Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

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Shigenaga Nomura
It's dangerous to go alone...

Nomura considered Mie's suggestion of training carefully. He had thought of such a prospect before, especially given how treacherous this new world happened to be. As much as he wished to rely on others for protection, it was clear to Nomura that he would not always have someone to protect him. That is to say, it's not as if he didn't plan to form his own entourage. Rather, it would be in his better interest if he were able to defend himself in the event he would be separated from any form of help, be it against the strange beasts of this or the treacherous men who live upon it.

"Hm, you do raise a good point, Lady Mie. I have been meaning to improve upon my skills with the bow as of late." Nomura stated, making his way to the gathered weapons and eyeing the arrows. "That said, I could also use a weapon in case threats come a bit too close for my liking. Perhaps a concealed weapon of some sorts, something that wouldn't draw too much attention or ire from others. You wouldn't happen to have anything like a blade hidden in a cane, or other such weapons, would you?"

Nomura examined the different weapons on display, looking for something inconspicuous. He already had a dagger, but he could still use something more to protect himself, particularly something with a longer reach. Perhaps a simple staff? In any case, he awaited Mie's suggestion, stroking his beak inquisitively as he gazed at the weapons with thought.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 6 days ago

Narkissa Langdon

@Rune_Alchemist @PKMNB0Y

Narkissa slowly made her way towards the scene of the commotion. Carrying all the new stuff was still a bit cumbersome, even with two bags to hold all her stuff and her sword awkwardly holstered in a makeshift belt, but she managed. It did make her a little less than stealthy, though, so she approached carefully.

It seemed she wasn’t as good at making herself unseen as she thought, though, when she heard her name called out by none other than Lazhira. Raising an eyebrow at the waving girl, she made her way over. Hopefully Lazhira was the only one that had seen her, as she would soon find out.

By the time she reached the girl, Narkissa realized they weren’t alone, in more than one way—Miksaki was there, shushing the other girl, and it was also evident there were hunters down in the darkness. Hunting something, obviously.

“Hello,” she greeted simply, keeping her voice down. “I’ll confess I’m out of the loop, seems a lot has happened since we met at Mie’s,” she shrugged, peering over at the scene. She crossed her arms. “Considering their track record over the past couple days, nothing good. Lazhira, they aren’t after you, are they?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 1 day ago


Novak took a seat by the fire as Enli had suggested. The things he had to reveal would be something best discussed while seated.

"The hunters told us that the Illuminator appeared to them in person, and told them about the seal, and that it was failing," Novak began. "They claim he said that there's a goddess trapped down there, and if she gets out, the sea will swallow this land, and then that the Illuminator assailed them with nightmares of it happening to get the point across. I suppose that's how he sunk his hooks into them."

Novak took a deep breath and glanced away for a moment, before turning back to Enli to continue explaining what he had learned.

"They believed that the seal wasn't eroding on its own, somebody was weakening it, and the hunters were trying to find who was responsible. They seemed to think it was Lazhira, but the Illuminator recently gave them a new plan. He told them that if you died, it'd both draw out the culprit and convince the villagers to worship the Illuminator again. I'm not really sure how I can do to stop the seal from breaking, but I promise you, I will not abandon the village."

Novak had been hoping that the urgency that gripped him over the last two days would subside if the hunters were dealt with and the Kyrinth's wrath turned away from the village, but that wasn't to be. They had stumbled right into a potentially apocalyptic scenario and from the sound of it, they had dashed the Illuminator's schemes to avert it.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 1 day ago

The Journey Begins

~ Forest Near Liven ~

Interacted with: @Rune_Alchemist

The tired Nick trudged through the snow following the trail the unknown entity left. There were a few zombies spotted ahead but they ignored him, thanks to the charm, and he ignored them in turn. The cold had him shivering, and the torch alight in his hand provided little warming comfort. Once he gets back to Earth, Nick swore he would spend a year in Los Angeles where everything was nice and warm and no trace of snow whatsoever.

The trail ended with a welcoming, but also foreboding, sight. A log cabin, complete with a smoking chimney, sat on a large clearing in what was seemingly the middle of nowhere. Snow covered the sloped roof with a single window right below. The cabin's front yard was... tidy, all things considered. There was a path cleared of snow, some bushes with fruit and a tanning rack even. Last but not least, Nick spotted a red cloak just enter the abode.

"Hey, wait!" Nick got a burst of energy, following the figure up to the door. "Hello? Hello? Nice house you got here. Anyway, I'm not anyone dangerous. I just wanna talk." Despite his words, Nick got no reply. His gentle knocks unanswered.

He noticed the door was unlocked and he could just let himself inside, but Nick didn't want to be rude. "If you don't wanna talk then that's fine, but uhh... I hope you don't mind me just taking a break here. I really, really need it." He let the cabin occupant know. Nick figured that they would come out sooner or later, no need to force anything. Curious, he decided to look at those fruit bushes.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A skill Seeker
@Crimson Paladin

“I…I see…” Enli would frown, taking Novaks words in stride. “I knew that they were after me since last night, but for such a reason…” In the old mans normally passive, more friendly expression there would be a sudden flash of anger in his tone as he’d let Novak finish saying his piece.

