Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 15 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Hades table
Skills: N/A

Arthur patted Chocolate's head once Andy returned to him, and he shrugged. "It's fine, I promise." Before taking a moment to stare idly off into the distance. It felt like, right now, was a calm before the storm. The next part of their adventure was awaiting them, and he didn't expect this one to come without loss or pain; he time at the camp so far had assuaged him of hope in that form. He just smiled as he finished up his breakfast, taking whatever time he could to enjoy his friends and found family while it was whole. He felt like he deserved that comfort.

Arthur nodded at Kiera, moving over to make room for her, even though the table was currently only populated by Arthur and Andy. He smiled down at Chocolate and said, "I mean, it's bacon, of course he does!" He said in the most adoring voice imaginable. Turning to Andy, he said, "We still need to go to the camp store, so maybe there?" In truth, Arthur had another place in mind as well, but he didn't wanna say what it was with anybody else around, so he led with that. Finishing up his food, he watched Andy to see what her reaction was, to see if she had anywhere she wanted to go.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Dining Pavilion

"Well I didn't get a chance to feed him last night. I'm not sure what all he actually eats. Let alone have any food really to give him except at meals. I'll have to see if the store has like dog food I can take with me so I can keep him fed on the road." She said mostly to Kiera.

"Who doesn't like bacon." Andy said smiling. Then she nodded, "Yeah we should go to the store." She shifted a little. She wanted a few more moments alone with Arthur. Just to savor that time. She didn't blame Kiera for coming over, but it made it hard to talk to Arthur. To tell him how much she would miss him. It was frustrating they had just sworn to each other that they wouldn't split up and here they were having to split up.

Location: Dining pavilion

"Yeah." Niah said her face brightening. She was still waking up, and didn't want to be around the Greeks, which was a normal opinion. Maybe she'd get used to the Greeks having to travel with two of them to save Terminus. "Sorry, my brain is a bit of mush." She apologized standing and going with Mads and Nancy. It was easier to talk with her friends without others around too.

"We should find a picnic spot or something. Somewhere quiet." She balanced her plate on her cup and followed Mads and Nancy out of the dining area. She shook her head trying to clear it of the last of the sleepy confusion she had. It was like the dream of California had caused her to lose track of where she was almost. She missed the Lares. She missed the hills. She missed the damn coffee shop. She didn't even like coffee.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jason Gauger

Location: Ares Cabin -> Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Jason's mind was sort of wandering a bit around as he thought of the quest that was going to happen and how things might go. He wasn't sure how things were going to go, though he knew that a Roman was going to be with the group he was in, as well as the new Demeter girl. Personally, that made things a little weird, since he didn't know what to expect fully with either of them. The Roman was more or less a stranger to him, and the new girl (Stella or something like that right?) was just a kid, and he wasn't sure how well she'd do going on the quest at all. Actually, with the whole group going on the different quests, he wasn't sure he was okay with any of the young kids going on any of them.

When he reached the Dining Pavilion, he grabbed a plate and got some food, having sat down at the Ares table by Jace."Uh, yeah, one o' de Romans is goin ahn de quest wit me. I'm naht sure what to expect frahm it 'ahnestly, but we'll see what 'appens in general... Hopefully nahthin horrible 'appens ahr sahmethin like dat..." he responded to Jace with a bit of a shrug. He wasn't going to fully explain everything that was going through his head, though to be fair, it wouldn't exactly be easy to explain in general with that sort of thing.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Hypnos Cabin -> Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

As she usually did in the morning, she sort of just took it somewhat slowly with her heading over to the Dining Pavilion. She wasn't too sure what was going to happen with the day and all. She did want to see about talking with her brother to figure out what was going through his mind, and how he felt about his first quest. Janelle knew that she had been a bit nervous for her first quest. Especially since she hadn't been at the camp very long, plus she knew that some people likely didn't expect her to be able to contribute anything to the completion of the quest, but she more or less proved them wrong if anyone thought that.

Once within the Dining Pavilion, she went towards the Hypnos table, and she nodded her head slightly with a small smile when Isaac mentioned that her brother was over with the Ares table. Before she could go over that direction though, she heard Kristin's voice not too far away, calling out to her a bit. Janelle wandered over towards the sound of her voice and gave her a slight wave (at least in the direction her voice had come from), though she wasn't fully able to determine who all was around at this point when she had walked over. "I'm doin alright, what abooeht you?" she asked her in response.

Marygold Isley

Location: Demeter Cabin -> Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"I'm sure you'll be able to handle yourself too Stella," Mary responded to her with a smile, but deep down she couldn't help but be concerned for her younger half-sibling. Her mind was going through potential things that could go wrong, and sh still didn't like the fact that more or less Stella had been choosing who went on what quest. That whole thing likely was going to haunt her for a while, especially if something actually happened to Stella during the entire thing. That was still a very real possibility.

