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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 34 min ago

Sunshine, Kristina & Waverly

Location: The Akademos

Kristina noticed that Sunshine was in trouble, seeing Glob quickly grabbing the ball she started to lift herself into the air and quickly flew over to swoop down and grab the ball. But before she could Glob decided to shove the ball into his body, she stopped for a moment and stared at him. "That really doesn't look appetizing.." She said and started to cringe slightly as she quickly shoved her hand inside Glob feeling around his insides a bit before finding the ball and quickly grabbed onto it, and yanked it out of him as quickly as she could. "Ewww no offense."

”Erm, I’m not sure bleeding should be the sole qualification for what is considered maiming,” Waverley called out from her position closer to their goal. ‘Mainly because most of you don’t seem to have blood,’ was the unspoken part of the statement, but she felt it was clear enough as an implication. She then turned her mind away from the single rule of the game, instead focusing on playing it. She reached her mind out to No-Girl, feeling for any sort of radio waves her container (body?) might be emitting or receiving, but found none.

Glob's eyes widened as Kristina stuck her hand inside of him - "Hey!" he snapped. "I didn't consent to that! And offense taken, how'd you like it if I stuck my hands inside of you?!" he complained, his eyes watering slightly.

Marrow was still a prisoner of No-Girl's psychic hold, but Kristina causing Glob to cry broke Cosmar's concentration, causing Sunshine to collapse to the ground, a normal mutant girl once again. "You can't just stick your hands in people!" Cosmar shouted at Kristina. "That's such a flatscan thing to do, ugh, shitty human passers!" Cosmar cursed, before turning her powers against Kris. The next thing Kris would know, she would feel and look like a giant noodle, struggling to move.

Kristina looked between Glob and Cosmar as the two of them started to yell at her for what she had done, how was she even suppose to grab the ball in the first place anyway if it was inside of him? "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Kristina said backing up slightly as Cosmar suddenly used her powers on her, loosing balance completely and landed onto the ground with a thud, unable to really move.

”She’s really SORRY!” Waverley shouted from across the field, hoping to transform the emphasized ‘sorry’ into a sonic assault on the opposing team. It…was less than successful, ending in a rather awkwardly toned shouted apology. She was quiet for an equally awkward amount of time.

”Er…that was supposed to do something,” she admits, before raising her hand out in front of her. She focused her mind on her forefinger and thumb as they came together in a snap, ending in a sort of finger gun pointing at the ball. She concentrated and amplified the sound into a thin sonic blast, sounding more like a whip than a snap as it hit the ball. It too wasn’t all that impressive, but it managed to make the ball bounce closer to the goal, though not quite there. Her eyes shot to the others in her team, looking for someone to help. ”Stareyes, do your eye thing!”

Glob seemed slightly comforted by the apologies. Sunshine got up from the ground and flung several balls of disease at the opposing team, trying to clear a path for either Stareyes or Feedback to bring about a victory. Poor Marrow was still being held in a psychic hold. Sunshine's disease bombs connected, but they were too mild to do much, just giving Cosmar and Glob a mild sneeze. "What she said!" Sunshine chimed in - they were soooo close!

Kristina slowly started to get back up as she looked towards the others seeing that Marrow was still under the weird trance like state. "Someone should go and help Marrow." Kristina said as she turned to see where the ball was, and then focused on it somewhat before firing off an eye blast directly at the ball watching it going flying and landing into the goal itself. She couldn't help but smile towards Sunshine, Waverly and Marrow, that she managed to score a point.

Waverley watched frozen with bated breath as Stareyes aimed her pupils at the ball, shot a pair of bright lasers at the ball, and sent it flying through the air…and into the goal!

”WOOHOO! HELL YEAH! THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!” Waverley shouted excitedly, grin spread across her lips as she pumped her arm into the air. Was this what doing sports was like? It wasn’t too bad, she supposed. Then a question dawned on her mind, and she slowly lowered her arm, tilting her head as her smile lessened. “Er…how many points to win? Is it just one?”

Marrow didn't so much free herself as No-Girl became exhausted from the effort. "It's three points to win, and that's one!" Sunshine called out, giggling madly. The game used to take ten points to win, but most people were pretty exhausted (and injured) by the time a team had scored ten. "Come on, girls, let's finish this!" Marrow cheered, ready for the next round.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

It didn't make any sense to Veil either - Jack was clearly alive, why would there be a death certificate in his file? She had heard of cases of people coming back from the dead, one of her teachers in school had been Jean Grey after all. Was that what had happened? She bit her lip slightly. Jack's powers made him deadly vulnerable to extreme cold. It made sense - he should have died when Sapphire froze them all. He shouldn't have been standing next to them, breathing. "... Does your father have a presence on Genosha?" Veil asked. She wasn't sure if he would. Mister Sinister wasn't a mutant.

With what Callie said, Jack simply looked at the file name, shut it and put it back, "I don't want to look at my mom's file ever, since if she wanted me to know what was in it she'd tell me." Jack wasn't too sure what Veil was potentially thinking or whatever, but he did figure he might as well answer her question. "Yeah, he's here... And usually I stay as far away from him as possible, that being because I want nothing to do with him."

Callie nodded slightly towards Jack, it was his choice to and didn't want to pry any further into it since she felt like it was a family matter after all as well to. She looked at Veil for a moment biting her bottom lip for a moment, she didn't want to really suggest it but maybe Jack's father had more answers. "I really do hate to suggest this, but maybe we should pay him a visit if he's here then? Or we can continue looking around at files."

"Do you... Do you think it's possible your father is involved in this?" Veil asked bluntly. She wasn't too certain what Sinister was capable of, but he was a mad scientist from what she could tell. And she knew that some parents would go to extreme lengths for their children. It struck her as a bit odd that Sinister was on Genosha though, as from what she knew, he wasn't a mutant - and had taken great joy in experimenting on mutants and harming them.

He wasn't too sure whether or not his father would have done something. As far as he could tell, his father didn't really care much for him, and personally Jack hated him. "Honestly? I have no idea. Though I will say one thing... If he did have something to do with it it likely wasn't because he cared, it probably was just to see if he could fix it or whatever, if he was involved. That's just what I think."

Callie leaned back and listened to Jack and Veil as she turned to look at Jack there was still a lot of questions about what had happened, if his father had a hand in it or something like that. "So, what do you think we should do then continue looking around here?" Callie asked Jack.

"Have you talked to your mother about this?" Veil then asked, looking for more information.

Jack at this point was getting a little annoyed with Callie and Veil. "What do you think I've been doing on the island since waking up? I've been actively trying to get info the old fashioned way of asking people. And as I have said, absolutely no one will tell me anything. My mom avoids the question entirely and dances around it, and she was the first person I asked. The hospital as I've said before wouldn't tell me anything. As for my father, honestly would either of you want to go talk to him alone? And based on how everyone else was reacting to me asking questions, figured that he probably wouldn't give me a straight answer either. So kind of have been actively avoiding him more than a little bit..." he commented, thinking now, before letting out a sigh. "...But if you think that I should try talking to him, then I'll go. Just reminder that last time I actually had a talk with him, ended up with him messing with my head. I want to figure out what happened, especially now there are more questions than answers... And considering the fact that he's kind of the one person I've actively avoided, maybe I'll actually get a bit lucky and he will tell me the truth, but still seriously doubt it. This place probably doesn't have any more info anyway."

Callie crossed her arms and leaned back slightly as she listened to Jack and then looked at Veil and Jack as well to. "He's got a place around here somewhere right? We could just sneak in and see if he has any kind of files or information there, or we can talk to him but it's up to you." Callie said, she didn't like the idea of talking with him or snooping around his father's place either, and last time they confronted him it wasn't really fun either.

"Your father is a sadistic torturer. I think we go in first and check the place out," Veil argued. She didn't like the way Jack had snapped at them, as they were just trying to help, and Jack hadn't given them a complete list of strategies he had tried. Knowing that his mother danced around the question did help though - it meant that Renegade knew something. This wasn't a secret one person was keeping, it was some sort of collective group effort. "Is your mother the type to lie to you to protect you? Or does she lie to protect herself?"

"Honestly, not a hundred percent sure... If I had to guess probably a mixture of both. I mean she didn't tell me that Sinister was my father in the first place until I flat out confronted her with the fact that I more or less already knew the answer and she couldn't hide it from me anymore... So it's a bit debatable... Though I would prefer the option you suggested about checking out the area and all first and not necessarily just talking to him. That would be nice... We should probably get going then," Jack said, before he started leading the way back out of the hospital.

