Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Arena

Andy giggled at her brother's joke. And stuck out her tongue in return. She could keep a secret. And it was for her brother. So she didn't mind keeping that secret.

Chiron recited the prophecies and she stood up knowing that she was part of the one with her Aunt. That had been seen. And her brother couldn't really be called 'storm' since he transformed and didn't have lighting powers like she did. She didn't understand most of the prophecies. Though she could make some guess. She watched to see who else stood up and that secured her thoughts a bit about who it might be referring to.

She thought about how weird it must be to have a lot of siblings. How would you pick who was going for what? "Arthur, you too." She said. Hating that they had separate quests.

Location: Arena

Niah rolled her eyes when Chiron told people to stand up if they thought the prophecy was about that. She took a step forward though. As one of the few people she knew of that could bind an oath it was obvious that was about her. Also, they'd be looking for Terminus and Niah had been to Atlas' castle before. Her stomach twisted at the memory, that was where Mads had gotten cursed. She looked over at Mads. Knowing she was cursed. Niah supposed it was a good thing Mads had spilled the beans on that. She wouldn't have to explain it now.

She watched to see who all thought the prophecy was about them. In a way, it was a bit narcissistic. People had to just make an assumption. But she knew that Andy was there for when Mads fell. Would Demi think he was the storm? She didn't think there were any other Pluto kids so she doubted anyone would think they were the dead other than Arthur.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 16 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Skills: N/A

Arthur watched Demi carefully as he continued to talk. He should be getting something to keep track of Andy's well being before they left, so he was head of the curve on that, but it wouldn't be anything personal. He took a few moments to think, considering what he could give Andy before they had to go, but he really didn't have too many personal items. He'd reflect on it and hopefully come up with something soon. He made a mental note to never yell at Demi, not wanting to either hurt him, or invoke his ire, before laughing at Demi's threat, and gleefully nodded.

At the reading of the prophecy, a part of him didn't want to get up, and that part of him was pretty much all of him. He wanted to pretend that "The Dead" could make a kid of Thanatos, but he knew it was about him. Slowly standing up, he didn't let his eyes meet anybody's. He didn't want anybody looking at him right now, and he didn't want to be at all celebrated for this awful thing he would have to do. He wanted to be with Andy, and that was about it. If anything happened to her while he wasn't there, he genuinely didn't know if he could take it, and the thought alone paralyzed him.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Arena.
Skills: N/A

Kristin listened to Chiron as he started to announce the quests that were announced earlier in the day, she was kind of glad that none of them mentioned her at all as Kristin looked towards Mary, Jason, Leda and Kiera all were the ones who stood up. There werent any other volunteers for the quests. As she sat there and fixed her hair a little bit and stared at Zeke and then over towards Demetri. "You should go and talk to him maybe then?" Kristin suggested towards him thats if he wanted to that is anyway.

Eva was surprised that Stella quickly stood up when one of the quests mentioned her and looked at her with a concerned look. "Are you sure you actually want to go on the quest?" Eva asked her, the girl was incredibly new to this world but then again Percy Jackson accepted his first quest not to long after just arriving to camp as well to. She'd make sure that she would get as much training in as possible then if she was going to be going on it as well.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Arena
Skills: N/A

Kiera listened to the prophecies as they were spoke, she was the only child of Poseidon here in the camp at the moment, as she stood up alongside her girlfriend and smiled towards her. She had gotten her supplies earlier in the day with Leda so she was already set and ready to go on it. She looked at the others who were going as well, and spotted both Andy and Arthur had both stood up volenteering for the quest along with Stella. They were the youngest in the camp and that made her worried for them as well since it would be their first time going on a quest as well.

Though she knew that both Andy and Arthur were capable with fighting after visiting New Rome before it fell, she was kind of surprised that Demi hadnt volunteered for the quest either being a son of Zeus. "So, do you want to stay in my cabin tonight?" Kiera whispered towards Leda and smiled, she did always enjoy spending the night with her whenever she came to sneak in during the night, having a cabin to yourself did have its perks.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Arena

Madalyne stood up when she was mentioned in the prophecies she knew that this was coming after all as well to, she looked around seeing her niece was standing up as well to. A part of her wished that it was the other son of Zeus instead so that way she wouldn't notice her falling into the Pit itself. She looked towards Nancy and then at Niah as it mentioned her as well to, she knew that Nancy would handle things, but with her and Niah off, it'd just be her and Danielle to run things for the Legion as Chiron spoke up again.

"Those who are volunteering to go on these quests please step forward." Chiron said as she saw the child of Neptune standing up and making her way forward, Madalyne went to do the same thing as well to. She took a moment to run her hand along the little box she had made still containing her little present for Andy and Arthur as well to.