Mary turned her attention back towards Eva when she mentioned that they should see about heading to the Dining Pavilion and getting food. "Yeah, food sounds like a good idea to me," she agreed with her. Then she ended up following along after Stella and Eva to the Dining Pavilion, eventually making her way to the Demeter table and sitting down by Stella as she got a plate and cup for herself, as her food magically appeared in front of her. Her mind was starting to wander to what was going to happen on her own quest.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Kristin looked towards Zeke for a moment as it looked like he was about to choke when she waved towards Janelle, and then looked between him, Janelle and Demi. But she decided to not really say anything about it, she shrugged slightly while looking at where Kiera was, it was true that they always sat together at the Poseidon table a lot of the time together. "Well it's usually frowned upon but it isnt really enforced though." She said shrugging slightly, as she turned towards Demi she was a little bit annoyed at him still somewhat that he let Andy volunteer for the quest.

Kristin smiled towards Janelle and patted a spot for her to sit down if she wanted to that was. "I'm doing pretty good, it was kind of funny seeing these two getting in trouble this morning though." Kristin said poking some fun at both Zeke and Demi as she took another bite out of her breakfast. "Did you want to join us, or were you looking for your brother?" Kristin asked her.

Over at the Ares table Jace continued to eat his breakfast as he listened to Jason as he answered his question and nodded slightly, it was kind of surprising to him that the youngest ones in the camp were all going on a quest he noticed. "It's kind of weird that some of the youngest here at the camp are going out on these quests." Jace said as he took a sip from his drink. "So are you all ready and packed to go?" He asked.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Poseidon Cabin
Skills: N/A

Kiera thought for a moment, she didnt really see any kind of dog food that was in the camp store as she looked at the little puppy tugging at her pant leg for some food. "I'm sure that you can find a pet store while on the quest that you could get him some food maybe?" Kiera suggested to Andy as she turned towards Arthur seeing that he hadn't gone to the camp store the night before. "If you'd like Leda and I can take you there for some food and supplies. Her and I stocked up on some last night to so we could share them if you want some of that to." Kiera told Arthur as she felt a gust of wind going through the dining pavilion seeing her girlfriend and Tammy speeding into the dining pavilion.

Tammy would let out a slightly annoyed groan as she came into the dining pavilion a few seconds after Leda did and stared a her. "You probably cheated." Tammy said as she grabbed herself a plate, and saw Leda's girlfriend sitting over at the Hades table with Arthur and Andy. "I'll see you around." Tammy said towards Leda as she went over and joined the rest of her half-siblings at the Iris table.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion -> Beach
Skills: N/A

Eva made her way towards the dining pavilion and sat down across from Stella and Mary, as some vegan sausages and vegan scrambled eggs appeared onto her plate, she gave a small portion to the brazier and said a quiet prayer for her two half-sisters before turning to the two of them. "So when you guys come back from your quests you'll have to tell me all about them alright?" Eva said to both Stella and Mary giving the two of them a slight smile as she continued to eat her breakfast, and noticed both Dean and Cassian coming into the dining pavilion now as well to.

"Well regardless if you ever do go on a quest you'll do great even if you can't really use your abilities without that panflute of yours." Dean said patting Cassian on the shoulder as he made his way towards the dining pavilion. He grabbed himself a plate as blueberry pancakes appeared onto his plate as well as a glass of water. "So what are your plans for today?" Dean asked Cassian as he turned to look at him as he made his way towards the Dionysus table and sat down.

Madalyne thought for a moment where they could go, they could go back to their tent but they spent the time sleeping there, as she looked up at the sun slowly rising. "Lets go to the beach, it's usually pretty in the morning." She suggested, as a plate of food appeared onto her which was a biscuit and four strips of bacon and an apple, she tossed the apple into the brazier for her mother. She also grabbed herself a glass as it was filled with some milk, as she started to make her way over there.

Madalyne adjusted her things slightly and snapped her fingers, as a blanket appeared neatly on the ground for the three of them, she sat down and looked at the sun slowly rising over the ocean it was actually very pretty and calming as well to. She leaned forward slightly as she took a bite out of a strip of bacon. "So what do you guys want to talk about?" She asked, she didnt really want to talk about the quests that they all were going on especially the one that she was going on.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Dining Pavilion: Zeus Table -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel managed to choke down what he was eating but was quickly distracted from a swift kick under the table. Ezekiel looked from Kristin to Demi who was giving Zeke a look that matched the kick and Ezekiel frowned before sticking his tongue out at Demetri like any mature sixteen-year-old would. So what if his former crush was around his current crush…boyfriend? Crush? That was something Zeke wanted to figure out this morning but that was now on hold. Ezekiel was quickly hating his decision in giving into Demetri last night.
”Ya Janelle, you could join us if you want. Unless you want to sit with Jason and the others,” Ezekiel said and looked at Kristin with an annoyed look in his eyes. She’d probably want to eat with her brother before he ran off to complete his quest.
Ezekiel shifted his focus back to his original target and swiped a piece of bacon from Demetri’s plate. He munched on it successfully, payment for being kicked in the foot earlier.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: Shapeshifting

Who died and made Kristin a child of Zeus? Demi's emotions were already flaring and her inviting Zeke’s crush to his table made him even more annoyed. He wanted to stare daggers at her, but knew better than to show his emotions too strongly in front of everyone. He noticed Zeke sticking his tongue out, making Demi’s heart jump loops as it went through another roller-coaster of emotions. Zeke was adorable, cute, and just an all around dork. But on the other side of that coin he was annoying and testing Demi's patience at the moment as he decidedly invited Janelle to sit with them as well. Demi quickly began to feel unwelcome or unwanted at his own table. It wasn't till Demi noticed Zeke's look and tone in his eyes that he realized he was just being polite at the moment. He breathed out a soft sigh as he tried to calm himself.

