Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheRedWatcher
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TheRedWatcher Stabby Shadow

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


There was definitely chatter going on while he had been explaining. Someone with a bright voice, but a signature hard to read. Not Human. At all. The color was that of a kaleidoscope. A prism of bending colors, and always shifting. It’s hard to tell with these things what he is sensing, often. Pulling his attention from the Prism. Actually waiting for others to input their thoughts, though they all seemed distracted. So eager to escape. So impatient about their situation and then when a solution arises, they are an easily distracted bunch.

Something about aliens. And electrocution. Meanwhile, he is trying to deduce through his limited sense the layout of the room. Feeling it. Trying to connect to it. Everything here is remarkably cold and smooth. But he gets the distinct impression that there is a network, somewhere, that’s hard to determine and he is snapped out of his thoughts when the Magnet, "I would need to hear more of this plan first. What can you do exactly?"

He realizes that it is directed towards him. After all he's the one who presented the idea to the Magnet about the handcuffs, and while he admits he was vague about seizing control of the machine, he thought the answer was somewhat obvious. Lying dormant in it’s capabilities.

“I didn’t know I was supposed to bring a resume,” Hemlock remarks firstly with a small smile,“I rather keep some of my cards to myself, however, if I must convince you - I have a laundry list of things I can hack. Get me the ability to access a way into the systems and I can trick the security. Make the cameras go blind. Disrupt the communication devices if need be, and delay the alarm trigger. There is a lot more I can do, however, I don’t feel the need to boast about it.”

He pauses. Deciding on whether or not he should say anything further. Turning his attention away for a second.

Perhaps he shouldn’t add the last bit. However, it might be imperative to also demonstrate that he’s not a frail blind man. In areas like this, his expertise, he was certain in his capabilities. Defiance of a circumstance doesn’t get results. He had already figured that cooperation in the end was going to be the best solution. He came into adding to this plan to works with others, though there was always going to be those who had their own ideas.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

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@TheRedWatcher @twave @Klumsykrow357 @Restalaan @Blazion @Silver Carrot @Perse @KaelRavenheart

Abigail “Atom Bomb” Zebrowski

Abby didn’t seem to care for Min-Ji and other inmates dismissing her plan. Scoffing at them; while thinking how they didn’t know she had more planned for their escape. “I can think of something that could start a pretty big fire; Don’t worry firefly your gonna get to have some fun while escaping. “ Winking at Ameliya. Her attention turned towards Kailani’s; finding her ability to be useful for escaping. “You can help us with locks and doors that we don’t have keys for; I’m sure you can eat though Titanium like a hot knife to butter.” “If the guards get in your way then; you’ll know what to do.” She had a feeling Kailani dabbled in a bit of cannibalism. She knew how she was going to deal with the guards; of course, she was not going to be in the front lines like the others. She planned on using her powers to flood the asylum with high levels of radiation; This would be enough to at least disable the guards. The only problem was not irradiating the other inmates; in that case she would have to form balls of radiation to shoot at the guards. When Körbl spoke up about being a master swordsman; the cogs were turning of what his part of the plan would be. “How sharp is your sword anyway? Can it cut through diamonds or something?” She could use him to combat the guards along with Kailani.

I think the warden has the keys to your cuffs and to your shackles; I think I heard the warden has your sword in his office. So we can make a pit stop there if you need your weapon.” Her finger-pointing between Rue and Körbl when addressing them. “Unless Kailani can eat through the cuffs without having your hands for desert. Is that possible?” Raising an eyebrow at Kailani. “Rudy you can help us with digging through a couple of walls to get past certain security. Or digging a hole either way your gonna be a big help.” Shrugging her shoulders; assuming that one of these mooks had information that would benefit their escape. But she highly doubted it. The warden would probably know how to escape this place; since he would have to know the ins and outs of this place. Abby’s eyes looked over towards Juila; wondering what her powers were; she must have said it but was didn’t hear it. Judging from the gloves and cuff she was wearing; her powers could come from touch. “Kai your gonna have to get the cuffs and restraint off of all of us; so we got a fighting chance against these bastards."

The man named Lock had a good point; they could not brute force their way out of this place. “That is why I need Min, and Lock to take control of the electrical system.” She pointed towards Min-Ji; “And if you think the plan is stupid that’s fine; but i know you don’t stay in this shit hole being experimented on and treated like an animal.” Abby took a deep breath before she resumed talking. “From what I was told while the distraction is going on; the whole place will be total chaos. So we can use that to do wherever is necessary to get past the security. It’s gonna start late at night when everything is quiet, and there are not so many guards around. When we get a couple of floors above we’re gonna have to make a pit stop to grab an inmate in Cell XIII; he’ll will help us with getting to the surface. So do you got any ideas that could help with the plan?” She said asking Locke. The only thing Mr.Q had given the means to escape their cells. There was not much else that could help them escape the asylum. “That fucker better know how to escape this hell hole.” She thought biting her lower lip.

Mr. Q lightly tapped his long finger against his chin while listening to Lionel’s questions; “Well to answer your first question; this whole conversation is happening in your head. Unfortunately, I am trapped by the runes and spells which is why Amelia Beauchamp is also essential to our plan. She knows the words to break my shackles. My abilities vary depending on the situation and how it could help with my goals. “You do make a good point; which is why I have asked Abby to bust you out first. They may be wary of you because of the rumours, but I have reassured her that you would be a valuable assist. And if anything you could also use your abilities to sway them; Abby will be the easiest to manipulate. I have the upmost fate in you to complete the task at hand.” Mr. Q leaned his head in to stare Lionel in the eyes. His eye sockets looked empty like his eyes were replaced with black holes. There was something moving inside of them, but Lionel could not make it out. A quick glance made he could see moving faces with permanent expressions of agony; His smile widening moving from ear to ear. “Once the others break you out of your cell; then you will get me out of my own cell, And I will help you through the rest of the security above.” He leaned his head back. “Then after we are safe and away from this place; we can start with the next part of the plan. Does that sound good?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by El Gato Naranja
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El Gato Naranja Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 10 days ago

Alfred Gunther/The Frostbite

Never One...

Without the Other

When we get a couple of floors above we’re gonna have to make a pit stop to grab an inmate in Cell XIII; he’ll will help us with getting to the surface. So do you got any ideas that could help with the plan?” She said asking Locke. The only thing Mr.Q had given the means to escape their cells. There was not much else that could help them escape the asylum. “That fucker better know how to escape this hell hole.” She thought biting her lower lip.

Alfred could only listen in to the escape plan that the lot of them were brewing upon that place, his face painted in an unemotional poker expression. Even his mind was silent; the Frostbite itself was unsure of such an audacious attempt to leave this secure prison, the mother of all prisons, even. Not that there was a lot for him to do at such a location. It was underground, with very little space for his phoenix form's vast wingspan to manoeuvre.

