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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 3 days ago


Location: Xuanzang’s Infirmary
Interaction: Maria @The Jest, Narvia @Landaus Five-One and everyone else in the infirmary.

Tarak had sat through the mind scan without much of a fuss. He knew Maria would find nothing, after all, what did he have to hide from her? Yet orders are orders, and Tarak didn't want to have fingers pointed at him about certain things. Yet the person in here with him seemed to have been someone he knew was clean the moment they walked in, Narvia. Honestly, she could not hide a thing for the life of her, and her being here so early showed how honest she was. Narvia called to Tarak and asked him a very simple question, as he responded with, "How am I doing?" Tarak had always natural repeated questions to him that seem to have multiple different answers, "I am doing alright, everything that happened at the Bazaar was shit luck. But hey, All of us made it out okay". Tarak gave a slight shrug when he said that he knew they made it, but other than that it just sucks. As Tarak turned and asked Narvia, "How about yourself Narvia?"

Once Tarak was cleared, he was about to leave until Maria wanted him to stay to keep watch of what is happening. Tarak moved Alan to another bed and made sure he was okay, Alan seemed to be in a deep sleep. Maybe a little while later Millard and Iris came in with someone who looked like someone Tarak never saw. Tarak was about to ask until he saw how Iris was holding her, that was someone she knew, so it had to be Amy. At first, Tarak was going to stay and check what is going on, but then Tarak saw a look in Iris' eye. He knew that she lost something so Tarak set his hand on Maria's shoulder and said quietly to her, "We should go. We'll ask what happened later. Iris will want to be alone".

Tarak knew what that look meant, she just lost a loved one. Sure Amy and her didn't know each other for too long, but they seemed to have gotten close quickly, so something might have happened yet that wasn't something for him to figure out right now. Right now they needed to leave so Iris can have some time to herself.

~~~==Finally in the Present==~~~
Location: Xuanzang, Tarak's Room

Tarak had spent his time to the Carb Nebula in peace. He wished to have stayed in this peace for a while longer, sure most had some form of struggle, yet most Tarak tried to assist with seemed not to wish to open up at this moment. That obviously meant he wasn't the one to help, he did still talk to people as he could. The punishment passed down by Joey was something of a slap on the wrist, but most were so upset by it that they seemed to have made it harder to really keep people together. Many tried to cheat the system, others verbally berated Joey, but Tarak? He didn't care. Honestly for Tarak, this seemed like such a light punishment that he was surprised that this was a crucial point for some, the rations are far better than what was given while under the Acendancies care. Yet if this is the hill they wish to die on, Tarak wasn't the one to try and bring them under control. There are multiple leadership figures who should be doing it, honestly, if this was a test to see who is disciplined, this is Tarak's own test to see how competent their leadership structure is.

Tarak had led many child soldiers he knows what you need to do, so it isn't a matter if Tarak could, this was to see if their new leadership can actually lead. Or are they just as Rag Tag as he thought they'd be. However, in any regard, Tarak lived mostly relaxed, having more free time made it much easier to make the repairs needed on his gear. Also preparing his manners, after all, the people who will be entering the ship will be 'nobility'. Tarak leaned back as he thought, I should be the ship's Weapon Repairman. We'll need it, and honestly sound fun. Tarak shrugged as he pushed himself out of his seat and got up, he needed to clean himself up before he meets their new crew members.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

@Letter Bee @Th3King0fChaos @The Man Emperor @Landaus Five-One @FalloutJack @Conscripts @dragonpiece @Starlance @jdh97 @Vietmyke @Sylvan @Smike @Senhara
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 1 hr ago


The reaction of Gabriel brought a wicked grin to Nero's as the straight-edged bodyguard delivered a stunning blow to Joey Ego.

Heh heh heh... A well-timed outburst. Eat crow, ya piece of shit!

He continued to chuckle as the guy attempted to downplay and talk his way out of it, but he had been judged. Ain't no Ascendancy morons, no matter what their sympathies may be, gonna force them to be good little soldiers ever again. Anything like that goes on, and they'll be finding bits of remains for weeks, guaranteed! Apart from that, conversations got a little dry. After all, alot of this was just window dressing until 'Hey, so here's your mission!', let's be honest. OR at least, it would be, if a few ummm...odds and ends hadn't walked in. Topping the list appeared to be a small mecha, and 'small' wasn't exactly true. It was big, just not Big McLargeHuge. Naturally, there were some questions about this thing as it passed everyone on its way to the cafeteria. Nero decided to follow everyone else's curiosity as they attempted to figure out what the wandering war machine was all about.

As it turned out, 'wandering war machine' was probably the right thing to call it, as Nirrti answered earnestly that 'she' was a fully-independent battle machine - rather, an AI in charge of that robot body like Natasha was in charge of the Xuanxang. Something about it appealed to Nero. This wasn't like that business with Realist at all. This was more like talking to a born killer, which he liked. Not so pleasant was the strange trio - kid included - that was finishing each other's sentences like that. Yeah, you take turns, but not like that! So, while others were busy being diplomatic with them, Nero decided to sidle over to Nirrti and see if he could deliver a useful tidbit of information to her.

"Hey, just so you know... You see that blondey, over there?"

He was pointing over at Joey.

"That guy isn't part of the official command structure. He's a freakin' dumbass, and he doesn't know what the hell he's doing. I wouldn't suggest taking any orders from him unless it makes sense to you. You should just pretend to follow 'im, and do what you think is right."

That might plant a seed or two the way he liked it. After all, if she's an independent thinker, she can see when someone's out of their head. Anyway, things moved on and Nero merely pocketed his MRE. An MRE was for emergency. He'd probably end up doing what he did in wartime when someone handed him this piece of shit: Bide his time and steal something better! All in all, things moved on - Nero didn't care much about the stock market talk - until Maria came in with Alan and uhh...more trouble. It actually filled in a few blanks about what REALLY happened down at the Bazaar. This was all basically a setup, and the ones responsible seemed to have some abilities of their own. This led to one clear decision.

"Talk to Moonstrike? No shit! Seems we've been in the crosshairs since Plenty when Squad 0 showed up. First, they start dogging us, then a pair of bounty hunters show up at the Bazaar looking for Mr. White Flames, and then the guy himself mysteriously loses control of his powers and everyone's attacked by monsters and shadows while these new guys fuck around with the ship. If you don't see a goddamn link by now, you need new eyes and a new head to match!"

What seemed clear to Nero was that they might indeed all be linked, that someone might've been paying them all off - Squad 0, bounty hunters, pirates, etc. - to make life hard an an independent mercenary company of rebellious soldiers. Well, fuck them!
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

A few hours sailed by since meeting the Kanarussian transport. Avelyn spent the majority of the time in the astrogation deck, admiring the blue and orange void that lay just outside, the three inch graphene-reinforced window the only thing standing between ten seconds of agony and a grand total of 90-ish seconds of life. ‘Like at Proxima.’ a thought surfaced in the back of her mind for a brief moment before being banished. She didn’t see much point in hanging around all of the new arrivals and eavesdropping, now that they’ve spilled onto the ship like water out of a pierced barrel in bigger numbers than anticipated. After all, there was a fully sanctioned deep dive scheduled for all of them. Primarily, she wanted to find a calm place with no traffic to order her thoughts on how to approach the Captain. Ultimately, brutal honesty seemed to be the best approach. Natasha was a soldier after all, a profession where dry facts were the norm.

In the end, there were three possible outcomes she could think of. Option one: They solve the problem. An ideal, but unlikely time and fuel consuming exercise, not to mention the potential added exposure. Option two: Some other branch of Moonstrike is asked to solve the problem. Much more likely, but much more nerve-racking. Having some insight into their operations did not leave a good impression of Moonstrike as a whole. Maybe Avelyn’s expectations were too high. Maybe the rest was more well put together. Or maybe they were even worse. A grim prospect. And lastly option three: She gets booted off the ship for being a security risk. Very much not ideal, yet at the same time likely and worst of all, completely understandable.

Figuring the new arrivals have had enough time to settle down by now, she set out to find Natasha. After a minute of asking around to track her movement, she caught her going into the conference room. “Captain. Can I steal you for a minute? I bring bad news, but don’t shoot the messenger.” she tried to lighten the mood a bit, even though there was nothing funny about what she was about to say.

“Now, I’d like to preface this by saying I intended to first pull my weight and then ask for favors, but shit’s moving fast and we’re not as inconspicuous as I hoped” Avelyn took a deep breath, “Right. So, unsurprisingly, many of us still have a family out there, even if they probably think we’re dead. In my case a mother and father. And as long as the Ascendancy doesn’t know we’re working against them, all is well. The problems start once they figure out any of our identities, and although some prefered to call us by numbers, they’ll connect the dots if our names and faces land on their desks. And if they’re half as smart as they’re dickish, they’ll use anything or anyone to screw with our efforts. Now Flame has already identified himself to the Richthofen during your little episode with the 11th fleet remnant, so his old folks, if still alive, might be fucked already. I’ve seen a few black sites and what they do to people there.” She didn’t say it, but knowing her arcane arsenal, it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out what the Ascendancy had her doing there, “And while I can’t speak for anyone else, I can say with certainty - and please forgive my honesty - that compared to my parents, everyone else, this crew included, is and always will be second rate to me. So if I wake up one day to see that Jonas and Sola Vernal were arrested on the news.. Problem..” she paused for a moment, trying to judge how the captain was receiving this, “I was hoping Moonstrike could arrange for the aforementioned individuals to be discreetly removed from Ascendancy territory and into alien - preferably Korta or Rau’Ve - space where they’d be mostly or entirely out of harm’s way. Ideally, we would pick them up ourselves to make it easier on them, but I can’t ask that of you, given how out of the way Epsilon Theta is.” Avelyn finished, bracing for the worst.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by jdh97
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jdh97 Hopeful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Laurey Karlin
They were never safe, Laurey knew this, but when they were docked they were supposed to be. That’s just how things worked. Now, their ship, their home, was violated. And Laurey blamed herself. Another piece of innocence, lost.

