Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Online

Location: House of M
Skills: N/A

Jack wasn't sure initially what had ended up happening, considering it wasn't until after the illusion broke that he saw what was going on. Polaris was there, looking like crap, and the guy who had messed with them (at least who he guess had messed with them) was now dead, he guessed it was because of her. The whole situation was weird, and the downside of not having really gotten to know Polaris or anything like that, was he had no idea how she typically acted. Though she probably wasn't doing the best because of her injuries right?

Miranda hadn't said anything or any other reason why she had been worried about Polaris to Magneto. Knowing she was pregnant had caused her to worry more about her being trapped under the rubble, but because of her promise to Lorna about not telling anyone, she hadn't mentioned it. Seeing her injuries, she knew that it likely wasn't looking good in general, and hearing her words and how she spoke wasn't helping her to not worry about her. Even though Lorna (or any of Magneto's other children really) weren't hers, she worried about them like they were her own. And seeing Lorna pull the shard out of her stomach, she instantly knew what happened.

"Uh yeah, fine," he said simply to Kris with a bit of a shrug, before turning to pay attention to what was going on with Polaris, and after a moment, it did dawn on him what likely was the reason for what had been said, or what had happened to Polaris. This was not a good situation, just in general. What had happened with her was not something that could probably easily be mentioned, and now there was a million other things they likely had to worry about, but he wasn't too sure if Polaris was going to even mentally be there to help.

Walking over to Polaris, Miranda gave her a sad smile, "It'll be alright Lorna..." Miranda said softly to her, remaining fairly quiet about it. Out of everyone that was currently there, she was the only one who had known about the child, and also likely was one of the few people who actually would sit there and listen as someone vented about just about anything. She typically just stayed there and listened to what was talked about. Right now, she figured that Lorna wouldn't be in the best mindset, but Miranda also wanted her to know that she was there if she needed her.

Location: Akademos
Skills: N/A

Zari figured that she needed to focus on the fighting that was going on, and not so much on the fact that if she screwed up or revealed too much to Maria about the future then she'd end up changing what things were like in her own time. It didn't help that she was in a time period before she was born, or that one of her mother's friends (and wife to her best friend) and she didn't want to accidentally reveal too much. Mainly, she was definitely going to try and hide who she was even more than before. Most of their group by now sort of knew that she was half-Asgardian at the least, and a few knew that she was from the future, but Maria was someone she interacted with fairly regularly in her own time. So this was a completely different scenario.

She wasn't so much focused on the others and what they were doing as she was focused more on the ghosts. Namely the one that decided to pull her shirt over her head. Now she was more than a bit annoyed and mad, and she instantly fixed her shirt so it wasn't on her head anymore. Her thoughts on trying to hide things from Maria went completely out the window, as she yelled rather angrily in her native tongue, "Slipp meg i helvete og gå tilbake til der du kom fra!" she snapped, before reciting the rites to get rid of some of the ghosts. She managed to take out 11 this way, but ended up being a bit tired from it, and her nose was bleeding a bit, but in all honesty she didn't very much care. Zari currently was just majorly pissed off at the ghosts.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 6:00 AM


Location: House of M Ruins -> Outside Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

There were days where Polaris felt the highest highs - and the lowest lows. The melancholy she was trapped inside was so intense, her first instinct had been to become numb to it, to shut out the world. But with the others gathered around her, with Moneta reassuring her that it would be okay, Polaris cracked. She started to laugh ever so slightly. "I'm fine. I would've been horrible at it," she said, crying at the same time.

Magneto was not stupid by any means - with Elixir's words, he caught onto what had happened too. And inside of him, a white hot fury ignited once more, as he clenched his fists. His daughter had survived, but his unborn grandchild had been a victim of this genocide. No more, he had vowed. And he had failed. He couldn't bear to look at Polaris, to see the symbol of his failure.

Where are we needed next? Veil thought, hoping that the Three in One would pick up her thoughts. She didn't really know if thinking louder or not would do anything to help or hinder a telepath - it was pure guesswork how that worked. Unaware of the difficulties the rest of the island was having with contacting them, Veil was overwhelmed with a quick series of feelings, not images. Fear. Helplessness. Pain.

"Something's wrong with the Three in One, they... they're afraid, I think," Veil said. "I don't know where they want us to go but... Hellfire Manor is as good a place as any to start, right?"

"I'll bring us there," Aurora said, acting on impulse. A second later, the group would be standing outside of Hellfire Manor.

Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

Selene slurped up the remaining ghosts, but it was clear that it was somewhat of a stopgap measure, as Casper was still surrounded in an eerie blue glow. Selene, for her part, was absolutely fascinated - pleased, even. "The boy is a portal to the other realms, one that I see now cannot be closed by any other being beyond himself," she observed. "To think of the cosmic multitudes of unharvested souls on the other side..." Her eyes flashed in the direction of Andy, as a duplicitous smile graced her face. "I have studied the arcane arts since time immemorial," she continued, before grasping Casper's face in her hand. "Expergiscimini!" Selene commanded in Latin.

Casper's eyes snapped open, his pupils strangely glowing blue. "Wh-wh-what?" Casper stammered, trying to force himself up into a sitting position, seeing Echo's clones encircling him and Selene hovering over him, her breasts more or less right in his face. "Your tits are out...." Casper began to say, before trailing off. "Wait, wh-where's Ben? Ben? BEN?!" Casper screamed, looking for his emotional support ghost/friend.

Pixie was looking at James in confusion, wondering which crown he meant. He didn't sound British to her, neither did Maria, so she was coming up completely blank. "Is he like... okay?" Pixie then asked, nodding slightly at James. He didn't seem like himself. She had seen him around Genosha for a while and he was usually pretty happy and nice and friendly even. It was like someone had turned him into a completely different person.

Sunshine was holding onto Marrow rather tightly, even as Marrow's healing factor had her largely healed by now. She helped her wife up to a standing position, before taking stock of the situation. Casper was awake and screaming for Ben, clearly panicking - Pixie was flying up above them all, her wings fluttering almost uncertainly. "Casper, stop it, we already dealt with enough ghosts," Sunshine said bluntly. She hadn't heard much of what James had been saying, so Sunshine didn't really know there was something majorly wrong going on there - she had been focused on her own wife.

"Ben's always here though!" Casper insisted, as a handful of ghosts exploded out of him, only for Selene to more or less slurp them up instantly, Pixie stabbing the rest with her souldagger.