"Apologies. I don't think I have a lot to contribute to the escape itself. Perhaps I can temporarily freeze pursuant guards in place, or form walls of ice to delay them, but with this place's hallways being as cramped as a plumbing tube, there will be very little space for my cryophoenix form to move around."

The cryomancer paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. "Despite that, I may be able to use my transformed state in the more spacious areas, but that's entirely... up to the air, one might say."

Yep, he just made a flight related pun. Of course he did.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Staring at the withered man for a solid minute it seemed like Min-Ji might not have heard him. She was trying to ascertain better how his powers work. Turning away she looked at various points in the room. "I think he could get to that." Several thought were going through her head as she went back through her memory. It had been some time since she'd been connected. "There is a open circuit to the facility's distribution station that goes to my cell. If you can lock the circuits of that station closed then I will have access to critical functions and a number of your cell's countermeasures." Scooting her tray of food away she stood up and walked over to Hemlock.

Waving a hand over Hemlock's restraints they seemed to work somewhat in reverse to her own, shielding him from outside EM fields. "Right." Touching one finger against the restraint and the other against Hemlock's hand.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Chrys
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Scoffing at them; while thinking how they didn’t know she had more planned for their escape. “I can think of something that could start a pretty big fire; Don’t worry firefly your gonna get to have some fun while escaping. “ Winking at Ameliya.

Snickering akin to a hyena, Ameliya was only half listening to the rest of the plan as she watched the odd pair. As soon as the word fire was heard though, her head turned and with gleaming eyes her smirk turned into a large grin. "That's all I need to hear," Ameliya said brimming with confidence several sizes too large for her.

“From what I was told while the distraction is going on; the whole place will be total chaos. So we can use that to do wherever is necessary to get past the security. It’s gonna start late at night when everything is quiet, and there are not so many guards around. When we get a couple of floors above we’re gonna have to make a pit stop to grab an inmate in Cell XIII; he’ll will help us with getting to the surface. So do you got any ideas that could help with the plan?” She said asking Locke. The only thing Mr.Q had given the means to escape their cells. There was not much else that could help them escape the asylum. “That fucker better know how to escape this hell hole.” She thought biting her lower lip.

Thoughts of a burning landscape, Ameliya thought about the possibility of what could cause explosions in the asylum to help further her flames. Which meant she was again only half listening to Abby's plan. All she heard and needed to hear was that they were going to use fire, and there were enough of them that the plan might actually work. Any other plans, in her mind, were likely to go wrong real fast. It was better to be more flexible in these kinds of situations. It was their power and determination that were really going to mean this escape worked or not. Looking at the group, she considered that it looked like it had already been covered. Her eyes lingered over both Ruyn and Korbl with curiosity to exactly how strong the two individuals were.

Though her ears perked up when she heard the young punk talk about a certain inmate. Not only was this odd because it hadn't looked like she had any relationships with other inmates, but this was also an inmate Ameliya had never heard of in the year of her incarceration.

"What's so special about the guy in cell 13?" Ameliya said as her once manic looking smile quickly faded as she looked to stare at Abby. Her eyes tried to read the young woman's expression as she tried to figure out exactly what this girl had been keeping from the rest of them. Ameliya, like she assumed most of the people in the asylum, had their own secrets that they didn't want to share around. That was fair but if this had anything to do with the possibility of getting out of here, she wanted to hear about it.

Waving a hand over Hemlock's restraints they seemed to work somewhat in reverse to her own, shielding him from outside EM fields. "Right." Touching one finger against the restraint and the other against Hemlock's hand.

An eyebrow raised as Ameliya watched the young woman she only knew from static shocks, approached the thin slice of a man. Maybe it was because she had only been paying half attention to all the technical plans people had been making, or maybe it was because she didn't understand any of those technical words about 'Faraday cages' and 'outgoing EMFs' but Ameliya had no idea exactly what Min-ji was doing at the moment.

All she did know though was that the guards were going to get real suspicious if they saw what was going on, so she whirled herself around on the seat and then locked eyes with Iris. With a sneaky smile and a wink, she leaned forward and pulled on one of Iris's many colourful braids.

"I'm the bitch!?" Ameliya exclaimed loudly as she tried to make sure she got the guards attention, "Well at least it's better to be a bitch then a slut." She just hoped that Iris got the idea, and she hadn't permanently gotten on the loud girl's bad side now.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@Eviledd1984 @TheRedWatcher @twave @Klumsykrow357 @Blazion @Silver Carrot @Perse @KaelRavenheart

They stored his swords here? Körbl eyes boggled at that, why would they think that was a good idea? It's been months since he was arrested and sent here.

"No, not anymore. Broke during the fight," Recalling his favorite sword, one that accompanied him throughout his entire journey, was destroyed completely stung him. Leaving him sullen before sighing. "But still, the rest are good blade."

Well, messer types of swords. Good enough for one hand, and he carried multiple ones of them. It wasn't familiar large ones but it was good enough.

As to their quality? He pointed a finger to himself and grinned. "And with me? Can cut diamonds."

Körbl however then gestured to his chains and shook his head. "No, warden is smart. These are welded. Know that I would escape easier if it has keys, so no keys. Holding and fighting with cuffs is not a problem, have fought like these before."

"But, if little fraulein." He then subtly pointed to Kailani. "Bites only the chains, then I can move like normal."

"And if I can move like normal..." A wide grin broke out and he stated casually. "Then it's no problem."

As more details came in, Körbl only hummed as he started to plan his route to get to the group. An alarm distracting the guards would allow him some time to carve out a weakspot on the glass. Combined with the weight and momentum of the chains, he definitely can crack it open.

How fortunate then, he managed to secure a key component for that. Körbl idly felt the sharp piece of tray in his hand.

"As for the messers, we'll see. If close enough to secure, then I'll go myself. If not, then we escape first." Körbl decided, those swords weren't the end goal and he can reforge some of them once he get out.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by TheRedWatcher
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TheRedWatcher Stabby Shadow

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It had been a while since he had felt the static on his skin. The facility for a long time had felt cold, and smooth. Taking a second to enjoy this sensation, feeling the static underneath his feet. Closing his eyes really simply to enjoy the heartbeat of circuitry. How long had he been offline? Enjoying the moment briefly, it’s probably best to determine how he should approach this situation. He can appreciate the greater senses later. Opening his eyes again.

First, he needs to determine where the signal is coming from. Once he determines the signal, he can hack into it. How does he want to go about this? Sending in his Digital Ghost might be more effective, though there is a potential chance that he can remotely hack into them, using the signal coming from the handcuffs. Which was what he wanted in the first place.