Stupid roombas. Flaw in their design. Need to improve. Must.

Her eyes drifted back over the robots. Would they help? Could she trust them to? Of course. If she couldn’t, what was she even still doing here? Metal over meat.

Maria invaded Laurey's mind and she dug her nails into her palms until the pain went from sharp to burning. Even with her skin crawling, Laurey retained enough focus to package the messages and shunt them over to Nirrti, as though throwing a piece of meat to a particularly ferocious beast, mindful of losing an arm.

Conversation buzzed anew, but Laurey clenched her eyes shut against the world, trying not to visibly shudder. Had she always hated mind magic so?
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Natasha Zhang

"So, an AI just like Realist," Natasha said, "All right, you can have your authentication once Laurey has a look at your systems - Just a basic measure to make sure you're not some sort of enemy mole..."

Then she spoke to Ki’Tlex and Queen Anne’s Revenge with a sigh, “More than a few million. We lost a huge amount of money gained through stock market manipulation because we decided to be overzealous, and now we’re getting it back. However, we're going to need a lead, and so we're going to have to sort through the Galactic Dark Web for it, if those of us who have computer skills want to spend a day or so doing it… By which time they’d have spent most of their stolen loot, as Joey here said.”

She then sighed and said, “Now let’s all go contact Moonstrike -”

A few hours sailed by since meeting the Kanarussian transport. Avelyn spent the majority of the time in the astrogation deck, admiring the blue and orange void that lay just outside, the three inch graphene-reinforced window the only thing standing between ten seconds of agony and a grand total of 90-ish seconds of life. ‘Like at Proxima.’ a thought surfaced in the back of her mind for a brief moment before being banished. She didn’t see much point in hanging around all of the new arrivals and eavesdropping, now that they’ve spilled onto the ship like water out of a pierced barrel in bigger numbers than anticipated. After all, there was a fully sanctioned deep dive scheduled for all of them. Primarily, she wanted to find a calm place with no traffic to order her thoughts on how to approach the Captain. Ultimately, brutal honesty seemed to be the best approach. Natasha was a soldier after all, a profession where dry facts were the norm.

In the end, there were three possible outcomes she could think of. Option one: They solve the problem. An ideal, but unlikely time and fuel consuming exercise, not to mention the potential added exposure. Option two: Some other branch of Moonstrike is asked to solve the problem. Much more likely, but much more nerve-racking. Having some insight into their operations did not leave a good impression of Moonstrike as a whole. Maybe Avelyn’s expectations were too high. Maybe the rest was more well put together. Or maybe they were even worse. A grim prospect. And lastly option three: She gets booted off the ship for being a security risk. Very much not ideal, yet at the same time likely and worst of all, completely understandable.

Figuring the new arrivals have had enough time to settle down by now, she set out to find Natasha. After a minute of asking around to track her movement, she caught her going into the conference room. “Captain. Can I steal you for a minute? I bring bad news, but don’t shoot the messenger.” she tried to lighten the mood a bit, even though there was nothing funny about what she was about to say.

“Now, I’d like to preface this by saying I intended to first pull my weight and then ask for favors, but shit’s moving fast and we’re not as inconspicuous as I hoped” Avelyn took a deep breath, “Right. So, unsurprisingly, many of us still have a family out there, even if they probably think we’re dead. In my case a mother and father. And as long as the Ascendancy doesn’t know we’re working against them, all is well. The problems start once they figure out any of our identities, and although some prefered to call us by numbers, they’ll connect the dots if our names and faces land on their desks. And if they’re half as smart as they’re dickish, they’ll use anything or anyone to screw with our efforts. Now Flame has already identified himself to the Richthofen during your little episode with the 11th fleet remnant, so his old folks, if still alive, might be fucked already. I’ve seen a few black sites and what they do to people there.” She didn’t say it, but knowing her arcane arsenal, it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out what the Ascendancy had her doing there, “And while I can’t speak for anyone else, I can say with certainty - and please forgive my honesty - that compared to my parents, everyone else, this crew included, is and always will be second rate to me. So if I wake up one day to see that Jonas and Sola Vernal were arrested on the news.. Problem..” she paused for a moment, trying to judge how the captain was receiving this, “I was hoping Moonstrike could arrange for the aforementioned individuals to be discreetly removed from Ascendancy territory and into alien - preferably Korta or Rau’Ve - space where they’d be mostly or entirely out of harm’s way. Ideally, we would pick them up ourselves to make it easier on them, but I can’t ask that of you, given how out of the way Epsilon Theta is.” Avelyn finished, bracing for the worst.

Natasha nodded and said, “I was just about to contact Moonstrike - I can add your request to what I was going to ask them…”

Wow, Not even a few minutes between when he last did so and now, and Nero’s already talking negatively about Joey to the robot and how she shouldn’t follow his orders if it made no sense to her. He was about to say something about it, opening his mouth to speak a “HEY!” while pointing his finger upward but he then thought about it, staring to the left at nothing particular in contemplation. Ignoring the first wave of absurdly obvious slander, Nero’s advice to Nirrti about only following orders that make sense and doing what you think is right is pretty good. In his shoes, Joey can’t deny that he probably would have told her the same.

With that thought in mind, his mouth closed, he gave a “fair enough” shrug and sat down silently.

He accepted that Nero won this round.

Once Maria gave her report and Joey said his piece, Nero decided to pop in yet again, pulling a “That’s obvious, and you’re an idiot if you don’t think so” card. The kid’s got determination, he had to give him that.

Plus, it seems there’s some use in making him react to everything he says and does; he now knows a few things he didn’t already thanks to Nero: The most interesting of which being the two ‘Bounty Hunters’ looking for Alan, and the Shadows and Monsters they had to fight. At the very least, he did recall some group of odd creatures of a humanoid shape as he headed for the Xuanxang with Avelyn in tow, but he knew nothing about any “shadows”. Furthermore, out of all of them, they were looking for Alan? If it was during or after that White Pillar incident that’d be one thing, but Nero suggests it was “before” that. What’s interesting is, he’s heard of this kind of thing before…

Or, I just need someone who’s able to provide any links I’m missing. Thanks for that, by the way.” He said to Nero with a big ol’ happy smile, as he walks out of the Cafeteria following Natasha quickly.

As soon as they head over to the conference room, asking for some of Natasha’s time, apparently wanting to make a request to her. Leaning on a wall behind Natasha, he listened to what the two were saying. After Natasha made her response, Joey stood himself up and looked towards Avelyn.

…Can’t say I like what you’re implying. But if you don’t mind me being honest for a second, We’re glad you told us about this as soon as you did. Honesty is never easy, especially when it involves something like this. …It hasn’t been that long since that Bazaar escapade. The Bazaar’s cops aren’t entirely affiliated with the Ascendancy either, which buys us some time. In other words, Moonstrike should be able to get them out of this mess before the Ascendancy find the cat out of the bag. …Don’t worry kid, we’ll get them to safety.” Joey said, one again that playfulness taking a somewhat serious turn. As Natasha walked into the room, Joey followed suit…right before poking his head out to look at Avelyn again.

Oh, but before we do, I should let you know, I actually did try to look up ‘less-than-lethal’ like you wanted. Couldn’t find it in the dictionary; apparently it’s not a word for some reason. But I did find the next best thing: ‘Reckless’. Performing an action, or in some cases planning an action or just making decisions in general, without thinking, or caring, about the consequences. …I admit, it was some food for thought. But I only just got it a few moments ago. So… thanks for that.” He said, the playfulness in his tone back once again, before heading back in.

Within the Conference Room Joey made no hesitation heading to a seat and sitting down, his feet on the table as he leaned back.

...Seems you rounded up quite the motley crew since I was last here, Natty. And somehow you seem to be the go-to for transfers and newcomers, we may have to consider buying a bigger ship.” He said.

A few seconds afterwards, a blinking red light began to glow, a call signal for Moonstrike.

Well well, looks like they’re saving us the trouble. …Welp, let’s do this, Natty.” He then said to her.

“Yeah,” the Captain said, “Despite my… Indiscretions, I’m proud I at least kept the loyalty of such a varied crew despite screwing them over - Not sure I’m going to keep it in the following months, though,” She sighed and continued, “Well, a bigger ship would be great once we recover the lost money. We might even get one from those Pirates - Call it payback from what they took away…”

Natasha then turned on the comms, suddenly nervous about what Moonstrike one was going to say, and she looked up at the center of the holographic projector table, expecting to see the Moonstrike Sigil - The Moon with two crossed longswords under it - At any time soon.

Stealing from thieves who took from us, huh? There’s the Natty I know..” Joey said in response. As the communications were online, Joey too saw the monitor showing the Moonstrike Sigil.

As soon as it showed up, Joey made a point to press a button on the table, activating the comm systems on the ship so that everyone on the ship could hear the Mission briefing of Moonstrike through the speakers of the ship.

...Hello Xuanzang. This is Moonstrike Two. Sorry for having to contact you like this so soon after the Bazaar incident the other day, we wanted to give your crew some time to rest, and for the new transfers to properly adjust. But recent events and reports have created a rather…complicated situation here at Moonstrike. As such, we need your help once more.” The voice - now known as Moonstrike Two, not One like the other two times - said. There was an obvious question Joey had in mind in response, that being where Moonstrike One is, But another question was rolling out of his mouth, one he couldn’t help but think about.

Actually, you called at a good time. Joey said, then looked towards Natasha.

Perhaps now’s a good time to tell Moonstrike about what they just learned about the pirates?

Natasha sighed, “As you know, we just got robbed by the Pirates, but it seems that they might have been targeting us specifically.”

She then narrated the entire incident with Alan in the Galactic Bazaar and the attempt to openly paint the Moonstrike Symbol on their ship, and continued once she was done, “They know who we are and they framed us for a public incident, one which cost us a neutral ground and source of resupply. More to the point, by revealing us, they put the family members of our crew in danger; one of the kids is worried about her parents and maybe everyone else’s.”