"Young man, as much as I find your endless supply of souls quite appetizing and rejuvenating, you must stop. You are a gateway, a portal, a being with which others may pass through - a mutant conduit - and as of such, only you have the power to close the portal. Do so or else we may have to take unfortunate, drastic measures."

"I... I can't!" Casper cried, as ten more ghosts exploded into being.

"You must!" Selene hissed.

Casper nodded slightly, his heart beating erratically as slowly, the blue glow faded from his eyes, and the ghosts vanished.

"Much better," Selene praised.

The doors then opened, revealing Magneto & company. Magneto's eyes were ablaze with fury. "Where are Reeva and the Three in One?" he shouted.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Callie turned to see that the remaining ghosts were all dealt with now and she started to relax, she looked around the room at all of the carnage there, and she stared at James for a moment he sounded really off to her. "What is wrong with you James?" Callie ended up asking him, she wasn't here when the fighting at the Hellfire Manor had started. Selene went over towards Casper as he started to come to now as well, shouting out for Ben. "It'll be okay Casper." Callie said as she walked over towards him and knelt down next to him.

"We'll figure out a way to bring him back for you." Callie told him just as the door opened and Magneto came barging into the room with the others. Callie then stood up looking over towards Magneto demanding where Reeva and the Three in One were right now, she wasn't really sure at the moment. "I'm not sure, we can look around and secure the manor and look for them." Callie suggested, seeing Veil with them it was still kind of weird for all of them to be working with people like Magneto and quickly approached her friend. "Are you alright?" Callie asked Veil,

Kristina Smith

Location: House of M -> Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Kristina remained pretty quiet as she listened to Polaris for a moment feeling bad that she had lost a child, she knew that there wasn't much that she could do to help her sadly. She was glad that the others were alright still though which was a good thing, as Veil went to telepathically call The Three in One on where to go next and nodded. "Sounds like a good place to start next then." Kristina said, as Aurora suddenly transported them all over to the Hellfire Manor.

Kristina followed shortly behind Magneto as the door opened, and looked around seeing that the other members of the Underground were there as well to. Her eyes wondered around the room, when she spotted someone that she didn't really expect to see and it was her sister she quickly ran over towards her sister and hugged her. She hadn't had the chance to call her before being put into cryofreeze but Kristina was glad to see her again. "Sorry I have been really busy and I hadn't called you recently." Kristina said to her, she did talk to her quiet frequently.

Maria Novikova

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: (Casper's Mediumship)

Maria turned to look over at Pixie asking if he was alright as Maria stared at James he was sounding a lot like his House of M counterpart really, but she hadn't really known James all that well either really. "To be completely honest with you? I have no clue, I only really met James once during the time Wanda messed with reality this is the second time i've met him as well." Maria answered as Casper was freaking out and calling out for Ben. She wasn't sure what she could do to help him finding his friend, as Selene told him to control his powers and stop summoning the ghosts.

When the door suddenly opened and Magneto entered the room, she quickly reached for her bow and was about to fire an arrow towards him, the last time she met him was also during the whole House of M reality, when her sister quickly approached her and she returned the hug as well. She hadn't really talked to her in the last several months, and was starting to get worried. "It's really good to see you, and we do have a lot to catch up on." Maria said to her sister and gave her a smile she still cautiously stared at Magneto.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Blackstone > Hellfire Manor
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max's ears were thumping with the sounds of his own heart beating inside of them. Everyone's words were beginning to muffle to the sounds of his imminent death, but with James being so close Max could make out a few words. He heard him mention the betrayal of the crown and that's when he finally figured out what had most likely happened. There must've been a telepath, someone who could bring out those memories in James and make him believe the weirdness that was WandaWorld. But it was what James did next that fully gave Max pause. The threat he was given was more than enough to send a chill down his spine.

He could feel the briefest connection to James' heart when they touched. Enough to stave him away from death's door but nothing more. Max watched in horror as he walked away and the rest of the events unfolded before him. He took all the distraction to heal himself. Concentrating on what he'd done with Sunshine and feeling the magic mend a few of his wounds. Still, he was hurt, blood starting to get tacky on his skin and clothing. When Max spotted Miranda he felt a drop of hope. He didn't have the energy to bring Novikova here as well, but Miranda...The Queen; She could do it like she had to him. Max used his staff to make his way towards her, supporting his weight with the fragment of soul that solidified in his hand.

Max tried once more to get his powers to agree with him. He tried to connect to the moon or center himself. He wasn't fully sure which to do, but in his state he felt something shift. His powers began to radiate within him and he could feel them start to work. As if Jame's Omega healing and his small bit helped to jump start the process, pushing Max far past what he expected to be possible. When he finally made it to Miranda he whispered to her "We've got a Wandavisioned James here. I think someone did a number on his mind if you could help him like you did me...my queen."


Location: Hellfire Bay

Harry's heart sank as he saw Casper so desperately worried over Ben. There had been too many casualties already this day, and more than needed in a lifetime. Harry couldn't bear it if one of them had been by his own careless hand. He tried to approach Casper, stopping half a step in as he realized he didn't know what to say. After all Ben was a ghost right? He couldn't die. Still, there was worry within him as he began to think about it more and more. He was about to spiral in his own mind when he recalled something Casper had mentioned before.

"Casper." Harry said softly as he began to make his way towards the crying man. "Ben's probably relaxing in his Ghost Hawaii. He fought really hard here today, maybe he just needs to sip on ectoplasmic Mai Tais and regain his energy to be shown again you know?" Harry certainly didn't. He wasn't the biggest fan of horror, actively avoiding it when he could. But if anyone knew where his friend might be it would be Casper. And he had seemingly mentioned a vocational place for the eternal souls several times.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive)

Andy wasn't bothered by Selene eating the ghosts. Selene smiled and Andy did her best to look humble under the smile. She stepped into place behind her and slightly to the side. It was a movement that carried habit. Everything else that happened fell off to the side, Andy was ignoring it. Andy here was confident. She was ready. She didn't look like a scared kid, afraid of their own shadow.

