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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Beach
Skills: Prophecy

Niah's line was so corny and gross that Nancy, despite her general melodramatic mood, couldn't help but laugh a little bit at it - it made her want to gag, hearing that they were in Niah's heart, as sweet as the sentiment was. "Thank the gods you aren't going with Leandra, that bitch would stab you in the back as soon as she had a chance," Nancy muttered darkly. Nancy dried her eyes with her free hand, holding onto Mads' hand and feeling a little calmer, a little more reassured. Her friends were being positive - she had to be positive for them, too. She had to be optimistic about all of this. "If I join the Hunt, who's going to be there to watch over your asses?" Nancy then joked, turning to look again at Niah and Mads, only to suddenly stiffen. Her vision went dark as her body began to jerk and spasm, her head jerking and her legs kicking. To everyone else, it would look like she was having a seizure.

But to Nancy, she was trapped in a vision in her least favorite place in the world. Her heart felt like it stopped beating when she recognized her surroundings - the Lotus Hotel and Casino. The place. The place where bad things, no terrible things had happened to her. She could remember like yesterday getting into the scalding hot water of the shower, scrubbing her body until her knuckles cracked and bled, all in an attempt to feel clean, but she couldn't scrub what had happened away. She wanted to scream for help - as small as it made her felt, she wanted to scream for her father. Instead, she watched as a group of five Greeks started to explore the hotel, eventually a door in a secluded part of the Casino came into view, monsters spilling out of it.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"Yikes, tough crowd," Leda said, seeing both Andy and Arthur completely ignore her as they got up and left the table. The two of them seemed to be very into spending time together, and as they were little, Leda didn't want to go 'oh they must be dating!' but it was still very cute. They seemed like best friends. But at the same time, Leda couldn't help but be slightly annoyed - was it too hard for them to give her a little acknowledgment or whatever? They could bus their dishes but not say hi? Whatever, it was their loss, not hers. Thankfully, Kiera filled her in on what they had been talking about - just the quests in general.

She rolled her eyes at the slowpoke comment, knowing Kiera was saying it on purpose. "I needed to give you some time to miss me, babe," she joked. "And I think a better question is what am I not eating for breakfast?" she then added. Her plate was practically overflowing with all of the breakfast-y goodness she had piled onto it. Such was the speedster's lot - all of that running gave her one majorly grumbly stomach and the only solution was carbs, carbs, and more carbs.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demi noticed too late that Kristin had stolen the bacon he was offering to Zeke. His mouth barely opened to protest before deciding it wasn't even worth the trouble. Janelle had left them now, which made Demi wonder if Zeke’s attention would follow her and have him jump seats to another table. But before he could delve too far into his self deprecating thoughts, he felt a sudden pressure pressed against his leg. Zeke had managed to press his leg against him once more, causing Demi to think that he simply wanted him fully out of the seat. Fortunately for him, Zeke already seemed to see how his mind might work and he snaked his leg around Demetri's making it so that he couldn't leave.

Demi blinked twice, wondering what had just happened before burying his face into his arms to hide the blush that was running rampant. He felt stupid, and embarrassed, and so utterly hopeless at how wrong he was. What's more, this display of affection made him feel a whole hurricane of emotions that encompassed more than he'd ever experienced before. Demi scooted a bit closer to Zeke once more, trying to let him know that he got the message. He looked up just enough to have one eye peak through his arms and looked at how ridiculous Zeke looked. "You look like a bloody pirate." He said teasingly, a grin hiding beneath his arms.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Dionysus Table

Cassian pursed his lips. He wasn't sure how well trying to get to know the Praetor would go. Though the idea that there might simply be too much on her plate definitely made sense. After all they lost their home, were thrown into a chaotic camp with no regards for ranks or rules, and have suffered a great loss. Anyone may be a bit sensitive after all that, and it made Cassian feel a bit worse for having pushed her and the others so far the night before. He thought of Madalyne and her curse, the way she spouted it out as if to appease him for his need of secrets. There was a short sigh followed by a long drink from his cup.

He shot Dean a smile as he was invited to their cabin to work on the chariot. "Could be fun. Sure we can whip up a cool design with some surprise features. After all someone in our cabin should be able to make this…right?" There weren't too many of them, but hopefully with teamwork they could win the race. There was also the matter of the fighter. "What're the rules on fighting? Powers? No powers? Any restrictions?" It may be frowned upon, but perhaps a little madness could help even out the playing field. Some campers may be harder to enchant than others, but if even a few got knocked out because of it.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"Oh if you're going to the store too then I would love to head over there together. Thank you Marygold." Stella's smile brightened a bit more at that, as thankfully she wouldn't be going alone. She did listen as both Marygold and Eva explained to her how it worked, and she did pause as she was told that they used Drachma, instead of money. That did make sense, but at the same time it wasn't like she had drachma laying around.