The only issue he saw with sending in Digital Ghost was how vulnerable it would make him in this situation. Once he released Digital Ghost it would mean that his body was left to the actions of others. While certain that everyone would likely prefer to escape, he’d prefer to have some form of guaranteed security in this situation.

Perhaps, his newfound alliance would be beneficial in this circumstance. The question was whether or not he thought Digital Ghost was necessary in this situation. It definitely makes things easier, gaining a greater sense of their security systems, what they can and cannot control. Perhaps even giving the Magnet a better backdoor to do what she needed to do. Sighing, he finally turns his head to find Rueyn. Now that everything isn’t so fuzzy, he can sense her more clearly. That void of a color, that sinking black, that pulls into space, and then flashes red, only for it to pull away from itself.

It feels like the kind of power that pulls you inside of its force. Perhaps he might have made a stronger ally than he intended to. However, she probably was the one he could ask for this favor. She was either going to be his protector or his demise in this circumstance, given what a circumstance it is.

“Rueyn,” he states, “I am going to make a request. I need a favor from you. I would like you to take care of my body while I am away.”

He turns his attention for a second, to Ameliya shouting something about Iris being a slut? There is another strong ally. Her color churns and boils, it’s hot. A “Red” but only in the sense of how people perceive red, “Just in case this place turns into pandemonium before I return.”

Rue listened carefully absorbing the information and processing it as valuable strategic information, eyes glowing at his words as she recognized a similar ability to hers in his.

“I owe you a favor for ruining my favorite bracelets for me anyways,” she raised the now useless dampening cuffs to indicate what she meant with a raised eyebrow and wickedly dangerous smirk that her mask somehow conveyed (benefits of fancy military grade tech and now her own magic imbuing itself into the item to brand it as hers). “If anyone gets even real actively close they get turned into a bloody meat shower and I get some therapeutic enjoyment out of dismembering yet another fucking idiot.”

She ended her sentence with a dark rumble-purr and a bloodthirsty smile that crinkled her eyes.

With that settled then, he would use the signal to travel as Digital Ghost to where he believed the cameras were to disrupt the security systems. Feeling around briefly, it might look odd to the others as he attempted to find a chair to sit on. It’s been a while since he has done this. Though he felt confident he could assist in this plan.

Focusing. What he’s looking for is the signal that speaks to the others.

Found it.

Now all he has to do -

Is breath.

Feel the fields at his fingertips. Imagine how these signals look, and hear them.

It’s like walking outside of himself. Into a completely different space. Even in this different space, he doesn’t see. Instead it’s like walking into a kaleidoscope, where static takes on a prism of color. Bending and warping around him. The static voices are what guide him along.

Just another day in Thornwood isn’t it? These prisoners are always doing something to rile up the guards. They didn’t know anyone by their name, they weren’t paid to know the prisoners names, just paid to watch the cameras and man the alarms. And there was always something to report, but he supposed that came with the job. In an Asylum for the criminally insane. Grabbing a handful of M&M’s and looking over at James, his current partner manning the control center.

“What do you think is going to happen?” They always took bets.

“Something is going on in the cafeteria,” James looks over, pointing to monitor 6.

Gabe shrugs for a second, “Something is always happening.”

“True enough,”

“Still, it be interesting to see which of the the inmates won,”

“My bet is on the girl with colorful hair,”

“No way, you see the one with red hair, I hear she’s a real nasty bitch,”

Both of them take out a 10 placing it on the table.

“Pretty cheap James,” Gabe laughs.

“Winner gets both tens,” James states.

“And it’s a stalemate if the boys on the field intervene before anything too violent happens,” Gabe drops some M&M’s into his mouth. The two of them knock knuckles together, the only way to make this job interesting sometimes was their little games when on shift.

“How’s Laurene anyway?” James asks leaning over to grab some M&M’s from the candy bowl.

“Pregnant and moody,” Gabe shrugs.

James takes a second, Monitor 3 seems to be acting up. That’s strange they don’t usually go on the fritz like this, is tech slacking?

“Monitor 3,” James points.

“I see it, sometimes you have just give the monitor a smack on the side,” Gabe responds standing up, “The facility’s tech is top notch, but the gear they give us is not quite. It’s probably an issue with the monitors.”

An image flashes on the screen. It’s a cheap scare. A creepy demonic, hollow face, pops onto the screen and Gabe jumps back. Holy fuck.

“You good Gabe?” James asks.

All the monitors go out in snow. They begin to hiss and flicker. James stands up now. This has to be a prank right? Or has someone gotten into the system? Somehow. James goes for the alarm, just in case.

Gabe’s rushes to the door-

A man steps out of the snow. His image, hazey, and flickering like a digital flame. His hair blond and his eyes glowing. There seem to be shadows of himself, as after images behind him, creating the illusion there are more, and sometimes the image stabilizes enough to see a man standing. He reaches for the candy bowl.

Except the candy falls to the floor through his hands.

Gabe attempts the door anyway. Pounding on the door, though the likelihood of anyone hearing them is unlikely they are in a box in the corner of the facility. Fuck.

This always seemed to happen in his presence. Two grown men clawing at the door, trying to trip it’s emergency lock. It was relatively easy to take control of this room. Now a whole facility, maybe not this one. As he was traveling through the signals to find the security room tucked into a corner, he realized there were several interesting defense mechanisms this facility has. While rudimentary it may take him a moment to figure out its backwalls and it’s little tucked away networking. For now this would have to make do. Here he can wipe the cameras and the monitors, it could be like a little command center, a nice terminal to checkpoint to.

Right. There were still people here. Let’s see. Playing with his fingers, as if he were playing an invisible piano key. It’s been a while since he had to consider these things. Probably the best option was something simple and “clean”.

Feeling the static. It tickles like pins and needles. Drawing from the computer towers. And monitors in the room.

Releasing it. Letting surge in the room. Their colors flickering wildly. For a brief second he almost feels connected to them in the way he does machines. But that’s only because their bodies are taking in a large quantity of EMF. There is a distinct squelch, then gurgling from the men.

Now that they were taken care of, the security room is secure. Now there was a little him here. And considering how the Magnet spoke earlier, she might likely be able to make use of this room in a way he couldn’t. For right now everything on his end was done. Probably should return to relay this to the others.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Shadow
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Lurking Shadow Yithian Archivist

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Rudy, you can help us with digging through a couple of walls…

Randolph paused for a moment. Did…Did she call him Rudy? The audacity! It would be as if a cow called her Agatha.

”It is Randolph actually… feoil he said, mumbling the last word quietly so as to not announce his dissatisfaction.

