@Izurich@Crusader Lord@SilverPaw
First contact seemed to go without a hitch. Shortly after Breacher’s initial distraction, Valkyrie supplied covering fire. Su had considered remaining outside to help draw fire away from the sniper. But she would soon realize that further assistance was unnecessary. A shockwave further disoriented the gang. Breacher didn’t feel it herself, but she could see its effects. The gangsters stumbled, but also the glass in nearly every window cracked. Some even shattered, raining down glass in a glimmering hail. A few computer monitors in the offices detonated, spilling onto the desks they were placed on. It wasn’t hard to imagine the mirrors in nearby bathrooms shattering as well. This said nothing of the ceiling tiles that were shaken out of place and fell onto the floor, often along anything that had been affixed to the walls. A considerable amount of colladeral, but nothing as dire to Breacher as the condition of the alcohol. She was really looking forward to taking that bottle of Jack Daniels the gangster was drinking as a trophy. But she had doubts as to if even the shot glasses could have survived. The front of the building had sustained some damage, with most of it being done to the 2nd and 3rd floors.
It was not long before the Gemini agents' coms lit up with Vernoica’s voice.
”We’re trying to preserve the police station. Was that part of the briefing too difficult to understand, Leroux?” Fritzi growled. ”Mind your melodies, agent. You’re not a freelancer.”
The loss of the drinks aside, Su was okay with a distraction like this. If Valkyrie was safe, that just meant she could continue to assist Leroux inside. Maybe there were more bottles further in.
While her pick wielding ally made short work of the recovering gangsters, Su moved to place herself between Jacqueline and the other end of the hall. And it was a good thing she had, as an erratic spray of bullets ripped down the hall in their direction. More surprising was that it was the other squad rather than a gangster.
”Friendly! Friendly!” Su cried down the hall as she did everything in her power to keep the bullets from hitting Jacqueline or herself. Fortunately it seemed like their numbers were thinning. There couldn't have been many hostiles left.
But behind Su trouble was starting to stir. The staircase leading down into the jails was right before Jacqueline. At the base of the staircase was a mammoth of a man in an orange jumpsuit. He had just stepped out of the shadows to greet the espers. His size was comparable to Apollo, albeit shorter and fatter, and he had a single chain wrapped around one of his arms. He held a 5 foot length of it between his hands, and the fluorescent lights lit up his perfectly bald head.
”Don’t suppose you’re into bondage?”
In the blink of an eye, he whipped the chain over his head and slammed it downward. Were he in the corridor, there might not have been enough room to swing the chain like that. But the staircase shared the same ceiling as the first floor, and the criminal’s lower position on the staircase gave him the room to attack.
But the interior of the Police station wasn’t any more dangerous than the outside. While the gangsters were starting to draw away from the windows to focus on fighting inside, one of them had other ideas.
”Espers? Guess they’re getting desperate.”

From a window on the top floor, Valkyrie had just enough time to spot a tall man dressed head to toe in black. She could practically smell the hair gel from where she was standing, somehow overpowering the cigar he was chomping on. Despite it being quite dark out, he chose to wear shades. She might not have noticed him with the sun no longer in the sky, but his bare chest was far too pale and white to work as good camo. Even the ink black tattoos that ran all over his chest barely concealed this fact.
He was there just long enough to fling a handful of grenades at her. He didn’t stick around and instead retreated into the building. His aim was pretty good though. 2 out of the 3 grenades fell into the room with her while the 3rd one bounced off the side of the building and landed in the street below. Not bad for someone wearing shades. They would detonate any second now.
Meanwhile, the Freelancer’s squad was already entering the building. The thugs were helpless against the pull of Protector’s shield, and were hardly a match for the combined efforts of Klava and Apollo. Before they could even attempt to break out of their icy prison, Apollo's spell struck them all with a burning radiance. The few that didn’t get burned to a crisp were knocked down the stairs. It was doubtful anyone caught in the blast would be fighting again soon. With all the erupting chaos it was hardly a problem for Silhouette to blend in unseen, picking off stranglers and anyone that might inconvenience the squad of freelancers.