"Is it possible to exchange money for Drachma at the store or somewhere? I have some cash that my dads gave me before I left, so I can use that. However, I don't really have drachma." Stella finished munching on the piece of toast she had been munching on and then finished her tea. She was mostly finished eating by this point, but she was going to wait for Marygold to show her where the store was, as well as she was waiting for an explanation of if she could exchange money for drachma. Once Marygold was done, she would be ready to head over to the store.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"We're goin to be mahre ahr less attemptin to go ahn a quest, dat prahbably'll take priority over tryin to befriend anyone. Though dat might 'appen anyway, so we'll just sahrt o' see what 'appens, naht too sure what else to say wit regards to dat. de quest definitely is goin to be fun in general," he commented towards Jace with his comment. He was glad that Janelle had decided to come over and say hello or whatever, since he was going on his own quest soon after all.

"Hello," she said simply towards Jace, having heard him say something to her. "Doin well, was wahnderin 'ow Jason was feelin wit regards to goin ahn 'is quest. 'ow are ya doin Jace?" she continued, before nudging her brother slightly. After all, he had been sort of left behind by her when she had to go on her own quest before. Now he was going off to do something and leaving her behind, though she couldn't help but worry slightly over how he might do on his quest, and hoped that he'd be alright.

He rolled his eyes slightly and shrugged a bit, "We were just sahrt o' talkin about dat. I'm alright, a lettle nervous wit de whahle quest din and all. Naht too sure 'ow dings'll go, and nervous about dat, considerin I also am goin wit one persahn I dahn't know at all, and a ked who I sahrt o' barely know much about and she sahrt o' just gaht to camp yesterday," he admitted to his sister. That was the thing bugging him a little bit with regards to everything that is going on, and he doesn't know what to really expect from the quest.

"Oh?" she responded, tilting her head to the side, "Well, to be fair, when I went ahn me quest we 'ad just gahtten to camp de night befahre, and Kristin and Zeke dedn't really know too much about me. Yet dings wahrked out over all in general. Dings'll wahrk out you'll see." What she said was true, and even though on their quest there wasn't a kid or anything involved, she knew that people didn't expect her to be able to do much too because of her disability, but she tended to just prove them otherwise.

Marygold Isley

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"No problem, it just sort of would make sense," Mary said towards Stella as Eva more or less explained how the camp store tended to work. Though another thought crossed her mind, and that was last she checked, Stella didn't have any sort of drachmas or anything like that. Well that was certainly a bit of a problem, since most of what went on in the camp with regards to spending money was paid in drachmas. It seemed like Stella realized this sort of thing too, as she asked how you went about getting drachmas to spend at the camp store, and Mary gave her a bit of a smile.

"Well there is essentially a bit of a surplus of them elsewhere typically for those who need stuff to go on quests and everything. We can see about going to go talk to Chiron, he's the go to person, to see about getting you some before we head off to the camp store," she explained as she finished up her own food at this point. "If you are ready to go, we can go talk to Chiron about getting you some drachmas, before going over to the camp store and getting all set for the quest, what do you think about that?" she asked, ready to get up from the table and get going.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 15 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Hades table -> Clearing
Skills: N/A

Arthur's head flicked for a moment, as he realized he was addressed before he left. God he was stupid sometimes. He was just too focused on the idea that he had to spend time with Andy, that he was just tuned out of everything else. He face palmed, and made a mental note to fix that as soon as he could. He felt like an asshole now, and didn't want that to be how he was seen by people. In the meantime however, he wanted to see and spend time with Andy as much as he could .He was happy to hear that she was receptive to his idea, and quickly headed along the path to there.

Exhaling a heavy sigh of relief as they were together, he said, "Are you um..." He rubbed the back of his head, "Gonna be okay without me?" It felt like a dumb question, she could take care of herself better than he could of himself, but it was still stuck in the idea that the two of them would be lesser without each other. He felt like he'd be off his game, and he knew she'd be worrying similar things about him. As they edged towards the clearing, he took a breath of fresh air, and smiling. His heart wasn't racing, he wasn't waiting for things to crash, he was just at peace.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Clearing

Andy had a vague notion her name had been called, but she was too distracted. She walked with Arthur to the clearing and smiled at the memory of the best birthday she had had so far. She paused and thought about Arthur's question. Would she be okay without him? Temporarily she could deal with him not being there but in the long run...if something happened to him. She'd tear the world apart if she could bring him back. She'd tear herself apart if she couldn't.

