Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 1 day ago

Uehara Shou

Setting up days off on his class schedule was one of the best decisions Shou had made in his short time at Fusang. As exhausting as the days in between could be, having these free days gave him ample time to explore the city. For the moment, that was what had enraptured him; he was, of course, no stranger to city life, but a city life without anyone breathing down his back?

That was something he only could have dreamed of until now.

And to have had the luck to have summoned a Servant on top of that? 'Luck' wasn't the best way to describe it, especially given the amount of Servants already walking through the city, but it was most definitely more fortune than he had been expecting.

That being said, it was still a day off, and with the academic year only having just now started, there wasn't actually much left for him to do.

On the upside, though, it was lunchtime, and the Rider at his side seemed more than willing to try out some food with him. There was an American burger restaurant that had apparently recently set up shop here in the city, and with his only experiences with burgers having been fast food...

Well, this seemed like a good a time as any to try something new for once.

The restaurant itself was, unsurprisingly enough, bustling with activity. A majority of the other people who came here were students, as far as he could tell, and the clean (though slightly rustic) feel of the decor seemed to do a good enough job at keeping them from feeling out of place. A lot of people seemed to be taking their meals to go—probably so they could meet with their friends or something—but the sight of a few open tables caught the onmyoji's eye as he walked inside.

"Anything you want to try?" he asked the woman at his side as he stared up at the signboard overhead. The amount of variety was... Surprising to him, but given where they were in line, he had a bit of time to choose.


Alter Ego — Meltryllis

It went without saying that the purple-haired Alter Ego sitting on the couch in front of her was by no means pleased with the current state of affairs. Her Master, foolhardy as she was, had decided that taking an arrow to the shoulder in her stead was the best course of action. Though she had managed to prevent damage to her Servant, the fact that the young woman (who was, at this point in time, sleeping as whatever medications she had been given did their job) had decided that putting herself in mortal peril for someone like herself...

It was, quite frankly, suicidally absurd. And after all she had tried to keep her distance...

Annoying. That was the only way she could describe it.

Of course, the ever-irritating AI that seemed to love meddling in her affairs seemed to have quieted down ever since the incident—which, quite frankly, she was a bit of a reprieve from being shipped about—which gave Meltryllis time to roam about the city on her own terms. This city was far more different from the world that she knew of, after all, and staying holed up inside that cramped apartment would only serve to make her want to fly free anyways.

With all that said, the Alter Ego still returned back to Nanako's apartment once her curiosity for the day had been sated. However long that took varied, of course, but for the moment, a simple morning sweep of the nearby blocks was sufficient.

All that was left to do now was wait.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 18 min ago

Mihama Nanako


The brunette's eyes slowly fluttered open. Aaah... she'd slept so heavily... it was the painkillers again. Even though her arm was useable again, that didn't mean that she could stop using the medication she'd been prescribed yet. Even if the wound was gone without a trace from the outside, it still start aching if she neglected to take the painkillers.

Really, she'd grown used to it by this point.

Not that she didn't hope it wouldn't last any longer(in fact, she'd been assured it wouldn't), but for the time being she understood that there wasn't really any choice in the matter. She'd taken a crossbow bolt from a Servant through her arm . If not for the facilities found in Fusang, the healing magecraft at their disposal, Nanako could have ended up with permanent damage.

She was thankful that wasn't the case.

But she didn't regret what she'd done, either. That bolt... it wasn't going to miss. She knew it. She'd watched them get closer and closer to piercing her Servant straight through the heart.

She couldn't let that happen. So she had to do something, and the only thing that came to mind... it was using her own body as a shield.

Slowly she sat up, stretched... and noticed the time.

"It's noon!?"

The fact Nanako followed that exclamation by practically falling out of bed couldn't have helped.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Fusang was not quite as she had expected. She had hoped it would be lively - and it was. With as many servants running around as there was, it was hard not to get word of something interesting or fun happening. If not, she usually just made her own fun. Picking up the guitar and just starting a random jam session on a street somewhere was always fun...and sometimes ended with having to make herself scarce. Some people just had no appreciation for talent. Or her good looks.

The servant at her side too, at least kept things interesting. She was a bit hesitant when she had summoned a berserker, having wanted someone a bit more musically inclined, but she couldn't deny Scylla at least made things fun more often than not.