"What is happening? Mater, qui sunt hi homines?" She had a lot more questions, but she figured she would start there. When Andy spoke in Latin, she was looking at Selene, expecting the answer from her. Maybe because she was the only one who knew Latin. But there was an expectation, like a student asking their teacher to explain something.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

James watched with little interest as the ghost eater walked the odd mutant through whatever issues he was dealing with. From the brief moment of attention he gave the out of control mutant, James could easily conclude he’d rather this be their first and last interaction. Not only was he out of control, he was slovenly and, if his first observation upon waking was any indication, exceedingly immature. Maybe they ought to have stripped the man-child of his mutation. Of course, then someone people were asking about him

But before he could muster a reply, the King swept through the doors in all his fury. James saw the Queen and a rabble wisely followed in his wake. James dropped to one knee, barely keeping himself from yanking the nearest imbecile down with him. If they wanted to have their heads removed for their impunity, so be it. James had no connection to these people. “My apologies your Majesty but besides the thirty or so ghosts that were here earlier and the metal woman strewn about, there were no others that you do not see.” James replied evenly.

James’ head spun with disbelief and the lingering pain of the headache. Why in the world was everyone ignoring the King? Why was everyone blaming the Princess for something? Did someone really mess with his head? The wizard mentioned messing with his mind… Was a telepath to blame? It probably was a fucking telepath.

Telepaths were the worst.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Online

Location: House of M -> Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Miranda wasn't too sure if Polaris laughing everything off was a good thing or a bad thing. Actually, what she was saying and how she was saying reminded her a lot of what she thought back in the nineties, when she more or less had hidden away just so Erik didn't find out with regards to their son. Yeah, that was still not something she ever would have wanted to talk to Erik about, though later she might talk to Lorna about it. Even though her children were still alive and all, they didn't know her at all and in all honesty, that probably was worth.

Jack was all for the moving on and away from their current situation of where they were. This place was a pile of rubble, and there likely were other people elsewhere who needed there help. Veil trying to talk to the Three in One didn't seem to bode well considering the fact that they didn't seem to respond to her or something. "That sounds like a good idea to me," he responded, hearing Veil's suggestion about going to Hellfire Manor. That would likely be the best place to start given that was likely their last known location.

In a gust of wind, they ended up getting placed right outside of Hellfire Manor. Jack followed after the others inside, just in time to notice that his brother was freaking out over apparently Ben no being visible to him. "Casper, it'll be alright, Ben might have gotten tired or something, he'll be back in no time," he reassured Casper, walking over to his brother. He wasn't entirely sure what all had happened here, but he figured Ben likely got tired or something if Casper channeled him and he had been fighting, though this led to he question really of could ghosts get tired or something like that, but he wasn't going to question that. Right now he just wanted Casper to relax a little bit. Hopefully anyway.

She said nothing as she surveyed the scene that was in front of them now, and she wasn't too sure what to think. Her mind was trying to think of what was going on, when Max walked up to her and started whispering about James' mind being mess with or something like that. Though how he spoke about it (and referring to her as the queen or whatever) resulted in her getting very nervous, and she started twisting her hair a bit. "D-D-Don't call me that," she whispered back, though it was obvious she was getting a bit uncomfortable with the conversation and referring to it. However, James decided to continue talking, and it would be obvious to anyone near her that now she was more or less panicking. In the real world, Miranda wasn't a very confident person, she got nervous fairly easily and this was not a situation she knew what to do in. What James had said was going to result in questions about it or something, questions she very much didn't want to answer, and this was not going to be good for her she was pretty sure. Miranda walked over and instantly put a hand on James' arm, ignoring his words entirely, and after a few minutes (and a few tries), all of James' memories would be sorted out and back to normal.

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Zari wasn't too sure what to really say with regards to the chaos suddenly coming to an end entirely and the ghosts disappearing. At least they didn't have to worry about them anymore right? Since that was getting to be more then a bit of a handful. Casper was awake and conscious now, so he had been able to get rid of them, so that was something and hopefully no more talk from someone potentially killing him or whatever. Though currently she was still not too thrilled that Maria was in the area, or in the room really, that just was making her wonder what would happen if she found out who she was...

She was glad that the other group showed up, and now she was wondering how things were going to go, since honestly, she should really have been paying attention. As it just dawned on her that Kris was Maria's sister, though the fact that Smith was a rather common last name and that Maria's last had gotten switched to Novikova when she got married, that sort of made it forgivable right? Zari turned her attention to Magneto's question, and Zari shrugged a bit, "...I honestly don't know, I haven't seen them and they weren't on this level when I showed up or whatever."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 6:10 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

Casper nodded, trying not to freak out too much about Ben - the last time Ben had been missing it had been because he was high as a kite, shutting off his powers. He had no reason to think that the others were wrong, that Ben wasn't just in ghost!Hawaii telling Sapphire about all of the tea she had missed. Fortunately, there was another weirdness to deal with - James was bending the knee to Magneto and acting like he was a king? "Uhh, did I miss something? Since when did Genosha become a monarchy?" Casper asked. He was used to missing important details or just straight up forgetting them, so Casper assumed at first that he somehow had missed that Magneto was the king here - James had been here much longer than all of them.

"What are you doing to him?" Casper then asked, looking concerned as Moneta put a hand on his James. Casper hurried on over, doing his best to look mildly intimidating, but he had the physicality of a noodle so it didn't really work much. "I don't know if there's like, spouses rights here on Genosha, but I def have them so please tell me what you're doing - or if you're like just giving him a friendly touch on the arm, it's hard to tell."

"I'm fine," Veil told Callie, speaking honestly. She hadn't lost much that day - she had been lucky, with Aurora saving her before any fall could have killed her. She smiled slightly, seeing the sibling reunion between Kristina and a stranger, but her eyes widened in alarm as she realized James was talking about Magneto as a king. She didn't remember the House of M world herself, but she had heard enough descriptions of it. It was like James' memories had somehow reverted or been corrupted. "I think he's remembering the other world," Veil explained.

"What other world?!" Magneto asked, angry and flabbergasted at the same time. No one had ever hailed him as a king before. He saw Maria's arrows briefly aim at him before a young mutant embraced her, and Magneto flicked his wrist, sending the arrows flying up towards the ceiling where they embedded themselves firmly. "We do not have time for this nonsense, while you all have been standing here entertaining delusions, our nation's founders are at stake. If Reeva or the Three in One were to be captured, imagine the cost we will pay."

"I'm actually rather interested in this, Erik," Selene chimed in. Everything was unfolding like some sort of soap opera that she had entered in halfway through and she couldn't decide what thread to pull. Did she tug on the glitch in the universe happening with Champion? Or did she pursue more of this other world talk, where somehow little Erik Lensherr was a king? Things hadn't been nearly this interesting in ages. It made this entire island experiment worth her time.