It would seem this human expects his help, did she not hear him express his disinterest? Or is she so brash. Perhaps she is, if she will continue to call him by the wrong name. but on the other hand, suppose he escapes and this motley crew fails. If the prison, more specifically the warden remains, he is unlikely to let Randolph get away. If he is to continue his research unbothered, it would be in his interest to ensure the success of this group. To provide cover for him, if not successful in annihilating the facility and its warden.

But he was never a fan of groups as large as this. Randolph will continue with his plan, with alterations. A concentrated mass has the best chance at breakthrough, but with unknown resistance, it might prove best to defeat in detail.

”…Fine. I’ll help… Randolph said reluctantly. ”I know of a section of wall that is fragile enough for me to pierce so I can dig through the earth. But I suggest we do not merely bypass security but demoralize them. Through the earth I can get to anywhere in this facility nevermind the surface. If we sequentially brutalize the guards from directions they do not suspect, we would be able to rout them. How much would they really care for this job when their life is threatened. I must gather energy for this endeavor, anyone with bloodlust should find me in a few minutes.”

Randolph went back to his cell, to devour a corpse he has been saving for a while. A former guard who carried a secret to his grave. And though the dead cannot talk, they can remember. It was from that guard that he first learned of a weakness in the wall. A shattered section that was improperly fixed. Instead of being replaced with the proper, durable, materials it was plastered over. This decision proved a boon for Randolph, as he could easily claw through to the earth that lies behind.

Sure, there is the matter of having to dig your way up, something that would take weeks. Maybe months. But most probably don’t know that Ghouls are some of the best burrowers around. For as long as Ghouls existed, they dug and tunneled, creating paths and mazes of tunnels which have remained for far longer than recorded history. It makes sense afterall, their food typically lays underneath a few feet of dirt. Randolph has even made his fair share of tunnels. With the tools and instincts given to him by nature, he can dig much faster than any man with a shovel. But for now, he needs to wait for the other plan to fall into action before his part.

All he could do was wait and grab a bite. It may be a while before he can eat again so he will feast. Sitting in the cell, virtually undisturbed for several years, it bears a stench that would turn most away. A mixture of rot and a tinge of something sickly sweet. Most of the flesh has evaporated, consumed by microbes and maggots, the skin visibly clinging to the bones like plastic wrap. While there is considerably less mass to the body, it will still provide ‘dinner and a show’.

It should not take too long to devour this meal, literally and figuratively. Randolph started at the head, opening his maw and starting with a taste. Disappointing. Though the rot added a pleasant aftertaste and the meat itself was seasoned with a liberal amount of decay, there was still something holding the taste back. There always was in this prison. But soon he will have a wide array of choices again. But enough of that now, as he attuned his senses to the meal before him.

Randolph was shaken back to reality by the sound of his door unlocking. Perhaps someone is out there to get him out, or perhaps that blind human disabled at least some of the security. Either way, it is now time for his part. Grabbing one last bone and quickly cracking it to consume the marrow, He stepped outside and into the hallway.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by KaiserElectric
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KaiserElectric Spaghetti Enthusiast

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Marina glanced back and forth between the plotters surrounding her, listening to them boast of how they could break free once their various restraints and shackles were removed, a boast she had heard so many times by now. She wasn't sure if any of them, outside of Randolph and the omnivorous alien, considered her a factor in this grand plan of theirs. Well get the device off her back and they wouldn't have a choice in the matter, would they?

"Great, now I'm doing it," Marina chuckled to herself, her gaze temporarily resting on the one with long, thin black hair looking rather vacant. It was only natural of course; she kept her emotions carefully in check, never once stepping out of line when the guards could see her. Even when she wanted nothing more then to bare her claws and tear through every smug and sneering face looking down on her, she bit her tongue and waited.

That was something her enemies always got wrong about her. It was so easy to paint Marina Montressor as a schemer, a psychopathic manipulator, a grandmaster playing everyone around her like pawns on a chessboard. It was that reputation that earned her the colorful nickname "The Bismarck of the Business World" after she outmaneuvered those bastards at Sonnenlicht. She hated the nickname if only because she found the hero worship of that name so unbearable, but it fit in at least one way. The German statesman's greatest skill was never genius, a talent the aristocratic fop never once possessed. It was patience, and the willingness to hit and hit hard when the right moment presented itself.

That's when she spotted something...odd. Glancing at a distant table, an unimportant prisoner sat with his bulky wrist restraints at his side. The small light on the side was not on. Strange. She glanced to her side, where the enthusiastic alien was sitting. The light on the apparatus, a small dot so hard to spot you wouldn't know it was there unless you looked for it, was dimmed as well. Putting two and two together, her heart started racing as she looked back at the vacantly staring Hemlock again. What was his power again? She heard one guard discussing it...traveling through electric...

Fucking hell. Here she was pondering about some dead German's ability to improvise when the time was right and here she was. Right when things were starting to get dicey in the cafeteria. And if the power was out, that meant-


Such a small sound, and yet it rang in her ears like the fanfare of a hundred man orchestra. The leech of a contraption attached to her spine; that was connected to the system as well, and with the power out, the pumps had shut down. Soon she'd be free, so long as the guards lining the walls didn't realize the power was out and shoot her. Time to make herself scarce.

Quietly getting to her feet, she surreptitiously leaned over to the alien next to her. "Someone's cut the power, everything's shut down," she whispered, before turning on her heel and making herself scarce. The guards eyed her suspiciously but didn't follow; the device was supposed to still be working, after all.

Time to see what her ghoulish friend was up to.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Julia Kray


"Someone's cut the power, everything's shut down."

Julia had been waiting, and listening to everybody's conversations. Taking note of their actions. They were doing it! And it might actually work! If they could get out, she'd have a chance to start over! Another chance at living an ordinary life with friends and a job and freedom! She was getting too excited to even eat as she sat, and listened, and kept her head pointed forward. It was only after the white-haired lady two seats along from her told Kailani that one sentence that Julia felt her stomach drop. Her heart was pounding so hard, her muzzled friend could probably feel it, let alone hear it.

To test the above claim, she put her hands under the desk and looked at her gloves. There was neither a red or green light. She tried to take one off, and managed to slide it up all the way to her palm! That woman had been telling the truth! Their restraints were off!

Julia put her glove back on, and then slowly, as to not attract any guard's attention away from the distraction, reached around to the back of Kai's muzzle and unfastened it. She kept hold of it as she took it off and discreetly placed it on the seat besides her. She slid her unfinished bowl of food to Kai and gave her a pat on the shoulder and a smile, before getting up and walking over to where Ameliya and Iris were starting the distraction. When they came to blows, she was going to try and break them up, and in the process, escalate this from an argument, to a scene. Any way she could help this plan to succeed, short of deliberately taking a life.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by El Gato Naranja
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El Gato Naranja Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 10 days ago

Alfred Gunther/The Frostbite

Never One...

