Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Zeus Cabin —> Apollo Cabin -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel ended up spending the night in Zeus’s cabin with Demetri after the demi-god confessed to not wanting to be alone. Ezekiel had spent most of his nights growing up alone but he never liked it either so he had understood. Besides, Ezekiel’s attitude towards Demetri was starting to shift ever since the Eidolon possessed him and tried to kill Demetri.
Zeus’s cabin was less than homie. It looked just as cold and pretentious on the inside as it did the outside. He stared up at the ceiling, watching the enchantment move clouds and lightning across it. Every once in a while there was the grumble of thunder. Ezekiel’s eyes roamed, looking for a bed and found a couple beside each other. He claimed Andy’s bed for the night and after briefly speaking with Demetri and giving him a simple kiss good night, Ezekiel went to sleep.

Ezekiel had barely slept. He had dozed in and out, trying to tune out the continuous sound of thunder but he usually woke up, confused about where he was until he saw the enchanted ceiling and Demetri sleeping in the bed beside him. Then he’d fall back asleep for a couple more hours. Currently, Ezekiel had the pillow over his face to block out the sound of thunder and flashes of lightning. How Demetri and Andy slept here, Ezekiel had no clue.
There was a sudden banging on the door and Ezekiel groaned. The banging stopped briefly but was quickly followed by shouting. Ezekiel threw the pillow off his face before he was attacked by a baseball bat. Ezekiel was about to yell when he saw who was on the other end.
”Owe, owe!! Okay, alright…” Zeke said and he tried to block the bat as best he could. Coach Hedge wasn’t hitting very hard but it was hard enough first thing in the morning. Hedge turned and started to do the same to Demetri and Ezekiel smirked a little until the Coach turned and hit Zeke one more time.
”Five minutes, got it! Jeesh.” Ezekiel ran a hand over his messy hair once the door closed and looked at Demetri. He picked up the pillow that he had pushed to the floor and tossed it at Demetri.
”Spend the night he says, it’ll be fun he says. Mmhmm.” Ezekiel picked up his jacket and the box that contained the presents from Demetri inside before he walked over to the demi-god. ”I’ll meet you for breakfast,” he said and kissed Demi’s cheek before leaving.
Ezekiel shivered a bit from the cold and huddled into his jacket before he hurried across the way to Apollo cabin to change. The sun was hardly even out yet and for a moment, he missed his father having come the day before when he warmed everything up. Ezekiel hurried into his cabin and shivered from the temperature change. Apollo cabin was much more comfortable on the inside than Zeus’s. He went over to his bunk and set the box down on his pillow before he rummaged for some clean, warm clothes to wear for the new day.
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 16 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Arena -> Gryf -> Hades Cabin
Skills: N/A

Arthur was happy to spend the time he did with Andy, though Gryf still kinda scared him. He hadn't tried to smooth over his relationship with the creature, and he didn't know what kind of memory it had. He held Chocolate at bay, and kept his distance, standing nervously away on the sidelines. He gave a small wave, and scratched Chocolate behind the ears. If Gryf could go with Andy, that would probably be ideal, but the thought of her keeping a menagerie of different magical animals made him smile; he wondered whether or not she'd get any new ones before they got back.

Arthur woke with a start from his dreams, the higher beings still scared him, and the sight of Oceanus didn't do much to help that fact. He didn't know how they were going to defeat that thing, and the thought of going up against it sent shivers down his spine. He was curious what that camp was; he didn't immediately have any kind of guess as to who that could be. Maybe there were half god, half monster children? That was about the only guess he could muster, and even that didn't seem likely. He didn't know any myths about that though, so maybe it was possible.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Praetor Tent
Skills: N/A

Nancy slept without any prophetic dreams that night. On the one hand, it was nice to get some peaceful sleep - on the other hand, it made her feel useless. No dreams meant that she wasn't being called to anything. Even though she hadn't been in the prophecies, she had expected on some level to still play a role in events, beyond just keeping a watchful eye over the Legion. The thought only served to bring an edge of horror to her feelings. Part of why she hated her gift of prophecy was that she didn't want to become the old crone the Legion would drag out for predictions and advice - but now, she felt she may as well have been a hag, left behind while the others risked their lives.

Maybe she ought to get used to it, she wondered glumly, aware of Joanie asleep on top of her head. She was going to join Diana's Hunt and become frozen at age 18. Her friends would grow old and leave her behind, moving forward in their lives as she remained eternally stuck. Maybe it was better that it happened already - to make it less painful later on. She heard Mads moving, getting up and getting ready to get dressed. Nancy didn't want to move. She wanted to freeze this moment, to avoid getting up and seeing her two best friends go off - perhaps for the last time.

Her love for them was painful and raw.

"Off, Joanie," Nancy muttered, pushing the sleeping dragon off of her face. She got up and got dressed, putting on a black turtleneck and frayed jeans - one of her more contemporary outfits. "... Are you heading out now or do you have time for breakfast?" Nancy then asked Mads and Niah, not looking them in the eye in order to hide the fact that her eyes were watering with tears.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Poseidon Cabin
Skills: N/A

Leda woke up from the dream to soft, gentle kisses pressed up against her neck - something infinitely better than a nightmarish battle underneath the sea, where Oceanus' forces had claimed Poseidon's Trident. She knew that it was something they'd have to deal with - 'twas the nature of demigod dreams. But it wasn't something they had to deal with today. Today was going to be fun and exciting, maybe involve falling into a minor monster's trap, and then some greasy food on the side of a road somewhere. Hopefully Arthur wouldn't get too grossed out with some sneaked kisses between her and Kiera every now and then - but then again, Leda wouldn't exactly care if he did.

