Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sanity43217
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Adam bloody hated this.
Being on the back foot. Leaving to hide. There had always been mad witches and Wizards, and they always ended up dead. This would be no different.
His young arrogance, or naivety had him thinking he could take on the world. Maybe because most of his struggles he had been able to fight his way out of. Running away was something he had done as a child, and swore he would never do again. He wanted to be the best, so he poured himself into his training and studies. Until in his mind, he was. He simply refused to accept the fact he wasn’t. Even if he was just deluding himself.
Though some part of him must have known he didn’t stand a chance, because here he was. Marching up a hill, in the dead of night. Instead of kicking down a door and unloading two revolvers into a sleeping witch who wanted him dead.
So here he was. Walking up a mountain. Cold air clinging around him. More so then usual. Despite people always noting it was cold around him, and using frost magic, he didn’t like places when it was naturally cold. He didn’t like not having a wealth of energy to call upon. He energy stores were already low since he was stirred from his sleep for this trek. With little energy to absorb along the way, he was starting to consider starting a fight just to get the kinetic build up of being hit. Though not seriously, as even he could see it would cause more trouble then it was worth.

With the house finally in sight, he hung to the side. Silently listening in. Leaning against the wall in the corner. Not really making any effort to interfere, nor really trying to hide his presence. Just listening to the talk. Trying to figure out what to do. His hands cautiously thumbing the hammer on his revolvers that sat on his hips. He was definitely not comfortable with this whole thing. He didn’t like not being in control.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by blackdragon

blackdragon An Ass Wiser than Yoda

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ivy found a spot in the corner and got to work. Pricking her finger to get a drop of blood, she began chanting in an old, blasphemous tongue. The droplet hovered, multiplying and spreading until a red pentagram levitated around her, with sigils at the points written in demonic script. “Leviathan, old one, damned one, come before me. One who is not worthy seeks an audience.”

"Old One? Who are you calling Old, little boy?" Leviathan retorted, seemingly as a disembodied voice.

"Hmph." Ivy shook her head at being called 'boy.' "I mean, I know I'm flat as a pancake, but that's just insulting." The witch shrugged. "And I did think you'd recognize your own flesh and blood. But I digress. I take it you've heard what Madame Muir has planned for us, so I'd like to ask you a few questions about the whole situation."

"Alright." Ivy took a deep breath- she was about to lead with a big ask. "First off, I'm nervous about having a safe house on this plane. Too easy for her to find, and with enough time and effort, she could break the protective enchantments. So, what I'd like, if you can provide it, is a cottage on the shores of the Sea of Envy. Big enough to fit the whole class, and protected by an anti-scrying enchantment powered by you so she can't locate us. If you can't... I understand."

"Eh, no, I gotta better idea."
"Manifest me on Earth's Plane, and I'll help with your little Witch Bitch situation."

Well. This just got interesting. Ivy strained at the momentousness of what her father was proposing. Conjuring the physical embodiment of the Seven Deadly Sins in the mortal plane was a feat that would at least get you some consideration as a new Supreme. If you could survive, that is. If she tried manifesting any of the others on her own, she was sure all that would be left of her was a pile of ashes and a decent pair of heels. Even with the connection to her father's blood, she wasn't certain she could do it herself.

"I'll keep it in mind. Second idea. Madame Muir wants to steal our life force. If she's immortal, she won't need to do that. Question is, how do we get her to that point? I'm willing to work with her if it saves our lives.”

"I know all about how Madam Muir came to become immortal, and why she's dying. I will only tell you everything you want to know if you agree to a few stipulations."
"Oh, and I wouldn't suppose you happen to have any of her possessions or something like that would you?"

"No, I don't." Ivy sighed. A possession of the Madame's would be a huge boon in working curses on her. It wasn't a fight she could ever win, but maybe she could at least hurt her and make it easier for the others to bring her down. Alas. "What are these stipulations you ask of me?"

"Okay here's the thing. I need you marry Dagon."
. . .

"Dagon? Dagon?" Ivy's eyes narrowed as she tried to place the name- then she had a full-blown freakout as she managed to do so. "No. no. This is not happening. My father is not selling me like a horse to get hitched to a godly piece of seafood. And can you imagine the 'smells like fish' jokes? No way. Nuh-uh. Not. Gonna. Happen."

"Hon. . . " Leviathan began sardonically. "You know I'm a demon right? I'm not Father of the Year material. I've been trying to find some way to make use of you since you were born, and this is probably one of the best ways how."

"If you wanna get hitched with someone else, I suppose there is also Vlad Tepes. You've heard of him, right?"