Without the Other

Alfred stayed quiet, doing his best to pretend to not notice that the power had gone out. He had barely finished the spicy noodles that he had been granted in account of good behaviour within this prison when thay fateful event occurred, one that would, without a shadow of doubt, be the catalyst towards the beginning of an escape. His mind yearned for the freedom of the open sky, the cold winter air, the feeling of touching the clouds themselves. Or perhaps, that was the other half of his being, that primordial spirit that had once graced itself as a protector of mankind, only to be shackled in return. It wants to break free. They want to be free.

And so, Alfred put his gaze downward, placing his attention on the power suppressant that was mounted on his ankle. The blue light that signified that it was working properly began to dim in concert with the power grid of the station sputtering towards ineffectual silence.

"Ah, I see. So that's how it works.", Alfred pondered as he looked upon it with invariable scrutiny. "It's connected to the power grid too... such a spicy contraption couldn't possibly be powered by a battery... not at this small size."

Now, he just needed to wait for the perfect moment. Ameliya and that other person were going to begin a distraction soon, and when that time comes, he'll have to take this suppressant off, one way or another. It was clamped on through what seemed to be a keypad, but if it were to be made brittler by the application of cold, and then shattered with something strong enough, that might just do the trick-

Alfred turned. He noticed that Julia had taken off Kailani's muzzle. Perhaps the alien creature to whom he had donated all his silverware could be the answer. He leaned forward, whispering.

"You wouldn't mind breaking the piece of metal bound to my ankle, yeah? You can eat it after we take it off. Deal?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Klumsykrow357
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"I'm the bitch!?" Ameliya exclaimed loudly as she tried to make sure she got the guards attention, "Well at least it's better to be a bitch then a slut." She just hoped that Iris got the idea, and she hadn't permanently gotten on the loud girl's bad side now.

Iris didn't skip a beat. She had been listening to the talk all around her. She knew what was up. Grabbin' the do though, that was gonna cost her. She whipped around, feet hitting the floor with an attitude-filled thump as she stood up and got right into Ameliya's face. She then reached up to slap the hand holding her braid away.


Iris shoved Ameliya hard in the chest and then thumped her hands against her own in a challenging way. She almost smiled when she saw the guards turn towards the commotion and tense up. It was a BIG no-no to let Iris get physical with anyone, the guards might just decide to shoot them. They needed to either dial it up to 11 and make them panic or a slow build that would take them off guard. Hell, why not both?


The guard that had escorted her from her cell, a sweet-boy named Stephan, came forward cautiously. He had one hand on his taser and one out in front of him in a calming gesture.

"C'mon Iris, you just got outta solitary. Don't do anything stupid. I don't want to have to use this..."

Iris looked over at Ameliya and mouthed 'Hit me' at her before feigning defeat by sagging her shoulders and rolling her eyes. She then turned her back on the fiery woman and made like she was going to sit down again. She could already see some of the guards starting to relax, thinking that the crisis was over. Boy were they wrong. As soon as she felt the impact she would unleash the Wrath of God on these mo' fos'. Except for Stephan...he was ok.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Chrys
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Iris didn't skip a beat. She had been listening to the talk all around her. She knew what was up. Grabbin' the do though, that was gonna cost her. She whipped around, feet hitting the floor with an attitude-filled thump as she stood up and got right into Ameliya's face. She then reached up to slap the hand holding her braid away.


As soon as the colourful inmate had jumped onto her feet, a smirk started to cross Ameliya's face. It looked like she had chosen the right partner for this distraction. The sharp slap on her fingers was quickly ignored, and so was the yelling in retaliation but,

...Wait, did she just call me ugly?

Iris shoved Ameliya hard in the chest and then thumped her hands against her own in a challenging way. She almost smiled when she saw the guards turn towards the commotion and tense up. It was a BIG no-no to let Iris get physical with anyone, the guards might just decide to shoot them. They needed to either dial it up to 11 and make them panic or a slow build that would take them off guard. Hell, why not both?


Ameliya was now also up on her feet, as she stood face to face with Iris. The shove and the insults from the other girl might have all been part of the plan but Ameliya would be lying if she said she wasn't irritated nevertheless.

Her smirking grin had been lessening by the second as her teeth gritted together and she tried to remind herself of the plan. After all, she had been the one who started this, but as she tried to keep herself from actually hitting the woman back her body had already started to heat up and something suddenly struck Ameliya. There were had only been a flicker for the last few months, had come back to a roaring fire. The dampner was no longer working.

A smile started to cross her face, and without hesitation, Ameliya leaped forward to grant's Iris wish. Her closed fist struck Iris right in the cheek. Then before even waiting for a reaction from both the other inmate or the guards watching them.

She swang back towards the table, and she reached out towards the steel with hands showing the firey glow of her veins. With a quick look at her own accomplice, she said, "You might want to move"

Then she placed her hands on the metal, and as she lit up her hands so they were now aflame, the table slowly started to turn orange under her hands. It wasn't long before the table was piping hot, and the metal material had started to drip. Ameliya held her hand out to grab a handful of the dangerous smelting material, then turned to look at the guards. Raising her eyebrows, she smiled widely as if just daring them to try her when she had such a nasty projectile just waiting for them.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Blazion
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Member Seen 23 days ago

@The Man Emperor@Restalaan

It was a bit confusing following everyone’s trail of thought as they talked about the upcoming plan in whispers. Even Min-Ji was moving to help despite her initial reluctance. Good for her, good for her.
Still, they seemed to be getting all on board, even if talking about far away cages was puzzling. Something about electricity? River currents?

Humans. Psh.

Speaking of humans and those who aren’t, Kailani raised a hand to give a little wave to Randolph as he stalked off. He was using his large words again, like ‘sequentially’. He was funny like that. Then again, maybe it was a thing from his species? If she could eat enough ghouls to morph one and imprint their language maybe she’d understand.

“Someone’s cut the power, everything’s shut down.”

The alien’s pondering was cut short at the whisper from the woman beside her, honey eyes instantly dilating and the fine little hairs along Kailani’s arms rising. She didn’t even notice Marina leave following her statement, everything in her being zeroed in on the apparatus strapped around her face. Her teeth ached as the thought of biting into something with actual mass, with solidity, was becoming a very real possibility. Drool was beginning to pool in her mouth, Kailani’s heartbeat drumming in her head as her thin, little human fingers began to tremble.

