It had been a while since he had felt the static on his skin. The facility for a long time had felt cold, and smooth. Taking a second to enjoy this sensation, feeling the static underneath his feet. Closing his eyes really simply to enjoy the heartbeat of circuitry. How long had he been offline? Enjoying the moment briefly, it’s probably best to determine how he should approach this situation. He can appreciate the greater senses later. Opening his eyes again.
First, he needs to determine where the signal is coming from. Once he determines the signal, he can hack into it. How does he want to go about this? Sending in his Digital Ghost might be more effective, though there is a potential chance that he can remotely hack into them, using the signal coming from the handcuffs. Which was what he wanted in the first place.
The only issue he saw with sending in Digital Ghost was how vulnerable it would make him in this situation. Once he released Digital Ghost it would mean that his body was left to the actions of others. While certain that everyone would likely prefer to escape, he’d prefer to have some form of guaranteed security in this situation.
Perhaps, his newfound alliance would be beneficial in this circumstance. The question was whether or not he thought Digital Ghost was necessary in this situation. It definitely makes things easier, gaining a greater sense of their security systems, what they can and cannot control. Perhaps even giving the Magnet a better backdoor to do what she needed to do. Sighing, he finally turns his head to find Rueyn. Now that everything isn’t so fuzzy, he can sense her more clearly. That void of a color, that sinking black, that pulls into space, and then flashes red, only for it to pull away from itself.
It feels like the kind of power that pulls you inside of its force. Perhaps he might have made a stronger ally than he intended to. However, she probably was the one he could ask for this favor. She was either going to be his protector or his demise in this circumstance, given what a circumstance it is.
“Rueyn,” he states, “I am going to make a request. I need a favor from you. I would like you to take care of my body while I am away.”
He turns his attention for a second, to Ameliya shouting something about Iris being a slut? There is another strong ally. Her color churns and boils, it’s hot. A “Red” but only in the sense of how people perceive red, “Just in case this place turns into pandemonium before I return.”
Rue listened carefully absorbing the information and processing it as valuable strategic information, eyes glowing at his words as she recognized a similar ability to hers in his.
“I owe you a favor for ruining my favorite bracelets for me anyways,” she raised the now useless dampening cuffs to indicate what she meant with a raised eyebrow and wickedly dangerous smirk that her mask somehow conveyed (benefits of fancy military grade tech and now her own magic imbuing itself into the item to brand it as hers). “If anyone gets even real actively close they get turned into a bloody meat shower and I get some therapeutic enjoyment out of dismembering yet another fucking idiot.”
She ended her sentence with a dark rumble-purr and a bloodthirsty smile that crinkled her eyes.With that settled then, he would use the signal to travel as Digital Ghost to where he believed the cameras were to disrupt the security systems. Feeling around briefly, it might look odd to the others as he attempted to find a chair to sit on. It’s been a while since he has done this. Though he felt confident he could assist in this plan.
Focusing. What he’s looking for is the signal that speaks to the others.
Found it.
Now all he has to do -
Is breath.
Feel the fields at his fingertips. Imagine how these signals look, and hear them.
It’s like walking outside of himself. Into a completely different space. Even in this different space, he doesn’t see. Instead it’s like walking into a kaleidoscope, where static takes on a prism of color. Bending and warping around him. The static voices are what guide him along.
Just another day in Thornwood isn’t it? These prisoners are always doing something to rile up the guards. They didn’t know anyone by their name, they weren’t paid to know the prisoners names, just paid to watch the cameras and man the alarms. And there was always something to report, but he supposed that came with the job. In an Asylum for the criminally insane. Grabbing a handful of M&M’s and looking over at James, his current partner manning the control center.
“What do you think is going to happen?” They always took bets.
“Something is going on in the cafeteria,” James looks over, pointing to monitor 6.
Gabe shrugs for a second, “Something is always happening.”
“True enough,”
“Still, it be interesting to see which of the the inmates won,”
“My bet is on the girl with colorful hair,”
“No way, you see the one with red hair, I hear she’s a real nasty bitch,”
Both of them take out a 10 placing it on the table.
“Pretty cheap James,” Gabe laughs.
“Winner gets both tens,” James states.
“And it’s a stalemate if the boys on the field intervene before anything too violent happens,” Gabe drops some M&M’s into his mouth. The two of them knock knuckles together, the only way to make this job interesting sometimes was their little games when on shift.
“How’s Laurene anyway?” James asks leaning over to grab some M&M’s from the candy bowl.
“Pregnant and moody,” Gabe shrugs.
James takes a second, Monitor 3 seems to be acting up. That’s strange they don’t usually go on the fritz like this, is tech slacking?
“Monitor 3,” James points.
“I see it, sometimes you have just give the monitor a smack on the side,” Gabe responds standing up, “The facility’s tech is top notch, but the gear they give us is not quite. It’s probably an issue with the monitors.”
An image flashes on the screen. It’s a cheap scare. A creepy demonic, hollow face, pops onto the screen and Gabe jumps back. Holy fuck.
“You good Gabe?” James asks.
All the monitors go out in snow. They begin to hiss and flicker. James stands up now. This has to be a prank right? Or has someone gotten into the system? Somehow. James goes for the alarm, just in case.

Gabe’s rushes to the door-

A man steps out of the snow. His image, hazey, and flickering like a digital flame. His hair blond and his eyes glowing. There seem to be shadows of himself, as after images behind him, creating the illusion there are more, and sometimes the image stabilizes enough to see a man standing. He reaches for the candy bowl.

Except the candy falls to the floor through his hands.
Gabe attempts the door anyway. Pounding on the door, though the likelihood of anyone hearing them is unlikely they are in a box in the corner of the facility. Fuck.
This always seemed to happen in his presence. Two grown men clawing at the door, trying to trip it’s emergency lock. It was relatively easy to take control of this room. Now a whole facility, maybe not this one. As he was traveling through the signals to find the security room tucked into a corner, he realized there were several interesting defense mechanisms this facility has. While rudimentary it may take him a moment to figure out its backwalls and it’s little tucked away networking. For now this would have to make do. Here he can wipe the cameras and the monitors, it could be like a little command center, a nice terminal to checkpoint to.
Right. There were still people here. Let’s see. Playing with his fingers, as if he were playing an invisible piano key. It’s been a while since he had to consider these things. Probably the best option was something simple and “clean”.
Feeling the static. It tickles like pins and needles. Drawing from the computer towers. And monitors in the room.

Releasing it. Letting surge in the room. Their colors flickering wildly. For a brief second he almost feels connected to them in the way he does machines. But that’s only because their bodies are taking in a large quantity of EMF. There is a distinct squelch, then gurgling from the men.
Now that they were taken care of, the security room is secure. Now there was a little him here. And considering how the Magnet spoke earlier, she might likely be able to make use of this room in a way he couldn’t. For right now everything on his end was done. Probably should return to relay this to the others.