Callie stood up from where she was as Jack answered Veil's question, she didn't really know Renegade all that well really so she wasn't sure if she was doing it for Jack or for herself either. "Alright then, lets get going." Callie said as she started to follow shortly behind Jack out of the patient records room. "Though what should we do if he somehow finds out we are snooping around his things?" Callie asked Jack and Veil, hoping that there wouldn't be a violent confrontation unlike last time.

Veil remembered the last time that they had descended into Mister Sinister's home - his secret base beneath that bar, where he had done horrible, horrible things. A chill went down her spine. "Let's hope we aren't there," Veil said. "... Are there laws on Genosha against trespassing?"

"Or more of run and hope that you aren't the slowest person," Jack added as he listened to Veil's next question. "Nope, there aren't any laws like that... Actually the only real important law is that you aren't allowed to kill anyone... Which honestly might not be any better since from what you know, with some of the things some people, like my father, can do likely would make you wish that you were dead." They'd walk for a little while, but eventually they'd reach the one place in all of Genosha that he had avoided like the plague, Bar Sinister. Why the hell would he want to go there or talk to his father anyway? During their last encounter it was made very clear that they didn't exactly see eye to eye. "Well, here we are..."

Callie followed behind Jack and Veil letting him lead the way as she listened to Veil ask what sort of laws this place for trespassing which was kind of surprising. "So we can just go anywhere and they wouldn't bat an eye?" Callie said she was surprised about that as she looked up at Bar Sinister, gently resting a hand on Jack's shoulder. "We got your back."

Bar Sinister wasn't technically part of Genosha - it was a smaller island, connected to the Genosha by means of a rope ladder. It was as extravagant and extra as anyone familiar with Mister Sinister would have expected, the small island looking like spikes of ruby, reminiscent of the gem on Essex's forehead. Veil raised an eyebrow. "This looks like a lair," she commented dryly. "I'm assuming you've never been inside."

"Yeah, as I've said before, I tend to avoid this place as much as possible. Since I don't really want to talk to him. And it definitely looks like a pair, of that we can agree on... Guess we should probably head inside right?" It was more than a bit obvious that Jack wanted nothing to do with the place, or his father really. His family was a bit screwed up after all.

"It looks like he has a really big ego if he has a whole mini island lair to himself as well, and this totally doesn't look like a bar either just saying." Callie said, seeing the place in person it did look pretty intimidating as well to "Well lets get going, we should probably go invisible again while we sneak inside."

"He does seem to have a bar obsession," Veil murmured, turning them invisible as they slowly descended into Bar Sinister. Inside, it looked like a maze of crystal caverns, but it was far from empty. All over the place were clones of Mister Sinister. They each had slight variations - one of them even looked more like a kangaroo than a humanoid - and were almost all drinking and chatting amongst each other. Veil's eyes widened. "....What?"

"I've seen some weird stuff, but I think this one takes the cake... Also why the hell would anyone want more of him? Then again, the name of the place makes more sense now, since he's decided that he's just going to surround himself with more and more versions of himself. Guess the bar name makes more sense now... But just snooping around or something isn't going to be easy with so many versions of him..."

Callie looked around the inside of the room seeing the many clones of Mister Sinister, and turned to look over at Jack his father in her opinion was really weird. "Well I guess he doesn't have to look himself in a mirror anymore if there is so many clones of him, he clearly loves himself more than anything."

The Sinisters were chatting and mingling happily, not noticing the three invisible people talking in hushed tones. "Maybe this'll be to our advantage. It'll be easier to hide in a crowd - even if the crowd is all... well, him," Veil pointed out. However, the place did make the hairs on her her arm stand up in warning. There had to be something more sinister here, something beyond dozens of Sinisters.

"You know, this is kind of one of my worst nightmares in a way," Jack commented, before walking along a little ways. Glancing around, he saw some stairs that were heading downwards, "...That looks like a place to start," he said to the other two, heading down now. There were several different ways to go, and as he started wandering along, before coming to a door. He listened to see if anyone else was inside, and upon hearing nothing, he opened up the door and stepped inside. Walking in, a tank was immediately in view, and he walked up to it, and he got a little weirded out. Why? Since he quite literally saw himself in the tank. "...What the hell is going on?" He had been a bit weirded out before, but this was just insane.

Callie followed behind Jack and Veil, looking at the Sinister Clones one last time before heading down the stairs and into the room in front of them. She approached the tank seeing a literal clone of Jack inside of it this was a lot weirder than anything that she had seen, she wondered why Jack's father had a clone of him in the first place. "Okay I knew he was really weird but why would your father have a pickled version of you here?"

"What the hell?" Veil asked. "Your father has a... a fucking clone of you..." She shook her head slightly, thinking through what they had seen and uncovered - Jack's death certificate, the fact that he should have shattered from the instant freeze, no one telling him what had happened, and now a clone floating in a tank... "I think you're a clone, Jack... I think the original you died and your father... he made a spare."

The idea was crossing Jack's mind too, before Veil even had responded with her own thoughts. Despite it making sense, his brain was not wanting to accept that fact, at all. "No, no way... I wouldn't be able to remember everything or whatever right? I mean some things yes, but I remember everything up until we all got frozen, and then immediately after waking up, so how could I remember all of that too then?" at this point he was kind of just sort of fishing for an excuse or an explanation, that much was obvious, and it was also obvious that he was starting to freak out a bit now.

Callie was thinking the same thing as well to, looking at Jack for a moment she had no idea how or why Jack still had all of his memories up until now. "I have no clue how you have your memories still to be honest either.." Callie said as she started to look around the room, before finding a notebook on a nearby counter, she wasn't sure what was in it as Callie came back setting the notebook down. "Maybe this could have some answers?" She said to Jack and handed it over towards him.

"I don't know either," Veil admitted. Not everything about her theory added up - how did Jack have his memories? She knew stranger things had happened. There was also just a lot that they didn't know about Mister Sinister and what he was capable of.

Glancing at Callie when she handed him the notebook, he flipped it open in order to see what was in it. There were a bunch of very detailed notes, and none of them were helping everything that was going through his brain. They more or less proved Veil's theory, that he had been cloned, and the notes spoke of everything from the cloning to more or less resurrecting him. So was he really him? That was a question he wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer to that question, but it was a new one that wasn't going to leave his brain any time soon. Another thing in the notebook seemed to be a spell of sorts from something talking about retrieving a lost soul, whatever that meant. "...You're right..." he said to Veil, before handing the notebook over so that they could see what was in it. "I'm not really me... The real me died... There is something wrong with me then..." Yeah, the conversation they had a little while ago with regards to trusting the Hellfire Club and there maybe being something wrong with him and that being why he didn't trust them was starting to come back to haunt him now.

Callie reached out and gently rested a hand on Jack's shoulder and looked at him. "You are still you, just in a new body you still have all of your memories before being frozen." Callie said trying to reassure him, as she went and took a look at the notepad and skimmed through it none of it really made sense at all. "Do you want to investigate here more or something?" Callie asked Jack.

"... Spark Plug's right, you're still you. You have the same thoughts, experiences, and feelings. A body's just a thing."

"See, you say that but it still doesn't seem like it. Since remember our conversation not that long ago? I told you that I didn't trust what was going on here in Genosha, you asked me if the problem wasn't necessarily what was going on with that, but if it was me or that there was something wrong, with me. Guess what, think we just found out what," he said with a bit of a shrug, before moving away from the two of them, "Let's get out of here... I want to get the hell out of this place and fast... I hate it here and it is just too creepy..." His brain was starting to shut down, usually how he processed things or coped with things, so he really was not wanting to talk about any of this anymore.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Tales of Genosha: The Witching Hour Part II

Max's eyes went wide as Selene began to talk about them all being apart of a ritual. But the more she shared on it the more he became weary. He wasn't sure if it was a metaphorical meeting of the minds or literal. What's more, did he have anything worth keeping locked inside of his mind? The book on demonology? Magik? The newest edition to his growing list of strange objects with the puzzle box? "Is that supposed to be a metaphor or are we literally going to be able to see each others minds?" There was a bit of a nervous chuckle as he spoke. Then a thought crept in, what if they could see all he has done and were disappointed in their so called hero

"Magic is metaphor," Selene corrected. "Anyone who does not wish to participate is welcome to abstain. This will not be a true merging of minds, only the slightest brush - only what you are comfortable with will be shared. But know that we all have skeletons in our closets - even I." Selene then paused. "If you do not wish to join, please step from the circle now."