Chiron spoke up once more. "We have had a problem with Eidolons over the last couple of hours as well to, so when you leave the arena some members of the Hecate cabin will make sure that none of you are possessed and you are free to return to your cabins for the night. Also to help with communications between the Greeks and Romans better i'll also be asking for volunteers for anyone who would like to act as a liason between Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter, the Romans will do the same as well to. So any Greek who is willing to volunteer you are welcome to put your name forward, tomorrow morning before everyone embarks on their quests can vote who they'd like. The Romans are more than welcome to sit in on the meeting as well to if they choose to. If anyone has any questions please ask them." Chiron addressed.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: The Arena
Skills: N/A

Stella could feel her legs quivering a bit as she stood there, waiting for someone to tell her what to do now. She looked over as Eva spoke and then she took a deep breath and nodded. "I know that... I'm new... but I can't help but feel that I'm... I'm suppose to be part of this. I don't know which one for sure, but... I feel like I am. Though if I'm not... well, that's also okay. I don't know how... how they'll pick people, do you?"

She looked over to Chiron as he spoke and said that they should step forward. "I guess I should go... step forward. I'll see you later, Eva." She walked down to where the centaur was and then sighed a bit at that point. She heard about the problem with the Eidolons, and something clicked in her brain. That was what had happened that night, hadn't it? With the girl, and Zeke? Possession. That was what had happened. Before she realized what she was doing, her finger was up to her lips and she was chewing on it a bit. She tugged her hand away, and shoved it in her pocket.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Arena -- Camp Half-Blood

Most of the group Ezekiel sat with stood when the prophecies were spoken. The space around him suddenly seemed great as he looked at Jason, Leda and Kiera standing. He looked over at Janelle, wondering how she would handle her brother going on a quest. It was a complete role reversal now from when Janelle had gone on her first quest with him and Kristin months ago.
”You okay?” He asked Janelle. He wasn’t sure how he would be able to support her but he would try his best. Hopefully, the kids leaving wouldn’t have to leave until the morning so Janelle could have the time with her brother.
Ezekiel looked over at Kristin when the people who were standing left to stand with Chiron. She suggested that he should talk to Demetri. Ezekiel looked over to see where Demi sat and saw Arthur and Andy walking to the center, leaving Demetri alone.
Ezekiel ran the prophecies over in his head. Arthur was a son of Hades and Andy a child of Zeus. Demetri was also a child of Zeus but he hadn’t stood. So, for what prophecy had Andy stood for?
”Ya, I probably should,” Zeke noted. He had been hanging out with Demetri more frequently and knew how much Demetri didn’t like being alone and now the two people he cared for most were leaving. Ezekiel’s eyes wandered to Demetri’s hands and he saw the box Demetri cradled. Zeke had forgotten about the present he had received earlier in the night. It had seemed so long ago to Ezekiel now and he sighed, looking back to Chiron and the children who would leave on their quests.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Camp Grounds away from fire

Demetri listened closely towards each prophecy. It may have seemed a bit selfish, but he was hoping that Zeke was spared from being in any of them. He'd learned of the blonde's penchant for being picked and his begrudgingness to go due to the frequency of his father's insistence. When the storm was called, a nervous chill ran down Demi's spine. He watched as Andy stood up out of the corner of his eye, Arthur following soon after as they left to join Chirons side. His stomach churned into knots as he pulled his legs closer towards his chest and held the small dog a bit more snuggly. Why was he letting his little sister go off on this mission? Couldn't he- The thought was cut off as he answered his own question. Chiron said to stand if they felt the quest pertained to them, and Demetri didn't feel any tug towards the prophecy. He couldn't be The Storm because his powers had no form or shape to those that Andy had. It had to be them, but why?

For what felt like the third time this evening, Demi felt a pair of eyes on him. He tried not to let it bother him but he couldn't tell if someone was boring into him to say he should take her place instead. When he finally turned to see who it was, he was surprised to see Zeke looking towards him. The others had stood up and left to see Chiron while Janelle was still near the son of Apollo. He didn't know why, but it bothered him. "Take a picture. It'll last longer" Sure it was petty and rude, but he felt rather irked at the moment for everything that had just happened. Luckily it wouldn't seem out of character either given their known distaste for each other around camp. His gaze lingered for a moment too long before turning as looking straight ahead once again. His thumb softly moving against the smooth wooden grain of the box.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Camp Grounds

Cassian watched as one by one people began to stand up for the Prophecies. A part of him wished he was called, longed for the adventure he had been promised so long ago. But his time wasn't now, he wouldn't be one for The Great Prophecy. It was interesting to see the process all the same however. How did one child of Zeus know to stand while the other stayed firmly sat and content? How did the children of war not break out into a fight over who would get to go forth and shed blood? Others made sense, a single child of Posiedon, the oathbinder from Rome, and the only cursed child he knew of was the lycan standing before him. She knew that she was to be picked however.