"Honestly, no. I don't want to go without you. I don't want to be worried about you. It'd be easier if I knew you were safe here at camp, but we know even camp can be attacked by some things. So I'd still worry. I'm going to do my best to not let that worry get to me, to not let it distract me. And if something did happen to you I don't know what I would do." She hadn't even known Arthur a year. But he was her first true friend. They had already been through so much together. She didn't have to ask him if he would be okay without her. She knew the answer to that.

All things considered, it was an incredibly mature outlook. For an eleven-year-old Andy was self-sufficient and capable. She often didn't have the vocabulary for what she felt or thought. Just like now. She didn't know that she was in love with Arthur, but she knew that of everyone in the world even her brother or aunt she'd never cared for anyone as much, which was saying something since she was willing to go to the Pit to rescue her aunt.

Location: Beach

Niah smiled, thankful that her dumb joke had made Nancy laugh. She nodded in agreement with Mads. They'd come back. They'd take back New Rome and get back to normal life. Nancy could join the Hunters and live her best life. She was just about to say as much. When Nancy stiffened. Niah knew what that meant.

She bit her lip and reached out to steady Nancy. Niah was glad they were already sitting down. She pulled the plates of food away from Nancy and waited for her to come out of it. Once she did she offered Nancy a drink. "Here, drink something." Some concern tinted her voice. But she didn't ask what the vision was about yet. Her first priority was making sure Nancy was okay.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Kristin turned to stare at Zeke and rolled her eyes slightly towards him and made a gagging motion. "Nah thats a hard pass for me." Kristin said to Zeke with a slight laugh as she finished up eating the rest of her breakfast. She started to think for a moment and gave a slight shrug. She didnt really have anything big planned, the cabin counselors were all meeting in the Big House later to discuss the whole liason thing. "Nothing really honestly, just going to probably do some blueprint designing or training in the arena later, what about the two of you?" Kristin asked as she turned her attention towards Chiron as he started to come into the dining pavilion with Rosie and Mr. D who had apparently just gotten into camp just now by the looks of it.

"You'll definitely will have the time to get to know each other then while you are on the quest along with the new girl that came in yesterday." Jace said to Jason as he finished eating the rest of his breakfast as he turned to look at Janelle as she asked him how he was doing and smiled. "I'm doing alright thanks for asking." He said as he leaned back slightly running a hand through his hair slightly as he turned to Janelle. "So what are you doing today?" He asked her mainly out of curiosity as Chiron, Rosie and Mr. D took a seat at the front of the dining pavilion.

"Yeah it's usually a lot of fun." Dean said as he smiled towards his half-brother as he thought for a moment for the rules of the chariot races and gave a slight shrug. "I think theres a ban on Greek Fire someone used it a few years back and nearly burned the entire track. Also no killing, or anything like that and you can use whatever you have on you as well to either destroy their chariot or to slow it down." Dean answered Cassian.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Poseidon Cabin
Skills: N/A

"Aw well it's their loss." Kiera said to her girlfriend as she leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek and gave her a loving smile as she took another bite out of her food. "Well it worked I did miss you then." Kiera said teasingly to her girlfriend as she looked at her plate there was quiet a bit on her plate. They were going on a quest after all and this was probably the last major meal that they'd probably be getting for awhile. "Are you able to eat all of that?" Kiera asked her as she finished drinking and continued to eat a little bit more.

"You can keep the real money that you have on you, it might be useful for getting stuff, for public transport and the like to." Eva said to Stella, she knew that sometimes you might end up traveling from one part of the country over to the next, and you would sometimes need money for that to get around. Eva turned her attention towards the front of the dining pavilion as Chiron stood up and looked over at everyone. "Good morning everyone, before you all go on about your day, theres a few announcements today for those who are leaving to go on their quests." Chiron paused as he noticed that some of those who were going on the quest werent there. Tammy got the message pretty quickly and raced off to go and search for the others.