“I know not what they speak. Not really, but if the Illuminator said that, then its likely at least in part true…but then why go to such lengths? If it was possible, would it not be better to seek help? Maybe there was some reason he couldn’t…though I suppose there would be no helping to understand a divinities thought process.” Enli would shake his head, sighing in an exasperated manner. “Well, whatever it is,” He’d reach out, placing a hand on Novak’s shoulder. “Thank you. All of you travelers have helped greatly.”

It was then, Bolcha would walk into the longhouse, a look of concern.

“That kippoushi girl just walked back into the village with a few hunters. The people are…”

“I see. Thank you, Bolcha.” Enli would say with a nod. “If you’ll excuse me, Novak, I need to go do my job for these people.” He’d say, leaving the longhouse. Novak could probably follow if he wished. What Bolcha had described seemed to be true enough. The villagers were all still mostly crowded around the trio of hunters, loudly accusing them of not only attempting to harm their Leader, Kadisht Enli as well as conspiring to hurt the rest of them - not to mention the problems with hunting.

“What the traveler here speaks is true.” Enli’s voice would ring out over the immediate area, interrupting both the villagers as well as whatever it was Nobunaga would be doing. Considering his usual soft spoken nature, the volume with which he could speak was perhaps a bit surprising.

“The hunters of the village, have both jeopardized our relationship with the Kyrnith by actively conspiring with the Illuminator, as well as actively tried to have me killed!” He would slowly walk towards the group, each step purposeful and determined. Some of the villagers seemed surprised that Enli was speaking in such a manner. “...Honestly, I can understand why they would go to such lengths. Somewhat. I have not been a very good leader. Too passive. Trying to simply hold onto the status quo so no one is hurt, and that we can survive just a little longer.” The older man would admit with a tired, but determined expression.

“But I can no longer sit idly by and watch our village wither. In the coming days I will see to it that we will do more than survive! I have spoken with the Kyrnith itself, thanks to these travelers.” He would proclaim, breathing in. “And we have earned not only its respect and trust, for now, it has agreed to help. As for these hunters - though their actions may have been motivated by good intentions, it is not good intentions that can justify actions.” He would walk to the hunters, stopping in front of each - and looking at them right in the eye as he would make his next proclamation.

“I should have them killed, as they tried to have me killed. Exiled at best…but I can not allow myself to stoop to such levels. If we are to build a better future for ourselves, then we need to do so together. For now - I want them imprisoned until we have a better handle on what the others are doing. Can I trust you and your companions with that for now, Kippoushi?“

Misaki and Narkissa

@Click This@PKMNB0Y

“Mhm, no they aren’t.” Lazhira would respond with a frown. “Something odd happened with the Obelisk earlier. A lot of light and I thought I saw a door? I’m not sure, but I thought I saw some people here earlier…” She’d shake her head, not entirely sure what to say or do. “I was just curious about what was going on with the Obelisk and when we got here…” She’d look over to the hunters that were quickly setting up a number of traps, as well as ambush points around the Obelisk. Seemed like Soyala was starting to get a bit impatient, too.

“I think they’re planning to ambush something, but I don’t know…?”

A Traveler

The bushes weren’t anything alien. Probably similar to kinds he’d have run into on earth, if he had ever spent any length of time outside. Green leaves, gently covered in snow with dozens of berries on each. Roughly oval shaped, with a tough red looking skin and about the size of a grape. Considering their purposeful positioning here, they were likely safe to eat and were used for food.

It was then, as he was observing the bushes, he’d hear the light creak of wood, the door opening ajar just slightly. Since it opened in the direction of the bushes were, he could just make out who this little red riding hood was. Long locks of snow white hair fell from her head, and under the cloak itself it looked like she was wearing a coat with fur trimming. Her face was hidden by the fur trimmed hood, allowing him to only make out two light colored eyes.

“...If its just a rest…okay then.” She’d say, scrunching her nose. Her words were soft, but firm and certain. Curiously, it seemed like there were two small protrusions from the top of her head hidden by the hood. She’d open the door just slightly, letting Nicholas inside.

Assuming he’d do as he’d asked, the inside of the apparently single room cabin was well, cozy if nothing else. Warm from the fire crackling away in the fireplace, his body would probably be grateful for the warmth. A closet made of wood, a table for eating and other things. A bed, made of a wooden frame and animal furs. Over the admittedly rather large fireplace was a large cauldron, bubbling away at something. A rug made of animal fur covered the area near the bed, though part of the corner of it was folded over.

“...uhm, take a seat…if you need to rest. I was making some food.”

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“A concealed weapon, hmm?” Mie would hum thoughtfully. “Well, you’re in luck. I happen to have quite a number of weapons that are a bit more…discreet.” She’d smirk, holding a hand to her chin as she’d consider the weapon choices she’d have available. “In fact…I think I know juuuust the thing, if you don’t mind a little…well, flamboyance. Stay here for a moment.” She’d run off somewhere, leaving Nomura in the small arena for a few seconds by himself, though it would not be long before she’d return with a…flute?

