Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Dura Mor

Dura remained in her spot leaned against the back wall and just observed the interactions of the group. She had a habit of observing before truly interacting. It was generally so she could get a feel for the people she was going to be working with. As she was doing this she had pulled a snack out of her pocket. Dura almost always had food of some sort on her. The red head was certainly a ball of energy just watching her made Dura a little bit tired. Sure, she herself was a generally energetic individual, but the sheer amount of talking the clearly younger female did was enough to make one's head spin. The rest of the group were all interesting in there own ways. All seeming to have a variety of skill sets and back grounds. Some of which had more magical backgrounds than others.

As a few people started getting into a conversation about magic and dragons and who knows what else Dura ended up spacing out. Most, if not all things involving magic went over her head and even when people tried to explain it to her she was confused. She learned by doing things and so it was hard for her to grasp some concepts. So she spaced out, the groups chatter turning to background noise until the Android started roll call, something she nearly missed as she only tuned in when she heard her own name called. Then the mission details were given. Dura had a hard time focusing back in though she felt she had gotten the just of it. She was a little confused as to why she had been recruited if they had the girl who could create portals but she supposed having a medic on stand-by who knew the details of the mission was useful. The less that needed to be asked when treating someone the faster the treatment could happen.

When one of the males, she had failed to catch his name commented on how Mr. X was a cliché name Dura nodded in agreement. Sure it made sense since this man was an X factor in this situation but she couldn't help but think it was silly. Regardless she nodded along to the presentation as if she was understanding it all. When the lights came back on she squinted a little not expecting it. And then the Android mentioned a warehouse with weapons. Dura figured this would be there first job and so, she mentally prepared herself for the worst case but hopped for the best.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Morgana Faith

Morgana had to admit that she had been rather curious was all of this was about, before this meeting. Although summoned, she had been purposefully kept in the dark regarding the details of this assignment aside from being told that it would involve fieldwork and a trip to Germany; it wouldn’t be the first time, the OMR did enjoy keeping its secrets at times. She had thought it would be some kind of new project; something cutting edge and top secret, given the lack of details, or perhaps something anomalous had been found and they needed her expertise.

Finding out that instead she was to assist in what was essentially a criminal investigation was… disappointing.

Her remit was that of research, not investigation and although they both might be concerned with the matter of finding answers they had little in common with each other in practice. There was little use she could see for her skills here, which meant this whole endeavour was going to be a waste of her valuable time. The mundane and non-magical nature of the crimes in question only made things worse; arms shipments and terrorist cells were no concern of hers. The only point of interest in this whole thing was the possible use of teleportation magic to transport the illicit materials. Long distance teleportation was always a tricky prospect, though not impossible, and the difficulty only increased with the amount of matter being transported and the distances involved; if they were using such methods to move their shipments around then that suggested the group had someone particularly talented in the use of teleportation rituals, a being of immense magical power in their employ, or something else entirely. Any one of which would be interesting.

It was a bare thread, but one she’d have to cling to for now.

“Aside from the teleportation spell, are there any other cases of them using magic?”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Spekkun
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Spekkun Devourer of skittles

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Mr. X, huh? I wish I had more information on him," Astridur drummed her hands against her knees as she reviewed the information from the mission brief. It seemed like a simple mission, but everything seemed simple until you hit the field, at least that's how it was in her experiences. Objective one would be the most important, and because of that, likely the most difficult. Finding out who is running the show is rarely easy, and if the OMR didn't know already, then they would likely be digging around for information on this guy for awhile, unless they happened to catch him while they were there.

Ha! Wouldn't that be nice!

"It's a little weird though, who they're selling to, just as you mentioned," Astfridur spoke up, scratching the side of her head as she thought out loud, "They do seem ideologically incompatible. If one group gained any significant foothold, then surely the other two would have a bone to pick with them." She couldn't see any revolutionary faction being okay with either the neo-nazi group or a biker gang having a leg up on them.

"Maybe this Mr. X just want to induce some chaos, huh? Use it as a blanket to cover something up, a bit of a distraction," The only problem with that line of thinking was that they had no idea what he could be distracting anyone for. "Or maybe he's just fundraising. If he's selling guns, he could use the money." He could just be a simple arms dealer, flooding the streets with guns and ammo to fill his pocket.

God, she hoped he was just a regular arms dealer. That would make this mess so much easier to clean up.

"Anyway, enough of my stupid ramblings! I don't have a single question for ya, Madeleine! Thank you kindly for the brief!"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 8 days ago

Faye heard Amanda's questions, nodding at her when she mentioned her portal. She was a bit surprised on how accurate the data she had about her portals was, considering she had only arrived on the OMR headquarters today and all the data they had about her powers until now was only the questions they made when they called her family. As Amanda continued, asking Faye to assist her with her teleportation, she simply nodded agreeing with her.

"Hm... I think I can do that. No problem. Just be warned that when I'm blinking together with someone, I can only do it once every three seconds. When I'm alone though, I can blink three times in quick succession before having to take a short pause. Also, do be careful, since you do conserve your momentum when going through a portal and as long as it's open, anything and anyone can go through it!" Faye said quickly explaining a bit more about her powers to Amanda before she went back to the briefing of the mission in question.

After getting everyone's attention and doing a small rollcall, Amanda explained more about the mission and the current situation on Germany, how it had became basically the center of European arms smuggling. After a brief explanation on the overall situation, Amanda continued with a more in-depth briefing about the mission. The first image that was shown on the slide presentation prepared by Madeleine was a warehouse, with many soviet weapons scattered all over. Amanda explained that it was the first evidence they got, two year ago, from the smuggling operation that was happening in Germany.

Amanda went on, explaining how the OMR was suspecting that they were using portal or teleporting magic to smuggle weapons, something which did make Faye, who could use portals, a bit surprised. From what she knew, both teleporting and portals were incredibly difficult to pull off, her being an exception due to her bloodline. The explanation went on for a while, which already was making Faye incredibly bored. Thankfully for Amanda, the very moment she began losing interest, when she started talking about the neo-nazis and the other unpleasant types of people who were receiving the weapons, most of the crucial information had already been delivered.

"Okay! So... unless they are smuggling magical items, I can't help much in tracking the weapons... But! I am quite certain that I should be able to try and track them down if they are indeed using teleportation or portal magic. After all, it's not something exactly 'subtle' to those who are sensitive to magic." she said mentioning how she could help.

"Anyways, I am ready whenever you guys are." she said, looking to Amanda and then to the rest of the group.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Amanda was very, very satisfied with the questions and comments she received after the presentation. Now she knows that her team is solid and can complement each other's weaknesses well. She's got a good feeling in how this case will progress, she just knows it.