It didnt take to long for Tammy to find where Arthur and Andy were and came to a stop just by them as a gust of wind came blowing in their faces. "Hey, Chiron is gonna make an announcement for those going on quests so you two love birds better get back soon or you'll miss it." Tammy said rather bluntly before dashing off to look for the other three.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Beach
Skills: N/A

Madalyne watched as Nancy stiffened up and her entire body started to spasm like she was having a seizure which usually for Nancy meant that she was having some sort of vision. Madalyne quickly went to gently lay Nancy down onto her back and held her friend's head still while it happened. When Nancy started to come to Madalyne watched as Niah handed her some water and went to gently help her friend back up into a seated position. She kept her hand on Nancy's the entire time as she looked at her, with a concerned look in her eyes, she wasnt sure what Nancy had just seen.

"Are you alright Nancy?" Madalyne asked, she was more worried about her than what she had just seen, it reminded her of their quest that they had gone on before they became Praetors to get the gem. "Do you want me to get you anything, or should I get your half-brother?" She offered to Nancy as she thought about going back to the dining pavilion to get something or Zeke even if he wanted her after what happened last night. There was a rainbow coming from where camp was as a slight gust of wind came by Madalyne took a moment and looked up to see that it was one of the greeks from camp. "Chiron is going to be making an announcement on the quests you all are going on thought you'd guys like to know." Madalyne didnt really know who the girl's name was and nodded towards her slightly. "We'll be there when we can." Madalyne told her before Tammy nodded and sped off again back towards the dining pavilion.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Dining Pavilion: Zeus Table -- Camp Half-Blood

Demetri’s comment made Ezekiel look at him and smirk. ”Aye, aye, captain,” Ezekiel said, although a few other ideas had popped into his head but he refrained from mentioning booty and Demetri in the same sentence while Kristin was around. Ezekiel removed his hand from his eye and tested it out. It didn’t seem to be bothering him anymore and once he adjusted to the brightness, everything felt okay allowing Ezekiel to settle more comfortably.
Ezekiel took a sip of his juice while Kristin informed them of her plans for the day. He settled his arm on the table, resting it against Demetri’s while he still had them on the table. Ezekiel shrugged at Kristin’s question.
”The new moon is coming up, so I need to take inventory on what we need in the infirmary for Hecate cabin to make sure the items are planted. I think they still have a little indoor garden going on,” Zeke mused, not entirely sure if they did or not. ”Plus I should gather some basics for what everyone will need on their quests.” Everyone would benefit from the basic first aid supplies, plus some extra nectar and ambrosia.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demetri smiled behind his arms, still choosing to rest his head onto the table to hide most of his face with the exception of one eye. He closed his eyes trying to think of what it was that he was wanting to do today. There was a warm sensation when Zeke pressed his arm next to his and began to prattle on about herbs and lunar cycles, and who knew what else. For just a moment, it felt as though they were back in the Infirmary. Away from prying eyes and nosey Nancy's. Away from being the subject on someone's lips for the sake of entertainment. And in that comfort Demetri was lulled into making a mistake, he moved closer towards the warmth, snuggling next to Zeke and rested his head onto his arm. His eyes were still closed, wincing slightly at the change in temperature from the warmth of his arms to the biting cold then back to the warmth of Zekes.

Demetri had no idea what it was he wanted to do. He wanted to spend the afternoon with Zeke. To talk about what had happened the night before, and potentially see where he could move forward from there. If there was any moving forward at all. But that sounded incredibly cheesy and Zeke would likely tease him for saying such things, so he'd have to make up some form of plan for what he wanted to do today and then naturally fit in a conversation. "Oh hey, I was thinking of visiting Hecate Cabin as well. I wanted to talk to them about a few personal matters nso that might work out." His voice was quiet in an almost dreamlike state as a cloud above shifted and a few rays of light peppered his face to help warm it on the cold day.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Dionysus Table

Cassian could work with that. He beamed from ear to ear, thinking about the rules and how fairly simplistic they seemed for now. If he was allowed to bring his fathers gift, then he could use vines to tangle up the spokes in other chariots. He'd have to make sure to watch out from the children of Demeter who could potentially counteract what he was doing, though it'd be unwise to allow a competitor to stay on the field. Cassian hadn't tried using his mother's powers on objects before, or at the very least not to great lengths. He began to wonder if they could play well with the race, but worried about what Dean had said. No killing and No Greek Fire. Cassian wished to do neither, but Chaos was as it chose to be. In the randomness of it all it could potentially maim or kill someone.