Cassian tapped his finger against his bottom lip, just before he began to chew it. What fate was she barreling towards? And why did she so strongly believe it couldn't be avoided? It was clear she believed herself headed towards The Pit due to her curse...but there had to be exceptions for Demi-gods right? Cass leaned forward more as he glanced around the fire searching for the answers. Wondering which cabin would be able to help him most with gaining them. Athena could provide wisdom and bred literal children of thought, while Hecate may have some scrolls or tomes of forgotten lore that could very well help the Roman girl. Regardless of if his help is even wanted.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Nancy's irritation grew slightly as Chiron announced that the Romans would also be looking for volunteers for a messenger - she didn't like the idea that he was telling them what to do. She also didn't even know if it would be a volunteer position, more likely they'd just assign someone and that would be that. Volunteers Nancy was worried would end up being people like Leandra, those who would try to launch some sort of vicious propaganda spree. She wanted someone she trusted completely sitting in with the Greeks - and someone with a lot of patience. She had the feeling that sitting in on a meeting with the Greeks would be akin to pulling teeth.

"Is that it?" Nancy asked Chiron pointedly. He had recited the prophecies, got those heading on the quests to step forward, and made an announcement about the eidolons. There didn't seem to be anything else left to discuss. If that was the case, Nancy wanted to leave the arena and take a walk to clear her head - maybe visit the shrine to her aunt and leave an offering. Maybe speak with her new co-praetor about leaving Camp Half-blood and taking the Legion somewhere where they could stand on their own.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Leda grinned back at her girlfriend, Kiera. She knew that not everyone was pumped to be going on a quest - a lot of people dreaded them, but Leda was incredibly excited. She did feel bad for the little ones volunteering, as they were so young and inexperienced, but the older demigods knew what they were getting into. Leda knew what she was getting into. She had been born to do this. Besides, the last quest she had done had been with Zeke and Kristin - she needed a palette cleanser desperately and a romantic getaway with her girlfriend sounded perfect (well, and the third wheel that was poor Arthur). "Course, love. It'll be romantic," she whispered back to Kiera.

They wouldn't be able to make out all night with Arthur sleeping next to them anyways - unless he was a heavy sleeper. That was always a possibility. She hoped he wouldn't be crying every night - he was so young though she wouldn't have been surprised. All the more reason to get a good night's sleep in Kiera's cabin that night. Chiron asked for the volunteers for the quests to come forward and Leda headed forward along with Kiera.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Arena

Andy offered her hand to Arthur, an unthought about gesture. It was for comfort. It was for beating back the fear that pressed in her chest. Then she stepped forward. Volunteering to go on a quest that she knew would end with her Aunt sent to a horrible place. She didn't know if she'd be able to rescue her, but she would do everything she could to try.

She listened to the stuff about the Eidolons. She felt like more information was known than what Chiron was telling them. She wondered what else was known. Could the Eidolons follow them? Could they disrupt them as soon as they got far enough away from the camp no one could do anything about it? How hard with the Eidolons go to stop them from achieving their goals? And why?

Location: Arena

Niah would very much like to attend the meeting. But it would be better for the new Preator and Nancy to be there. She would be on a quest. It wouldn't be any use for her to be there. There was too much of a chance she wouldn't return. That chance was always there. Sure, she didn't think the Greeks handled their kids well. But death was just as possible for a Roman. Especially now. New Rome was gone.

She smiled, covering her discomfort. "Thank you Chiron." Niah said. Nancy was still bristling. Mads was quiet. Someone needed to say it. "We will send a representative." They'd figure out who later. A late-night emergency meeting would have to be called.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Arena
Skills: N/A

Well the idea of her brother going off on a quest was a bit worrying for her, but she decided to not say anything to her brother immediately. After all, she went on a quest without her brother, and knew perfectly well that odds were that he had worried about her a lot all things considering. He had to stand by with him just sort of off doing something else, while she was off on the other quest. A part of her did wonder what was likely going through her brother's head with regards to going on a quest right now, but she didn't really ask.

Jason glanced over slightly at his sister, still kind of glad that she wasn't going off on the quest or something this time around anyway. He wasn't even too sure what exactly the quest that he was going on would have happen or something, but he was just glad that Janelle was staying here at camp or something preferably, to make things easier. "I'll see you later Janey," he said to his sister with a bit of a smile, before he headed towards where Chiron and the others were more or less gathering.

He was paying attention still to what Chiron was saying, about the things that seemed to be possessing and controlling people, which had happened not too long ago that had resulted in a few injuries. Right now, he just really hoped that Janelle stayed out of trouble and didn't end up getting seriously hurt or something while still at the camp. If some things were sort of invading and possessing people or something, how safe or whatever was it really at this camp in general?