"Ugh. You know what, Dagon isn't so bad. But you're paying for the wedding. I could use a couple of spare damned souls." The witch shuddered, but she was over a barrel and she knew it. "Now, tell me everything you know about Madame Muir."

"Oh, one more."
"Ahem, you don't necessarily need to um. . . you know, "Consummate the marriage"
"But you most certainly as his Queen, must give him literal children that you birth."
Immediately he changed subject.
"The Supreme Witch was born as Emma Muir, in the year 875, Common Era. She was born as the most beautiful woman in all Strathclyde."
"One day, the local Lord of her region took a liking to her, which would be prove to be a great curse."
"This Lord raped the fair Emma, took her child from her, and paid her for her "services" and also as hush money.

Emma rightly tried to tell everyone what had happened, but as the culture of the day wasn't exactly the most progressive, they shunned her as a wench and kicked her out of her home. Emma was hunted down in the forest and violated by several of the Lord's men, and died from her wounds.
Emma's powers activated after her murder, and her body magically restored it'self.

"She rightly hated the Lord and his men, and the village, but her curse was a terrible punishment. Three villages, the Lord's castle, and all innocents in the region fell under the shadow of a plague. Three thousand men, women, and children. First, there came an unbearable thirst, then unbearable hunger. All pleasant sensations left them, while their pain and discomfort from the starvation and thirst would heighten, and they would all age an entire year in one day. Soon, there were no living folk among the cursed places, and worst of all, their souls still hunger and thirst, in agonizing starvation as they have for more than a thousand years, and will continue to do so until Judgment Day."

"The key to her defeat lies in the damnation she torments her victims with every waking moment of every night and day."

"So, let me get this straight. Madame Muir gets her power from souls she trapped and tormented, and if we can free those souls, she'll probably age to dust. Correct?"

"Nope. It's more complicated than that. She not only gets power from the suffering she inflicts on her victims, but there is also the little matter of her only son."
"He was the only survivor of the incident."

"Okay. Tell me about Junior and what his role is in this fiasco."

"For one thing, Junior is either still around, or somehow has a role in taking Muir down. He has made some artifacts of enormously powerful magic."
"The so-called Jacob Stone, also known as the Stone of Scone of Scottish Kings is one. It's not just a gemstone, it can hold all power of all Scottish mages, both witch and warlock inside of it. Each time a witch from Scottland dies he or she sheds an insignificant portion of their soul into the Stone. Witches aren't the most common kind of person so even after a thousand years it might not seem like a lot, but then there's indirect gifts the Stone brings. Muir, for example, was so strong with her magic that her son constantly had nightmares of the screaming souls of her damned souls. When he created The Stone of Scone, he managed to blot out her power. This stone is said to have the power to protect from all curses."

"So if we can get our hands on the stone, we'll be able to protect ourselves from her magic."

"The kid, if you call someone a thousand years old a kid, is the one who made these things. These are things and things can be broken."
"Madam Muir still has feelings for both her children, even Emelia, there could be a way for her to avoid murdering them and still get what she wants."
"There could be a way to use Emelia and the other kid to give Emma Muir what she wants and avoid slaughtering anyone."

"I think I understand." Ivy smiled again- she had several more cards to play, and they could well be aces. "Anything else, or is that all you want to tell me?"

"Okay, well I think I do remember more than a couple of ways you can restore Madam Muir's immortality without massacring innocents, which, let's face is, a lot more boring than watching her do just that."
"The Holy Grail is actually still somewhere in The World of Avalon."
"It's the only object which is empowered by both God and Pagan gods at the same time."
"This object would be difficult to acquire. It's guarded by various Fairy deities."
"They're not malicious, but you'd have to earn it's use."

The tiefling went utterly rigid and stock-still. When she recovered her wits, Ivy said in a low voice, "The Holy Grail?! I... I thought that was just a bedtime story for kids! It's real?"

"Yeah. Like I said it's a little different from the traditional legend. Jesus did come into contact with it, and it's the only thing he's ever done in cooperation with Pagan gods."
"It basically has a portion of God's presence throughout and inside the chalice."
"Take the Holy Grail, with anyone that Madam Muir trusts, and have them give it to her in exchange for her agreeing to banishment to the Other World."

"An interesting proposition, but will she take it? Regardless, we have several options to pursue. I... I think we're in a good spot, dad." Ivy mentally broke her connection to her father- she could always summon him again later. “Okay,” she told the other witches. “I know how Madame Muir become immortal, I got a lead on the Holy Grail, and most important, I agreed to get myself knocked up by a glorified sushi plate.”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Phi Chisym
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Phi Chisym The Original Phi-pademic!