Max stood firm within his circle. Straightening up a bit as he squared his shoulders. "I wish to join, just always curious as to exactly what I get myself into when it comes to magic." He began to press certain thoughts to the forefront of his mind. Thinking of the space he created within his room back at the hellfire club, about how effortlessly he saved the president back in Wanda's World, and then of how he created the training room for them all. If any of his surface thoughts were to be seen during this, he wanted it to be these. To focus on his accomplishments and not all his failures. "So, how do we begin?"

"Join hands," Selene instructed. "Focus on your breath. Breathe in and out. As you breathe, you are like the tides - a push and pull, an ebb and a flow. On your skin, feel the shimmering beam of Luna's light. The moon is a triple goddess known by many names. Artemis. Diana. Khonsu. Hecate. Máni. Phoebe. And my namesake, Selene," Selene whispered. "I am the moon. And the moon is me. I am Selene. I am Phoebe. I am Khonshu. I am Diana. Where I begin and she ends is unclear, uncertain, ever drifting. Let the boundaries blur... Let go."

Max followed Selene's instructions, joining hands with the two others beside him. He closed his eyes and began to focus on his breathing, imagining the tides of the ocean ebbing and flowing with every breath. It was a strange sensation, being able to feel the moonlight on the parts of his skin that were exposed. At first he didn't understand, but then he had decided that he didn't have to. With every passing breath he felt more and more distant from his body, was it his body? Memories were rushing through him, bits and pieces, emotions, sensations, but none of which were his. So many others had let themselves be exposed, but Max continued to keep his guard up, he didnt wish to lose himself just yet. A part of him wondered if his magic was present, manifesting itself around his body, but he didn't dare open his eyes.

Memories would begin to blur in and out of focus. Max would recall being a small child in Wales, nearly killing in an automobile accident, only to manifest wings and begin to fly. He would be a small girl in ancient times, gazing up at the moon. He was a young man in Chicago, dribbling the basketball up to the net. He was in a musty old library, searching amongst the books. His sense of self and focus would slip away more and more, until he had become just one of the many, merged entirely into this hybrid mind. Everyone in the circle was breathing as one, existing as one being. As terrifying as that may seem, it was more liberating and exhilarating than anything else - a sort of rush, a cosmic euphoria.

And then, the next thing Max would know, he was himself again. Instead of being over a dozen people, he was one person again, one contained being and soul.

"Is everyone alright?" Selene asked. While everyone else was sprawled out on the ground, feeling exhausted and drained, like they had just run a marathon, she was positively glowing, shimmering really underneath the moonlight.

"Woah... That was intense..." Pixie breathed.

Max turned his head towards Pixies voice, opening his eyes for the first time and having the afterglow of using magic. Stars twinkled in a swirl of black, purple, blues, and pinks that's swirled where his eyes should be. Now showing only two reflections of the universe before the magic faded and his normal eyes came back into view. "Yeah..." He suddenly felt tired, as if he had expended himself just enough. Something he hadn't felt in a while if he was being honest. He had a dopey smile on his face when he turned to look at Selene, seeing how positively radiant she appeared in comparison to everyone else. One of the memories he'd seen crept back and it made Max wonder. He'd have to contact his teacher to find out more. "So this sort of thing happen often Pixie?"

"Yeah," Pixie explained, panting a bit. "Magic's like - like a muscle, y'know? I'm pretty new at it, so I always feel so winded when I'm done."

"That is all for this witching hour. Blessed be, everyone. We will reunite under Luna's glow in three days time," Selene instructed, more or less dismissing the circle.

"I'm craving sushi," Pixie then told Max. "You wanna go get some?"

Max gave Pixie a smile before nodding his head. "Sure, let's get some energy back into us."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Tales of Genosha: For We Are Many

"What in the hell..." Was all that could escape from Harry's lips as it floated out barely a whisper. He wasn't sure if this was proof towards the places leaders being bad, but it certainly was weird and off-putting. Harry opened up the vent that led down into the room, duplicating himself and grabbing his own wrist to help lower himself down. As soon as his feet hit the ground, he began to look about and grab his surroundings, making sure no one was around. He thought out into no where in particular "Hello?

There was a muffled sound coming from inside of the pod - was there someone trapped inside of it? And given how Genosha seemed to have no problems with what anyone had done before coming there... what did someone have to do in order to be kept inside of a pod? Was it safe to approach and open it?

Harry circled the pod cautiously, inspecting the egg like case as he did. Midway into his inspection he created a duplicate of himself, completing the circle to have one of himself at each side. If someone dangerous was being kept inside, he could tell least try to ambush them. But given who's place he was at, it was more likely to believe that Magneto had trapped some poor innocent mutant that crossed him the wrong way, or merely threatened to dissolve a plan of lunacy. Harry tried to find some pannel, anything that could clue him in on how to open the pod, but there was nothing. "I can't seem to find an opening, but don't worry I'm here to help you." He paused, thinking for a moment. "Just...mind if I can know who it is I'm speaking to?"

"David," a young man's voice squeaked out from inside the pod. "I-I can't breathe in here."

"David. Nice name, so's Dave. I'm going to need you to relax now Dave. The more anxious you get the more you'll breathe and it'll cause you to feel like you can't breathe." Harry tried to keep talking, keep whoever David was distracted enough till he could help him. As he spoke he began searching for a way to open the machine and finally found a voice panel most likely accessed by a password. No doubt Magentos voice was needed. "Good news, I found a panel, I need a password though. Any chance you've heard Magento say it? Or maybe what it might be?." He paused to let David think for a moment, before continuing. "And don't worry about the voice thing, I'm quite good at altering my own." Harry said using Magnetos voice.

"I-it isn't Magneto," David's voice came out timidly. "The password... It's... It's Legion..."

"What do you mean it's not Magneto? Then who did this?" Harry asked, confusion clear in his tone. Everything here pointed straight to Magento, and if it wasn't him then he was either an accomplice or being framed. He did not like the idea of someone trying to frame Magneto, as it would not end well for anyone. Harry grit his teeth before walking up to the voice panel and staring at it for a brief moment. Who was David? Why was he trapped? And what could the term 'Legion' possibly mean? None of that mattered now, for all Harry knew this was some horrid experiment being done to this man and they just called the project Legion. Perhaps it was someone with his ability to self duplicate, but to a higher degree. Either way he stepped up to the panel and finally spoke the password. "Legion"

"Magneto didn't do this to me. It was a w-woman. A-a-a blonde woman," the young man cried.

"Voice not recognized," a computerized voice chimed.

The only person that Harry could think of that fit David's description was Emma Frost. His jaw clenched as the machine told him the voice was incorrect and helped solidify David's words. What was Emma up to? And was Magneto playing alongside her or did she have his mind somehow? After all he wasn't wearing his helmet so perhaps that was it. Harry didn't like making excuses for the mutant extremist but perhaps he was right to.

"Legion" He said once more, now mimicking Emma Frosts voice.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 4:00 AM


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Mutant Underground Apartment

"This is Reeva Payge, broadcasting telepathically to you all by means of the Three in One. We are under attack. Mutants with healing abilities, please report to Hellfire Manor. Mutants with combat abilities, confirm your readiness with the Three in One and your assignment will be given to you. All others, seek shelter at the House of M, Hellfire Manor, or the Akademos. I repeat. This is Reeva Payge..."

Veil bolted upright in her bed. Everyone on Genosha would hear the same message buzzing in their ears, sounding off again and again in a sickening loop. They had been there for a few weeks now without any huge issues - beyond Havok running off, Jack turning out to be a clone (a fact that Veil was keeping private), Sunshine marrying her fiancée in a secret ceremony, and Casper's other brother turning up. Okay, there were a lot of issues, but none of the issues involved anyone shooting at them - so that was a plus. Veil glanced over at her roommate, Spark Plug. She half expected to see Sapphire lying there.

"Erm... Confirming," Veil said. She wasn't used to not being the one calling the shots. It had been strange to say the least for the last few weeks, not having everyone's survival depending on her. Images flashed through her mind then, telepathically implanted by the Three in One. Veil was, it turned out, exactly where she was needed. Asteroids were on a collision course with the housing complex, where a good number of Genoshans resided.

Her heart skipped a beat. She didn't know how good her powers were against asteroids - or even what was causing them - but she had to try. "I'm going to the roof," she told Spark Plug, before making a mad dash out of their room, out the apartment, and towards the staircase.


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Mutant Underground Apartment
Skills: Mediumship

"This is Reeva Payge, broadcasting telepathically to you all by means of the Three in One. We are under attack. Mutants with healing abilities, please report to Hellfire Manor. Mutants with combat abilities, confirm your readiness with the Three in One and your assignment will be given to you. All others, seek shelter at the House of M, Hellfire Manor, or the Akademos. I repeat. This is Reeva Payge..."