As though her thoughts were a physical manifestation there was a sudden movement behind her head and the muzzle slipped off her face. Kailani’s gaze followed it as a gloved hand removed the contraption - bite the metal and swallow the wires - placing it beside the woman who did it. The alien’s eyes snapped up to meet Julia’s, and for a moment she regretted not just eating the muzzle the instant it came off. It was still possible, especially as Julia pat her on the shoulder - crunch the bones and rend the flesh - but she needed time. Just a little more patience.

Her teeth kept aching.

"You wouldn't mind breaking the piece of metal bound to my ankle, yeah? You can eat it after we take it off. Deal?"

The human words man was talking. It was hard to concentrate as everything around Kailani was suddenly edible again, suddenly within reach. It took a quiet reminder - ’follow the plan or you’ll starve again’ - to focus on the men at the table adjacent.

Right. Right. Release them and they will assist her as well. Right.

Rather than respond verbally and even risk drawing attention to herself, Kailani grinned at Alfred - a wide, stretching thing that showed deceptively flat teeth. Taking the opportunity, she slipped beneath the table as though getting away from the escalating confrontation between the women nearby - taking Julia’s bowl with her and biting right into the side of it in a glorious mouthful. It was hard to focus - if this fails, when will she next eat? - and so she had to keep moving. To the first man who requested her assistance, with the giant encasements around his arms. She didn't even bother calling for him, just reaching out to grab the chain between his ankles and tugging them to get the man to shuffle closer, to hide her work.

And then it was a fantastical shatter of metal, the quiet snapping virtually muted beneath the cacophony of arguing nearby. The links disappeared into Kailani's mouth but it wasn't enough, even with all that she was fed that morning. She followed the chain right to Körbl’s ankle, the restraint crumbling before she used her hands to yank the other half of the cuff off and slam into her mouth. It was only the slight sting of her own teeth scraping across her fingers that had her stopping from reaching for the ankle too. Focus. Focus!

With the ball and one cuff gone, Kailani forced herself to merely bite the other cuff, carefully and regretfully avoiding skin. She patted Körbl’s leg before crawling further down the table, to Alfred. With him it was even easier - harder to control - as she grabbed his leg to bring up to her mouth.

She licked his ankle briefly.

Then the dampener around him folded like sand beneath her teeth, and as the rest of the device dropped she grabbed it to shove in her mouth in lieu of Alfred's flesh. As the last splinters of metal disappeared, drool dripping onto the floor, Kailani tried to focus once more. There wasn’t anyone else, so finally, finally she could feast. But where? Who? There were so many options - she could literally just bite into the table she was currently under, or the guard only feet away trying to stop Iris and Ameliya.

And then she caught sight of them. Her target.

Kailani kept low to the ground, wiggling between Abby and Alfred’s legs to shimmy to the next table, then crept underneath the one right at the argument. It had the perfect view, Kailani peeking out of the edge on the end of the table upwards. The balcony containing armed guards was along one side of the wall, an ever-hanging threat with their painful guns and height advantage. In this guise, the alien was as helpless as anyone else against them.

But now the muzzle was gone, and with it the collar that kept her from changing forms.

As the table began to glow a molten orange, and the sound of guns being readied and aimed even further above accompanied it, a guard shouting for the pyromancer to stand down, it took only a second for Kailani’s form to change. Like a shark breaching the waters the large form of the Devourer burst forth from beneath the table, the molten material clinging to her form. Jaws locked around the guard closest, his legs collapsing to the metal catwalk as the rest of him disappeared. Huge claws clung to the balcony, the whole structure shuddering from the weight - and as some turned to begin firing uselessly on the alien, as screams and shouted commands and even excited cheers were beginning to break out, Kailani bit down on the balcony and shook her head like a dog to a bone.

The whole thing shuddered, before it broke beneath the onslaught and split in two. A chute of delicious humans sliding right towards their awaiting, molten death, screams echoing in tandem with the excited, alien shriek.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by El Gato Naranja
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El Gato Naranja Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 10 days ago

Alfred Gunther/The Frostbite

Never One...

Without the Other

With the ball and one cuff gone, Kailani forced herself to merely bite the other cuff, carefully and regretfully avoiding skin. She patted Körbl’s leg before crawling further down the table, to Alfred. With him it was even easier - harder to control - as she grabbed his leg to bring up to her mouth.

She licked his ankle briefly.

The primordial Frostbite cringed at the sight and sensation of the alien woman licking the ankle of its host, almost bursting into a transformation right then and there at the perceived offense. "How barbaric. Even now she wants to eat your feet, and then everything else in this godsforsaken place. Ew."

Alfred quietly grumbled at the ancient spirit, rolling his eyes. The Frostbite's complaints were certainly wasn't helping the situation he was having down there. "Frosty, don't make it weirder than it already is. It's not like she's a vore enthusiast. Just constantly hungry with that insatiable alien... um, hunger. She can't help it, okay?"

"Damn thing ate its own siblings..."

"It's nature, get over it. You're literally part of nature!"

His thoughts would soon be interrupted though, as the distraction from Ameliya and Iris erupted into all new explosive heights, while Kailani revealed her true form. A gigantic elephant... dragon thing. Whatever she was, she is a xeno, a stranger to this world. An alien with alien thought patterns...

Huge claws clung to the balcony, the whole structure shuddering from the weight - and as some turned to begin firing uselessly on the alien, as screams and shouted commands and even excited cheers were beginning to break out, Kailani bit down on the balcony and shook her head like a dog to a bone.

And now, things were getting even spicier. They were supposed to escape later tonight, but the cat, no, the alien was out of the bag, and at this rate, there was simply no way they could delay the great escape. It was now or never.

Frostbite spoke, entreating for a long yearned transformation.
"Shall we?"

"I suppose..."

Alfred was engulfed in a torrent of cold wind, defying all mortal laws as the temperature within the cafeteria dropped by several degrees. His eyes glowed with an azure shimmer, and for a few moments, it was as if he disappeared inside the brewing winterstorm...

Then it emerged. A pair of icy wings sprung out of the spot where Alfred Gunther had been sitting, then an avian head with a single glowing horn forged from deathly frost. The mist quickly dissipated, revealing a phoenix of ice with a pair of glowing, blue eyes. It roared with a chilling shriek, a harbinger of the winter itself arising from its mortal to avenge ancient wrongs.

For now, though, it breathed forth a conical blast of ice towards the remnants of the balcony that still clung upon the side of the wall, blocking off access to the cafeteria from above.

It looked around. The guard that had previously given Alfred his spicy noodles was aiming at Kailani with her pistol, visibly shuddering with total fear as the alien creature started devouring her comrades. This was one life that the Frostbite was keen to spare from this ensuing chaos, and so it flew towards the guard, landing in front of her with wings blocking any peering eyes from the increasingly riotous cafeteria.