@King Cosmos

"Well there's always the frequent usage of combat spells during firefights between Mr X's gun runners and the German police. Last time I checked, there are frequent uses of fireball spells, levitation spells, and even disorientation spells at one notable engagement. I know that I am missing some other spells that they have used, but think of all the offensive spells that are in the OMR's database of attack magic spells, and you would find them used in some footage/ report somewhere."


"I've heard that you have Native American trickster gods on your control and you're a good shaman yourself right? Your chants and rituals can be useful in a support role, also, scrying, mmmm. I think seeing things I cannot discern from my analysis will be a very powerful tool when used in certain situations, can pick up some things that has been left out."


"Thanks Faye. I think your affinity to Portal/ Teleportation magic is going to be very useful for both combat and non combat situations, I swear, sometimes I tend to blank out whenever I was about to leave some meeting, before remembering that I have to get something again. God that sucks."

"But anyway. I think that everyone of us is satisfied with the overview of the situation yeah?" She asked, to not much response. "I'll take that as a yes. Madeleine. Do you have the cars ready?"

"Of course. You can see three black cars in the garage below specifically for all of your transport needs, let me bring you to them, of, pray tell. You can drive right Amanda? I can have 2 other drivers take the wheel. But I'm pretty sure you can drive a car yourself."

The Android could only nod. "Yeah of course! I already know the direction of the warehouse anyway, so just give me the car keys and let's go!"

The first car ride she had ever done in a foreign country. Gosh this is so exciting for her, the cars leased to her were also very nice, very responsive, very fast too. Sure must've cost the OMR millions to buy and maintain cars like these if the garage littered with the same model cars are anything to go by.

She does wonder how the OMR makes enough money to maintain such operations worldwide, she's not deep into finances and accounting. But all the expenses and fun stuff must've cost the OMR Billions, if not Trillions of Dollars to fund. Just how in the world is this organization even afloat?

Bah, save the thought for later. She thought to herself. We're approaching the warehouse. Get your game face on Amanda!

The trio of black German cars rolled up and parked right next to a host of various German police cars and vans. From the moment Amanda got off the car she could tell that this is massive. Hordes of magical Soviet era weapons were being hauled all over the place, policemen were taking pictures of these weapons as examples, no doubt this is a fresh crime scene. And she instructed the entire group to hang out around here while she scouted the scene.

"Just be patient okay? I have to ask the Police Officer first and scout." She said, walking towards what looked like the guy in charge, before getting his attention immediately.

"Ah, Amanda Duvais right? Heard about you from my colleagues a while back." He greeted her. "Is it true that you're an Android? I mean, you look more like a cyborg to me."

"Well, yes I am, but really, not a good time to be asking questions like these Officer. I assume that you're in charge of the situation?"

"Mmhm, yes I am. Some beat cops intercepted some people unloading weapons from a truck, and a quick firefight ensued, reinforcements were called in, the perpetrators were killed or arrested, and right now? Finishing things up, just hauling these weapons back to the station and not doing anything else that might tamper the crime scene."

"Hmmm... I think that you might wanna stop bringing some of those weapons Officer. I kinda want them analyzed and tracked. I'm an Android, and I just recently downloaded a database of all known Soviet Hand Weapons. Might be useful in situations like these. Also, can I analyze the crime scene myself? Wanna take a look into things first."

"Oh, of course!" The officer proceeded to shout some orders in German to his colleagues. And promptly they all cleared the crime scene. "All yours Agent Amanda."

"Thanks." She promptly replied. Quickly crossing the police line and entering the boxy warehouse. She then immediately went to work, blinking twice in rapid succession, turning her eye colour from red to a very bright blue. A blue ray of light then shone out from her eyes, and she started touring the warehouse. A very large building that she cannot feasibly survey completely unless she has a full day, but she doesn't have to. The ray of light coming from her eyes scanning every piece of interior the warehouse contains. Stacks of boxes, racks, weapons strewn about, she even broke the handle of the door, entering the office space inside the warehouse and scanning everything present. "Hmmm, very interesting, looks like this warehouse is capable of storing weapons fit for an entire Army Division by the looks of it, and..." She checked the computers, immediately confirming her suspicions. "Yeah, this is organized, the computers are all sort of screwed up. Computers must be reformatted when the group heard that a firefight broke out, just a hunch, but by the looks of it though. My hunch might be correct."

She then continued, scanning the office, before being satisfied and doing another round of scanning, now running all across the warehouse and ensuring every last piece of furniture and detail is scanned. "All right, I think I can present this to the team." Amanda concluded, blinking twice again and turning her retinas back to it's usual red.

Coming out from the warehouse on the side, she noticed that there is small buildings on the side of the warehouse, padlocked too by the looks of it. Curious, she quickly ran to the other side and saw a similar building on the right side of the building, padlocked as well. Now with her curiosity piqued, she quickly scanned these buildings before asking the Officer if they aren't opened yet. The confirmation from the cop and a couple of quick questions from Amanda proved her curiosity to be right.

Thanking the officer, she quickly walked and summoned the group to her. "All right, so here's the layout." She said, staring into the ground and blinking thrice now. Before a projection of the warehouse was unveiled for the group to see. "Warehouse seems like a rather major shipping area. Most likely some usage of teleportation or portal spells because the amount of weapons I've seen strewn around and being brought by the police is plain ridiculous, customs would have a field day if they even caught a quarter of these weapons shipments. I don't know where the origin point of the portal is located, but I know that it's somewhere inside the warehouse, very sure of it actually. There's also an office, but all the computers are pretty much busted on purpose, most likely the perpetrators heard of the firefight and reformatted every single computer present here, that's admittedly a guess on my part, but assuming my guess is true, there's a possibility the operations being done here is significantly larger than I thought. There's also some outlying buildings still within the warehouse complex that I haven't scanned yet, and if you can see the small buildings on the left and right. I plan on visiting them and maybe gather some clues there too. I talked with the officer and he said that those buildings haven't been opened yet, cops are too busy gathering illegal weapons that they didn't even notice the small buildings on the side."

Her eyes still peering on the ground, letting the group examine her 3D hologram. Amanda quickly opened her mouth and said. "Hey, listen, I can make a small hologram disc and put it near the front entrance of the warehouse in case you want a reference, but I don't wanna stand here all day. I wanna break that padlock of both buildings and go inside. Faye, Morgana, are you okay if I pair you up together and let you scour the warehouse in search for that portal/teleportation spell's origin point? As for the rest, eh, you can do whatever you want as long as you're doing your jobs. If anyone here wants to accompany me and help investigate the mysterious buildings, I'll be more than happy to oblige."

