Hello! Im back after... I think 3 years, and I'm ready to give Roleplayerguild another go!

Government Form
A Clanship is a type of tribalistic society in which the people follow their chieftains by choice, and every clan leader follows a greater Prime chieftain who leads every smaller clan. Although the Gruall do not have to follow the set leaders, they primarily enjoy following one with great strength and natural physique.
Swampland Graull: 23% | Jungle Graull: 37% | Primal Gruall: 24% | Dune Gruall: 16%
4 Million: Normal
A land of dense jungles, arid fields, vast steppe, and sprawling swampland… Primera, better known as ‘The land of Beasts’ is hot and humid, very reminiscent of Earth’s Jungles and rainforests. Other regions are beset by even hotter conditions, and far less rainfall, resulting in vast rolling dunes. In almost every corner of Primera lay some kind of beast, creature, or great monster; from the rather unremarkable Skreever to the mighty Thistledrake; and worse… Primera, however, did not have a native race inhabiting it, leaving the land completely untamed and untainted by civilization. Resources are plentiful, and land is fertile; there is much to gain from such a land, and much to lose… Only the most hardy, macovelliant, and enduring of races and nations will be able to survive Primera and its harsh ecosystem… Oddly though, the nature of Primera is confusing and strange; often accelerating the rate at which species adapt to its biomes, and vastly increases the rate of evolution from thousands of millions of years, down to a few generations; leading to mass genetic diversification in the span of a few hundred years.
The Gruall arrived in Primera as a desperate people, once a simple tribal society living on Gaia, now reduced to nomads, weary travelers, and foraging clans. Faced with the dangers and horrors of the unknown lands of Primera and the unforgiving jungles it offered them, the Gruall were horribly slaughtered. The remains of their people were collected together and founded the basis of their new society and culture, living off the land and warding off the beasts of the Jungles. Eventually, their people began to diversify and spread out, forming subraces, adapted variants of their species to overcome the various environments and ecosystems Primera offered…
Culture and Society
Gruall culture and society is very diverse and variant; primarily due to their widespread nature and adaptive subraces… The Dune Gruall, are a scrawny, fiendishly thieving variant that lives in the deserts and arid plains, often taking up nomadic lives at best, and banditry at worst. They often live within giant moving caravans, continuing to move from place to place; hunting, scavenging, stealing and foraging for whatever they need. The Swampland Gruall live within the swamps and marshes, maintaining stationery lifestyles; the Swampland Gruall were the first Gruall to discover the methods of agriculture, learning how to grow the strange and unfamiliar crops of Primera around the swamplands. The Jungle Gruall are perhaps the most common and abundant subrace. They are the most diverse and variant of the others, ranging from nomadic packs to completely stationary tribes; though they all follow a general aesthetic theme and style. Finally, the Primal Gruall are a more feral, primalistic variant of Gruall… Their environmental pressures pushed them to adapt extra strength, size, and endurance, and to invest in physical attributes, though pushing them away from more intellectually demanding processes. Primal Gruall usually live in traveling or stationery packs, functioning more like beasts than an actual society, though their sentience bridges the gap between animal and people. Although some Gruall worship a variety of different deities, none are strongly religious or zealous, and do not show severe relationship or connection to these deities…
Governance and Politics
Generally, Graull follow the largest, strongest of their kind; respecting strength and prowess in battle. Most Graull believe the strongest of their kind are the most capable to rule; each clan is ruled by chieftains, while the Prime clan is ruled by the Primarch Chief, the supreme ruler of the Clanship… The Clanship is not a single body, but rather, thousands of smaller clans ruled by one massive ‘Prime clan’... Together, they all collectively form the Clanship itself.
Technology and Magic
Primara is home to a type of magic source known as Primal Magic… Here, most types of other magic becomes chaotically warped and changed, with Primal Magic itself remaining nearly as chaotic and uncontrollable… Mages and Shamans harness the chaotic energies of Primera, and shape them into a specific form of spell and direct it to a certain location; but it is up to the Primal Magic itself what happens next. Primal Magic is much more powerful than some other types of magic, but it is difficult, and sometimes even nearly impossible to control… This factor makes Primal Magic very dangerous, but very beneficial to use.
Military Overview
Almost the entire Gruall population, save for the old, sick, and young, are capable of some level of combat… Although there is a dedicated military force within every clan, nearly every Gruall is taught and able to fight, even if not professionalized… Most Gruall have a very strong warrior/hunter culture and structure, many learning how to fight as early as possible, as the harsh and unforgiving ecosystems of Primera house great beasts and terrible monsters that threaten the lives of the Gruall peoples. As such, the Gruall have formed their societies and warrior castes to combat them. Most Graull armies are led by Shamans and Chieftains.