"Get out of here," the phoenix said in a voice that sounded like a chorus of twenty. "Your life isn't worth minimum wage. Please?"

Marie paused for a moment, then turned and fled through the nearby sidedoor... which Frostbite immediately blasted with frost to prevent anyone of the unruly prisoners from following her. For now, at least.

He may be an ancient. He may have eternal grudges, but the Frostbite used to be a defender of humanity, and there would still be a small spark of that old conviction in its cold, lightless heart.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KaelRavenheart
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KaelRavenheart Dragon Rider

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Lionel Gift

Mr. Q lightly tapped his long finger against his chin while listening to Lionel’s questions; “Well to answer your first question; this whole conversation is happening in your head. Unfortunately, I am trapped by the runes and spells which is why Amelia Beauchamp is also essential to our plan. She knows the words to break my shackles. My abilities vary depending on the situation and how it could help with my goals. “You do make a good point; which is why I have asked Abby to bust you out first. They may be wary of you because of the rumours, but I have reassured her that you would be a valuable assist. And if anything you could also use your abilities to sway them; Abby will be the easiest to manipulate. I have the upmost fate in you to complete the task at hand.” Mr. Q leaned his head in to stare Lionel in the eyes. His eye sockets looked empty like his eyes were replaced with black holes. There was something moving inside of them, but Lionel could not make it out. A quick glance made he could see moving faces with permanent expressions of agony; His smile widening moving from ear to ear. “Once the others break you out of your cell; then you will get me out of my own cell, And I will help you through the rest of the security above.” He leaned his head back. “Then after we are safe and away from this place; we can start with the next part of the plan. Does that sound good?”

Lionel did not flinch in the face of Mr. Q.'s unsettling eyes, though he did raise an eyebrow in suprise and interest. The sockets in the man's face seemed to depict trapped souls in excrutiating pain. He wasn't sure whether it was a trick of the light or a reality, but he had a feeling that this man was every bit as capable and fearsome as he'd suspected. There was a darkness in him so deep it would swallow the hope and courage of lesser beings and leave them in despair. Lionel's smile widened, his baby teeth flashing neatly. This man could very well be the most Unworthy soul he'd come across in his many years of living. In fact, looking at those twisted faces in the deep pools of blackness where the man's eyes should be, Lionel got a distinct feeling that their goals would weave in and out of synch in the future. On the one hand, Mr Q. was an ally now and Lionel owed him a debt. Furthermore, what better instrument of hellish chaos could be unleashed so deservingly on the Unworthy than this being? On the other hand, Mr. Q's formidable nature did not seem to be the sort to restrict itself towards the tormenting of the Unworthy. How many Worthy might be lost into those hollow pits of suffering and hopelessness if he went unchecked? That was unacceptable.

That problem would have to wait for another day. For now, the man's plan seemed to sound enough. Lionel would play along as long as it benefitted him. He would take no action against Mr. Q. for as long as his debt remained. He withdrew a small hand from behind his back and offered it to the being before him saying,"Very well, Mr. Q. I accept your proposal and do here by give my word to assist you in this endeavor you have concocted to the best of my ability. If nothing else, I consider myself a man of my word." He looked down at his childish body for a moment before looking back up at Mr. Q."So to speak. I shall await my release with baited breath."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@Eviledd1984 @TheRedWatcher @twave @Klumsykrow357 @Blazion @Silver Carrot @Perse @KaelRavenheart

Körbl eyes twitched as his instinct flared, almost imperceivable but years of fighting had his hair on the nape of his neck stood on edges.

Something happened, but what?

Then next, chaos, electricity, light blinked before the prisoners around him tested and flexed themselves. From the corner of his eyes, nearly all of the dampeners came down.

They're doing it now?! Körbl breath hitched as the plan was progressing far faster than expected. They just had the bare bones of it, and it'll be executing at this very moment.

Already, an internal countdown started within Körbl. Placing fifteen minutes or so before the guards fully reorganized themselves if they don't do something.

Turning towards the alien looking girl, the latter was already working as he felt himself pulled down below the table. One that he gladly followed as Kailani got to work.

Seeing her teeth just munching through those damnable chains that had kept him restrained like crackers was humbling as she continued consuming the rest in a flash.

The moment the chains was released from one of his legs, Körbl pupils widened as blood flowed through him intensely.

"Yes..." Flexing and stretching his toes, then moving his legs. Reflexes and instinct filling him with overflowing strength. Körbl nearly lost his patience but maintained as Kailani go to work on the last one. Crunching through it like it was nothing as well, not even the threat of her teeth biting into his flesh and tongue flicking onto his ankle deterred him from the moment he regained the use of his legs.

A second passed as she finally finished freeing his other leg, and Körbl smiled ferally.


Körbl legs snapped upwards, easily lifting his bulk like he weighed nothing. Eyes passed around his surrounding once before dashing like a lightning. to the guards that caught him at the corner of their eyes, it was like he had teleported upwards to the catwalk. No guards was prepared for him as their attention was drawn towards the pyromancer and enlarging alien.

A flick of his wrist to reveal the small edge of the tray, gripping it between his index and middle finger. Körbl was completely in his element now as he bore down onto one of the first guards still firing away ineffectually at the prisoners down below them.

One downward strike to the neck, cleaving through the suit like it was butter, the guard barely realized the spurt of blood coming out as Körbl moved towards another target.

Punching forward, the metal piece punctured another guard in the neck, another guard felt the back of their knees suddenly losing strength before blood spurting and covered their face. Not realizing their arteries been severed alongside the nerves around their neck.

By the time the catwalk was destroyed, Körbl had already moved to another guard. Each time tossing their weapon down to other prisoners and snatching one of the electric batons used for control. It was no sword or blade but it'll suffice for his purpose for now. Barely a minute passed and Körbl had taken out the guards above them.

Leaping downwards, kicking off a wall and landing right in front of Abigail, Körbl bowed towards her before gesturing her forward.

"Mein fraulein, the path is cleared." Körbl politely said gesturing towards the direction where the warden was stationed. "We need to move quick, lead us to the prisoner you need to rescue first."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Julia Kray

@Perse@Klumsykrow357@Blazion@The Man Emperor@Restalaan

Julia stepped forward when she saw the first punch thrown, and was about to interject, but the situation rapidly escalated beyond her control. Ameliya had now raised a table that was glowing hot. Looking behind her, she saw several of the now unrestrained Supervillains start to attack the guards, and seal off the exits to the cafeteria. One of them was a giant hulking creature that was devouring most of the guards on the catwalk. Everything around Julia was absolute carnage and she was frozen to the spot watching it all. It was a stark reminder that the people she was in this room with were powerful, trained, dangerous and thought nothing of taking multiple human lives. They were Supervillains. She had to try and fit in with them without being a burden. A handgun from a dead guard clattered to the floor in front of her, and she picked it up. She had never fired a gun before, didn't know how to aim, and....this was a lot heavier than they made these look in the movies!