Well, as long as she didn't let her get too carried away.

"Agh, ugh...man I need to stop staying up so late." She grumbled, yawning as she found herself in line. She adjusted the guitar case hanging from her shoulder. "Order anything ya want. I'm gonna get me a cheeseburger."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 20 hrs ago


Scylla seemed to be in a rather good mood today. Which was good for basically anyone around her. She was mostly content to the chaos that following Thalia around the city seemed to bring about. While her jam sessions where questionable at times, it was always funny getting a first person view of Thalia escaping. Today though, that master of hers was extremely tired. "Anything I want, hmm?" Scylla said with a rather wide smile. "Well, you do have many mouths to feed here and it's hard to judge, but'll eat everything I order, dear master~." The monster mentioned with a gleeful smile crossing her pale white face.

She stumbled up to the counter top and took the responsibility of ordering for the both of them. The person taking orders was taken aback at Scylla's appearance first of all. Her tattered outfit and disheveled look was slightly offputting. Still, he stood tall. "Hello, may I take your order?"

Scylla smiled as she scanned over the menu quickly to refresh her brain on what she wanted. "You may. It's a big one." The servant took a breath in and out. "I want a cheeseburger combo, large. A triple cheeseburger combo. Five additional triple cheeseburgers. Four of the larger sized nuggies. Three large fries and that salad thing since I was told I should go on a 'diet'. Pfft." Outside of the one cheeseburger combo, she planned to eat everything else and there was no saying no at this point. After all, she was told anything she wanted. After that, the worker looked in awe and read back the order to confirm correctness. With her confirmation, she left the payment to Thalia and went to sit in one of the available booths. "Woooo, food~"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 12 days ago


Xiaoyu had one too many busy days ever since she arrived at this peculiar, supposedly modern, city. She had to find a proper home, get used to living with her Servant, and above it, all, go out under this scorching, blazing sun.

Talking about her Servant. Xiaoyu could never expect to be as lucky as she was when it came to that. She was sure that if this were a normal Holy Grail War, she would have won before even trying. "More importantly, she's really cute. I would never think someone like her would be a girl, though," she thought about the blonde Saber while they made their way to a local restaurant.

"Are you fine with this, Saber? I read something about a King in a magazine ad about this place, but it certainly doesn't look like a place used to feeding royalty," Xiaoyu asked her Servant as she flipped a magazine's pages. The ad she talked about wasn't even for this restaurant chain, but it didn't look like a recluse mage such as Xiaoyu would even be capable of understanding that just because a business had King in their name it didn't mean they were a restaurant for royalty.

"We are here already, we might as well try the food before leaving," Xiaoyu thought as she entered the establishment, still bearing a confused look in her eyes.

"I want one of your spiciest dish, please," the smallish girl said after finally getting the attention of one of the attendants. "You may ask for whatever is it you want, Saber. I suppose we can't go away without experiencing what kind of food this land has to offer."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Erika Maidandora

"Mm, the menu here seems rather exquisite, wouldn't you agree?"

Looking around the restaurant, a blonde-haired young woman wore a mysterious smile as she surveyed the place. Her small, adorable companion was no doubt already aware what Erika was referring to, especially given she had yet to acknowledge what kind of food this place served. Erika's attention was devoted solely to the lovely ladies that happened to be dining at this establishment; magi, Masters and Servants all mingling in one place, an impossible scenario made reality by the amusing quirks of fate.

"I suppose we can forego one of your delicious meals, Saber~" Erika cheerfully suggested, taking her place at the end of the line, "What we must do here is quite important, after all~"

With so many of her precious maids left at home, it was a perfect opportunity to hire some more from Fusang itself! Her Servant also looked amazing in a maid outfit! If words alone were somehow insufficient to convince anyone to don the outfit, one look at Benienma's adorable form would cinch it.


Rider - Lady Trieu

"Well... could prob'ly try that... and that thing. Ooh, that sounds nice, let's get that! ...A bit of that, too..."