Demetri turned to look towards Janelle, forcing a small smile as he was accustomed to doing around others at times. "You're at Zeus' table by the way. It's just me, Zeke, and Kristin at the moment since no one's bothered to tell you or introduce who's here. Andy's over by Hades table and Jason's over at Ares in case you were looking for him." He noted as Zeke stole a slice of bacon from his plate. Grabbing his spoon, Demi scooped up a small amount of beans onto it and flicked it towards Zeke, sticking his tongue out at him in an equally mature form of emotional communication. "Get your own bacon next time." Demi said teasingly before he realized he'd hit Zeke in the eye. He immediately panicked, getting up from his seat as he began to profusely apologize for it. Demetri sat next to Zeke, putting one hand on Zeke's lap as he began pulling his sleeve over the palm of his other hand and tried to wipe clear Zeke's eye. "Are you okay? Are you good? I'm so sorry - I didn't mean- it wasn't supposed to hit-"

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Dionysus Table

Cassian could help but smile. His naturally blushed cheeks gained a bit more color as his brother complimented him. Of course it didn't help that it was still cold out. Every winter was the same, causing pink spots of blush across his cheeks, nose, and knuckles. He thought about how helpful his powers would actually be on a quest. The idea of making monsters do the chicken dance did seem like a good alternative to having to slay everything that came across them. But in the event it wasn't enough, Cassian was a trained archer and could utilize that if needed. "Yeah, I know I can do great. Just...sometimes I feel like my power isn't welcome in this world. Causing madness isn't exactly smiled upon."

Cassian gripped a plate, filling it with table grapes still on the vine, a few slices of semi-toasted bread, soft cheeses, different softened butters, and an assortment of marmalade. He sat down with Dean, plopping the large grape into his mouth as he contemplated his question. Cassian hadn't really thought of it to be honest. He chewed slowly before finally swallowing to answer. "No idea to be honest. Was thinking maybe I could pop over to Hecate's cabin and see if they needed help getting anything for the camps defenses. Maybe talk to the Satyrs or other woodland creatures to use nature magic and grow more reservoirs to combat these Eidelons. How about you?" Cassian asked as he tore a small piece of bread off the slice, lightly buttering it and applying the marmalade before gingerly putting it in his mouth.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Stella was munching quite happily on her food, enjoying the taste of the rice as it hit her tongue. It was pretty much exactly as how her otou-san would make it, as he insisted the imported Japanese rice was better than American rice. (Stella had silently agreed with her Otou-san whenever the argument came up at the table, as her dad insisted that American was just as good if you made it the same way.) She took a sip of her soup and let the warm miso linger on her tongue before she swallowed and let the warmth settle into her belly. The food was helping her calm down quite a bit, and to know that she would be heading back to California soon comforted her too.

"I'll make sure to tell you about everything Eva, when we get back. Though from what I understand of where we're going, I'm almost going to be going home in a weird way." Stella chuckled a bit at that as she picked up her cup of tea and took a sip. It wasn't quite the same as the tea her otou-san made, but it was good. She relaxed a bit more as she kept eating, relaxing as her two older half-sisters were making sure that she felt comforted and had a good breakfast.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 15 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Hades table
Skills: N/A

Arthur held back a grimace as Kiera offered to take them to the shop. He liked her enough, and she was his friend, but he wanted a few moments with Andy, where they could just... be. Luckily, Arthur was graced with years of deeply conditioned social ability, so he was more than capable of getting Kiera to let them go on their own without hopefully hurting her feelings. He shook his head and said, "We can make our own way there, it'll be a good experience for us to make our own loadout." He said, and he of course, wasn't wrong, but it was a misrepresentation of his true desires.

Standing up, he was ready to head out, but he waited for Andy to take the lead. He didn't want to abandon Ki without Andy's approval, which he would get if she was willing to leave at this point. If she decided to wait up for their friend, so be it, and they'd need to find some other way to say goodbye properly. He was sure that he could think of something, but even if he couldn't, a part of him was even more sure that Andy could. He trusted her, and knew that she probably wanted some privacy to do so as well, or at least, he sincerely hoped that that was the case.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jason Gauger

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, first din dat I found weird was 'ow many younger keds were goin ahn de quests..." he agreed with Jace. That honestly had literally been the first thing that had gone through his mind. It probably had to do with how much he had felt like he had needed to take care of his own sister growing up, and how he was always there to support her, and protect her if needed. That is of course up until she had gone on her own quest with regards to everything. He wasn't sure he was too thrilled with a bunch of young kids going on these quests that are supposedly really dangerous to go on.