That wasn’t to say the freelancers hadn’t misstepped. Apollo had picked up a gun to fire down a hall filled with gangsters. While this was acceptable in most circumstances, the two Gemini agents on the other end of the hall were less appreciative of his wild bullet spraying. It was not long before the freelancers were contacted on their own com line. Binky had supplied them with earpieces while they rode into position, so that she could guide them once they got inside. ”Check your aim, Apollo! We’re not paying you to fire on our agents! Engage in melee or fire somewhere else!” Not long afterwards, Samuel would receive a transmission. Since Silhouette was a Gemini agent, he was set up with a separate private frequency that the other freelancers were oblivious to. ”Keep an eye on Apollo for me. we can’t let him jeopardize the other agents.” Binky let out an exhausted sigh before turning to look at Klava, who was using the APC for cover. ”I'm going to move, you should probably head inside. Looks like most of them gave up shooting out the windows.”
The first floor was starting to look pretty cleared out, but something massive was headed down the stairs. Each step it took shook the staircase. The “it” in this case was someone dressed head to toe in bomb disposal armor, with the word “Viper” hastily spray painted across their chest. Flanking them at either side were two guards covered in body armor and holding body length riot shields made of plexiglass in one hand and uzis in the other. They came to a stop at the first landing on the staircase, allowing them to look down at the first floor.
”Well I’ll be! If it isn’t the watchmen rejects!”
Viper pumped the shotgun he was carrying, and their 2 goons stood off to the side as soon as he had his gun up. With a guttural laugh, Viper fired a round of buckshot directly at Protector. His guards immediately stood in the way and prepared to fire around their shields while their boss reloaded.

@The World@Hammerman
Five feet in radius, ten feet in diameter. If Regina had utilized a proper Rain note, perhaps the Huntress would have been able to bombard the Ape Gang in their entirety, but as it stood, only two apes were caught in the sudden shower of arrows. Letting out a hoot, the axe-ape beat his chest with greater ferocity before leaping up and covering for his dual-blade-ape brother, shouting out a manly “Team Sacrifice!” as arcane arrows embedded themselves into his body. They went deep, deep enough to puncture fur to get into the meat, but whatever this whole ‘Return to Monke’ chant was doing, it certainly seemed as if it was improving the entire Ape Gang’s physical capabilities.
But whether it was magical, or simply a measure of self-hypnosis that unlocked the human body’s latent potential for hysterical strength, it was hard to tell.
It was definitely easy to see though. With Regina spent, and Marrie hesitant, only Luna offered a continuous barrage, her playing cards machine-gunning everywhere. Inspired by his brother’s sacrifice, dual-blade-ape pushed in front of the vanguard now, his twin katanas spinning like helicopter blades while the others chanted and ran behind him. Magically enhanced paper shattered like shrapnel against steel, ripping his costume up and exposing human flesh underneath, but troubling enough for Luna, there looked like no indication that there was any skin underneath. A momentary trouble, truly, when the apes all reached cover behind another shipping container.
There was an instance of peace…until the shipping container began to rumble. It began to roar. It began to scrape! Metal screeched as it was pushed over rough concrete, sparks grinding out as the shipping container moved with ever increasing speed towards the container that Luna stood upon! Of course the Ape Gang was strong enough to push containers around. With no power tools and no one else incentivized to access the manhole of Bastion except for invaders, who else but the Apes could’ve moved a dozen shipping containers out of the way?!
A calamitous crash sounded, both containers crumbling into each other from the tremendous impact. Luna found herself without footing, her "rug" pulled out right under her feet, and as she tumbled through the air, a hammer-wielding ape vaulted off the hands and knees of his brothers to challenge her to an aerial duel. Meanwhile, the other four apes who were still perfectly healthy (brawler-ape, longsword-ape, whip-ape, and spear-ape), scrambled out from the wreckage as well, hooting like hooligans as they rushed for Marrie and Regina.
Things were getting hot now, things were getting spicy!
And the Queen of Bees, the Mother of the Church of the Hive, fucking hated spicy food.
The manhole clanged like church bells as it was kicked open as neon yellow lights surged up. Rising up upon the backs of her worker drones, the bald Queen posed, bedecked in a dress made out of golden scales that hugged her bodacious curves. Her arms, bare and unadorned, were a mess of weeping sores, yellow puss leaking from dozens of holes within her flesh. And yet, there was not a single sign of pain upon her face as she glared at the rubes before her. Stretching out an arm towards the melee of Esper and Ape Gang, she called out, as her six most capable subordinates somersaulted out of the manhole in sync and landed at her sides, “You primitives dare step upon the hallowed combs of the new Queen of Pax Septimus? Arrogant mammals! Thine flesh shall be inlaid upon pools of liquid gold and feed our larvae!”