Blinking rapidly, the hologram closed. "Alright then, let's go!" She ordered, walking towards the warehouse with her team in tow. She has a good feeling this case will lead her towards something interesting.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Shaman Crane

At the OMR HQ

Micheal blinks, "Under my control?" He chuckles. And looks over at the three gods who came with him. Now that the attention is off the projector, well the three are making a good go on it. Experimenting with buttons, lamp intensity, all kinds of interesting little things with the projector. At one point Raven crying out painfully as Manabozho blazes the lamp into his eyes. Whiskeyjack bursting out laughing at that a moment later.

Micheal snorts, "I wouldn't say under my control." He hums then reaches over to his duffle bag and from it he brings out a hand-drum and pulls the drum stick from inside it. The three trickster gods are so involved with the projector they don't see it. But they react when the first beats of the song reverberate from the drum. And it's not the music itself, or the beat of the drum. But it's a combination of his intent, the music and his voice and the drum that makes the three gods cover their ears and scramble back and away from the drum suddenly. They look a little affronted actually at Micheal. And once they are off the machine he stops playing, and puts the drum away, "We just have an understanding, if they wanted, and they know it, all three could easily over power me. I'm just one shaman. And they are three childish..." Raven flips Micheal off at that, "Gods." Micheal finishes, "Come on then you lot we got work to do." As if the bad moment is passed Micheal lets out a shout of surprise as he gets swarm-hugged by the three gods at once, "Ahhh hey!" The shaman shouts out.

At the warehouse

The ride over was pretty good really. But he'd somehow lost the gods along the way. Ah well, the city had the OMR headquarters nearby they were certainly to have a few people who could contain a few wayward gods.

Micheal looked out the back backseat window as they pulled up to the warehouse. He hummed softly, "That's alot of police..." He muttered. Not waiting for orders he got out of the car and while Amanda went to talk to the commander of the force on site. Micheal in the meantime went to the trunk of the car where he had put most of his gear. As Amanda went inside and reconed the building Micheal suited up. Part of being a ritualist is you need to have the tools. So as the others waited Micheal went for his gear. But as soon as he opened the trunk three shrunk down gods tumbled out with cries of relief. Micheal sighs, "You three...just...stay out of trouble and don't break or move anything. Do you understand? This is serious." The three sighed and nodded. Micheal let out a breath as he gathered his things and started to don his gear. The gods going to sit on a curb and watching.

Micheal tied his hair back into a pony tail and waited for Amanda to return. Then went to join the group as they all gathered up to look over the holographic model of the warehouse. He hummed, "I'll find a place in the warehouse to perform a scrying and ritual. Perhaps I can see something or get the magic in the area going enough to find something. There are always eddies and currents about. With a little time maybe I can stir something up." He smiled and nodded to Amanda and the rest of the group.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Morgana Faith

Ah, field work. Not something she approached with relish, but Morgana would admit that it was a necessary evil at times; some things just couldn’t be studied in a lab after all and even if they could, the first step towards discovery would often be taken elsewhere. Today her work didn’t take her to the burial site of an ancient artefact though, nor a conflux of leylines turned ritual grounds; it was a drab warehouse complex on the outskirts of Frankfurt that she was taken to.


While the android dealt with the local police, Morgana turned her eye towards the warehouse itself. It was mundane in every way that mattered to her, though if this was being used as a place to store weapons then at some point magic must have been used in their transport and a working of such magnitude was likely to leave traces. How much of a trace would depend on the method used, namely whether it was a tunnel or a gateway that had been formed; a tunnel would mean a ritual being performed at both the departure point and the destination, performed in concert with each other, to link the two locations together, while a gateway would mean a single, larger ritual performed at the departure point only with just a target destination in mind; perhaps with a sympathetic link to this location to refine the accuracy with regards to the placement of the gateways aperture. Both were workings of a higher order, but the latter was the more difficult and costly of the two; the latter would also allow for greater flexibility in where they could teleport to however and the ritual could be reused multiple times if it was well made while a tunnel would need setting up anew each time.

This was assuming they were using rituals at all however, since she still hadn’t ruled out any other methodology. It was simply the most likely one.

While she had been distracted the android, Amanda, had finished her business and was now assigning them tasks. Morgana, as expected, was to look for the teleportation’s ‘origin point’, though that term was possibly a misnomer depending on her findings. She was to be paired up with the fae girl as well who, although she didn’t come across as someone particularly knowledgeable about magic, did seem to have a natural affinity for this particular kind of thing.

“Fine. Let’s get started shall we?”

Walking into the warehouse without waiting for a reply, Morgana reached into a pocket and pulled out a black leather glove before sliding it onto her right hand. She formed a circle with her thumb and her index finger while also allowing some of her mana to leak into the glove itself, the barely perceptible markings on the outside of the glove beginning to glow faintly as her gesture closed the magic circle and allowed the spell she had sunk into the item to come to life. The heretic held the glove up to her eye, peering through the ring formed by her hand and seeing much more than her mundane eyes could ever see by themselves.

If there was any magic to be found in the warehouse she would find it, especially if the shaman’s ritual brought it to the surface.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Dura Mor

Dura continued to quietly snack on the granola bar she had in the back of the room as everybody got their last minute questions out and answered. If anyone looked at her while she did so she simply locked eyes with them and took another bite. It wasn't that she didn't take the situation seriously, she was just always hungry and she focused better when her stomach was full. A lot of what was said went straight over her head. Anything to do with magic was not her forte, she was here to make sure nobody died so unless there was someone bleeding in front of her, or someone was asking her about human anatomy she was probably the dumbest person in this room. She knew this, and it didn't bother her. When the group started leaving the room she followed, thinking. She was intrigued by most of the members of this team, they all seemed interested in their own right.

Her eyes fell on the cars the group was provided. She ended up in the vehicle with the Shaman and sat in relative silence. She enjoyed the quiet to be honest but she found herself absentmindedly touching the scar above her eye, only noticing when the other passenger of the car said something about the amount of police here. She looked up and confirmed his statement. "You are right." She scanned the area to see the various units scattered about as well as several ambulances in the area. Her eyes landed on the Shaman as he spoke to someone she couldn't see, she assumed it was the gods the others were talking about. After he seemed to be done in the trunk she too circled to the back to gather her equipment. Mostly medical supplies but she did strap one OMR issue pistol to her belt.