Casper groaned, rolling over and throwing a pillow over his head, trying to drown out the telepathic alarm. "Damn it, Reeva, I'm trying to sleep!" Casper whined. His father used to do telepathic wakeup calls and Casper had never liked them. He wished there was some sort of telepathic mute button, but instead Reeva's alarm just kept playing over and over again like a siren. It wasn't deafening or anything, but it was enough to keep Casper from going back to sleep. "I'm not a spandex wearing fighting mutant anyways," Casper complained.

Ben looked at him, crossing his arms. "People are in danger. They need you, Casper," he advised.

"Nuh uh, they need you," Casper mumbled.

"Yeah, they do. And the only way they get me is if you get off of your lazy ass!" Ben snapped. He then glanced at James. "He'd want you to do it too. In fact, he probably does want you to do it."

"Too bad ghosts can't hear telepaths. And telepaths can't hear ghosts," Casper said, before throwing his pillow at Ben. The pillow sailed harmlessly through him.

"Real mature, Casper."


Location: Hellfire Bay

Meanwhile, Sunshine was on the opposite end of the island. She and Marrow had gotten married just a few days before and had insisted on taking a 'honeymoon' without leaving the island nation, so instead they just migrated down south. Hellfire Bay was breathtaking. It was where the Marauders (now mostly reformed and with almost all new members) would set sail to bring back more mutants in need of refuge and a place to call home. It was also where Reeva kept her private jet, but the Marauder was much, much cooler.

Sunshine suddenly found herself being shook awake, followed by an annoying telepathic message repeating in her head - if not somewhat muffled.

"This is Reeva Payge, broadcasting telepathically to you all by means of the Three in One. We are under attack. Mutants with healing abilities, please report to Hellfire Manor. Mutants with combat abilities, confirm your readiness with the Three in One and your assignment will be given to you. All others, seek shelter at the House of M, Hellfire Manor, or the Akademos. I repeat. This is Reeva Payge..."

"...Where are we supposed to shelter then?" Sunshine said with a bit of a laugh, even as her eyebrows narrowed. Her home was under attack. It had taken her so long to find a place where she could exist - a place where she could fall in love and now have the most beautiful and perfect wife. Sure, her heart would always ache for Magik, but Magik had died. Marrow was here and there wasn't anyone else Sunshine would rather be with.

Marrow shorted. "Really? You're going to take shelter when we have a chance to skewer some flatscans?"

"How d'you know it's flatscans?" Sunshine asked, getting up off of the ground and then offering a hand to Marrow. They had fallen asleep on a blanket underneath the stars. It had been incredibly romantic. And what better way to add to the romance than an all out fight?

"It's always flatscans," Marrow said. "Marrow and Sunny are ready," she then said, knowing the Three in One were listening.

Images then flashed through Marrow and Sunshine's heads.

"Guess we're pirates today," Sunshine said, holding her wife's hand as they rushed off towards the Marauder. All at once, a tremendous earthquake would ripple through the island, knocking almost everyone to the ground and causing any temporary structure to collapse.

House of M...

Zarina, Andy, Miranda, and everyone else present (Magneto and Polaris) would be awakened by that same telepathic message. The House of M was one of the designated shelter points in case of disaster, largely as it was built entirely out of metal, meaning that Magneto could protect anyone inside with ease.

Of course, that didn't stop the ground from shaking as if a giant were bouncing up and down - or the thick, poisonous looking fog that began to fill up all the rooms.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Apartment -> Hellfire Mansion
Skills: N/A

James scrambled upright as the message blared in his head. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears as he pulled his hand out from under the pillow where he’d reflexively tried to grab a gun that wasn’t there. James relaxed as he realized Casper wasn’t in any immediate danger and snorted at the childish bickering going on next to him. “En route to Hellfire Mansion in five.” James replied as he reached out to soothe his fingers through Casper’s hair, scratching his nails gently across his scalp. “Come on, baby. We gotta get up.”

James swung his feet out of bed and stood, stretching as he did. Who the fuck had the balls to launch an attack on an island full of mutants led by some of the most powerful of them? Purifiers, another government? Well, James supposed it didn’t really matter at this point and in reality, determining that was above his pay grade at the moment. “What’s your plan for this, sweetheart? You and Ben would kick a ton of ass out there but if you want to come shelter at the mansion, I’d understand. There are probably going to be a lot of ghosts hovering around during this and I don’t want you to get hurt because they don’t have anything better to do than be a bunch of dicks cause you can see them.” James asked as he got ready, pulling on the first things he grabbed that fit him. Honestly, he’d prefer Casper at the mansion with him so he could keep him safe but he couldn’t deny Casper and Ben would be helpful in almost any situation, from combat to rescues.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 34 min ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Magda Memorial Housing Complex -> Outside of Magda Memorial Housing Complex
Skills: N/A

Callie groaned slightly as she started to hear the voice of Reeva Payge in her head curtesy of the Three in One, she'd very much rather have a cellphone than have them suddenly in her head like that. "Remind me to tell them not to do something like this super early in the morning?" Callie said as she rolled out of bed and started to get changed, before looking around still unsure how to actually report in and decided to just say it out loud. "Spark Plug reporting in?" Callie said as she finished getting changed into some clothes, while looking over at Veil.

She was then suddenly given a telepathic vision of where she was needed to go which was Hellfire Bay in her head. "I guess i'm going to Hellfire Bay. I'll see you later." Callie said as she watched Veil quickly getting out of the room, towards where the rooftop was, she started to head out of the room and down the stairs, towards the outside of the building. Looking around for someone who would be able to teleport her over there.

Kristina Smith

Location: Magda Memorial Housing Complex -> Roof of Magda Memorial Housing Complex
Skills: N/A

Kristina quickly woke up after hearing the message going off in her head, still a little bit weirded out having someone just suddenly sending a message into her head. She looked over towards her roommate Waverly, she didn't know her all that well really as she quickly started to get changed. "Stareyes reporting in?" Kristina said as she started to get an image of the rooftop and some asteroids coming down, and started to head out of the room, and out of their apartment.

Kristina started up the stairs and made it up to the rooftop she spotted Veil coming up as well as she saw her and gave her a slight wave. "Good morning." Kristina said, having a feeling that she would be useful with shooting the incoming asteroids with her laser vision, or be able to fly up and intercept them and shoot them down.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Housing Complex > Blackstone
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max could hardly sleep the night before, having seen that both of his roommates were out for the night, allowing him the perfect chance to study his mysterious artifact more closely. He took the strange decahedron and sat criss crossed on his bed, staring through and studying the inside as he twisted and turned some pieces. Max had taken to levitating at times of contemplation, something he used to do while he meditated and tried to focus on his magic before he ran into the Underground. He floated feet above his bed, continuing to toy with the puzzle box, feeling as if he was getting close to something. With a final twist, one of the glass eye holes extended into a long metallic rod. Max twisted it and pushed it in causing the artifact to unfold and open.

Sand began pouring out of the box and onto his bed, along with something else that was carried by the soft wave. Max let himself go back down onto his bed, sitting across from the pile of sand that now held an invitation by Doctor Strange. He knew that Strange had sent this to test him in some way. Max grinned from ear to ear when suddenly his happiness was interrupted by Reevas voice echoing in his head.

"This is Reeva Payge, broadcasting telepathically to you all by means of the Three in One. We are under attack. Mutants with healing abilities, please report to Hellfire Manor. Mutants with combat abilities, confirm your readiness with the Three in One and your assignment will be given to you. All others, seek shelter at the House of M, Hellfire Manor, or the Akademos. I repeat. This is Reeva Payge..."

Max let out a sigh, noting he'd have to celebrate this little victory later. He stashed the puzzlebox away and out of sight from others before putting on his yellow robes fashioned to Strange's own. He hardly had to ask where he was needed as images flushed through his mind telling him he was needed by Selene and the Coven to produce a Complex spell. If anyone could shield the island, it could be their combined might. Max went to open a portal when there was an abrupt knock on his door.


Location: Housing Complex > Hellfire Bay
Skills: .

It was a little weird rooming with Jack. Having essentially freed his brother and befriended him, seeing a potential for something more. But Harry didn't say anything just yet, decidedly keeping things close to his chest until whatever funk Jack appeared to be in was gone. Harry woke that morning with a startle. Reeva broadcast her voice throughout all the mutants, repeating the same message over and over again. It was certainly effective if not a bit intrusive. But nevertheless he got out of bed as he asked where he was needed.

