Genosha: July 15th, 2021 - 12:00 PM
Welcome to the island paradise of Genosha, the homeland of mutantkind! No matter where you came from or who you are or what you did, you are valued, appreciated, and wanted here. Our Marauders are standing by at major ports across the globe to bring you here. Bring as much or as little as you like - everything you need will be provided for you! Your money is no good here, as we are beyond such petty human systems like capitalism. Live in a community made by mutants and for mutants, where your only concern will be finding true love - or getting your perfect tan by the beach! Our world class telepaths can download anything you want to learn how to do - time to say goodbye to Duolingo and wake up fluent in French, German, and Italian! And of course, we offer exclusive, cutting edge training sessions to help you master the gifts that make you special!
What's the catch, you ask? It's easy! All you have to do is provide proof of an X-gene* and you're in.
We're so excited to meet you and see you on Genosha!
* artificial X-genes will be considered on a case by case basis by the Quiet Council. Human family members are welcome. Individuals may apply for asylum on Genosha and should contact the House of Frost for more information.

Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward
Skills: N/A
Everything had happened too fast for Veil to react. In a matter of seconds, their situation had escalated from bad to worse to
nightmare. She could only blink, a blast of blue coming in front of her vision, before an intense chill came over her. And then... Darkness. Nothingness. She didn't even have a chance to wonder if this was death coming for her or to mourn all of the lives that they had failed to save. They were out of time. They failed.
It felt like only seconds later that her eyes fluttered open, a harsh light shining down on her. She squinted out of reflex and held up her hand, figuring that it must have just been the glare from a ceiling light - only to smack something hard and metallic. The light vanished and everything around her was a blur. She could vaguely see the outline of a tall man in front of her, dressed all in white. Veil opened her mouth and tried to find her voice, only to start to cough, her throat feeling incredibly clogged.
"Welcome back to the land of the living, Veil," an unfamiliar man's voice said. "Your vision should return to you momentarily. You've been on ice for some time."
"What... happened..." Veil coughed out, her voice incredibly weak. It felt like she had been silent for years. She was so incredibly confused. Had X come for them after all? Had they been saved? Was it all just a horrible dream and the X-Cutioner had been defeated? Who was this person talking to her? Why had she been on ice - she wasn't Captain America?
"You were frozen, were you not listening?" the man chided. He was slowly coming into focus, although the light hurt her eyes. Veil realized he'd been holding a small handheld light previously, the sort used to check people for a concussion. And he was all dressed in white - he was wearing a suit, fedora, and a mask. "You should thank Caduceus. He managed to heal you enough that it was safe to bring you out of cryostasis."
"James?" Veil asked, her voice still hoarse.
"Where is he? What about the others?" She then became aware that she was wearing what felt like spandex - a tight body suit, completely white as well, like she was cosplaying Princess Leia.
"Where are we?" There weren't any mutant friendly hospitals in D.C. Had James gotten them forth maybe to New York?
"Oh, he's here," the man - the doctor, Veil realized - said. "Now, I need to go attend to the others, they should be waking up any second now. Don't try to walk just yet, you're still disoriented." There was then the sound of a loud THUD across the room and the doctor sighed. "See? Now stay put."
Casper Theriot

Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward
Skills: Mediumship
Casper was incredibly confused. The last thing he remembered, they had been facing down a third string X-Men villain at the Lincoln Memorial, and now, he was suddenly falling. His fall wasn't long as his body slammed into something - the floor? It felt like cool tile against his face. His clothing was entirely too modest for his taste, he could feel a flexible fabric covering almost all of his skin save his hands, feet, and face. He was about to complain about the color choice when he realized something horrifying - he couldn't see!
"I'm bliiiiiiind!" Casper squealed, although his voice sounded like a heavy set 60 year old smoker and not at all like his usual pitch.
"You're not blind, calm down," Ben's voice said near his ear.
"Ben!" Casper coughed, before hearing the sound of footsteps coming near. Things were starting to blur into focus and he blinked rapidly, trying to get his bearings. He wasn't too panicked by being confused and waking up in a strange place in clothes that weren't his - it had happened to him fairly often in his life.
"C'est pas grave, ça va bien," another voice whispered in his other ear.
"Maman?" Capser cried, seeing a ginger blur next to him, helping him off of the floor.
"Is James here? You're going to love him, he's so strong. You can really tell he works out," Casper said. He couldn't really make out any images - why was his eyesight so horrible? But he was really hoping that James was there. It was the perfect chance to introduce him to his mother.
"James? Baaaabe?" "I'm afraid I am not babe, but my name is James," a new voice said - the figure looked like a white blob to him.
"Not the KKK!" Casper cried.
"Non, c'est le médecin," his mother explained quickly.
"Il s'appelle James aussi."

Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward
Skills: N/A
Sunshine hadn't wanted to tell anyone how nervous she was about today. It had been so long since what happened with the X-Cutioner, and she had largely gotten used to Genosha. She had friends here. And her old friends were finally going to wake up, as James had managed to heal them from the massive overdose of Terrigen they had encountered. Doctor Nemesis had just finished the defrosting procedures, so any second now, they'd all be awake. And instead of being inside the ward itself waiting for them, Sunshine was out in the hallway, pacing back and forth.
She was scared that something would still have gone wrong - that Sapphire's sacrifice hadn't managed to save the rest of them. She had grieved for Sapphire intensely when she had first woken up. When she closed her eyes at night, sometimes Sapphire was present in her nightmares. So she didn't sleep. She would go out with the other mutant kids at night, finding creative and dangerous ways to combine their powers together. She knew James didn't approve of the crowd she hanged out with, so she hadn't told him about her girlfriend. She didn't talk to Jack much, mostly since he seemed to have more or less checked out. And she wasn't even sure if it was really him.
Sunshine took a breath, before opening the doors and walking into the ward itself, seeing a few people moving around and talking - but not everyone.
"Morning, losers - and welcome to Genosha."