“Here we go,” She’d hand it to Nomura. “Not a cane, but I think this works nicely. A seemingly normal flute. Its made of a sturdy plant, at least, that’s what it initially looks like. Go on, give it a little try.” She’d say, and if he did he’d certainly be met with a sound of something that sounded exactly as one would expect a flute too. The only problem was, that it was fairly heavy for being made of a plant and it didn’t exactly feel much like a plant, either. More manufactured - something attempting to imitate something. There was also what was a small thing that seemed to be a button near the mouthpiece.

“And see that little button? Go on, press it. But watch your hands.” Supposing he did, there was the sound of something metal being released, and out from the end where the air was released on the opposite end, about a foot long metal blade would shoot out from the end of it.It was thin, sharp, and pointy. A bit like a rapier, perhaps though with its edges sharp and made specifically for stabbing. “A little something I made myself for more…discreet dealings.” She’d chuckle. “Works best if you actually know how to play though. Still, its reinforced with ore from the mines and surprisingly sturdy. Probably won’t do much against armor, but if you’re fighting armored opponents then you’ve already messed up heh. Its easy enough to put away, too. After its extended, there’s a little lip on the underside of it that is normally disguised as part of the mouthpiece you just pull until you hear a little click.”

The Roma Mob

Getting back to Gloomhollow wasn’t all that hard, compared to fighting an apparent Arch-demon at least. His body was still aching, and he was starting to feel a bit light headed from all the blood he was losing. At least, maybe, it was starting to get a bit more bearable by the time he’d make his way from the hot depths of the world towards the cooler caverns of Gloomhollow.

Understandably, his appearance would cause quite the commotion as he’d approach the gate. The Shadow elves were quite perturbed by both him, thinking he was some sort of demon at his appearance at first, and then extremely worried about by what in the name of the Goddess could hurt him in such a fashion and in such precision.

Regardless of his answers to their queries, he’d eventually be pointed towards the location of the Temple, if he didn’t want to go to Rullphana for treatment. Not many Shadow Elves actively worshipped the moon or revered the sage as the dwarves warrior poets did, but it was still customary for the Temple to handle such affairs.

Supposing he’d take them up on that offer, Octavia would trod along happily next to Isidore, seemingly satisfied with her various meals in Naraheim for the moment and it wouldn’t be long before he’d find his destination. A bit far from the palace, towards the underground lake was a fairly ornate looking stone building carved into the earth. A garden of various plants and fungi surrounded it.

The interior was as one would expect of a church or religious place of worship. There weren’t any pews to sit upon, and the only source of light in the place was a chandelier over a reflecting pool that served as the centerpiece of the room. A small altar sat beyond, flanked by a few shelves. He wouldn’t get very long to be able to observe though, as he would soon be confronted by another elf.

Her skin was of a paler shade compared to the usual more grey tone the others had. She was wearing a rather elaborate piece of clothing, sporting white and black colorations, a dark blue shawl draped across her shoulders. A staff that was crowned with an almost closed circle with points on the inside edge of it was held in her hands.

“...a demon? What is a demon doing here?” Seemed his appearance might have given her the wrong idea. “Well, I don’t care why you’re here, but if you could stop bleeding on the carpet, that’d be lovely.”


Making her way back to the main floor of the mushroom tower, Augusta would soon hear a small shout of surprise.

“Eeep! Raezel!”

“A-ah! Hold on, I’ll uh, get something to cut it with!”

After making her way back to it, she’d see Leuca apparently having a bit too much success with the plant growth, it seemed. The entire side of the room she was on, was now covered in plant foliage of various kinds and the young Sirithen was now entangled in a mess of vines, plants, and flowers. Raezeleth was doing her best to pull the other girl out.

“...I did not expect such quick progress. Tsk, you certainly have a lot of power hidden in that body of yours.” Rullphana would comment, following Augusta down. “Well, this is good of another lesson as any. You fix this, Augusta using your own magical abilities.”

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

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Augusta was taken aback. She didn't exactly expect a giant mess of plants after coming back down. "Clean it up? I suppose I can do so." The elf said as she looked towards the mess that her cousin-to-be had created. "Where to start." First thing first, she needed to free Leuca from her leafy prison. She used her magic to form a small line of flame at her hand, shaped like a short blade imagining it being usable as a blade. A blade that could slice and burn yet not hurt it's wielder. She focused from her eye, much as she had earlier. She then grabbed at it where the grip was, wrapping her fingers around it. "Pardon me." Augusta said as she walked over and cut off some fairly precise parts of a plants that were entrapping Leuca. "Come now, Leuca. Keep at it." As Leuca attempted her escape, Augusta would cut at strands of plant that had still stayed attached.

As soon as Leuca were away, Augusta paid her focus to the rest of plant in the room, as it had taken over half of it. "So, is this place fireproof?" She asked as she turned her hands toward the foliage. A controlled burn would be better and there was no need to overkill it. Then she hesitated a small bit. But that would create a lot of unnecessary smoke, even if the place were fire proof. Instead, moved close to the plant and put a hand to it. She focused her energy and put it into the foliage. Rullphana had told her to set her mind to it imaginatively. With the energy she sent into the plants, she thought of what she wanted. For all greenery to bundle itself into a ball on the ground. If she could redirect mana inside her body, it wouldn't be unimaginable to direct her own through something else. So she allowed her mana to flow through the plant and she directed at least a small thread to permeate all parts so that she could will it to bundle itself up with her mana flowing through it.

