Name: Delsin Rowe
Game Origin: inFAMOUS Second Son
Personality: Delsin Rowe is confident and believes that has always believed he was destined for greatness, although that eluded him until he gained his powers. He does not seem to get along well with higher authority, though he does usually show them respect. Many see him as a rebel with a heart of gold. He's very loyal to friends and family, even going so far as to risk his own life for Abigail after only knowing her for a few days. He hates people who abuse their power, no matter the reason.
Background: Delsin is a 24-year-old Native American from the Akomish Tribe. Believing that he is destined for greatness, Delsin's occupation as a street artist, and his uncontainable penchant for free expression, sets the perfect background for his standoff with the D.U.P. Delsin has a rebellious attitude and favors anti-authoritarian street art. Unfortunately, Delsin's tendency to tag buildings and structures with graffiti constantly irritates and embarrasses his older brother, Reggie Rowe, who is forced to keep arresting him "over and over and over again". It is implied that Delsin and Reggie's parents are deceased.
After being confronted by his brother, Reggie, over vandalizing the latter's "Congrats, New Sheriff!"* billboard, the brothers witness the crash of a military truck transporting a trio of Conduits - Henry Daughtry, Abigail Walker, and Eugene Sims. While Abigail and Eugene quickly get away, Delsin attempts to help Hank out of some rubble and, for his troubles, becomes a hostage in the resulting standoff with Reggie.
During the struggle, Delsin accidentally absorbs Hank's powers and falls unconscious. After coming to, he finds the area around him in shambles. Discovering his new-found power, a frightened Delsin manages to reach and save his brother. Although Reggie tells him not to use his new "tricks", Delsin uses them anyway to chase Hank into the nearby burning fish cannery, attempting to save Betty who is trapped in the building.
Armed with nothing but a chain and his underdeveloped smoke powers, Delsin chases Hank into the D.U.P.'s custody. Unfortunately, the D.U.P.'s leader Brooke Augustine uses her Concrete powers to brutally interrogate Delsin, and threatens to move on to the rest of the tribe if Delsin doesn't tell her what he is hiding. Delsin confesses to being a conduit, but Augustine doesn't believe him, as he claims he "caught" the "Conduit Bug" from Hank, which isn't possible. She knocks him out cold and continues interrogating the rest of the tribe.
When Delsin finally wakes up one week later, he learns from Betty that the rest of the tribe were injured by Augustine's cement daggers, attempting to learn what really happened between Hank and Delsin. He learns from Reggie that the Akomish are all dying, and that the only way to save them is to use Augustine's Concrete power to remove the daggers.
Realizing from his encounter with Hank that he can absorb other Conduit's powers, Delsin convinces his brother to take him to Seattle where Augustine's forces have chased down the other two Conduits, and absorb her powers to undo what she did. Arriving in Seattle, Delsin soon learns that the D.U.P. have effectively taken over the city and their ranks are bolstered by Forced Conduits, lesser conduits who wields a small portion of Augustine's powers, and although he tries he can't absorb the weaker powers.
A couple of days later, the brothers learn of a Conduit serial killer wielding Neon powers and decide to hunt her down; both to stop her killing spree and absorb her powers to help with the final confrontation with Augustine. Investigating the murders, the brothers discover the victims are all drug-dealers, instead of random people, as the media have made the rest of the city believe.
They soon learn that the Conduit is a girl named Abigail Walker, one of the escapees, and she is seeking to avenge her brother's death at the hands of the drug dealers. Delsin chases Abigail down and defeats her, absorbing her neon powers in the process. Delsin convinces Reggie to let Abigail work with them to both dismantle the D.U.P.'s and the dealers' operations.
After learning that Augustine is directing the bulk of her force into the Lantern District, Delsin makes his way across the ruined bridge where he confronts her, and she forces him to use his Neon powers to fight her higher ranked thugs. After defeating the thugs, Delsin is captured by Augustine and nearly taken into custody, when he is rescued by an unknown creature who drops him off the Lantern district.
Once there, Delsin is contacted by a fan of his named Eugene, who directs his attention to a D.U.P. convoy carrying civilians suspected of being Conduits. In the process of stopping the convoy, Delsin is knocked out for several hours and soon learns that the suspects have fled into the city where they are being rounded up by angel-like creatures. Reggie disguises himself as a suspected conduit and is swooped up by an angel.
