Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Runa found her command falling on empty space, her Servant having moved even before she could finish speaking or even react to what was going on. When it came to reaction times, the childlike Servant boasted a response that was almost second to none, even before one could factor in her own innate sense for danger. Then, when it came to moving quickly, few were those who could keep up with a bird in flight, especially one like this.

Which is to say, by the time Runa had finished giving the command, Beni-Enma had already rushed to the source of the explosion in an attempt to determine the perpetrator.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 1 day ago

Uehara Shou

The focus Shou had placed upon the Master and Servant at the forefront of the carnage was pulled away as he heard the young woman at his side—Xiaoyu, if he remembered correctly—chime in nonchalantly about his earlier quip. The Assassin he was contracted to seemed to already be moving to get a better feel for the situation, and so the young man felt like he had enough leeway to be able to speak without being wholly on edge.

"Ah.... It's Shou. Uehara Shou," he began, shifting himself to a less open position as he glanced at his now-ruined food. "But, uh... Right. It was more of a coincidence, really, but if I recall correctly, the dorm buildings in particular are held to a higher standard than most of the other places because they're residential areas. The cause was something too mundane for something large enough to blow a hole in the wall, though..."

As he trailed off, the onmyoji turned his attention back towards the pair who his Servant (and a few others) were already attempting to pull the information out of them—something that neither seemed all too pleased by.

"Didn't I just say to stay out of this?" the Master apparent asked, gripping the small object in his hand tightly as it began to glow. "How annoying. Look, it's none of your business, so..."

As he was talking, the Lancer at his side had taken a step towards one of the injured—another employee, given her now-bloodstained outfit—and leaned forward to examine the damage. The barely-visible sight of something moving under the skin of her neck was more than enough reason for her to take up a defensive stance once more. Her Master, who had been speaking until now, ended up trailing off as he turned to look at what his companion was wary of.

"...Lancer?" he asked, taking a step towards the injured employee before his Servant blocked him from proceeding. "Something wrong?"

"Don't get close to her. Felt the same magical energy as I did from that explosion just now when I got close; probably not the only one," she said, glancing at the old man and blonde knight trying to accost them for information. "Just tell them about the damn clown; trying to keep quiet's only going to get us into more shit than we're already in."

The thug seemed to pause for a moment before clenching his fist and gritting his teeth.

"Long story short, some bomb-loving asshole's been trying to take us out for the last few days. Guess after the last few attempts failed, he and his Master decided to try a less subtle approach," he spat, tucking away the object he had held in his hands as his phone began to buzz. Carefully glancing around to make sure that neither of them were near any of the civilians being dragged out of the wreckage, the thug slowly pulled out the device from his pocket and glanced at the notification before slipping it away. "Still somewhere close, though. Crazy bastards probably want to check if we fell for their trap."

Clicking his tongue, the thug nodded towards his Servant before they split up, the latter leaping through a broken window in what could only be seen as the start of a hunt. The Master, on the other hand, simply walked past the carnage and around the injured as he followed after the third Servant that had darted into the kitchen.

"I wouldn't doubt it if they packed this place to the brim with bombs anyways," he remarked, pausing right before entering the gaping hole in the wall. "Maybe if I set one off, they'll come in closer to check..."

Whether or not he would or if it was a good idea or not in the first place remained to be seen.

@VitaVitaAR@KoL@Rune_Alchemist@Pyromania99@Raineh Daze

Alter Ego — Meltryllis

"It's long past time for breakfast."

The quip from Meltryllis, however curt, was all that she had left in her that she wanted to say. Nanako was already active and not fumbling about on the floor like a newborn child by this point, so any further prodding was apt to do more harm than good. With the matter with her Master settled for the moment from her perspective, though, the Alter Ego promptly made her way back to the couch before unceremoniously planting herself down in it. As much fun as it had been watching Nanako struggle to do even the most basic of things while injured, doing so for over a week made things feel... Stale.

If she was going to be bored, then she would be bored on her own terms.

"I certainly hope you won't break three eggs on the floor this time, though."

It wasn't a venomous jab, per se, but some teasing like this was at least a nice change of pace.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 12 days ago


"I'm fine, Saber. It would take more than that to take me down," Xiaoyu said to assuage her Servant's worries. She assessed the situation, taking note of the others' reactions before pulling a phone and fumbling with it for a moment before managing to dial an emergency number with a great deal of effort.

"You can do as you wish, Saber. Just keep in mind we are common citizens here," the smallish Master said as she observed chaos take over the fast-food junction.