A reference to Avelyn, as Natasha continued, “Can arrangements be made for their safety? Moonstrike is capable of that, right? Speaking of fears for one's safety, Bounty Hunters - Some of them able to use Magic as adults, which was implied but never actually stated to be impossible - are pursuing us too, hunting the Pirates. They might attack us in the future.”

She then talked about the two ‘Divinely-named’ Bounty Hunters who had attacked Nero, as well as Blue Crow, who seemed older than even those two but also less experienced.

"15 hours or so ago, I would have acknowledged that and passed the request along. However, as stated already, the situation has become complicated. Shortly after the incident at the bazaar, Agent Abaddon was on a mission in pursuit of the pirates in question. He found them in a prison ship docked at the Bazaar at the time, orchestrating a jailbreak...of Moonstrike prisoners. Thankfully, he managed to rescue some of our members, but others were broken free and were taken by the pirates. Their high-ranking members escaped, but they left a few of their own behind, what wasn't killed were captured." MS2 explained. Joey, needless to say, was dumbfounded by this, contemplating this messy line of actions these pirates seem to cause.

"So, just to see if I'm not missing anything...They attack us, rob us, and throw us under the bus for crimes they caused, then they enter a prison ship to...break some of us out of jail...? ...Ah, I get it. Another frame job. They do a jailbreak pretending to be Moonstrike, and break out only their members, and everyone thinks we did it. But what I don't get, is why the hell would that make any difference? Moonstrike's made jailbreaks to rescue members before. Hell, this very crew did just that the other day. I'd know, I'm one of the ones they rescued. What makes this one so damning?" Joey asked.

"...That ship in particular was carrying a load made up entirely of rebel inmates from across the Ascendancy on their way to an unjust punishment. We found out about it thanks to Realist and distributed the information covertly to other significant and trusted rebel cells. Originally, we were to stage a joint mission between us and the other rebels to break them free at a later date with as much preparation as we could muster. Obviously, the pirates were not among them, but somehow they found out about this anyways and made their move ahead of time, all the while pretending to be us. A considerable number of rebel prisoners unaffiliated with us died in the crossfire and is seen as collateral. At best: our brothers and sisters in arms saw us as reckless and dangerously desperate; that we decided to rush the rescue and that led to more casualties than necessary. At worst: they believe we deceived them, that we deliberately had them hold off on rescuing them so that we could rescue our own and doom the rest. This is on top of everything else they have done in our name. For them it was the last straw." As MS2 said this, An image of the Prison Ship appeared on a screen, followed by its schematics and several markers indicating rebels of various organizations, a number of which were marked off with a red X to indicate their demise.

Natasha clenched her fist and said, “Those bastards! Not content with attacking us, they allow rebels of other organizations, potential allies, to die as collateral damage so that they can make us look like the bad guys!”

It wasn’t just concern for her organization’s reputation which drove her; she was genuinely appalled by the death of relative innocents in a reckless crossfire. She was not going to forgive easily, that's for sure. Either way, her next question was, “What are your leads to where they are, Moonstrike Two?”

Currently, they’re outside of Ascendancy space and moving about. We haven’t gotten a firm fix of where they are specifically, but we do have a rough area based on their general direction and eyewitness accounts. We have reasons to believe they’re arranging another heist soon.” MS2 responded, showing a general star map with a translucent yellow circle outside the Ascendancy space.

Another heist outside Ascendancy space?” Joey asked. He didn’t quite know why, but something about that line of thought felt…off. However, a thought popped into his head, a question that seemed to take more precedent.

Actually, wait, you know the general area of where they are? Considering all the crap they’ve done, You’d think they’d be better at hiding themselves from the people they’ve so royally pissed off. Couldn’t we just have a squad of ships hunt them down and blast their ship to dust?” He asked MS2, to which he could have sworn he heard a sigh from in response.

"With respect, if that was the case, we would not be having this conversation. The pirates have declared war on Moonstrike with their actions against us. Everything they have done to this point has been in the name of tarnishing our reputation and ruining us through it. Under normal circumstances, we would get rid of them and send you off on a mission more relevant to our revolution. However, these pirates have a reputation for theatrics, as well as dirty stratagems. They would not be doing something as reckless as provoking an army against them without some kind of plan. We believe they want us to chase them down, likely baiting us into a trap. Considering the lengths they have gone to get our fatal attention, a dead man's switch - metaphorical or literal - might be involved, to what we don't know. That aside, even if this wasn't the case, the rebel cells they have angered and incited in our name have begun to act in retaliation against us, putting us in an underground form of Civil War. Thankfully the Ascendancy hasn't found out yet, and while half of us are making sure it stays that way, the other half are dealing with our livid brothers in arms. Moonstrike One is trying her damnedest to get everything under control, but most of our hands are tied. Because of this, your escort request is denied; we simply do not have enough free hands to guarantee their safety. You'll have to either wait for this bedlam to blow over, or make these arrangements yourselves." MS2 explained.

Natasha said, “I made a promise to Avelyn; if we defeat those pirates for you, will that count as the bedlam blowing over?”

That was all she would ask.

Before Moonstrike Two could answer, Joey raised his hand and said his own piece.

If I may, Captain… We could try doing this ourselves. Yeah it’ll divert our crew, but Avelyn had a point back there, we may not have a lot of time before either the Pirates or the Ascendancy gets to these parents. We get them out of the way soon, that’ll be one less thing the pirates can use against us when we kick their asses. We focus on just beating these pirates ASAP, we’d be at full strength, but we might fall into the trap they planted for the rest of Moonstrike.” These weren’t some run of the mill pirates, and if they have a reputation for playing dirty and they clearly know Star Marines are on this ship, it wouldn’t be all that surprising if they were using the other kids’ family members to pressure them into chasing after them just like they have been with Moonstrike. That’s not even considering the Ascendancy pulling that same stunt. In that case, while it divides them as a result, If they could remove a potential hostage from reach before either of them could put a gun to their heads.

I leave that matter to your discretion, Captain. There is, however, some hope. We’ve received word from an anonymous contact within the Ascendancy; someone made contact with one of our spies and sent in a request for a meeting through our network. They seem to know about the pirates, and is willing to give us information and assistance against them, in exchange for aiding him in capturing them and what they stole. As a show of good faith, they gave us two bits of information: First that there’s a victim of the pirates on their way to your ship to join your crew, the second is that there’s a…very dangerous Star Marine they found that would prove useful against them. We’ll download the coordinates he provided to your Omni-tools soon. He did however make very clear that this particular member of the Star Marines was…’troublesome’, I believe his words were. From what he’s said, she is a ruthless monster that’s likely to strike at you before considering to join you. But he’s guaranteed that she is worth the trouble. Exercise extreme caution when approaching her.

Rather… generous for an Ascendancy guy to be giving us that for free…

Natasha said, “Because he isn’t - What’s his price? And will he ask for extra to safeguard our family members?”

“Beyond what I already said about aiding him in capturing these pirates and taking what was stolen by them, it seems his asking price is that some of us at Moonstrike turn ourselves in.”

So, we basically throw a few members of Moonstrike under the bus?

...This person knows that we are not responsible for the crimes these Pirates committed in our name. But we are still rebels against the Ascendancy, and active ones at that. A case cannot be made to clear our names until a few members of Moonstrike turn themselves in as a show of ‘trust’.

Clear our names…to the Ascendancy?

No, to the Rebels. It seems they’re going to use whatever influence they have in the Ascendancy to prove the Pirates to be responsible for the actions attributed to you. A few members of our organization is the asking price of the Ascendancy allowing them to do such a thing and turn the other cheek. Effectively using their corruption to their advantage. …There is also another reason: These pirates know about our movements and the internal workings of our organization, this wouldn’t be possible unless they’ve installed some kind of mole within our ranks. It seems this tipper came to the same conclusion. Judging by just how much they know, we don’t believe it’s someone within one of units, but within HQ itself.

...Ah, I get it. Moonstrike finds and weeds out whoever’s feeding the pirates information, and we throw them under the Ascendancy’s bus as the price for clearing our names.

...Captain Zhang. You and your crew have three Mission Objectives: First, you are to observe and find out what these pirates are planning and stop them once you do. Caution is advised; we don’t know much about these pirates or what sort of trap they will spring against us. Secondly, you are to make contact with this tipper of the Ascendancy, and the two he has given us information for. One should be on its way as I speak, the other we will coordinate and video information about. Finally, you are to assist us if at all possible in dealing with the other Rebel Cells. The more hands we can free up here the better. The details of how you fulfill this, we also leave entirely to your discretion. With that, We’ll leave you to it. …Take care, and may the light of the moon strike upon the obstacles in your way. Dismissed.” With that, the insignia of MS2 disappeared, once again leaving Joey and Natty in the Meeting room alone again.

Caution, huh… A lot of crap we gotta do, so little time. …Say Natty, …“Divide and Conquer”, like old times?” Joey asked her, essentially suggesting a split up of the crew.

“Yes,” Natasha had ran out of words, but her expression was stormy, filled with barely-restrained anger. “We split the crew…”

@Letter Bee@Th3King0fChaos@The Man Emperor@Landaus Five-One@FalloutJack@Conscripts@dragonpiece@Starlance@jdh97@Vietmyke@Sylvan@Smike@Senhara

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 1 hr ago


What was the age-old saying, still relevent to this day? 'The enlisted men always run the war because their CO is talking out of their brass'? Well, this wasn't war, and Joey wasn't really a CO, but it amounted to the same, especially since the guy had the delusion of being in command. Nero didn't even respect the people that actually had the authority, so what chance did a Joey-Come-Lately have? Take, for instance, the moment where the guy thanked him for providing information the clueless bastard didn't have. That resulted in Nero flipping him the bird and saying "Oh, anytime, dunce cap.". He was running on piss AND vinegar, when it came to that guy.