"Same?" Pixie squeaked out a bit timidly.

It was a good thing no one was looking at Marrow, since she was doing a horrible job at even trying to look surprised. Sunshine had told her everything about the other world - they were two queer women who got together and got married super quickly, they had swapped mind blowing secrets practically on day two. "Is this really relevant? We should go find Reeva and the Three in One," Sunshine interjected. She didn't want to think about that other world and the perfect life she had there.

She had been angry before about Jack abandoning her, but her life had made her the person that she was. The little cajun girl in New Orleans, that wasn't her. That wasn't the person who would've gone on to marry Marrow. And she couldn't imagine a life without Marrow in it.

"Oh, they can wait. It took more than a moment to kill Caesar, it'll take at least five to kill them," Selene said, brushing Sunshine off.

Casper, ever the impulsive individual, promptly more or less blurted the answer to those questions. "We were trapped in this other world made by the Scarlet Bitch, sorry, the Scarlet Witch, where we were all really happy. Except we were all really fucked up? Like a lot? Anyways, you were the king, Magnet Man, and all of your messed up kids were royalty. Humans were just generally kinda shat on."

Polaris, still freshly traumatized from the death of the baby she had been carrying, had no idea at all how to respond to that. She acted on the first impulse that came to mind a moment later, using her powers over magnetism to yank the arrows out of the ceiling, and shot them towards Casper, all of the arrows surrounding him in a near perfect circle. "You can shit talk my father, but leave me out of it," Polaris warned.

"... I'm so confused..." Elixir murmured.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Callie was glad to hear that Veil was doing alright, as she looked down for a moment before looking back at Veil and whispered towards her. "We ended up loosing Waverly during the fight." Callie informed her, as she looked at Sunshine for a moment she thought about bringing it up with Jack to it was ultimately up to him if she brought it up she knew that Jack hated Sinister after all as well to. Callie watched the stranger drawing an arrow and aimed it at Magneto before he used his powers and sent them all flying towards the ceiling.

She wasnt sure how that would even hurt Magneto in the first place since they were easily made out of metal. Then James instantly dropped to one knee in front of Magneto which she thought was really weird as she shook her head slightly running a hand through her hair. "I think we should do what she came here to do in the first place and look for them." Callie said to the others, hopefully it'll get them to focus on finding Reeva and the Three in One. When Polaris used her powers and brought all of the arrows around Casper and sighed. "Really we should focus on the task at hand instead of attacking one another." Callie said as she thought about using her powers to try and calm everyone down.

Kristina Smith

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Kristina smiled she was still glad that her sister was actually with her, as she looked at everyone in the room when Magneto used his powers and removed all of the arrows as they embedded themselves into the ceiling. Casper then proceeded to insult Magneto and Polaris' family which was probably not the smartest thing to do in the world. Kris shook her head a little bit and sighed as she looked around the room. "I'm going to go and look for them you all are more than welcome to join me." Kristina said as she started to look around the room, opening each door and searched through every room on the first floor.

Kristina left for the main room again and then started to search around before finding a secret passageway and looked down and then over towards the others. "Does anyone care to go and explore the creepy passageway?" She said as Kristina started to go down the stairs to search for Reeva and the Three in One.

Maria Novikova

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: (Casper's Mediumship)

Maria glared at Magneto for a moment as he yanked all of her arrows and sent them flying through the air and into the ceiling. "Sorry the last time I saw you, you kinda sent a bit of metal into my gut during the House of M reality. Also I'd uh be careful with them, some of them can be a bit volatile." Maria said as she looked at her sister and then the others and shook her head slightly and looked at the others who didnt remember House of M reality like James, her and Casper had experienced. "A while back Wanda messed with reality and made mutants on top." Maria said as she watched her sister going off to searching the other rooms for Reeva and Three in One.

Maria decided to help with searching the floor, and then saw her sister finding a secret passage as Maria looked towards them. "Does anyone know about this room?" Maria asked and looked at Polaris. "Also i'd like to have my arrows back if you don't mind?" Maria asked as she looked at Casper.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive)

There was a lot of information for Andy to parse out of this conversation. She got a name for one of the people. And some interesting thoughts. Andy could tell by Selene's reactions that Erik as a king wasn't the problem, more that she thought it was unlikely he'd be a powerful one. She filed that reaction away.

What made things interesting was that it seemed that Erik had been a king in a different reality. Andy thought that over and came to the opinion that where she currently was was also not her reality. That made more sense. And the only common denominator for her was Selene but was she a common piece for Selene. Did she know who she was?

Everyone was looking for two people. Neither of whom Andy had any idea about. She sighed and looked at the green-haired girl, the Ker. The girl seemed to have known Andy. She had been there when whatever had caused her to slip into this reality happened. But she seemed to be from here. If Selene didn't know who she was Andy decided she would stick with the green-haired girl, and try to keep up the pretense that she belonged here as long as possible. Though, Andy realized, it may already be too late for that.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

James was getting tired of having his memories fucked with. It had only happened twice but when you were talking about turn someone's brain inside out and pressure washing it for fun, twice was twice too many. The memories had pulsed back with with every attempt Miranda made, strange scrambled bits appearing like a jigsaw puzzle until finally they were all snapped back into place. James reached out and squeezed Miranda's hand in thanks as he took a moment to sort out all the whirling thoughts in his head.

"I am so tired of this shit." James sighed as he pushed himself to his feet. He brushed a hand down Casper's back, guilt written plainly on his face. "Sorry for choking you out, babes. Max, do you need a top off or did you manage to get yourself functional?" James asked but then he remembered they hadn't all been fucked with in vain.

"Before Serafina fucked us over," he gestured towards the various pieces of the telepath. "Casper and Ben discovered that these people are from a place called the Vault and that they believe they're the next step in the world's advancement. Anyone know what The Vault is?"

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max's eyes went wide as he heard what Andy had said. Sure she was speaking in Latin most likely in an attempt to hide what it was that she was saying to the others, but it wasn't exactly something he could just leave be. As far as Max was concerned, Selene was some form of immortal being that siphoned magic in the same manner a vampire would need to siphon blood. Every time she had an idea, she came out on top and looked positively energized from the ambient magic she was no doubt stealing without the coven knowing. After all, a little here and a smattering there, no one would be the wiser.