"See ya," she said simply in response to him, before her attention turned and she listened to what it was that Chiron was saying and the warning that was being spoken about the things that had attacked them. Janelle's attention was drawn away though from her thoughts by Zeke, asking if she was okay. "Yeah, I'm fine," she responded simply, before hearing what Demi had said out loud towards who she was guessing was Zeke. She didn't say anything, figuring that she wasn't going to pry in the whole thing at all.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Arena
Skills: N/A

She wasn't too sure if it was a good idea for Stella to be going on a quest already. Stella hadn't even been here for very long, so what sort of reason did she have for going on one of these quests? This wasn't a good idea, this really really wasn't a good idea. However she couldn't just tell her that she really shouldn't, especially since she already had stood up. Oh well, she'd just have to sort of hope that the kid didn't end up seriously hurt, and that whoever else was on the quest with her kept an eye on her.

Walking over to the group that was sort of now gathering by Chiron, she listened to the words that were being spoken with regards to the Eidolons possessing people. Well, at least now everyone was being warned about it and everything, so now there was a chance for people to be prepared with regards to the entire thing. She remained silent with regards to what was being spoken, and she glanced at the group that had assembled for the whole quests thing. This was going to be interesting, and she wasn't even a hundred percent sure which people were the other two that were going to be going on the same quest as her.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 16 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Skills: N/A

Arthur took Andy's hand, and stayed still for a moment, before joining her to walk up to Chiron in silence. He didn't want to do this, but in a way, he felt the pull of the prophecy, and knew that he had to. To defy fate was something that seldom worked out it legends, as the story of Oedipus well demonstrated, and he wanted to be prepared for when he had to face destiny. In any case, this was the path he was going on, and he wasn't about to back out at the last moment. He knew Andy wouldn't want to do that any way, it was best that they split now and could return later, than to try to cling on and lose what they had forever.

An idea crossed his head, however, as he neared Chiron and heard of the Eidolons. There was still the mystery of where Chocolate came from, and a small part of him, the cynical part that was seemingly against anything ever going right for him, worried that the two things might be connected. He pursed his lips for a moment, really not wanting to live in the reality where his new dog was a part of some nefarious plot to kill people, but now that he had this inkling, he had to act on it, or he'd regret it if it turned out to be true. He cleared his throat and said, "It might be worth mentioning, Andy and I got this dog, we named him Chocolate and I love him; is there a chance he's possessed?" He asked worriedly.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Arena.
Skills: N/A

Kristin looked between Demi and Zeke for a moment wondering why Demi had said that to him but decided to remain quiet about it and all as she turned towards Janelle. "I'm sure that your brother will be alright while on the quest." Kristen said, Eva started to think for a moment on Stella's question she really wasnt sure really. "I not sure, might want to ask the others who are going on the quest see which one you'd like to go I think you can pick." Eva said towards Stella as she headed off and joined the others up front where Chiron was.

Kristin leaned back slightly as she stared at Zeke, it had been awhile since their quest together with finding the Muse for Apollo aside with going on the quest with Leda and him, it was kind of fun in her opinion. She was getting a bit antsy and wanted to hangout with her brothers and sisters before bed. "Is something going on between the two of you aside from the whole choking thing?" Kristin asked Zeke as she looked towards him.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Arena
Skills: N/A

Chiron took a moment and looked down at Arthur as he mentioned the Hellhound pup that he had named chocolate and thought about it, there were a few monsters around camp that were friendly for the most part and were allowed in the camp grounds. "I would have Hecate cabin take a look at him and make sure that he isnt possessed." Chiron suggested as he watched the others as they started to gather up before him, and looked between Mary and Stella. "Since Stella and Mary are both children of Demeter you two are welcome to pick which quest group that you'd like to join. Since you are all going on a quest you are welcome to stop at the camp store and gather whatever supplies that you all need." Chiron said to the group.

Kiera looked towards her girlfriend and smiled that she'd like to spend some time with her in her cabin, and nodded towards her as she looked at Arthur. She wasnt sure if he wanted to stay in his cabin or not or go with them, though she had a feeling that he'd need some help getting supplies for the quest while looking at her girlfriend. They had spent part of the afternoon gathering supplies as well they had bought enough stuff for the two of them at least. "We can stop at the camp store again and help you with some stuff if you want Arthur." Kiera offered.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Arena

Danielle approached Nancy and sat down next to her for a moment looking at her new Co-Praetor she was still a bit surprised that she was given the position. "Are you alright also is there anything you'd like or need?" Danielle ended up asking Nancy, she had heard the rather loud yelling of course pretty much the whole entire camp did. She wanted to be sure to get on her good side as well to and didnt want to get yelled at by her for something she did, but was really eager to help out.