Government Form
A Clanship is a type of tribalistic society in which the people follow their chieftains by choice, and every clan leader follows a greater Prime chieftain who leads every smaller clan. Although the Gruall do not have to follow the set leaders, they primarily enjoy following one with great strength and natural physique.
Swampland Graull: 23% | Jungle Graull: 37% | Primal Gruall: 24% | Dune Gruall: 16%
4 Million: Normal
A land of dense jungles, arid fields, vast steppe, and sprawling swampland… Primera, better known as ‘The land of Beasts’ is hot and humid, very reminiscent of Earth’s Jungles and rainforests. Other regions are beset by even hotter conditions, and far less rainfall, resulting in vast rolling dunes. In almost every corner of Primera lay some kind of beast, creature, or great monster; from the rather unremarkable Skreever to the mighty Thistledrake; and worse… Primera, however, did not have a native race inhabiting it, leaving the land completely untamed and untainted by civilization. Resources are plentiful, and land is fertile; there is much to gain from such a land, and much to lose… Only the most hardy, macovelliant, and enduring of races and nations will be able to survive Primera and its harsh ecosystem… Oddly though, the nature of Primera is confusing and strange; often accelerating the rate at which species adapt to its biomes, and vastly increases the rate of evolution from thousands of millions of years, down to a few generations; leading to mass genetic diversification in the span of a few hundred years.
The Gruall arrived in Primera as a desperate people, once a simple tribal society living on Gaia, now reduced to nomads, weary travelers, and foraging clans. Faced with the dangers and horrors of the unknown lands of Primera and the unforgiving jungles it offered them, the Gruall were horribly slaughtered. The remains of their people were collected together and founded the basis of their new society and culture, living off the land and warding off the beasts of the Jungles. Eventually, their people began to diversify and spread out, forming subraces, adapted variants of their species to overcome the various environments and ecosystems Primera offered…
Culture and Society
Gruall culture and society is very diverse and variant; primarily due to their widespread nature and adaptive subraces… The Dune Gruall, are a scrawny, fiendishly thieving variant that lives in the deserts and arid plains, often taking up nomadic lives at best, and banditry at worst. They often live within giant moving caravans, continuing to move from place to place; hunting, scavenging, stealing and foraging for whatever they need. The Swampland Gruall live within the swamps and marshes, maintaining stationery lifestyles; the Swampland Gruall were the first Gruall to discover the methods of agriculture, learning how to grow the strange and unfamiliar crops of Primera around the swamplands. The Jungle Gruall are perhaps the most common and abundant subrace. They are the most diverse and variant of the others, ranging from nomadic packs to completely stationary tribes; though they all follow a general aesthetic theme and style. Finally, the Primal Gruall are a more feral, primalistic variant of Gruall… Their environmental pressures pushed them to adapt extra strength, size, and endurance, and to invest in physical attributes, though pushing them away from more intellectually demanding processes. Primal Gruall usually live in traveling or stationery packs, functioning more like beasts than an actual society, though their sentience bridges the gap between animal and people. Although some Gruall worship a variety of different deities, none are strongly religious or zealous, and do not show severe relationship or connection to these deities…
Governance and Politics
Generally, Graull follow the largest, strongest of their kind; respecting strength and prowess in battle. Most Graull believe the strongest of their kind are the most capable to rule; each clan is ruled by chieftains, while the Prime clan is ruled by the Primarch Chief, the supreme ruler of the Clanship… The Clanship is not a single body, but rather, thousands of smaller clans ruled by one massive ‘Prime clan’... Together, they all collectively form the Clanship itself.
Technology and Magic
Primara is home to a type of magic source known as Primal Magic… Here, most types of other magic becomes chaotically warped and changed, with Primal Magic itself remaining nearly as chaotic and uncontrollable… Mages and Shamans harness the chaotic energies of Primera, and shape them into a specific form of spell and direct it to a certain location; but it is up to the Primal Magic itself what happens next. Primal Magic is much more powerful than some other types of magic, but it is difficult, and sometimes even nearly impossible to control… This factor makes Primal Magic very dangerous, but very beneficial to use.
Military Overview
Almost the entire Gruall population, save for the old, sick, and young, are capable of some level of combat… Although there is a dedicated military force within every clan, nearly every Gruall is taught and able to fight, even if not professionalized… Most Gruall have a very strong warrior/hunter culture and structure, many learning how to fight as early as possible, as the harsh and unforgiving ecosystems of Primera house great beasts and terrible monsters that threaten the lives of the Gruall peoples. As such, the Gruall have formed their societies and warrior castes to combat them. Most Graull armies are led by Shamans and Chieftains.