Amanda exited the building and gave the group a run-down on the area. She listened intently, and looked over the holograph before determining that her skills would be better used to examine the wounded officers. She spoke up to inform the others of her intentions. "I am going to see if the paramedics will allow me to look at some of the officer's wounds. I would like to know for sure what we might come across should we get into a firefight with one of these groups. The more I know about their weaponry and the type of wounds they cause the better I can treat the wounds should anyone on the team become injured." She wanted to help with the warehouse search but knew she would offer no special insight to the situation. "I won't be to far to just holler for me if you need anything. Don't touch any rust nails or suspicious liquid while you are in there and you should be fine." With that she wondered off to probably pester some paramedics about the various wounds suffered by any of the officers.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Spekkun
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Spekkun Devourer of skittles

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

When Amanda left to Scout, Astfridur found herself wandering off. She hadn't gone far, not that she needed to. The thing that caught her eye more than anything was the magical weapons the police were examining and taking photographs of. "Check those babies out," She whistled, earning herself a few glances from the officers at work, "Those have got to be worth a lot of money. They look efficient, too." Part of her wished she could take one now, if only because they looked like they could do some damage, and she'd love to explore what they could do. A weapon, any weapon, was exciting.

"Let me get a look?" She asked one of the officers, but she was already reaching out to grasp one of the weapons. "I'm pretty much here for this, anyway. Among other things." Before she could touch anything, the officer dropped his camera, the device kept from hitting the ground by the strap around his neck, and grabbed her hand, giving her a fierce glare.

"Hey, no touching. Bad enough you're over here distracting us with your ogling." The officer scoffed, eliciting a laugh from another one.

"Next thing you know, she'll be catcalling them."

The two chuckled, and Astfridur yanked her hand away, wearing a bit of a scowl on her face. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I just wanted to get a better look at them. A simple no would have done." Even as she spoke, she was reaching for them again, only to get caught once moree.

"I said no touching! Go back to your tour group!" The officer jerked his thumb in the direction of everyone else. "I'm sure they'll be upset if they find their kid went missing." He snickered to himself, but his laughter slowly faded when he saw the glare that the dwarf was giving him.

"You made my list, ***hole." She grumbled, pointing a finger at him threateningly. "I am not a kid. I'm probably older than you, and I'm pretty damn sure I outrank you!" She probably did, right? She was military, and he was local law enforcement. She had no idea how the interplay between the two worked, but she didn't care at the moment. "I'm gonna come looking for you when this over. Mark my words." With that, she stomped away, glancing back at the astonished officer every now and then.

By the time Amanda had come back to brief the team, Astfridur had already rejoined the group, her arms crossed and her glare focused on the holographic presentation as she did her best to pay attention. Her little rant made her feel better, but only to a point. "I'll go with you to check the buildings" She volunteered, raising her hand. "Maybe there's some good stuff in there we can find. If they didn't go in there, then everything should be untampered with and fresh." Perhaps there would be some weapons available as well, or, better yet, maybe they'd find an undestroyed computer, though the odds of that were not very high.

The dealers seemed to be pretty thorough in covering their tracks. But if they were selling and/or storing from this location, then something had to have been left behind. Something other than just the weapons. No one can stay in a location like this for long and not leave something substantial behind.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 8 days ago

Interactions: Morgana Faith @King Cosmos
Mentions: Amanda @Kumbaris

The briefing was over rather quickly after Amanda finished the explanation as there didn't seem to be many questions regarding the mission. As Amanda mentioned how useful her ability would be, Faye smiled, nodding as she indicated she would be glad to help. While she was a bit surprised when Madeleine mentioned that there were not one but three cars reserved for them in case they needed to go somewhere, she quickly remembered that they were talking about the OMR. Faye was sure that three cars were close to nothing with the amount of budget such a huge organization had.

"Don't look at me guys! I can't drive! Well... I kinda don't need to, you know...? I promise I'll try my best to be a good passenger though." Faye said, raising her hands with a mischievous smile and a wink.

After the drivers were decided, the group quickly left for the warehouse where the weapons were found. Arriving there, the first thing they were met with, other than the police cars was the sheer amount of weapons that was taken from the warehouse.

"Okay... That's a LOT more than I was expecting..." Faye said as she looked around, a bit stunned by the sheer amount of weapons as she waited for Amanda.

"Isn't all this a bit... excessive? It's not just the ridiculous amount of weapons but... A lot of those are magical as well." she mentioned, just a bit before Amanda came back and began explaining the warehouse's layout with the help of a hologram she displayed, showing the area she had scanned.

"No problem! If we find anything we'll call you guys." Faye said nodding as Amanda gave her instructions to pair up with Morgana and try to find the origin point of the spell that was used to transport all those weapons.

As Morgana began walking into the warehouse, Faye followed her soon behind. While Faye was supposed to be help Morgana to try and find any traces of magic, at least for the first few minutes, she was too distracted, leaning forward and closely watching Morgana use her magic, curious how it reacted with the leather gloves she was using and the markings on it.

"It's really interesting... The way your magic reacts with the markings on the leather gloves." Faye said, looking at her gloves and the markings a bit closer. It didn't take much for Morgana to realize, just by her curious look that she didn't really understand much of theoretical magic.

"Oh, don't worry! I am 'technically' also searching for traces of magic as well." Faye said with a smile and a wink as she tagged along with Morgana.

"Theoretical magic isn't really my forte, but that's because the way I see and experience magic is different. It's more about instinct, feeling, interacting with the magic itself and being linked with it than studying it's phenomenons and formulas." she explained as she tagged along Morgana.

"Compared to the way the Fae use magic, using formulas, magic circuits and stuff feel a bit... uncomfortable? I mean... It's almost like when you're trying to breathe with your face on your pillow or wearing a mask... Does it make sense?" Faye continued.

"Anyways, I'm looking forward to working together with you!" she finished, as she began walking together with Morgana in silence, trying to feel any different trace of magic inside the warehouse.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Micheal Crane

Micheal made his way into the warehouse looking around, nodding, "Place should be condemned really. But maybe I can get something out of this." He takes a quick tour of the ground floor of the place and after a few short minutes picks a place among the still standing shipping containers. A near perfect circle made of several crates and containers. With four openings leading into it. The significance is paramount atleast to the ritual magic of the indigenous peoples. The Circle representing life. And the four entrances the four directions. The four winds. The Four Prime elements. Spectacular really that such a spot would be here.

As Micheal went about setting up the spot he'd use for the ritual he looks to the left suddenly. The three gods who followed him look at him in surprise. Micheal then looks to the right, "There's someone here..." He says this loud enough that any of the other team who heard him might be able to hear him. He stands up his hand going for his tomahawk at his left hip, "What...who's there!?" He turned. And his godly friends came up beside them. Micheal spun again catching a glimpse of something or someone darting out of sight, "Who's out there?" He whipped around again, using his tomahawk to carve the cree syllabic runes for fire into the air beside him, a woosh and a orb of fire appears above his left shoulder. Then he spins again, and spots it finally. A child. Peering at him from between some of the crates. He blinks, "A child..." The gods turn and look the way he's looking. Manabozho whisper, "Micheal there's no one there..." Micheal blinks, "A sprite?...No...a spirit." The child a young girl no older then 14 or 15 edges out of her hiding spot, "You can see me?" Her voice is soft and wispy. Micheal nods, "I can child." the girl lets out a slow breath, "I'm lost...my parents...and I...we got lost on a trip...they...I think they went somewhere. But I can't leave." The three gods and shamans eyes go wide a little in surprise. This couldn't be what Micheal thought it could be...could it?