Jason was pulled from his thoughts yet again, when his half-brother asked him if he was fully packed up and ready to go on the quest. He had all of his stuff for the quest already packed and set, however did he feel like he was ready for this quest in general? No. No he did not. "Yup, I gaht me stuff all set oehp and ready to go last night," he added with a shrug. Personally, he wasn't all too prepared for the quest or something like that. This was going to be an interesting experience, if he survived it after all.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Janelle wasn't sure what sort of conversation she was missing or what had been talked about before she had walked over. Though she was a bit curious as to what exactly had happened this morning, since she only really heard what was going on slightly, and that was something she was a bit curious about at this point. Of course, she did want to go stop by and sit with her brother and talk with him a bit before he had to leave on his quest, and sure she'd be stuck at camp with Zeke and all so she could ask later, but her curiosity was starting to get the better of her.

"I might join you in a lettle bet, I do want to talk a bet wit Jasahn befahre 'e leaves..." she commented with a smile, before more specifically directing her words a bit towards Zeke and Demi. "What exactly ded 'appen dis mahrnin dat resulted in all o' dat yellin dat was a bet 'ard to ignore?" she asked them. Of course she was a bit grateful to Demi for deciding to at least tell her who all was in the immediate area, which was a bit of a good thing, so she knew more specifically who all she was talking to.

Marygold Isley

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"Oh totally, don't worry about it, when we get back that'll be fun to talk about," Mary said to Eva with a smile. Internally though, well, internally her mind was just thinking more of if. Though there was nothing wrong with attempting to be a bit optimistic. Absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. Of course, that sort of thinking only got you so far. She wasn't trying to be overly pessimistic about the fact that the quests could go horribly wrong and end up with them dying, mainly not saying anything like that more so for Stella's sake.

That didn't stop the reality of the fact that they weren't going to necessarily come back to tell any sort of stories. That's just how things were, and the Romans were right the night before during all of the arguing. Most of the time the Greeks didn't exactly live super long and tended to have a shorter lifespan in comparison because of stuff like that and monster attacks. Mary smiled a little bit at Stella sort of seemingly brightening up and all, and laughing a little bit at her potentially going home in a weird way. She just sort of shrugged, a little glad that Stella seemed to be seeing more of the bright side of things, so that was something.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Dining Pavilion

Andy chewed her food thoughtfully. It might happen. She'd also need to have mortal cash on her if that was going to happen. She only had a few dollars. Probably not enough to buy a bag of food. But she knew how to beg. She knew who to ask in a crowd for a few bucks for a meal. She had lived that way before coming here and if she needed to dust off those old skills she could.

"Thanks for the offer. If there's something that they are out of that we think we need and you might have and can split it we'll ask." She nodded. "I think we can handle the store though." She smiled before taking another filling bite. Hot food that would get her through the upcoming quest. She'd be hungry again soon she just knew it.

Location: Dining pavilion -> Beach

The beach sounded nice. It was a good morning for it. And all the others would be at the dining pavilion so it'd be quiet. She let Mads lead the way and when the summoned blanket appeared she smiled. "Neat. I really should practice more with mine." The ability to manipulate the mists wasn't something that came naturally to Niah, but she had been able to do it a few times. It helped when she decided to go flying around using her armor.

She sat down in the Lotus position. Balanced her plate of food on her knee and started eating. She looked to Nancy expectantly. Personally, she would have wanted to talk about something mundane, like the most recent frustration that Leandra had caused, but that wasn't mundane now. It was like a big red flag that had caused issues for them the night before with the Greeks. The stability of the situation was slipping and with so many going on quest Niah had to wonder how much longer it could hold.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Kristin nodded towards Janelle she could understand her wanting to go and see her brother one last time before he would go out onto his quest and all to. Quests are pretty dangerous as well to, but she hoped that all of them would end up coming back alive and well to, as she looked at Demiteri as he flung some peas into Zeke's face. She winced slightly as one of them hit him in the eye but she laughed slightly seeing Demi trying to help him clean it all off. She was tempted to make a joke about loosing an eye, but Demi she knew had lost his own eye during the fight at Camp Jupiter. Kristin's attention turned towards everyone else who was in the dining pavilion as she watched Janelle's brother Jason talking to Jace, she wasnt sure what they were talking about really.

Jace took a sip of his drink as he listened to his half-brother talk and nodded towards him at least he wasnt the only one thinking that it was weird that the youngest people in the camp were going on these quests. "You know what you should do while on the quest?" Jace said to Jason jokingly. "You should take the time to get to know that Roman girl going on the quest with you." He said nudging him slightly as he took another bite out of his breakfast. "But anyway thats good you got what you need before you head out on the quest." Jace said to his brother.