"We should help those we can, Shou. Lend me a hand here while our Servants deal with the rest," Xiaoyu said to her classmate as she proceeded to help some of the victims get out of the debris, after noticing another girl doing the same. She hoping he would be able to help her with any heavy lifting.

"I hope you don't mind if I help these ones as well," she said to the fox magecraft user.

After a quick triage, Xiaoyu slapped some life-preserving talismans to the victims that were in the worst condition. While prolonged exposition to their curse would end up turning them into zombie-like beings, the powerful effect Xiaoyu's magecraft had on metabolism would allow them to hang on to life by the finest thread until the proper emergency services arrived.


"Ho?" Assassin let out in a voice that sounded more amused than worried when the Master of the mysterious Lancer shut him down. "Trust me, boy, there's nothing for us to gain in getting involved but that's not an option anymore," he added as he heard the explanation.

"I've been the target of many assassination attempts in my time. I know very well no one is that persistent—or brazen—about taking another's life if there's no reason for it. Whether you want to illuminate us on it or not is of no consequence. We have been involved and will be so until this incident ends," Assassin said as he stepped away from Shou for a moment, heading into the kitchen to investigate the case further after ascertaining that his Master was indeed safe.

"By the way, you seem to have some excellent form, Lancer. If by any means we are allowed to meet in better circumstances, I wouldn't mind crossing spears with you," Assassin said in a completely casual manner as he disappeared into what looked more like a scene out of some war thorn village from a historical drama than a kitchen from a modern restaurant.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Saber - Artoria Pendragon

With her Master's reassurance, the blonde Saber nodded. Given what the Lancer had said, and the abominable tactics used by their opponent given the sight of those bombs beneath the wounded civilians' skin. The best path for her was to leave the premises and locate the Servant responsible as quickly as possible. From there, it became a matter of doing the obvious. She had to kill the perpetrator.

As soon as they were dead, there was no way that they would be able to trigger the explosives planted in the bodies of the victims of the blast.

The King of Knights was going to do everything she could to prevent even a single one of them from dying.

As she left the wrecked restaurant, hands firmly on the hilt of her invisible blade, Artoria at first started following the tan-skinned Lancer, but rather then simply blindly pursuing her she instead attempted to discern if there were any strange sources of magical energy nearby. Certainly, it was more difficult to detect Servants in an entire city of Servants, but when they were so actively utilizing their own abilities then it wasn't impossible...


Mihama Nanako

"Well... well it's brunch, then!" Nanako declared. That's what having breakfast too late was called, wasn't it?

And this time she definitely wasn't going to break three eggs on the floor! Both of her arms were working, those eggs' self-destructive tendencies wouldn't get the better of her this time! No way!

With that, Nanako went about preparing breakfast. While she wasn't the best cook, she could handle following a recipe, and she remembered how much Melt had liked the crepes. So trying out something similar, one of those sweet western breakfast dishes, seemed like a great idea! Not only did she think Melt might like it, but it sounded pretty appealing to her as well.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"...or maybe not." Thalia watched the proceedings with a mild bit of interest. Honestly, she was hoping for some sort of fight to break out, but from the looks of it, seemed like things were just going to go on business as usual. Didn't stop her from overhearing some things, though. Something about some dumbass using bombs to attack someone? Not any of her business as of now as far as she was concerned. Still, the explosion did add a certain charm to the fast food place, what with the rubble, people being injured.

Maybe she should take a picture for some particularly edgy album cover or something?

Hm. Hmhm~

She hummed lightly to herself as she looked back towards Scylla.

"Haaa, good job being a tease." Thalia harrumphed. "And I was ready to break out the heavy riffs, tch. Hey, you almost done or are you gonna start eating the table?" Maybe she should just start playing anyways...
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Scylla continued on her almost unhinging of the jaw to eat whole hamburgers. As Thalia turned away from her to survey the situation, Scylla continued. When the master finally turned around, the entire hamburger selection was almost completely devoured. "Why would I eat the table? That doesn't taste very good." The monstrous servant said, seemingly from experience.

Scylla took scope of the situation and decided something. "This place got messy quick." She stood from her chair and looked towards the place they entered. 'I don't know what's going on here but I don't want to get involved." She added before covering her mouth with her hand and yawning. "All that food makes me want to take a nap now."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 1 day ago

Uehara Shou

Restaurant Entrance

"A-ah... Yeah, probably."