The quartet of gods and shaman trade looks. The gods can faintly hear the words. But not as clear as Micheal. Micheal turns and shouts back the way they came, "Hey! Amanda! We may have a problem here." He looks back at the spirit of the child, "I'm going to try and help you hunny. Just wait a short bit alright?" The girl nods and sits down by a crate.

In the meantime while waiting for Amanda or anyone else to show up, the gods begin to set up Micheal ritual gear. A cured buckskin sage, sweet grass, drum, and pipe set out correctly. They'd been watching Micheal do this alot, so they knew his set up. At the same time Micheal is going around and sprinkling tobacco at the entrances to the circle. Leaving room for people to come in and out, but still having the correct warding up just in case. While sprinkling some tobacco near the girl he looks at her, "None of this is making you uneasy is it kiddo?" The girl shakes her hear, "No...should it?" Micheal hums, "If it does...just let me know." Raven comes by, "Not causing the kid any pain?" Micheal shakes his head and whispers, "Atleast that means she's not malicious, the tobacco would be painful to her if it was." He sniffs and heads to the buckskin and starts to clean the bowl of the pipe, "Gotta let the boss lady know before I continue."

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Interacting with Astfridur Rumnaheim @Spekkun, Micheal Crane @BigPapaBelial

With Astfridur volunteering. Amanda brought her towards the left ancillary building first, a veritable shack with a padlock preventing entrance. Usually, this entails a 30 minute search for the key like something out of some bad detective story, fortunately. Amanda gripped the padlock with both her hands, and, exerting some force. Broke the padlock like it's some icecream stick.

"Whew, damn good padlock." She commented, promptly opening the door, quickly revealing a stair down towards a basement. Her interest now piqued, she mentioned Astfridur to follow her and walked down. "Remember, we're here to look for evidence, so try not to handle stuff too hard until-"


Both of them stopped. Amanda's face went cold for a moment before turning towards Astfridur. "Sorry if I seem heightist for this. But there is a series of tripwires in front of us and it looks like they are already armed, I know that you'd probably won't see it, but I'm blocking your view and all that." Amanda's right hand then quickly mentioned her to go slowly back. "Turn around, and watch for any further tripwires on the way out okay? Try not to do anything too rash too. I'll probably attempt to trigger any potential traps manually, metallic body and all that."

The moment Astfridur quickly left the shack. Everyone can hear a series of explosions happening underground, Amanda can only sincerely hope that nobody's too spooked to find out where she is, but she is busy triggering tripwires left and right. Oh and also landmines as well, her eyes are recording everything she's seeing. Even going in so far as looking at the mines and tripwires in detail before triggering them, making sure every last detail is recorded for further analysis. Luckily, it seems that these mines and tripwires were only located in the entrance and within the unusually long hallway that apparently linked the Left and Right shacks together. So the rooms where the evidence are stored looks to be intact, she had scanned the insides of the rooms and nothing indicates that there are tripwires in the door handles or anything, and she has a tendency to be correct in this regard.

She quickly came rushing back towards the top of the shack where Astfridur was waiting. "Hey uhh, sorry for the delay. There's quite a bit of traps down there that needed to be disarmed. I'm pretty sure I've disarmed all of the traps, and further scans indicate no more of them, but I do advise that you'd be careful. Now, how about we go downstairs again and-"

The quartet of gods and shaman trade looks. The gods can faintly hear the words. But not as clear as Micheal. Micheal turns and shouts back the way they came, "Hey! Amanda! We may have a problem here." He looks back at the spirit of the child, "I'm going to try and help you hunny. Just wait a short bit alright?" The girl nods and sits down by a crate.

"Yeah Micheal, what's up?" She responded back. "Sorry Astfridur, I think that you might be alone for a couple minutes on this one. Seems like that Shaman caught something."

Leaving Astfridur alone, she quickly approached Micheal and quickly realized the issue. "Ohhh... is that a spirit I see? I'm not magically attuned, but even I can see the spirit of that child. Is she... dead? Don't know if murder was something this cartel does, but... okay I guess."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ullross “Ross” Vallath

Ross already read and went through the mission file; he was well aware what he was getting into and what was expected of him. He had a job to do after all and now it was time to do that job. The dragon listened to the rest of the run down and the reactions of the others as they started off towards their first objective site. At least he was able to drive one of the vehicles there. Civilian government vehicles normal were not too special, some private individuals and the military had the best things to pilot.

The trip there was uneventful other than their team leader speeding ahead of the rest of the cars. Impressive but not something he was caught off guard about. The location was already surrounded by police and other agencies as well as curious civilians a way off.

Amanda told them to stick with the vehicles while she went ahead and scouted the building, almost immediately after stepping out of the vehicle he felt off. He felt like he was being watched, it wasn’t the police nearby and it didn’t feel like scrying but just off. Ross’s instincts were on high alert as well, something was off about this place.

The officers seemed to take a break as Amanda spoke to them then carried on, leaving the weapons where they were and stepping back. The large man walked up to one of the weapons that an officer had set down. With a flick of his wrist the rifle was floating and slowly spinning in front of him. The officer protested but all he received was a glare. The weapon in question dismantled itself in front of the large man down to every screw and metal plate.

Each part rotated slowly, none of them showing any signs of strange markings or enhancements other than what was normal for a weapon like this one. Slowly Ross began to piece the gun back together then returned it to where it lay. Moving on from the weapon, Ross approached the man Amanda spoke to earlier about how they came across this place. Although seeming to be a bit annoyed the officer told Ross the same thing, he told their team leader.

It didn’t feel right.

Something about this whole situation didn’t sit right with him, he would have to get a statement from those officers and have the agency do a thorough background check to make sure the initial fire fight wasn’t staged. Being a tad bit paranoid had gotten him out of a few issues in the past. But it would seem that Amanda had returned just in time for a briefing for all of them.

Short and simple, a large complex with the possibility of several hidden or unknown places. Ross took this opportunity to walk the perimeter while the others continued with their own investigations. It didn’t take him to long to go about the perimeter. Nothing seemed unusual other than a higher-than-average amount of traffic cameras in the area. Most seemed pointed towards the warehouse, but he couldn’t be certain.

While the large man was walking back to one of the outbuildings, he continued to go over his thoughts. One thing he had learned from the many human teachers he has had over the ages was to keep an open mind and look at the situation from all possible angles. these Thoughts of if they knew a special task force was being assigned to them then this would be a good way to see what they were up against. Bait to lure in their prey like attracting sharks by spreading fish parts into the ocean.