The tall Servant, studying the signboard overhead, was worryingly listing pretty much every food item on offer. Paying no heed to her poor Master's wallet capacity, the cheerful Rider-class Servant kept on adding to her mounting order. Just about all of this food would be new to her, after all. Why not give it all a fair try? As far as she was concerned, someone else could have anything she didn't like.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


There was no mistaking the underlying meaning in her Master's words... but that didn't mean that she was going to encourage her any further. Such a flirtatious tongue would only lead her to ruin if not tampered with some common sense and with three Servants already present here, it was a terrible place to be so careless. Beyond that, the tiny Servant was herself interested in the food; she could hardly be called an expert of American-style cuisine. She had even brought a notebook along in case any new information came up.

"That Servant appears to agree. I hope the kitchen can keep up, dechi," Beni-Enma said, lining up beside Erika and hoping her size would make her not attract too much attention. This outfit shared the same practical purpose as her normal clothing but it was so much more... attention-grabbing. And harder to move in, hopefully they wouldn't need to fight.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 18 min ago

Saber - Artoria Pendragon

To be summoned again into a Grail War after the fifth war concluded with its destruction was already unexpected. But to be summoned under circumstances such as this...

The King of Knights could never have guessed at this outcome.

This was a city in a future she could never have expected. Servants, magecraft, it had all become common knowledge. This island... a place where Servants were freely summonable. A city of Servants and magi who had summoned them. There was no war. The purpose in summoning Servants here was to learn from them, to utilize them as partners to tackle the future of mage society, and use the past to create the present.

It was almost entirely foreign to her. She had answered the call out of duty, unexpected as it was, and now...

She had already been Xiaoyu's Servant for a little while now, and it was difficult to get used to this situation. But she had answered this call. On her honor as a knight, she would not fail in her duty, even if it was an unexpected one.

That duty was to act as Xiaoyu's knight, and...

She wanted to understand. She wanted to understand this city, this Fusang. This place where the past and future met in such a way. This beacon of humanity, past and present.

But at the moment...

"This establishment may not appear to be impressive, but the scent of the food is rather appealing, Master," the Saber began, "I believe they utilize fresh ingredients without a freezer on premise."

She paused for a moment, glancing at the menu before placing her order.

"I would like the Triple Imperial with Cheese, thank you."

It was the largest, and most elaborate, burger on the menu.

@KoL@Rune_Alchemist@Pyromania99@RolePlayerRoxas@Raineh Daze
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 1 day ago

Uehara Shou

Though the desire to try everything could have been seen as admirable in some regard, doing so at the expense of having to eat nothing but burgers for the rest of the week wasn't something he was all too excited about. Sure, he could afford everything she was ordering, but whether he would or not was a different matter altogether. Given that he was still the one with the wallet, though, it was still up to him whether or not to carve into his funds for the month. With the power of holding the purse strings on his side, the young man made the executive decision to simply... Not buy everything.

"Let's not get carried away here," he cut in, holding his hand up in an attempt to stop his Servant from continuing to rattle off everything on the menu. "We're here to eat lunch, not order catering for a party. Think about how long it'd take to get everything; we may as well be here until dinner, and I don't think only eating a good way to spend the rest of the day."

With his reasoning (hopefully) sound enough to convince the Rider, Shou finally took some time to look over the menu itself. Beyond the standard burgers, there were a few odder ones on the menu, which made his Servant's desire to try everything all the more understandable.

Didn't mean he'd renege on his statement now, though.

With that, the young man walked up to the counter to place his order; he'd let his Servant decide on something more rational for her order. Or, well, hopefully she'd decide on something more rational when her answer wasn't 'everything on the menu'. Stepping in again wasn't something he really wanted to do, but if it was the budget at stake, he'd bite the bullet regardless.

"I'll have a Shoyu Yuzu Burger, some fries, and a small drink," he said, handing his card to the cashier before stepping off to the side to let Trieu make her own statement. In the interim, though, the college student slowly let his gaze pan around the restaurant, only to notice that a few people he recognized were also here with what seemed to be their Servants. Given that they were all happened to be in the same course with that former Lord at the helm and had spoken briefly before, it was hard not to recognize them. Of course, the young man was respectful enough to give each a light wave and a slight smile before the cashier handed him his card, along with a device to notify him when their order was done and a receipt for the order. With a bow and a statement of thanks, Shou stepped out of the way as he moved towards a table to eat at.

He could look at the receipt again there.