The domestic bliss was shattered though as Leda heard the screams of a rather angry satyr - Coach Hedge. She rolled her eyes slightly. "What a bloody buzzkill," she murmured, giving Kiera a kiss on the neck before getting dressed. She figured that he would be in the Poseidon Cabin quickly enough, but not so fast that a speedster couldn't make a quick getaway, allowing Leda to speed off to the Iris Cabin and pretend she hadn't spent the night having fun with her girlfriend. She didn't see why it mattered anyways - it wasn't like she and Kiera were going to get separate hotel rooms during the quest, unless Coach Hedge was counting on Arthur to be a chaperone.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Demeter Cabin
Skills: N/A

Stella had had weird dreams in her past, like ones about rolling fields of wheat, fields of poppies and lilies of the valley, but this one was different. She was looking over the ruins of somewhere... but she felt like she knew the location. It reminded her of home, of California, though she had no idea where in California she was. She gasped as she dream moved to a mountain... wait, she could smell the bay... or something tricked her into thinking that she could smell it. She saw a large figure with a lightning bolt, a statue holding up the sky, and the man with the lightning bolt looked awful.

Stella sat up with a bolt when she heard yelling that seemed to boom through the camp. She groaned as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and then she looked around her cabin a bit. She walked over to Marygold's bed and sat on the edge of it. "I had a weird dream last night... is that normal before going on a quest?" She spoke softly, as to not alert the others to what she was talking about for the moment. She wasn't sure if this was common, or even considered normal for demi-gods to have these kind of dreams.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Zeus Cabin

Demi hadn't actually expected Zeke to take him up on his offer. He couldn't quite place it, but something felt different this time with Zeke. As if something had changed in him but Demi couldn't quite place his finger on it. His thoughts were quickly scattered as he watched Zeke's reaction to their cabin. He'd seen Hecate's, Hephaestus's and had paid visits to other cabins before. Compared to those, this cabin felt empty and cold, while theirs felt homey, and warm. He hadn't been to Apollo's cabin yet, but he could only imagine how different the Sun Gods cabin would be. Demetri was glad for the company, having spent the night talking to Zeke until they were finally exhausted enough to fall asleep. Zeke gave him a kiss goodnight and that just threw Demi over the moon.

He went to bed happy, and smiling from ear to ear. Demi was used to the sound of thunder, finding it comforting as his hometown had a lot of storms themselves. When morning came there was a loud banging on his door. Demi groaned and placed his pillow over his head to block out the sound. Big mistakeI. The doors flew open, letting in the bitter cold wind of winter into the cabin. Demi curled more into his blankets, pulling them tight to keep himself warm. He didn't move the pillow until he heard muffled screaming, lifting it just in time to get hit by a bat a few times before it switched over to Zeke. "I thought the rule was that a guy and a girl can't be alone in a cabin? What gives?" To be fair, Demi hardly paid attention to the rules, seeing them more like guidelines.

Demetri was quickly quieted by a Rogue pillow flying towards his face. There was a soft thud before it landed back onto his lap. "You saying you didn't have fun?" he replied sarcastically as he rubbed the pained spot where the bat found its purchase. His cheek warmed up where Zeke kissed him, his hand now moving towards the spot as if he couldn't believe it was happening. He hadn't asked, or pestered, or said a word. Zeke just...did it. Demi sat in stunned silence for a while, his hand still pressed against the spot where Zeke kissed him. He stared blankly towards the closed door and he just said to himself softly "Yeah...see you at breakfast" After a minute passed his eyes shot wide as he realized he was meeting Zeke for breakfast, or were they meant to just see each other?

Either way he needed to get ready and dressed. He stood up from bed, wearing a long grey sweater that came just above his knees, and shorts that were hidden beneath the top. He hurriedly made his way over towards his chest, pulling out black ripped jeans, a pair of Doc Marten's with purple ladder laced laces, a grey shirt and black laced button up with skull motifs before making his way to the bathroom to get ready for what could be the most exciting breakfast he's had in a while.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Dionysus Cabin

Cassian was enjoying the quiet of the morning, taking advantage of the sleeping campers to enjoy a bit of me time. It was a bit hard to do with all his siblings, and campers alike. But just as he was about to take a sip from his tea cup he spotted a rather rotund satyr heading towards Cabin one. Zeus's Cabin. He scooted forward from his bed, ensuring he didn't spill a drop before finally standing up and moving closer towards a window. The heat from the tea made spots of fogged glass that Cassian quickly wiped away. He'd never seen a satyr so worked up, his head spinning at what one of the two children of Zeus could've done to rile him up. He watched for a little longer, taking a sip from his tea as the yelling started, and wincing at how loud it all was.

Cassian had no care for the children of the Big Three, but even this was too embarrassing for them. He winced at the thought, wondering if Hedge would pull them out by the ear. Or perhaps he was yelling at the lanky brother for not having taken Andy's place. Soon enough the shouting died down and Hedge left. Leaving Cassian wondering what just happened. He could hear what all had been exchanged, but he remained in his seat by the window now, enjoying his drink as he thought of what he'd just seen. Moments later he saw the door open again, but it wasn't who he expected to be leaving. Ezekiel Kel of cabin 7, child of Apollo and known antagonizer of Demi. It'd be a bit of a walk before he hit his cabin, and he'd pass several others most likely in the walk of shame. But it just made Cassian look forward to breakfast so that he could ask what was going on.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Jason Gauger

Location: Ares Cabin
Skills: N/A

Jason knew absolutely nothing about the whole thing with dreams and all with them apparently being important for quests. Of course, he'd never been on a quest before, so he had no idea what to really think or expect for it. Of course, seeing a vision of someone throwing a lightning bolt at the ruins of New Rome wasn't exactly a good thing in general, so that was definitely something to think about in the long run. However, he got woken up somewhat by the sound of Jace laughing about something and some shouting.

It took him a moment to realize what it was that was being said, or what had happened, and he couldn't help but laugh a little bit. "Can't help but wonder who the hell got on his bad side this time," he commented, laughing a little bit. Jason did wonder who got on Hedge's bad side and got him yelling at them, though his mind wandered back over to the quest that he was going to go on. This wasn't exactly something that he was sure would end up alright, but he could really only hope for that right? That the quest would go well overall.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Hypnos Cabin
Skills: N/A

Having a peaceful nights sleep was always a good thing, the dreams that she more or less crafted for herself, imagining the world as she thought it should look was always fun. Of course, all good things must come to an end, and even though she was in the middle of a nice dream, she was woken up by the commotion outside with regards to Coach Hedge yelling at some other campers. Of course, it could be a bit disorienting for her, to more or less be jolted awake from a loud noise or something like that, but it only took a moment for her to adjust to everything.