She thought of the entirety of the plant. Vines, flowers, leaves and other things that were there that she could see. Focus her mana from her eye and through her body and the plant. Then she closed her eyes and focused on her mana in the plant. She ran through imagery of what she thought of plants. Beautiful flowers, green leaves... All while she used her mana in the plant to remove it from the walls and trying to make the end result in a nice, pretty bundle of plant with the flowers showing on the outside.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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His wounds had swelled by the time he reached Gloomhaven, the rudimentary ‘bandages’ that his carapace formed long having worn away. Every part of his body throbbed, especially his leg, each step shooting another spike of pain up his thigh and into his side. Agony was never localized, and even the cooler temperatures of the Urutha city-state hurt against the patches of his body where skin no longer hid meat. Perhaps the fight had damaged his hearing too; even when the guards first accosted him, then questioned him, their voices were indistinct, muted. Their gestures, at least, were clear enough, and the ring that he showed them, miraculously intact despite all that he had gone through, stopped him from having to fight his way into the city.

Was it so much a surprise though, that a lone adventurer and his dog would return in such a mangled state after venturing into the realm of demons? Or had they believed him to be tougher than that? Strange world, it was. Isidore still found himself unable to grasp where he stood in terms of power, unable to get a reading on the value of his violence. But there were only so many hours in a day, and so little time to accomplish what he needed to before the deadlines were to be met.

So, one step at a time, he trudged his way to the Temple, hardly registering the designs engraved upon the building, the vibrant garden that cast its bioluminescent light upon the stone. An austere setting greeted him, far removed from the warmth and opulence of the churches he had once attended funerals in. No places to sit, but in exchange, a chandelier was raised over a pool, while a similarly plain altar stood at the back. The floor was carpeted. Perhaps it was the tradition to sit on the ground while being sermonized to.

He was not left alone to observe the Temple though, and the voice of another drew his red-tinged gaze.


Isidore massaged the bridge of his nose with his thumb. The extremes of the world were certainly getting to him. Sheer clothing hugging a lithe but curvy body so tightly that it looked near-transparent. A face so unblemished that in the curious lighting of the church, it glowed with the eerie brilliance of the moon. Limbs so supple, so smooth, that he had to question if he was looking at the fantasy of an artist rather than a living, breathing being. Neither a holy woman nor a doctor, by any of his own understandings. God, was she going to finish the demoness’s job and kill him the rest of the way?

Alright. That’s enough.

Raising his head and placing his hand upon the pouch of coin by his belt, Isidore said, all emotion effaced from his tone, “Not a demon. Just a half-dead man. How much for your services, doctor?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 1 day ago


Novak followed Enli to where Nobunaga had brought the hunters, where a crowd had already formed. If he had to guess, it'd be that his companion was trying to shame them and reveal their actions to the village. He wasn't sure how much they'd trust her words, but her slaying of that armored beast probably gave her at least some clout. In any case, Enli backed Nobunaga up and explained the situation to the villagers. If any of them were unwilling to listen to the swordswoman, they'd definitely listen to the chief.

After the last day of worrying about the hunters, it felt quite satisfying to see their dark deeds revealed to the rest of the village. Now that their conspiracy to antagonize the Kyrinth and kill Enli was exposed, they wouldn't be able to manipulate the villagers like they had hoped. He wouldn't be able to stop looking his shoulder quite yet, not until the rest of the hunters were apprehended, but at least now they had the rest of the village on their side.

I can see why Enli's the chief. When he needs to, he knows how to rally the villagers.

He was unsure what the village's long-term prospects were. They might be able to handle having fewer bodies to obtain food, especially if the Kyrinth was willing to cooperate, but there was still the problem of the seal. Perhaps it was something he should discuss with the other reincarnated chosen, or perhaps Enli or his books had an answer. For now, Novak needed to know where his other companions are.

"Speaking of which, does anyone know where the rest of the hunters may be?" he asked in response to Enli's question, not wanting to answer on behalf of Nobunaga. "For that matter, does know where the rest of our companions currently are?"

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 1 day ago

The Journey Begins

~ Cabin Near Liven ~

Interacted with: @Rune_Alchemist

The bushes were unremarkable, as Nick saw. They might be even the same as the ones back in Earth.

Before he could ponder on this any further, Nick's ears heard the creak of a door opening and immediately raised his head. It appeared that the cabin's occupant had finally decided to reveal themselves. The figure on the door was none other than the little red-hooded fellow that fled from the altercation between Nick and some really bad undead dogs. But now that Nick was close enough, he could see the figure's snow-white locks of hair dropping and disappearing again into her cloak, apparently a coat trimmed with hair.

And... that was about the farthest Nick could see, her face was still obscured by the hood save for her light-colored eyes. Although, he did notice two small bumps on her hood.

“...If its just a rest…okay then.”