Shou's words wre somewhat unfocused as he continued to center his attention upon the group of Servants entering the kitchen with the long-haired thug before shaking himself off. His classmate was right, regardless of his own curiosities; there were injured here, and given what he had caught from the exchange between the Lancer and her Master, whoever had caused the explosion hadn't been reserved about getting more civilians involved than a bomb already would have. It left a bad taste in his mouth, but as she had said, the only thing he really could do was try to help stabilize the injured before proper staff arrived.

Shaking his head, the onmyoji carefully made his way over towards the ruined counter and opted move people away from the kitchen; it wasn't unthinkable that the source of this carnage would use them again, given the Lancer's earlier quip, which meant that keeping them from further harm was the only proper course of action to take. With a deep breath, Shou began to drag the unconscious victims closer to the entrance of the building, taking care to not injure them further along the broken glass and debris scattered about.

One of the injured—a woman whose body was covered in dust and blood from the explosion, it seemed—clutched at her arm in silent pain as she slowly pushed herself off of the ground. Despite her apparent injuries, though, it seemed that she was forcing herself to move about. Though she seemed to take a moment to steel herself mentally, her choice to try and help the Masters who were attempting to help the injured seemed a bit less productive—doubly so, given the blood streaming down her injured arm and from the gash above her left eye.


The explosion had originated from within the kitchen, which made the fallout all the more apparent. A few sinks had burst, leaving water to spray out across the now-dirtied floor, and the stainless steel equipment that had lined the area was left blackened and warped from the damage. But what stood out the most in the middle of all of this carnage would be the blonde-haired teenager sitting casually on top of one of the assembly tables. His cheeky grin was by no means fitting for the scene, and his clothing—a brown jacket over a black t-shirt—would most certainly out him as someone who wasn't meant to be back here in the first place.

"Ah, guess that one was a bust too," he complained, spinning a key ring around for a moment before catching it and glancing back towards the massive hole in the wall. "You and your Servant are seriously way too..."

The teenager's words slowed down as he watched a small girl fly into the room, only to be followed by his target and, eventually, an old man. There was no doubt that at least one of them was a Servant, but...

Really, he couldn't help but hold back a laugh.

The thug glared at the person on the countertop, his fists clenched as he attempted to take a step towards him, only for the person of his ire to hold out a hand for him to stop.

"Take one more step, and that explosion's not going to be the last one you see today," he said, smirking as he hopped off of his seat. "Same goes for your new friends over there. But... Come on, now. The rules made explicitly clear to fight your own battles. What's up with the cavalry here? Cheater."

"Stuff it with that shit! With all the bombs you've set off, someone was bound to come after you sooner or later!" the thug shot back.

"Ah. Hm. You know, I guess that's fair. But what's the point of signing up for something like this if you're not going to have a little fun, right?"

@Raineh Daze@KoL

Outside the Restaurant

The Lancer had given Li little more than a slight nod of acknowledgement as she ran outside, the blonde Saber following after her as she swung around the restaurant's entrance and into a nearby alleyway. As both she and her apparent companion for this hunt would soon discover, though, the 'clown' seemed to have expected resistance. Just as she took a step past the restaurant's entrance, she would find something jumping off the wall towards her face. Out of hand, she swatted it to the side, but the moment that it made contact with her shield, whatever it was blew up. The recoil was enough to catch her off guard and cause her to blow her back into the wall, which in turn ended up revealing a few more as they came crawling out of the woodwork.

All the while, of course, the shadow of something purple sadistically staring at them from a distance with a smile on its face seemed to run further in.

"Shit...!" the Lancer swore under he breath, shaking herself off before rolling forward to dodge the bugs attempting to jump on top of her. "When I get my hands on you, I'm going to tear that stupid grin off your face with my bare hands——!"


Alter Ego — Meltryllis

Shrugging her shoulders at her Master's lack of response towards her remark, Meltryllis chose to make herself a bit more comfortable on the couch...

Or, rather, she would have done so, had that all-too-familiar jingle not started fading into the room from the television's speakers. As soon as she heard the words 'BB Channel!' chime in, the Alter Ego closed her eyes and sighed. It was about time for that stupid AI to come and make a mess of things; in fact, it was probably more of a relief that she hadn't up until now, given her Master's injuries.

Whether or not it actually was because of that or because of a lack of work to handle, though, was up for debate—one she was most certainly not interested in getting involved in.