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Lithiuna Malorram

Lithy watched in wonder as Ivy activated her connection with her father through the use of blood and an unknown language that sounded demonic. She's never known any new magical arts to involke such methods, which have been known these days to be banished. Her old ways are familiar with the use of blood to open portals to the realms of their Iwa, and have received ridicule for it. It was nice to see that others use similar methods and that this school did not enforce punishment for the use of their natural abilities - but embraced them. Then again, knowing why Muir embraced such powers - positive or negative - brings about a new, uncomfortable thoughts about her reasoning.

They watched silently as Ivy worked her magic, meditating and practically oozing with a dark, shadowy aura that sent chills up Lithy's spine. The energy she felt was very different from her Iwa's aura when she's within his realm, but there were similarities that could claim that they both share power from the same. Nevertheless, it was fascinating. In so may ways, Lithy wished her Iwa would be so open and forthcoming about building more of a friendlier connection with her. As of now, Papa Legba keeps her at an arms distance. She has more of a connection to Uncle Ogun than her own Tutelary.

“Okay,” Ivy separated from her connection with a positive vibe surrounding her. “I know how Madame Muir become immortal. I got a lead on the Holy Grail, and most important, I agreed to get myself knocked up by a glorified sushi plate.”

"Wait...what?" Lithy's eyes widened amazingly larger than they should. "How did - getting knocked up by a... glorified sushi plate - related to you gaining that information about Muir? You didn't just sacrifice her virtue for it?" Her concern was vivid, "Such a thing is just as bad as me offering my foot for luck instead of a rabbit!"

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by WindsOfFate

WindsOfFate Divine Diva of Fabulousness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Steamy Shower and Dark Vision

Yuri's light brown eyes scanned the room and observed everything that was happening. Even though he was comforting Remy as best he could with the understanding of how Remy's abilities worked, he didn't trust this new place and wanted to ensure there was a back door if they all needed it. It was hard to trust anyone after it was revealed that the woman who had opened a school to teach them and nurture them into powerful students had come to want them all dead for her own gains. After that realization, Yuri only trusted those he knew, Remy being one. He knew Madame Muir's claws dug deep in the community and he knew she had allies that would help her in any shape or form, and they were powerful, but he would be ready if they came looking. he would make sure that no one took them, any of them, especially not Remy.

Yuri had come to appreciate most of the older students. The ones who had a grip on their powers he got along with well, but there were some that he didn't really care for, but still would protect with everything he had. Sighing, he didn't let Remy feel his own worries or concerns. He didn't want Remy to overload his mind with the emotions of others. The chest tap from Remy's fist made Yuri smirk as he watched his boyfriend blush. Then Remy did something Yuri didn't expect. He felt Remy's hand grab his own and pull away from the others, to a place they could be alone. He had to admit that he liked when Remy took control and embraced the authority he had over Yuri. It did something to Yuri to be tugged, and once alone Yuri looked into Remy's eyes and softly trailed a hand along Remy's face.

"Let me help you take your mind off of it," Yuri said softly as the kissing started.

It was deep, passionate, and almost longing, but needed. The deep passion both men had for one another was expressed during the intense make-out session that led somehow to a shower. Peeling off layers of clothing Yuri and Remy left love marks on the other's neck, visible for all to see. The water droplets from the shower cascaded across their nude forms as they performed sensual acts of pleasure. How they managed to get from the shower to a room was a secret they would forever keep. Yuri watched as Remy slowly slipped into slumber on the bed, his soft lips slightly red from the kissing. Yuri leaned in to kiss Remy on the forehead before sliding out of bed. He reached into the expensive bag that he'd summoned with clothes for both of them and pulled out a pair of pants and a button-up breezy shirt. The shirt was thin, but black and yet his toned body could be seen if the light hit it at the right angle. The pants were black with distressed areas of grey and rips in the thigh and knee area. He pulled on the black suede boots and looked back at Remy who was fast asleep.

Yuri's eyes shifted to white as he placed a protection sigil on the door of the room, the windows, and the walls. When done, his eyes returned to their alluring light brown color. He opened the door and closed it softly to allow Remy time to rest. Yuri rejoined the others just as Ivy began communicating with her father, Leviathan, the demon of old. Something as powerful as an old demon would prove useful to Ivy, but what about them? Thankfully, Yuri had his own connection with powerful entities, though the price they asked was always high. He observed, unmoved by the shadowy aura that came from Ivy's being, and when she was finished, he shrugged his shoulders and smirked.