The invitation almost made Nick scramble to the entrance and inside to get out of this blasted snow. "Thank you! Like, a lot!" But he decided to approach in a calm, but brisk, pace. Suffering from hypothermia was no reason to abandon manners. At least, not yet for Nick.

The cabin interior was just one room, but cozy and big enough to contain a bed, a closet, a single table and chair and a fireplace with a large cauldron sitting on top, liquid bubbling indicating something was being cooked. Nick unconsciously walked towards the fireplace and cauldron and fell to his knees, as if finding the promised land. He basked in the heat radiating from the fireplace, now providing warmth not only to the cauldron but also to the cabin's visitor.

“...uhm, take a seat…if you need to rest. I was making some food.”

"Thanks, but I think I'll stick here for a few more minutes." Nick replied. "I'm Nick, by the way. Sorry for the sudden intrusion." He knew this person might not be as harmless as they appeared but right now, he was just thankful they at least let him feel warmth.

"You have no idea what happened to me before I got here." Nick began to recount his recent adventure, maybe garner a response that would reveal the stranger's identity. Though in all honesty, he just wanted to vent. "I had to, like, run away from a horde of zombies in this village. Then just when I was in the clear, these stupid mutts, also undead, came at me and I had to do some dangerous techniques to drive them away. It's all just crazy!"

"I swore to myself that if I ever get back home, I'm definitely spending a month in L.A."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Shigenaga Nomura
It's dangerous to go alone...

Nomura examined the flute with piqued interest, admiring both its craftsmanship and functionalities. A flute would indeed be an unassuming weapon, perfect for the sorts of confrontations Nomura would find himself in. Not only is it inconspicuous, but it could also serve as a distraction or spectacle to draw others in. It goes without saying, but Nomura was quite aware of the charming effects of music. Perhaps he could use such effects to his advantage, especially with the magical charms given to him? He wondered if his silver tongue also extended to music. In any case, it was almost the perfect weapon.

There was only one issue, however.

"Ahh, what a wondrous weapon indeed, Lady Mie. The weight of the flute, the carving of the grooves... it is an excellent instrument indeed, both for slaughter and for mirth. Perhaps it sounds as good as it looks?" Nomura remarked as he brought the flute up to his mouth. Of course, his mask started to get in the way, the elongated beak-nose not helping with the positioning of the instrument. Of course, all this was quite exaggerated, but it was to make his point clear on the awkwardness of such a weapon in his disposal.

"Maybe if I held it like this? No, that would be extremely painful. Hm... perhaps I should move my mask out of the way? Of course, others would expect me to, with an instrument like this. No, no, it'd be counterproductive to reveal my face, wouldn't it? That's what the point of the mask is, after all. Love the design, just not a fan of using it, personally."

A bit after the words fan left Nomura's mouth, he quickly came to a realization.

"Ah, yes! A fan! You wouldn't happen to carry a war-fan, would you? Ah, yes, that would be quite fitting, indeed. It'd make sense for a merchant to have on their person, and it could even serve as a blunt instrument when folded up in the event bloodshed isn't the answer. And not only is it inconspicuous when it needs to be, but it also could add a layer of mystique to my disguise, hm? It would even allow me to direct others in combat, should the need arise. Yes, that would be a perfect weapon! I don't suppose you would have such a thing in your possession, no?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Of course, village elder," Nobunaga responded, with a nod, "The hunters will be apprehended. I already know where they might be, courtesy of a helpful bystander."

Perfect. Not only had the town turned against the Hunters' purpose, but Enli had behaved exactly as she had hoped. The Hunters' fate did not matter as long as it was one that condemned their actions. Execution or exile would have been her first choice, but showing them the error of their ways? It was hardly a poor decision either. Not only that, but this had all served to turn the townsfolk against the Illuminator. How else did one kill a god but by turning potential worshippers against them?

It could hardly have gone better.

Now all that was left was to see if there were any other leads on the remaining conspirators. Certainly, they knew where they likely were(the obelisk), but more information didn't hurt before they headed out. Thankfully, Novak had already taken care of that line of questioning.

She would not fail in completing her promise by the time they departed from this village. And so, she would have support even in lands apart from this world's analogue to Japan.

Seeds planted for the future.

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 6 days ago

Narkissa Langdon

@Rune_Alchemist @PKMNB0Y

“Great,” Narkissa groaned. It seemed like she hadn’t gotten a break ever since coming to this world. There was more conspiracy and intrigue in this little village than in her research department back at the university, and that was saying something. There were just far too many undercurrents to keep track of, to know of what was going on… but there wasn’t much she could do about it.

At the last moment, she just barely remembered that Leannah had passed on a message while she had been shopping at Mie’s. She was retrieving something beyond the village, was it? She’d also added something about ‘where it all began’ which was something vaguer than what she needed to hear. But was she referring to this obelisk? She clicked her tongue.

“It’s possible Leannah was messing around with that monument before the hunters showed up,” she muttered to Misaki and Lazhira. “Something about getting something from ‘where it all began.’ Seems clear enough that whatever the hunters ar doing regardless, it’s nothing good.”