"From the digital ocean straight to your little home, BB-chan is here to give you a news flash~!" a sickly-sweet voice chimed in as the TV seemed to turn itself on. "Senpai, I hope your arm's fully healed by now~! Seeing you be stuck in bed all day is sort of depressing, even for me, you know? Though I'm sure you kept yourself occupied on your phone, your devilish little kouhai has got a new request for you~!"

Of course, given their 'deal' this was less of a request than it was an order, but arguing that point with BB was an exercise in futility by now.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Saber - Artoria Pendragon

The moment the strange, insect-like bombs began attempting to swarm all over the Lancer, Artoria immediately stepped forward. Both hands on her swords's hilt, the cloak of air around the blade began to seemingly vibrate, swelling, bursting outwards as she gathered power into Invisible Air. The Knight wasn't about to let her ally be defeated like that, no matter what the situation was. At the moment, the Lancer and her were united in their purpose!

An eruption of wind and light exploded from her weapon in the same moment that she swung it upwards. It rushed towards the sky, sweeping through the insectoid bombs and sending them careening into the air, hurtling higher and higher, some outright crushed by the blast of mystical wind as others simply hurtled far enough up that their explosions would be useless.

For the briefest moment, a golden light was visible, before the Saber's sword was coated with air once more, obscuring its length and shape entirely.


Mihama Nanako

Nanako's shoulders sagged the moment she heard that all too familiar jingle. She hesitated for a moment, but thankfully she had yet to actually start making breakfast... placing an egg aside, she slowly shuffled out of the kitchen, peering at the TV screen. The comments BB made weren't exactly lost on the brunette, a reminder that the AI seemed to have some voyeuristic tendencies and could be watching at any time...

But she wouldn't let that make her act any different!

She took a deep breath before speaking.

"... What do you need, BB-san?"

Even considering her usually upbeat attitude, it was hard not to sound a little bit strained after this.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 12 days ago


"Don't worry about me, boy. I'm just an old man curious about this uproar," Assassin said as he collected a chunk of blasted material to analyse casually, seeeminglyy not eveen paying too much attentiion to the obvious mastermind behind all this.

"That said, I can't help but think that you are an amateur at assassination. In my experience, only the most blundersome would be assassins resort to explosives, to fail while doing that is the proof of a true beginner. Maybe next time you could try not involving others in your dirty business," Assassin said in a completely matter of fact manner, explaining it with the quiet calm of someone who survived many an attempt at his life in the past.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 1 day ago


In response to the old man's provocations, the blonde Master could do little but force a smile. Being called out as an 'amateur', while by no means untrue, left him slightly aggravated.

"That's rather rude of you to say, old man," he replied through a forced smile, crossing his arms as he leaned back against the wall. "Though I guess you wouldn't really get it in the first place. If I've got to get six other Masters out of the picture, then the fastest way to do so has to be the best! Heck, none of the people I'm aiming for are any less guilty than I am, either; like I said, we all signed up for this, so—"

"That doesn't mean you have to blow up a restaurant in the middle of the goddamn city, you dumbass!" the thug injected, almost taking a step forward before the blonde man shook his head with a smirk.

"If you had just died the first time, then this whole incident wouldn't have happened. I'm no 'dumbass'; I'm just pragmatic."

@KoL@Raineh Daze

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Thalia stood, adjusting her guitar slightly on her shoulder.

"Well, might as well then." Thalia said with a grunt. "Doesn't look like this place is going to start getting up to anything fun any time soon except some noise, maybe." She sighed, stretching and walking past Scylla, taking the rest of her fries with her. Really, if a fight broke out and it directly got in her way, she'd help, but...otherwise? She had Scylla to make sure didn't get upset or up to anything funky, and she wasn't about to stick her neck out for some randoms, either. "Head back and start practicing for tonight...unless there was something you wanted to do, 'Zerker." She asked her servant, not expecting her to say anything to the contrary.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 20 hrs ago


All the stupid shit going on around her was starting to give her a headache. "This place is just becoming a dump." Scylla commented as she cast a slightly annoyed gaze at the carnage around her. While it was a terrible situation overall... Well, not her problem. She grabbed Thalia's wrist and led her over some rubble nearby. She wasn't rough with her direction, but she wasn't exactly gentle.