Alter Ego — Meltryllis

The sound of a scream followed by an exaggerated 'thump' of a body hitting the floor clued Meltryllis in to what was going on inside of her Master's room. She had been getting tired of waiting around, but to get up in such an undignified manner (and possibly injuring herself right after recovering from a wound) was...

Impressive. Not in a good way, of course, but impressive nonetheless.

Casually walking over to Nanako's room and pushing the door open with the spike on her knee, the Alter Ego leaned against the doorframe and glanced over at the mess on the floor.

"Well? Have you finally awoken, sleeping beauty? Or is your brain still too addled after deciding to take your first step out of bed with your face today?" she asked, crossing her arms as she gave the young woman another once-over. "Though I suppose you don't have much else to worry about today..."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



"...I'll just have...a cheesburger." Thalia gave her own order. Right. Scylla was ravenous in all meanings the word could be applied to. She still had trouble keeping that in her head. "Large drink...sorry about that." She'd laugh, slipping an extra few dollars in as a tip with the order. She would heft the guitar over her shoulder and wait for their order after that, not particularly bothering to say hi or take interest in anything else.

Instead, she would walk back over to Scylla, taking a seat across from her...and bonking her right on top of the head with the side of her hand. Not hard, of course. She didn't want to actually piss off the actually crazy anger fueled mythical squid monster.

"I know you're actually crazy, but goddamn it I'm not an infinite source of money." She would sigh, leaning back in her seat. "Ah, forget it I shouldn't have said 'whatever you want'." Not that she minded in the end. She was at least somewhat successful both on the internet and in real life with her gig work.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 12 days ago


It probably was strange to see a Servant that had more awareness of the modern world than her Master. Nevertheless, such seemed to be the case between Xiaoyu and Saber. It wasn't rare for the young magus to catch herself thinking deeply about her partner's casual comments about life. Even now as she reflected on Saber's explanation that this was indeed a good place to have lunch. It looked lively too, so she decided to trust the other girl's words, nodding as she placed her order.

"This place is suspiciously full of people I know. I wonder if that's normal in such a big city," Xiaoyu said to herself in a thoughtful tone after being waved at by a boy she had some vague recollection of. Looking around, she caught sight of some others, which made her doubts grow.

"Come, Saber, let's find a table. I doubt our orders will get ready soon with this place so crowded as it's," Xiaoyu said to Saber before finding a place conveniently close to the boy. When she arrived there, she returned his greeting with a casual "Hello there" as she took a seat and waited for Saber to do the same.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 18 min ago

Mihama Nanako


Slumping entirely off the bed, then rising into a sitting position, Nanako lamented what a mess her wakeup must have looked like. Melt had plenty of reasons to poke fun at her already, and that just gave her more! ... She paused for a moment, glancing at her right arm and experimentally moving it up and down.

The soreness was barely present now.

"Eh-heheh..." Still embarrassed by literally rolling out of bed, the brunette scratched the back of her head, giving a smile to her Servant, "You know, I actually do feel a lot better today, I think... Do you want breakfast?"

Sure, it was a little bit late for breakfast, but not only did it provide an easy way to change the subject quickly from her embarrassing fall out of bed, but Nanako was quickly realizing that she really felt very hungry, and maybe getting something to eat would help her get a little bit more into the swing of things for the day.


Saber - Artoria Pendragon

"Perhaps they were inspired by seeing others come here?"

The Saber-class Servant sat down at the table across from her Master. She supposed that was the case, though it was something of an odd coincidence... not that she knew exactly what that could mean. This city was still so strange to her. But... Perhaps they were planning for some sort of combat mov-

She paused.

That line of thought was unlikely. Certainly, there were Servants all over the cafe, but this was no army in some sort of Great Holy Grail War, or anything of the sort. This was simply people enjoying food, be they Master or Servant.

It remained difficult to get used to this atmosphere given her previous summons.

... Their orders might not arrive soon...?

At that note, it was difficult for Artoria not to show any signs of impatience. She wanted to try the food here... but being so impatient would surely be unbecoming...

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 20 hrs ago


Scylla glared at her master as she was smacked. A small growling noise could be heard in the back of her throat though she didn't do anything. Then, a grin creepily grow across her face. "Hehe. Well, that's fine. I already ordered for you, so now I have extra food to eat." The grin rested on her face rather steadily, "You're right. You shouldn't have told me I can order whatever I want... Though, I'd do it anyway." She mentioned with a shrug before looking around the restaurant. There seemed to be a number of what she would assume to be servants. They tended to stand out amongst a normal crowd of humans after all.

