she’d just chomped down on her lip since all she could taste were pennies.

“Are you fucking kidding me! I thought the Luthors were fucking rich. Printing cash as easily as they took their golden shits.” Hana felt around for solid ground and pushed herself up—colliding the back of her head against something. It reminded her of growing up, and not having enough money to pay the electric bill. Food was important amid five boys and one Hana. Her mother would grab the massive batteries out of the freezer and stick them into the old, electric lanterns. They’d flicker on, giving everything a haunting sepia light. Hana conjured that imagery in her head, not wanting to play human wrecking ball anymore. The ring crackled with life, always feeling like she was touching her tongue against an active fuse. Green light poured into the room, and Hana saw that she had hit the dresser—twice. She punched it, her knuckles smarting against the hard surface. She felt better, though.

The eerie green light filtered through the room, not looking like it was emanating from lanterns. Instead, a round, fluorescent disco ball hung from the middle of the ceiling. “I guess that works,” she grumbled, pulling herself fully erect. She felt like she at her junior prom the way the thing glowed. Everyone doing the awkward penguin waddle and barely giving Jesus enough room between them. Brick, her ex-boyfriend, had poured Gem Clear into the punch bowl while staring down the teachers. As if the city paid them enough to give a shit. They probably had all been packing flasks. Now, though, she was alone in what looked like the set of a manic-pixie-dream-girl's quirky bedroom. Hana flopped, face first, on her bed. After porcine-like wallowing in her comforter, she leaned over and grabbed the tackle box that held her makeup. She needed to cover up her accident, or someone would open their goddamn mouth—and she’d have to goddam shut it. Hana couldn’t wait for the day that she could conjure up glowing green socks in the mouths of the annoying idiots. Oh, wait, not a sock… a condom. Hana smirked.

Sometime later, the lights cracked back on. Maybe Julian electrocuted himself? Still, she’d fixed her appearance—hiding her split lip with some red lipstick. Much like one couldn’t help but to click tongs, she smacked her lips together. The pain was immediate. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Nuts. Fuck.”

Cranky and sore, Hana slipped on a black tank with her band’s logo on it. She also wore ripped jeans and calf-high military boots. The metal of her jewelry clacked as she ran a hand through her chin-length green hair which matched her green eyes—and yes, it matched her entire superpower. She wasn’t about to be the Tacky Colored Lantern. Speaking of which, Hana spiked the green energy disco ball. It launched across the room and smashed into the wall in a flicker of light, much like a roman candle burning out.

Hana stepped out of her room and the next thing she was cognizant of was Vincent walking away. How far had she gone? Glancing around, she was aware of the corridor. Had she zoned out that hard? The back of her head ached, reminding her of the snooze button consistently being pressed on the alarm of her psyche. She shook her head and walked towards the kitchen, following the voices. She leaned against the entranceway of the area, glancing over Vincent—who had made it record time and already had a beer in hand. Lucky fucker, she thought, rubbing her head.

”What’s up, nerds?” She looked in Julian’s general direction. “So, what was that about? A penthouse-wide game of Seven Minutes in Heaven?” Her eyes went to Conor and Eilidh, not that the blind girl could have caught her curious glance. ”Speaking of which, where’s Red? It is dinnertime, and mama needs to get a slice of that fine beef.” She waggled her eyebrows.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Stormyx
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Stormyx Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 4 days ago

"What's the craic Eilidh?"

“Hmm, let me see here,” Eilidh answered, quick off the bat with a response for the Irishman while she poured into his mug. He smelled like books, and the black tea steam that came from his mug conjured an image in her mind’s eye of Conor as a studious figure in a candlelit library, nose to paper, brows furrowed deep in concentration. It was a comforting aroma, inducing a relaxed mood within her.

“Well I dinnae if ye ken,” she began, holding a deliberately theatrical pause, “but the lecky wen’ oot!” She didn’t have to talk so slowly around Conor, she liked that. There was an extra freedom in their conversations where she had to think a lot less. Still, she sold her words as if it was the first he would have heard of it - eyebrows raised and all - even if her irises sat steady and unmoving - staring right through him.

