Face Claim/Appearance:
Name: Kirby
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Canon: Kirby
Main Thread or Sandbox: Sandbox
Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY): Gotham City
Personality: Kirby matches his appearance given his child-like mannerism and persistent cheerfulness. Kirby does not speak in full sentences in any of the main-series games, adding to his infantile nature, and typically the only word he can muster is his signature elongated 'Hi!'. However, it has been established that he is fully capable of comprehending language, and can write in full sentences, often with flowery words that are not used in typical dialogue. Examples of this can be seen in early instruction manuals where Kirby directly addresses the player. It may also be the case that Kirby is capable of speaking fluently, but just like how Link and Mario are often portrayed, the player does not hear his side of any given conversation. Kirby has been shown to be gluttonous, which makes his rivalry with King Dedede more understandable, but as long as he is well-fed, he is an altruistic hero who jumps at the chance to help those in need. Kirby is courageous, tackling problems head-on with an unbreakable determination. He is heroic to a fault, however, as certain villains will take advantage of this to get what they want. Unless called to adventure, Kirby spends most of his time sleeping and otherwise just relaxing in his homeland, Dream Land. Despite being the hero, Kirby can become extraordinarily stubborn and single-minded if he feels he's been wronged. This is evidenced in Kirby: Squeak Squad when, after having his cake stolen, he immediately assumes that King Dedede is responsible, and it is not until after fighting and beating him that Kirby realizes it wasn't Dedede after all. From there, Kirby chases after the real thieves, the Squeaks across several lands and worlds, fighting everything and everyone who gets in the way just to get his cake back. Kirby's hobbies include fishing (which usually ends up with the hook in his mouth), sleeping, eating, flying about the countryside on a Warp Star, and singing, which he admittedly does so poorly that it can hurt enemies, especially when using the Mike ability. He is also a big fan of music, and can often be seen listening with a pair of headphones along with the player in the Jukebox. When encountering new situations, Kirby shows himself to be a quick and astute learner. For example, upon copying a new ability, he instantly masters any skill the ability entails, whether that be martial arts or psychic powers. He also demonstrates this when piloting the Robobot Armor, adapting to its controls immediately after jumping into it for the first time.
Motivation: Kirby is motivated to do good to a fault. He’s so willing to do what might seem like the right thing that he often ends up inadvertently assisting the villain. Since Kirby has a large appetite, another large motivator of his is food.
Equipment: Though he doesn’t often carry much with him, the one thing he does take with him everywhere
is his cellphone. While it can function as a regular cellular device, it can also be used to call upon the Warp Star, Kirby’s main mode of transportation. The Warp Star can move at incredibly high speeds, though it can only be used for a limited time.
Attributes: Kirby’s body is very soft and malleable, allowing him to squeeze through tight spaces and take blows. His puffiness also allows him to inflate his body like a balloon, providing him a slow but serviceable ability to fly. His most prominent ability is his Inhale, allowing him to copy whatever he swallows. For example, if he inhales a flame-related foe, he will be granted the ability to manipulate fire. This ability grants Kirby a lot of extra versatility, making him good in most situations. Furthermore, Kirby is incredibly strong, able to crack entire planets in half and defeat god-like beings. Still, he is easily taken care of when caught off-guard, and even the most basic of foes can defeat him if Kirby slips up.
Biography:Kirby is said to have blown into Dreamland with the spring breeze, and has happily lived there ever since. Though he must occasionally step up to the plate to take care of any threats to his home, he spends most of his time napping, fishing, eating food, and singing.
Other: Source for the Personality section - wikirby.com/wiki/Kirby

Name: Kirby
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Canon: Kirby
Main Thread or Sandbox: Sandbox
Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY): Gotham City
Personality: Kirby matches his appearance given his child-like mannerism and persistent cheerfulness. Kirby does not speak in full sentences in any of the main-series games, adding to his infantile nature, and typically the only word he can muster is his signature elongated 'Hi!'. However, it has been established that he is fully capable of comprehending language, and can write in full sentences, often with flowery words that are not used in typical dialogue. Examples of this can be seen in early instruction manuals where Kirby directly addresses the player. It may also be the case that Kirby is capable of speaking fluently, but just like how Link and Mario are often portrayed, the player does not hear his side of any given conversation. Kirby has been shown to be gluttonous, which makes his rivalry with King Dedede more understandable, but as long as he is well-fed, he is an altruistic hero who jumps at the chance to help those in need. Kirby is courageous, tackling problems head-on with an unbreakable determination. He is heroic to a fault, however, as certain villains will take advantage of this to get what they want. Unless called to adventure, Kirby spends most of his time sleeping and otherwise just relaxing in his homeland, Dream Land. Despite being the hero, Kirby can become extraordinarily stubborn and single-minded if he feels he's been wronged. This is evidenced in Kirby: Squeak Squad when, after having his cake stolen, he immediately assumes that King Dedede is responsible, and it is not until after fighting and beating him that Kirby realizes it wasn't Dedede after all. From there, Kirby chases after the real thieves, the Squeaks across several lands and worlds, fighting everything and everyone who gets in the way just to get his cake back. Kirby's hobbies include fishing (which usually ends up with the hook in his mouth), sleeping, eating, flying about the countryside on a Warp Star, and singing, which he admittedly does so poorly that it can hurt enemies, especially when using the Mike ability. He is also a big fan of music, and can often be seen listening with a pair of headphones along with the player in the Jukebox. When encountering new situations, Kirby shows himself to be a quick and astute learner. For example, upon copying a new ability, he instantly masters any skill the ability entails, whether that be martial arts or psychic powers. He also demonstrates this when piloting the Robobot Armor, adapting to its controls immediately after jumping into it for the first time.
Motivation: Kirby is motivated to do good to a fault. He’s so willing to do what might seem like the right thing that he often ends up inadvertently assisting the villain. Since Kirby has a large appetite, another large motivator of his is food.
Equipment: Though he doesn’t often carry much with him, the one thing he does take with him everywhere
is his cellphone. While it can function as a regular cellular device, it can also be used to call upon the Warp Star, Kirby’s main mode of transportation. The Warp Star can move at incredibly high speeds, though it can only be used for a limited time.
Attributes: Kirby’s body is very soft and malleable, allowing him to squeeze through tight spaces and take blows. His puffiness also allows him to inflate his body like a balloon, providing him a slow but serviceable ability to fly. His most prominent ability is his Inhale, allowing him to copy whatever he swallows. For example, if he inhales a flame-related foe, he will be granted the ability to manipulate fire. This ability grants Kirby a lot of extra versatility, making him good in most situations. Furthermore, Kirby is incredibly strong, able to crack entire planets in half and defeat god-like beings. Still, he is easily taken care of when caught off-guard, and even the most basic of foes can defeat him if Kirby slips up.
Biography:Kirby is said to have blown into Dreamland with the spring breeze, and has happily lived there ever since. Though he must occasionally step up to the plate to take care of any threats to his home, he spends most of his time napping, fishing, eating food, and singing.
Other: Source for the Personality section - wikirby.com/wiki/Kirby