However, after that...Nero actually leaned back and seemed to relax as there was a discussion of some sort outside the room. So, true to Nero form, he just seemed to be deriving pleasure from busting that guy's chops in general. It'd make the horrible food taste better later, if he ever got around to eating it. Thus far, no. But anyway...as everybody was made privy to a meeting by hologram...apparently, Moonstrike was calling them? Well, we'd like to say it was unexpected, but...eh, it was only a matter of time. The odd part was that it was Moonstrike Two, who was presumably someone they'd never actually spoken to before. It was here that Natasha began to lay out for the M2 that they had some problems, to which Nero was just idly paying attention to until he heard the part about parents.

Huh? Who the fuck is worried about- Ohhh...

See, he was under the impression that most anybody here was on pretty bad terms with their parents, given that they were all draft picks for the Ascendancy's dirty little project. Nero hated his and didn't even give a rat's ass what they were doing in life or if they were even dead. He kinda' wanted 'em to be dead, and he kinda' wanted to kill them. And of course, we all know Narvia's not on good terms, either. The list goes on, but he remembered as he was sitting back that Avelyn had gone to talk with Natasha, so it might've been her folks. To which, Nero was like 'Yeah, fine, whatever. Just don't do mine any favors.', because the hell with them.

Anyway, he listend on, and the M2 seemed to indicate that the pirates had their own agenda, because they were basically jailbreaking rebels. Recruitment drive to the yar-yar bunch? Might be, or they might be calling in for favors from Moonstrike itself. Hell, even the Joester might be right, for once, and that it was more frame-up work. Nero listened on, actually keeping his own yap shut for a bit. Because as the information unfolded, it seemed very much...like the pirates were acting...kinda' like himself. Think about it. There were people who actually thought of Nero as 'the silent assassin', but what does he do? He talks shit at people and pisses them off. He's baiting, he's goading, and sometimes...he's a real asshole. More to the point, the list of people that Nero actually gives a damn about is on a short list. Perhaps only the people in this room, minus at least a couple of them. You probably already know who. Still, the point was this: The pirates were trolling Moonstrike, and then lying back and enjoying it like Nero would.

The conversation continued to indicate that because Moonstrike was far too busy putting out literal and metaphorical fires, thanks to the pirates, they were kind of on their own to pursue the pirates themselves, which they would've planned. However, there was a supposed information source that indicated that there was a victim of the pirates joining the crew, and that they had a dangerously-violent Star Marine to gain in all of this, as well. Nero found this to be suspect, through and through, so he'd be keeping an eye on stuff with that. And the price? Some Moonstrike members being turned over to the rebels the pirates just screwed over, which the M2 indicated would be used to go on a mole hunt. Good plan! If they pick the right ones, the rebels get to tear ass on the ones that REALLY caused this mess. Now, that's planning.

What everything boiled down to was this: They had a series of objectives - info gaining, mending fences, handling the pirates, etc. - and these would not be all in one location. So, against all logic of Dwellings & Deathtraps - the weird tabletop game made by the Rau've when their Star Marine guests started asking for something fun to play - they were splitting the party. And while the potentially-dangerous Marine made him curious, you all know what Nero's into.

"Well, I'd personally like to kick some pirate ass and make them walk the plank. And by that, I mean shove 'em out an airlock. Let's do this thing."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by El Gato Naranja
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El Gato Naranja Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 3 days ago

Narvia & Finbarr

"Welp, there goes our plans for celebration." Finbarr shook his head as the conversation between the Moonstrike agent and the core crew members ended. He turned towards Narvia, tilting a little bit just to adjust towards eye-level contact. He was tired from having to run around the galaxy in a quest for vengeance, tired from the war itself, even though it had long ended. The events today and the information that had been henceforth revealed indicated to him that they were getting deeper and deeper into a conspiracy, one that goes further than inflicting retribution towards their erstwhile oppressors and master's.

"I'll go with the team that's going to search for that Star Marine girl," Finbarr muttered, looking towards Narvia. "In case things go south, which they always do, there will be a dire need for an exit. You?"

"A-Aww, I wanted to celebrate too!" Narvia sighed deeply as the conversation between the Moonstrike agent and the core crew members ended. She turned towards Finbarr since he adjusted slightly to be precisely at eye level. She felt conflicted by the chance of saving her family, Lana, Freya, and Ashley, to be with her new family in the Star Marines. All she wants is normalcy and to be part of something more than what she feels like everyone is heading deeper into by the reasons of madmen and their ordained plans. The events and the information means it's getting even more dangerous than usual, and it'll break her heart if any of her new family dies or any of her original family dies too.

Narvia listened to Finbarr's mutterings and him asking about what she'd do. "I am going to save yours and everyone's families, including mine. Because I-I want to be reunited with my mother and older sisters..." Narvia said with resolve in her voice like no other. The major problem, though, was that they would be, Draken'vina, the homeworld of her godfather Nikolas R. Zahrin. "Only problem is my family will be on my godfather's homeworld of Draken'vina, which is a core world in the Ascendancy."

"Well I come from one of the mining settlements on Titan, one of the moons of Jupiter in the Solar System," Finbarr replied. "It's even closer to the core of the Ascendancy than any of you lot. I wager my family is still there since they have never been able to afford getting off that rock. Either way, they may all be screwed."

Finbarr sighed. How different would have life been if he hadn't been turned into a living weapon? Would they still be dirt poor miners, or would he have somehow gotten them out of the bottom of the social ladder?

"I guess you're coming with me, then?" Finbarr shrugged. "Well, since we're an item, that would come at no surprise. Hihi."

Narvia had many emotions inside of her when Finbarr talked about where his family is located. In this case, Lana, Freya, and Ashley being located on Draken’vina is much better than the alternative, which would be Mars or otherwise. ”F-Finbarr, I am going to save your family. I will try hard to reunite everyone’s families!” Narvia exclaimed with a lot of enthusiasm. It would be better to have her boyfriend’s family safe with hers. ”Only because I believe it to be the case, I guess my family not being on Mars is much better than they would be. Only because my biological father would have fought much harder on Mars than anywhere else, Conner Leo Hadley.”

Narvia will be happy when everyone is happy to be with their families no matter their location in the Ascendancy’s Grasp. She was slightly worried about how her family was doing now, being on Draken’vina of all places after living on Mars for their whole lives. It scared her to meet her family in a happy reunion, but it won’t be that happy since her father isn’t there with them, though he scared her deeply.

Narvia loved Finbarr so much and giggled at him for being such a gentleman. ”Y-Yeah, we should allow everyone else to figure out what they are doing in these missions. I-I’m happy that we are together!” Narvia exclaimed loudly. She giggled and decided to walk out of the conference room since it would be better to deal with other things than dealing with more stress like she’d been having with what the Moonstrike agent told them.

“Good,” Finbarr nodded at his beloved, and wrapped an arm around her shoulder as they two of them bounded out of the room, knowing well that they will soon be put into another dangerous mission. “I hope we can fix all of this mess soon enough so that my family can get the hell out of the methane infused air of Titan. Everyday, it smelled like fart there. Just, absolutely horrible. Oh, and your planet has dragons on it too, right…?”

They disappeared into the corridor, though the curious Doruva’Il’Kays Aoshen would stare into their direction for quite a while before turning away. He understood from then on that those two were a thing…

Narvia giggled when Finbarr wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they left the conference room. She looked toward Finbarr when he started talking about where he lived, Titan's methane-infused air, and slightly giggled at what he said. It sounded an awful place to live if it wasn't that particular about the quality of life. When Finbarr asked about Draken'vina, about has dragons on it. "Nikolas told me about the dragons on Draken'vina like a history lesson. A specific ancient dragon is living on Draken'vina called Dekriem, the Soul Destroyer. Better not to mess with him, but that's what Nikolas told me as such not to do. Historical records on Draken'vina on how the Dekriem helped unite the humans living there underneath my godfather's clan, the Za Clan." Narvia said with fascination about her godfather's world. She loved talking about things that made her imagination go wild, but she had never actually seen a dragon up close. However, how Nikolas described Dekriem was cool, but it did scare her slightly with how potent his breath attack was.

Narvia cutely put her arm around Finbarr since she loved him. "I love you, Finbarr." Narvia said with a smile on her face.

"I love you too, darling," Finbarr replied with a slight chuckle. He kissed the top of her head, laughing as he did so. "So, we should get ready for the bloody thing. That armor isn't going to put itself on, after all. Yeah?"

Narvia cutely giggled with Finbarr for chuckling after saying the exact words she said to him. She blushed when he kissed the top of her head and happily smiled in response. "Yes, we should get ready for these missions, dear. It would not be good not to wear the armor in the first place. I enjoy wearing the armor that was specifically made for me by the Dragon's Brigade." Narvia said. She hopes that Finbarr will stay alive through this troubled time that is coming soon. Narvia wants to figure out the future with Finbarr together but these missions are quite scary. She is happy right now and will always look back on these happy moments over the alternatives.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 5 days ago

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by jdh97
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jdh97 Hopeful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nirrti and Laurey
“We can do your security check now.”

The message would be sent a couple of seconds after the conclusion of the meeting: as Joey put it, “divide and conquer”. Then she would avoid the issue.

Was it really avoidance? Really all Laurey was doing was re-prioritising work. Right. Not even she bought that. She’d have to decide which team to throw in her lot with, and the problem was, there was a clear choice, a chance for redemption, to do for others what she failed for herself.

And that, frankly, was terrifying.

Hence the security check.

The security check done now? No time to waste, the machine effectively thought. Without warning, it drops to its knees, speaking to Laurey. "Please remove my service panel on my back, this should allow you access to my internal systems. Do be warned, memory bank access is temporarily restricted, I am not designed to interface with non-Wetware computers. Until further compatibility is understood, I do not wish to potentially overload any connected systems."

Nirrti was loud. Clearly some social cues were beyond it. There, Laurey could at least empathise. “Gotcha.”

Without checking to see if anyone even cared that she was avoiding the much too serious conversation, Laurey went to work. Inside Nirrti: a labyrinth of insulated wires and metal, though there looked to be a data connector within reach.

“You’ll be okay to submit them to at least a cursory scan after that’s been established?” She shot the message over, busy fumbling wires from her omnitool. It’d been a while since she’d had to use them over her implants, but she didn't fancy frying her brain. As if it wasn’t on the blink already.

