Kathryn Pyke Human, Battle Master, Level 03HP: 31 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Inspired N/A Location: B12 --> C12 Action: Putting things back together Bonus Action: N/A Reaction: N/A | ![]() |
The battle had ended. Though not completely according to plan, things went well. Then the coffin shook. Kathryn still had her sword in hand and was ready for anything that may come. Undead maybe? Marita got to the coffin first, Kathryn found herself on standby for whatever came of it. As the lid was pried open Kathryn was honestly surprised it wasn't an undead or some other creature of that nature. But another fucking goblin. A short battle ensured. If it could be called that. Kathryn turned to intercept only to have things kick off again. The tree above her rang to life as an arrow struck Victoria. Kathryn reached for her axes in retaliation only to find they were not present. They were still in the remains of the goblins she first struck. She briefly considered throwing her sword before realizing how foolish that was. But they were lost to sight again. The recent events took place fast, it felt like only seconds between the new hostiles appearing, and being wiped out by Victoria's and Kosara's magic. Watching what the powerful magic did to the creatures, Kathryn told herself not to find herself on the bad side of a caster unless she was prepared for the fight of her life.
Taking another look around, things seemed to have calmed down. Kosara was setting up to work on Victoria, and the area appeared to be clear of enemies. "Fuckin' 'ell." She forgot just how tedious goblins can be. Though unskilled in traditional combat, they were persistent and annoying. They were difficult for anyone caught out alone or surprised. Ironic the party did just that to them. The gear the goblins had was suspiciously new. Who had they robbed? Surely they didn't have this kind of money if they had to grave rob for food. Looking about she figured they should probably try to clean up the place. No need to leave this kind of mess for some kid to find. Looking at the wagon she guessed it was still in pretty decent shape? And might be large enough to put the cargo back in. As well as maybe the remains of the goblins and their suspicious gear. She wondered if maybe Hugh could piece together some of the suspicious gear? Where it came from and how they got it?
She took a look at the rest of her party. Outside of Victoria it seemed the rest of the party got out unharmed. Kosara was already making her way to assist their bard, Marita and Hugh as far as she knew were okay. "That... did not go to plan. But shy of a couple issues it looks like things went well." She looked at Marita with this thought. She would have with Hugh too if he was easier to spot. "Good work. Uh... sorry I fell behind there." She wasn't sure if it was poor timing or coordination on her part, or maybe she misunderstood a step along the way. Marita ended up filling out a lot of Kathryn's roll instead. "That won't happen again." She spoke a bit shameful. She attempted to make up for falling behind on her own tasks by hitting the enemy harder, and Victoria took an arrow while Kathryn was supposed to be by her. She needed to keep a better mind about her roll in the party.
Kathryn took her helmet off and set it down on top of one of the barrels. She attempted at first to tip the wagon back on it's wheels, but loaded up with the tied down cargo, she stood no chance. She attempted to gauge the weight of the barrels by gently lifting it a bit to confirm that she likely could move it, though it would take a lot of effort. Kathryn got herself into a squat position to start lowering the loaded barrels one at a time. After the first couple she found herself starting to tired out from under the hard work and heat. Then she realized, it's fall. If she is over heating she is wearing at least two layers of armor, and that surely would help. She debated it for a moment, but considering this was a recently active combat zone, and she was still getting to know the rest of the party, she figured being unarmored was not the best choice. She did start taking off some of the metal plates across her arms and shoulders. She briefly considered the chain mail again, but figured this was enough. She returned setting down the barrels one after another, much easier now that she wasn't as loaded down with her gear. Once the wagon was unloaded Kathryn looked at the tipped over wagon debating the best way to deal with it.
Bending down to get leverage Kathryn braced attempting to tip the wagon back on it's wheels now that it was unloaded. It creaked and groaned as Kathryn lifted it back towards all fours, her knees starting to buckle under it's weight and her exhaustion of the previous battle and labor. The wagon crashed down on all fours with a loud grunt from Kathryn as it fell into place. "Wow that was.... heavier then it looked..." She spoke between breaths with some strain. "We can use... the..." She stopped for a moment to take a deep breath and regain her thoughts. How heavy were those damn barrels? Heavy enough. "We can use the other wagon to return the cargo to it's owner. And to remove the goblins from sight for some passerby to stumble on." She thought of their own wagon, it should be able to be loaded up with whatever couldn't fit into this wagon. Then the thought crossed her mind, how were they going to pull two wagons with one mule? Could they be tied together somehow? She briefly thought back to her joke about pulling the wagon herself. Kathryn pushed this thought to the back of her mind, they still needed to load this back up and get to town before it got too late. Kathryn grabbed one of the barrels wrapping her arms around it knowing it was heavy enough that a controlled fall was difficult. Once she got it into the air it was easy to tell that the thing was at least as heavy as herself, maybe even twice over. She dropped it down into the wagon catching her breath again. They had their work cut out for them.