"Say, Master. Which of these servants do you think would be the most tasty?" The sea monster asked, licking her lips as if she was looking at some fancy buffet. "The blondie sitting down would probably be pretty good... The tall one?" She seemed slightly less interested in her, though. "Ahh, but then there's that delectable tiny looking one there." Scylla added, pointing to a certain bird standing in line and licking her lips again. She was quite obviously hungry. "Which one is more to your taste, master?"

@VitaVitaAR@Rune_Alchemist@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze@RolePlayerRoxas
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 18 min ago

Tsugihara Runa

There were an awful lot of her classmates here today... noticing one of them, Uehara Shou, waving to her, the girl noncommittally waved back.

To be honest, she didn't really care so much to be here.

This food was not her usual fare, but she hadn't the time to pick anything else up... and the quality at least seemed decent.

Runa sighed slightly. Certainly, Beni-Enma could have cooked for her, but she didn't have any ingredients on hand... ah, how bothersome to have to go shopping for groceries soon...

"... Saber, the staff appear to at the very least be efficient here, correct?" she asked, glancing towards the tiny girl at her side. Her Saber, to be honest, was something of a prize. She synchronized with the Tsugihara family's magecraft perfectly. A figure right out of a Japanese fairytale, she was an ideal Servant for someone such as herself. And there were... other reasons that Runa felt Beni-Enma was a perfect Servant for her, but she was hardly about to mention any of those.

Efficient and careful staff would make for a better quality meal, and given Beni-Enma ran a service establishment herself it seemed logical to get her opinion. From where they sat, they could see into the kitchen, the staff putting all their effort into grilling patties, assembling burgers, and frying various foods. It was difficult to get a sense of how it all tasted thus far, but if the staff were doing a good job then perhaps that would indicate that the food would be good as well?

@Raineh Daze@PKMNB0Y
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


The tiny heroic spirit looked around at the restaurant again before chirping the affirmative, "The lines aren't getting longer and everyone has the correct order." Of course, there was more to it than that, but she didn't exactly have a good view of the kitchen to assess their actual skill or efficiency in that domain nor how they would handle an actual emergency or an immediate surge in customers.

Of course, she would have been the first to object to her Master eating in a subpar environment, so the question was entirely unnecessary.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 1 day ago

Uehara Shou

Shou returned the sole acknowledgement to his existence with a smile as he took a seat, pulling out his phone to check on the day's news (and to refresh himself on what he had to finish before the next lecture) as he waited for their food to finish cooking. There wasn't anything pressing to discuss—not at this point in time, at least—but a single article did catch his attention.

"An explosion at a dorm? That seems... Less than ideal," he mused to himself, slowly scrolling through the details before his buzzer began to light up. Their burgers had taken less time to prepare than he had expected, but it was hard to hold back his curiosity about how this odd Japanese-American fusion burger would even taste like in the first place.

After paying and bring the platter of food back to the table, Shou unboxed his burger and, after looking at it in mild curiosity, decided to simply let his curiosity play out and took a bite.

"...Mmm. Not bad."

The odd mix of sour and salty notes on a burger was not by any means unpleasant, and when mixed with the vegetables layered within, Shou could reasonably see why this odd specialty burger was still being sold.

Before he could even get halfway through his meal, though, a deafening explosion rattled throughout the building, and the young man almost instinctively ducked, his back against his seat as debris flew overhead. With a frown, the onmyoji slowly glanced around from behind his seat to look at where it had originated from, only to see the kitchen and front desk nearly completely decimated. The injured and bloodied bodies of a few of the workers and customers laying about were by no means a pretty sight, but what really stood out to him was the tanned Lancer with her shield aloft and the thuggish student (presumably her Master) standing in shock behind them.

"Looks like that bastard was waiting for us again, huh?" she spat, an irritated look on her face as she lowered her shield. "Damn, can't even get a bite to eat without something blowing up."

Her Master, looking equally as irritated after recovering from the shock of what had just occurred, slowly took a step back to survey the damage before noticing that a few people had managed to avoid the brunt of the attack.

