NicknamesV, Vera, Val, Lass (she only lets her personal underground contact get away with calling her 'lass')
Title/Code NameDeadshot
Jokes aside, she's straightAge24...?
BirthdayAugust 13th
PersonalityVeronica puts her work first and foremost; if you're meeting her on a job, you can expect a cold and calculating slayer who will do anything to get the job done, from assassinations to theft, and near anything in between, though the one moral high-ground she keeps is being unwilling to do jobs involving children, which to her can mean anyone up to their early 20s, as long as she thinks they're worth the hassle. Though on occasion in her line of work, if things are going very smoothly, or the opposite, are going belly-up, she lets the chilling exterior down for a bit of banter and snark to break through.
Outside of any jobs she's a wildcard of a woman; here for a good time, not a long time. Veronica lives loosely, jumping from bar to bar, causing a ruckus, mingling and certainly getting frisky from time to time. She'll just as quickly make friends as she does enemies, and doesn't care much about it, either. It could be the inebriated state talking, but in general she comes off as not caring much about...Much.
Still, beyond her careless and reckless attitude, or her cold-hearted plotting (whichever you believe to be her true self), there's a heart in there somewhere. She just doesn't like to show it.
AffiliationFree Agent/Free-Spirited
I do things my way, for me. If it helps people, great. If not, whatever. It ain't my business to fix everyone's lives, and they damn well better not be expectin' it.Weapon(s)The ArsenalVeronica might have some legitimate Powers, sure, but she much prefers to rely on proper equipment to blow apart her competition, and trust me, she's got a lot of it. Let's get to work....
ArmorWhile V isn't prone to wearing full-body armor (which you'll understand why soon), she isn't gonna be caught dead with absolutely nothing to defend herself. Typically underneath her clothing she wears a flak jacket, and almost always wears a remodeled Chitauri helmet, scavenged by black market scalpers back when they first invaded Earth. Compared to most Earthly armor, the helmet might as well be unbreakable. Why she feels the need to guard her head so will be discussed soon.
Beyond that, she has two pieces of her Arsenal that can be loosely considered armor. Firstly, the gloves she wears are made from Vibranium (which cost her a pretty penny, that's for sure). While it ain't as fancy as Cap's shield or a full-blown body suit like Black Panther, the gloves can stop almost any attack that hits them, helping her play defense when she needs to. Plus, since it's the Grade-A goods from Wakanda, it also absorbs kinetic and/or vibratory energy, which can be unleashed in extremely potent punches.
Last but not least are a set of hydraulic gauntlets that, on a closer inspection, are surprisingly close to the sort used by known HYDRA agent and mercenary Crossbones. What they lack in defensive measure over her gloves, these gauntlets once equipped practically double her physical strength to lift and smash through nearly anything in her way. However, she rarely uses them as their bulk makes them a bit unwieldy and she prefers to use other methods than punching holes through everything.
WeaponryDeadshot loves her weaponry. Her most standard pieces of equipment are two .50 cal. Desert Eagles, which she uses to deadly efficacy in mid-to-close-range combat. Her next favorite toy in case of a pinch is a HAMMER manufactured hand cannon, known as The Exciser. It can only hold about 4 rounds in a chamber, but each shot from this bad boy could tear a hole in a tank. Usually it's too overkill for what she fights, but any excuse she gets to use it, she does.
When she needs to kill by the dozen, or simply dump a truck's worth of lead into something, her common choices are her Uzi, which is very helpful due to its light weight and size, making it quick to draw and far less conspicuous to carry, or for a more extreme option, her HK416, outfitted with a 100-round drum magazine. The amount of ninjas torn to pieces by this firearm (which, as a side note, Veronica is seriously confused by how common ninjas are in her line of work) is uncountable.
However, her favorite choice for all jobs in the Kel-Tec KSG-25; the deadliest shotgun in the world. Not only can it hold a staggering 41 shells per mag, but with its bullpup configuration, it's the shortest shotgun on the market while having one of the longest barrels, adding to its firepower. Last but not least, it also has two different magazines that feed into it, allowing the KSG-25 to utilize multiple forms of ammunition at once. In laymen's terms, it's one of the deadliest and most effective tools in Veronica's toolkit.
While Deadshot doesn't consider herself a sniper per se, she knows that sometimes you need a bit of distance and subtlety to a job. Thus, the M110 is a great choice for her long-range needs. It has an effective range of 800 meters, is lightweight, and supports a suppressor to reduce muzzle flash and minimize sound.