"There is something I wanted to do." Scylla mentioned with a sharp cadence to her words. "I want to get ice cream from that stand on the way home. And those little frozen dot ones." She seemed more excited at the second than the first. "Then I can continue playing that one game when we get back. Speaking of, you seem to be getting better at that one song. It's not making me want to rip my ear drums out as much." She couldn't help but tease this master of hers. Realistically, she could have had a more annoying one but she hardly a better. This girl has managed to not let herself die yet, so that was something in her favor.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


The sound was almost imperceptible; a sword being loosened from its sheathe. It was a speed some Servants would have difficulty with following and one that a normal human would almost certainly have no response to--but the sparrow's blade didn't actually cut anything, the tip of her blade stopping exactly at the bomber's throat.

"Rowdy customers should come quietly dechi," Beni-Enma stated, "The judgement of hell is much more servere."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 1 day ago


Still with a smile on his face, the apparent bomber leaned forward, relishing in the frustration that he could see upon the other Master's face. If the old man didn't want to do more than throw words at him, then all he would have to worry about was getting out of this mess.

Or rather, it would have been, had the third person present—the one who had yet to speak a word this entire time—not slipped his mind. With the sudden gust of wind and sharpened steel barely pressed up against his throat, the blonde man's eyes panned down. The realization of what sort of predicament he was in now showed quite easily upon his face, and though he attempted to refrain from showing his fear, the slight quiver in his lip and beads of sweat starting to form upon his brow gave away his true feelings.

"H-hey, I think you'd better give me some room," he stammered, gripping the countertop tightly. "O-otherwise, I can't guarantee that the people outside won't be left intact."

@KoL@Raineh Daze

Outside the Restaurant

The sound of the bombs exploding overhead would draw the attention of a few more bystanders, but for the most part they had all done so well out of the range of anyone who could actually be harmed by them. By this point, the Lancer had managed to regain her bearings, bashing into the few bombs that remained scattered about with her shield to soak up the explosions before turning back towards Artoria.

"Tch... Hate sneaky bastards like that," she said, lightly dusting herself off before nodding her head. "Well, if you're so intent on getting involved, do me a favor and cut that dumbass off from behind. I'll just run him down from here."

Before the knight could give a proper response, though, the tanned Lancer broke off into another sprint, shield at the ready in case of any other traps meant for her.


Alter Ego — Meltryllis

"You don't have to look that annoyed, senpai," BB said, pouting as she leaned towards the screen. "I just wanted you to go and pick up something for me. Nothing too problematic, see?"

With another play of that all-too-familiar jingle, Nanako's phone would promptly ring, showing their future destination on the map—a nearby warehouse, not that far from their current location.

"See? Nothing too intense for you after your downtime, right~? The package won't be there for long, though, so I'd like it if you could hurry up and get out the door. BB-chan, out~!"

And with that, the TV turned back off, with nary a trace of the AI's interference to be seen. With a sigh, Meltryllis leaned back into her seat on the couch before shaking her head.

"Even I can tell that she was lying through her teeth. Let me know when you're ready to go," she said, crossing her arms. "And don't do anything stupid this time, okay?"

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Tsugihara Runa

"... I think it's about time you began telling us everything."

Runa stepped into the kitchen. Her Saber's blade was positioned against the bomber's throat. She had never felt any doubt that, if the perpetrator was present, her Servant would be capable of apprehending them. To cause all this devastation and pain for what purpose? Even a cruel magus at least typically had a purpose in their actions. She couldn't see one here. All of these people were injured in the blast, and yet there didn't seem to be any valid purpose aside from targeting the thuggish young man who served as that Lancer's Master. Whatever dispute they had, there was no reason to involve all of these people.

It was a disgusting display. Only an utter failure as a magus would resort to these tactics. Or someone who was hopelessly deranged, either way she had nothing but scorn for the man currently held at the point of Benienma's blade.

"Pathetically begging will get you no-where," she added, taking another step closer though she kept her distance, "If you try anything, Saber will ensure your life ends as punishment for your crimes. Do you really want to take that chance?"

If they could extract any information from him, this was the time to do it.

@Raineh Daze@PKMNB0Y@KoL

Saber - Artoria Pendragon

There were no problems with Caenis's suggestion. It only made sense to take their opponent on by closing off their escape routes as quickly as possible, and there was truthfully only one way to do that as quickly as possible.

Turning, the Saber sprinted for the side of the building, placing one foot firmly on the side and using it to push herself up. The wind rushed passed her, whipping her dress back as each armored foot carried her further and further up on the building. She ascended further, only gaining speed as she tore her way up the side of the structure. The faster she reached her target, the less time they could have to attempt to escape, and the more likely they would be cut off by the Lancer even if their attempt to flee was successful.