From the images that went through his mind he figured he was heading towards the Bay. A bit far from his location and certainly in need of help if he could get it. Harry decidedly dressed the part as he got ready, making his way out of his room and towards their resident wizard. He knocked loudly in case somehow Max was either asleep or unable to hear from Reeva's persistent voice. "Hey, think you can port me over to Hellfire Bay? Afraid I won't make it in time otherwise."

Max opened the door and looked at what Harry was wearing before finally agreeing. "Sure but let's head outside, in case anyone else needs a lift there." He said as he made his way out of the room and outside the building. The whole way thinking as to how they managed to get through his spellwork and if it can be done to spy on them as well.

Once they reached outside Max tried to create two portals, one for him and another to Hellfire Bay. But it was something he'd never tried before. The spell fizzled out, frustrating him for a moment before Max took a deep breath and calmed himself. Suddenly two bright stars appeared, one in each palm of his hands, as they floated up and swirled around until there were two portals. "This portal will lead you to Hellfire Bay, I'll keep it up as long as I can. Anyone who needs to head there feel free to walk through!." With his final sentence Harry thanked him and walked through, Max taking the other portal and having it close behind him, leaving only Hellfire Bays open so that no one would get confused.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: House of M
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive)

Sleep was still a bit of a struggle for Andy. She had gotten enough sleep, technically, over the weeks, and last night had been much of the same. It took her a moment to register the voice even. She didn't particularly like that it was happening, but knowing that this place she was starting to consider home was under attack angered her. On top of that, the room was bouncing and some fog was seeping into the room.

Andy got out of bed quickly and got dressed. Responding, "Uh, reporting for fighting I guess. Also, the House of M doesn't seem safe. There is some sort of earthquake and there is fog, it looks dangerous." She said. One positive of her sleeping habits is she woke up quickly. She had a flash of a person in what looked like a spacesuit charged up with lightning. The person was at Akademos. Andy winced. She was good at punching things and hitting them with lightning. She didn't know if she was immune to lightning from other sources. She supposed this was as good time as any to find out.

She looked to Zari. "Where were you sent? I was sent to Akademos to fight some spacesuit." She told Zari. She was ready to leave and as soon as Zari was they could go together if possible. Andy wanted to make sure Zari was safe. "We might have to go out the window." Andy was relieved that it wasn't fire spreading, that would be difficult since it was all made of metal. She couldn't stand the thought of being trapped in another burning building.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Magda Memorial Housing Complex -> Hellfire Bay
Skills: Radio Wave Manipulation

Waverley, like most everyone in Genosha, awoke with start by a voice that didn't belong to her or her dreams. She attempted to slam her hand down on the source of the noise, hoping to quiet the voice, but this only ended with the palm of hitting her temple, waking her up further. She sat up with a groan, seeing Kris across from her similarly getting up. It took a moment to wrap her head around the words that rippled through her mind, but when she did, she let out a huff.

"Uh, yeah, me too," she said after she heard Stareyes' check in, "Waverley here, ready to...do whatever, I guess. What exactly is happening?" As soon as she asked, an image was implanted in her mind: the beautiful Hellfire Bay. She supposed that was where she was meant to be. She through on her hoodie, a pair of jeans, and her tennis shoes, keeping her back to Kris as she did; they were friends, but she didn't feel they were 'changing together without feeling weird,' level of friends yet. As she followed Kris out, she grabbed her new gadget - a sleek metal baton that looked much more high tech than her usual rebar. It was a gift from the kids at Akademos, a baton that converted vibrations she sent into it into raw, concentrated power. She'd experimented a bit with it, but if things went south on the bay, then this would be her first time using it against actual people.

She stepped towards the apartment's exit - the quicker she could get to the bay, the better - but she stopped when she overheard Harry at Max's door. It would appear that walking wouldn't be a necessity. She followed the two out of the apartment, sticking closer to Harry than Max.

"I see you're all dressed for the occasion," she joked with a smirk, used to Harry making her feel underdressed - she was sure she could be dressed up to the nines, and she'd still feel like it was her laundry day standing next to him. There was tension in her glibness, though. She hadn't had to fight a real fight since coming to Genosha. Callie was already waiting outside for someone to get her where she needed to go, and Waves gave her a small nod before Max begun on his spell. Waverley held her breath as he did his somatic motions, always tense when he performed his strange arcane magics. Luckily, the first try sputtered out with no ill effects, and the second one was a success. With a sigh, she stepped through.

"Gimme a sec," she mumbled as she found herself at Hellfire Bay. Without wasting any time, she reached out her mind, and was immediately pummeled by a massive wave of indecipherable waves. She visibly winced at the mental onslaught, but managed to focus her mind, the words becoming a little clearer. "Something...something about the Vault?" she voiced. "There's at least five I can make out. Maybe more."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: House of M
Skills: N/A

Zari didn't typically sleep much or anything, partially because she tended to sit around, staying up late and messing with her robots in some way. That's really what she had been doing when the message was sent out to all of them with regards to the island being under attack. Uh oh, that didn't sound too good to her, and now they had to deal with that, at least now anyway that they had this big island to roam around and call home. She really didn't want anything to happen to it, mainly since everyone seemed so happy here no matter what was going on.

"Valkyrie here," she responded to the call, before she got an image to flash through her mind of what was going on over at the Akademos, where there was a woman in a spacesuit or something like that charging up electricity. It was weird, considering the power set reminded her a bit of her mother's, but that didn't matter. The ground was shaking though, which seriously confused her a bit, but she didn't say anything immediately. She heard Andy's voice as she was talking to her, and Zari nodded her head. "Yup, me too..." she said, before walking over and picking up her flashlight/sword Glowstick, and Mr. Eyeball was beeping along next to her. "Let's get going, we need to hurry up, since this looks to be getting bad, and even worse every minute, and escaping through a window is fine and all, but we should be fine if we move quickly," she added as she also grabbed Mr. Jaws the robot head and she started racing off, wondering what was going on as fog was filling the building.

Location: the Apartment
Skills: N/A

Jack had more or less gone been a bit startled or whatever by the sudden voice in his head with regards to what was going on. The island was under attack? Great, just what they needed really. Hearing what was being said, Jack let out a slight sigh, "Stretch reporting in," he said out loud, before slightly waiting to see where it was that he was going to be sent. Jack frowned slightly upon the mental image that went through his head, which seemed to show him needing to more or less hide and shelter or whatever, which was the dumbest thing in the world to him.

"Okay, going to ask this once, whose bright idea was that?" he asked out loud, before suddenly an image of his father's face appeared in his mind, and it was a little creepy to say the least. Though it was a bit weird for him to find out his father was saying he needed to shelter and hide, considering the fact that he hadn't spoken to his father for a while, so why the hell did his father want to stop him? "Tell him screw that, I've never really listened to what he has said, and don't plan on starting any time soon. So if you won't tell me where I should go, then I'll figure that out myself." After saying that, he heard what sounded like a few teenage girls giggling and he couldn't help but roll his eyes as he walked out of the room. He saw everyone else already heading off, and he glanced out the window in order to see what sort of chaos was going on out there, and he saw a man throwing boulders and the like at the building. "Well see you all in a little bit," he commented with a shrug, before taking off outside of the building. Based on what Veil said about going to the roof, he figured that she was going to use her shields to defend the building that way, that'd only last so long though, you have to take out the source, so that's what he was going to do.

Location: House of M
Skills: N/A

The words echoed throughout her mind as there was mention of an attack on the island itself. Things were just getting chaotic clearly, and she wasn't too sure how things would work out in the long run for the island and defending it. However they had a lot of powerful people who were there to defend it, which gave her hope that things would be alright in the end. She didn't consider her abilities very powerful, actually she knew her powers weren't really the best for combat. Sure, she knew that they could be used that way, but typically not too much.

"Come on Erik, we need to get going," she said to Magneto as the ground was shaking, and she went to go glance out in the hallway, seeing the poison fog that was starting to fill the hallway. "We've got to hurry, fog is starting to fill the place, we need to either find the source and stop it, or get everyone gas masks, quickly," she then said to him. This situation was horrible, especially since the palace was one of the safehouses, if this is what was going on here, who knew what was going to be happening elsewhere.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 4:10 AM


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Rooftop
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation

Veil yawned slightly, even with the adrenaline pumping through her veins. "I wish there was coffee," she told Kristina with a slight smile, before throwing up a force field. An asteroid collided with the force field and burst into a million tiny pieces, but the impact caused Veil to slide backwards across the rooftop for a few feet. She shook her wrists out, feeling a bit overwhelmed as more asteroids just kept on coming. She could see the person throwing them - although they looked less like a person and more like a man made out of fire.