Max moved a few steps towards Andy and Selene. Not wanting to stray too far from James in case something went wrong, though he doubted it would. "Tene parumper. Estne puer tuus? Nostin' matrem tuam?" It took everything in him to keep a leveled voice as he asked the pair of them. Looking back and forth between the two. He had all but forgotten she had asked who they were, his mind riddled with how an ancient being could even have children; and why would she have abandoned Andy only to reunite with her now?

Max was forcibly brought back towards the rest as what could only be described as chaos was now running rampant amongst the lot. Between Caspers spastic worries to his suddenly calm persona that was rambling on about Wandaworld as if telling Magneto that his daughter had the ability to warp reality to such a degree was anything but a bad idea, and then Polaris attacking him. He felt almost embarrassed to have brought Maria along to see the trainwreck he had to deal with on a daily basis. Surely S.H.E.I.L.D. agents were much more organized than this. He was ready to send her back with a gift basket for thanks, when she began to search for the others alongside her sister. "It's actually how Maria and I met. Along with a few others that I try to keep in contact with. Speaking of, how is Novikova? Runa and Klara have been on radio silence since the event, and the only one returning my calls is The Sorcerer Supreme. Which, I mean, his help has been invaluable in many places. Oh, and uh James...i wouldn't mind a top off. Given what i just had to fight."


Location: Hellfire Manor

Whatever words Harry and Jack had said to Casper had seemed to assuage him for the time being. He felt as though he could breathe a little easier now, letting out a sigh of relief. Harry managed to make his way towards his sister, sending his clones to go towards Maria and Kris to see what it was that they'd found. "I'm glad to see you're doing well. I'm a bit exhausted if I'm being honest. But I'll survive. Just...pushing my power beyond its limits and trying new things. Isn't that what the old man always wanted of me anyways?" Harry let out a weak cough, trying to stifle it with his fist.

When Callie mentioned that they had lost Waverly, it felt as though a great weight was resting on his shoulders. His eyes slowly made their way downwards and looked to the floor. He felt as though he had failed not only Waverly, but his sister and the Underground as well. Veil may not have personally entrusted the lives of those she cared for to him, but being her twin he felt it only right the weight shifted to his shoulders when she wasn't around. After all, she couldn't bear this load alone. "I'm...sorry Veil. They had another cloner...he had me surrounded and by the time I could see she was in trouble...it was too late."

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Online

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Miranda was really not too thrilled about the way this conversation was going, and that would somewhat be written on her face. She wasn't exactly the best liar in the world, and she really did not want this conversation to continue onwards with regards to the House of M reality. That world had been seriously messed up, and she really really really did not want this conversation to continue, especially because she hadn't exactly told anyone about it for a very good reason. "We don't exactly have the time to talk about all of this right now..."

Jack wasn't too sure why people wanted to go on this thought train to reminiscing on the other reality. Though the thing that struck him as a bit odd was that Miranda wasn't really explaining that she knew about the reality. Wait a minute, something had happened right? What had it been... Oh crap. Now he remembered, and it explained a lot about why she wanted nothing to do with this conversation. Miranda had killed Magneto in that reality, she had been in the group that had gone to deal with Magneto, and she'd run him through with a javelin to stop him. She had sounded upset at the time when it had happened, but still. She probably was not having a good time with this conversation.

Her mind jolted back to the conversation at hand when James mentioned something about the people being from the Vault or something like that. Now that was something that she did know something about. "The Vault is a sort of sealed off, kind of mini sort of world... Time runs a lot faster there, so there is artificial evolution and all led along by technology. Or something to that effect," she said with a bit of a shrug. So these people were Children of the Vault then, that certainly explained a lot about them.

"Huh, sounds like a bit of a weird place then," Jack responded, before his attention turned towards where Maria and Kris had wandered off too, some sort of secret passage of sorts that led downwards, towards the basement or something like that. Okay, so they were in a mansion of sorts, with a hidden passage down. That wasn't ominous or something like that, it made him start to wonder whether there were any other secret passage ways in the building, or in any of the other buildings.

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Zari had no idea what they all were going on about. Her parents had never mentioned going into a different reality or something like that, aside from the two (this one and her home one). "So, alternate realities, that is not that surprising, or weird, or anything like that. Why does everyone automatically think it's strange all things considering?" she commented with a bit of a shrug. To her, that was more or less just a typical day around here. Considering the fact that she was from a different reality, she was living in a strange place and everything every day. At least until she could get this whole thing sorted out anyway.

She sort of wanted to avoid Maria at all costs all things considering, but then she heard something about there being a secret passageway. Secret passage? That's awesome! Zari instantly bolted upstairs and looked at the passage. "This is so cool," Zari said happily, before she instantly started down the passage after Kris. This was a cool thing in general, and personally she'd love a house or something that had creepy old secret tunnels in it, think of all of the exploring that she could do in a building like that! She knew that they were there doing something kind of important, but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy the idea of exploring a hidden tunnel.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 6:20 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

Casper grinned stupidly at James' apology, just happy to have his husband back - and he was momentarily distracted from the matter of the missing ghost (Ben). "Aww, babes, you don't need to apologize for that - you know I like things a little rough," Casper cooed, winking slightly. "I think we could really add that into our new rotation, it was definitely scary sexy - mostly sexy, in a sexy way, you know? Did I mention it was sexy?" Of course, as happy as he was, not everyone was having a great time right now. Case in point...

Veil's blood turned as cold as ice - for a moment, she looked for Sapphire, expecting to see the specter of her best friend hovering over her. But Sapphire wasn't there. And neither was Feedback. An involuntary shudder went through Veil's body, as her form flickered in and out of visibility. "I... Was she alone?" Veil asked, the words feeling foreign in her mouth. It had been hard enough to lose her best friend - but Feedback was a child. She hadn't lived.

Veil bit her lip, nodding as Echo explained what happened. She had a horrific image in her mind of an army of faceless people surrounding Feedback, ripping her to shreds. "You did what you could," Veil reassured her brother, but her words felt empty. She hadn't been there. She couldn't have known that every possible option was pursued to save Feedback. She just had to trust - and she did, she did trust them. If anything, Veil blamed herself for this failure. If they had left Genosha when they awoke, Feedback would still be alive...