She squinted at their preparations. “They’re hardly prepared. If I may be as so bold to say… but how about we counter-ambush them? We’d have the element of surprise…”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A skill Seeker and Warlord
@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“We saw some heading towards the Obelisk! There was an odd light over there earlier…” The same villager who had spoke with Nobunaga about it earlier would reply to Novak and Enli.

“The Obelisk…? That old ruin…? What could they be wanting there?” Enli frowned, rubbing his weathered, now stern face. “Haa, so much trouble for us. If what I’ve been told is correct, then someone is trying to break a seal on some…old goddess or something…then…maybe…hm.” Enli would turn his head towards Kippoushi. “We need to figure out where this seal is and what exactly is going on. We can assume its in that pit that was under the temple…In that case, we should send someone to study it and figure out what we’re doing.” Enli would smile lightly. “Hm, and the girl I know that has best knowledge and understanding about that…Lazhira.”

“I think I saw her heading out to the Obelisk with a few of the other travelers.” One of the other villagers would chime in.

“What of the hunters? Have you seen them anywhere else?”

“Soyala headed to the Obelisk, but I’m not sure about the others. I think we saw a few heading into the forest, but that wasn’t anything unusual until just now.”

If nothing else, it seemed like they had a small choice to make. Head to the obelisk to see what was going on there - or head to the supposed Location of the seal and seeing if there were any hunters or people snooping about. Though, that left them with some way of needing to get past the fog.

Misaki and Narkissa

@Click This@PKMNB0Y

“A counter ambush?” Lazhira would echo. “Well, we could! I uhm, well, do know some small magical tricks at least! Though I’m not sure I’m…good at the whole fighting thing and Misaki looks too fluffy to know how to fight.” It was true that they could do an ambush, but exactly how that would be handled remained to be seen.

The hunters would now be bringing something and setting it on the ground nearby. A large…crate of some sort. Large enough that it needed two people to carry safely, and seemed fairly heavy too. It was oozing black slime like the kind Narkissa and Lazhira had seen back in their little dungeon dive earlier. Also seemed a bit agitated and violent, the box violently shaking and thumping, causing the hunters to drop it before reaching its destination, but it didn’t seem like it could get out, whatever was inside.
“Maybe…hm, I could…well…maybe mess with their heads a little?” Lazhira would offer. “Make them sort of…not notice us, at least, until we get to where we’re gonna position ourselves? And attract their attention after that.” She’d look over to Misaki. “...maybe we should go back and find someone? What about um, Kippoushi? And Novak? Though…we might be too late if we don’t go ahead and do something…”

A Traveler

“...L…A?” The figure would shake her head, seeming a bit confused by the whole response Nicholas gave, but otherwise didn’t question some of his more odd words as she’d linger by the cabin’s door. She seemed like she wanted to keep a bit of distance between the two of them. “Uhm…well…I don’t know about that but…the undead shouldn’t bother you here…”

She’d move away from the door now, slowly walking to the table, not taking her eyes off Nicholas.

“I’ve…not seen you here before…” She’d state, giving Nicholas a mildly curious glance. “...are you with…Liven? Or…are you just a traveler?” She didn’t seem like she wanted to get too much closer to Nicholas, her soft voice inquiring about who he was in a fairly timid manner.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“I can speak from experience to the sound.” She’d respond with a smile. “It does indeed, sound as lovely as any flute or other instrument.” She would though, frown slightly as he made his concerns apparent. “Well, you don’t actually have to know how to play even if you do carry it, though your concerns are valid…a war fan, though…? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you are a mountain spirit.” She’d chuckle lightly. “You are In luck, though, yes I do. Not something I have that often in my inventory, but it just so happens that I currently do.”

Mie would leave Malphas for a few moments, though like last time it wouldn’t be long before she returned with a war fan - a set of them, in fact. The two were simple in construction of iron and subtly decorated. Unassuming when closed, but when folded open one would be black in color with a small embossing of what seemed to be a white-colored fox on one side of the folds. The other was the inverse of that one. White with the embossing of a black fox on the other.

They were fairly heavy, all things considered. Could easily be used as a club. The iron spokes on the outer sides of it also were sharpened to a point, and just longer than the fan itself.

“Does this suit your tastes?~” She’d ask.

“If you are, then get in there. The Oni are tired of waiting around.” She’d chuckle. Indeed, the Oni that had been waiting around seemed to be a bit restless from all the waiting. "I'd suggest also at least, becoming acquainted with the blade too, though that's your decision."

The Roma Mob

“...What in the name of the goddess’ ocean happened to you?” The elvish woman would respond after a long, few seconds. She seemed genuinely impressed he was still standing, let alone able to even talk or speak in his condition. Still, her eyes would slowly fall to his side and the coin pouch at it. “Hm…lets see, considering the suddenness of it, the amount of work its going to take to stop you bleeding all over everything, a fee for any unforeseen complications, a fee for cleaning the carpets, something for dinner…” She’d seem to make a few more calculations silently in her head. “50 silver. If you can afford that, off with your clothes and into the pool - well, what remains of them anyways. It’s not going to take too terribly long.”

He could indeed, afford it, but something seemed a bit off with a few of the things she’d said he’d need to pay for. Octavia tilted her head quizzically, almost seeming a bit suspicious of the woman too.