Veil threw up force fields again, trying to block the next round of asteroids - these ones were smaller, crashing harmlessly against the shield. However, in the blink of an eye, two others suddenly appeared on the rooftop, likely having been teleported to the location by someone. One looked vaguely ape like with ash grey skin and the other was bright orange, like a Tic Tac, and hardly two feet tall. The Tic Tac slapped the ground and suddenly, the structure started to go from a solid to a liquid - he was going to destroy the entire building if no one stopped him. And the other, the grey one, extended his hands and suddenly, each asteroid was hitting with increased forced, as if gravity itself had been modified.


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Mutant Underground Apartment
Skills: Mediumship

Casper had some heroic tendencies - but mostly, he had selfish tendencies. Yes, he liked this extended rent-free beach vacation and he was very amused by how everyone claimed to hate capitalism, despite the Quiet Council being comprised of die hard capitalists. But above all else, the things he loved most about Genosha were James and his family. He wasn't under any illusions that his mother needed protecting and Jackie had been avoiding him slightly, so that meant James was the last one standing.

"I'm going with you, babes," Casper said, as if it were a no-brainer. "Ben's sleeping anyways, so I can't really do anything."

"CASPER!" Ben shouted.

"Oh look at that, it's the wind," Casper mused, before falling to the ground from another sudden quake. "Really hope no one left their fine china out last night, because yikes those are becoming more frequent," Casper observed. "So which way is it to this Hellfire Manor? I can hide with all of you squishy people and tell everyone about how my boyfriend is the hottest omega level mutant around. That's your real mutation, by the way - high level sexiness."

The glass of their window then shattered, as a small fragment (roughly the size of a baseball) of an asteroid crashed on through, hitting the ground in front of them. That got Casper moving. "Let's go, babe! Before god kills us!"


Location: Hellfire Bay - the Marauder
Skills: Disease Manipulation

"Oi, I think that's your friend Veil," Marrow pointed out, nudging Sunshine in the ribs and gesturing over at Waverley. "Not sure about the others." Marrow had only met the younger mutants of the Mutant Underground - the New Mutants, if you would. She hadn't properly met the older ones yet, not due to anything malicious or anything, it just hadn't happened. They'd been busy living their best lives on the island - that and getting married.

"What? Oh, yes," Sunshine said with a giggle. She knew Marrow knew Feedback's name. Sunshine waved at the group that had portal-ed in, before continuing her sprint towards the Marauder. The Marauder was more or less a pirate ship, used by the Marauders to ferry mutants home to Genosha. There were a few other ships bringing mutants from the mainland to Genosha, but the Marauder was the most well known ship. It also happened to be the one the attackers had targeted, likely knowing that without it, Genosha would struggle to remain accessible for more mutants fleeing their countries in search of a better life.

"Hola, mutantes," a man with long black hair made entirely out of stone said. He wasn't alone. There was a fifteen foot orange giant carrying a hammer the size of Thor, a mischievous looking kid who was the spitting image of Leo Valdez from Heroes of Olympus, and a teenager who looked like he was made entirely out of water.

"Get off of my pirate ship," Marrow told the stone man, flexing her muscles and more bone spikes grew out of her body, as she charged forward. She didn't care that he was made out of stone. She figured he had a squishy spot somewhere, even if it was just in the eyes. Sunshine twisted her hands, conjuring glowing green smoke orbs of disease, and went to fling them towards the attackers - only for the aquatic man to create a bubble around her head, cutting her off from oxygen and suffocating her.

The impish boy then started popping in and out of view, teleporting all over the ship and leaving tiny devices behind - bombs. The giant with the hammer took a more simplified approach, swinging his hammer up against the mast, cracking it into two.

House of M...

The structural damage to the House of M was worse than anyone could've expected it to be - as if the earthquake was purposefully targeting the structure. Magneto was able to hold the room he was in with Moneta together through the sheer force of will. Polaris woke up to find that her room had collapsed around her and she let out a slight scream, as she threw all of the metal away from herself, only to reveal that she was more or less completely caved in. She took a few deep breaths, trying to get a sense of the damage, only to feel that all of the House of M had collapsed. And since she knew that her father's new replacement daughters were in the building, any shift to the metal could kill them.

Zarina and Andy were relatively lucky. Yes, their room would collapse around them, but they would end up being flung into the hallway together. There was light coming from the end of the hall, so as long as nothing shifted and fell on them, they'd be able to get out and go to the Akademos... hopefully.

In his room with Miranda, Magneto's face was covered in shadow by his helmet. "Whoever is responsible for this... They'll burn," he swore. He didn't ask Miranda if she was alright. He threw his hand out in front of him, as if shoving an invisible door, and metal cleared out of their way. Magneto had made a path through an outer wall, meaning Miranda and himself would be able to get outside of the structure, and hopefully find whoever was doing this.

He then started giggling like mad.

Poisonous smoke damage - everyone in the House of M will start laughing uncontrollably.


Blackstone looked more like a Roman imperial palace than it did a home. Max's portal would allow him to emerge into the central courtyard, an open green space. Various statues were scattered throughout the courtyard, some of the visages twisted in horrified expressions. The most noticeable one would be a massive statue of Medusa, her snakes frozen in a deep hiss. "Oh good, you made it!" Pixie cheered, her pink wings fluttering either from nervousness, relief, or excitement.

"Is this everyone? Good," Selene said. "Come, gather into a circle and clasp hands. I'll be guiding this spell more than I usually do in our sessions, your experience levels just aren't there yet," Selene added rather matter of factly. She took her own spot in the middle of the circle and Pixie reached out, grabbing Max's hand with her right, before grabbing the hand of someone else with her left. Everyone was circling up.

Selene didn't even wait to see if the circle had closed, just assuming that it had. "Nemo in hac insula ingredietur. Nullus homo locum hunc polluet. Locus sacer, arbor sacra, terra sacra. Solum mutant pedes in solo Genosha calcare. Maledictum est sanguini omni homini qui audeat venire. Mortis sententia in omnem hominem nocet," Selene chanted, speaking fluent Latin.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Apartment -> Hellfire Mansion
Skills: N/A

“Ben is… sleeping?” James laughed before catching himself on the wall as another quake hit. Casper wasn’t joking; if they stayed here much longer, they were liable to find themselves an early grave and he had absolutely no interest in finding out what lay beyond this life just yet. James stared for a second at the asteroid in their room and then shook himself out of it, grabbing Casper’s hand and bolting. “Asteroids?! Who the fuck uses space rocks as a god damned weapon?!” James groaned as they ran. He would rather argue with Casper that he was way hotter but asteroids and earthquakes made a compelling argument against spending time that way.

They needed to get to the manor as quickly as possible now that James understood how bad the situation was. James had no doubt that injuries were going to mount quickly. He’d like to be on the frontlines keeping people on their feet in a tough situation but the people who couldn’t defend themselves would need medical attention too. Havok’s accusation rose like bile in his mind but he shook it away. It was important that people could move in the event the Quiet Council attempted an evacuation effort as well. So he kept running, praying that everyone in the Underground would make it out of this alive.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 34 min ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Outside of Magda Memorial Housing Complex -> Hellfire Bay
Skills: Electricity Manipulation

Callie turned around to see Max, Harry and Waverly coming out of the building as well and gave them all a slight wave. "Good morning." Callie said as Max created two portals one for whatever location he was going to and the other to Hellfire Bay, she ran through the portal to Hellfire Bay, seeing Marrow and Sunshine were already there. When a group suddenly appeared in front of them, and glared at them all she assumed that they were the ones apart of this attack.

Sunshine and Marrow went in for the attack seeing that the water boy created a ball of water around Sunshine's head, she was going to either drown or suffocate from it if no one helped. She held out her hand trying to shoot out a bolt of electricity, but it somehow backfired as her electricity built up. She yelled out in pain as she was knocked backwards, her body getting slight electrical burns, and pain all over her body. She groaned a bit as Callie got back up to her feet and sent out another bolt of lightening towards water boy, managing to shock him.

Kristina Smith

Location: Roof of Magda Memorial Housing Complex
Skills: Eyebeams

"Coffee would be really great." Kristina said, remembering all the times that she had to get up really early in the morning for university classes, which felt like a lifetime ago. She sighed a little bit shaking her head slightly as another wave of rocks hit Veil's shields, seeing who was doing that was a man in the air on fire or something like that, when a few smaller ones impacted. When two more people were suddenly teleported onto the rooftop, one of them looked a lot like a tic tac and the other like some extra from the Planet of the Apes movies, (the old classic ones not the newer ones).