Magneto was similarly stunned, although his feelings weren't tinged with grief. He never said it, but Wanda had always been his favorite child. To learn that she had changed the world to fit his vision... It made him reevaluate the abrupt ending of their relationship. She was an Avenger now, pregnant and married to a robot. What had changed? And if he had had so much power, how had things come back to normal? "מירנדה, ידעת על זה?" Magneto asked Moneta in soft Hebrew. There was a certain tenderness to his words, a sensitivity - a feeling of betrayal. Selene was watching them closely, clearly understanding the words Magneto had spoken - this was definitely a fun soap opera for her.

"Oh my gosh, sometimes I forget how weird WandaWorld was, especially at the end when you were--" Casper began to blurt, before catching himself in time. "Right, you probably don't want him to know, my bad. I'll be quiet." He listened to the stuff people were saying about the Vault, but it honestly was confusing him. It reminded him of when his dad used to give him lectures about things like homo superior or whatever - when all Casper had wanted to do was chase butterflies. "I thought the Vault was like a Disney thing where they hid all their old racist movies?"

Sunshine groaned. "It's a miracle you can even walk, Casper," she complained. Marrow snorted ever so slightly. "It's a magic space where time goes faster, right? That's all it is. It's not a place with movies. If you took half a second to stop thinking about fucking James, you'd be able to pick up context clues." She was harsher with him than she needed to be, but Sunshine was having a bad day. Her best friend had died. And for a moment, she thought that her wife had died too. She didn't have patience for Casper being Casper.

Selene sighed a bit, sensing that the topic had changed from something fun and interesting to something boring and old. "Oh yes, those pesky Children of the Vault," Selene complained. "They ruin everything fun and worthwhile. Honestly, I thought Reeva had gotten rid of the last of them," she commented. The Inner Circles of the various Hellfire Clubs talked to each other and as a member of the NYC branch, Selene was at many parties with the DC group and had heard about Reeva's assassination of one of the Children not too long ago.

"Ego sum omnium mater, deliciae. Ego sum vetustissima mutant," Selene then interjected into Max and Andy's conversation.

"So..." Polaris trailed off, before deciding she didn't want to deal with everyone here. She'd much rather fight something. Maria's arrows were already abandoned on the ground near Casper, so she didn't move a finger to redirect them. Instead, Polaris went in the direction Zarina and the others had gone, finding the opened passageway entrance on the second floor.

"... So, um, secret passageway then?" Pixie commented, her wings fluttering nervously.

"I'll stay here, just in case anyone... You know," Elixir explained.

Polaris descended the stairs, until she caught up with Zarina. At the bottom of the stairs, there was a metal door, which Polaris flicked and it fell over, clattering on the ground. It looked like a maze of hallways and doors, with shining fluorescent lights and bright white walls and floors. The only thing that broke up the monotony was a smeared blood trail going to the right. "Don't get in the way," Polaris told Valkyrie numbly.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Callie watched as Veil flickered in and out of existence for a moment, and looked down for a moment knowing that Veil was processing the news that Waverly died. She reached out to her and gently rested a hand on her friend's shoulder Waverly was really young and she fought well, but in the end it wasnt enough, and they were outnumbered. "We were outnumbered and by the time we took them out Waverly was already gone." Callie said as she looked towards the others as they started to talk about the vault and that these people were from there, she wanted to take them all out.

Others started to head down the stairs and into the secret passageway that was found, she decided looked towards Veil for a moment. "Are you going to be alright Veil?" Callie asked her friend, she wanted to make sure that she was going to be okay first before going on as she watched Polaris heading down the stairs as well to.

Kristina Smith

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Kristina stopped at the large metal door that was at the bottom of the stairs and looked at her sister and the others who had joined them, as Polaris used her powers to knock the door down causing a loud crashing sound. She took a moment and looked between her sister and Max wondering how they had met in the other reality that they had been talking about upstairs. Her eyes stared down at the blood trail and then down the series of hallways.

"I guess we should maybe follow the blood?" Kristina said as she started to follow it down the hallway as she could hear some loud banging sounds. The moment she rounded the corner the last thing that she saw was some sort of cyborg kicking and banging at the door, and then a sharp pain going through her chest, and then everything suddenly going black as her body started to fall.

Maria Novikova

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Hand to hand combat

Maria followed behind her sister and the others down the flight of stairs, as she looked over towards Max asking about her wife and smiled slightly. "She's doing well, her and I are going to have a baby here pretty soon in a few months actually." Maria said towards Max as Polaris used her powers to knock down the door. "Well whoever's down here probably know that we are now to." Maria said looking at her for a moment and spotted the trail of blood, and followed behind her sister a little bit.

Time seemed to suddenly slow down as she watched something hitting Kristina, and quickly went over to catch her body before it hit the floor. Maria's eyes started to water now as she went to check for a pulse, looking into her sister's lifeless eyes and slowly went to close them. She gently laid Kristina's body down onto the ground and stood up as she stared at her sister's killer, feeling anger she ran forward and started to fight the cyborg, who easily seemed to dodge the first swing, and then tried again. The cyborg woman seemed to predict her movements as she missed the second time, Maria then feinted her next strike and managed to land a good hit to the woman's face causing her to stumble backwards.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive)

"Didn't you know?" Andy said primly. And followed after Zari. It did get her thinking though. The sorcerer's question. What did he know about the Andy from this world? She chewed on her lip. He seemed surprised. Surprised that she had called Selene her mother. Did that mean the Andy from this world wasn't Selene's daughter? How did that work? Or did it mean that somehow she hadn't known?

There was a trail of blood and some loud banging. And one of the girls was down. Andy pulled at the electrical impulses in the cyborg, but the woman and flipped her and she was tossed through a wall like a rag doll. Pain flooded through Andy's gut and she looked down and saw that a piece of wood was sticking through. "Oh that isn't good." She said with a quiet voice, feeling the tug of darkness. She managed to stay conscious though.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

James considered the new information. An alternate dimension where time ran faster and their technological advancement led to augmented advancement in mutations. Considering what the few they’d encounter could already do, fighting was probably the only and simultaneously worst option they had. Maybe Magneto could hijack a nuke, drop it in the heart of their little Vault, and be done with it. Though with the Underground’s luck, the Vault probably had an advanced mutant who’d just absorb it or something.

“That’s going to be a long conversation, sweetheart. Let’s focus on making sure we’re around to have it, okay?” James replied to Casper’s sudden interest in bringing torture methods into the bedroom. He pressed a kiss to Casper’s cheek, sent Sunshine an exasperated look at the unnecessary vitriol but refrained from saying anything due to present circumstances, and made his way to Max, pressed his palm to the sorcerer’s forehead long enough to fix him the rest of the way up. “You’ve been working on your healing magic since I last saw it, huh? You did a bit more than stabilizing now, good job.”

