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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Jeff Jones
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Jeff Jones

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Gotham National Bank

Ky had found himself in this odd city for not that long, a week at most, maybe more when he was unconsciously brought to this odd world with black tech everywhere. But there was one thing he was sure of, and while he wasn't officially an officer here, he still believed in bringing justice to those that needed to be reminded of it. So hearing the bank had been attacked, the young man approached the cops with a wave. "Hello there officers. I know this may be a bit out of nowhere but, I'd like to help with the situation." A determined look came on the young prince as he looked to the bank, noticing after a bit that the advancing force was having trouble dealing with the creatures. Drawing his sword, he took a deep breath, then sprinted towards the beasts, the blade in his hand seeming to be charged with electricity as he protected the surviving officers from the onslaught of beasts.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by duskkyy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location - Wayne Tower, Gotham City
Interactions - @thatguyinastore

”Man, just get a load of this place, Double D!” Eddy shouted to his friend. His loud voice drew quite a bit of attention to the two of them, though he didn’t seem to realize that. He just began to daydream of money and sucking on his favorite candy.

Eddy could imagine his brother conning people in places like these all the time. Maybe this was his chance to be a big shot! He’d have to step up his game, but that’s what the Sockhead was here for. “I betcha the people here have enough quarters to fill a swimming pool! They’re practically a one-way ticket to Jawbreakerville! All we gotta do is get scammin’!” He carelessly announced, rubbing his hands together.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Starmaker
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Starmaker Justice takes no holidays!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


🐤 Location: Metropolis, The Daily Planet -> Park | Feeling: Determinated, Helpful, Exasperated | Status: In pain; 🐤
🐤 Interactions: @Lmpkio, @Midle1998 (Hancock),
@thatguyinastore, @davefromdiscord and @TheElenaFisher (SEES) 🐤

Just as Sage had turned around to get back inside the Daily Planet's lobby area, an explosion had rung in the background... Followed by even more explosions. The pyromancer could only sigh as he slooowly turned back around to catch the sight of the smoke in the distance. Of course, hoping that this would be just a pleasant visit had been too much; It was like he just either attracted trouble or ended up in the line of it! What was he? The Multiverse's problem fixer??

"Welp! Seems like the interesting shiny buildings will have to wait!", he held his frustration deep down, playing things off as if this was a daily occurrence... Not that it was too far from it to be honest, "I hear the hero call~!!"

With a nod at no one in particular, the young-man soon reassured himself, pulling off his armlet in a swift singe motion. The air around him picked up a couple degrees near immediately, the kind soft cappuccino brown eyes gaining a tint of determined fire red-orange. Without having much time to explain things, this is where the others would have been clued in Sage's Magical heritage, but before any question could be done, he had already gone for a sprint towards where the chaos was coming from.

"This looks dangerous, so you two stay here!", he advised, hoping they would stay put for once he came back! ...Though if they didn't, he wouldn't really blame them for it, as long as they were safe and so on... It would just get a little lonely-

A good distance from the pair, the Descendant brought his wings forth; A perfect mimicry of what a bird's would look, pointier primaries to rounded secondaries, they were huge! With a span that was nearly his full height, slight see-through constructs of flame that still danced contained in a shape. They extended themselves as much as possible and a mighty flap launched him in the air for take-off, the wings sticking to the back right after, allowing him to cut through the air akin to a bullet, towards the highest point of the parable.

It was such a freeing thing, flying... Sage always felt like all of his problems and worries couldn't reach him in the Sky, chained to the ground so, sooo far away~ The overview was, both quite pretty and filled with a sense of urgency, smoke and dust raising to the air in two different places. He couldn't be in both of them at once, so it had to be a choice, made in a split second with the pyromancer soon flying over to the park area.

...By the Gods what was he even looking at?! Some kind of fight between two enourmous and scary entities! This was like, like being caught in the crossfire of Deities 'resolving' a conflict! What in the Multiverse was even going on??!