The plants had certainly rampantly grown. Nearly the entire side of the workshop that Leuca had been working in had been taken up. Vines, flowers, all manner of plants had just grown in a fairly chaotic manner. The elf herself seemed to be suspended mid-air, bound tightly in her planty prison. Thankfully for Augusta, it’d be easy enough to cut her out if she had something to well, cut with.

Focusing like she had earlier, Augusta would attempt forming a blade of fire. It was a tiny bit harder than she’d anticipate to do - giving fire itself a more solid form that lasted more than a few seconds would be a bit harder than she’d have done previously. It’d form, but with each strike the blade would dissipate in her hand, causing her to need to re-form it. And it was less of a blade at this point, and more of a simple mass of fire with some weight to it. Still, it was a fairly effective tool for cutting plants, taking a bit of force to slice through them and leaving them burnt, unable to grow back and soon Leuca would be free. Perhaps a bit more practice and she could do something proper with it.

“Oof…that was terrible…” The elf would say, once free, moving closer to Rullphana and Raelzeth. The small elf was covered in small cuts from some thorns, as well as a heaping of plant sap and some dirt and soil from the pots the plants had been planted in.

“This is what happens when you lack control.” Rullphana would tell the Sirithen, huffing lightly. “It will control you instead, so to speak. A similar principle to your ancestral abilities, in practice.”


As Augusta would focus on the rest of the plants, Rullphana would lecture Leuca on a few particulars an extreme beginner would need to know. Apparently, those without the inherent ability like Augusta had, had to spend years usually to be able to even make a small fireball…but that was neither here nor there.

Augusta would lay a hand on the plants that had chaotically taken over the place. They were grown with magic, and as such it did stand to reason they could be…controlled with magic. Extending her reach from her body through the plants, she could easily ‘feel’ them and how they were grown, though getting them to do exactly as she’d want was a different matter entirely. It was slow at first, and it was hard for her to wrap her mind around the object, but she was able to follow the ‘flow’ of mana in the plants towards what seemed to be their source.

A ball of magical energy deep within the plant life. Yet, when she tried moving it, it resisted. She’d tell it to move, it wouldn’t budge. It didn’t seem like they wanted to cooperate though. Maybe she needed to do something else…?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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“Deal. Make the change.”

Unhooking the coin pouch from his belt, Isidore tossed it towards her. It wasn’t as if she was subtle about how much extra she was making him pay, but he wasn’t in the habit of haggling with doctors. You don’t piss off your surgeon, after all, and the value of money itself…well, it was unlikely that those 50 silver coins was going to buy him anything that would him with the archdemon issue.

Unless feral beastwomen could be tamed with coinage alone.

Without pause, Isidore dropped his bag to the floor, leaned his halberd beside it, and proceeded to undress. The blood had coagulated around the rags that was his shirt now, and he grimaced, sweat beading down his forward, as he tore them off, reopening bloody gashes and burns. His clothes really were good for nothing other than bandages now, even though his pants at least offered some meager modicum of modesty. For that, his treatment was a bit more careful, pulling it down and stepping out of the pant legs one by one. It may have been cold, but his flesh was still inflamed; exposure to the air only caused more stings of pain to jump all over his body.

Yeah, looking down at himself in all his bloodied, bruised, broken nakedness, Isidore could certainly conclude that he got fucked up. His knee was a dark purple splotch that twitched out at a strange angle, while portions of his chest and abdomen looked like the raw sort of meat one would see at a butcher’s shop. His left hand, swollen and blackened, could hardly exert any strength, stuck in a claw-like position, and as for his groin…

…well, it was certainly more hairless than he remembered. Was this body of his younger than he had imagined? Or had it been the fault of that sanguine lightning that Isidore emerged like this?

Striding into the pool, he said, “I’ll leave it to you…”

He trailed off, giving the lady space to introduce herself.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

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Augusta narrowed her eyes ever so slightly. So the plants were resisting her? "If you're not with me..." She muttered to herself. Now was the time to regroup herself. There was a ball of magical energy, or so she assumed. It seemed like the core of this plant, or another assumption on her part. Fine. If it was going to be stubborn, then she would pushback harder.

First, she'd send out more of the power to engulf the ball of magical energy. From there, she'd attempt invading the energy with her own. She would try to pierce the outer layer so she could allow her own magical energy to act like a syringe and inject her will into the plant's core and perform a hostile takeover of sorts. All to make the plants listen to her.

Should that fail, the woman would instead focus her Mana through the plant again and start an internal combustion through out the plant before using her magic to snuff out the fires. If she could perform her blade spell and her flame lances as such, it should be a piece of cake to set the plant afire and the put it out after she was done.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Shigenaga Nomura
Insert Fan Pun Here

Nomura admired the pair of fans he received, holding one in each hand. He took note of their weight, and how they felt as he swung them around. They were surely heavier than normal fans of similar make, that much was certain. With his blessed form, Nomura was capable of moving them around easily, but the heft of these fans were still something to keep into consideration. After all, these sorts of weapons rely on momentum. Directing the weight of these fans to hit right where he wanted, directing the weight of the fans into the spikes, things of that nature.