Dean started to think for a moment and shrugged slightly he honestly didnt really have any kind of major plans for today other than the counselor meeting later. "Just that counselor meeting later in the morning for Greek and Roman relations or whatever it is anyway." Dean said with a slight shrug. "After that maybe hitting the climbing tower, or work on our chariot for the next chariot race coming pretty soon." Deean answered, he did enjoy doing the chariot races that were held every once in awhile to spice things up aside from capture the flag.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Poseidon Cabin
Skills: N/A

Kiera nodded slightly towards both Andy and Arthur as she took another bite out of her food, while looking over towards Arthur. "Thats fine with me, you guys go and have fun with your shopping." Kiera said giving Arthur a smile, as she looked between the two of them they were pretty cute together. It did remind her a little bit of herself and Leda, they started with just some flirting before actually dating and she loved Leda. "Leda and I probably should get our things together soon as well to before we all head out anyway." Kiera said to Arthur and Andy.

Eva gave Stella a smile as she listened to her, she hoped that her quest would go well for both of her half-sisters as she started to think for a moment. She did keep a few seeds on her at times just in case she needed something in a pinch and there wasnt much vegetation in the area. She set a few on the table and then used her powers to form a small vine with a few flowers on them and tied it into a small bracelet for Stella. "Here a little good luck charm for you. I look forward to hearing everything whenever you do get back to camp." Eva said as she looked towards Mary. "Do you want one to?" She offered,

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Beach
Skills: N/A

Madalyne leaned back slightly as she looked out into the ocean, hearing the occasional wave crashing against the shore was rather soothing to her as she sat cross legged with her plate of food on her lap. She looked over towards Niah for a moment as she started to take a bite out of her breakfast. "I can show you some pointers if you'd like maybe?" Madalyne offered Niah as she gave her friend a smile, as she tossed a piece of bacon over towards Joanie. The little dragon baby quickly caught it and ate it, she started to shift slightly as she looked over at Nancy.

She reached over to gently hold Nancy's hand, she wanted to be there for her friend but with the quest and all she couldnt really do much of that really. "You can send me one of those Iris messages that the Greeks like to use a lot of the time while i'm away if you want to." Madalyne said to her friend hoping to cheer her up she took a moment to rub her arm slightly where she had been bitten, she wasnt sure what to actually expect when going on this quest at all really. She just hoped that Andy would be okay with her and everything during the quest.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Dining Pavilion: Zeus Table -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel started eating Demetri’s bacon when he was assaulted. One of the beans landed in Zeke’s eye before dropping to the table and Zeke’s eye started to water. He covered it and rubbed at it from the initial shock and pain.
”Dude!” Ezekiel complained. ”Ope, sorry Janelle,” Zeke said after he realized that his voice had been louder from his annoyance with Demetri. Janelle didn’t like overly loud voices because her hearing was so much stronger to make up for the lack of sight. Of course, it could have just been more sensitive yesterday after Nancy’s yelling match with Zeke.
He felt the weight of Demetri beside him and then a hand on his leg while another tried to wipe at his eye. Ezekiel looked at Demetri with one eye. ”What are you doing?” He asked with a slight frown. ”I’m fine, don’t mother me.”
The hand on Zeke’s lap caused his cheeks to pinken a bit but Ezekiel tried to ignore them when Janelle asked a question. Ezekiel sighed, blinking rapidly until his eye settled. Kristin had already commented on it, as did the Apollo cabin, so of course the whole camp likely saw Ezekiel leaving Zeus cabin this morning.
”Dem asked me to stay since Andy stayed with Arthur last night,” Ezekiel explained to Janelle. He figured he didn’t have to go into too much detail beyond that. Ezekiel looked at Demetri. ”I nearly lost an eye. I know you’re trying to start a fashion statement with your missing eye but I demand compensation in the form of bacon,” Ezekiel said and nodded towards the remaining bacon Demi had. Ezekiel didn’t move to hold Demetri’s hand under the table but he did press his leg against Demetri’s, hoping to convey the message that Zeke was okay with Demi sitting next to him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demetri couldn't help but notice the frown on Zeke's face. It was hard not to when they were so close together. Zeke's question stabbed Demi as if each word were a knife aimed right at his chest. The annoyance was clear in his tone as he asked him not to mother him. He could feel a knot beginning to form in his throat, unable to even respond to him at the moment. Zeke hadn't moved his hand, one he barely even noticed he'd placed, but that could easily be due to Janelle's sudden question about this morning's antics. Zeke's answer left much to be desired, mostly because it felt as if he was still trying to hide something. But if that was the case then why so boldly sit at Zeus's table?