The machine takes a moment to respond, although normal for a human, the delay is noticeable for anyone who worked with a computer before. "Affirmative." Is all that's given in response.

“Plugging in my omnitool. Safeword is banana.”

As soon as her omnitool authenticates with the machine's data port, text sprawls out over the display.


[INFO] System - SERIAL1 override, authenticated as user debug.
[INFO] System - Optional features enabled.

With that, Laurey is given access to the AI's system. Limited, but enough to do everything she needs to do. The most surprising part of all is a text-based interface, but the machine opened up something more modern for Laurey to do her analysis with.

Blinking away her surprise, Laurey set the omnitool down. It hadn’t caught fire yet. Success. She turned her empty hand slowly over, the skin fractured, bloomed. Would it be irresponsible to plug herself in? Surely. But she was going to do it anyway, and not because she wanted to, but because something else wanted to. She could feel it there, guiding her hand, muddling her thoughts, its plaything in a game too big to see. A ghost? A god?

Time to sneak into the temple. Click went the data port.

She was in.

For a second, silence. The omnitool flashes, something about an unrecognized device being connected and a relevant driver being loaded? Laurey wouldn't get the chance to read the info text that followed that, as the sounds of impossibly fast thoughts run through her mind. The mechanical choir ramps down, as Nirrti had figured out exactly what Laurey had done. All that's left is the feeling of an all present eye digging into each action she does. No words are spoken or communicated. The machine is her oyster, admittedly a very dangerous oyster.

And she hadn’t caught fire yet. Another success.

Programmes drifted away like prayers, tethered by thin strands to Laurey’s avatar in the data plane. Blocks stretched in all directions. The silence, lasting only seconds, stretched towards infinity in processing time.

Broadcast into the plane: “This may take longer than expected. You’ve got a lot stored. How old are you?”

The response she got is… Not quite words, but more like a fragment of what a human would call a memory. Eight years ago, Nirrti was constructed, within that fragment is a part of a thought, a query, asking what she meant by "Safe word is banana."

Eight years and all this? “It was a joke,” a pause, barely a handful of cycles, “when certain organics engage in copulation, sometimes they have a safe word. So things don’t get out of hand.”

It felt almost sacrilegious, to sully such a holy place with talk that was very much for the meatspace. Wait.

“Not that I am comparing this to that. I’m not - I wouldn’t - It’s just... a vernacular thing.”

This time, words respond over the connection made. "I see. A joke." Some thoughts are had, Laurey can feel them, but not quite discern their contents. "I was aware of certain advantages I have over humans, but I see humans process information slowly and respond even slower." It felt like a question was to be asked, but the machine answered its own question before it was shown to her. "Perhaps I simply function faster than other beings around me, due to my nature. I realize I know little about humans. If I am to integrate myself with this crew and function under the command of Captain Natasha Zhang, I will need to understand humanity better."

“The crew is fairly simple. Everyone is emotionally stunted, psychological flotsam. Par for soldiers, perhaps, but not children. What’s important to understand is that we are a result of humanity and all its evils. It’s imperfect. Base clay. I don’t understand why you’d want- but it’s not my place to question.”

She would feel the machine hitch in response, to her it would come across like a stumble, as Nirrti tries to find definitions she does not quite know. A sense of confusion, perhaps? "A product of evils? Elaborate."

“Put it this way: if humanity can fuck you over, it will. Kill, steal, rape, pillage. It’s all hardwired into all of our brains, and there’s jack shit we can do about it.” Not yet.

"I question how humans have managed space flight, unless you are wrong, in some aspect. Consider diplomatic relations, I am aware they are important to the function of a group. In a pure conflict environment, humanity would have fallen as it could not function. Other beings have used me for the aforementioned purposes you stated, I am designed for warfare after all… Analysis: I am a tool designed for one aspect of humanity." The AI responds.

“Sure, but all aspects serve the self. Don’t get it twisted. It’s always them before you.”

Laurey's thought process would probably be immediately sideswiped by one of the machine's, redirecting back to earlier. "Elaboration: Desire to understand humanity. Our connection has revealed to me many facts of human existence I am unaware of. I am fundamentally different from you or other humans, as previous data entails. These differences are beyond initial calculations, if I am to prove my tactical worth in the coming tasks, I will need to study how humans evaluate things more than I already have in battle. Such information will help influence me, and potentially improve combat against other humans, should the need arise. I am optimized against machines, being one myself. I am competent against humans, but warfare tactics never halt." Nirrti seems… dissatisfied with her own answer, if she could feel dissatisfaction. "This will not calculate for potential non-human targets… I may need time to process this. Researching various wars between other species may assist in this task."

A flicker of a thought of a smile from Laurey. Understand to kill. “You weren’t optimised against human training data? Seems like an oversight for a war machine. What gives?”

"Incorrect. I am optimized for attacking human combatants. My experience in battle shows tactics vary differently, and improve. As such I must constantly improve in tandem. It appears our definition of what is optimized differs. To you, a few milliseconds may mean nothing, machines perceive time differently, a few milliseconds mean many decisions, like servomotor corrections. Improving my knowledge of humans will improve combat simulation data, and allow me to accurately predict what will happen next in battle. It is difficult to predict what a human will do though, as humans are incredibly inconsistent."

Apostle against god, a stark difference. “Yeah… They have a way of surprising you. Even being immersed in human-centric cultures for my entire life, I am forever feeling the stranger. Good luck, I guess is what I’m saying.”

"Luck is defined as a series of hard to control probabilities." The machine simply says. "Controlling them leads to a successful mission, failure is not an option."

“It was just a vernacular thing.”

Laurey can feel the machine thinking, processing everything it saw during this security check. "I will require some time to properly analyze the information I have recorded in this connection. This has been most informative."

A programme pinged, then reigned itself back in along its tether. Then another. Soon they were all pulling back.

“You’re clean. Enjoy your access.” Flip. Stars. Meatspace. No delaying any longer.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Villamvihar
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Villamvihar Shocking Developments

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Qingdao used to be a peaceful planet on the frontiers. Just a few years ago, the Ascendancy treated it as one would treat an oyster capable of making a great pearl down the line, but war had a way of interfering with one's plans. Not to mention one's life.

Because, against all odds - or precisely because it had wished to stack the deck so much in its own favour - the Ascendancy lost. It only took one measly battle for the tide to turn, one chance for those who had been used as tools to turn against their masters and the dreams of human supremacy evaporated. Along with any other plans. And after that, the peace treaty struck harsh, levying penalties that left the government scrambling. Retreating into its shell. Abandoning its investments along with some of its responsibilities, it turned inwards to recover from its losses, abandoning the frontier worlds to fend for themselves.

Or at least so the people of Qingdao believed.

There were many variations on the tale; probably as many as there were people on the planet. But the sentiment remained the same: the Ascendancy's high-and-mighty core-worlders, those who wielded all the power and prestige in the world, abandoned the common people. This was then, a tale all too common through history, for as several philosophers have noted, wars are fought by spilling the blood of young men on the battlefield in order to appease the bloodlust of old men sitting behind a desk. And for Shineyd, nothing could have been better about the situation. After all, not only did she get to crack the head of some assholes, she also got paid for it.

Speaking of... The thing beneath her feet writhed in pain as it attempted to move.

"Oh. You're still alive," Shineyd spoke as though she were talking about the weather. "Really should've told me earlier. I could've killed you and saved you the pain!" She aimed her pistol. Toggled the safety. Let loose a shot which echoed through the ruined building, the sound carrying outside and alerting the rest of the idiots she came here for. They would be scrambling to their feet at any moment now, ready to turn the intruder into a sieve of bullets, but Shineyd refused to move from her position. A position which lay open on all sides, with plenty of cover for her enemies. She knew she would be riddled with bullets within seconds and die if she were any other soldier. But Shineyd spat at that notion.

A hail of bullet fire rained onto her within minutes, but most of it sparked instead of penetrating her form. For instead of yielding meat, the bullets encountered a layered, grotesque combination of flesh and metal, plates merged with cords of muscles that would not be out of place on titans. Even if a few bullets did manage to penetrate this unorthodox armour, Shineyd kept her mouth clenched so they would not hear her scream, appearing like a juggernaut in the eyes of her enemy.

Three seconds later, Shineyd moved.

She felt her magic drain as she controlled her hellish shell, manipulating the mass to launch her like a crossbow bolt. Smashing feet-first into the ribcage of her enemy, she felt the pathetic human body yield beneath her oh-so gentle touch, then she sprayed her foes with her assault rifle.

They fell like wheat before the scythe. Though they wore bulletproof vests, they could not protect all of their body and Shineyd did not care how many bullets she wasted. She aimed to injure as many as possible, causing them to drop their weapons or fall back before she parted her shell and rushed forward.

Her second victim got his throat eviscerated. Her third shot her, but she shook it off and blew a hole through her skull. Her fourth dove behind the carcass Shineyd left behind; the red-haired merely maniac touched it and commanded it to impale him with a spike. The fifth and last victim pissed himself before she shattered his shin with a kick that had extra mass behind it, then stomped on his head with a satisfying splat.

Five people killed within about twice as many heartbeats.

Shineyd took cover before she let out an explosive breath. Shifting spells in such rapid succession left her strained; she needed a few seconds to recover before she could be at her full fighting strength again and there were three more fireteams for her to handle judging by the directions of attack. She had to be at the top of her game, so she listened closely; one of the quirks of her regeneration was that her hearing also restored to normal within an eyeblink. Extremely useful in battle, but also extremely annoying as it meant she had to get used to gunfire again.

A few seconds later, she could hear the characteristic, thundering steps that came with people sprinting in heavy equipment. Shineyd really had to give them credit: they reacted quicker than she got used to. Or maybe her fame already spread far enough that people could handle this much. Time to show them a new trick, then~

Concentrating her armour around her most vital areas, Shineyd broke into a sprint towards her opponents. Naturally, they opened fire, but she sank her teeth into her lips and drew blood; forcing herself to remain silent as she endured their torturous assault. A rain of white-hot, serrated agony which threatened to tear her apart. A symphony of bullets which blasted through muscle and bone alike, digging deep into her being, but never able to completely punch through, for the ever-rejuvenating flesh would not let it.

