Name: Rian Ivers
Age: 19
Region of Origin:
Verdanturf TownDescription:
Standing at a lowly five foot eight, Rian is practically a dwarf in comparison to others of his age, which often lulls his opposition into underestimating his strength during battles. One thing that always seems to surprise his peers is Rian's abysmal physical shape and posture; Despite his youth, Rian slouches like a man who does nothing but carry construction equipment for a living. Rian's demeanor is equally as tired and sluggish.
Hoenn's youngest volunteer still dresses like a young teenager, his wardrobe consisting almost entirely of zip-up hoodies, T-shirts, and cargo shorts. Rian's most frequent outfit being a worn white zipped sweatshirt with a long-sleeved "slowpoke pink" t-shirt underneath and the common circular logo plastered on the back in the same shade. Curiously, Rian has collected unique badges stylized like the heads of his Pokemon team which he has pinned onto his leather messenger bag. Lending further to his eccentric nature, Rian wears black trainer's gloves both for style and practicality. Not so pragmatically, he wears sand colored cargo shorts that just cover his knees and a pair of pink sneakers. Many have asked why Rian has seemingly color coated himself to his Pokemon, to which Rian normally shrugs off as pure coincidence.
Brilliant but Lazy (Will fill in later, don't worry.)
- Born a few decades after the Team Magma/Aqua stuff (I'm assuming as Desmond's bio mentions the Shadow Pokemon thing. Do tell me if I'm being stupid, as I don't know much about any events post Gen 3.)
- Received a Shinx from his mother at the age of nine imported to Hoenn by Wattson's successor.
- Eventually kicked out of the house at the age of 15.
- Epic Pokemon journey, beats the Elite Four of Hoenn, decides against going up against a much older Steven.
- Steven retires, Rian declines becoming the new Hoenn champion, dismissing it as "Too much work."
- Eventually "volunteered" to go with the Elite Four of Hoenn to the End Tower or whatever it is we're calling it.
- Is more than likely going to arrive late and get shoe-horned in with the main group of lovelies.
I'll be legitimately writing this some time this weekend, I just wanted to put this here to show you guys that I'm not just sitting on my ass doing nothing. I know the whole conquering the Hoenn league in a span of a few years might be a bit much, but I wanted to emphasize his being the youngest person brought into this thing and his intelligence and what not. I'll change things if needed.
Pokemon Team:

Rian's first legitimately caught Pokemon and the cornerstone of his line up, Slaking has been with Rian since before the young trainer got his first badge, accordingly, Slaking is considered Rian's "go-to" for almost every situation. Strong enough to smash boulders and durable enough to take a kick from a Hitmonlee, whenever Rian is brought up in conversation, his Slaking is sure not to be far behind in peoples' minds.
Solomon the Slowking

One half of Rian's notorious "Slow brothers", Solomon was, rather ironically, the less intelligent of the duo of Slowpoke, a rare outlier, even amongst their species. Curiously, Solomon once decided to fish with his head rather than his tail, resulting in the shellder to latch itself onto him and his subsequent evolution. Now intelligent enough to understand and even speak the Human Language, Solomon and Rian can frequently be seen playing chess or other such games, considering each other the only challenge to their intellectual prowess. Along with X-Ray, Solomon is the only Pokemon Rian allows to traverse with him outside of his Pokemon when accompanied by other humans.
Sam the Slowbro

Given a name purely because Solomon told Rian to do so, Sam is theoretically Solomon's twin brother, and the two are never seen without each other when both are outside their pokeballs. When Rian saw the Slowking now known as Solomon get attacked by a shellder, Sam had instantaneously (astounding, considering a Slowpoke's usual reflexes) dropped his tail into the waters hoping for his brother to latch on only to have another shellder assault him. Rian eventually brought the Slowpoke back to land and witnessed both Solomon and Sam's evolution. He's been stuck with both of them ever since, though admittedly he has grown attached to the duo.
Max the Snorlax

Often called Mighty Max or, less often, Max The Lax, Rian's Snorlax was encountered as a Munchlax in the very same forest Rian caught his Slakoth turned Slaking. After helping the Pokemon retrieve an abundance of apples, the Munxchlax began a symbiotic relationship with the Ivers International Team, following Rian on his journeys and feeding off of food left behind specifically for him, Eventually Solomon felt obligated to have Rian catch Max and be brought officially into the fold, Rian obliged, and Max swiftly became one of Rian's Pokemon equivalent of a tank battalion.
X-Ray the Luxray

(All credit to Zeakari)
Given to Rian by his mother purely as a domestic pet, X-ray (now often shortened to either X or Ray out of pure embarrassment) was so named due to Rian not yet possessing the quick wit he has become known for throughout Hoenn. While the later never intended for his Shinx to become a "battle" Pokemon, but Ray's energetic nature made it an inevitability. X-Ray's mane has grown abnormally long for a member of his species.