Cass decidedly agreed to himself he would try his best not to use his mother's gift during the race. This was also assuming he'd even get to take part in the race. His smile faltered for a brief moment in the corner of his mouth. "I wouldn't mind being the aggressor if someone could drive. I think I could shake things up a bit, give Cabin D a lead at least. But I'm also more than happy to just help work on the chariot, at least I'll have been contributing in some way." Cassin proceeded to eat more of his food, thinking more about what it is he could do.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Beach
Skills: N/A

Nancy was shaking, even as the vision ended. She felt sick to her stomach. She wanted to scream and cry and hurl all at once. She was vaguely aware of Mads and Niah around her, although they felt incredibly distant, like there was a bad connection. She shook her head at Niah's offer of a drink, unaware that tears were streaming down her face, hot and wet. Someone else appeared, mentioning something about the Greeks, before running off again. Normally, Nancy would've put on a brave face, refusing to allow someone that wasn't one of her closest friends to see her so fragile and vulnerable - but she couldn't do it this time. She felt like a raw nerve. She felt almost like she had that day when those men had attempted to violate her. All of her trauma was coming to the forefront of her mind all at once and she felt both physically and emotionally sick.

"I can't go back there," Nancy sobbed. She didn't actually know if she had been a part of her own vision, but she was too emotional to think through that at the moment. All she knew was that she had been forced to go there in her vision, witnessing a prophecy. "I can't go back to that fucking place," Nancy said. In her mind, Mads and Niah already knew what she was talking about - she didn't realize she hadn't even communicated that properly to them. She hadn't even raised herself into a seated position, still on her back as Mads and Niah had directed her body as the vision overcame her.

Nancy had never felt so helpless before in her life.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Leda chuckled slightly as Kiera asked if she was going to be able to eat all of that. "'Course I can, luv. I'm not one to waste food. And even if there were leftovers, I'm sure Mum wouldn't mind an extra helping," Leda explained. She had read a lot of Flash comics when she first discovered her demigod abilities, using them to ground herself in her power. The Flash had to eat a bunch of food in order to get enough calories to run everywhere, something that Leda had found also held true for the demigod speedster. It made sense, though - energy had to come from somewhere, right?

Chiron then got everyone's attention at the front of the room, explaining that he had some announcements for people going on the Quests. Leda was a little bit curious as to what they would be - though, she figured it was just something about Argus dropping them all off at the bus stop in the Camp Van or something like that, probably nothing too interesting or exciting. She noticed her sister Tammy dash off, probably to go fetch everyone who wasn't here and who was going on a Quest.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"Okay! Let's go talk to Chiron then if there is a surplus that I can tap into then." Stella smiled a bit at that as she finished her meal and then stood up and looked at Eva. "Thank you again so much, Eva. I really do appreciate all your help and if I don't see you before I leave, I'll make sure to tell you everything when we get back." She grinned at that and then looked at Marygold, and waited for her to be ready to go head to over to the centaur.

As luck would have it, it seemed that Chiron wanted to talk to everyone that was heading out on a quest as it was, so that was a good thing for them that they wanted to talk to him. She looked up at Marygold and grinned a bit at that as they walked over. "Hello Chiron, once you're done with announcements can I ask you about a few things?" She grinned a bit at that as she waited for him to reply to them as well as to make his announcements.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 15 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Skills: N/A

Arthur struggled to keep himself together at Andy's words. He wanted her to be okay, but he knew she wasn't going to be, and he at least appreciated that she wouldn't lie to him about this. He had a marked silence at the last comment though. He felt sure that he would know exactly what he would do if he lost her. He'd go down to the underworld, demand her soul back, and never take no for an answer, even if it meant Olympus would fall on his head. Did he know what the consequences of that were? Of course not, but if that happened he couldn't image he's care much about them.

In a small voice, he responded, "I... am gonna be scared too. But we're gonna still have to fight. We can't let others get hurt to keep ourselves safe, even for one another." He'd never be able to forgive himself if somebody died and he could have done something about it. "I promise though, I'm gonna try to be safe, and... I dunno. I... can't imagine a world without you. I don't um... I'm sorry." He said, rambling slightly, "You're important to me." He finally managed to eek out. And quickly gave her a hug, squeezing tight, before letting go and stepping back awkwardly.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"True, it is pahssible dat I could befriend 'er. Dings'll definitely be interestin to say de least, goin ahn a quest wit a Roman and a ked, what could pahssibly go wrahng wit dat right?" he responded to his half-brother with regards to it. He knew next to nothing about either of them. The Roman girl because of the fact that the Romans tended to stick to themselves, and despite wandering around with Stella yesterday and getting to know her a little bit, he didn't know her too well either, plus she had only been in the camp for around 24 hours at this point.