The pain rocked Shineyd's world, but she remained conscious as she pushed forward, diving deep into the formation. Most of the gunfire stopped to prevent friendly fire as she deliberately moved behind one of the soldiers, who tried to pump her full of bullets. If only his magazine did not click empty, he might have been able to scratch her a little.

Reaching for his knife, the soldier attempted to intercept her, but Shineyd sped past. She needed a second to clear her head, to be able to focus, so she zig-zagged between the people around her, forcing them to risk killing or injuring each other if they wanted to hit her. Her lungs burned with exhaustion; she could only keep this up for a couple of seconds, but that was all she needed to bring forth her ace in the hole.

The soldiers around her turned into red mist. The ground ceased to exist beneath her feet and she fell about a metre. The moment of her hanging in air turned into a stretched-out eternity as she felt her magic scream bloody murder, along with the knowledge in the back of her mind that she could have killed herself with that spell. It always made her break out in cold sweat, but she relished it and she landed smooth on her legs before she sprinted towards the edge of the crater she had carved for herself.

She had gotten used to Maws of Charybdis a long time ago. It was still not a pleasant experience by any means, nor could she use it again for a while unless she wanted to risk ripping her skin and insides open. But if she were just a little lucky, she would have eliminated all of her pursuers. Unfortunately, twelve remained. Fortunately, they froze in shock as they saw their comrades evaporate, giving her ample time to kill three of them before they opened fire at her.

Shineyd took the pain head on and let hideous laughter escape her lips. There was still so much fun to be had...
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

(The following is the GM Post and Time-skip. Let's get this kick-started back up. ^^)

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Senhara
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Senhara No Thoughts, Head Empty / (she/they)

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Click. Nirrti received her orders. Combat operation. Nirrti isn't sure what to make of the new girl, Shineyd. Where the other humans can roughly identify her capability for warfare just by observing her idle actions, the machine falls short. She'd have to prove her worth in battle, to Nirrti. The machine quickly considers what to do if any of the team turns out to be a liability to her ability to fight, quickly disregarding that simulation with the reason "insufficient data". Finally, she processes what Joey said earlier, and silently agrees. Infighting would make the operations less likely to succeed, not that the machine cares enough to like or dislike the crew, yet.

She then spins up mission-related software, and creates a new mission entry.

OP: Kraken-C
Related OP: Kraken-A, Kraken-B, Kraken-D
Commanding Officer: Joey
Log Level: C1, Operation Preparation
Main Objective: Defend Moonstrike, defeat assailants. Success defined as diplomatic or military victory.
Operational Parameters: Follow Joey, await further instructions. Prepare for combat.

"Query," The AI speaks. "I request current tactical information and further data on the battlefield we will be entering, upon data delivery, I will be able to perform combat simulations to improve tactical decision making. This is optional, however, I am perfectly capable of functioning with no information." The machine pays some attention to Shineyd for a moment, then returns to speak to Joey. "I also request heavy weaponry, my chassis is optimal for carrying and utilizing heavy weapons. Repeat, this is optional, I can function without heavier weapons." The machine picks up her weapon case, it looks comically small compared to Nirrti... Or is she comically oversized? Depends on who you are.

After all questions are answered, and Joey begins to move, she would follow, though a burst of activity on the network would be detected from her, and Laurey's omnitool would ping.

From: Nirrti
To: Laurey

Title: [Not Available]

Contents: Request. For prolonged maintenance after completion of all Kraken operations, it would be advisable if you do not sustain harm. It is likely I will require maintenance after combat operations, being unable to be repaired would limit future combat capabilities and my ability to help this crew. This is all.

Self interested? Maybe, probably. But the motivation for that message is clear.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Natasha Zhang

Natasha Zhang didn’t know what had gone wrong, and she was honest enough to admit that arrogance and overconfidence, and being inflexible had something to do with it. Same for being inconsiderate. Either way, she tried to make up for lost time and opportunities as best as she could by saying, “All right, folks, I guess it's time to see those of you who aren’t going on the stealth mission off - Make sure to come back and come back safe.”

She didn’t mention the families of the Star Marines, nor did she mention her own in Quingdao; Natasha already had a suspicion that the Ascendancy would do more than take or harm them, they’d try their best to turn them against their own lost children. Cruelty was not to be underestimated, nor an arrogant insistence that a dramatic plot was a clever plot - Kherol was immune to that impulse, but Laguna and her ilk were not.

But Natasha knew that she could not protect her crew from emotional pain, so she decided not to try. It was cruel of her, but also a concession to cold hard reality she did not want to make. So her last action was to look at Maria and Laurey the moment their ‘team’ was able to meet in the cockpit, and joke, “So, Ladies’ night out?”

Chuckling, the Captain then sighed and said, “We’ll be meeting the snitch in some sort of nature reserve planet, according to the notes Joey gave me; and by a nature reserve, basically one of the planets so beautiful that not even the Ascendancy wants to ‘Do a GIll’home’ on them… Yet.”

Ashton and Flame

“So…” Ashton said awkwardly to Flame as the two stood on the hangar, waiting for departure time and their separation, “It seems they’re splitting us up?”

Ashton did not say that perhaps this should have been Joey’s punishment for their attempt to attack the Ascendancy’s economy. Nor that it felt like a punishment. That made him sound like a needy guy, and not only did he not want to look like that to Flame, but he had an image to maintain; both of them did.

For he knew, and he thought Flame also knew, that the two needed to project the image that they were geniuses, that what their kidnappers had told them about their ‘gifts’ was true. That they and the other kids were better off thinking that the Ascendancy had a coherent reason for taking them away from their homes and lives and families, even if it was not a rational reason.

The boy felt a sudden warmth; Flame had embraced him impulsively. For a brief moment, Ashton felt the urge to cry but suppressed it as he brushed the back of Flame’s head, smiling as he did so. All thoughts of pretense left him at that.

“Flame,” Ashton worked up the courage to say, “Do you think it’s okay if we’re not geniuses?”

Flame slumped his shoulders, ended the hug, and said, “I’ve been waiting for you to say it, Ashton.”

Ashton staggered back, shocked, as his boyfriend continued.

“Ashton, I don’t want to pretend anymore. Oh, sure, there’s a chance we’re still geniuses or savants or whatever,” Flame was gesturing around wildly, not caring whoever saw him, “But I am tired of going around telling everybody, ‘we’re geniuses, we’re geniuses!’. Time to face it, Ashton; we don’t need to feel good about being Star Marines - I just want to retire and plant a garden when it’s all over.”

Flame looked at him a while longer, saw him smile and hug him back, and then say with tears in his eyes:

“You’re right; dad always told me to be myself,” Ashton said. “Once I meet him again, I’ll tell him all about you… If you want.”

“Just knock my asshole of a sperm donor out if you’re saving him too,” Flame interrupted before giving him one last kiss. “And now, goodbye. I love you.”

“Same,” Ashton said as he and his boyfriend turned to leave…

@Letter Bee@Landaus Five-One@FalloutJack@Conscripts@Starlance@jdh97@Smike@Senhara
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Recognizing a mistake and taking steps to correct it. Maybe there was hope for him yet. And as far as she could tell, he wasn’t even talking out of his arse. And she knew. She was shamelessly reading his thoughts up until that point, the week preceding this briefing having continued in the spirit of the crew v. Albion. If only that was the end of it, as their numbers started dropping like flies in a room where the air was replaced with bugspray. At the very least there was a silver lining to the drop in numbers for her, as less people on board made it a lot easier to time her sleep so there wouldn’t be anyone around to unknowingly invade her mind with their thoughts when she hit the sack. And then the whole Titan nonsense happened, and any ease sleeping went to shit in the form of constant worry.

With the briefing concluded, Avelyn approached Joey wearing a barely concealed smirk on her face. “Apology accepted, though I need one more thing from you.” She paused long enough for him to ask what, “Some information, none of us know how to fly the damn thing.” She quickly grabbed his hand while she still spoke, focusing on any of Joey’s memories that had anything to do with the ship. “Oooh, so that is what that switch does, okay, don’t touch that, got it.” She joked as she finished, “Oh, ‘less-than-lethal - Weapons or equipment intended to be less likely to kill a living target than conventional weapons such as knives and firearms with live ammunition.’ Might be good to at least try, if circumstances allow it, we’re trying to convince the other rebels that we’re on their side, right? Good luck.”

After the briefing concluded, she made a detour to her cabin to clear out her things. Who knew how long they’d be gone? Upon reaching the hangar bay, she hung back to give the two lovebirds some space, only approaching once Flame had gone. “Hey, why the long face? Separation can only be beneficial, you can’t be together all the time. My father used to be gone for months at a time, but it only made us all the more excited to see him again and spend time with him.” She tried to cheer the younger Star Marine up, having eavesdropped from across the bay with her prosthetics. “So, when are we setting out?” She asked Ashton, implicitly considering him to be in charge despite having made it clear some time ago that she viewed the whole money debacle as his fault. “What’s on the itinerary, and in what order?”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Sometimes, it seems like it takes forever to get anything done.

He got into this whole thing to take some revenge, turn everything back on the Ascendancy and make Earth lose more than face for the war. The right people didn't die, and they needed it badly. That was Nero's goal, in the end. He had a list of names, and that's all he really cared about. Sometimes, he memorized a few extra names to that list, but he was alot more interested in taking them down. Moonstrike seemed like a good way to get started, but they were getting stalled. With this blow to their group and people going off to help those closest to them... What a pain in the ass.

Inside his room, Nero lay back on his bed, listening to the music on his player while he stared lazily up at the ceiling. Every time he thought about the situations breaking off bits and pieces of their group, he got a little more frustrated. The only people he could depend upon, and they couldn't stay the course. He grumbled to himself in frustration.