Using the GPS of Reggie's cell phone, Delsin locates the Angel's hideout, even when Eugene desperately warns him not to go there. While exploring the hideout, he learns that, rather than being kidnapped, the victims are being helped out of their restraints and released into the city. Being sucked into a Video game world, Delsin is confronted by "He Who Dwells" and, after a brutal fight, defeats the giant Angel who is revealed to be Eugene, Delsin's "fan" who led him to the convoy.
Delsin absorbs his powers and talks with Reggie about letting Eugene go, pointing out that he was rescuing the people the D.U.P. took and not hurting them. Delsin convinces Eugene to help him defeat both the D.U.P. and the local gangs who are rounding up the local conduits to sell them back to the D.U.P.
Later on, Delsin is surprised to hear his allies question him about a rampage he was on downtown. He soon realizes that it wasn't him, but the other Smoke Conduit, Hank, who escaped from D.U.P. custody. After chasing Hank down again, Delsin convinces him to help him against the D.U.P. Hank informs him that his fellow Conduit allies, Eugene and Abigail, are both in D.U.P. custody in the makeshift D.U.P. base, at an island off the coast of Seattle.
The brothers and Hank infiltrate the island, but Delsin is soon lured into a trap by Hank who is revealed to be the D.U.P.'s ally. Because of Hank, Delsin and Reggie are beaten and nearly captured by Augustine, who attempts to encase them both in concrete while they're dangling off of the edge of the base. Reggie sacrifices himself to prevent Delsin from being captured, prompting a fight between Augustine and an enraged Delsin.
After the fight, Augustine collapses the island and Delsin washes ashore and proceeds to hunt down Hank who is now on the run from both of his former allies. During the chase, Hank explains, and later proves, that the D.U.P. had his daughter hostage, prompting Delsin to reluctantly spare Hank's life on the condition that he never sees him again.
Delsin meets up with his allies and together they agree that it's time to put a end to Augustine's plans. Using the information with which Hank provided Delsin, he is able to create a gap in the Channel 6 news station/converted D.U.P. headquarters and together with Eugene and Abigail assaults the building, making their way through the outside of the building and defeating the D.U.P. Soldiers.
Finally, Delsin confronts Augustine in the building's newsroom. There, Delsin states that he knows that Augustine had set up the Conduit's escape to keep the D.U.P. in existence. Augustine then explains her true motives: she has been capturing, but never killing, Conduits to prevent them from being killed by irrational civilians, like they were in the pre-D.U.P. bloodbaths.
To this end, Augustine attempts to convince Delsin to help her regain the public's trust, and help her save more Conduits around the globe. However, Delsin doesn't care about Augustine's excuses, and decides to take her down and expose her. Without fully developing his newest powers, Delsin is almost beaten by Augustine, who has nearly seven years of experience with hers.
Thankfully, Eugene is able to throw several Core Relays into the room, with which Delsin is able to become powerful enough to slowly wear down Augustine's monster form and capture her. As Augustine watches him use her own power against her, Delsin quotes her: "Yeah. I'm told that hurts."
With Augustine captured, Delsin is able to expose the D.U.P.'s operations to the world. As Augustine is hauled away by authorities, the crowds, finally free, cheer. Delsin implicitly note the irony of a government figure being "taken down by a gamer, an ex-junkie, and a small town delinquent". Delsin's actions set off a "Second Age", where Conduits and humans can coexist. Delsin also comments that the Conduits of Curdun Cay were also free to live as they see fit.
That said, Delsin himself had some unfinished business to attend to, now that he'd gotten the power he needed. He returned home to heal his people of the injuries Augustine inflicted upon them. After curing the tribe, Delsin celebrate his brother's life by giving him a graffiti memorial atop the Fish Cannery. When finished he takes one good look, and almost in tears says, "I love you brother, and I'm sure gonna miss you." With that, he sets his paint can down and walks away, disappearing into a white light.
Specialty: Adaptability.
Level: 1
Experience: 0/10
Powers: - Power Absorption: Through physical contact, Delsin can permanently copy someone else's power at its most basic, enough to imbue his chain for melee combat, fire off small projectiles for ranged combat, do a short dash with the "element," and absorb said "element" from around the area. He can only have a maximum of 4 acquired powers at a time.
Strengths: - Parkour
- Quickly mastering new powers
- Making Pictures (primarily with spray paint)
Weaknesses: - Stubborn
- Can be ignorant
- Hotheaded
Spirits: (See Spirits section for details. Start with none)
Guest List: Cole McGrath, Hayden Tenno, Lilith the Firehawk
Inventory: Backpack of spray paint cans, chain, various denim vests.