Whatever time for response he had, was swiftly taken by Dandelion who had arrived also, hoping for a cup too. Eilidh had felt them enter the kitchen before she heard them. Their full and heavy presence pushed back against the energy that she could already see. Dandelion was a large shadow in the room, but despite the ominous appearance, it was an unmistakable feeling of friendliness and good will that floated around. Strangely in a colour she wouldn’t have been able to give a name to, but knew the feeling of none-the-less. “Dandy, Dandy!” she sang out with a smile. “Tea ye can indeed have,” Eilidh grinned, her hands finding their way to a second mug that she’d already prepared. With a shake of the pot holding hand, she could estimate there were still a few cups worth of hot water in there. “Try dunkin’ ye biccie this time, promise ye’ll like it.”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

It seemed that Charity had impeccable timing as no sooner had she said her, hello, the galley was quickly overwhelmed with a flurry of activity. The fridge door suddenly swung open, an obviously irate Vincent emerging from within. Exasperation filled with face, exploding in a vulgar gesture of frustration that Cece instinctively winced at.

“Movie time?” A voice suddenly asked from Cece's right. Turning, she was greeted with the crumb-laden face and hands of Hayden standing beside her. The younger teen looked quite satisfied with the remnants of whatever uncooked processed product they had managed to procure from the freezer. Charity couldn't help but smile and shake her head.

"Hay-hay! You've got to start cooking your food," She scolded lightly. "And some vegetables probably wouldn't hurt either..." Cece smiled, taking a stride past Vincent towards the fridge. Placing a hand on the handle, Charity paused, turning back to Vincent.

"I'm not going to open this and then get sucked across the building right?" A smirk crossed her face as his expression wordlessly answered her question. Reaching inside, the blonde pulled out a carton of milk and poured a glass before turning around and presenting it to Hayden.

"This should help wash, 'those' down." She stated, motioning towards the destroyed box of nuggets. Holding the glass towards Hayden, Cece looked up to see Hana strolling towards the kitchen, fresh make-up applied. A closer look revealed a split lip hiding beneath the fresh coat of paint but Cece knew better than to ask. It was no doubt related to the penthouse's most recent 'blackout'.

"What’s up, nerds?" The other teen called out, looking away from the group and more in Julian’s general direction. "So, what was that about? A penthouse-wide game of Seven Minutes in Heaven?"

"What's Seven Minutes in Heav-" Charity began to ask Hana before thinking better of it mid-sentence. Given who the comment came from and that it involved being performed in the dark, Charity had a pretty good hunch she didn't need the details. "Y'know what, forget I asked," She stated quickly, her cheeks flushing quickly as Hana finished her remark about Redmond. Charity could speak up, remind Hana that Red wasn't simply there for them to ogle, or that she shouldn't be so quick to take advantage of the boy's eagerness. But she knew it was a waste of her breath and unnecessary conflict. She liked Hana and wasn't particularly keen to get on her bad side. Shaking her head again, Charity turned back to the youngest member of the team.

"Hay-hay! Yes, it is definitely movie time!" Walking down the hallway towards the lounge, Cece turned to Hayden again, "Promise me you won't be like that when you're older," She teased, a mischievous grin crossing her face. Entering into the lounge, Charity was surprised to find that it was empty, but none the less the more the merrier.

Evening.” Gabi's greeting was almost monotone as she turned towards the pair.

"Gabi-girl! Hey!" Charity exclaimed, "Hay-hay and I were going to put on a movie, did you want to join us?"

"Evening ladies," Another voice rang out, this one far more cheerful than Gabi's. "Watching something?" Selene asked while climbing over the back of one of the lounge's large sectionals.

"That's the plan, but the real question is what?" Cece asked, turning on the large screen across from the four teens. There were numerous streaming options available to the team. At least there were when the power stayed on. Picking something that everyone enjoyed was usually a nightmare. "Have anyone of you seen the new one about the hunky cop that moonlights as a superhero and falls for his partner? It's a bit of a rom-com, a bit of an action flick. Think it's a pretty good compromise?"

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Deja
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Deja Yeet me like one of your billionaires

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kevin hadn't stopped his journey into the gallery on a single-minded mission even as he barked out. Then the fridge came open unexpatantly starling him. Kev swore(or rather sputtered). Nostril's flared in the sight of birds flying however, if even it was instinctual. There was a 'kid' around. Dandy's disharmonious ring bounced in his ears like a jingle as he snuck on by with a graceful sidestep and smirk. He had to teach him what a bro-nod was soon Kev thought as he broadcasted one out to the group that was gathered there. The fact he had to nearly jog to the adjacent counter was enough to indicate what the accommodations could be like. He jerked a cabinet door open on recently greased hinges, a instant bowl in hand, agile hands making the whole ordeal on the backwall quick. He found the microwave with foil wrapped on it's handle, which made him glance back to the druid sheepishly. Before you know it Spitfire was leaning against the counter, staring at his meal warming up. The sounds of the kitchen ebbed as the greetings commenced, though cursing echoed from a hall.