Demi wasn't sure what to say, simply sitting there attentively looking at the conversation but not fully participating in it. He felt Zeke's leg press into his, and with the whirlwind of emotions now swirling inside of him he couldn't tell if he should stay or go. He didn't want to upset Zeke any further, and he felt as if he was treading thin ice as is. So Demi slowly moved his hand off of Zeke's lap, and pulled his leg away enough so that neither could feel the other's pressure but were still close enough to share body heat. If Zeke wanted him to stay, he'd have to make the move to do so. "Right. Just…didn't wanna be lonely is all. Not after last night." Demi slid his plate over from the other side of the table and placed it in front of Zeke. "Have it. I've lost my appetite" He said softly as he placed his arms crossed onto the table and rested his chin on them.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Dionysus Table

Cassian scrunched his nose at the mention of the Counselor meetings topic. While he agreed it was something that needed to be done, he couldn't help but think of that Praetors nasty attitude. "Word of advice. Pretty sure the Praetor hates us. Either that or she really dislikes me. I offered up being the liaison and she all but dug me a grave." Cassian hoped it wasn't the latter, but also feared what it would mean if she hated the god who ran the camp. If that was the reasoning then why did she hate either of them. He thought for a moment, ripping off another piece of toast and decorating it with jams and butter just before he ate it.

Cassian waited until he swallowed before speaking again, taking a sip from his tea. "Haven't had a chance to see a chariot race, it should be fun. Though if we have to build things…wouldn't Hephaestus cabin be a shoe in? That's kinda their thing and all." Cassian tried to imagine what a chariot of Dionysus would even look like. Would it be held together by vines or actually structurally sound? Would they simply add motifs to it to honor their godly parenthood? "Mind if I sit in? Wouldn't mind seeing how it's all done. Granted I never learned how to build anything outside of camp, so I don't really know how much I can help."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Beach
Skills: N/A

Nancy felt much better once they were out of the dining pavilion - even with the openness of it, the Greeks made the entire place feel stifling. She wished that Niah and Mads were going on the quest together, as at least then they could watch each other's backs - but instead, the only two Romans going would be separated from each other. Even the prophecies seemed to favor the Greeks. Nancy wondered if that was some sort of cosmic joke - the Roman praetor shunned her prophetic power and thus the prophecies shunned the Romans, dividing them up and keeping them apart. If Niah were to die on this quest, who would bring her home for burial? When Mads... When Mads died on this quest, there wouldn't be that problem - she would burst into dust.

She shook herself out of her thoughts, sitting down on the blanket Mads had conjured, and tossing Joanie a biscuit. "Maybe," Nancy said to Mads, before sighing slightly. "I know I'm being a bitch about this. We should be toasting you two and doing whatever you want, but... I'm fucking terrified I'm about to lose the people I love and I can't do anything about it..." Nancy admitted, turning her face away so Mads and Niah couldn't see her. "There's a million Greeks on these quests and neither of you will have a Roman sword to back you up. That's bullshit... We're supposed to be strong and enduring, and we don't even have a home. We lost our home and we've been treated like trash."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"Me? Cheat?" Leda asked, looking offended by her sister's words. She went up and tossed in a bit of food from her plate to her dear old mother, with an added prayer for Iris to convince Hephaestus to start airing Drag Race: Mount Olympus worldwide. She knew Apollo would take the crown, but Leda considered that hypothetical show to be the synthesis of her two cultures - Greek mythology and gay. She then sped her way on over to her girlfriend, sitting down next to Kiera at the Hades Table, and glancing across at the younger company.

"What are we talking about, luvs?" Leda asked, curious as to what she had missed. Even speedsters missed bits of conversations from time to time, it wasn't too unusual. Arthur was standing up, looking as official as a small baby child can look - and Andy was still eating. Probably a good idea. Quests often were just stretches of looking for food to gorge on after skipping a few meals. And as a speedster, Leda tended to need to eat more than most. "You two excited?" she asked the kids.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Stella smiled a bit at Mary's words before taking another sip of her tea and relaxing a bit more. She did pause a bit at that point as Eva set a few seeds on the table and grew them. She watched with interest as the flowers grew, twisting into an ornate twist into a bracelet. Stella smiled as she picked it up and then put it on her wrist, as it was fitted for her. "Thank you Eva, it's beautiful." She did have a feeling it was more than just good luck, as they were more plants that she could manipulate to her uses. She did have her bag of seeds, and the scythe, but this was helpful as well.

She gently admired the bracelet a bit and then turned back to her breakfast at that point. She wasn't sure what else she could add to the conversation but she remembered something she did want to ask about. "So when I go to the camp store for supplies, do I need to tell them what I need, or will they know what I need if I tell them that I'm going on a quest? Also... do I have to pay for it? I have some money left, but I'm not sure if that's what we use here."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jason Gauger

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

He rolled his eyes at Jace when he made his comments about getting to known the Roman girl or whatever. Hell no, for one, that would be weird considering they were supposed to be going on a serious quest, two it would just be weird in way more ways then just that. "Haha very funny, but dat would joehst be weird," he said to him, shaking his head a bit. Though a lot of things were going through his head as he wondered what was going to happen on the quest, or what to really expect. Maybe he should ask Janelle more of what happened on her quest so he maybe gets a better idea of what to expect.