Broken from his thoughts with the sudden sounds of explosions ross hurried over to where their team leader said she would be only to find the door open and the dwarf outside with smoke coming out of the small shack. Amanda was pretty quick to get out of the shed after calling out that she disabled the majority of the traps. They seemed like they were going to go back down with the dwarf before taking off toward the shaman’s position.

“Guess its just us then.” He shrugged towards the dwarf, “ill go first, keep on the look out for any hidden doors or passageways who knows what this lot have set up down here. Like Amanda said be carful but if you find another trap let me know.” Ross drew his futuristic looking pistol in his right hand and stepped down into the tunnel.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Dura Mor

Dura wondered about taking a look at a few of the ambulances that had been about. It seemed a majority of the officers that were left hadn’t suffered serious injuries but she did still want to get a look at a wound of some significance. It only took a few moments for her to spot one that looked suitable and she walked in that direction. Some officers stopped her before she could get to her goal.

“Ma’am you can’t go any farther. The paramedics need space to work.” Dura looked at the man who had spoken, a shorter human male officer.

“I assure you I have the clearance to take a look. I am a trained field medic and I need to look at that man’s wounds to better understand what my team may be dealing with later down the road.” She lifted her OMR issued badge she had put on a lanyard for ease of access. The officers looked at it, then her and decided she wasn’t bluffing, though they seemed a little confused as her kind wasn’t known to have the delicate hands needed to be a medic. Regardless they stepped aside and she proceeded toward the paramedic and the wounded officer.

“Excuse me, would you mind if I ask both of you a few questions?” She directed her question toward both of them hoping they would agree. She wouldn’t force them though. Luckily for her they both seemed to give a nod of agreement. She began to question the two before asking to observe the wound, finding that the officer had indeed been hit with the weapons that were being smuggled. “This wound seems to be fairly similar to a regular bullet wound.” She was speaking more to herself as she looked at the wound. It was hard to tell as it was a simple graze but she didn’t want to look at any of the more injured officers. She would request any sort of abnormalities in those wounds be sent to her at the OMR facility. She couldn’t find any abnormalities in this wound in particular. So she stood and thanked the two for their help and walked off, removing the gloves.

Just as she finished requesting anything interesting regarding the more injured officers be sent to her she heard a series of explosions and turned on her heel to where the sound had come from. By the time she got there Amanda was heading off toward the main warehouse and the dwarf and Ross had entered the smaller building. Everyone seemed unharmed which meant she wasn’t needed here. So headed toward the cars to make sure if anyone was injured she was ready.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Morgana Faith

It was to be small talk then. Morgana had been afraid that was going to happen when she was paired up with the talkative girl and it seemed she had been right to be; don’t get her wrong, she had nothing against getting to know her co-workers, no matter how many of them tried to call her a bitch, but there was a time and place for being personable and it was not while she was trying to concentrate on the magic remnants in the warehouse.

“I don’t put much stock in instinct. Not to say I doubt you of course, the fae’s innate talent for magic is well documented, but I find that people who rely on instinct or genius or anything of the sort have a difficult time explaining why something is in a way that makes sense to anyone but themselves.” Morgana stopped walking, staring at a nondescript part of the floor for a few seconds before continuing to walk again. “Genius that can’t be explained to others is no genius at all; it’s useless.”

The list of things Faye knew about magic that Morgana didn’t was probably innumerable and apparently included how to create a short range, personal teleportation spell with the snap of her fingers, but most likely she wouldn’t be able to explain any of it to her in a way that she could comprehend. ‘Like trying to breathe with her face on a pillow’; she’d be better off trying to explain sound to a deaf person. Such a shortcoming would make her useless in the lab environment Morgana was used to, but it shouldn’t be as much of an issue at a crime scene.

“My glove… think of magic like electricity; by itself it’s nothing, raw energy, a lightning bolt alone has no purpose but it can be harnessed and used to power things, produce heat or light or sound. Usually this is a practitioner’s role, to shape that energy into spells and to guide it towards a specific purpose. But I’ve created a… circuitry to handle that shaping for me, allowing me to focus on other things while I simply provide the magic.” It was a little more complicated than that, but such an explanation usually sufficed when people were curious about her etchings. The markings on her glove gave the magic shape but it was her act of looking through the ring of her thumb and forefinger that brought the effect to life; her desire to ‘see’ something through the pretend lens of her digits, like a child playing make-believe, gave the magic intent. There was a significance to small actions assigned with a meaning.

“Theoretically anyone could put on this glove and have it work the same way, regardless of it they know how it works of not. In theory at least.”

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The Shaman

Micheal knelt beside the shade of the girl until Amanda joined him, "I'm afraid it is indeed a child. She's not of this world. And as we were setting out the ritual elements she didn't react to them badly so she's not a wight or something like a skinwalker. So she's not here to cause ill intent." the girl suddenly bursts out, "Stop talking like I'm not right here...or...wait...you said...not of..." She looks at herself and begins to cry, "Mama...Dad...are we..." She looks up at Amanda and Micheal. Micheal sniffing then nodding, "I'm afraid so nîtim." The girl whimpers, "Can you help?" She asks. Micheal hums, "I'm not exorcist, but maybe you're still here because there is something you need to do, or something you can impart. Can you remember anything?" The girl looks in thought for abit.

After abit of silence she looks at the pair, "We...were on vacation. Dad always wanted to come back to Germany. Said his family was from here." She licks her lips and continues, "Well dad was driving and you know how guys in a car can be." She looks at Micheal almost meaningfully, "Hey I got a Harley back at home. I don't drive a car if I can help it. I'm my own navigator." He chuckles softly. the girl giggles, "Well we were lost. And well wanted to know how to get back to the main area of the city...I mean no hotels around here right?" She looks around and sighs, "Dad stopped here because he saw a bunch of guys outside. Mom went out first and when she didn't come back Dad and I came over to check and found the guards kicking and beating Mom..." she winces and grabs her shoulders, "When dad cried out in horror they saw us and one of the guard did something with his baton, there was this...blue light. It hit dad in the shoulder and he fell and hit his head..." She starts to cry. And suddenly Whiskeyjack is there gently wrapping his arms around where he figures she is. The girl leaning against the god, "Mom was on the ground...and that's when I noticed this big glowing...swirling...I don't know door? Yeah a door in the air." She looks out one of the main doors out the east entrance to where they are, "It's out there." Micheal looks over, then calls back to Manabozho and Raven, "Pack up the stuff again! I think there's a better place."