"What?" she asked Isaac at first, before it registered in her head what he had asked her, and she nodded her head a little bit. "Uh, yeah... Though the yelling and commotion outside was a very rude awakening," Janelle added with a bit of a shrug. Of course, she had a few things on her mind aside from the whole commotion that was going on outside. Her mind was going over the whole list of quests that people were going to go on today, including her brother, and she wondered if he was going to be okay overall with everything.

Marygold Isley

Location: Demeter Cabin
Skills: N/A

The dreams the occurred weren't all too surprising for her. After all, it was kind of a common thing for people who were going on a quest would get the dreams that would have to deal with the quests and prophecies and all. That's just how things were. Though the dream was a bit concerning, considering the monster that was there was a bit freaky, and she saw the sword that clearly was labeled as likely belonging to Hades or something like that. Yeah, this dream was definitely interesting, and the quest overall was going to be a fun one, just from the looks of things like that.

She got woken up rather easily by the yelling, and she rolled her eyes recognizing that voice. It made her wonder what could have happened to get Coach Hedge to sit there ripping into them with his words. Mary's attention was drawn away by Stella asking her a question, and she nodded her head. "Yeah, it is... I had a weird dream too before I got woken up by Coach Hedge yelling at someone, wonder what that whole thing is about... But yeah, dreams before quests and all is kind of the norm, you get used to it..."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Hades' Cabin -> Zeus' Cabin

Andy woke with a start. The dream had been weird, but that was to be expected before a quest. Demi-gods had strange dreams all the time. This one was depressing though. Because she knew it might be one of the last times she saw her Aunt before... Her thoughts cut off.

Kristin was there. Andy nodded and grabbed her bag. "Thanks Kristin. See you at breakfast Arthur." She said, then added. "Come on Chocolate. Be quiet okay." She picked up the heckhound and waited for Coach Hedge to be distracted before running from Hades' Cabin to her own.

She darted inside and exhaled relieved that the Coach hadn't seen her. "Good morning." She said, she could hear Demi in the boy's bathroom. She started to get ready for the day herself. She took the hottest shower she could handle knowing it would be the last one for a while. Before she got dressed. She put her hair into a braid. That would keep.

Once she was ready she started for breakfast, walking with Demi if he was ready too. Chocolate at her heels.

Location: Praetor Tent

Niah had slept in the Preator tent. She didn't feel guilty about it. Since she knew it would only be for this one night. She had dreamt of home. She had been to Atlas' place before. It hadn't ended all that well the first time. She could only hope it worked out this time and they were able to rescue Terminus and thwart whatever plans Atlas had.

She sat up when she woke up. "Good morning." She said to Mads, rubbing at her eyes. "Demi-god dreams are a wild ride." She shook her head and got out of bed and started to get ready. She had already gathered her stuff the night before.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Demeter's Cabin:

Eva had finished her time in the shower, letting two of her other half sister's into the ladies bathroom she turned her attention over towards Stella and Mary. "Good morning you two." Eva said as she went over towards her bed and pulled out some clothes for the day, a camp t-shirt as well as an orange hoodie and her jacket, along with a pair of blue jeans. "Did you guys all sleep well?" She asked, she hadnt really heard what was going on with Coach Hedge but she noticed a few of her other half-siblings were looking out the window. "Whats going on?" Eva asked the two of them, before turning her attention towards Stella. "How are you feeling about your first quest?" Eva asked her.

Ares' Cabin:

Jace looked out the window and noticed that it was Zeke coming out of Zeus' cabin, and laughed slightly finding it slightly amusing that it was Zeke who was most likely on the receiving end of Coach Hedge's wrath. "It looks like Zeke got himself caught sneaking into a cabin when he knows he isnt suppose to." Jace said to Jason as he turned towards his bed and started to get changed for the day he turned his attention towards Zeke. "C'mon lets get some breakfast. You'll need it for your first quest after all as well to." Jace said towards Jason patting his half brother on the shoulder, before heading out while grabbing a jacket to keep warm.

Hypnos' Cabin:

Isaac looked towards Janelle and nodded slightly he knew that she was a bit sensitive when it came to sound due to her blindness, as he watched Zeke leave his cabin. "Looks like Zeke got himself busted for sleeping in someone elses cabin." Isaac informed Janelle as he turned his attention towards her. "C'mon lets get something to eat." Isaac said offering his hand for Janelle to take. "See you at the dining pavilion once you get changed and whatnot." Isaac said to his half sister and left the cabin to make his way towards the dining pavilion.

Dionysus's Cabin:

Dean just finished getting out of the shower, his hair slightly wet still as he watched Cassian looking out the window and poked the back of his head slightly. "What did you see out there?" He asked looking over towards his half brother, he'd notice that Zeke was just leaving the Zeus' cabin and shook his head slightly. He was slightly jealous of the Big Three kids having a space just for themselves, as he looked at Cassian. "How'd you sleep?" He asked him as he went over towards his bed and started to tie on a pair of boots.

Zeus' Cabin:

Luckily Coach Hedge had already checked out Zeus' cabin otherwise Andy would have been caught, he was heading over towards Iris' cabin to check out things over there and make sure that everyone who was in their cabin were actually there, but nothing else really happened in the Zeus' cabin.

Hades' Cabin:

Hades' cabin was pretty quiet and nothing really happened there, though Arthur would notice a few kids were already heading out to the dining pavilion for breakfast.

Apollo's Cabin:

As soon as Zeke got into his cabin some of his brothers and sisters were snickering and laughing at the sight of him getting yelled by Coach Hedge as Bryan came over towards Zeke and patted him on the shoulder. "So you got chewed out by Hedge huh?" He asked jokingly as he gave Zeke a slight playful nudge as he started to get changed turning to face his half-brother. "C'mon we are heading out to get some breakfast." Bryan said as he headed out of the cabin and towards the dining pavilion.