James’ head whipped at a loud crash from where Andy and Zari had vanished upstairs. James was off like a shot, taking steps three at a time and skidding through the entrance to the secret passage the others vanished into. The trail of blood led to a violent looking cyborg and James needed a second to take stock of the situation. Polaris, Zari, Maria, and Krisina had entered the passage and were immediately engaged by the cyborg. Kristina was down and Andy was… James looked at a large hole in the wall and beyond where a wooden shaft protruded from her stomach.

“Guys, we have two casualties and I need cover to do my job!” James shouted back into the mansion proper before dashing to Andy. Fuck, this was bad. He was going to have to pull her off to heal her and he didn’t have a lot of time in between. Really, he needed another set of hands but with how insane these Vaultian’s were, he wasn’t sure if he was going to have time to wait.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max wasn't sure whether to make heads or tails of Selene's answer. As was now the norm with her, the words she spoke raised more questions than answers; giving Max the impression that he needed to know about her more now than ever. Whatever had transpired between Andy and Selene would have to wait until after they found the "founders" or at the very least until after he finished speaking with Maria. His eyes lit up at the mention that they would be having a kid soon. He hoped Maria wasn't out here fighting while pregnant, but now felt a stronger urgency to send her back home where she could be safe from harm. If anything were to happen to her while here it would be all his fault, though he tried not to let it show.

"That's such great ne-" Max was cut off by the sound of a large metal door clattering to the ground. He rolled his eyes slightly as he couldn't help but chuckle. It was nice having someone to talk to, someone who lived outside of his little bubble. It made life almost...normal. "Let's just hope there's no one down there to alert." James caught up with them shortly, pressing a palm onto his forehead and healing him before paying him a compliment. Whatever words Max was about to say next were caught in his throat. So much happened so quickly Max hardly had any idea what had gone on. Maria was holding her late sister then go blow for blow with a cyborg, Andy was impaled as she got tossed through a wall, and James was helplessly trying to get her help.

Max couldn't do much for Andy, he didn't want to risk trying to remove the beam from her stomach, but he could at least try to provide James some cover. His hand flicked quickly as spectral chains began to manifest and wrap around the enemy, but she quickly broke free of them. Afraid she might gain some ground, Max doubled down on his efforts, swinging both hands downwards in a V formation as more chains began to sprout from the floors and bind her arms and legs, pulling her into a more helpless position. But just as soon as he thought he had her, the cyborg disassembled herself, slipping free of the confinement just before rejoining her pieces.

There was a mixture of emotions running through Max. Anger for what this enemy had done and who they had taken away from them, sadness for Maria and the news she now bore, frustration that his magic seemed to be countered at every turn, and fear that he may not find a way to best his opponent before Andy faded away too. Max thought of what his options were, decidingly choosing to end the life of this vault kid before they could take anymore. He conjured a portal above the cyborg, moving it down in an attempt to decapitate her. But his movements were too fast, too sloppy, even now he could hear Strange chastising him for rushing the spell. The cyborg was sent elsewhere in the manor, along with Max's hand. Pain seared through him as blood began to make its way out from his wrist in large splurts as he gripped just above the wound. "So much...for working on my healing magic huh?" Max said through labored breaths. "I only bought us time. How much...I don't know."


Location: Hellfire Manor

Somehow Veil's words didn't seem to comfort him. You did what you could. He couldn't tell where the pain was coming from, but it was certain to be there. Did she blame him for what happened? Did she blame herself for not having been there? Or for simply staying on the island? It was times like this that Harry wished he shared a telepathic bond with his twin sister, but then he feared she too could peer into his dark thoughts. But maybe they would see that they were one and the same, full of guilt and fear that was neither of theirs to take, and yet they took them on anyway. The way she flickered in and out of form, it sent chills down his spine. As if the toughest person he knew was crumbling before him.

Harry went to place a careful hand onto Veils shoulder when all hell broke loose. Kris fell fast, the new stranger catching her and laying her down before attacking their assailant. Andy flew backwards and was now impaled by James, screaming for help in more than one way. Luckily for Harry, he was more than one man. He and all of his clones went running up towards James, encircling him, Harry and Andy so that no enemies could get close. "Tell me what you need and I can try to help. I can't try to cut the beam with a laser to shorten how much we have to pull, or...I can help remove it, it's your call."

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Online

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Miranda looked away slightly when Magneto addressed her, and more or less asked if she had known about this whole thing. This was very much a conversation that she didn't want to have, especially not right now when they had other things to deal with. They had to find Reeva and the Three-in-One rather quickly. But this right now because of the others and what they had been saying, that kind of just left it to the point where she'd have to say something. She wasn't exactly the best person in the world to deal with any sort of confrontation. Truthfully, she wanted to hit Casper upside the head for continuing with the conversation and almost saying exactly what had happened.

"כן אני ידעתי. סתם, לא חשבתי שתרצה לדעת, בהתחשב שהכל נגמר כמו שזה נגמר. המציאות התפרקה, וונדה תיקנה את המציאות למה שהייתה, מאחר שהמציאות לא הייתה מושלמת, וכמה אנשים זכרו איך הדברים אמורים להיות, אז הם יצאו לתקן את זה, דבר אחד הוביל למשנהו והמציאות הייתה תוקן, שכן כל הסיבה מדוע וונדה העבירה הכל טופלה..." she responded sort of softly, not really addressing the issue in full with regards to what was being said, and she didn't very much follow after the others, she wasn't a fighter, she was just someone who was sort of just there.

Jack almost facepalmed at Casper's rambling. He really needed to learn when to shut up all things considering, since if it was obvious that Magneto hadn't known about the other reality, then maybe don't say anything! The guy had gotten impaled by the woman who is kind of his girlfriend and she clearly never mentioned that for a reason, so maybe keep it down and not say anything? Of course, they really needed to work on trying to deal with what was going on, and he followed along after the others and heading down towards the basement area.

Of course, given their luck he shouldn't be too surprised by the fact that all hell was breaking loose, and that's when he noticed that someone else was down, that being Kris, and from the looks of it, she wasn't moving. Meaning from what he could tell, she might be dead from the encounter, and they had just walked into the area. Everyone instantly was racing around everywhere and the cyborg person who was clearly responsible for the chaos disappeared by Max using a portal, but he also somehow cut off his own hand, great.