Immediately as she reached the top, the knight lept over the edge of the roof and landed, steel-clad feet sending up sparks as she skidded along the concrete. Her hidden blade swirling with wind, she immediately scanned her surroundings...


Mihama Nanako

Nanako took a deep breath, nodding towards Meltryllis as she did. There was no way this was a simple as BB made it sound, no matter what the 'package' was.

Breakfast as a much more rushed affair as a result, and the brunette left her apartment, pulling out her phone so she could follow the map that the strange girl had sent them. There was no telling what was actually waiting for them there, especially given what BB's requests had resulted in previously. Therefore, they really had to be prepared for whatever could possibly be going on!

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 1 day ago

Uehara Shou

With most of the injured handled (and that one woman who had decided to try straining herself convinced to stand down), Shou found that he had enough leeway to follow his Servant into the kitchen. One of the other Masters present had already decided to do so, and given how there were no sounds of combat coming from within, the onmyoji was inclined to believe that it would at least be prudent to check how the situation inside was panning out.

To his mild surprise, though, the blade pointed at a blonde teenager coupled with the rest of the quips made clear how things had panned out. How things had played out seemed fairly self-evident, but whether or not interrogating the supposed culprit as the Master beside him would bring about anything meaningful was up for debate.

It was the Master of the Lancer from earlier, though, who seemed to take action first. As his pursuer was left unable to do anything with a blade at his throat, he was free to reach into his pocket and take his phone. With a glance to the side, he forcefully took hold of the teenager's hand and, after unlocking the device, threw it towards Shou.

The young man fumbled for a second before actually catching the phone, only to see why it was that it had been thrown to him. A single application seemed to be open at the moment—one titled 'Grail Match <ver. a>'. At a glance, it seemed to show the names of six other people, with an image of the teenager paired with his name—"Alan Bellavel"—at the very top. Among those listed, though, only one other seemed to have a face paired to it.

Namely, that of the person who had thrown him the device, one Takuya Funohara.

"H-hey, what are you doing with my—" Alan attempted to interject, only for Takuya to punch him in the stomach (regardless of how close his throat was to the sword at his neck) to make him shut up before speaking up himself.

"This shit's not worth the money for winning," he spat, turning towards the others who were filing in. "I'd like to clean up my own messes, but if you're going to force your way into my problems, you'd better be prepared to help too. That app you see there? Pretty sure we both took up an offer about 'testing' something and that we'd be given some compensation for seeing it through to the end. Honestly, I've had it up to here with bombs blowing up in my face every other day, so if you want shit answered, I guess I might as well do it instead of this psychopath over here."

Whether or not he was honest was up for debate, but even this much seemed to shed a surprising amount of light on the situation. The question now, though, was if the others were any more willing than he was to get involved in something that might have been a bit more than he had bargained for...

Outside the Restaurant

Artoria's new vantage point would give her a clearer view of what was going on below—namely, the series of explosions that the Lancer was rushing past in dogged pursuit of her target. As things were now, the Servant was most certainly trying to draw his pursuer away from the restaurant, and with the street growing closer by the second, his escape would most certainly lead to more carnage.

Of course, that would not come to pass; when the Saber promptly dropped down in front of him, the Servant in question—one whose appearance seemed more fitting for a harlequin than any Heroic Spirit—screeched to a halt. There was a nervous smile on his face as he sized up the opponents in front of and behind him before shaking his head.

"Oya? This isn't what I had expected for today's job!" he complained, barely ducking down as the Lancer's weapon soared narrowly above his head. "No, this won't do at all! Well, if a diversion isn't an option..."

As he trailed off, the Servant threw a few bombs towards the door next to him—one connected to the restaurant he was circling around. His Master had gone oddly silent, but with the thread of mana still connecting the two of them, he was most certainly alive...

Which meant that the time for fun was over. It was quite the shame, too—or, at least, it was for the bomb-loving Servant. Such wanton destruction was rare to come across, especially in this day and age as he saw things. A Master who was on the same wavelength as him would be a shame to lose, after all.

Of course, the sight of said Master one moment away from being beheaded was equally amusing to him, but given what was behind him, things most certainly did not look good for the pair at the moment.

@VitaVitaAR@KoL@Raineh Daze

Alter Ego — Meltryllis

The path to... Wherever it was that BB was directing them was unfortunately held up by people cordoning off the area. It was fairly certain that something had occurred to block their path off, but whether or not it was related to what they were supposed to retrieve was a different matter entirely.