The chaos subsided almost as fast as it had started, and they had won. They had secured the cafeteria. Julia was surprised that her first thought was "The ice man shouldn't have let that guard escape alive. They might have less time before an alarm is raised now." What was even more concerning was that thought didn't make her feel guilty. Julia looked around for Kai, and for Min-Ji. She saw Min-Ji. But where was the little girl? She looked around the room, and spotted everybody that she knew, but couldn't account for who the large alien-looking creature was. That's when she out two and two together and realized that she was Kai. So that was why she wore a muzzle. In fact, Julia was possible the single least dangerous inmate in this room right now. It only hammered home to her that she didn't belong here and needed to get out.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by twave
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Minutes. It took mere minutes for a barely articulated plan to turn to dust. "I will be in my cell." She couldn't help but wonder how someone that seemingly held themselves in such high regard would do such a thing. Why were their restraints disabled all of the sudden? Wasn't the idea to wait for night? There would have been less guards, most of them wouldn't have restraints on to begin with as they'd be in their cells, and she would have direct access to the grid. Shutting everything off now necessitated acting in the immediate before the facility caught on that something was happening.

Criminals were difficult to work with under ideal circumstances. This place was not the outside. Down here was a boiling kettle with no outlet. Having broken away once she'd fulfilled her end to give access, she and her small entourage of guards were headed back to her cell when the sounds of chaos started back in the direction of the cafeteria. Looking back it appeared that some of the guards were having issues with the electronic locks and were resorting to manual mechanisms. Such a detail was swept aside as the uproar works its way into the wing. Inmates that normally would be contained were breaking out of their cells as several countermeasures ceased to exist.

"What's going on?" Of of the guards called back to the entry.

After a bit of a scramble, more guards from the checkpoint began filtering out to contain the wing. Communication was down, but clearly something was up. "Some of the inmates are loose. Their restraints aren't working."

The three escorting Min-Ji take a step back and raise their weapons defensively. The woman watched them briefly before glancing around. "I would be more concerned with the others." She said before turning away to proceed to her cell.




A bulkhead flew open in the walkway above as a hulking beast burst out and dove down to the main floor of the block, making a b-line for the nearest guards that immediately began firing. Other cells were similarly being warped, melted, cracked or otherwise compromised as more inmates found their abilities unrestricted. Ahead of Min-Ji a wall of glass shattered and a flood of water rushed out as a strange jellyfish like creature crawled out. Others behind were starting to work their way free. "Arc Dragon!" One of them called out and began rushing in the woman's direction. The man had been one of the previous attempted escapees. The guards merely being in the way, one was tossed over the railing while the other two fired off tranq rounds to try and stop the man. These were more designed to deal with Min-Ji though and didn't slow down the raging man. The call seem to have prompted a couple others to move in the electrokinetic's direction.

Glancing one way and back, Min-Ji scoffed a bit. "Banghaehaji ma." The lights began glow brighter as the metal walkway became electrified. The two remaining guards were protected thanks to their gear, but the other inmates that were unfortunate enough to be out of the same floor suddenly seized up and began to shake violently. The jellyfish began to bubble and pop before exploding into a goopy mess. A few seconds later everyone else afflicted collapsed to the floor in a twitching heap. Glancing back at the two still standing she motioned toward her cell. "Watch the door." The door closing behind her, Min-Ji shucked off the restraints and tossed them aside. Walking over to a pair of raised plates she placed a hand on each.

Throughout the facility the lights dimmed and flickered. Hemlock's control of systems fluctuated briefly as Min-Ji's presence filled the grid. Spaces where the guards were moving to try and secure the facility were plunged into darkness, power to the elevators were cut trapping security in the shafts, mag locks were activated locking doors shut and slowing down the response further.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Chrys
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Ameliya's eyebrows perked up as she just dared the guards and in response, she heard the clicking sounds of the all too familiar guns being readied.

"Guess the cat's been let out the bag," Ameliya said more to herself than anyone else, as her smirk grew at the guards shouting at her. The flames started to crawl from her hand up her arm, burning away the fabric of the prison jumpsuit and revealing a burning magma-looking surface underneath.

The fire continued to quickly eat up at the fabric, and soon there was neither no jumpsuit nor human-looking skin to be seen on Ameliya. Her eyes bright orange and excited, she stood there like a being made from the depths of a volcano, her hair waving in the air as if itself was a flame on a candlewick.

If she was going to be shot at, it would be much more preferred if she was in a form where it hurt less to do so.

She was just about to throw the molten table at the guards who had been aiming at her but instead she was in for a surprise. Screeching metal and destruction flew behind her as a giant creature charged forth from the cafeteria towards the catwalk.

I'm not the only one with a few surprises... Ameliya mused as she watched both impressed and amused as the creature chow down on the screaming guards. Then before Ameliya had even decided to do anything to help, there had been a flash of metal and blood splattering the walls. Watching Korbl as he quickly got to work with peaked curiosity, she didn't even pay attention at the moment a guard had got his shit together and started to aim towards her. Not that he had any luck before he too was soon taken by the chaos and destruction.

Throwing the smelt in her hand up and down, as if it was some kind of baseball she decided it looked like those two had the catwalk guards handled and looked around to see what everyone else had been doing now the immediate danger was being taken care of.

Her eyes were quickly drawn to the large ice bird that was sitting in the middle of the eatery. Well, that wasn't something you didn't see every day... She didn't know much about all the inmates but she was pretty sure that had to be that ice boy who had kept on going about him being the spirit of winter or some shit. That was definitely a big snow chicken, but she wasn't sure she saw what the whole big deal about it was.

Then a shout getting closer caught her attention, and Ameliya saw her own beloved guard running towards her with the electric baton that had hurt her just a few hours earlier. Without thinking twice, Ameliya threw the molten metal right into his face.

Hearing the pained screams as she saw the guard claw at his own face in an unfruitful attempt to rid himself of the metal, Ameliya's smile just widened. That was supposed to be the way things were. Him screaming, and her being in control.

With that in mind, she quickly approached the man as he struggled in agony to breathe and survive his own flesh becoming one with the molten metal. One magma-like hand on his shoulder, and a moment later he was a 6-foot tall flaming pyre.

If even possible, Ameliya's smile widened even greater.
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