Iris' Cabin:

Leda would be able to just barely get into her cabin just as Coach Hedge had made his way over there, all of the Iris kids were moving pretty quickly and he wouldnt see them really as they were busy making up their beds and getting changed. They all stopped as Tammy approached Coach Hedge. "Is everything alright?" Tammy ended up asking Hedge as he stared at each of them individually before grumbling slightly and headed back out of the cabin, Tammy turned towards Leda and giggled slightly. "I thought for a moment that Hedge might catch you next." She said as the rest of Iris' children were heading out and going to get some breakfast. "So spill the beans, how was your evening?" Tammy asked her half sister teasingly.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Outside of Hades Cabin -> Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Kristin smiled and nodded towards Andy. "No problem see you two at breakfast." Kristin said towards Andy and Arthur as she started to make her way over towards the dining pavilion, she saw a few of her half siblings were all getting ready to eat some of their breakfast. She walked over and grabbed herself a plate, and then sat down next to her half-sister Alannah. "So did you sleep well?" Kristin asked her as she turned towards her and nodded.

"Yep I did." Alannah said as she went over towards the nearby brazier and did the usual sacrifice for her mother and said a silent prayer for the people who were going on their quests today as Kristin did the same as well to. A few minutes later the rest of the Athena cabin came in and they started to do the same thing before they all started to eat their breakfast Kristin had a bagel as well as some scrambled eggs and a biscuit on her plate and she quickly started to dig in enjoying her breakfast.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Poseidon Cabin
Skills: N/A

Kiera blushed slightly as Leda kissed her on the neck and watched as her girlfriend sped off, and hoped that she didnt end up getting caught my Coach Hedge or anything like that. She got up and grabbed herself a winter coat as well as some boots and a pair of blue jeans as well as her camp shirt and a simple grey hoodie and quickly started to get changed. She was a little bit nervous about going on a quest, but at leas she would be going with her girlfriend and Arthur who she had known before coming to camp.

Kiera then started to head out of her cabin and made her way towards the dining pavilion, she noticed that it was getting filled rather quickly by now as well to. She started to make her way over towards the Poseidon table and grabbed herself a plate, as some sausage and some hard boiled eggs appeared on her plate, she gave a small portion to her father and said a quiet prayer to him, and went to sit back down waiting for her girlfriend to show up.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Roman Portion, Praetor Tent.
Skills: N/A

Joanie would let out a loud and annoyed sound as Nancy shoved her off of her head and then flew over to the other end of the room to pout causing Madalyne to laugh sightly. She turned to look over at Nancy and quickly made her way over towards her and pulled her friend into a tight hug, she really felt bad and felt like she was abandoning her closest friend to watch over the Legion and the survivors of New Rome alone. "Of course we have time to have breakfast with you, we could get our plates and come back here and eat in peace and away from the others if you'd like to?" Madalyne suggested, while looking over towards Niah to see what she wanted to do as well to.

Madalyne then reached over and gently held Nancy's hand while looking over at her. "It'll be okay no matter what happens i'll come back." Madalyne said trying to reassure Nancy that she was going to be alright, she really didnt want to leave her alone but she knew that Nancy and Niah would both be alright if her fate ends up in the Pit itself.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Apollo Cabin —> Dining Pavilion: Zeus Table -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel ignored the snickers from his brothers and sisters. He never seemed to mind when he was being teased by his half-siblings. They were all part of an odd, messed up family. Bryan came over just as Ezekiel secured his clothes for the day and patted him on the shoulder. He chuckled and shrugged.
”Ya, he got a few hits in with that ridiculous bat of his,” Zeke said and stood. He shrugged out of yesterday’s clothes and pulled on fresh ones before walking into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. Bryan announced that they were heading to the dining pavilion and Zeke popped his head out of the boy’s bathroom.
”Ya, just give me a minute,” he said before finishing up in the bathroom. Zeke ran a hand through his hair before slipping on his green beanie and pulled on his dark wash jean jacket as he walked to the door and joined some of his siblings on the walk to the dining pavilion.
”So, do you know what’s on the agenda for today?” Ezekiel knew the ones who stood for the quests would be leaving today but he didn’t know what that meant for the rest of them. Last time, the people who remained at camp boarded the flying ship that took them to Camp Jupiter. As far as Zeke knew, nothing like that was happening for the rest of them.

They reached the dining pavilion and Ezekiel grabbed a plate, deciding on having french toast with sausages and some orange juice to drink. He looked at Bryan and hit him lightly with his elbow since he didn’t have a free hand. ”I’ll see you later,” Zeke said and left to sit at the empty Zeus table. He sipped his juice, looking at the water just beyond the pavilion before he dug into his first meal of the day.
He knew he was probably about to get a bunch of different looks at why he of all people was sitting at Zeus table but he didn't care at the moment. It seemed Zeke had gone through a bit of a transformation over night.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Cabin One > Dining Pavilion
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demi stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist as he grabbed another and started drying his hair with it. Once he stopped, he looked towards the mirror noticing his curls had decided to come out in full force that day. He frowned slightly, wishing he didn't have to bother with them today. Demetri wiped the fog off the mirror, noticeably looking at the spots where Zeke had kissed him. One hand drifting softly towards his lips as he decided to try something different and new today. The brown coloration of his eye began to shift away, leaving only their natural electric blue. On one hand it would match his new enchanted eye, on the other hand...Zeke liked the more natural him.

Demi looked at himself for a moment, sighing as he thought to himself, unable to shake the goofy grin on his face. He finished getting ready, going out into the common area and pressing his boot against the walls of the cabin as he began to lace them up. "Morning Andy, how was Hades' cabin? You know, aside from not having a glaring statue of dad looming about." He continued to lace his shoes, standing up when ready as he walked by the girls bathroom so she could hear him better. "I'll catch you at breakfast! You can tell me all about it there!" He threw on a coat for the cold and made his way out and towards the Dining Pavilion.