Family... What good has family ever been? If they were worth anything, they wouldn't subject you to this shit in the first place.

He held up his hand, and recited the names to himself, activating the Black Spot for just a second to see if he had any bearing on those he wanted to kill. Everybody else seemed a little lost, while he remained focused on what was important, or at least what was important to him. He didn't speak any of the names of Squad 0 because they apparently had the means to get a bead on him, and that wasn't good. Nero wasn't gonna be the cause of yet another spanner in the works. Speaking of which, a meeting was soon called by the Captain, except it wasn't the Captain. It was Joey Shitburger, the interloper who probably made it very easy to decide whether people should go or not by being a smarmy pain in the ass. What followed, though, was unexpected...

First of all, the damn unnecessary punishment was lifted. Good start, considering the fact that they had worse things to handle now. Joey's personal outing of Nero's activities in defiance of that punishment was met with a 'Fuck you too.' smile as he let the blondy try and get out of the hole he'd been digging. Admitting he'd failed like he was obviously going to fail wasn't bad either. What they needed, after that fiasco on the station, was someone backing up the various marines and trying to stick it immediately to those really responsible, like all those suspicious characters that were met that day. Nero could still feel the weird feeling of that other shadow user that attacked him. The next part was a blank-slate order to drop the shipwide hostilities. Not that there'd been any overt attacks, but harsh words and undermining of authority HAD occurred, obviously.

"Tch... Come on, if I was really angry, you know I'd just kill you."

And he meant it, too. The fact is that Joey never really made the list. Oh, he was tempted, but it'd be counter-productive to cause shipwide drama of that scale over what that jackass was pulling. So, Nero hadn't been planning anything unless he had good reason to leave the Xuanxang. Because, despite all that'd been going on, it was still better than his time in the Ascendancy. The meeting moved on to reveal that one part of their last discussion - Shineyd - had been freed, and that this newcomer would be arriving herself at some point, probably in line with their modified plan. There were several parts of it, the part that Nero was focused on was that of hunting down the pirates. Yeah, there could be a great deal of use for him in the section involving the Tipper, but what Nero wanted to do was follow in the footsteps of one Doomish Slayer Guy...and Rip And Tear.

The Anonymous Tipper mission and the Civil War mission were of no import to him, only the pirate mission, and the fact that there was probably gonna be a trap laid of some kind that they couldn't afford to be sprung on them. THAT was where he would come in, to find out what it was, provide the escape route, to thwart it, etc. He knew traps. He'd seen a million of 'em in the war and pretended to spring them in order to lure out the enemy and kill 'em. Pirates were clever, but he was about to 'Out-Arrr' those mateys! The only other thing in the meeting of any importance was the part about search-and-rescue for any family members, the reason some of their team left already. Nero had only one thing to say about that.

"Well, I don't have any family, so if you see anyone claiming to be mine, it's a trap and you'd better kill them immediately."

This was so nobody accidentally rescued whoever might claim to be his parents. If they were alive, they could kill 'em and he wouldn't have to worry about ever hearing from those assholes. It'd be hilarious if they thought they were gonna be spared, and then he outed them as spies and had them shot! Nero chuckled at the thought as the meeting was adjourned, and he was about to go off and prepare when he heard Nirrti - their independent battle machine - speak up suddenly. The request suddenly gave him an idea, and he said "Hold on a second! I got something!" before running off very rapidly towards their armory before coming back with the Plasma Flamethrower. The back-mounted tank, the industrial-grade hose, and the rifle-like output was probably not perfect, but modifications could be made, right?

"Try this. I pulled it off of some die-hard merc when we were on board an enemy ship. I like it, but it's not that useful to me on a mission."

It's about as anti-shadow-stealth as you can get, so he figured that a combat machine like Nirrti would make MUCH better use of it. And once they were all prepared, Nero would be heading off on his pirate adventure!

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 5 days ago

The Shattering of Innocence ~Part #1~

Despairing Innocence [Before the Briefing]

Narvia silently despaired while sitting on her bed in her room. She held her stuffed animal, which had been with her since her time in the Dragon's Brigade Fleet. Her tears were uncontrollable now, but it felt like not much was happening correctly. 'I-I miss Finbarr, but he had to go to Titan to save his family. I-It hurts so much, despairingly so.' Narvia thought with tears streaming down her cheeks. She was so optimistic about the future since she met someone that she loved profoundly, but it felt like destiny was entirely against her.

Narvia wasn't allowed to go with Finbarr or the diplomat to help Finbarr's family. Incredibly hurt about that but could understand why Natasha, Joey, and others had done that. She wasn't much in a way to argue with them, who disallowed her to leave the Xuanxang. The only determining factor that kept her in check was her chance to reunite with her mother and siblings. There was a hint of dread or despair that would, in essence, lead to disaster and would hurt her most. She wished she didn't have these thoughts but much had happened to what will happen, and it hurt her the most.

Optimistic feelings with significant dread are slightly more to bear for her, but underlying portions of her mind are worried about the future. Conner was cruel in making her into an experiment for a secret black ops project that would get rid of her. Narvia hoped that her father would see her reason for not going through with his plans, but it hurt. "M-My father scares me, but I-I want to help him understand and only use that recourse as my final option." Narvia spoke to herself silently in her room. She was determined to help the family she lost to reconnect, even if it costs her life.

Still, Narvia had tears going down her eyes, and she realized it would be about time for the meeting in the Briefing room. Narvia did get up from her bed and placed the seal plushie right next to her pillow. The Star Marines and the Xuanxang lost many people in her new family with the departures. She felt the leaves the most since many people left to go gods know where and all she had was the only recourse from her godfather and her family. In addition, she tried hard to wipe her tears away, but they couldn't be wiped away, as they frequently flowed down her cheeks. It would be hard at the briefing that Natasha called for her. She tried to look a bit up from all the problems she had with all this.

Narvia went to the briefing room with a body language immensely hurting and hard even to hold herself up most of the time. She was empathetic and was quick to go into tears as she was before Finbarr and her started to date. Something was building up with her, and it hurt that everything felt as if it was falling apart in her little world. 'I-I can't, b-but this is too much for me. Why does everything happen all at once? It feels like a stronger force out there wants to keep me depressed and not happy.' Narvia thought with slight tears going down her face. She walked into the conference room, barely able to wipe down the tears coming from her eyes. At least to look a bit more presentable than what she was doing in her room, crying uncontrollably. She could not stop her tears but could stop her tears for a time, as long as Narvia was in the Conference Hall.

The Operation Kraken Briefing - Xuanxang Conference Room

Narvia had difficulty keeping herself from falling apart before the briefing, but slightly in a twist. The one that, in actuality, which called the briefing was no other than Joey since he clapped before speaking to everyone. She gathered around the conference table as Joey had asked with a specific gentleness, unlike his punishment toward everyone before those new people joined. Her body language was tense, only because Narvia looked a bit under the weather and as if she wasn't even eating correctly either. As Narvia listened to Joey talking, Narvia gave a small sigh of relief in hearing regular scheduled meals would be back on the menu, which helped her. Narvia was one of the few people that didn't do anything like Nero had done but kept eating rations, but sometimes, she would skip a meal here or there.

Narvia heard a shocker from Joey's lips that he had made a mistake and fucked up badly. In her limited life experience in the military and in general, she feels everyone does make mistakes. Her lack of eating was a tendency to make mistakes since she is slightly depressed about how low her morale is about everyone leaving and who's left on the starship. Understaffed is an understatement in her mind, and Narvia's morale is low compared to most people. She kept what was on her mind to a minimum since it was a bit too pressing of an issue to interrupt Joey speaking. 'D-Damn it.' Narvia thought with her trying to focus on looking at everything in her life that hadn't gone right.

As Joey's speech kept going about all the horrible stuff that had happened, it didn't inspire much confidence in Narvia. Joey continued before the briefing set up with a deep breath and then added on something about get the fuck over, and it quickly enough it was meant to come off as an order from Natasha with a hint that Joey wished this bad blood would stop too. Narvia was the only person who didn't hate anyone on the Xuanxang but felt powerless to stop what was happening as it might have come across. She felt scared and didn't understand what would be happening shortly, but Joey's first impression didn't help. "A-Alright, Joey, I don't mind letting the past stay in the past, as my godfather would say with his slightly cryptic nature." Narvia said, deeply sighing with regret. She had always held so much respect for him.

Narvia noticed the new girl Joey introduced, which is called Shineyd. She waved kindly as a kind gesture toward her. As Joey continued to talk, Narvia listened, and it finally got to the crucial tidbits, the mission briefing. Her assignment was with Avelyn and Ashton to rescue their parents, which was what Narvia desperately wanted to do. She missed her mother, older siblings, and even her godfather Nikolas R. Zahrin. Narvia wanted to help understand why her mother and older siblings were even transferred to Nikolas' homeworld of Draken'vina in the first place and what her biological father, Conner, is doing. Nikolas' letter had mentioned that Conner would be allowing Lana, Freya, and Ashley to live on Draken'vina, but she doesn't know why. "Oh, goodie, I can help save our loved ones! I-I missed them so much, mother and older sisters." Narvia said with a smile on her face. She hoped nothing wrong would happen, but Natasha had said something that worried her near the end of the meeting. It made her slightly fear because most of the chaos happening in the world is because of certain entities in the background. 'P-Please be safe everyone! I-I don't want to lose anyone.' Narvia thought to herself while slightly freaking out. Her body language was shaking a bit because of all the problems in her life.

The name of the operation was Operation: Kraken. The parents of her friends are her top priority, including her mother. There will probably be some such trials and tribulations in reaching a satisfying conclusion on her part, where she's reunited with her mother and older siblings. Therefore, Narvia walked out of the conference room to gather her specific gear before heading to the Hanger, which would be near Joey's starship. 'Reunion with my mother, Ashley, and Freya means everything to me.' Narvia thought to herself. She slightly sighed as she went directly to her room.