"Well, I guess we'll come to the wedding if we survive. Sounds like a good time," Yuri said, "Care to spill on this immortality thing with Madame Muir? I honestly thought the Holy Grail was something no one could get to. I mean Madame Muir hasn't even located it. Sounds like a mission to me, and I'm always up for some action."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sat watching the ritual happening before him. He found the use of blood as a power source interesting, he even wondered if that is how his own magic worked. After all, while he could easily control the flow of magic in his own body he had trouble pushing forcing it out as the others seemed to do. Though also others seemed to radiate magic, while his own flowed through his veins. If she could use blood to perform magic, he also wondered what she could do with his own magic-infused blood. He believed it was something worth exploring if he was to be of more use to those around him.

As time drifted on and he sat there in his own mind, he neither fidgeted nor moved. Almost looking like a statue as he kept that neutral appearance on his face. Soon though Ivy was back into their world and speaking to them. Though, she spoke in a way that confused Him. The context of the words was lost on him, and some of them he didn't quite know. Ignorance was no the bliss people kept saying it was. But the boy who seemed to have two scents made the most sense to him, not the two scents part, that kind of confused him, but a mission. A mission was a concept he understood.

"I agree...having a course of action is desirable," he stated. "We must find this Grail with holes...but why do we need to Harm Ivy with plates...I do not see how hurting her with plates helps in any way. No matter how glorious said plates maybe...also why must they be plates for the use of Sushi?" He wasn't fully sure what sushi was, but he did know it was some kind of food made from fish.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by blackdragon

blackdragon An Ass Wiser than Yoda

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Well," Ivy said with a shrug, "this isn't the first time Miss Muir has tried something like this. She's got a reserve of souls she's stolen over the years and uses those to maintain her mortal form. As for the Grail, I know it's somewhere in Avalon, with a bunch of old gods watching over it. Probably Celtic, but I'm not as familiar with those stories."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Suddenly, the Hill Top would erupt in violence. Gun shots were fired at the property, missing any students, but they were currently running for cover against the hail of bullets. Various cars had driven up to the property of Blackwell's mansion and then, men dressed in black left their vehicles and continued this vicious assault. To compound matters, after the large group of dozens arrived, the Hill Top was swallowed into another dimension, temporarily, and odd, demonic creatures began to congregate on the Estate Grounds. Tall, ghoulish albino creatures, similar to the appearance of "Slender Man', also wearing the "men in black" apparel, they seemed to have no weapon on their person, but they had murderous intent.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by WindsOfFate

WindsOfFate Divine Diva of Fabulousness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

All Hell Breaks Loose

There was no time to prepare, no time to react and the only thing that they could do was seek cover. The bullets ripped through the wards that protected the mansion and struck various items in the house. Yuri moved to a window and announced loudly that they were under attack. Screams of panic filled the air as those students who were unfamiliar with this sort of thing rushed to hide behind any form of barrier they could. Yuri looked to the older students, the stronger students and nodded as he made sure they were getting the other students to safety. One stray bullet ripped through Yuri's shoulder, knocking him back and to the ground, but the onslaught wasn't over.

The bullets stopped and what felt like microwaves surging over them made Yuri get to his feet as quickly as possible. He clutched his injured shoulder and approached the window once more. This time the assailants had no weapons. They were somewhere he didn't recognize, and what looked to be tall slender albino ghouls began to encroach on their location. Yuri groaned as he knew the bullet had gone straight through his body and he was losing blood by the minute, but his mind quickly settled on Remy. The sigils he had put in place would keep Remy safe. The bullets would strike the window and wall but never break through. The only thing that would alert Remy would be the sound of the bullets striking but never piercing.

"Lithy and you," Yuri said pointing at Adam, "get the kids to safety. I'm going to go check on Remy."

Just as he turned to rush off, one of the slender creatures burst through the window and tackled him to the ground. Yuri felt it's teeth rip into his shoulder and he yelled out before his eyes shifted into a dangerous white. His hand slammed against the creature's chest and within seconds the creature was writhing on the floor in pain until it's head began to expand. The exploding head sent fluid and matter in all direction. Yuri stood to his feet, his eyes showing no emotion. His face void of any sign of pain from the bullet and bite. Yuri slammed his foot into the ground and just as another creature burst through the window, Yuri's palm thrust forward and a sigil of destruction blasted the two creatures, completely eradicating them leaving nothing but piles of smoldering bones. Yuri's divine movements looked as if he were practicing some form of martial arts with his arms lunging into various spots in the air, but when he clasped his hands together, a beaitufl spell circle appeared before everyone. Subsequently a much larger spell circle would envelope the mansion. The spell circle slammed against the door with what looked to be a timer ticking away. It was only temporary. The creatures came, touching the window and doors only to be repelled with great force.