"Yeah, gaht everythin set last night. figured it might be better to get it over wit and soehch so I wasn't racin arooehnd later at de last minute," he added with a bit of a shrug. Yeah, he figured it was better to just get everything all ready to go earlier. Plus he was somewhat grateful that a few people went with him to make sure he had everything set up before hand. That would make things easier in the long run really for him.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Janelle listened to the explanation, but was somewhat confused a little bit by it, since as far as she understood it, Zeke and Demi didn't get along or something like that right? Sure, there was the whole he probably felt bad about the commotion that happened last night from what she could tell where he got possessed and tried to kill him, but still. This was a little bit weird to her. Though she was wondering what all was going on with that, plus their interactions were still a bit strange to her. However, she decided not to push for any sort of explanation further, since it sounded like they didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"Well, anyway, I'll talk to you all later, I'm goin to go set wit Jason I dink, so talk to you all a lettle later," she said, nodding her head slightly before she made her way over towards the Ares table. It was fairly easy for her to find him herself without anyone else pointing him out to her, since she was used to the sound of her brother's voice and it was easy for her to identify where specifically he was. "Mend if I set 'ere?" she asked her brother, giving him a smile. Jason laughed slightly before he moved over to allow her to sit next to him, and she sat down next to him. "Ready fahr yooehr quest Jason?" she asked him.

"Prahbably naht, boeht we'll see," he responded with a shrug.

Marygold Isley

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Mary smiled slightly, seeing the sort of bracelet that Eva ended up making for Stella, calling it a bit of a good luck charm. It was a bit of a cute bracelet, and at the least it might help reassure Stella for her quest. Plus it was some plants that she could easily mess with and use in a pinch if she didn't really have anything else nearby for her to do. Of course, that sort of made sense, and was helpful for the most part in general. Made it a bit more reassuring for her for Stella to be going off on a quest of sorts by herself, so that was something she was grateful for in a way.

"Nah, I don't need one Eva, but thanks for asking, it is a pretty bracelet," she said giving her half-sister a smile, before looking at Stella again as she was asking about how the camp store and everything works. "If you want, since I still need to stop by the camp store too, I can head over there with you and we can get our gear and everything together. Since I need to get my stuff and all ready for my quest too," she offered to Stella, giving her a smile. Yup, she still needed to get her own stuff ready for her quest.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 15 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Hades table
Skills: N/A

Arthur smiled at Kiera, and said, "Thanks for that, I really really appreciate it." and he wasn't lying. Once Andy and he got away from her, he quietly said, "If you'd like, I don't actually care that much about going to the store." He offered. If she needed to go there, he understood, but he knew a spot they could go to that would be much nicer to say goodbye at. Either way, he was just happy to have this time with just the two of them. Looking around at the Dining Pavilion around them, he frowned. As much as this place was emotionally complicated for him, he would miss it.

Shaking his head back to the topic at hand, he continued to say, "I was thinking we could go to the clearing we went to for your birthday. " That place felt like it was their spot in a way that no other place here was, and that would most certainly be a place where they wouldn't be bothered, and would be where they could get a proper send off. It sounded romantic, and he wanted to do it, but he understood if Andy didn't want to or couldn't. It would be a bit of a trek for sure, but he thought they had time.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Dining Pavilion -> Camp Store

Andy finished her food, making sure Chocolate got some too. She stood up and smiled brightly at Arthur. "That sounds like a good idea." She didn't know when they would be leaving but any stolen moment was worth it. And she didn't know what to get from the store.

She really wasn't certain what to take with her other than her weapons. She had her weapons and her book, and she'd be traveling with her aunt who could teach her some of the stuff from the book. She took care of her plate and started toward the clearing, calling Chocolate to follow. He didn't count against the alone time.

Over the summer Andy had celebrated her first birthday in a long time. She hadn't told her brother even that it was her birthday. Only Arthur. She had only wanted to spend the day with him. It had been the best birthday she had had yet.

Location: Beach

"I may not have a Roman sword with me, but I'll have you both with me in my heart." It was stupid, a line, and Niah hated it even as she said it. "Ugh that was gross and I hate that I said it." She shook her head. "You're right. But I'd rather it be a couple of Greeks than Leandra." Even if the Greeks in question were a child of Mars and Ceres, emphasize child for the later one.

"I can't promise I'll be okay." She set down her plate and shifted. With Nancy's back to her, she couldn't be certain, but there weren't many reasons for Nancy to do that. Niah knew she couldn't make a promise like that, as much as she wanted to. She understood why so many people had little broken promises written all over their souls for the first time, none of those were really Oaths. Not in the sense of what she could do. She had already made an oath though. She would look for Mads until she got her back or she died trying. "We'll do what we have to."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Kristin looked over towards Demi for a moment and shook her head slightly towards him, flinging some food at someone was something that kindergartners did. "You kind of aim like a stormtrooper." Kristin said jokingly towards Demi, knowing Zeke he probably did end up having it coming to him or something. She turned to look over at Janelle saying that she was going to go hangout with her brother before he left for his quest and nodded towards her. "Sounds good i'll see you later Janelle." Kristin said towards Janelle as she headed off to go and sit with her brother at the Ares table. Kristin quickly reached over and snagged the bacon off of Demi's plate that he was going to give him and took a bite out of it giving him a slight smirk. "How's the eye?" Kristin asked him, Zeke's eye would still be watering quiet a bit for him and hurting still.