Not- that he had much time to wonder about it either way as one of them was capable of unleashing lasers?? Things exploded, there was a trail of fire and destruction. That suddenly explained why he was in this world... Cody hadn't come with, so there was limited ways to put out the fires, but steer them and keep them from causing too much damage? Now that was a job he could handle!

Holding a hand to the front and dragging it back to himself, the flames travelled back towards the middle, allowed to burn only what was contained inside the area and away from fleeing civilians. It was only a matter of time before the Charge-Up kicked in, responding to the amount of strain the airborne young-man was putting himself into, but it would be worth it. He was holding this thing here until someone could put the fire out proper, that's what he had decided to do-

"Dude! Can you- urgh- Maybe forget that bench and then... maybe- Maaaybe come help me out for just a minute?!", Sage called for the other flyer in the area, who was... ranting about unimportant things... He also wasn't sure that a talk would be enough in this situation, unless they could physically keep those two giants from hitting each-other...?

"Please someone put out the fire, this really hurts!!!", he also couldn't do much more while doing this!
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Midle1998
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Midle1998 The Imposter God

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Look, kid. I'll care about my bench whenever I want. And I'll care about it now. And I don't know who you think I am but, believe it or not, there are guys who handle fire-related problems like this. They're called: Fire-fighters." Just as he finished his sentence, a couple of fire-fighter trucks come around the corner of one of the main roads and driving towards the fire "And speak of the devil, here they come." Suddenly and unfortunately, a giant foot steps on both of the trucks "Aaaand, there they go..." Hancock sighs and shakes his head "I'll see what I can do... Don't expect much..." Hancock flies off at great speed. He peers down below at the streets of Metropolis as it's citizens are in mass hysteria. His eyes catch a dump truck and he swoops down and snatches it off the road and continues to fly off. Hancock makes it to the sea and with the dump truck, scoops up some water before flying back to the scene. Hancock lands back near the flaming building. He sets the dump truck down gently, then flips it over on its side, letting the water he gathered flush out the flames "There we go. That good enough for you kid?" Little did Hancock know, he had scooped up a couple of dolphins and a large squid while getting water for the fire. All of them flowing out of the truck along with the water and into the fire.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Chung
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Chung Scuffed Characters Galore

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The glass roof of the emergency side exit shattered, showering the place with shrapnel. With it descended an odd thief hanging onto a Yo-Yo string.

Oh, they're already outside. You know, the plan was to barge in at the last second so he'll catch them by surprise, but, uh, WHATEVER! TIME TO IMPROVISE!

He flashed a smug smile to the heisters, showing off his confidence. There were already heroes up and about protecting people. Good. That lowers the chances of them getting hurt by the collateral damage Tandem is about to dish out!

He's been waiting for the perfect opportunity to make a good first impression in Gotham, and baby: This is it!

"Woah, woah, woah. What is this, amateur hour? I know you're a bunch of literal animals, but have a little class, would ya?"

It might not seem like it, but Tandem was pretty pissed at their lack of planning and care. Especially with the death of civilians. Being a bunch of dumb grunts is one thing, but the unnecessary massacre is just a whole 'nother story!

"Because of this sloppy work, I'm cutting your pay!"

He attempts a trick, using a Yo-Yo to scoop two money bags from the beasts and pull it into his hands. He was going to just do a take and leave, but seeing that these assholes have no care for others lives. He wanted to play with the fire for a while, and then leave when more heroes are here to do the job.

"Want it back? Come and get it!" He said before sticking his tongue out and pulling his lower eyelid.

@Lmpkio @Midle1998 @Jeff Jones
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dimentio
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Dimentio Masterofdimensions

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Meanwhile as all of this was going on, an eight year old boy woke up In a alley, "ughhh, wait! How did I get here?" He asked himself. "Was I pulled into another dimension again? Good grief." The boy said as he walked out of the alley "and I'm in Gotham city, good job frank." The boy said to himself."it could be worse, at least I'm not in injustice." Frank smirked as he walked around "could do without the crappy weather though."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dimentio
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Dimentio Masterofdimensions

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"it could be worse, at least I'm not in injustice." Frank smirked as he walked around "could do without the crappy weather though."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Edyfum0
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A New Challenger Approaches!

