Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Arena
Skills: N/A
"Ahh, I'm naht too wahrried about 'im... 'e can take care o' 'imself, dough it wouldn't be surprisin if 'e gaht 'imself into all kends o' trouble..." she said simply to Kristin with regards to the whole quest thing. Sure, Jason was likely going to cause some trouble for himself and others if she had to guess really, she also knew that he was essentially an adult at this point and could easily take care of himself with everything. Hearing Zeke's words, she couldn't help but her smile, however her face switched to being bright red a bit as she was blushing from his kiss on her cheek.
Jason looked at the group that had gathered to discuss the quests, at least partially anyway. Personally, he thought it was really dumb to not have a whole lot to go off of for figuring out what they were supposed to
do on the quests. Which was probably the dumbest thing to him, but that was what he mainly thought about, as he listened to Chiron basically saying how they should likely stock up on stuff in the camp store or something to prepare. Personally, he was all for the doing that tomorrow, since it was getting a bit late, so tomorrow seemed like the best option, but maybe others would be heading there in the morning so he should do it now? It was hard to choose when to go.
Before she could say anything else, or continue her conversation really with Kristin and the whole thing for Jason gathering supplies or whatever for the quest, when she felt something start more or less slithering around her leg. The next thing she knew, something was choking her, and on instinct she instantly grabbed at it, freaking out more then a little bit by whatever it was and threw it away, though it took a little struggling to get the thing off, the thing that she realized, was a snake. Which was
not a good thing when you had a fear of snakes.
Wandering back to his sister, he rolled his eyes slightly, catching a glimpse of Zeke with her before the guy walked away. Before he could respond to what Kristin was saying about getting supplies, he noticed his sister starting to freak out. Then he caught a glimpse of a snake deciding to wrap around her neck! Jason was about ready to get the thing off of her when she managed to throw the snake off herself.
"Are ya alright Janey?" he asked her instantly, wanting to make sure that she was alright from that sort of thing, and sort of ignoring Kristin for the moment.
"I'm fine, we should see about 'eadin out o' de arena dough." "Alright, and gettin gear and everythin fahr de quest might be a good idea to do now," he said, adding the last part and directing it more towards Kristin.
Marygold Isley

Location: The Arena
Skills: N/A
This was sort of the problem with how vague these prophecies were. They didn't specifically say who went where or what they did really aside from very vaguely going on about what they needed to find or something. How they go about finding anything though, that was a whole other story for her personally. When Chiron said that they could more or less pick which one they wanted to go on or who went where, that honestly was the most annoying thing. He was supposedly in charge, and Mary did
not feel comfortable choosing anything. Especially considering the fact that Stella was just a kid, she couldn't live with herself if she made a choice like that and something happened to Stella.
Of course, before she could point that out rather bluntly, a harpy decided to pop up out of nowhere for most part and decide to mess with Stella and pick her up, pulling her up into the air. Mary was about ready to spring into action if needed, when Stella pulled out a scythe and freed herself from its grasp. Going over to her sister, she kept her eye on the harpy as Cassian seemed to more or less tangle it up, though she was amused by the harpy throwing grapes at Cass' face. She had to stop herself from sort of laughing at it.
"You alright Stella? The harpy just sort of appeared out of nowhere there," she said to her,
"Nice use of that scythe there though."