Yuri's eyes returned to their normal light brown and without warning he collapsed to the ground, blood seeping from the open wounds. He coughed and more blood coated the once clean floor. His body shook slightly from the trauma. The spell circle would keep them safe for a moment, but when it faded they would have to figure something out.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Soul was still confused about what they were talking about the first of the bullets came flying through the wall. He could feel a shift as the world around them changed. His first instinct was to kill, to slaughter his opposition No that voice was faint in the back of his mind. Suddenly that creature was attacking the boy with two scents, but another window came crashing as another monster came Leaping towards the group Protect them!, that voice whispered to him. As that monster lept towards them, he lept after it. As it got closer he spun, lifting up his leg as it collided with the face of that monster, the force of that kick caved in its face, its body crumpled as it reversed directions and was sent flying back out that window to skip along the ground outside.

These monsters at least for now seemed mostly physically bassed. More were coming in, leaping in the next came after him. Its movements were slow, at least to soul they were, it came in with a knarled maw with rows of teeth. Before it could register though, it had crumpled down as Soul punched it, he Grabbed its head under his arm. He Tensed, with a squeeze and a jerk there was a crutch and pop. For good measure Soul walked forward bending it back and pulling ripping its head from its shoulder. As another was about to come in. It suddenly screamed and was hurling back that field launching it out.

He could hear screams, the scratching of claws...he could smell blood. "more have entered the building. We must gather ourselves and prepare a counterattack." his voice was flat and calm as ever. Though his veins had a slight magical glow to them. His already athletic and toned build seemed slightly more pronounced as magic flowed through him.

"I can only heal myself if any can heal others attend to him." he said as he walked over to his bag. He pulled it open, pulling out a set of swords he pulled back the belt, snapping it around his waist so they were on either side of his waist. He pulled out a large hunting knife as well. Reaching behind himself as it hooked onto his jeans. "Who will accompany me?" he asked looking to the group
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Phi Chisym
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Phi Chisym The Original Phi-pademic!

Member Seen 10 mos ago


One could say Remy slept like a baby. One could also say his dreams were just as sweet as the moment within his reality that sparked them. And, if One saw how the curled up form of this young mage hovered over the sheets of the bed he shared with his bow, then One would realize that Remy was beyond the plain he existed in - he was, as One would say, teetering on the edge.

No, he was in paradise during the shower, learning just how infatuated he truly is with Yuri and all his loving ways. And no, when he settled into bed to cuddle, the only emotions that ran through his entire body were that of him and Yuri's. That's all he's ever wanted... to only hear the whispered heartbeats of one from two combined. No, these were not the causes of the darkness that began to drench his wet dream. No... something was coming. It was close, and Remy was too lost in bliss to wake up to warn someone.

Minutes after Yuri left him, he rested peacefully in his wanton afterglow until a haze of heated shadow filled his unconsciousness. It was ominous, morbid, dangerous... He didn't feel threatened by the presence because it wasn't close enough. But it was, however, close enough for his unconsciousness to pinpoint it and connect. Big Mistake!

Remy's body jolted and seized over the sheets as his body began to reject the powerful negative aura connected to his spirit. He could feel their evil intent and their hunger for blood. The mass of emotions triggered his personal blocks, but they seem thin in comparison to such immense evil. Breathing harshly and thrashing frantically in the air, Remy tried to wake up but he was too overwhelmed to break away from the danger now breaking through the barrier around the estate.

Tears squeezed from his clamped eyes and his nose began to bleed as he fought against this now painful threat attacking the students. A scorching burn seems to course down his spine, forcing his unconscious form to arch back and a loud cry of pain echoed throughout the room. Instantly, at that moment, Remy's eyes shot open glowing orange in the collective fright across the grounds, and a rush of instinctual aura radiated off his skin. He could sense the frantic students rushing to find safety. The elite students - he felt their courage and anxiousness as they stood at the ready to defend. And the teachers, he could sense their combined powers building to prepare their attacks against the demons on the grounds. Yuri had safely locked Remy away from the opposing gunfire, but not from the cornucopia of emotions driving their little world into a frenzy. He wanted it to end.