Interactions: @Lmpkio, @Jeff Jones, @Chung

Location: Exit Outside Gotham National Bank



An unknown voice *prowled* from the darkness— hidden as if it were some form of ghostly presence observing the fleeing Skullcrawlers with peaked interest. Judging from the initial tone, it was rather.. playful, as if it was willing to join in this *fun* game that they were partaking in.



..singing(?) Where was that coming from? It sounded.. furious, like the awakening of an *angry* beast. But what form of entity could possibly be so infuriated without fearing the consequences of facing such creatures? Who was it that watched the entire sequence of senseless violence occur?


Teeth grown *sharp*


As it turns out not-no-soon, the figure unravels in the form of a lunging monster— roaring with a bellowing shout as it ATTACKED with ferocity.


The hunt begins.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dimentio
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Dimentio Masterofdimensions

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Frank overhead venom from 2 blocks away "oh great, marvel villains. As if I wasn't in a terrible city filled with psycho clowns and two faced lawyers." Frank said giggling at his joke.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Midle1998
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Midle1998 The Imposter God

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Harvey Bullock didn't have best awareness you'd expect from a detective and what could he say? Some days, he just couldn't be bothered and at this point in his career as GCPD cop, you practically seen it all but nothing like tonight. Whoever or whatever struck the bank was monstrous. And with Jim under protective custody, he's filling in for his boss. The best he can anyways He looks to Ky and scans him up and down in confusion. "I'd ask who you are...But at this point, I'm just used to anyone that looks out of the ordinary wanting to help is somehow related to the Bat. To that, I say, you need to slow your roll. This is police matters." The other police begin tapping up the the front and back entrances of the bank. "Alright. No one goes in without my say so, ya here! Form a perimeter around this place and so we can be sure there aren't any more of those things are inside!" The police get in their cars and form a barrier around the base of the bank. "Alright. Now to see where those bastards made off to." Bullock turns the dial on the radio, grabs and begins talking "Skyline Patrol, do you copy?"

In the sky above, a few blimps slowly pass over the air space of the darkened city "This is Skyline Patrol. What can we do for you, Bullock?"

"I need you balloon boys to fly on over the Gotham Merchant's Bank area. The place go robbed and some of our men got mauled to pieces while investigating the scene. We got the scene secured but we need to you see if you can spot where they went. There's not telling what they'll do."

"Understood. Changing our route now." The blimps begin to change their directions and fly towards the bank with the lights beaming down on the buildings.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dimentio
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Dimentio Masterofdimensions

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"I do say it's like the intro to Batman the animated series." Frank said walking through Gotham towards the bank having not portaled home because he knew that waking up in another dimension after getting yanked there meant he was needed for some sort of crisis that could effect the multiverse.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Gotham City - Gotham National Bank

As the officers in front of the bank were overseeing the situation, they would be surprised to see a blonde man wielding a sword offer his services in quelling the madness within. One of the officers - a middle-aged male with a bushy moustache - glanced over to give a bewildered look.

"Sir!" the officer barked with relative annoyance, "You're not supposed to be here! Step away and~!"

Before he could finish, he'd soon see the familiar face of Harvey Bullock come onto the scene, allowing the man into the fray. Just then, one of the Skullcrawlers rammed through the front doors and knocked several guards down the steps with a horrendous screech. Ky would then sprint towards the conflict, leaving the exasperated officer in the dust.

As the Skullcrawler attempted to latch its prehensile tongue onto one of the fallen guards, he would be thwarted by Ky's intervention as his electrical blade sliced a long portion off his tongue! The hideous beast cried out in pain before attempting to lash out at the defender with his long toothy snout!