Not like she really cared, though; the sooner that this job was resolved, the better.

Taking a quick glance over at Nanako's phone as she attempted to find an alternate route around the problem, Meltryllis simply scooped up her Master before ducking into a nearby alleyway and, with all the speed and grace that she was so proud of, bounded from wall to wall before landing on the roof. Without allowing her Master a moment's reprieve to ask what it was that she was doing, the Alter Ego began to bound from rooftop to rooftop, cutting a straight path through towards their destination.

The purple-haired Servant was not so careless to not make sure that she did not overshoot her destination—which, luckily enough, seemed to put them well past the blockades around the area. Their target, it seemed, had been moving as she had traveled—not so quickly so as to imply that their movements were known, but enough for her to know that it would likely not be easy enough to take the item and leave.

To be fair, though, since when was it ever that easy?

As the dot on the phone came to a stop once more, Meltryllis descended from the rooftop into another alleyway, letting Nanako down before looking towards their apparent intended destination—a nightclub of some sort. At a glance, it seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary, but when it came to jobs from BB, things like this were anything but.

"I'll lead the way; keep yourself out of trouble," she said, walking down the steps towards the entrance as her prosthetics changed into their usual spiked heels. "Ideally, you find whatever it is she wants and we leave. I hope you won't throw yourself into needless danger again, though."

Of course, entering a nightclub in the middle of the day—with one half of their pair notably underage for such a venue—would likely draw attention...

As would the ensuing gunshots, but for some reason, most of the passers-by—namely, those less aware of the bounded field that surrounded the venue—would fail to even notice such a thing in the first place.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Tsugihara Runa

Runa immediately stepped closer to the thuggish young man, concluding that there was no point asking the murderous coward at the end of Benienma's blade anything more, at least not yet. But keeping him at bladepoint made it hard for him to order the deaths of the people around them, so nevertheless it was important to make sure he couldn't move no matter what happened.

"Testing something...?" she asked, brushing her black hair back slightly as she regarded the device. To be frank, she was completely inept when it came to all forms of technology, but even she was able to understand what she was looking at here. Seven figures, five of them left anonymous.

In a city of Servants and Masters, there should not have been any significance to one set over another. So why were these specific ones set against one another? Was it something about the specific Servants that had summoned? Funohara's Lancer seemed to possess considerable power, but there was no way of knowing if that was the connection between the Servants in question.

For that matter-

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze@KoL

Saber - Artoria Pendragon

There were mere seconds in which to act. The jester-like Caster could easily activate the bombs he had planted in the people in the restaurant and kill almost everyone in the room if given a scant moment to act.

Magical energy erupted from the King of Knights' body. There was no time to waste. The light poured off of her, her hands bringing her invisible blade up over her shoulder as she made to close the gap between herself at the mad bomb-wielding Servant as swiftly as possible. Even the slightest delay could have allowed for so many deaths, in an instant, including her Master.

Her armored foot hit the floor and shot up sparks as she skidded along the ruined floor, planting both feet firmly as she drew her sword high over her head.

This Caster would not harm anyone else...!

She swung her weapon down.

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze@KoL

Mihama Nanako

"Uwah?! Meltryllis?!"

Without warning, Nanako had been scooped into the Alter Ego's arms and lifted into the air. To be truthful, being carried like this wasn't bad at all. For one thing they'd get there much quicker, but at the same time she hadn't been expecting it at all!

Hesitating for only a moment, she wrapped her arms around the petite, graceful Alter Ego for stability, feeling the wind whipping through her hair as she was carried over buildings. It was surreal, a graceful dance over the city as if she was part of some high-flying ballet of impossibility.

In spite of the situation, knowing so little about what they were doing, remembering the nightmarish situations they had previously encountered under BB's orders, Nanako couldn't help but find the sensation of soaring over the rooftops exhilarating.

When they landed, it took her slightly longer then she probably should have to release her Servant's shoulders and step back, taking in a deep breath as she steadied herself. She'd almost felt weightless, with how slender Meltryllis was it was easy to forget that her fighting style wasn't merely based on speed. Any Servant, no matter their origins, was stronger then the average human being. Whether it be due to their nature in life or the container itself enhancing their abilities.

Meltryllis was no exception, even if the reason behind her power was markedly different.

"Don't worry, Meltryllis," she began, "This time I won't get hurt!"