Remy's aura raced past Yuri's block and left the building. It was hunting for emotions of fear to suggest confidence and courage, hoping the frightful students would be able to stand in the fight rather than run. His shield found them, wrapping students and teachers in a light yellow hue that blocked stray bullets and other minor attacks. Suspended in his power, Remy remained in this fitful state until the threat outside subsides. Until then, his natural instinct shielded their bodies and emotions in hopes to end the fight quickly. Unfortunately, his outdated binding spell was beginning to burn away.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by blackdragon

blackdragon An Ass Wiser than Yoda

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ivy's hands whirled in a blur as she conjured a flowing trail of water around them. But this was no ordinary water, or even merely supernatural. Called from the deepest trench of the icy seas her father claimed as his own, it corroded and corrupted everything it touched. Even Ivy herself was not immune, not completely. Wincing from the pain, she sent a blast of the water at one of the attackers. "Do you think the wards will keep them out?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Various students retaliated, even as they took for cover against the bullets, and unleashed blasts of ice at the creatures, and the men who were firing their assault rifles, the bullets didn't seem to affect the wards, though some students were injured outside the mansion. Emelia conjured lightning which thundered and struck many of the strange Slender Man like monsters who were attempting to claw their way inside the large dwelling. Black Well would flick his wand, and one monster splattered into chunks of flesh, shattered bones and blood. Anatole was seen grappling with one of the monsters, after having already ripping one of their heads off.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Phi Chisym
Avatar of Phi Chisym

Phi Chisym The Original Phi-pademic!

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Talk about the Holy Grail as their means of eradicating Madame Muir, being the starting idea of their first plan to save themselves, Lithy wasn't at all sure why this was considered a positive start. She's never heard of such a thing, but there's still plenty of American information about magic and religion that she's still learning about. She figured it was some sort of holy symbol strong enough to eliminate such an evil opponent. As they went about chatting, Lithy began to feel a twinge of irritation heating up her senses. Something wasn't right.

Amos, who sat taller on her boots, suddenly hissed with ears flattened and hair rising on end. "Stay Alert, Ti Se!"

Looking up, Lithy watched her worst nightmare - Upon Black Hill Top an explosion of mass insanity breached through the magical shield that was supposed to protect the grounds. Gunfire crossed the air around them and all the students began to scream in horror as tons of black-suited figures and ghouls began to attack them.

"So much for being safe here!" Lithy scowled, wishing she pushed further about her concerns with the safety of this estate. She watched some students and teachers stand tall against the onslaught, fighting with whatever weapon they could garnish or whatever curse they could cast.

Moving closer to the front of the estate, Lithy heard someone cry out in pain before her name was called out. "Lithy and you," She turned to find Yuri grunting with blood painting the sleeve of his shirt. "Get the kids to safety. I'm going to go check on Remy." He rushed away before she could respond. Giving the others a glance, she ducked down and ran to hide behind the stone gate around the home. Peeking out, she watched as more and more students were being attacked; her mind raced to figure out what she could do to help them. Frustrated that she had no weapon to call upon, she decided to do the next best thing.

Papa Legba! May I please...

Sa a see pa tan an, her father chuckled. (This is not the time.)

Yes, it is! I am unable to protect myself or others! This is a perfect time!

Oui, the perfect time to learn - use what I've already given you.

But Papa...

And then her connection fell silent. Angry now, Lithy fumed as she tried to regain her focus upon the battlefield, watching the strange ghouls seek their next victims. This was her first magical fight ever - and it wasn't civil or organized; just chaotic and maddening.

With only minimum access to her stronger abilities and no physical weapon she could just pull from anywhere - like Soul was doing at that time, Lithy began to mentally dig into her database for an appropriate spell.

"Choose your rutters, byen vit!" (quickly) Amos barked at her feet before his form seems to melt into the ground - disappearing - only to enter Lithy's body to offer more confidence and protection. Instantly, her eyes turned pure black and her well-manicured nails lengthened into extreme cat claws.

Taking a deep breath, Lithy focused, placing herself in deep concentration as she noted where all the ghouls were present on the grounds. Mumbling a sinister mantra, she began to play with their empty minds, toy with their mechanical thoughts - manipulate them into obeying her by creating illusions of their master before them. Instead of the students or instructors, they were attacking, the appearance of Madame Muir suddenly preset herself before their eyes as if she had stepped directly before them to speak with them personally. They were pawns and were easily swayed to stop their attacks, but for her to conduct such a massive illusion was a poor first move on Lithy's part. Skills she had, but battle tactics were non-existent. She's always run away from a fight - not jump headfirst into the fray. Therefore, attempting this illusion to offer the students and instructors a chance to get away, or to attack with gusto, was what she can offer at that time.

