Location: House of M
Skills: N/A
Jack wasn't sure initially what had ended up happening, considering it wasn't until after the illusion broke that he saw what was going on. Polaris was there, looking like crap, and the guy who had messed with them (at least who he guess had messed with them) was now dead, he guessed it was because of her. The whole situation was weird, and the downside of not having really gotten to know Polaris or anything like that, was he had no idea how she typically acted. Though she probably wasn't doing the best because of her injuries right?
Miranda hadn't said anything or any other reason why she had been worried about Polaris to Magneto. Knowing she was pregnant had caused her to worry more about her being trapped under the rubble, but because of her promise to Lorna about not telling anyone, she hadn't mentioned it. Seeing her injuries, she knew that it likely wasn't looking good in general, and hearing her words and how she spoke wasn't helping her to not worry about her. Even though Lorna (or any of Magneto's other children really) weren't hers, she worried about them like they were her own. And seeing Lorna pull the shard out of her stomach, she instantly knew what happened.
"Uh yeah, fine," he said simply to Kris with a bit of a shrug, before turning to pay attention to what was going on with Polaris, and after a moment, it did dawn on him what likely was the reason for what had been said, or what had happened to Polaris. This was not a good situation, just in general. What had happened with her was not something that could probably easily be mentioned, and now there was a million other things they likely had to worry about, but he wasn't too sure if Polaris was going to even mentally be there to help.
Walking over to Polaris, Miranda gave her a sad smile, "It'll be alright Lorna..." Miranda said softly to her, remaining fairly quiet about it. Out of everyone that was currently there, she was the only one who had known about the child, and also likely was one of the few people who actually would sit there and listen as someone vented about just about anything. She typically just stayed there and listened to what was talked about. Right now, she figured that Lorna wouldn't be in the best mindset, but Miranda also wanted her to know that she was there if she needed her.

Location: Akademos
Skills: N/A
Zari figured that she needed to focus on the fighting that was going on, and not so much on the fact that if she screwed up or revealed too much to Maria about the future then she'd end up changing what things were like in her own time. It didn't help that she was in a time period before she was born, or that one of her mother's friends (and wife to her best friend) and she didn't want to accidentally reveal too much. Mainly, she was definitely going to try and hide who she was even more than before. Most of their group by now sort of knew that she was half-Asgardian at the least, and a few knew that she was from the future, but Maria was someone she interacted with fairly regularly in her own time. So this was a completely different scenario.
She wasn't so much focused on the others and what they were doing as she was focused more on the ghosts. Namely the one that decided to pull her shirt over her head. Now she was more than a bit annoyed and mad, and she instantly fixed her shirt so it wasn't on her head anymore. Her thoughts on trying to hide things from Maria went completely out the window, as she yelled rather angrily in her native tongue, "Slipp meg i helvete og gå tilbake til der du kom fra!" she snapped, before reciting the rites to get rid of some of the ghosts. She managed to take out 11 this way, but ended up being a bit tired from it, and her nose was bleeding a bit, but in all honesty she didn't very much care. Zari currently was just majorly pissed off at the ghosts.