He turns back to the girl, "Can leave this area? Can you show us the place?" He looks up at Amanda, "If there was a portal there, the eddies of magic will be particularly strong. The ritual will take alot better." The girl hums pulling free of Whiskeyjacks hug and dashes out the east entrance and towards the doors. She can ghost right through but Micheal, the gods and maybe Amanda if she's of the mind, have to race after and pull the doors open. The girl is standing in the parking lot on the other side of the building from where the police are still working. She stops beside a mountain of old rotting crates and gestures, "It was here!"

Micheal smiles, "Can you smell it Amanda? The magic is strong here. It's like rain and wet earth, a pure smell, like a cool wind over a lake or river. That's magic on the air. Or atleast how I sense it." He waves to Manabozho and Raven, "Over here! Set it...here." He walks to a point, "It's strongest here." The girl calls out, "I think...I feel a pull over there." She points towards a section of what appears to be dug up earth in a corner of the lot. Micheal looks over then to Amanda, "Graves? So...the guards may have panicked then murdered the three, and to hide it buried them there do you think? I can't send souls on. It's not something I've been strong at. But helping us may help her move on. Do we know anyone who can help her? I've got a ritual to perform still but the child deserves some peace." The girl perks up, "I...can leave?" Micheal looks over while helping the gods put the ritual items in the proper places, "I hope so nîtim." the girl giggles a little, "What's that mean anyway?" she asks of Micheal who is just sitting down on the bear skin, "It's the Cree word for my female cousin." He smiles, "Didn't think you'd mind." He grins as he picks the drum up.

Micheal is about to start in on his handdrum when Whiskeyjack stops him takes the drum and with a burst of magic only a god can pull off turns it into a full size drum. Three feet across, two feet deep and thick. Micheal hums and looks at the gods who are producing chairs and proper drum sticks. Micheal snorts, "Some times you all surprise me. Alright..." He takes a seat and lights the sweetgrass, the sage and fungus. Setting them burning in sea shells beside the drum. He sniffs and takes a drumstick. Looking at the three gods then at Amanda, "Wanna see something cool?" He grins brightly. Then turns to the gods, "Alright Hoka! Let's go!"

The first beat of the drum sends a wave of magic out from it. And then the four begin the Indigenous ritual. The pow wow is one of the strongest rituals. Not just a gathering of the peoples together for fun and celebration. But when used as a ritual, a grouping of singers and the drum produced powerful magic indeed. As Micheal takes the lead in singing, it starts small, a kind of general pull. Magic about them swirling, eddying. As the ritual and drum continues, the magic answers. Spreading around the warehouse grounds. With every heavy beat that Manabozho lays to the drum more magic rises, with every high note that Raven hits, every harmony note that Whiskeyjack meets and every new stanza that Micheal sings the magic in the area answers, until there they can see the glimmering remains of a former portal. More magic flaring about the warehouse and the grounds as he goes.

And the four play on to keep the ritual going, assisting the others as best they can with the flowing magic of a aether stabilizing ritual picking out the magical from the mundane.

@Kumbaris@King Cosmos
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 8 days ago

Interactions: Morgana Faith @King Cosmos
Mentions: Amanda @Kumbaris

Faye listened to Morgana's words with a curious expression, giving a small chuckle with an amused expression when Morgana mentioned that people who relied on instinct would find it difficult to explain to others. She was spot on regarding that, after all.
Faye respected Morgana's dedication to her ideals and she didn't doubt her knowledge, after all, Gaye knew that there was much she could learn... or at least try to learn with Morgana. That said, Faye had a different opinion about the matter regarding knowledge and instinct.

"Hm... The way I think about it is a little different. For example: no matter how much they tried a person would never be able to explain 'colors' to someone who was born blind. No matter how complex or detailed their words are, the blind person would never be able to fully understand or make complete sense of their explanation." Faye said.

"While I could probably have an easier time impart my knowledge and the things I have learned with the other Fae to a young Fae, who can feel and interact with the magic in the same way I do, humans, who cannot have the same understanding of magic as the Fae do would find my words useless, just like you said." she continued, leaning forward to look at Morgana when she suddenly stopped, before giving a step back and continuing following her when she started to move again.

"Still, It's not as if Fae knowledge and human knowledge are inherently incompatible. All it would be needed is maybe a... 'common language' between the two in order for their knowledge to be shared... Talking about it, I could probably even be able to help you in your researches if I was able to understand human's magic theory. I mean, it's not impossible, but it's still really hard for me... And really boring too." she concluded with an awkward smile and a chuckle.

"Knowledge comes in many shapes, ways and forms. It's not because one might not understand it that it's useless." She said with a kind smile and a wink

When Morgana began explaining how her glove worked though, Faye immediately stopped and listened, curiously. Thinking of magic like electricity was an interesting concept. One alien to her, but interesting nonetheless. Watching the magic interacting with Morgana's glove, coupled with the explanation that she gave about it undoubtedly helped Faye to understand it a bit better. Even with her somewhat limited understanding, she could recognize that the glove was indeed an ingenious invention. Just as Morgana explained, even Faye, not knowing anything about magic circuitry would be able to use the gloves.

"Wait... If you made one of those gloves, but with the magic circuits thingies linked to something able to either gather magic of it's surroundings or that generated magic, then anyone would be able to use, regardless of their affinity for magic, right?" Faye asked, curiously.

Just as she said that though, a series of explosions suddenly echoed through the warehouse, making Faye jump, wary as she looked to the direction where the noise of explosions came.

"Did you hear that? It came from where Amanda said she would go, right?" Faye asked, turning to Morgana.

"Should we go there to see if everyone is okay?" she asked, waiting for Morgana's input.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Amanda's face could only darken, slowly at first when the girl mentioned the details of her death, but darkened even more when the graves are shown. She wishes all the best for this girl, but it seems that this isn't her area of expertise to begin with. She needs someone with experience dealing with death, and someone that can bring her safely towards the afterlife. Someone that, conveniently enough, Amanda just met a couple hours ago.

While Micheal was busy doing the ritual and revealing the point of origin for the portal. Amanda decided to make a telephone call, walking a little bit out of the area. She did some gestures in the air and waited.

"Yeah, Madeleine? Can you come over here please? I got a dead soul that can't move on. Mmmhm, yeah, pretty much a murder by her admission. No, she's the child of a couple that went here and apparently got killed. Micheal is doing a ritual right now to entertain the girl and unveiling some hidden clues, but we don't have exorcists in our midst. Alright, thanks."

"Yo Micheal, the exorcist is coming in a quick minute. We all just need the child to stay here and... woah."

Through the song, Amanda can see the visible remnants of what was once a portal opening up. Quickly taking pictures, she made sure to post this newly acquired intelligence later on. "This, that is a pretty sizable portal for what seems like a motley operation, must've taken a sizeable amount of mana to stabilize and maintain it. This seems like they have talent, top magical talent. I better bring in Morgana and Faye here, determine just how complex this portal looks like.