"I can make them stop...," she shouted over the noise towards the others. "I can make them dance the jig if you like. But... I can't do this for long... Not for this amount of people. My illusions are meant for smaller groups. So, get everyone to attack them - quickly! Or, we find a better hiding place!"

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

"I can make them stop...," she shouted over the noise towards the others. "I can make them dance the jig if you like. But... I can't do this for long... Not for this amount of people. My illusions are meant for smaller groups. So, get everyone to attack them - quickly! Or, we find a better hiding place!"

Emelia Muir stepped forward in front of the Elite student witch. "Okay that's enough, and unnecessary." She took a knife and cautiously cut her hand, causing blood to fall on the ground, muttered something underneath her breath, incomprehensible even if spoken out loud, and the barrier of the house expanded quickly, covering the whole hill top, eradicating the monstrous creatures and knocking the assassins out, simultaneously rendering their cars inoperable. At this moment, these assassins were all knocked unconscious through Emelia's spell.
She grit her teeth and barked an order. "Get the assassins inside the house for questioning."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Phi Chisym
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Phi Chisym The Original Phi-pademic!

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Lithy drooped her illusions and watched Emelia awaken a spell connected to the magical shield around the estate. It expanded to collect the entire Hill, dropping their enemies like dead flies.

"Get the assassins inside the house for questioning."

Lithy's jaw jerked as Amos suddenly took full control of her form. "Well, if it was that easy, ya should have done it sooner!" He turned towards Emelia with claws at the ready, but Lithy regained her control and started to force her frustrated Familiar's spirit from her form. But, that wasn't going to be easy.

Gasping as if fighting for breath, Lithy's body folded down with her hands propped against her knees. Amos was not in the mood to remove himself from her - he was actually putting up a fight! He wanted to express his anger at the Librarian - wondering why such methods were not in place before an attack of this magnitude arrived. But Lithy wasn't going to allow her Familiar's suspicions to disrespect Emelia like that. They're all trying their best to survive Emma. Emelia had far too much on her plate as is, along with the damaging emotions about the woman she's loved as her mother now wants to kill her too.

Lithy, winning her inner war, was able to catch her breath and stand to her full height again. Her nails retracted back into their normal state and Amos, the now angry cat, returned to his solid-state and stood before her, hissing at Emelia for her late arrival to the boss fight. Lithy picked him up quickly into her arms before he pounced. "Ah, so sorry, Emelia. He gets cranky if he misses a fighting opportunity." Amos was barking in her head about how this entire scenario felt like a trap and Emelia was not one to be trusted, but Lithy ignored him since he was the one who expressed at the school earlier that day that she was trustworthy. Has her Familiar lost his mind? Or just angry that he didn't get blood on her nails? Either way, she wanted him to chill out so she could concentrate on the situation before her.

She excused herself from Emelia and headed to the front of the estate - now dressed as a medieval war ground after a battle. There were some students moving about, healing all they could or securing some of the assassins that were still alive to bring them inside. She awakened her aura and searched through the dead students and instructors, seeking those who had fallen for only a short time - those with enough spark of life still left to revive. "Someone, help me here." The few she'd found, she revived and handed over to another student to carry them inside.

Instructors began to rally the students into various rooms in the estate. Those who faired well that had healing skills were sent to the ballroom where all the injured were being taken. Everyone else did what they could to bring more people inside and to keep the assassins secured in the lobby where they were forced to sit down on the floor bounded from movement and magic. When Lithy helped out all she could, she slowly returned to the estate herself, tired but eager to help out more. She began looking around to find the other elite students she was acquainted with. She only saw Yuri for a second before he left to find Remy, whom she hadn't seen before the battle began. Ivy and Adam - she had no idea where they were. Soul she recalled was still inside with her before she ran out to attempt her illusion. With everyone inside, she began looking around in hopes of finding a familiar face.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Soul Turned to Emma as she spoke, Hearing her world is attention was suddenly grasped by Lithy, Her voice was wrong from what she had early. Her tone was also off as one hand found a hilt of his blade ready to draw. She changed again though, pausing for the moment he waited coiled, but in only a few moments he deemed the situation over. Though the way she was clutching at the cat he tilted his head..they seemed to share a scent. He was a bit confused by this but didn't think it was the time to ask about such things. Instead he turned to Emma directing his attention to her. With a polite bow of his head he spoke to her "I will work on gathering the assassins...I would ask any who can restrict others to assist with this as well" he said assuming those that had been here longer would know better who could do such a thing out of the people gathered at the mansion, as he at best only had a surface-level understanding of the magic they had from what he had only seen since arriving here. Using his shadow meld to get outside as quickly as possible he went to work, Pulling off any obvious weapons and patting them down. While other students were focusing on healing he decided to focus on the assassins. He could easily lift and carry their weight, dragging four of them at a time. Any that were starting to wake up, he would quickly knock them back out as he turned them over to the other students who were helping bind them up. WIth him and the other students, it didn't take long.