Demetri looked down for most of the walk, not daring to see if any campers gave him concerned looks after Coach Hedges show this morning. He started to pick up the pace, walking quickly as the cold air began biting at his cheeks, wishing he was already sitting and having a warm meal to help fight the chill of the day. Demi went through the same motions as always, grabbing his tray with plate and goblet as a full English breakfast emerged onto his dish and warm apple cider filled the cup. He was feeling rather generous that morning, offering a sausage to the fire for Zeus, much more than the fat he usually tossed in there, and turned to head towards his table. When he saw Zeke sitting at it he froze. His eyes drifted from place to place trying to see if he somehow got turned around. But there was Apollos' table clear as day, full of his children sitting about eating.

Demis' hands began to shake slightly, and he couldn't tell if it was from the cold or nerves but he needed to get a grip. He let out a short sigh before marching towards his table and sitting across from Zeke. He didn't make eye contact at first, keeping his gaze downcast as he stared at his plate afraid that if he looked up Zeke would be gone or laughing. When he finally looked up, his electric blue eyes met Zeke's. "Are you lost?" A light color of blush ran through Demetri’s cheeks as he looked at him.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Dionysus Cabin

Cassian felt the small prod against his head and turned to face his brother with a smile. [Color=CC00CC]"Just Coach Hedge having a field day with some violators. Seems Ezekiel spent the night over at Demetri’s, or at the very least was there early enough to make it appear that way to the old Satyr. Cass shrugged as he got up from his spot, finishing his tea and heading over towards Dean. He pulled a nearby towel and placed it on Dean's head, scrunching it a bit to soak some of the liquid. "I slept well, you on the other hand won't be if you keep your hair wet like that in this weather. You'll catch a cold." He said as he gave his sibling a playful but leveled look.

Cassian sat down at the edge of Dean's bed, swinging his feet back and forth as he glanced back out towards the window. "Feels a little selfish at times you know? I get to stay here where it's relatively safe and sleep well with hardly a nightmare while three...or nine in this case, others have to go off and risk their lives for our safety. All while being plagued by dreams of what's to come so they can't even sleep well. Then again...it feels selfish to wish to be one of them too. But I doubt a child of D would get picked for a quest unless it's cultivating fine grapes or something mundane like that." His feet began to sway slower, each moving at opposite times as he turned to look at Dean again.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Demeter Cabin
Skills: N/A

Stella nodded a bit at that at Marygold's words, and felt a bit reassured. Yes, it seemed that it was normal for everyone to have weird dreams before quests, so she didn't have to worry too much about that being a weird omen or something like that. "Thank you Marygold." Her attention turned over to Eve, and she nodded a bit in the answer to the question. "I slept okay, aside from some weird dreams and being woken up by, you called him, Coach Hedge's yelling? Other than that, I'm doing alright." She relaxed a bit until Eva asked her how she felt about her first quest.

"Oh, I'm scared, but I do have a feeling that Miss Niah and Jason will keep a good eye on me, and they both will be able to help me learn on the way. I know that I may have been a bit... impulsive in jumping into agreeing to go on a quest on the same day I arrived. However, I get the feeling that my arrival was yesterday for a reason. That I was suppose to be here to join the quest. I just hope I don't let anyone down." She let the words rather pour out of her lips, letting her emotions be bared to her two older half-sisters.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 16 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Hades Cabin -> Hades table
Skills: N/A

Arthur watched as Andy went off without him, and shrugged for a moment. He wanted to spend as much time as possible with her, but he wasn't going to have a breakdown if they couldn't do literally everything with each other. In the meantime, he settled on wrestling up some food, following shortly after Kristen. He didn't go out of his way to get her attention though, he could use a few moments where hew as just on his own, he supposed. He wouldn't be getting too many more moments of relaxed, personal contemplation, so he took a breath, and just existed in the moment.

Stepping into the dining pavilion, he quickly got to the work of getting himself some food, fruit mainly. His stomach couldn't take anything much heavier with his nerves. That, and there was the odd tension in his head where, if he finished his meal quickly, he'd be one step closer to this whole thing actually getting started. Time of course, didn't work like that, and it wouldn't matter how quickly he completed his meal, they would leave when the left. But still, that's what he was thinking about, as he nibbled on some orange slices at the Hades table.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Praetor Tent
Skills: N/A

Normally, Nancy wasn't a fan of physical contact or touch - the only physical contact she enjoyed was in a fight, and ideally, it was her knocking someone out with a good punch. But as Madalyne pulled her into a tight embrace, Nancy hugged her back like her life depended on it. She couldn't hold back the tears, crying into Madalyne's shoulder, weeping like a soldier's wife seeing her sweetheart off to war. Nancy was asexual and aromantic - but that didn't mean she couldn't love Niah and Mads as deeply as she did. She nodded, blinking rapidly in an effort to stop the tears as Mads pulled away from the hug, Nancy clutching onto Mads' hand like she was afraid to let go. "Yeah, yeah that'd be rad," Nancy sniffed.

She didn't want to sit in a room with the Greeks right now anyways. The sooner New Rome was independent and home again, the better. She bit her lip slightly, before drying her eyes on the back of her sleeve, taking breaths to try to keep the tears from coming again. She knew that Mads and Niah would both come home alright - but she was still terrified that they might not, that they would end up in a situation where they needed her and Nancy would be stuck at Camp Half-blood, helpless to save her friends.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Iris Cabin
Skills: N/A

Leda knew that logically, she had just barely made it back to the Iris Cabin in time to avoid getting caught by Coach Hedge, but that didn't stop her from having a self confident smirk on her face. Her siblings moved too quickly for Hedge to see more than a rainbow blur anyways. And even if he had gotten there before her, he didn't have any proof that she had spent the night in the Poseidon Cabin. The morning cabin check was a ridiculous and futile effort, especially when it came to a cabin full of speedsters. Leda came to a stop with her siblings, staring at Coach Hedge and mentally daring him to say anything. He left and Leda started cackling ever so slightly.