And sure enough, both figures showed up quickly. The scientist and Faye woman now looking interested in the portal remnants. "Yeah, you can see how complex this portal looks like, and I expect that this ain't their only portal in this warehouse. Looks like this is a significantly bigger operation than expected again huh? Anyway, Morgana, you have a take on this? See the complexity of the portal and determine just what kind of magical techs and experience we're potentially dealing with? Maybe even determine the portal's origin point while we're at it. Faye, maybe you can assist Morgana doing this job. I know that I'm not much use here, but if you need my help in anything non-magical, like digging up stuff or preparing something. Just holler at me okay? I need to be checking the situation with Astfridur and Ross in the basement."

Quickly running towards the basement. She popped just as Astfridur and Ross are busy doing stuff. "Did I interrupt something? Did you need my help too while you're at it?" She asked, smiling at the startled duo.

@13org@BigPapaBelial@King Cosmos@ReusableSword@Spekkun
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Morgana Faith

“Knowledge that can’t be taught or put into practice is useless; or at least useless to anyone other than the person who has it, which is practically the same thing.” Knowledge hoarded was knowledge wasted, as was knowledge lost because it wasn’t passed on or recorded. And knowledge wasted was oh so very hard to get back. The history of magic was a treasure trove of information that would likely never see the light of day ever again. “All the more reason why we need to bridge that gap, do away with out-dated modes of thinking and make magic as accessible as we can. But I digress; we’re not here to discuss academics.”

Not that she was having much success at what they were here for. This particular part of the warehouse didn’t seem to have any traces of magic that she could detect with her enhanced sight and Faye presumably had not found anything either or else she would have said something. Morgana let her hands fall from her face, the illuminated design fading as she broke the circle.

“The glove won’t work if the wearer doesn’t have magic; it’s not just a power supply issue, but a control one. For simple workings something like a magical battery might be sufficient, but this array is too complex and delicate to simple shove magic into.” She’d had some success with creating lamps and heating elements powered by magic, just as a proof of concept, but anything more complicated than that tended to fail, break or worse. “Besides, there has always been the issue that magic circles and rituals tend to function better when you create them yourself; it’s just one of those little things that we haven’t been able to get around. I could create another glove and give it to someone, but it will never work as effectively for them as it would have had they made it themselves.”

Something to do with either a person’s understanding of a ritual’s intended effect having an influence on said effect, or the simple fact that people had more confidence in something they had a hand in creating versus something given to them. Further study was required.

“Let’s see what our daring leader has found, in any case.”

Quite a lot, as it turned out. The portal, or former portal in this case, was ‘sizeable’ just as Amanda had said; certainly large enough to accommodate the dozens and dozens of crates that must have passed through it before being shipped elsewhere by more mundane methods. She peered at it through her glove, holding the circle of her thumb and forefinger before her eye again as she examined the magical imprint left in the fabric of space. “It’s a tunnel. The ritual was performed at both ends of the spell, meaning we’re looking at a large number of moderately skilled practitioners rather than a small number of very skilled ones. I’ll leave it up to you to decide if that’s good or bad news. There’ll be a circle around here somewhere.”

Teleportation wasn’t a particularly difficult spell to perform, contrary to popular opinion. The formulas had existed for centuries after all and almost all civilisations and cultures had developed their own method for it at one point or another; the procedure had been refined almost to an art since then. It was complicated, certainly, not to mention prohibitively expensive and arduous for those involved, but any large organisation or even a particularly dedicated group of amateurs could open a portal over short distances. The issue was in scale and distance; this portal had the scale and if she could examine their methodology then she might be able to figure out the distance as well.

“Let’s move all of these crates out of the way. If they were interrupted before they could finish here then maybe they didn’t have time to clear all of their ritual preparations away. Assuming you didn’t blow up all the evidence on your way in, of course.”

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 8 days ago

Interactions: Morgana Faith @King Cosmos, Micheal Crane @BigPapaBelial
Mentions: Amanda @Kumbaris

Faye was honestly having some difficulties following and understanding Morgana's thoughts. While she did mention knowledge that couldn't be taught was useless, Faye's knowledge was something she received from the Fae. She could teach it to another Fae, but it would be difficult for humans to understand. With that said, Morgana's assumption that her knowledge was useless was wrong by her own words... At least from what Faye understood. It might be useless for humans, but it wasn't useless for Fae. Still, instead of replying, Faye simply shrugged, her attention already wandering away from that particularly boring conversation.

When Morgana began talking about the glove again, Faye turned towards her, paying a bit more attention on her words. According to her, the circuits were too fragile for just a power supply to be used. Control was also needed, something which the circuits couldn't provide. All in all, there seemed to be a number of problems that wouldn't let just any ordinary person to use it. Sure, it was still very helpful for a human mage to activate a magic quickly and without thinking too much about it.

"Maybe in the future it might become possible. Even people who cannot use magic to be able to use such items to cast simple spells." Faye thought to herself after she heard Morgana as they made their way to where Amanda was.

Arriving to the source of the explosions, they found Amanda together with Michael. The very moment she got closer to them, Faye could feel the magic both from Michael's ritual and the faint remnants from the magic left by the portal spell used. Sure enough, it didn't take much for Faye to realize that it was a sizeable portal and the magic energy coming from it wasn't exactly weak. That was not all Faye could feel. By concentrating a bit, she could ascertain something which Morgana was just about to say. The portal was linked to another location, almost like a tunnel, just like Morgana said. With Morgana having explained that much better than Faye could, she simply nodded, agreeing with Morgana and confirming what she said.

"It might be considerably easier to figure out where it is linked to as well. As Morgana said, it wasn't just a single mage that casted this spell and tracing it back is relatively easy." Faye said.

"I could use the remnants of magic from the old spell as a guideline to open my own portal or I could just force my way into the remnants of the magic left by the old spell and follow it to know where it goes." she continued, explaining.

"Following the old portal with a portal of my own will be quite obvious for anyone who is on the other side. But if there isn't anyone around to see the portal though, nobody will know about it. In the other hand, if I force my way through the magic traces from the old spell, even if there are people nearby, they'll not be able to notice or know anything. Of course, there is the possibility of them knowing that something is wrong if there is a particularly competent and sensitive mage around the destination when I do so. While it's unlikely that they will realize someone is tracing their spell, they will probably feel me meddling with the magic they casted." Faye finished, as she looked to Morgana and Micheal, Amanda having already left to meet the others, waiting to see if either one of them had any better idea, suggestion or input for the situation.

"Any specific place you want me to put them?" Faye asked, looking to Morgana just as she touched one of the boxes, making it disappear and appear in the corner of the room, falling on the ground with a thud.

"Easier than just pushing them, isn't it?" she asked, with a kind smile.
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