The pyro thought about his newest friend Red. How do you misplace someone that big? What few times he'd searched for him it had often been his room. Poor guy, was he lonely or just confused, probably both with what stalked the halls of this place. Kevin did the math visually and sipped his noodled loudly, peeking around the corner of the galley seeing who he could spy. Hayden behind him, was someone Kev had met very recently. Cece, who they were pleading with earnestly, was however someone he'd gotten to know the best by observation. The firestarter had been sticking to the gym and its renovations for the past week and he guaranteed the busy social butterfly was getting her gizmos giddy hamming up her new friends and viewers. It brought back flashy memories of pre fight promotions and walkouts that he'd participated in as a kickboxer. Guess he couldn't be too much of a hypocrite he thought as he slurped down the bowl clutched before him. Most of the super sorority was here, except maybe one of the magic users. He snorted up a tiny fireball as he heard Hana rattle of to warm ears about the meat market they had around. Heck maybe that's where Red was Kevin assumed as he caught Gabi by the window. He raised his eyebrows in a meek greeting considering he'd been caught staring momentarily with a face full of noodles. Whoops.

The ceramic tinkled when his fork was barren. He could hear foreign accents behind him again. What could they be talking about? He eased back into the galley towards the sink, passing by the pond on his way. He gave quick glance over to Julian as he began to wash the bowl, another ritual compulsion that seemed to more good than harm for the feisty youth, youth that made him peek back over to Eilidh curiously as he recalled the matching age, then back to his new younger by a margin boss. What had he got himself into?

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Communal Kitchen // Edge Tower // Seattle
19:05HRS Local Time

Conor took a sip of the tea, relishing in the taste as he did so. He smiled at CeCe from behind his mug as she entered, offering everyone else a curt nod as they entered. With the exception maybe of Vincent, who came bursting through the fridge with his middle fingers up. To him Conor just rolled his eyes. Once 'Dandy' had entered the fray he kept a cautious eye on the alien as he sat sipping his cup of tea. He reached to the tray of biscuits and picked one up, taking a bite off it as he allowed the chaos around the room to continue. Focusing on Eilidh, he chuckled slightly as she looked at him deadpan asking if he noticed the power had went out.

"I know I'm from the sticks in Ireland hen, but I do notice the difference when the powers out." He watched as people started to trickle out of the room, the promise of a movie night taking them to new pastures. He was never that interested in the idea behind movies, or TV. He hadn't grown up with either of them and frankly, he didn't have time for them. The time these non-magi spent infront of a screen was ridiculous. As much as he liked CeCe these days she was one of the most chronically afflicted. She didn't seem happy unless she had her smartphone in her hands. She had once passed comment about updating Conor 'to the modern age' but he had promptly shut that down.

His phone sent texts, it made calls. That's all he needed.

As people began to trickle out of the room he smiled at Eilidh, force of habit more than anything. "So you goin' to go listen in to this film then? I'm naw, if you fancy the company that is."

Interacting directly with: Eilidh @Stormflyx
Interacting indirectly with: Everyone in the communal kitchen.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Renegade's HQ
Varo Yelkian

The air of Varo's room was coated with the smell of sweet-smelling incense with brightly lit candles set strategically around the room. Giving off just enough light to barely see where Varo was. Sitting cross-legged in the middle of the room and with two incense burners in front of him. Wearing only a pair of pants and breathing in and out calmly and in a meditation stance. The fact that the power was out clearly is not bothering him. Having unintentionally prepared for the event if the power does go out. In fact, the candles were there for his own personal use, which is for his meditation. Something he was taught by his father after he was attuned to Zraa. The meditations were supposed to help keep the connection to Zraa strong but, for Varo. They were a means of relaxation and reflection for him. More so after they crashed on Earth and his father died. Something that Varo still sad about. It is a human saying that time heals all wounds but, Varo, he hopes that is true.

Getting used to Earth and its people has been a... interesting experience. A primitive race that has yet to grace the stars with their presence, and because of that. Not used to seeing aliens like himself. Apparently, the infamous criminal Lobo was the first to visit the world that the humans know of. Not really the best example, and Varo remembered how the humans at the hospital where he was taken to after the crash were nervous about his intentions. The first thing he remembers about that was waking up being in restraints. That was just fun, him being sarcastic about it as he pushed the thought away.