"Oi, if you value your lives, it might be a good idea to leave before things get any messier," he called out, pulling a small carved object out of his coat. "Maybe drag a few of these people out with you on the way, hm?"

@KoL@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Pyromania99

Alter Ego — Meltryllis

Despite her Master's obvious lack of grace, Meltryllis found at least some part of her wishing to eat. She was far from used to being limited by someone else's capabilities, and having to eat food to lighten the magical burden upon her Master felt like a bit of an inconvenience. At this point, though, the matter was less about her eating than it was Nanako eating.

"I think you should eat, if anything," she sighed, shaking her head in mild disappointment. "Who knows how long you've spent dozing off already? I might at least be able to do something if you're not still bedridden after the fact."

Knowing their luck, though, that stupid AI could send them off on another wild goose chase before she was even halfway done...

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 12 days ago


"You don't need to look so dejected, Saber. I'm sure it won't be that much of a wait," Xiaoyu said not long after they took their seats. It wasn't that hard to read Saber's mood when she wasn't acting in a guarded way but rather as a girl of her apparent age. In fact, the gap between Saber's behavior as a King of legend and lore and as an everyday girl was one of her biggest charm points in Xiaoyu's opinion. One she made sure to document in her journal every now and then.

As Xiaoyu expected, it didn't take long for their orders to arrive. However, she barely had the chance to take a tentative bite at the strange sandwich before a huge explosion wrecked the restaurant.

"What was that? Actually, were you talking about an explosion earlier does that have anything to do with this, huh... Shin, right?" Xiaoyu asked, making an effort to remember the boy's name, after taking cover behind Saber.


"Ho... this modern cuisine is very interesting indeed," Li said after he took a bite of the burger. It probably would be better with some tea, but he could make do with whatever drinks this place had to sell, too.

"In a city like this, that kind of incident shouldn't be considered so unusual—" Just as Li tried to explain his point of view on the news about the explosion, an expected one shook the very restaurant they were in, probably putting everyone who hadn't been hit in a state of shock or alert.

The first priority on the Assassin's mind was ascertaining that his Master was out of harm's way with a quick glance.

With that out of the way, he turned his attention to the duo that seemed to be aware of the reason behind this attack. "I believe this kind of act is outlawed by the authorities of this era, boy. While I'm not against helping the wounded, it would be in your best interest to explain what happened. Especially since it looks like the two of you are expecting it to happen again at any moment," Li said calmly, dusting his coat off as he got back to his feet.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 18 min ago

Saber - Artoria Pendragon

Artoria was about to open her mouth, to firmly state she was not looking dejected, nor impatient at all. Such things were unbecoming for her, as a knight. Certainly, she wanted the food to arrive quickly, but at the same time, acting in such a manner was inappropriate.

... Not that it changed the fact that she had, indeed, been acting impatient.

But before she could say anything, their burgers arrived. Immediately, the scent of the Triple Imperial(which did not in fact have three patties, but instead was described as being almost like three patties in one) was richer then other burgers offered by the by the establishment. There was also a distinct salty, but not unpleasant hint of fish... and when she took a bite...

The flavor was rich, with strong hints of spices and a definite taste of a savory, salty fish-based sauce. But it was hardly unpleasant, the preparation was quite excellent and the flavor was rather unique. Indeed, it was clear to the knight why such a burger would be sold at this establishment, and she was certainly intent on finishing the entire meal.

But that could not come to pass.

The lighthearted mood was shattered when an explosion rocked the kitchen, tossing injured bodies into the air. In a single motion, the Saber had placed her meal back onto the plate and risen to her feet, golden light rising from her body, her clothing seeming to vanish in a flash to be replaced with gleaming silver armor, over a blue, white, and gold dress.

In her hand she gripped what, to observers, an indefinable hazy shape, her blade cloaked in Invisible Air.

Her demeanor, from simply taking in the flavor of her meal to deadly serious, had shifted in an instant.

The people working in the kitchen had merely been performing their job. The patrons of this restaurant merely enjoying their food. And in an instant they had been brutally attacked.

This would not stand.

"Master," Artoria began, turning to face the sight of the explosion fully as she placed both hands on her sword's hilt, "I cannot permit this attack."