She noticed that the ground started to liquify by Tic Tac Man, he was going to destroy the entire building and Ape Man threw more rocks at them. She focused her eyes on the Tic Tac Man and shot out an eyebeam at him, only for him to touch it and it dissipating like it was nothing looking really confused. "How the hell did he do that?" She said mainly to herself as she fired off another shot only to miss Ape Man, she tried hitting the two again only to miss once more.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Housing Complex > Blackstone
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max's footsteps slowed down as he walked through the courtyard. The grotesque statues gave him some unease as he made his way until Pixie's voice gave him a sense of familiarity. He let out a nervous chuckle before speaking. "Yeah, I was already awake so the only real detour was teleporting others to Hellfire Bay before coming here." He'd hardly noticed all the others gathered in the courtyard, listening to Selene's instructions and grasping onto Pixie's hand.

When Selene began to chant, Max instantly began to feel uneasy about the spell. He hadn't had any time to check up with Strange about who she was or where she stood in the grand scheme of things. A massive part of him wished to interfere, to either ask for permission to allow Strange on the island or to simply attempt to tamper with the spell himself. He knew Latin, he knew magic, it should be simple enough to add right? But now was not the time to try and change things. People's lives were in danger and Max was needed to help ensure their safety. He closed his eyes, let out a shaky breath, and began to say the words begrudgingly. Each word weighing heavier than the ones before. He looked towards Pixie, opening his eyes, searching her face for an answer to if this was right and making a mental note to contact Strange when this was all over.


Location: Housing Complex > Hellfire Bay
Skills: .

Echo gave Waves a bit of a smirk as she commented on his outfit. "Always dress for the occasion. After all, never know what you'll be frozen into and immortalized as wearing." Once they crossed the threshold and entered the Bay, Waverly went to work giving out some information. "Did we see a vault on our island tour? Or was that left out?" He saw Sunshine and presumably her beau over by The Marauder and hearing what Marrow had said. "Actually It's Echo, but I get that often enough being her twin and all."

Harry sprinted behind the pair, halting his in his track causing sand to build up around his boots when he saw a bubble appearing around Sunshines head. Callie tried to break her free by zapping the watery mutant but nothing changed. Harry could only think of one thing to do, reaching out towards the mutant and isolating the frequency at which he vibrated. Harry matched the rhythmic beats with his own, canceling out some and feeling his temperature begin to drop. He tried again, but struggled to push past where he left it last, turning to look at Sunshine and seeing her struggling for air. "Leave my damn family ALONE" Harry pressed past his limit and dropped the mutant near freezing, sure that some crystals may be starting to form and hopefully giving him a scare. The bubble dropped and Harry kept his hold on the mutant, ready to freeze him if necessary.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: House of M
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive)

Unfortunately, there was no going through the window now. They were in the hall at least and it looked like there was a path out. They just had to move quickly. Andy didn't want to wait for Zari, she wanted to drag her to safety. Then she started laughing. She didn't know why, nothing was actually funny, but she couldn't help it. Was it a weird trauma response? Or was that what the fog was doing?

Andy grabbed Zari's hand, not thinking about it, but knowing they had to go quickly. Her reflexes were fast too, if anyone could make it through falling debris it was her. She started running half dragging Zari with her, though Zari wasn't fighting it, she was coming willingly. Laughing made progress hard, she was trying to maintain composure but it made running too difficult.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Hellfire Bay
Skills: Sound Wave Manipulation, Radio Wave Manipulation

"Nuh uh," Waverley replied, as uncertain of the strange wording of the transmission as Harry. She was so caught up in the transmissions that she didn't notice Sunshine and Marrow until the latter spoke up, and even then she only greeted them with a distracted wave as the gears turned in her head. "Do you think Three in One and Reeva's telepathic channel is still active? Hold on, let me try; Hey Three in One, it's Waverley, Waverley Watts, with the Underground. Not sure if you remember me, I'm the one with the purple - it doesn't matter. If you can hear me, I need to know if you know anything about a vault. I overheard it in a transmission, and-" Waverley's verbal and mental message was cut off by the arrival of their strange attackers, her eyebrows furrowing. She'd been expecting crowds of rifle-wielding humans, not a stone giant, a water elemental and -

"Leo?" she said, her head tilting a bit to the side. She'd been obsessed with that whole series before joining up with the Underground. Part of her wanted to crack a joke about them needing air to have all four elements, but then she saw water form around Sunshine's head, and any intention of throwing quips was wiped from her mind. She reached out her hand to the waterboy, getting ready to send out an attack to follow Callie's lightning, but instead she felt manipulation of sound waves - not her own - beginning to lower his temperature. That was certainly a cool trick. She'd have to see if she could figure it out sometime later. She shot a glance over to Harry just in time to catch his protective rage, which inspired a smile from her as she shifted her hand towards the stone giant.

"Yeah! And that includes the in-laws!" she added, before snapping her fingers, her index pointed outward at the hulking warrior as her thumb stretched up to the sky. She amplified the sound, blasting it out towards him, causing deep cracks to form in his stony skin, hopefully deep enough for Marrow to dig into. She pulled her middle finger back to her thumb, readying another snap, but then the mischievous one began to pop around, plopping down bombs with every hop. Waverley took a step back, mentally shifting from the simpler, more concrete feeling of sound waves back to the softer, more subtle feel of radio waves. As soon as she opened her mind to try and feel the bombs, she was bombarded by an undecipherable mass of transmissions. Figuring out more about the bombs would be like trying to pick out a single quiet conversation in a loud, condense crowd.

"Echo, do you think some of your boys could try catching the dimension dooring demigod while I figure out what's going on with these bombs?" she asked, her voice low in hopes that their foes wouldn't hear. She tried to focus her mind, reaching out for the bombs again, but even with all her focus, she was having difficulties.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: House of M -> Akademos
Skills: Sword Fighting

Zari was startled a bit by them suddenly getting knocked out of the room as it collapsed and into the hallway. She was giggling a bit though because of the fog as Andy started pulling her out of the area and towards the exit doors. They weren't quite out of the woods though, as Zari managed to help get both of them out of the building, and she was still giggling up a storm. Mr. Eyeball was floating next to her and beeping a bit at her. "Ok, now that we're out we've got better places to be," she said between giggles as she took off running for the Akademos.

That's where she saw the weirdo in a strange sort of space suit throwing electricity at the Akademos, and she pulled out Glowstick, switching the flashlight back into it's full length sword, and she looked at the person. "What could you possibly have to gain from being here and attacking us?" she asked rather coldly, losing a bit of her typically upbeat personality, pointing her sword at the person for a moment, before striking. Zari got rather close before swinging her sword down. A rather large opening cut in the space suit that the person was wearing, and she pulled her sword away, blood dripping from it and she was glaring daggers at the person.

Location: The Roof
Skills: Elasticity, Elastic Combat

Jack headed up to the roof where he saw Veil and Kris, waving slightly at them. "Hey there," he said simply to them as he glanced around at the chaos that was seemingly occurring from everything. The asteroids heading their way though was not a good thing, especially since it seemed like even with Veil's force field the asteroids were still coming and hitting the building rather hard. He knew that his powers weren't exactly the best for long range, however he glanced at a few of the asteroids that were nearby and an idea popped into his head. He wasn't too sure how well this was going to work since he wasn't the strongest person around, but it was worth a shot.

"Well two can play at that game," he commented, before he went to the nearest asteroid that was by them. Somehow, he actually managed to turn himself into a human slingshot, and sent one flying. Unfortunately he missed, but at least now he knew that it was actually possible. His second attempt, the asteroid didn't exactly fly as smoothly, and when he glanced to see where it had landed, he couldn't help but laugh a bit at the dumb luck he got where it landed on the foot of the guy who was throwing the asteroids. "Well this is fun."

Location: House of M
Skills: Holographic Projection

Hearing Magneto start laughing a bit was a bit odd, but soon she found herself not being able to stop laughing herself, and the idea that it was because of the fog crossed her mind, which was not a good thing since there wasn't really a whole lot that they'd be able to do to get rid of it. Well, what they really needed was gas masks or something, something to filter out the fog so that they wouldn't really have to worry too much about it, and that would allow them to use their abilities without much distractions from bursting out into laughter.

