I should have another post up this weekend.
I should have another post up this weekend.
C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T _________________________________________________________C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T ![]() _________________________________________________________ C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y _________________________________________________________C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y Jessica Viviana Cruz _________________________________________________________ Mexican-American, Honduran-American | Unemployed _________________________________________________________ Portland | Oregon | USA C H A R A C T E R N O T E S C H A R A C T E R N O T E S - M I S C E L L A N E O U S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ►At the moment, Jessica isn't able to fully create constructs yet. She can create shields/walls and send blasts of energy, but as far as shapes and such go, she's not there. But she will be! She also has a tendency to speak to her ring and personify it, something that isn't usually seen with Green Lanterns. She's pretty much at side-kick level right now, but thanks to the shortage of Green Lanterns and the ring's insistence on her helping, she's been thrust into the world of vigilantism. - P O S T C A T A L O G P O S T C A T A L O G - P O S T C A T A L O G ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ◼ - | C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T A little over a year ago, Jessica went on a hunting trip with her best friends. Unbeknownst to her, it would change the course of her life forever. After hearing strange sounds in the dark, the group stumbled upon several mafia members burying bodies. The mafia members caught them and they were taken to be executed. As the mafia members took out her friends, Jessica managed to escape. She returned home and gave the police the best information she could, but due to the trauma her already existing anxiety crippled her life. The young adult locked herself away in her room, terrified that the men would come back to finish the job. Three months ago, Green Lantern Ring #7 chose Jessica to join the Green Lantern Corps, much to her protest. Due to problems within the Corps, she received virtually no training before being assigned to protect Sector 2814. Now she's trying to find her place as a superhero while managing her PTSD and anxiety. Her personality is going to be very similar to the canon. The biggest difference is her lack of having a partner assigned to her- which would be Simon Baz in the comics. This doesn't mean the other Lanterns can't exist, it just means they're most likely not on earth. But that can always be written around so that more Lanterns can be assigned to 2814, especially considering Jessica doesn't have official Lantern training yet. Really no characters should be blocked off. P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) Jessica Cruz holds a very special place in my heart for a couple reasons. Initially, I discovered her a little after my birthday in 2019. A friend sent me fanart of Wonder Woman, which included Artemis, Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, and a mysterious Green Lantern I had never seen. So I did my research and stumbled upon Jessica Cruz! I was so stunned to see a Latina character, I had to know more! I immediately delved into Rebirth's Green Lanterns and fell in love with her. I was amazed that a character with mental health issues was talking about it openly and actively working on herself to become not only a better hero, but a better person. This was also around the time I started facing my own challenges with mental health, so I became very attached. Throughout my life, I always stuck to Wonder Woman because- well, she's Wonder Woman. But seeing a superhero that was so... human. So relatable. I fell in love with her. I've had the opportunity to write as Wonder Woman and some of her supporting cast for about two years with a group of friends on Discord, but I've never really gotten the chance to write for Jessica Cruz. I really want to do her justice. Since she's in her beginning stages, she's going to be a roaming character. As she comes into her place as a fully-fledged Green Lantern, she'll move into the driving character position. There's a also potential to be part of GL Danver's plots, especially as a supporting character for the beginning. This character has loads of potential that I'm excited to tap into! |
CONGRATULATIONS: With no intent for competition stated within 24hrs of the following sheet being posted and no issues from the GMs, the following sheet has been accepted. A C C E P T E D S H E E T ( S ): |
@Sep Yeah this leaves me in particular in the lurch pretty badly with Thor.
@Lord Wraith Any recommendation on how to proceed?