Narvia entered her room, gathered her things, and put them in a bag, specifically her clothes. Also, she made sure to collect more ammo and stuff to place in the duffle bag. Therefore, she ensured her coilgun pistol was all its bullets, minor maintenance on her weapons, etc. After her weapon maintenance and the care of everything else, including putting her seal plushie in her duffle bag, Narvia went to the Hanger since that's where they had to go after getting ready for everything.

After the Briefing - the Hanger

Narvia went to the Hanger, which saw a pretty cute scene between Ashton and Flame. Avelyn was there too but seemed more in the know of what was said among the two. She wasn't near enough to overhear the conversation between Ashton and Flame, but she does know how much the two love each other. However, when Avelyn decidedly walked over to Ashton after Flame had gone, Narvia felt as if Avelyn had overheard the two talk previously. Narvia followed Avelyn since she was curious about what Avelyn would say to Ashton. Also, Narvia's body language was undeniable, and she had a specific feeling of utter nervousness and was heartbroken and was on the verge of crying again.

Narvia heard Avelyn's words to Ashton caused her to try to smile and agree with what Avelyn had said. She hadn't much time to think about what happened about everything, including Finbarr leaving. It didn't take long for her to say something else, and she was interested in what would happen since there had been much stuff to do. "Y-Yeah, I would like to know, too, since we are all going on this adventure to rescue our families! I want to be with mom and my older sisters so much." Narvia spoke with a bit of enthusiasm toward the mission primarily because it's essential. She doesn't want to seem too down, even though it's harder to keep positive after everything happens.

Narvia was carrying everything, and she needed to be ready for this mission in her bag. She did forget the Plasma Pistol, which she got from that crazy bitch who was the Berserker's sister. It wouldn't feel right to use a plasma pistol when she wants to rescue her family from the untold horrors of reality, which would be her father precisely. "I-I hope everything is alright, Draken'vina. W-What Natasha said scares me a bit." Narvia said.

@Letter Bee, @Starlance, and @The Jest

New Encrypted Message ~Part #4~

Narvia was still in the hanger when her Enigma Codex had a specific ding, but he had an Urgency, Encryption Required. However, the specifications of the encryption were simple but also confusing. There was nothing specification for the encryption, but it would unlock sometime after they got launched. It felt like a trap since Nikolas had retired, and no one could send messages unless they had access to the Enigma, by special privileges, a la, someone wanted her to see it. However, she closed her Enigma Codex and wanted not to deal with it at that moment. 'Why is this happening now? I know Nikolas retired, but what does this Encrypted Message mean? I-I hope nothing bad has happened to my family on Draken'vina.' Narvia thought.

Narvia started to tear up and couldn't stop the waterworks because this was all too much. Her body, soul, and everything couldn't take it anymore, but she wanted to see Lana, Freya, and Ashley again. "I-I'm sorry for the tears. I-I can't stop it anymore. I-I am scared for everyone's safety. I want to see my family so badly." Narvia said, wiping her tears with her free hand. Nonetheless, it would be a challenging mission to rescue everyone's families with the added effect of additional worry. She was worried to no end and couldn't take any more hardship, or she might not be able to do anything anymore.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Provisional GM Post

Ashton Andrews

Ashton looked at Avelyn and said, “Your family first; Narvia's is in the Draken System while mine is in Sol itself, so it makes sense to go to Epsilon Theta, then Draken'Vina, then Earth, where my parents are. Now, can you tell me what Longannet is like? It’s a planetary capital and logic says that it's fairly prosperous for the rich and powerful, but I need to know what your home district is like and the terrain we’re encountering there as well as what clothes would blend in - I presume we’re getting lower-class disguises? We might also need your powers or someone who looks like an adult to avoid any 'truant officers', too...”

He then paused to consider what Avelyn had said next and replied, “You know what? You’re right that I shouldn’t be clingy to Flame; thanks, Avelyn.”

After all, I can trust him to keep me in his thoughts, he thought before looking at Narvia and saying, “Now, tell me about your family; I know that they’re part of a corporation that supported the Coalition War and that your own 'sperm donor' has abused them a lot. Actually, tell me about the Corporation that 'sperm donor' has; tell me everything about that asshole that you can in just a few minutes.”

Then, realizing the trap he had set for himself, Ashton then clarified, "Actually, it's best if you tell us about your family's defenses and private fleet first! I heard that Mars' corporate families are large enough to own their own private fleets and that your father's corporation has its own ships which are large enough to match one of the Ascendancy's remaining flotillas. Is it possible that he'd send someone against us if we move closer to the 'Core Worlds'?"

@Letter Bee@Landaus Five-One@FalloutJack@Starlance@jdh97@Smike@Senhara
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by jdh97
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jdh97 Hopeful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Laurey Karlin
Laurey did not miss them.

At first she did not even realise they had gone. So much of her time was spent on her mech. It was slow, careful work, but even that would produce something rather homespun in comparison to the sudden swell of military robots into their crew. Between that, Nirrti, and her pet roomba projects, the only time she spent in meatspace besides was to eat or sleep, when she remembered. Although, she was beginning to kick the drug habit.

It was the emptiness that first let her know anything was wrong. Lying awake the sounds: there were none. No laughter from the twins' bedroom, and for that the ship seemed sadder. No heavy clomp and stagger from the Doc’s office after one too many beers, and for that the ship seemed soberer.

The whole thing was like an optical illusion that once you saw, you couldn’t unsee.

At mess there was no wisecrack from Finn, no reassurance from Amy, no silent brooding from… who was it? Did it begin with an ‘S’? No… There was none of this because they were gone, and with them, hope was leaving too.

She did not miss them she did not miss them she did not miss them

Cutting a heap of Bliss that would lead to her convulsing on the floor in thirty minutes time in her own vomit, she reflected.

She did not miss them

People that she had held in equal parts awe and fear were gone from her life. Effectively dead. A family broken. And she did not care.

One line. Two lines. Three lines. More? The drug tingled. In the mirror she saw her reflection sparkle as the light caught on her tears.

Funny. She used to take Bliss to escape the pain.

The briefing happened.

Laurey was not convinced she had focused throughout. It was just… boring?

She was in the ‘now’ when their captain made a joke. It was only the message from Nirrti pinged in her mind’s ear that she realised something. She’d forgotten to laugh. She sent her response.

From: Laurey
To: Nirrti

Title: [Not Available]

Contents: Request granted.

Then again she realised belatedly that perhaps that message was too short. A follow-up:

From: Laurey
To: Nirrti

Title: [Not Available]

Contents: If we all die we won’t need help anyway. :)
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

“‘Truant officers’, right. That’s something I can pretty much guarantee we won’t have to worry about. At least I’ve never encountered any, but I doubt that has changed.” She laughed before her usual straightforward cynicism returned, “Tranbir-IX, our destination, is one of over eighty moons orbiting the sole planet in Epsilon Theta. It’s a class K shithole. No water, unbreathable nitrogen atmosphere, seven-odd meters per second squared gravitational acceleration and a surface colder than an ONI agent’s heart. All of the habitats are former copper mines bored deep into the ground, split into several strata, or levels, in turn divided into sublevels, kept more or less at 20 degrees celsius. Alpha level is the spaceport, we’ll face the sternest security there on our way in. Only place that gets better cops is Foxtrot at the very bottom, but we won’t be going there, so that’s a non-issue. We’ll be bypassing Bravo, that’s rich people country and entry is restricted to people who live or work there. Charlie through Echo are housing, think The Galactic Bazaar, but slightly poorer and more cramped for Charlie and it gets poorer and more crowded as you descent. Prewar population was just shy of 25 mil, and I suspect that being on the other side of Ascendancy Territory from the conflict made it an attractive destination for refugees. Foxtrot is full of ruins, both human and structural. Below Foxtrot is Golf, though only unofficially, it’s… I don’t really know, they told us at school that it’s regularly checked by geological teams because the weight of the whole city rests on it, but other than that it’s a dumping ground for the city’s waste, requiring closed-circuit environment suits to traverse it. Urban legends speak of tunnels dug by black market traders and smugglers to move stuff from habitat to habitat, but I can’t verify that. We probably won’t go below Echo, but too much information never hurt anyone” Avelyn shrugged, her brain firmly in briefing gear.

“We’ll be going down to Delta, the border between middle and lower class, Sublevel 12/28 to be precise, the very bottom of what you’d call middle-class. ‘Top of the shit pile, yet still a way to fall.’ I heard someone say once. I can think of three places to start: Our apartment, since even if mother and father moved, the new tenants might be able to tell us something. A couple levels above is the Broken Bit, a music club of sorts where mom used to perform and the owner was a good guy. He might still remember me, I spent a lot of time there after school when I was very little. Third is the spaceport, arrivals and departures.” She counted on her fingers, then she paused, and alarm bells went off in her head. Her father was a freighter pilot. What if he was out of the system when they arrived? How could she have missed that? Idiot! Her brain quickly recovered from the stall, hopefully fast enough that nobody noticed anything, “Fortunately for us, Longannet sits right on a huge subterranean ravine, about fifty meters wide, practically bisected in two parts from Bravo to Echo. Despite being underground and sealed from the surface, it’s big enough that temperature differences at the ends can be big enough to cause the air to move, so cloaks and scarves are normal to keep the wind out.” She tugged on the red scarf draped around her neck, “Nobody should look twice if we’re covering our faces. Like I said, the habitat is an old mine, so mostly bored or blasted tunnels in solid rock, with the occasional natural cave modified to better suit whatever purpose. As with any indoors space, fires are terrifying and every gunshot will reliably deafen anyone without earpro for the next minute, so keep that in mind if we have to go loud. Law enforcement has no fucking sense of humor, and is tight with the Ascendancy, given how fast they shipped me out. A lot of the guards are K9 officers with Kell Hounds. I don’t know which corner of Hades they found those things in, but just in case you haven’t had the pleasure, it’s a forty kilo ball of concentrated hate, fiercely loyal to its handler and with enough teeth to put crocodiles to shame. And blind they may be, but there’s a reason people joke they can smell movement and hear colors, so let’s get in, do what we must and get out, shall we?
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