As the skullcrawlers carrying the stolen funds barged out of the emergency exit, flanked by several armed thugs, they would find themselves stunned by someone crashing from the glass roof behind them. A boy descending from a yo-yo string? The thugs would be the first to point at the kid, followed by the growls coming from the reptilian beasts staring at his sudden appearance. After hearing a cocky remark towards their ego, Tandem would utilize a yo-yo trick to snatch two of the moneybags from the Skullcrawler's maws!

One of the yo-yos would be unsuccessful, where the teeth would rip through the leather bags and spill out a volley of dollar bills onto the floor; but Tandem would successfully retrieve the other bag with little effort. The Skullcrawlers roared in rage as they snapped their jaws in rage. One of the grunts points at the kid, yelling "HEY! Don't let him get away!" as the other grunts attempted to shoot Tandem.

As one of the thugs quickly tried to scoop as much of the money as he could, the two Skullcrawlers scuttled after the kid with ravenous intent, rapidly gaining on his location! One would try to lash his tongue out to grab the boy and pull him into his mouth; attempting to make a morsel out of his insufferable presence.

As the rest attempted to follow after the boy, those still outside - 5 thugs and 1 other skullcrawlers - suddenly began hearing ominous singing lurked within the shadows. Unnerved by the situation, they took up a defensive formation - guns held high and snarling jaws open wide.

"S-Show yourself!" one of the thugs yelled with a tremble in his voice, followed by one of the beasts hissing aggressively. The voice that they heard was unlike anything they've heard - a deep, angry, monstrous tone that oozed maliciousness. The more the thugs waited in place, the more ticked they became. Yet as much as they wanted to commit flight, their inner consciousness told them to stand and fight. After all, they had one of those gnarly beasts guarding them. Surely it was enough to defend them against what stalked them in the dark alley.

Or so they believed.

The jet-black monstrosity lunged at them from the darkness with a menacing roar, bristled with sharp serrated teeth and a tongue rivaling the beast's own! The thugs screamed in terror as they opened fire with their semi-auto rifles, while the skullcrawler howled and lunged at Venom!
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dimentio
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Dimentio Masterofdimensions

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"skullcrawlers? Klyntar? Harvey bullock? What's next? Ed edd and Eddy?" Frank muses as venom and the skullcrawlers begin to fight. "Or Godzilla." He finished

@limpkio @midle1998
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Metropolis - Metropolis Park
@Thatguyinastore, @Starmaker, @Midle1998

The figure draped in black slowly began crawling out from the rubble as civilians fled the block in terror. Once back on her feet, she grabbed her axe and prepared her own assault against Nautica. However, while all this took place, she'd pause to hear an unusually distant voice that was different from all the rest of the screaming, panicking masses. For a moment she laid eyes on the man responsible - a dark-skinned man who looked like a mere bozo on the street. She couldn't help but scoff. If this was his attempt to cease the fighting to an end, then he was doing an absolutely pathetic job at that.

Yet her distracted thoughts would be soundly interrupted as she looked to see the approaching Nautica charging straight into her! The robed woman had barely enough time to dodge, digging her heels into the ground as she collided with what felt like several tons of sheer force slamming into her body! She felt herself struggling against Nautica's sheer might, finding herself skidding further into the building! Then she forced out two long hook-like appendages from her back, gaining more support before using all of her strength to push Nautica back several feet and quickly leaping over her opponent to strike at her backside!

Her blade managed to slice against Nautica's back, even ripping off traces of scales in the process to produce a significant gash. The atomic titan roared in pain, swiftly reversing course to unleash yet another atomic breath at her assailant. But this time the masked woman was ready. With a powerful strike, she swung her axe down on the ground to cause a powerful shockwave that could be felt up to several miles! It was successful in dissipating the atomic beam, causing Nautica to stagger back as intense ringing course through her head. This strike was no mere shockwave - something that became quickly apparent to any in range who relied on any form of technological gadget or electrical ability.