Madalyne took a moment and looked over towards Andy and smiled towards her for a moment as she listened to Chiron as he nodded towards Niah as he spoke. She hadnt really gone to the Greek's little camp shop before since they had arrived, but they still had some supplies of their own at their side of camp. She took a moment and stared at Nancy and gave her friend a slight smile, she hoped that she'd be alright with running things with Danielle.

"I'll take a look at your camp store in the morning." Madalyne said towards Chiron as he nodded and turned towards Nancy and gave her a slight nod before addressing the camp as a whole. "You are all free to enjoy the rest of your evening and you are free to go now." Chiron told them all, as Madalyne turned towards Andy and the two children of Demeter one of them was apart of their group she just wasnt sure who was going to pick joining them.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Arena -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel rose an eyebrow, looking back at Demetri when he called him out for staring. He smirked a little as he looked back. He lifted his hand, covering the side that was closer to Janelle so his calling back would be muffled and hopefully, not irritate her enhanced hearing.
”The camera would break before I even got it into focus,” he responded. He dropped his hand and looked back at Janelle when she responded to him. She claimed to be fine but that was fluid, Zeke thought. Ezekiel knew she would be okay but was she truly okay right now? Janelle had gone on the first quest that had separated the twins months ago but now Jason was going. Janelle had busy enough then trying to stay alive but Jason had probably thought of her often. Now it would be reversed.
Kristin pulled him from his thoughts before he could respond and be supportive of Janelle. He felt his face go cold and warm all within seconds of each other. He couldn’t help but look back at Demetri. He wanted to curse Demetri, Kristin and Athena all at once but didn’t. Instead, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair and over the back of his neck. He pinched his neck with his hand and shrugged before dropping his hand.
”It’s complicated,” he said lamely. Chiron dismissed the campers from the fire and Zeke stood. ”I should go talk to him.” He looked at Janelle and boldly leaned down. Ezekiel kissed her cheek before he stepped away.
”If you need a friend to talk to or just someone to hang out with, come find me,” he told Janelle before looking at Kristin. ”Maybe we can talk sometime too Kris.” He said goodnight to both of them before leaving and walked towards Demetri.
He stopped a couple of feet away and shoved his hands into his pockets. ”You got a minute to talk?” Zeke knew Andy and Arthur had just gotten called on a quest and Demi might want to spend time with them but Zeke just needed to say a few things and have a few questions answered for him; hopefully, alone.
As he stood there, the sound around him started to waver until it disappeared. Zeke removed a hand from his pocket and wiggled a finger in his ear, trying to get it to pop or something. It sounded like he was underwater with how muffled the sound was.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: The Arena
Skills: Scythe Attack

Stella looked at Chiron as he spoke, explaining to herself and Mary that since they were both children of Demeter they could pick which quest to go on. She was about to turn to Mary to ask her which quest she wished to go on when something unexpected happened, something she could have not expected. She heard a screeching sound and then looked up as a woman with bird wings instead of arms, and clawed talons instead of feet swooped in and picked up the young girl, taking her away from the fire, Chiron and her older half-sister. She let out a cry as she was scooped up and she looked up.

"Put me down bird brain! Why are you doing this!" Stella realized quickly that the thing couldn't understand her at all and seemed rather keen to take her away. She remembered that she had found something earlier that night and reached into her pocket. She pulled out the scythe that she was sure was a present from her mother and held it tightly in her hand. She reached up and attacked the harpy's leg, slashing at it perfectly. The harpy let her go, and thankfully the harpy hadn't gotten enough altitude so Stella landed on the ground with a soft roll and she let out a loud sigh. "Well... that happened."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Camp Grounds

Demi turned as Zeke responded, a small smile threatening to overtake him. He kept it choked down, both for appearances as well in an attempt to keep his irritation. It was long before the attempt was no longer needed however, as Zeke leaned forward and kissed Janelle on the cheek. He couldn't help but see red, as if Zeke Was purposefully trying to upset him. Sure the choking wasn't his doing, but between leaving his gifts in the slush, immediately going to Janelle for comfort, and now kissing her. It was enough to make Demetri forget about all the rest Zeke had done today. Having literally taken hits for him, complimented him, all briefly forgotten with a simple kiss. Demi turned to look away, not even daring to give the son of Apollo a response to his comeback.

Demetri almost didn't recognize that he was being spoken to. Stewing in his thoughts until he felt a pair of eyes looking at him and realised that Zeke was talking to him. He tried to ignore him, keeping his eyes forward, before his shoulders eventually slumped and he let out a short sigh. Demi turned to look at Zeke, his eyes still red and slightly watery. "Sure. I've got a min." He watched as Zeke fiddled with his ear before giving him a concerned look. "You gonna come and sit down or do you want me to stand? Or?..."