The 'whys' of what had occurred could wait. For now, what mattered was the safety of the people in the restaurant. It appeared as if the blast had targeted a tan-skinned Servant with a great shield and spear and her somewhat brutish-looking Master.

The Saber's eyes narrowed. While she wished to defend her Master, she could not stand idly by while people suffered and potentially died.

"I must intervene!"

With that, she crossed the room in an instant. Her first action was to grip a chunk of rubble in one hand and lift it off of a fallen employee, a young man who had been working the counter, with little effort. In a moment she had pulled him from the wreckage, noting he was still breathing, and placed him out of harm's way before returning to the site of the explosion. While moving the injured from harm's way was important, so to was identifying the attacker.

Whom the tanned Lancer and her Master seemed to have some awareness of.

"Who is the attacker?" she asked, sternly, glancing towards the two of them.


Tsugihara Runa


Her ears were ringing. While she wasn't close enough to the explosion to be harmed by it, the blast had still been loud enough to start her ears ringing, to nearly knock her out of her seat.

But she was a magus of the Tsugihara family, and this was not about to keep her down.

Runa assessed the situation, noting that several of the people in the restaurant, most of the employees and several patrons, had been injured in the explosion.

"Saber, can you locate the perpetrator? They can't be far!" asserted the magus as she glanced at her Servant. With her Saber's agility and sharp eyes, she felt certain it was possible.

As for the people who had been caught in the blast... getting them out of the way would be the best option. It wasn't as if Runa cared much for these strangers, no way! The only reason was, well, they could get hurt worse if more fighting broke out or their injuries were untended...


Drawing a paper slip from her bag, she raised it into the air and allowed it to fizzle away in a flash of light, the ethereal form of a fox materializing in its wake.

"Akane, start getting them to safety," she ordered the fox, which sprang through the air immediately to begin pulling the nearest victim of the explosion away from immediate danger.

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze

Mihama Nanako


Meltryllis's tongue was sharp as ever.

"Er, well... I'll go see what I have in the fridge, maybe making breakfast myself would be a good idea..."

Nanako rose to her feet, stretching. Aah, she felt way less sore now. It was almost entirely gone... she probably shouldn't strain it, but that didn't mean she shouldn't take advantage of the fact she could actually move her arm properly now.

"Haah... I'll try and get something together for breakfast and then take a shower..."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Which...I find more tasty?" Thalia questioned. She glanced over all the servants gathered as the food they had ordered soon arrived. "Hmm..." Well, she wasn't really one to not play along with Scylla's silliness. Had to entertain her if she wanted her to behave even a little bit, besides she couldn't quite deny she wouldn't mind playing with a few of them herself. Of course, she couldn't take the obvious choice...so instead she turned to Scylla with a small smile and a wink. "You, obviously, since you're my servant-"

Bad flirting and silliness was soon averted by a loud explosion. Unflinchingly, Thalia simply turned to the source of it. A servant and someone that was obviously her master.

"...Oi, Scylla." She turned to her servant. Slowly, she would retrieve her guitar from her bag as she looked at the wreckage from her seat. "...ya know, looks like we might have ourselves a stage to pay on soon." She'd still wait a bit though - wait and see if things did devolve into a mosh pit.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

"Me? Hmm, I suppose. You're suppose to be looking at fresh blood though." Scylla mentioned, slightly frustrated. She sighed, pushing it off to the side. She tried to not let every little thing her master said affect her since that would just turn her into that again.

There food had arrived in the meantime though! Hurrah! Her five or so meals were sitting right in front of her. There was a loud noise and rumbling all around them but she didn't really care too much about that. Food! She unwrapped the first burger and practically inhaled it. She had to chew a few times but it quickly disappeared into her stomach. She then shoveled a mouthful of fries into her mouth and those too followed after the burger. Then she started to wrap the second when her master spoke up.

"Stage? What are you talking about?" Scylla asked with a raised eyebrow. It was at this time she finally raised her head and looked around. When was this play destroyed like this? Oh, right. There was an explosion-like sound and rumbling and loud noises around. "You want to do something about this?" The servant questioned, taking a more relaxed bite into the hamburger, a bit of ketchup smearing on the corner of her mouth. "Seems boring." She stated before shoving the rest of the hamburger in her mouth, making her look like a chipmunk with its mouth full.
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