He felt he was much more limited in what he could do, His body was still flowing with magic, he senses were heightened as he kept an eye on the prisoners as he was leaving himself in a state of hyper-alertness. It was hard to sift through the noise, he could hear people in the next room perfectly fine, He was sifting through scents, familiarizing himself with the people around him as he looked almost like a guard sleeping standing up his eyes closed so he could focus on his other senses. Though he was still reacting, moving out of the way of rushing people who wearnt dating attention and didn't see him. But he was also starting to feel hungry. He could hear footsteps, picking up the scent of the one who shared it as his eyes opened up, he focused in on Lithy. "Why do you and that cat share a scent?" He asked her rather straightforwardly as he tilted his head "Also earlier it was as if another person spoke with your mouth. Is this a common occurrence for you, or is this a problem we should be wary of?" he asked. Standing closer he appeared like he was smaller than before he left to round up the attackers.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

The Prisoners

There were now a dozen survivors left after the exchange with various students and Muir's thunder strikes. The men all had looks of stoicism.
Meanwhile Emelia got ready to question them. "You are in the presence of a large gathering of real, powerful witches, both male and female."
"I would suggest you cooperate with our questioning." One of the men appeared like he was considering answering.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by WindsOfFate

WindsOfFate Divine Diva of Fabulousness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rules: There Are No Rules

Yuri had managed to stand to his feet by the time Emelia stepped in to help. Using knowledge of spells he understood, he managed to heal the wounds that once plagued his body. Though his mana wasn't at its fullest, he would still do what needed to be done to protect Remy and those in his circle. When Emelia stepped in and activated a spell using her blood, he watched as the effects struck those who dare attack them. The creatures perished, but there were a few survivors, the assassins that had been sent to eradicate them. No doubt Madame Muir had something to do with it, and even in her current weakened state, she had managed to do all of this damage. To hold the power she held in her prime. It wasn't a secret that the Supreme's power weakened when the next Supreme in line grew stronger. Yuri wondered who would take Madame Muir's place once she finally gave in to the grim reaper.

After the explosion of power that came from Remy, Yuri had tried his hardest to get to him, but one thing after another kept him from making it. Now that everyone was safe and the assassins were tied up, Yuri rushed to the room he'd sealed. He approached the door, the seals red hot, the door warm to the touch. Slowly opening the door, he moved over to Remy and slowly reached out to touch him on the side of his face.

"Remy, Remy baby wake up. Open your eyes," Yuri said softly, "listen to the sound of my voice. I'm here. Open your eyes."

Yuri continued to speak softly hoping that Remy would hear his voice and come to. As he examined the room, his eyes finally fell on Remy's back. It looked like a long burn that ran from the base of his neck all the way down, although the burn turned into a tattoo. Yuri had read about tattoos like this. Buffers. Some sort of binding rune. He knew Remy was an empath, he researched and understood to a degree how his power worked, but he wasn't an expert. He did all he could to understand his boyfriend and figure out what made him tick and what calmed him down. The tattoo was important. Without it, Remy would be in danger. He saw the blood from the burn wound halfway down his boyfriend's back. He picked Remy up and held him as if he weighed nothing.

"Remy, come back to me. I can't lose you. I..," he paused. Even though they were dating neither had said the words yet. The three words that elevated a relationship to the next level. Yuri was afraid that if he opened that door, Remy might run. Saying the words weren't just so pastime sport, for Yuri it meant more than just a simple gesture. "Remy if you can hear me, I love you, and I need you."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sanity43217
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Adam had done his job during the assault. Firing back on assassin and monster alike.
Now with a few prisoners, he watched over the interrogation. Clenching his right hand into a fist, extending his pointer and little finger, he began drawing in light. Forming a small blade of solid darkness.
Adam had always been a bit of a bully. He enjoyed being in a situation he could control. Probably because he was pushing the trauma he experienced as a child onto those now he deemed beneath him. “Now...” walked up to one of the more stoic looking assassins. He wanted to show they were serious. He grabbed the right hand of the assassin with his left hand and the shadow blade lashed out taking off three fingers. The blade made of darkness, dissipating as the assassin’s pinky, ring finger and middle finger fell to the ground. “How much is she paying you?”
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