Of course, Nomura had never wielded such weapons before, so this was all gathered from quick observation.

"Ah, right. Didn't realize they were waiting for little old me. Sorry about that~"

Nomura took a brief moment to get used to the movement of opening and closing each fan, taking note of any changes to the weight while doing so. Afterward, he put the darker fan away, holding the lighter one in his off hand while he reached for one of the curved blades carried around by much of Mie's workforce. As much as he wasn't interested in learning the brutal art of the sword, Mie had a point when she suggested picking up a blade. The fans, elegant as they may be, were also quite short. A longer weapon may be of more use to Nomura, especially as he acquaints himself with combat. He hung the blade's sheath by his hip before making his way to the arena. Looking at the Oni he was supposed to train with, Nomura gave a confident stare, hovering his main hand over the sheathed blade as he opened the fan in his other, wafting himself lightly as he awaited the Oni to make the first move.

"Shall we begin, then?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

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Narkissa Langdon

@Rune_Alchemist @PKMNB0Y


Between the three of them, she supposed the situation wasn’t quite as ideal as she initially thought. Lazhira seemed competent enough fighting back at the temple, but then again, she’d only seen the girl fight when it came to beating up some minor slimes. Misaki, she had no idea how much she could do. She herself had her sword and basic proficiency in the magic that she’d been lucky to learn, but how much of that could she leverage in this situation?

At the very least, it seemed Lazhira had some sort of illusion magic that could provide them some extra cover.

Narkissa wasn’t the type to throw caution to the wind, but at the moment, it seemed proactive movement was required to intervene, and it seemed Lazhira partially agreed at least. She stared out at the hunters and their movement. It took her several moments to make a deliberation before she spoke up again.

“Well, they say fortune favors the bold. Let’s give it a crack.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 26 min ago

Misaki frowned as she heard Lazirha's suggestion, considering the situation in silence as the three of them watched the hunters below continue to set up their ambush. She was, of course, ill-equipped to handle any sort of fighting; the best that she could theoretically do was act as a diversion, but...

Well, depending on how things panned out, maybe that would be sufficient?

Narkissa, at least, seemed to be contemplating whether or not to intervene, and the foxgirl felt it would have been remiss to not at least consider the pros and cons of the situation as well. But given the time it had taken to get here coupled with how likely the situation was to escalate...

Honestly speaking, running back to try and get help could very well end with someone dead—and that wouldn't sit well with her at all. But to throw herself into the fray with low odds of success...

It was ultimately, though, Narkissa's assertion to proceed that caused Misaki to sigh and nod her head in agreement. If they were going to intervene, then it was likely better to do so as a group than split their focus.

"All right, if you two are going, I'll follow. I'm not much of a fighter, but if you tell me where to go and what to do, I should at least be able to manage something."

@Click This@Rune_Alchemist
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 1 day ago


Novak considered where to head next. There was clearly something big going on at the obelisk, but he didn't know what it meant. According to the hunters, Soyala was the one who believed that Lazhira was the one weakening the seal. Novak wasn't sure what she was up to, but was sure that Soyala would have answers that the other hunters didn't. Assuming, of course, that they could convince her to talk, which might be difficult if she knew the full scope of how much the village was turning against her and her fellow hunters.

The other option would be to head to the fog, which they believed to be where the seal was. If this was where the seal was, then it'd be of utmost importance to figure out what was happening to it, and personally, Novak was quite curious to see exactly what was left after the temple supposedly disappeared. On the other hand he had no idea of what to look for. Perhaps, however, the mask might be able to show him something important. A more pressing issue is that Novak didn't know how to cast the magic light that Lazhira had taught to Narkissa and Leannah, meaning he'd have possible trouble getting through the fog. But perhaps, again, the mask's sight could cut through the shroud.

Going after Soyala seemed like the more sure bet, but talk of the hunters heading to the sealing site greatly worried Novak. From the sound of it, the entire village was already reacting to Soyala, but it sounded like they hadn't come up with anything for the hunters heading into the woods, meaning it might be up to him.

"It doesn't sound like anyone else is investigating the hunters in the woods, so I think we should look into it while the trail is still warm," he said to Nobunaga as he approached her. "I may be able to discern or uncover something over at the site, gods willing, and I might be able to talk the hunters down. "However, we'll need a light source of some sort to safely navigate the shrouded area."

If Nobunaga was both willing and able to help him navigate the fog, he'd head to the forest to confront the hunters. Otherwise, he'd follow the others to the obelisk to confront Soyala, since Novak was unwilling to travel these woods himself. He wasn't about to take the risk of facing berserk animals, angered hunters, or annoyed gods without someone watching his back.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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"In that case..."

Nobunaga clapped her hands together. While investigating the hunters of the forest wasn't exactly unimportant, understanding this seal and their specific goals was. No matter what the hunters thought they would achieve, it was obvious the Illuminator was using them as a tool to reach the goal he desired.

"While the actions of the hunters are hardly unimportant, I believe it's just as important to understand what the believe they are protecting."

She swept her cape to the side.

"I shall investigate the supposed location of this seal."

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin
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