Jace looked at Jason and frowned slightly. "Whas so weird about it?" Jace asked Jason as he was getting ready to finish eating the rest of his breakfast. He didnt really think it was weird, and maybe it would be a chance to try and maybe have both the Greeks and Romans working together better, when Janelle came over and smiled towards her. "Hey Janelle how are you doing?" He asked her as Jason moved over a bit for his sister to sit down.

Eva gave Stella a friendly smile and nodded towards her, it would be pretty useful if either Mary or Stella did end up using all of their seeds in a fight or something like that. "I'm glad that you like them, hopefully they'll be able to help you." Eva said to her half-sister as she turned towards Mary and nodded towards her, she figured that Mary would be able to use her powers better than Stella since she had more experience. "If you are getting anything from the camp store we use drachma's to pay for just about anything thats our currency here really and can be used both here at camp or Olympus or whenever you stumble on a place during your travels while on a quest to." Eva explained a bit further for Stella.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Poseidon Cabin
Skills: N/A

"I'm pretty sure she doesnt hate you, maybe you should try and get to know her or something?" Dean suggested Cassian giving him a slight shrug, he wasnt sure how the whole voting thing would go down or when it would actually happen for the choosing for the liaison. "Or a lot is on her mind to maybe." Dean took another bite out of his food and smiled towards his half-brother the chariot races were just as fun as a game of Capture the Flag. "You are more than welcome to join us near our cabin later, Hephaestus cabin always do make the cooler chariots, and Athena's as well they tend to make the best ones to. Just depends on whos the better driver and fighter on the teams that they pick." Dean told Cassian.

Kiera turned her attention towards her girlfriend and smiled as she leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "We were talking about the quests thats about it really. I'll see you guys later then." Kiera said as she watched Arthur and Andy leaving, she gave a slight shrug as she turned her attention over towards her girlfriend fully now having her attention. "What took you so long slow poke, and what are you having for breakfast anyway?" Kiera asked her girlfriend teasingly she turned to see what was on Leda's plate.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Beach
Skills: N/A

Madalyne reached over to gently hold onto Nancy's hand as she looked over towards her, she at least had Andy going with her on the quest she wasnt to sure about Mary though she seemed to be the more sensible of the greeks though. She did have to agree with Niah however though that she'd much rather have the Greeks with her over Leandra any day though. "Well once we get back home the three of us and the Legion will go back home and take it back from the monsters who have taken over New Rome. With or without the Greek's help i'm sure we can handle it." Madalyne said giving Nancy's hand a squeeze as she looked at Niah and giggled slightly at her little comment, it sounded really cheesy and stupid but it was sweet. "And once we fix up New Rome, you can join the Hunters." Madalyne said turning to look at Nancy.

Nancy's vision would suddenly go blank for her she would get a vision she would find herself in the middle of a casino she would be able to see Kristin, Zeke, Demi, Janelle, and Cassian. Nancy would be able to recognize that it was the Lotus Hotel and Casino very easily the group were exploring the area. Eventually she'd be able to see a rather large looking door in a secluded part of the casino the door would open as a group of monsters came out of it before the vision would end.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Dining Pavilion: Zeus Table -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel’s eye was still watering pretty badly from the bean assault. He blinked a couple of times and rubbed it with his knuckle but it was still irritated so, he just covered it with his hand and looked around with one eye. It threw his depth perception off and he wondered how Demi learned to manage. Janelle said her goodbyes and Ezekiel was presented with bacon from Demetri’s plate; although, Demetri looked less than enthused but Zeke didn’t think it was because he was losing bacon. In fact, Demi didn’t look hungry at all as he rested his chin on his arms on the table.
Ezekiel couldn’t help but roll his eyes at Demetri’s attitude. At this point Ezekiel didn’t think Demetri would believe Ezekiel’s feelings even if he stood on the table and proclaimed them to the entire camp. In five minutes Demetri would find something to have doubts about Ezekiel’s proclamation and sabotage himself. Ezekiel reached for the bacon but Kristin snaked it from him.
”It hurts,” he said. ”What to kiss it better?” he asked Kristin in a joking manner. He shifted his weight and pressed his leg back against Demetri’s and even went as far to hook his foot around Demetri’s ankle, hoping to deter the boy from pulling away again.
Ezekiel finished eating up his meal before speaking again. ”What do you have planned for the day, Kristin? Chiron and Mr. D haven’t said anything about the rest of us doing something while the others are on their quests have they?” Ezekiel wondered if they should investigate more into the Elidon thing more or if that situation was mute now. On occasion it did seem like the camp just brushed certain things under the metaphorical rug in hopes that it would go away or something. Which was rather Greek of them if one thought about it.
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