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Camp Grounds

Cassian sat in contemplation as others had begun to scatter from the arena, a foul taste most likely clinging to their mouths. He leaned back against his seat, turning a watchful gaze at those who were summoned by the gods to fulfill three prophecies to retrieve the weapons of those at war. He wasn't looking for any reason in particular, so much as finding himself falling to old habits of watching others from afar when he needed space to think. Something about mindlessly looking at another person just helped so much with organizing his thoughts in a way he needed. But far be it for this camp to have a dull moment. Before his very eyes he watched as a Harpy swooped down and picked up one of the new kids that was also in the group of nine.

Cassian spared no time getting out from his seat as he unclipped his panflute from his side. The new girl appeared to have handled herself well enough to get free from the Harpies grasp, but Cass was still willing to lend a hand if needed. He tried to gauge the Harpy, seeing as to why it attacked her. He tried to give creatures the benefit of the doubt, assume they were confused or scared or something along those lines, but he could see no such things in this one. He grit his teeth and put his flute up towards his lips and began to play a melody. The sound was smooth and jaunty like a tune you'd hear from an animated movie as someone was waking up.

Grape vines began to wriggle out from beneath the ground. Lazily at first, but then with a burst of speed as they reached up towards the Harpy and tangled her in vines. Just as swiftly as they had emerged, so too did they coil downwards. Receding back into the earth as the tangled mass slammed the Harpy down. Unfortunately for Cassian, the Harpy turned to him and began cackling as she pulled some grapes off the vines and threw them at his eyes. Clearly it was a younger beast, more inclined to pranks than having any malicious intent. But Cass was irked, and his eyes shown a brilliant gold. The song changed into something a bit more chaotic, not unlike The Russian Saber Dance, as he played into her a prank of his own. For a short while all her motions would be reversed. Surely it would be fun to watch as she attempted to fly only to feel herself falter.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Arena

"Aunt Mads can tell then." Andy said to Arthur. She didn't mind the Hecate cabin people, but she missed Rebecca so she would rather go to her Aunt. Andy looked over and saw that Demi was talking with Zeke. He looked upset. She shifted, she could get Chocolate back later. Maybe it would be good for Demi to have the excuse if he needed it. "We'll ask her to check later." She decided.

Then, still hand in hand with Arthur walked over to where Mads was standing. She wasn't going to let go of Arthur's hand until she absolutely had to. She saw the new girl, Stella, had been picked up by a harpy but she got herself out of the situation and then Cassian started to mess with the Harpy. It was weird. Maybe the Harpy was possessed. She frowned. The Harpy's did the dishes and stuff. Why would they be picking up a kid that wasn't in trouble for breaking curfew?

Location: Arena

Niah realized if they did a late-night emergency meeting it would be Mads' last. If they waited till morning...well that would be up to Nancy she supposed. Relieved she hadn't volunteered or been voluntold to be the next Preator. She wasn't ready for that. She didn't know if she ever would be.

The kids joined them and Niah smiled. She hated that the Greeks would send little kids like them off on quests. On her first quest, she had been older. Though she had been only fourteen. She smiled at the memory. It was how the three of them had become friends. Nancy and Mads already had been friends, but there was something about the fight with the dragon and the trust exercise of going up down Mount Rushmore that had brought the three of them together. It felt like that was being pulled. All three of them were going to be in different places now.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 16 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Skills: N/A

Arthur kept lock-step with Andy. He didn't know if he was sappy, or genuinely loved her, but he thought she was so special. The two of them felt like outcasts in different ways; they wanted to be a part of the the regular socialbgroup, but they just felt so exterior to it. That was his take on it anyway, maybe she felt differently, or maybe that was skewed and the two of them were actually Just Like The Other Kids, but he didn't think so. He'd been hurt so much, so quickly, that he just didn't feel like he could be happy with his existence as a Demigod, it was poisoned.

Holding the puppy haphazardly in his hands, and nodded at Andy, and shoved it towards Mads, "Can you tell me if this is evil or not?" He said about the adorbs le creature in his hands. It sounded so silly with how cute it was, but he didn't know! "I mean, is it possessed, or cursed, or gonna kill me or something?" Arthur asked, very straightforwardly. His attention flicked to Canadian for a moment, but didn't let himself actually think about him. He didn't deserve that.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Nancy arched an eyebrow as her new co-praetor asked if she was alright or if there was anything she needed - she was about to open her mouth and make a remark that Danielle was a praetor, not a waitress when no sound came out. Nancy didn't panic though. She had been screaming a lot and unintentionally used her control over sound - she probably had just killed her voice in the process. Was she going to communicate that she couldn't speak? Of course not. Even if she didn't want Danielle acting like a waitress, Nancy wasn't going to let herself look weak or incapable around her - and certainly not in front of the others of Rome. The Greeks should couldn't care less about - they could all eat her shorts.