His teammates, for that matter, were..... mixed. Apparently, the idea of him being an alien and a sorcerer is an unheard-of thing for humans. They have magic, and their sorcerers, Conor and Selene being good examples of that. Is it that hard to believe that other races have access to magic as well? Granted, his magic is something unique to Elaians, his father's people. How many magics do you get from a single star? It has certainly a popular topic among his teammates. To both his pleasure and dismay, since some seem to be very curious about it. Like Charity and her followers. It can be truly exhausting to be around her in particular but, at least not all of them are nosey.

Varo continued to meditate until he noticed that the lights had come back on. "So the power is back, eh." Opening his eyes and giving a small smile. "Well, I think I have done enough meditation for tonight." So Varo got up and went to put out the candles. One by one before putting his incense away. It might note the ideal incense, and he misses his old ones but, this human incense is better than nothing. Having done that, Varo went to his closet and put on a black t-shirt. Then leaving his room and headed to the kitchen. Overhearing something about watching a movie and posed a question to the group. "A movie, we are going to see a movie?
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Gabi-girl! Hey!"

Gabi smile began to fade somewhat once she realized who it was that had entered the lounge behind her. It seemed her plan to avoid Cece had not been all that successful. With the number of people living here, you would think it would be easy to avoid someone if you wanted to. As if on impulse, a small voice in the back of her head began to mutter possible excuses she could make in order to escape this situation, however, before one had even formed, she found a genuine smile escaping her lips as Hayden appeared from behind Cece.

"Hay-hay and I were going to put on a movie, did you want to join us?" Cece stepped further into the room as she spoke, moving towards the remote for the television.

The temptation of turning towards an excuse crossed Gabi’s mind once more at the question, with the doorway looking more and more appealing by the second. She remained still, however, feeling herself nodding in response. If Cece was making the effort to include her, she may as well be amicable. Besides, she had been craving some company and wasn’t about to go sit in the dark by herself again.

Sure, why not!” She exclaimed. She knew the answer to that ‘why not’ though, and secretly hoped that others would come quickly to help bolster the awkwardness.

However, that awkwardness was only bolstered by more awkwardness, as while eyeing the doors for salvation, found herself locking eyes with Kevin. The fiery boxer stood just within the kitchen, noodles dripping down his chin. Given how they had rarely spoken outside of the gym, such an act absolutely perplexed her. What this what boys did down in Gotham? Gabi paused, trying to work out what was happening, before realizing at probably the exact moment as Kevin did, that he had been lost in his thoughts. She returned a polite nod, still perplexed, and beginning to regret her decision to stay even more.

Her doubts were lifted however by the appearance of Selene, who greeted them all cheerfully before climbing over the back of the nearest sofa. "Watching something?"

She let out a silent sigh of relief upon seeing her, finally moving away from the window and towards the sofas, ruffling Hayden’s hair affectionately as she passed.

"That's the plan, but the real question is what?" Cece asked in response to Selene, the television erupting into life at the touch of the remote.

I’m fine with anything really.” She shrugged in response, as she lowered herself into the spot next to Selene, giving her a warm smile and a nod as she made herself comfortable amongst the cushions. It was the truth; Gabriele never really watched many films during her youth. They had a television, sure, but that was mostly put to use playing her mother’s favourite soaps or running one of the many black and white films from her father’s VHS collection. She had usually spent this time tucked up in a book or doing chores. Since coming to America and seeing how ingrained in the people’s lives this colourful box could be, she had started to regret that decision, and had set a goal to watch as much as she possibly could.

That works for me.” She said, nodding at Cece's suggestion of the superhero-themed rom-com, before laying her axe to rest on the glass coffee table in front of her, finally at ease. She gave a little laugh before continuing "We should probably take notes for our first mission!"

She was so at ease in fact, that she didn’t even find herself taking a second glance as their blue-skinned teammate, Varo, made an appearance. Such a sight would have left her on edge, mere weeks ago, but in the short time she had been here, she had gotten used to the man from the stars. That was definitely not something she thought she would ever find herself thinking.

It took her a couple of seconds to process his question, with her immediately sympathizing with his confusion. While she knew how it felt to be far from home and how confusing things could be here, it was probably nothing compared to how Varo probably felt. Life here probably felt so… alien, to him. It was tough.