It was an EMP blast!

More incredibly, it was even effective in weakening Nautica's own beam attack, to the point where it was nearly nullified completely. Nautica understood this; and she knew she was too late to end the battle quickly. She was now forced to fully rely on her physical prowess and strength to win the day. And with the droning still coursing through her head, she was feeling a bit disoriented. Still this wouldn't be nearly enough to put her out of the fight.

The axe-wielder took advantage of her opponent's temporary weakness by issuing a powerful kick down on Nautica's chest, punting her to the ground to eat lawn and dirt herself. It was relieving to take her anger out on her mortal enemy - and far more enjoyable to see her opponent being battered by her own hands. Yet in her sadistic episode, the mask woman's focus would be concentrated solely on her foe as she continued stomping on Nautica with her heels and hooked claws.

It would be the perfect opportunity for someone to intervene if they so dared...
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Edyfum0
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Interactions: @Lmpkio, @Jeff Jones, @Chung

Location: Exit Outside Gotham National Bank



Like a rabid animal on loose, the creature held no qualms going for the big one first— charging on all-fours at full speed. With a *leap* that pushed it’s position off the ground, it tightly forms a grip on it’s right arm, *PUMMELING* it’s fist straight into the Skullcrawler’s jaw, held in concentrated temper.


A direct hit. The pressure was that of a ramming monster truck at full speed, an immensely powerful blow coming from the monster hitting a creature nearly twice as big as it’s size. Though the attack wouldn’t exactly kill it, merely sending it flying backwards across the street.

As for the remaining men who unleashed an assault of firearms, the bullets didn’t seem to scathe the beast— merely bouncing off it’s hide like the equivalent of an incoming object bouncing off of rubber. Smugly grinning by it’s jagged fangs, it accelerated towards the firing robbers with haste. How was something big moving so fast? It almost felt like a *blur* had passed by them in a moment’s notice.

Not long after, the men would find themselves wrapped in a string of black fluid— firm and tightening to an unusual extent where they couldn’t break out despite much struggle.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Chung
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Chung Scuffed Characters Galore

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The gunfire made Tandem walk back quickly, covering his beautiful face with the money bag. It sufficed as a shield, but boy, that could have gone bad. He then turned to the opposite direction and made a mad dash back to the bank. These monsters really aren't joking around. Damn, they go for the throat! Oh well, serious or not: Tandem is making an example out of these freaks!

The thief looked back to see a tongue strike after him, and he jumped away. He did a flying flip as well, and while he was on air. He went face to “face” with the tongue and gave it a little poke. After that, he landed on his two feet and dashed away even faster after stumbling a bit. Jeez, this bag is heavy.

Along the chase, Tandem would look back constantly and make quick taunts towards the monsters. Of course, it’s a disguise of him watching to see if they’ll do anything risky.

Tandem is not much of a fighter, but he's a really great distraction.

@Lmpkio @Edyfum0 @Jeff Jones
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Starmaker
Avatar of Starmaker

Starmaker Justice takes no holidays!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


🐤 Location: Metropolis, Park | Feeling: Indignation, disappointment, FURY | Status: Under effect of the Charge-Up; 🐤
🐤 Proximity: @Lmpkio, @Midle1998 (Hancock),
@thatguyinastore, @davefromdiscord and @TheElenaFisher (SEES) 🐤

Sage hoped that this couldn't get any worse than holding still a bunch of fire, and the destruction of the park. You know, he really did hope that this fellow superhero could see eye-to-eye with him and the actual very dire and important things going on right now but- As it turns out... He had hoped too much, expected the best of other people as always. And, it rarely worked out, didn't it?

Hancock's inability to wage priorities, resulted in the Charge-Up having more than enough time to kickstart, Toayî's influence seeking to numb the straining pain he had been put under. The tips of his wings gain a saturated blue tint, the flames resembling the ones from stoves, yet also never expand past a threshold, as if they had been dipped in paint rather than being made of fire. Such a curious phenomenon also halved the shades of the ones he had been restraining, and though the other was nowhere close enough to see it, there were little streaks of blue like broken glass decorations inside his eyes too.