"Nah, the old sod can't get me that easy," Leda reassured her sibling. She then smiled like the Cheshire Cat as Tammy asked her how her evening was. "Do I look like the sort of slut who kisses and tells? Or..." Leda paused for dramatic effect, knowing that her sibling were dying to know what happened, "does other scandalous things that would make Aphrodite blush and tell?" she offered, hardly able to contain the glee in her eyes. "What about your evening, sis?" she asked Tammy.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Jason Gauger

Location: Ares Cabin
Skills: N/A

Jason rolled his eyes slightly upon hearing all of what had happened and why Hedge was yelling and causing a commotion in general. He personally didn't understand why it would be such a big deal if someone slept over in a different cabin. It doesn't seem like it would be such a big deal, and personally, the idea of all of the cabins being separated by who their godly parent was was a bit strange to him still, and he thought it was a bit dumb at times. Though the thing that surprised him a bit was that it was Zeke who was sneaking out of the Zeus cabin, and he wondered what was up with that.

His attention was drawn away from those questions, by Jace saying something about going off to get breakfast and all, and then reminding him about the whole quest thing in general. Yeah, that was something that he was going to go off and do and all, just what he needed, a reminder of that. "Yeah yeah yeah, I know, quest thing, I'm coming don't worry," he responded, as he finished getting ready for the day and everything, and followed along after Jace outside and heading towards the Dining Pavilion to see about getting some food before the quest and all.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Hypnos Cabin
Skills: N/A

Janelle tilted her head a bit to the side as she heard Isaac explain what was going on outside of the cabin and what all had happened that resulted in Coach Hedge yelling and causing issues for everyone in general. Maybe she should invest in some ear plugs or something to make it so that she didn't have to worry about loud noises and all like that too much, but then it would make it difficult to potentially wake her up if there was a major situation that happened or something. Oh well, she wasn't going to really think too much of it at the moment, she's survived this long without them.

The idea of food sounded like a good idea though, she was a bit hungry, so she figured that heading to the Dining Pavilion was a good idea overall. "I'll be along in a moment," she commented towards Isaac, before hearing him leave the cabin and everything. Janelle went about and got dressed and ready for the day, before she grabbed her cane and made her way out of the cabin now and started heading out for the Dining Pavilion, a few things were going through her mind with regards to everything, though she was wanting to go see about talking to Jason, to learn what might be going through his mind with regards to him going off on his quest.

Marygold Isley

Location: Demeter Cabin
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, no worries Stella... Dreams are always a thing that happen... Demigods in general tend to get weird dreams and everything too," she added to her, reassuring her a bit more, before her attention was drawn by Eva questioning what all was going on, and Mary just sort of shrugged, "Who knows what he's going off about. It's not that surprising that he's deciding to go more then a little bit crazy at campers and yelling at them for breaking what he thinks all the rules are or anything. So he could be yelling for just about any sort of reason."

Her attention turned back towards Stella, as Eva had also asked how she was feeling about going on the quest and all. She was a bit curious as to what all was fully going through Stella's head, since all of this was still incredibly new to her. Of course, things weren't going to be easy, it was a quest in general. "I think you'll be fine, don't worry about letting anyone down, just take care of yourself if you can and all, okay?" Mary added, though that last part was mainly because she wasn't too thrilled with Stella going off on a quest already, but she didn't really get a say in that sort of matter at the moment really.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Dining Pavilion

Andy arrived at the Pavilion and got her breakfast. She made sure to have it be a big and filling breakfast. She didn't know when or what she would eat next. This was something she had experienced plenty before. And since coming to camp had learned how to eat carefully. She tried to consume what she needed. Today was different. She would need more.

She sat down at the Hades table across from Arthur. And gave Chocolate some bacon. "Sorry I had to rush. Didn't want to get into trouble." She knew he understood that, but she also felt bad. She was tempted to tell him about her dream too, but decided against it. He didn't need to know how much danger she was going into. Just like he probably had had dreams too and wasn't willing to share them with her. "Do you want to do anything after breakfast before we leave?" She didn't add the qualifier if they had time.

Location: Praetor Tent -> Dining pavilion

"Food is a must." She said. Then she looked at Mads and gave her a smile. "We'll get you back." She wasn't going to leave one of her best friends to suffer. Never. She didn't care if she died trying and then had to come back from the dead she'd find a way.

At the Dining Pavilion, she got a plate and sat at their normal table. She looked around taking in what she could and enjoying the meal as best she could. There was so much she wanted to say, but couldn't find the words for it. So instead she sat near her friends and enjoyed their presence. Enjoyed these last moments of calmness.

Niah thought of the time the group had stolen someone's phone. Well borrowed. She smiled. And remembered how they had used the armor to make a makeshift flying raft. Life after that had become too much business. A part of her could appreciate how chill the Greek's camp was run. Though it stressed her out to no end. How did they get people to agree on anything? Everyone had an opinion and just did what they wanted. Their fighting was a chaotic mess. She shook her head.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Demeter's Cabin:

Eva turned her attention over towards Stella and nodded slightly. "Yeah the dreams are kinda a common thing around here, sometimes it happens more than once while you are asleep on the quests to." Eva said towards Stella and smiled towards her for a moment, though it was a bit rare for a new camper to immediately accept a quest on their first day at camp Percy Jackson accepted one himself as well when he first came to camp after all.

"Lets get to the dining pavilion it'll be a long day for the two of you after all as well to." Eva suggested as she started to head out and make her way over towards the dining pavilion. Once she was there and got her plate, thing of scrambled eggs appeared as well as two strips of bacon and a blueberry muffin appeared. She gave a small portion to the brazier and said a silent prayer for her two half sisters who were going on the quest before taking her seat.

Ares' Cabin -> Dining Pavilion:

"So any thoughts on the quest that you are going on?" Jace asked Jason as he made his way towards the dining pavilion as a plate of ham and a biscuit appeared, he gave a small piece of ham to his father and sat down at the Ares table with the rest of their half brothers and sisters. The Ares table was always a bit rowdy as some of them were either talking or they were sometimes being childish and stealing some food off of each others plates. "You are going with one of the Roman's on the quest to right?" Jace didnt really know much about Niah other than that she was close friends with the two Praetors.