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Sword Fighting

She was happy to go along on an adventure, but that sort of happy go lucky feeling she had went away, and it went away fast. Very very fast, as Kris went down quickly, and all hell was breaking loose. Nothing was ending well, and she was seeing red. Cyborg lady though, that was a good thing, it meant that she might be able to use her abilities to mess with her more then a little bit. However, that went a bit out the window, as Max decided to portal the lady away. Well that was a bit inconvenient, but she could hopefully use her powers to find her right? Closing her eyes, she focused and attempted to use her powers but she got... Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Usually she could hear or feel something, but she felt absolutely nothing, which meant that for some strange reason, her powers weren't working currently.

That made things worse.

Glancing over at Kris' body, she thought at first about seeing about sending her to Valhalla, or attempting to anyway, but... She was worried that if she tried, she'd end up sending her to Hellheim instead, and she didn't feel comfortable enough to do it, even though she wish she was able to do it, she definitely deserved to go to Valhalla. However, she instantly booked it down a hallway, away from the others, instantly going to track down the cyborg now. She found her a few halls down, and instantly charged at her with her sword. Her first attack missed, and luckily for her the cyborg missed her with a laser shot. She ended up striking again, this time hitting a part that was mainly just metal, so nothing too great damage wise, and the cyborg tried to disarm her, but luckily Zari managed to hold onto her sword still.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 6:30 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship & Enhanced Accuracy

First Floor...

"I'll be fine," Veil reassured Callie. She wasn't the one they needed to be worried about - she was more concerned about Waverley. Maybe they could talk to Sinister and see if he could repeat the process done on Jack, but would Waverley want that? Sinister was essentially the devil, dealing with him was making a Faustian bargain, and they didn't have a will to consult to figure out what Waverley would have wanted. If it had been her, Veil would've preferred to stay dead than be indebted to Sinister for the rest of her life.

Magneto's eyes narrowed, hearing Miranda's explanation. "I would want to know - I do want to know. A man is his actions, not his words, and if I do not remember either, then what sort of man am I?" he posed. He was clearly angry, but the source and direction of his anger was up for debate. So much had happened in such a short period of time. He turned without another word and headed down the stairs with the others to search. Only Elixir remained behind upstairs.

"So... That must be fun, dating mutant royalty?" Elixir asked awkwardly in an attempt to fill the silence.

Polaris clenched her fist, digging her nails into the palm of her hand, as she came into view of Kris' dead body. She had seen her just moments ago, full of life and beyond ecstatic to be reunited with family. And now, she was dead. It was senseless. Polaris was tired of this. She was tired of watching mutants die pointlessly. The metal lining the hallway distorted in response to Polaris' mood, warping and taking on an irregular shape.

James would be able to remove the stake from Andy, with the caveat that her bleeding would increase dramatically as the wood was dislodged, increasing the size of the wound and removing the natural dam that had been reducing the bleeding. His first attempt at healing the wound would be disastrous, as the wound actively increased in size. The second attempt, though, he'd be able to heal her up the rest of the way - she'd be sore and would have a scar, so crop tops may bring up questions in the future, but she'd live.

"Oh my god, what..." Veil stammered, startled beyond belief. Her brother had been trying to comfort her as they walked down there and she was already reeling from Feedback's death - but there was Kristina, lying on the ground, dead. Tears gushed from Veil's eyes. Another young mutant she had failed. Another one she had lead to their deaths. Was she any better from Professor X? Guilt and shame welled up in her throat. "How..."

Her brother's clones had surrounded James, Harry, and Andy - although there was no sign of the threat that had killed her. "No more!" Magneto vowed, his eyes boiling with fury as he came upon the scene. "No more!"

"Kris..." Sunshine choked out. She was similarly shocked. It hadn't been that long ago that she had been telling her friends about how Genosha was safe, how they didn't need to worry here, and now, two of them were dead. Waverley and Kristina were both gone. It was cruel. This was supposed to be mutant paradise, a place where they were able to be themselves without fear - a place where they weren't hated for who they were.

Even Casper had tears in his eyes. He had barely known Kristina. And usually, he was a little bit flippant when it came to death, a small psychotic quirk he had developed thanks to his father. But this was too much for him. They were living through a genocide, a holocaust. He reached out his hands. "Kris?" he called out. There was no answer. "Kris?" he repeated, his voice shaking. Nothing. "KRIS!" he screamed and suddenly, Kris' astral form would appear for everyone to see. Casper's eyes were glowing blue and his hands were surrounded by a blue light. He was channeling her, the way that he would channel Ben, allowing Kris to use her mutant gifts and interact with the world from beyond the grave.

Pixie eyed Casper nervously, hoping his powers weren't about to rocket out of control.

"Hmm, she wasn't gone long," Selene commented, before heading off to search for the mutant killing cyborg. Magneto, Marrow, and Sunshine went along with her, leaving the others behind for the moment.

Basement - A Few Hallways Over ...

"Your genetic code has an abnormality beyond mutation," the cyborg said, staring at Valkyrie. "Origin... Asgardian? Incomplete pattern matching... Records indicate structural similarities to the Hulk." The cyborg then spun and kicked Zarina in the stomach, sending Zari flying backwards. She then began firing off blast after blast of some sort of energy from the palms of her hands, which Zari would be able to narrowly roll and dodge out of the way of.

"Stop!" Magneto shouted, coming into the room with Marrow, Sunshine, and Selene. He closed his fist in a crunching motion and the cyborg's metal components began to compress. Sweat was beginning to bead up on Magneto's face as he continued the crushing motion - something was actively fighting back against him. It was like the cyborg had some sort of protective field.

Marrow tore bone spikes out of her flesh and threw them at the cyborg, missing. "Give them to me," Sunshine urged, as her aim was perfect and she had no idea if this cyborg looking lady could even get sick. Marrow handed Sunshine a few spikes and her aim was true, but the cyborg caught them and threw them back, with a few of them hitting Sunshine and leaving nasty gashes.

"Foolish creature. My magics give me control over all inorganic matter," Selene boasted. It was her specialty. Her mutation allowed her to consume energy - her magical skills were a separate matter. Selene cast an enchantment and flicked her wrist, planning on sending the cyborg flying across the room like a puppet - but nothing happened. Something was blocking her too.

"She has some sort of defensive energy field!" Magneto cursed, realizing what was wrong. "We need to disable it somehow."
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