And in that same unnerving synchroneity, the six sub-bees pulled out two-handed Super Soakers from their Walmart discount Bee costumes, before pumping them rapidly to pressurize the contents. From the distance, it was clear that it was some sort of yellow liquid, but whether it be poison, piss, acid, or just flavoured water, it at least wasn't as bad as having to deal with assault rifles instead.

@Majoras End
”Hah! It's alright! I could do to get out of my own head for a bit.“ Betty folded her arms on top of the table. ”I have an easier time dealing with other people's problems than my own. Though really, you were outside and you didn't realize the sun was setting? Not that I can really judge, I've been day dreaming all day." She lifted her cup to her lips and took a small sip. ”Wow, that's still really hot! I wonder if I could put ice in it? That's not taboo among coffee drinkers, is it?“
There were a few disadvantages to taking a seat so far back in the great escape. While it was quieter, it was kind of the worst place to sit by design. The entrance door was right there, which made it cold during the winter time and hot during the summer. Worse still was that the restrooms were located just a few feet away from the table they were seated at. The door to the men's room swung open and out stepped a regal if loudly dressed girl. Her outfit was pretty loud. Everything was so bombastic, from her huge flower accessories to her overly ornate outfit. She even had a massive puppet on one of her hands that looked like a creepy bunny. She couldn't have been any older than Fable, but Betty was never the best at guessing ages. She was more concerned with why a girl like that would be in the men's room. But she soon realized she was staring and decided it was best to just mind Fable for now.
”But yea!“ She swished her coffee around before taking another sip. ”If you aren't doing anything, maybe you could watch me play a few songs? I think I'm okay at it, but I get performance anxiety when my mother isn't watching.“ It felt a little weird to admit that to a stranger, but she was just talking. It did a lot to calm her nerves even when she didn't know who she was talking to. Though fable seemed like a good egg and probably wouldn't squeal on her. ”Also, Fable, right? Is that a stage name by any chance? You look like you'd be good at-“
Before betty could say another word, she fell into her chair. the violinist stumbled backwards into a bathroom stall where she landed on a toilet seat. Her surroundings had completely changed. Fable, the table they were sitting at, she couldn't see any of it. Did the past few minutes happen, or had she fallen asleep and was just waking up?
It is very uncommon for non-espers to encounter magic. What few times they are subjected to a spell they rationalize it away with one excuse or another. If magic does not exist, than what makes more sense: That Betty fell into a portal that placed her in a restroom, or that she simply woke up from a dream? Yes! she must have gone to the bathroom after that coffee went through her. And she must have been so tired that she just fell asleep right here. Perhaps it was decaf, but a good nap was probably all she needed anyway. But then why was she holding onto a hot cup of coffee? Shouldn't it have cooled by now? Regardless, If Betty fell asleep, then she really, really owed Elroy a big one. She took hold of the door to her stall and pushed it open. But then she froze in mortal horror.
There were people using the stand up urinals.
And they were guys.
Which was a given, but still!
Betty's face turned as pale as her hair as she shut the door. Had she really fallen asleep in the men's room? She couldn't just leave though. Not without getting noticed at least.
Fable would surely notice the regal-looking esper had placed a hand on Betty's chair, causing a portal to spread across its surface. As Soon as Betty fell inside, she banished it and took her place.
"Of course my order isn't ready yet, but what do you expect when a white cisgender male runs everything?" The girl(?) seemed to be talking to herself, but was doing so loud enough that Fable couldn't ignore it if he tried. "No respect for demi-boys, had I kept my mouth shut he'd have treated me like one of his white princesses." With a huff, she propped her head up with her elbow. "Suppose I should thank that 'actual' white princess for keeping my seat warm."
The regal girl made no attempt to acknowledge Fable's existence. But her puppet seemed a bit more interested in him. It looked just a regal as the person who's hand it sat on, and had an oddly spooky vibe. But it's melted face was more kid spooky than R-rated body horror film spooky. "Well hey there handsome!" The bunny waved its mitten at Fable. "I'm Denny! Denny the fantastic! And my master here is Mary!" He(?) gestured to the girl(?) that his torso was attached to. "Mary has been having kind of a rough day, I think ze would really appreciate it if you tried to talk to zir. Just make sure to use zir correct pronouns!"