We’re just watching a movie here Varo.” She asked, before gesturing to one of the sofas. “Come join us.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 8 days ago


Julian had swung by his own quarters on his way to the kitchen, dropped off his tools and changed his clothes. Taken off the greasy pants and spotted black T-shirt he had been wearing, instead opting for a white T-shirt, dark purple cardigan on top and a pair of black business-casual slacks. He pulled the black loafers around hs feet as he grabbed the cup of coffee from his own coffee maker in his room, as well as a piece of toast. His toaster made the simple butter and cheese sandwich in such a way that remind him of a motherly figure he had never known. It was simple, rustic. And it felt like home. He pulled up his phone and ran some quick diagnostics. This was the fifth day in a row that power went out at 7, and he wasn't quite sure why yet. Edge sure cut corners when building this place, but something like that sure was crazy. He pulled up the information from his display on the phone into the air, a holographic projector in the roof - same kind that's torturing Vincent, in fact. Produced a 3D image of what he was looking at. The blueprints of the penthouse. The vents had a '96%' Next to them, indicating that Julian's robots were cleaning out vermin and dirt from the webs, getting rid of that stale air. The robots looked like small black pucks, baby-Roombas Cece had called them when she sas them once.

He took a sip of the coffee. Did some more diagnostics with his free hand and when he didn't have to, his hand found it's way to his left, holding the cup. Tracing the ring on his finger. It had been a year since he put it on - not taken it off. He knew that everyone else in the house knew the story of Julian Luthor - Lost son of Lex Luthor. Tense relationship with his estranged dad. 18-year old super genius who's made nr.1 on '20 under 20' list. The kid who was asked to join his dad as an executive for Lexcorp but who decided to spend his year traveling the world instead.

While Julian knows that three years ago, he didn't exist at all, and it wasn't until two years ago that he became 'him' to begin with. Before that he was just a science project. A weapon of mass destruction housed in the body of a teenager. He was a 6'0 sized extinction level event. He wasn't sure why he kept that fact hidden. But he couldn't shake how using his 'gifts' made his entire body crawl. It filled him with unreasonable dread. He feared what he could do without the little bit of gold and blue on his finger. There were nights when he was haunted by how he hurt Doctor Kirk, punched Superman into the atmosphere and how he could've destroyed all of Star City if the Manhunter hadn't stopped him. He was meant to be Project Outmatch. The greatest weapon. But now, he's a teenager with anxiety over jewelry.

The ring had been on his finger for half his life. And frankly he thought he hadn't begun living until he put it on. Yet, it felt a lot heavier than the 76 grams it weighed. If he took it off, he could do so much more. His hands fiddled with it. A part of him wanted power. He hated not being in control, yet he's able to freely give it away - he had the choice to install cameras into every bedroom in the penthouse and connect it to his mainframe, but he choose not to.
He wasn't his father. He let go of the ring.

Waved away the holographics and walked back up to the kitchen. The door automatically opening and closing as he passed with a soft pssh-sound. He fixed his half-rim glasses position on his face as he entered the kitchen, finding it bursting with life, Dandelion and Hana arriving soon after himself. He nodded at Conor and Eilidh.

"Glad to see everyone's enjoying having the power back." He exclaimed cheerfully, only to hear loud swear words from the fridge as Vincent stepped out of it. Julian smirked.

"I'm glad to see that Professor Adrian Hopkins hypothesis about red lights and messing with the body's own GPS is proven yet again. Thanks for participating in the experiment, Vinny." The ginger said with a coy smile, taking another sip from his mug. Clearly, he had planned the extra bright emergency lighting outside of Vincent's room after the last blackout. That's for interrupting my beauty sleep.

Hana arrived, barking about the lights going out. Julian scoffed at the idea of seven minutes in heaven. He had only recently learnt what it was, and never had the chance to experience it himself. He blushed ever so slightly, quickly taking a swig from his mug to hide any sign of it.

In the next room, in the lounge, he heard the talks of a movie. He needed cultural education same as many others in the penthouse, but if he had to see another Ric Bruceson film with Cece, he might just figure out a way to chemically euthanize a kryptonian.

"I'll pass on the movie." He leader of the group quickly decided. Dandelion showed up and Julian was still amazed by how the entire floor seemed to sway under the mass the creature carried. "How we feeling tonight, Dandelion?". They asked him if there were anything they could help with around the penthouse, and Julian nodded. "Yeah, I could use your help with fixing the air-conditioning later. It's getting wonky. Gabi keeps getting all of the cold air into her room, mine's like a jungle. Your nimble fingers makes you excellent at handling a screwdriver." It was a little bit of a lie, Julian could fix it himself, but he wanted to teach Dandelion useful skills, explain the world and an excuse to hangout with the unusual kid was always welcome.