She started trying to focus on creating a pair of gas masks for them, but unfortunately her own laughter was starting to cause a bit of a problem for her. Miranda's first attempt was a bit lackluster, only creating the illusions as opposed to solid hard light constructs. Trying to ignore the laughter that was still escaping her, she managed to create one working mask that was a hard light one, and the other was still an illusion. She tried again to make another one, but she wasn't able to focus at all from the laughter, but thankfully Magneto made a hole in the wall so that they'd be able to get outside. She headed outside, and saw two people that stood out to her as clearly causing the issues with the fog, and he looked like he was part frog part human blowing the fog out of his nose. Another one looked kind of like a mummy or something, and one more who seemed to be the one causing the earthquakes. "...Well this isn't good..." she commented, she wasn't much of a combatant, so she was more or less prepared to throw up a holographic wall to protect them if need be.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 4:20 AM


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Rooftop
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation

"...I don't know," Veil murmured, uncertain as to what was happening. It didn't make sense to her how Stareyes' eye beam could just be stopped like that, the way it seemed to vanish. Her eyes flickered to what Tic Tac was doing (Merbavon), the way he was liquifying the roof. The roof hadn't collapsed yet, but it was sagging and probably near the breaking point. Veil threw a force field at Mebavon, hoping to knock him off the roof and break his concentration - but the force field just seemed to dissipate as soon as it touched him. "What the fuck?" Veil murmured.

The next thing she knew, gravity was pressing down on her, feeling like someone had dropped the sky on her shoulders. Veil was forced down to the ground, panting and sweating from extreme pressure, as if some invisible force was crushing her. She tried to make a force field to stop whatever it was, but she couldn't do it, she couldn't focus. She could hardly even breathe.

More asteroids then hit the roof. The asteroids missed Jack entirely. One hit Stareyes, knocking her off the roof and into a freefall towards the ground. The other crashed directly into Veil, making a gigantic hole as it pushed her down, down, and down through the several levels of the building.


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing
Skills: Mediumship

"Didn't Magneto just gift us space rocks? Maybe it's his evil twin?" Casper suggested, pretty much as useful as a wet noodle as he let James drag him along. There were more impacts coming by the second, as asteroids continued to careen towards Genosha. Casper turned his head, glancing outside a window they passed, catching a brief glimpse of some of the fighting. There seemed to be a flying person who he couldn't make out - the asteroid chucker in question. And two others?

"You could be helping! I could be helping!" Ben shouted, an odd mixture between scolding and pleading. "For once in your life, think about someone other than yourself!"

"Ben, you're making it hard to concentrate!" Casper complained, as an asteroid hit just a few feet away from the staircase he and James had been about to descend. James' reactive adaption gave him vibranium skin for the moment, allowing him to withstand the impact, but Casper the noodle was thrown backwards, going over the staircase railing. By pure dumb luck (a natural twenty, in fact), Casper managed to grab onto the railing with his hands, dangling now. The drop to the ground floor wouldn't kill him, but it would shatter several bones in his body.

"Ahhh, Ben, help!"

"Sorry, Ben's sleeping right now," Ben snapped.

"Seriously Ben? You have one job! James! Heeeeeelp!"


Location: Hellfire Bay - the Marauder
Skills: Disease Manipulation, Enhanced Accuracy

Sangre, the aquatic combatant in question, had his body temperature rapidly lowered. The villain frantically created a host of bubbles, surrounding himself with them in the hopes that they might keep his temperature from falling further and even warm him. Unfortunately, the air temperature was in the low 20 degrees Celsius, not incredibly higher than the temperature Echo had lowered Sangre down to (near freezing), so the bubble buddy strategy was mostly unsuccessful.

Sunshine gasped for air. "Thanks, dude," she told Echo, rubbing her neck slightly. She had liked bubbles before this - she never imagined that bubbles could kill. At least Echo seemed to have Bubble Boy (Sangre) under control for the moment.

Reeva Payge's voice telepathically echoed in Waverley's mind and Waverley's mind alone: "Feedback, listen carefully. If you're right, then these are the Children of the Vault. They're from an artificially accelerated temporal vault and they believe they should inherit the Earth. We'd encountered a sleeper a while back named Desiree. These things aren't mutants or humans. They will do anything they can to kill every last one of us."

"Now that's more like it!" Marrow praised, seeing the cracks in Piedra Dura that Feedback had made. She grew longer bone marrow spikes on her elbow and swung her elbow up against his stone body, just narrowly missing the cracks. Piedra swung a punch at her, but he went so wide that Marrow was able to duck easily under it. She grew bone spikes out of her knuckles, looking like Wolverine really, and punched, hitting the cracks dead on. Piedra Dura stumbled backwards, gravel gushing from the wound, but the rock-man wasn't down yet.

The first set of bombs detonated, blowing holes in the ship's hull, causing the Marauder to begin to take on water. "We need to get the little flatscan shit with the bombs!" Sunshine shouted, seeing Horadar flicker into view out of the corner of her eye. She created the most powerful disease she could think of and flung it, hitting Horadar dead on. Even though Horadar wasn't human, the effects were nauseating, and he dropped dead in moments.

"...Okay, never mind, got him!" Sunshine called out, right as Martillo went to take a swing at her with his giant hammer to avenge Horadar.


Cadena, the person wearing the electric spacesuit, raised an eyebrow at Valkyrie and her question. She seemed to debate for a moment whether or not to answer, but that changed when Zarina slashed at her, slicing through her suit. Cadena's eyes flashed with anger. This was personal now. Lightning continued to spark off of her suit and she shaped it with her hands, crafting what looked like a long chain. Cadena threw the chain at Zarina and the chain wrapped around the half Asgardian mutant, electrifying her without stopping. Any ordinary mutant would've died - it was only Zarina's Asgardian heritage that saved her.

Some of the kids who studied at the Akademos were cowering in fear - especially Rain Boy, who did NOT want to go anywhere near Cadena.

And Cadena wasn't alone. There was another girl with her, Aguja, who appeared to be some sort of energy manipulator, using her mind to throw trees and whatnot at the screaming students.

House of M...

"I hate toads," Magneto grumbled, putting on the mask that Miranda had tossed to him without argument. He figured as much as she did - his powers would help them survive. His eyes flashed with rage as he swung his arm around rapidly, metal from the collapsed House of M flying at his command. The metal encased the toad looking person, Veneno, and Magneto then clenched his fist, killing the person instantly. Veneno popped like a squashed balloon - or toad.

There was no sign of Polaris.

Terramoto went to shake the ground again, reaching down to slap the earth, but Magneto was faster. He sent metal shards flying into Terramoto's arm and Terramoto screamed in pain. Magneto threw metal shards at the last one, Olvido, only for Olvido to more or less pull an Uno reverse card - and send the metal flying at Magneto and Miranda!


Pixie, unfortunately, did not speak Latin - so she didn't know what spell they were casting. All she knew was that they were going to help protect Genosha, so she didn't seem to have any nerves or anxiety of worries about what was going on as Max glanced at her. Selene, however, frowned deeply. "Why isn't this working?" she murmured. She could feel the energy they were putting off, the way their magic was pulsing like sonar, but... It wasn't doing anything. The attackers were still there. They were still on Genosha.

The spell should've targeted all humans... So what was wrong?

"Max, any ideas?" Selene asked, since he was actually her most experienced student when it came to combative and defensive magic.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: House of M
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive), Deception, MMA, Electricty Manipulation

Zari was able to pull them the rest of the way out of the building and to safety. Andy took several deep breaths of clear air. She didn't want to devolve into a puddle of giggles at Akademos. Thankfully once they were clear of the fog the laughter faded and Andy could focus again. She followed Zari to Akademos.

Right away Zari was engaging with one of the attackers. It was the person in the spacesuit. Andy grimaced as she attacked Zari wrapping a chain around her and sending electricity down the chain. The grimace turned into a raised eyebrow. She had honed her skill for close combat-type situations. And her electricity manipulation didn't seem that different from this girl's. The other person attacking Akademos was someone who seemed to be able to move things with her mind. Andy wouldn't be able to get in close for a fight with her.

She turned her attention back to the spacesuit girl and took the distraction that Zari was as an opportunity to get in close. Andy tried to go around Zari and dashed in. The worst-case scenario of dying briefly crossed her mind, but she wasn't that worried about it.

Andy drew back her fist going for the spot where Zari had cut open the spacesuit. She decided to go for redirecting the lighting. If she could pull it from the spacesuit and the woman she could protect Zari. The attack against her would fail.

What Andy didn't realize was she wasn't grounded right. The electricity pulsed through her. She felt her body go numb. She knew exactly what was happening, and it was probably a bit of her enhanced reflexes that made the few seconds that it took from standing to passing out feel like forever. All Andy could think the whole time was she had failed Zari.
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