She caught Mads' smile and Nancy nodded in return, standing up. It was time to go. She motioned for Danielle to follow her, figuring that Niah would be busy with quest business. Nancy hoped her voice would return soon, that way she could explain to Danielle that they needed to convene the Senate again to figure out what poor soul was going to have to chill with the Greeks during whatever sort of chaotic fiasco they passed off as meetings. She did a double take though as a harpy grabbed one of the campers, only for the girl to hack herself free. And then the horrible Bacchus kid started tangling the harpy up with vines. Nancy felt a bit bad for the creature.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Leda didn't really want to stop by the camp store again, since they had already been there, but her girlfriend was probably right - Arthur might need some help. He was such a tiny thing anyways, the backpacks were probably about the same size as him. And hopefully she could make sure things were quick so they weren't stuck in there while a half dozen other demigods were also fighting over who could get the best water bottle and who could grab that spare compass. It just sounded like a madhouse to her, like a mini version of a Black Friday shopping trip.

"I don't think he heard ya, luv," Leda commented to her girlfriend. Arthur seemed to be busy running around with Andy and Madalyne, the praetor. She debated whether or not to just ditch Arthur here and head back to Kiera's cabin, but at least one of the harpies had decided to be moderately entertaining. "Oi, don't hurt her!" Leda shouted at the Dionysus kid. "Harpies are friendly, mate. Probably just another weird ghost possession thing."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Arena.
Skills: N/A

"Sure whenever you'd like to Zekey." Kristin said teasingly towards Zeke whenever Apollo called him that was always really funny to see as he watched him kissing Janelle on the cheek. She slowly stood up and stretched, the Hecate cabin kids were at the exit to the Arena doing their little spell to clear the campers of possession which was a good thing then. Hopefully no one else was actually possessed anymore, she stood next to Jason seeing as he would be going on one of the quests. "Do you want help picking out some gear or something, you can come to if you want to Janelle?" Kristin offered Jason, it being his first quest and all, she had her first quest with Leda and Zeke about a year or so ago and that was always loads of fun going on.

She remembered the baby cyclops Hercules that they managed to rescue after accidentally killing it's father on their quest and wondered how he was doing and turned to Leda. "If you see Hercules somewhere along on your quest tell him I said hi for me?" Kristin said towards Leda as a young harpy swooped down and picked up Stella. Luckily Stella managed to break free and land safely onto the ground, and then the Harpy threw some grapes into Cassian's eyes she winced a bit hearing the Harpy sounding frustrated for some reason.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Arena
Skills: N/A

"Meanie all I wanted was fun!" The Harpy hissed sounding really annoyed and distressed at Cassian despite what Cassian did the Harpy managed to throw another grape, and managed to land into one of the airholes in Cassian's pan flute lodging itself in there. Kiera got up and made her way towards where the others were shortly behind her girlfriend yelling out to Cassian. She knew that the harpies in camp were good ones the ones that were outside of the camp usually tended to be the bad ones from what she had seen and heard. Getting a better look at the harpy it wasnt much older than they were by the looks of it.

"I think it was being friendly, and just pulling an innocent prank." Kiera suggested as the harpy turned to her and nodded, though it was really awkward looking thanks to Cassian. "Yes! Innocent prank putting Demeter girl up in tree for laughs." The harpy said, the harpy tried to get back up to it's feet only for it to fall to the ground, it's foot injured due to Stella hitting it in the foot. Kiera walked over and knelt down ripping part of her shirt off and started to wrap it around the harpy's foot.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Arena
Skills: Mystiokinesis, Greek, Roman Mythology

Madalyne turned her attention over towards Arthur and Andy as they came up to her and Arthur asking about the cute adorable puppy that he had in his arms and smiled towards him. ]"He's really cute, do you guys have a name for him?" Madalyne said as she knelt down to get a better look at the pupper who started to lick her face. She ran her hands over the puppy and started to use her magic to get a feel for it, and see if it was possessed or not. She turned to both Arthur and Andy as she let the puppy lick her hands and stood up, she wasnt sure how the greeks treated personal pets in camp, but Nancy had her own little pet dragon Joanie.

"Well it's from the underworld and it's a hellhound puppy alright, it's not possessed or anything like that. Wild ones tend to be more like wild dogs or wolves, but if raised right they tend to be very loyal and are great and loyal companions to have on your side." Madalyne said to both Andy and Arthur, as she took a moment and waved at Nancy and motioned for her and Danielle over. Madalyne turned her attention towards Stella and some of the others overhearing a Harpy talking and looking a bit distressed wondering what that was about.