Finding Dandy had been the team's first hurrah. Him, Vincent and Conor had expected to fight their way through an alien infestation and all they found was one, very dense kid.
Speaking of dense kids. He shot a stern look at Hayden for eating all of the nuggets. He didn't mind. But he still wanted to instill some manners into the young dino-man.

He noticed that Morrow and Varo weren't here. He quickly grabbed his phone and shot Morrow a text, asking him if he felt like playing Julian in chess. He figured that challenging Vincent to pool would be a non starter today. He had already pissed the physics-bender off enough for the day.

He responded to Kevin's nod with a nod of his own, Varo walked in, perhaps also looking for a cup of tea. He asked about the movie
"Oh yeah. Ric Brucesson: In the name of love's coming up. It's a good one." Julian joked, moving away to the activity room where the pool table and chessboard were placed, waiting the eventual arrival of Morrow's progeny.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Bank of the West
1191 2nd Ave Ste. 120, Seattle

The bank was still and quiet. Lights turned off, the occasional ‘beep, beep, beep’ of the armed security system echoing throughout the building. The floors gleamed and shined from having recently been cleaned, desks were cleared with folders arranged neatly for the next day's work. For now all was still, and all was well.

Suddenly a wall came crashing down, a tall masked figured crashing through it. Three more came after him, shirts torn and bursting with muscle that would make the most ardent bodybuilder feel pathetic in comparison. The lead man turned to the last to come through the wall, pointing at him and then the hole in the wall. “Espera aquí.” The rearguard nodded as the rest of them moved further into the building, at this point the alarm was ringing out, lights had turned on. Yet the three men that pushed their way farther into the bank didn’t seem to care. Barging their way through doors that they barely fit through deeper into the bank until they came to a bank vault. The leader chuckled as he rubbed his hands together, grabbing around the door he chuckled as he started to pull at the door. It creaked and groaned.

Inaudible over the grunting and groaning of the leader trying to pull off the vault door two feet walked through the door, a slight humming of his companion beside him.

“Eh Ehm.” The masked men didn’t seem to notice the sound.

“Eh EHM.” Still nothing. Looking around he picked up a piece of debris and threw it at the leader, it bounced off his head causing them all to turn around to face the new arrival.

“Qué cojones?” The man stood there feeling proud of himself, arms on his hips in the most heroic pose he could think off.

“I believe you’ll find that the bank is now closed.” He flashed the masked men his trademark grin. “I’m going to have to place you all under arrest now.”

“WOAH!” Booster ducked as the man heaved, pulling the door to the vault off its hinges and threw it at him. Barely avoiding it before it went crashing through the wall behind him. Skeets flew up to avoid it lazily.

“Sir, I did advise against this course of action. It is highly unlikely you will be able to take all three in a fair fight.”

Booster scowled up at the robot. “I managed with the one at the wall.”

“That’s because you snuck up on him, sir.”

“I think you’ll find that sneaking up on someone is a perfectl-” A fist crashed into his face. As he had been arguing with the little robot one of the two masked men had decided to take the opportunity to sneak up on him. He spat blood looking up, he rolled to avoid a second blow, landing on his back fists up he threw bolts of energy at the man knocking him back onto his feet. “See Skeets I-”

“Behind you!” Booster pushed up from the ground, his suit allowing him to hover in the air momentarily as the other man came rushing past where he had just been. Boosters smile was wiped on his face when the man in the mask reached up, grabbed Booster's legs and swung him in an arc and down onto the ground.

Skeets hovering above looked down at Booster. “Perhaps I should try and see if the League is finished with their mission and are able to-”

Booster brought his head up to meet that of the man who was now trying to pin him. As he recoiled, Booster fired a blast of energy at the man’s hands that were still clamped around his ankles. The air was knocked out of him as the one from before brought his elbow down on Boosters stomach forcing him to double over.

“No, no. This is fine.”

Rolling to avoid a second blow he managed to find his way onto his feet; just in time to plant his fist squarely in the centre of one of his attackers groin. If they weren’t going to play fair, neither was he.

“Wait, wasn’t there three of them?” Before he knew what happened he felt a foot kick into the square of his back throwing him across the room, head first into a wall where he collapsed into an undignified heap.

“Oh dear, he hates waking up in a heap.” As their attention was now cast towards Skeets, the little robot didn’t hesitate in shooting off through the hole in the wall created by the vault door. If the League wasn’t available to help, surely someone would be.

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