She doesn't get many chances to use it, but yes, she owns a rocket launcher, and yes, it's a blast to use (pun intended)! Her RPG-7V2 is a military-grade rocket launcher that can annihilate heavily-armored vehicles and targets. She just sadly doesn't get many jobs where it's necessary (but trust me, she's always got this bad girl nearby if she really wants to shake things up).
Beyond conventional weaponry, she also packs grenades; typically they're standard-fare frags, but she's got some special ones as well, namely EMPs, flashbangs, smoke, and even some fancy new cryogenic grenades from some generous benefactors. Also, when it comes to melee combat, it's rare she fully relies on hand-to-hand. She got her hands on a STARK shock baton model before it shifted gears away from military weaponry, and...She also rigged it to give out volts far beyond the 'taser' shock it was originally made for. And if things get really bad....
She finds little use for it in a world dominated by guns and explosives, but she'll be damned if it isn't her prized weapon of the bunch. A gift for a certain high-end job some years back, Veronica was given a short serrated blade made of Adamantium, a weapon that can hack through just about anything and anyone, and due to its serrated edge, you can bet whatever it manages to carve into is gonna be painful and life-threatening, and good luck patching that wound up with anything short of regeneration. Speaking of...
PowersBeyond what is mentioned in this Grid below, Veronica's true Mutant power is an interesting one. While it acts as a powerful self-regenerating healing factor and augments her natural physique, it does something else that many would find quite...Disconcerting. If a body party is separated from the rest of Veronica's body, she can still control it as if it were apart of her, and freely attach it back, returning to its natural form almost instantly.
This makes her a dangerous foe, because even if you seriously maim her, not only will she almost undoubtedly recover from it, but she can use it against you.
(Based on the Marvel Power Grid)
+Level 3 Intelligence (Learned; proficient in multiple languages, studied in multiple forms of martial arts.)
+Level 4 Strength (Superhuman Strength, able to lift up to 1,600 lbs.)
+Level 2 Speed (Able to sprint to up to 30-35 MPH.)
+Level 4 Durability (Able to regenerate from severe damages, though is just as vulnerable as an average human otherwise)
+Level 5 Fighting Skill (Mastered the martial arts of the Greek Pankration, which focuses on being prepared to attack regardless of one's position; is fairly well-studied in Krav Maga and Judo.)
Weaknesses-There's a reason she wears her helmet. Veronica has never learned what might happen if her brain itself sustains too much damage. And truth be told, she isn't eager to find out.
-While she is skilled in martial arts, she would much sooner rely on her plethora of firearms, making her slightly more vulnerable in a proper hand-to-hand fight.
-Veronica can regenerate from many things, but while her healing factor has never stopped entirely, there have been times it has slowed down from excessive damage.
-Her regeneration saves her from a lot of things, but sadly, not physical fatigue. She can become exhausted and lose her stamina just like any other living being, and it gets worse the more she has to regenerate. After years of her work she's gotten good at conserving her stamina, but it could still be an issue.
Her Work (on most occasions)
New York (it's the place that has all her favorite things in abundance, what's not to like?)
DislikesHer Work (on some occasions)
Shitty Employers
Heroes (she's had to deal with her fair share of do-gooders, and it's always annoying)
Ninjas (she would pay good money to never deal with a ninja ever again)
Supervillains (V is all for some crime, but when things start getting too big for their britches, she's usually done)
Current ResidenceSeveral safehouses in New York scattered about the boroughs. She can't afford to stay in one place for one (figuratively at least)
BackstoryVeronica keeps things quiet on her life story, and that's how she prefers it. As far as most folk in the know-how in New York know, Veronica, AKA Deadshot, is a high-pay mercenary that has a nearly spotless record for getting her jobs done...As long as she finds your job worth doing, which is always the tricky part. As much as a boon as she can be a bane to the criminal underbelly of New York, she occupies an interesting position between do-gooder vigilante (usually when old bosses do something to piss her off), and criminal hitwoman, straddling the line between heroes and villains. There's only one thing you can say for certain about Ms. Valstead....
Don't get on her bad side.
Special Skills Pankration Master
Trained in Judo and Krav Maga
Multilingual (English, Russian, German, French, Japanese, and Spanish to name a few)
Expert Marksmanship
Trained Pilot