Nanako never entered a club like this. She didn't know much about them, aside from the fact that this one catered to a wide range of performers both Servant and human, and all different kinds of performances. To be honest, she was too young to even enter it normally. Apparently you were expected to purchase adult beverages while you were there, which Nanako couldn't exactly do yet.

She'd heard that a Caster had established a bounded field inside the building once, something about changing the scenery to match the performance on the fly.

But something about the air felt strange the moment Master and Servant entered the building. She could feel it, the air itself felt strangely heavy and oppressive. While she didn't know how to felt normally, she doubted that anyone would want to perform under these conditions.

Nothing seemed amiss, a ticket hall with unoccupied stations leading deeper into the building, to a set of double doors seeming to be the norm for a place like this. But...

"Something's wrong," she whispered to her Servant, "The magical energy here, everything feels heavy, why-"


A voice from somewhere deeper in the building, sounding like that of a girl around Nanako's age or somewhat younger.

"We have intruders! Aah, I made sure no-one else knew about our little party, too... oh well. Kill them~"

The double doors burst open, and a number of armed figures, several with guns marched through it. Immediately they trained their weapons on the pair and opened fire!

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

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The sword flickered... and yet remained firmly at his throat once the blade stilled. The only sign anything had been done at all was the sight--and sound--of a sliced-off pants button hitting the ground. "I would cut out your tongue before any orders could be given. It would be best for you to surrender quietly and be taken into custody."

After all, even if nobody else were to take care of this madman's Servant, his own safety would still seem paramount.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 12 days ago


Assassin observed the drama before him. After heard one the young mage responsible for this carnage speak about six others, he more or less formulated the idea that they were involved in some form of unsanctioned ritual based on the Holy Grail War. As it would turn out, it seemed like his guess was true after all.

"It seems like no matter the state of the world, whenever Masters and Servants gather together in a single place, a Holy Grail War is soon to follow," Assassin said. He may not have any clear memories during this summoning but he was certain that he had fought in many Holy Grail Wars in the past.

"I believe it's best if we don't involve ourselves with these miscreants, Master. Of course, if you are willing to do the contrary I won't oppose it either," Assassin said after Shou came into the kitchen.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 1 day ago

Uehara Shou

With the bomber's phone in hand, Shou turned towards his Servant as the latter moved to address him. The mention of a Holy Grail War caused the onmyoji to pause, though, glancing between the device and the two Masters across from him. Reasonably speaking, it would have been better to heed the Assassin's advice; putting his neck out for complete strangers was not something he had any reason to do...

But leaving things as they were could very easily allow things to continue to spiral out of control, especially given how there seemed to be a cover-up in place. The article about the dorm exploding that he had just reviewed came to mind almost immediately, which was more than enough reason to be unsure that the problem would resolve itself if left alone.

"...I don't think this is something we can let be," he said, shaking his head in mild disagreement. "At the very least, there might be something we can do to help resolve this without letting it escalate further."

As he spoke, another explosion shook the room, only for a clown (or what appeared to be one) to stumble into the kitchen, followed by the two Servants that had chased him out earlier. The young man's eyes widened slightly upon seeing the former, only for the Saber who had been holding him at bladepoint until then to threaten him with injury once more. There was a nervous gulp as his eyes darted between the steel at his neck and his (apparent) Servant, but the situation quickly changed as the blonde knight stepped forward to end the game of cat-and-mouse.

The result was swift, if nothing else; the blade seemed to slice through his body like butter, splattering blood across the floor in full view of everyone present. Even Takuya seemed to be grimacing slightly at the sight (though his Servant seemed more relieved that the job had been done), and the color draining from Alan's face as he watched golden particles begin to form around the mortally wounded Servant's body was more than enough to tell what had just happened.

Despite that mortal wound, though, the Caster seemed none too worried; in face, the smile on his face might have implied the opposite. As his eyes met his Master's, the Servant weakly raised one hand——

Only for the Lancer to walk up and slam her spear into it, tearing it out before dealing a more decisive blow towards her enemy's neck.

"Good riddance," she spat, flicking the blood off of her weapon before turning towards her Master. "So what now?"

Instead of giving her a reply, though, Takuya glanced at the other three Masters present in turn, waiting to see what their decisions would end up being. All the while, of course, the (now-former) Master seemed to lose any drive to bluff his way out of the situation. With his Servant dead, there was nothing that he could do to a single Servant, let alone the four who were present, after all.

@VitaVitaAR@KoL@Raineh Daze
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