"'ahnestly? I dahn't know what I'm goin to do, though everythin might be a bet quieter fahr me without 'im around," she responded to Jace's question about what she was planning on doing later. Janelle nudged her brother when she was teasing him, giggling a little bit. She was teasing him as always, and though she was wondering how his quest would go, she decided not to really continue the conversation about it too much, figuring it might be better to not fully continue the conversation.

"You are so nice to me Janey, seriously dis camp is never quiet, especially cahnsiderin de fact dat Zeke and Demetri literally caused a 'uge cahmmotion dis mahrnin, which wouldn't surprise me at dis rate if dey did dat sort o' din again and woke everyahne up again." That was true, though some people had already been awake by the time of the chaos with Coach Hedge that morning, others probably were still asleep, and he had a feeling his sister probably had been one of those people at the time.

"I'll concede, it was kend o' loud and all dis mahrnin. Naht entirely sure what to really dink o' de whahle explanation de pair gave me fahr what 'appened either, but whatever, it 'appened and doesn't really matter and all anymore," she responded shrugging. The explanation made some sense, but also from what she knew, Zeke and Demetri hadn't really been too much in the way of friends or anything before hand, well, kind of, it had been a bit weird, but she figured it was best to not think anything of it.

Marygold Isley

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Well she was glad to see that Stella seemed to be a bit excited to go on the quest, both a good thing, but also the part of her that was worried thought it wasn't necessarily a good thing, since quests weren't exactly easy and not necessarily something you wanted to go on constantly, as you had a chance of dying on quests. Sure, they were adventures and full of excitement, but that also could turn deadly rather quickly. Mary was still worried about what might happen to Stella on her quest, and wasn't really too focused on her own.

Chiron came into the pavilion and started talking about announcements, which definitely made things easier so they didn't necessarily have to track him down and ask about getting Stella some drachmas. Though what she didn't fully expect was Stella deciding to go up to Chiron right now and ask about talking to him after the announcements. Personally, it would have made more sense for them to approach him after the announcements that apparently were important for those going on quests, but oh well.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Clearing -> Dining Pavillion

Andy sank into the hug. She did not want to let go. But when Arthur let go and stepped back she allowed it. Part of her couldn't help but fear it would be the last hug they'd have and she knew that would kill her if it was. She looked up when Tammy came into the clearing, holding in the sigh of regret she wanted to exhale. She nodded and then looked at Arthur again.

"I suppose we have to go back." She put her hand into his. She wanted to say more. But she didn't even know what it was that she wanted to say. "Thank you." She finally said as they approached the Dining Pavillion where Chiron was preparing to speak. "I'm glad I have you. You are important to me too. I'm happy we met." Everything that had led to Andy being at this camp was miserable but at least at camp she had Arthur.

Location: Beach

At first, Niah thought Nancy meant back into a vision. Whatever this vision had been it had been awful. Then a dawning realization washed over her and it was like a bucket of ice water. Her hands trembled. The vision had been of the Lotus Hotel. Nancy had to go back according to the prophecy.

She wanted to punch the gods. All of them, but especially Apollo. How dare he? She couldn't save either of her friends. They were being split up and sent to their personal hell. And there was nothing Niah could do about it. She couldn't even pretend there was. She couldn't lie and say Nancy wouldn't have to go. A thousand reassurance danced across her mind and she couldn't say any of them.

Instead, she stayed there kneeling next to her best friends. Watching Nancy cry. She looked hopeless at Mads. Had they done something wrong? Were they being punished for failing to save New Rome? "I-i I would switch places with you in a heartbeat." Those weren't empty words. If Nancy asked she'd switch with her. Niah knew that couldn't be good. It'd bring disaster, but she didn't care. It was the only thing she could offer.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Kristin listened to Chiron as he spoke rather closely as she looked at him, as he started to make his usual morning speech, but was waiting for the others who werent in the dining pavilion at the moment. Kristin quickly turned her attention back and looked between both Zeke and Demetri for a moment seeing how close the two of them were, and started to put two and two together pretty quickly which also explained the whole thing this morning. The kids from the Aphrodite Cabin would instantly jump at all of the gossip for sure. "So, are the two of you a couple or something now?" Kristin leaned forward and asked softly so that no one else could really hear it. If Aphrodite was actually here she'd probably end up doing something just to mess around with the relationship as well to.

Jace laughed slightly as she teased her brother a little bit as he listened to Chiron as he spoke a little bit briefly but it seemed that he was waiting for the others who werent here just yet. He then turned his attention back over towards Jason and Janelle the little entertainment this morning with Demeteri and Zeke was pretty funny. "Well if you want to hang out or something later you can with me while your brother is out on his quest or something. I was going to do the climbing wall later" Jace offered, as he looked towards his half-brother if he was alright with him watching over her while he was gone.