Hypnos' Cabin -> Dining Pavilion:

Isaac nodded towards her as he started to make his way over towards the dining pavilion where all of the other campers were, he went over and sat down at the Hypnos table. Some of the Hypnos kids werent really morning people as some of them were ocasionally nodding off at the table while some of them were eating their breakfast and talking amongst each other. When he saw Janelle coming in he called out to her again. "Your brother is at the Ares table if you are looking for him." Isaac said towards her, as he went back to eating his breakfast which was a big plate of pancakes.

Iris' Cabin:

"Oh c'mon kissing and telling is a whole lot of fun." Tammy said teasingly towards Leda as she started to finish getting dressed for the day as she thought for a moment and shrugged. "There's probably a lot more scandalous that would make her blush, maybe you guys might encounter her while on your quest." Tammy said as she sat down on her bunk, sometimes she was a bit jealous of the Big Three having a whole cabin to themselves. "Kinda just chilled and played some games before hitting the sack nothing to interesting." Tammy answered Leda as she started to smile some. "Want to race over towards the dining pavilion?" She asked her.

Dionysus's Cabin:

Dean grumbled slightly as Cassian threw his towel over his head and tried to dry his hair for him, he usually just let nature take it's course and air dry it. "I don't think you can catch a cold for having a head of wet hair." Dean said jokingly as he went over towards his bed and started to get changed into some warmer clothes. He turned his attention towards Cassian as he sat down at the edge of his bed, and shrugged slightly, he had been on a minor quest a few years ago.

"I went on a quest a few years ago, I cant really remember any of the details really. But anyway we were in the Labyrinth with the Minotaur, we were running away from it until I used some vines to hold it back, and knocked it down into a trap that place is known for. But anyway i'm pretty sure that there are other chances for glory as well to that you could jump on." Dean said as he got up and grabbed his jacket. "Anyway i'm pretty hungry lets go and get some breakfast." Dean suggested.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Kristin continued to eat her breakfast as she turned her attention over towards Zeus' table seeing that Zeke had decided to go over and join Demi again. She shook her head slightly at that, either Zeke was dumb and didnt learn his lesson earlier with Coach Hedge or he was just really cocky. "I'll see you later." She said and decided to go and join them as she looked at her half-sister and smiled for a moment, and made her way across the dining pavilion.

"So i'm assuming you either just like pain or you just like getting into trouble." Kristin said teasingly as she sat down and looked between the two of them for a moment. "How are the two of you?" Kristin asked both Demi and Zeke as she ran a hand through her hair and saw Janelle coming into the dining pavilion as well. "How are you doing Janelle?" Kristin asked her.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Poseidon Cabin
Skills: N/A

Kiera started to finish her breakfast as her attention turned over towards both Arthur and Andy, Leda hadnt come yet she assumed that her girlfriend was maybe showering or talking to Tammy. She blushed slightly last night was a lot of fun, despite waking up with the weird dream that she had. She decided to go over and join them as Kiera grabbed her plate and cup she started to make her way over towards Andy and Arthur looking at the two of them.

"Mind if I join you two?" Kiera asked as she sat down across the two of them, she looked between Andy and Arthur and gave them a slight smile as she continued to eat as she watched the little hellhound pup eating away at the bacon that Andy had given him, before finishing it all and looked up at her expectantly letting out a slight whimper while drooling. "The little guy really wants more." Kiera said as she handed Chocolate some more of her own food.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Roman Portion, Praetor Tent -> Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Madalyne gave Nancy a sad smile she really didnt want to leave her best friend alone to lead the Legion alone, though she knew that Danielle would help in her stead as well to. But she hated that she most likely won't be coming back at least not for awhile now either really she gave Nancy's hand a gentle squeeze. She turned towards Niah and smiled towards her and nodded slightly, she was just nervous about the quest in general as well to, she wasnt sure how Mary and Andy would be in a fight. "Lets get our food and head back then." Madalyne said as she followed behind Niah over towards the dining pavilion.

As she made her way into the dining pavilion she looked over at the largest table that was there for the Legion, the Greeks had been pretty good hosts to them. Though they did need to find a way to take back New Rome from Tartarus' forces, as she looked over at the Greeks who were eating and talking amongst themselves. She grabbed herself a plate as a big breakfast appeared onto her plate, some sausage, eggs, bacon, three pancakes and bacon appeared on the plate as well as her cup of water was filled with milk. "Shall we head back?" Madalyne asked Nancy and Niah.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Dining Pavilion: Zeus Table -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel picked away at his meal, saving a couple of the better sausages for an offering. Ezekiel didn’t normally leave his father an offering, figuring it was really the only revenge he could get over his father but Ezekiel was in a good mood so he saved those pieces. Ezekiel paused in his eating to drink some of his juice when he spotted Demetri walking over to him. He seemed a little out of sorts and this made Ezekiel smirk.
Demetri sat down, his brilliant blue eyes meeting Ezekiel’s own and Zeke just grinned when Demi asked if he was lost. Zeke looked deeply into Demetri’s eyes, his real one and his modified one. He was glad Demetri decided to keep the true colour today rather than the brown.
”I only get lost when I look into your eyes,” Zeke said and winked before he took a sip of his juice. Ezekiel was just cutting into his french toast when Kristin rudely joined them.
”We’re in public and I’ll just make the excuse that Demi’s going to be sitting alone for a few days or weeks until Andy returns. Doesn’t seem fair that he has to sit alone just because his dad is a walking dick,” Zeke explained to Kristin. He popped in a piece of french toast and chewed it before covering his mouth.
”I’m good,” he said and glanced at Demi so he could answer. Kristin then called out to Janelle and Ezekiel looked up, choking on his meal a bit. He coughed, pounding his chest until the bread dislodged and he could swallow. For the love of Hera, was everyone just going to be joining the misfit table this morning?
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Demeter Cabin -> Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Stella smiled a bit more at Marygold's words and she did feel better. The dreams were normal, and she wasn't going to let anyone down it seemed. She would take care of herself and she was sure that in a way her mother was looking after her, as if she had known. "I will take care of myself, and I'm sure that someone is looking out for me. I got that scythe that helped me last night, and I have my bag of seeds, so I'm armed, besides going to the camp store. I was told that I could get supplies for the journey there before we leave, right? I'll head over there after breakfast. Some food does sound really good."