What this meant for Sage was the loss of feeling. Physical, emotional- He could no longer feel how strained his powers were, but neither could he feel things like sympathy anymore, reduced to logic and objectivity until anything set them off. Yep, them as Toayî's demeanor was also bleeding through him now. Being set off, however, wasn't going to be a hard task with a 'partner' like Hancock around...

Yes, yes he knows what firefighters are. In fact, he's been studying really hard to become one! But not even the sight of his idols could gather much from the numbed out pyromancer, who merely watched with... not exactly concern? Just knowing that it would not end well given the situation. Yep, there they go- At least it seemed like either they were gone in an instant, or safe enough from the foot of the giant oblivious Deities.

"If I asked you, it's because there was a reason for it.", that reason once having been urgency but, if regret could kill-

It wasn't as if he had made some elaborate complicated request either, it was just... water... for a fire. Unfortunately, the man was about to prove that even a simple ask could be made complicated when the other person did it half-heartedly. The welcoming sight of the truck loaded with water had soon turned into disappointment when there was more than just water in it. There was nothing that he could do, even if he tried to return these creatures back to their place, he won't make it in time, they would only burn to death or suffocate without water- It would be a pointless effort.

Once the fire had been put out and Sage was freed from his task, he took a little flap to go higher, throwing himself back down and swooping to land beside the pitiful sight. ...He should be sad, as he raised the Sign of the Soul and gave them a moment of silence in condolences; He should be sad, but 'sad' as an idea had stopped making any sense.

Anger though... Anger was quick, powerful. The flame aura came to life around him as the pyromancer turned back around to glare at the incompetent 'hero', if it is that the other is worthy of being called that.

"DO YOU EVER PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU'RE DOING??!", eyes glowing furiously, Sage's voice echoes out in a three-part choir (represented by underlines), courtesy of Toayî further fuelling the sheer indignation he felt, "We're trying to reduce casualties, not make them worse! You've endangered animals, let non-powered people step into a situation they can't control and for some Gods damned reason cares for a bench and inanimated object, that is easily put back together or replaced, more than people! What the heck is wrong with you?!"

The immediate area around him is unbearable, he's chugging off heat and flame like a furnace but he doesn't care- He just has this urge to go off on Hancock for being everything that a hero should not! Being so, so infuriatingly incompetent and lazy that he can barely even consider him a functioning adult, even less- URRRRGH!!

"Why don't you go do something actually useful and knock one of those giant ladies out, since you can only speak with violence?!", GODS, HE WAS SO DOOOONE!
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Midle1998
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Midle1998 The Imposter God

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hancock sets the the truck down before approaching Sage "Let me set the record straight for you, kid. Cause it's clear you're talking out ya' ass right now. First, I didn't want to get involved in the first place. Second, I used my words, not my fists when I did get involved. Third, I did what you asked. I got the water. I put the fire out. Like you asked. You didn't say aaaaanything about the animals. Hell, the fact you care about creatures that we eat on a daily more than literal thinking, working human beings is almost as baffling as me worrying about my bench that I sleep on. Lastly, you are the one who asked for my help. A complete stranger you've NEVER met before to get involved in a situation that others "Can't Control". What made you think I could? Hm? What part of thiiiiiiis" Hancock gestures to his entire, disheveled appearance. "Made you think I could? Hm? What made you think that? Oh that's right, you weren't thinking! You just did it and now you're pissy over the result for your lack of thought! So to sum this all up, if I'm as bad as you say I am and you're the one who asked for my help and are STILL asking for it, then it's probably you who needs to check yourself. But don't you worry though, I'll still help you out. Since you asked. Stay riiiiiight there." Hancock jets of the ground, causing a mild tremor as he instantly rams into the MUTO's neck

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