"I'm fine if you want to be the attacker, just have to get the rest of the cabin together and work out the details and what not later." Dean said to him as he took a sip of his drink and turned to Cassian. "So what do you think of the Romans anyway?" Dean decided to ask Cassian mostly out of curiocity since they had been here for a few months now at this point, and there was some drama that happened the night before with the Roman leaders and some of the others.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Poseidon Cabin
Skills: N/A

"You can eat my left overs whenever I don't finish, or you can also have some of the food I don't like whenever you come down to visit my mom down in Florida she's really into the whole vegan diet and stuff." Kiera said jokingly to her girlfriend as she listened to Chiron, and nodded slightly, she was more or less really eager to get going on this quest she turned towards Leda for a moment. "So when we do leave camp how do we get into the city?" Kiera asked, she knew that there was a bus station down there and Grand Central Station was down there as well to.

Eva smiled and nodded towards Stella. "See you later." Eva said to Stella as she got up and made her way over towards where Chiron was as he turned his attention over towards Stella. The others werent here yet really so he'd be willing to help her out with some questions while they waited for them. "What can I help you with?" Chiron asked Stella giving the girl a friendly smile, he then watched as Andy and Arthur were coming back now.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Beach
Skills: N/A

Madalyne listened to Nancy as she started to speak, the only place that she knew of that made Nancy really and truly scared was the place that the two of them first met. She had been there for Nancy and comforted her while they were trapped in the casino to, as Madalyne quickly pulled Nancy into a tight hug. She really wished that she would be there for Nancy if she could, and she was scared for her best friend. If there was a spell or something that she could help Nancy she would use it to protect her friend, or if there was a way to make her forget the trauma that happened in there she would do it to.

"You know i'd be there for you in a heartbeat, or if I could switch with you i'd do it for you." Madalyne said to Nancy as she held her friend's hand, as she looked over at Nancy for a moment. Madalyne really wanted to have a talk with Apollo and punch him as hard as she could if he was here right now. "We can stay here with you for as long as you'd like." Madalyne told her, she didnt really care about the Greeks and what they wanted at the moment they could wait.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Dining Pavilion: Zeus Table -- Camp Half-Blood

Chiron started to go ahead with some of the morning announcements but it was quickly paused as everyone wasn’t in the dining pavilion. At least they would be getting some information on the quests and what the rest of them in camp would be doing. As long as the Romans stuck to their side, Zeke wouldn’t have a problem. That was until he felt a familiar head resting on his shoulder in the middle of the dining pavilion. Ezekiel froze as he realized Demetri was cuddling him.

Cuddling him.

In public.

Kristin turned and Zeke braced for the yell that would draw everyone's attention but it didn’t come. Instead, Kristin leaned in close and asked the pair if they were dating. Ezekiel shifted, nudging his shoulder so Demetri would quit resting against him. He gave Demi a look. ”Dude, seriously?” However, Zeke did not untangle his leg from Demetri's. Ezekiel didn’t mind the contact. What he did mind was it publicly displayed. Under the table was one thing but where everyone could see was completely different; Zeke had never been a PDA person. He turned his attention to Kristin and answered her question with a shrug.
”I was going to ask him that this morning but then Coach Hedge came in with that stupid bat and then you joined us for breakfast,” he said and looked at her pointedly. He glanced at Demetri, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He quickly shook it off, the tips of his ears and cheeks burning.
He was feeling a bit shy and rather embarrassed and maybe a little agitated. He had never been with someone before, let alone have interest in a boy. And it was Demetri after all.
Zeke had hated Demi on day one of camp when he showed up but then Demi became a full time camper and was around constantly. Ezekiel had grown used to seeing the shapeshifted and started to enjoy the back and forth banter.
The day he asked for a kiss had thrown Ezekiel off but it was also a day he hadn't been able to get out of his head. No matter how many times he had gotten angry at Demetri and pushed back. Then Demetri made him that guitar and gifted him with a first edition copy of the Iliad. Zeke was shocked and completely flattered, even if his reaction had been less than stellar, it was just that no one had ever done such a thing for him. His mother sure but not another person his age. He had been picked on too much in school and then lashed out so people we afraid of him and then he ended up at Camp Half-Blood where there was even more uncertainty and everyone had something to prove. Zeke had wanted to be stronger, better. Who knew that would lead him here, sitting at Zeus's table with his know-it-all best friend and the boy with raven coloured hair wearing his beanie.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: Shapeshifting