Stella looked at Eva as she headed to the dining pavilion and soon headed that way as well. She sat down at her cabin's table and gently tugged a plate and a cup over to her. Within a moment breakfast of eggs, bacon, with a side of miso soup, rice and some fruit appeared, and the cup filled with green tea and another filled with a yogurt drink. She paused a bit as she thought of her otou-san back home, and he was probably worried about her. She gently picked up the bowl of rice and headed over to the brazier and tipped some rice into it, sending up a silent prayer to her mother to keep her fathers safe. She then returned to the table and started eating, nibbling slowly.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: Shapeshifting

The light coloring of pink began to burn a bright red as the streaks of color ran across his face. Clearly Zeke had gotten a good night's sleep because he was being bold even for himself. Demetri didn't even know what to say in response as he watched Krisitin coming over to join them. He took a long drink from his cup, giving himself time to fight back the blush before interacting with her and using the cup to hide his face for a moment. Torn between emotions, elated for the rescue of another person, but also annoyed at the sudden interruption of what was currently happening, Demetri was now seeing the consequences of his actions unfurl before him. "Besides. I get into enough trouble as is, well...when I get caught. But we aren't breaking any rules that haven't already been broken. Leda and Kiera sit with each other all the time."

Demi couldn't make heads or tails over the conversation. Was Kristin trying to get at something? Or was she just checking up on the latest choking hazard? Either way he wasn't quite sure he liked it. "Eh, as good as any kid of Zeus could be." Suddenly his heart gripped and he glanced over towards Andy. He was better than a kid of Zeus could be. He wasn't going on a quest. His hand gripped his drink tightly, pushing it away before beginning to eat. His attention called back as Zeke began to choke at the mention of Janelle. Demi couldn't help but snicker, both at the display and seeing that even Zeke hadn't thought this all through. Though the fact that she could still illicit such a response to him made him jealous on all accounts and so Demi irrationally and subconsciously kicked the side of Zeke's foot with his own, matching it with a look.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Dionysus Cabin

Cassian stuck his tongue out at Dean as he remarked about him catching a cold. It was an old superstition his mother had held onto from her days of being young. Apparently grandmother would constantly chastise her whenever she left her hair wet as opposed to wrapping it up into a towel. Even demi-gods have to look out for their health, he supposed. When Dean mentioned he'd been on a quest before, Cassian immediately sat up, propping one leg onto his bed as he turned to face his brother. Of course all of that excitement melted partially away as his brother let him know most all the details had been forgotten. At first Cassian assumed it was another mundane quest, until Dean mentioned The Labyrinth and The Minotaur. He bit his lower lip in thought for a moment. "I can't even naturally control vines. Need help from dad's gift...That's so cool though!"

As Dean got off the bed, Cassian adjusted and followed suit. He'd never had siblings growing up, and being here and exchanging stories with his brother made him feel more at home. He could listen for hours about their tales and adventures and never grow bored, just longing for the day to get his chance. But that would have to wait, as his stomach growled in protest for having missed morning tea and demanded they get something soon. "Food sounds great. I'm starved." Cassian went past Dean's bed and towards his, grabbing a jacket that hung off the side and slung it onto himself. He adjusted the buttons and tightened his gloves as he trailed behind Dean.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Praetor Tent
Skills: N/A

Nancy walked with her best friends to the dining pavilion, as much as she didn't want to show her face to other people. She was feeling so vulnerable and afraid, and she couldn't afford for anyone aside from Niah and Mads to see her like that. The only other person she'd consider let seeing the cracks in her facade was her half-brother, Zeke, but she hadn't spoken to him since the explosion last night at the arena. Her pride was preventing her from wanting to see him, just as it was influencing her decision to want to withdraw the Legion from Camp Half-blood. She didn't want to be around these Greeks anymore, she wanted to fix New Rome and save her friends. She had almost forgotten about how Chiron wanted a Greek representative to stay with the Roman Senate and she groaned internally. She'd rather gag herself with a spoon.

She didn't feel much like eating either when they reached the pavilion, but Nancy piled up her plate - she figured Joanie would eat the food if she didn't. She noticed Niah take a seat down and Nancy kept her face guarded, but on the inside she just felt embarrassed. She thought they were going to eat together in private, but maybe that was just what Nancy wanted, and not what Niah wanted? Nancy's emotions were all over the place. Thankfully, Mads communicated that it was time to go back, and Nancy felt relieved and guilty. "Yeah, if that's what you two want to do," Nancy said, doing her best to sound nonchalant and casual about it all.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Iris Cabin -> Dining Pavilion
Skills: Superspeed

"Hmm, not sure if meeting Aphrodite would be a good thing - she's a heartbreaker," Leda mused. It wasn't that she didn't respect the goddess of love and beauty and laughter - she did, in the same way Leda respected all of the gods as she enjoyed not being smited. It was more that whenever Aphrodite showed up, it didn't tend to mean ~yay, this is a stable and secure relationship!~ She was an omen of relationship drama. And while Leda's feelings for Kiera had started out as just a crush at first, their relationship had really blossomed into something sweet and precious, and Leda didn't want to risk messing it up. Especially not now when they were going to get their first trip together (with the caveat that they'd have to watch out for Arthur too).

"Alright, mate, you're on!" Leda grinned, excited for the brief chance to stretch her legs, although from here it would only take a few seconds to get to the dining pavilion. One of these days they ought to have a proper Iris/Hermes Cabin race, with a track that would take them all at least a few minutes to cover. Leda then went off at a sprint, running in all of her rainbow power glory from the cabin all the way into the dining pavilion, speeding on through and only stopping to grab herself a plate and begin to pile it high with food.

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