Joanie came flying over and dropped a roasted mouse that it had found for Nancy and looked at her proudly like a cat would for giving an owner it's prize after hunting it down. Danielle was a little bit freaked out by it but didnt say anything when she saw Madalyne waving them over. "Lets see what they want them." Danielle said as she stood up and made her way over towards the group.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Arena
Skills: N/A

"Ahh, I'm naht too wahrried about 'im... 'e can take care o' 'imself, dough it wouldn't be surprisin if 'e gaht 'imself into all kends o' trouble..." she said simply to Kristin with regards to the whole quest thing. Sure, Jason was likely going to cause some trouble for himself and others if she had to guess really, she also knew that he was essentially an adult at this point and could easily take care of himself with everything. Hearing Zeke's words, she couldn't help but her smile, however her face switched to being bright red a bit as she was blushing from his kiss on her cheek.

Jason looked at the group that had gathered to discuss the quests, at least partially anyway. Personally, he thought it was really dumb to not have a whole lot to go off of for figuring out what they were supposed to do on the quests. Which was probably the dumbest thing to him, but that was what he mainly thought about, as he listened to Chiron basically saying how they should likely stock up on stuff in the camp store or something to prepare. Personally, he was all for the doing that tomorrow, since it was getting a bit late, so tomorrow seemed like the best option, but maybe others would be heading there in the morning so he should do it now? It was hard to choose when to go.

Before she could say anything else, or continue her conversation really with Kristin and the whole thing for Jason gathering supplies or whatever for the quest, when she felt something start more or less slithering around her leg. The next thing she knew, something was choking her, and on instinct she instantly grabbed at it, freaking out more then a little bit by whatever it was and threw it away, though it took a little struggling to get the thing off, the thing that she realized, was a snake. Which was not a good thing when you had a fear of snakes.

Wandering back to his sister, he rolled his eyes slightly, catching a glimpse of Zeke with her before the guy walked away. Before he could respond to what Kristin was saying about getting supplies, he noticed his sister starting to freak out. Then he caught a glimpse of a snake deciding to wrap around her neck! Jason was about ready to get the thing off of her when she managed to throw the snake off herself. "Are ya alright Janey?" he asked her instantly, wanting to make sure that she was alright from that sort of thing, and sort of ignoring Kristin for the moment.

"I'm fine, we should see about 'eadin out o' de arena dough."

"Alright, and gettin gear and everythin fahr de quest might be a good idea to do now," he said, adding the last part and directing it more towards Kristin.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Arena
Skills: N/A

This was sort of the problem with how vague these prophecies were. They didn't specifically say who went where or what they did really aside from very vaguely going on about what they needed to find or something. How they go about finding anything though, that was a whole other story for her personally. When Chiron said that they could more or less pick which one they wanted to go on or who went where, that honestly was the most annoying thing. He was supposedly in charge, and Mary did not feel comfortable choosing anything. Especially considering the fact that Stella was just a kid, she couldn't live with herself if she made a choice like that and something happened to Stella.

Of course, before she could point that out rather bluntly, a harpy decided to pop up out of nowhere for most part and decide to mess with Stella and pick her up, pulling her up into the air. Mary was about ready to spring into action if needed, when Stella pulled out a scythe and freed herself from its grasp. Going over to her sister, she kept her eye on the harpy as Cassian seemed to more or less tangle it up, though she was amused by the harpy throwing grapes at Cass' face. She had to stop herself from sort of laughing at it. "You alright Stella? The harpy just sort of appeared out of nowhere there," she said to her, "Nice use of that scythe there though."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Arena -- Camp Half-Blood

The muffled hearing was still bothering Zeke when Demetri started to talk. Ezekiel stared at Demetri with a frown. He thought Demetri might be messing with him but Zeke stared at the demi-god's lips and was able to determine that he was in fact saying words. So, why the hell couldn’t Zeke hear? Was this some sort of after effect of Nancy’s projected yelling earlier?
Ezekiel looked around, still seeing half the camp around the fire but they were slowly moving on. Ezekiel decided to sit down next to Demetri. He leaned forward on his arms, staring at the dying fire a moment before looking at Demetri.
”Are you okay? I didn’t mean to just run off well, I did. I couldn’t be around Nancy anymore and I was just pissed over the whole situation. Look Dem, I’m sorry. I don’t know where to go from here. Everyone is saying I was possessed and it wasn’t me but those are my hands imprinted on your neck. I can’t just unsee that,” Ezekiel said. He looked away, staring intently at the fire as the guilt consumed him. He started tapping his fingers on his leg again to an unheard beat before he shifted his feet and stood, feeling agitated. He sniffed and rubbed a hand under his nose, before facing Demetri.
”Look, I don’t expect you to forgive me, I sure as hell don’t but I just want to make sure you’re okay. Andy and Arthur are leaving, I can guess how that may be making you feel on top of almost dying today.”
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