Kristin's question ran round in circles in Demis' head. He hadn't quite pieced it together that she was referring to Zeke and himself until he felt a bit of a nudge coming from Zeke's shoulder. Panic instantly hit him, freezing him in place as he thought about what he'd just done. His heart sank to his stomach as he sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes as he scoffed at the question as if it was some unbelievable thing. He could feel Zeke's leg still around his, and he was glad to know he hadn't messed up that much. But before Demi could utter any words, he was walled by the sentence that came next. There was a sharp and quiet gasp. Loud enough for them three to hear but soft enough to be drowned out by the hum of everything else happening around them. His cheeks flushed a bright red as he wished to just get up and run.

Words choked up in his throat as he tried to find what to say. Every failed thought getting caught in a jam that helped form the lump he felt. Finally Demetri got out "Y-you…uh you were going to ask me?" His usually pale face was now bright red as he looked between Kristin and Zeke. "Heh. Oh um. OK, I don't know if I should answer right now or if you wanted a more private setting or-" Anxiety and embarrassment was quickly filling inside. He felt hot, as if ever eye at the camp was staring at him waiting to hear. He looked down at the table before once again burying his head into his arms to hide his face. Demi spoke in a low muffled tone towards Zeke. "I'd really like that. If you wanted to, that is."

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Dionysus Table

Cassian was smiling behind his cup as he drank his tea. Of course the whole cabin would have to work together and agree to it, but the idea of joining the games in some form of sibling comradery just rubbed him the right way. Already the tone of this day was shaping up to be much better than the last, especially given what had happened the night before. Chiron began to give off his usual morning announcements while Cassian halfway listened as he ate his food. The centaur shortly stopped his speech, noting that several people were missing for the meeting and was now most likely waiting for their arrival before he could continue onto more pressing matters.

The lul in the speech gave Dean just the opportunity to ask Cassian a question that would easily sour his mood. He rolled a strawberry side to side on his plate with one finger, avoiding Dean's eyes for a moment as he thought of an answer. "I'm not exactly sure what I think of them to be honest. They're reclusive, secretive, and some of the most entitled untrusted people I've ever met. But on the same coin they lost their home. They're way of living, friends, families, a future as far as they could tell. So it's easy to see why they may act the way they do. Hell being Roman could be no different than being within a closed practice. Father had an entire cult that it's members weren't able to speak about. But their clique-ness makes it hard to get to know any of them. One of them stood out to me though, and I'd like to help her even if I don't know how." Cassian picked the berry up and took a bite, smiling towards Dean.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Stella squeaked a bit as Chiron turned to address her, asking her what he could help her with. She had expected him to make then announcements first, as she said before. But it seemed that a few people that were on quests were not there, and so he was asking her what she needed. She gathered her thoughts back up as she looked up at him, and then took a deep breath before launching into her questions, which was turning into more than just the one.

"Well if we have time before you give out the announcements, I had a few questions about drachmas and money. I don't have any of them, and I was told that they would be needed to get supplies from the store as well as I might need to use them on the quest. So is there anyway that I can exchange like dollars for drachmas, or is this something I should have gotten from my mother or, on the trip?" She looked up at the centaur and waited for his answer, hoping that she could exchange the money... but also she had a few other questions. "I was also curious about how we would be getting to San Francisco? Are we flying or is this going to be a bus trip? I didn't mind the bus before but it takes so long, and I got the feeling these quests were urgent, right?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"Goin to de clembin wall later sounds like fun, I dink I'll take you up ahn de offer to go dere later," she responded towards Jace with a smile. She was likely going to be a bit bored without Jason always there or whatever, but things probably wouldn't be too bad at all. At least, probably, it would likely be a bit slow not being off on a quest or something like that, but that's about it really. She honestly wasn't too sure what to expect, but she figured she'd just relax and maybe do a few things too.

Jason was a little glad that Jace seemed to be wanting to include Janelle in a few things, though personally, he wasn't too sure what to really do about the quest. The Roman girl who was going on the same quest as him wasn't here in the Dining Pavilion at the moment, so Chiron's announcements and all couldn't really happen, and truthfully he figured he'd introduce himself to her at some point, since otherwise they kind of will just ship them off all together in general. So that will be fun.

"I wahnder what all de announcements Chiron 'as'll be abooeht, could be just abooeht anythin really," Jason couldn't help but say out loud. It was a bit curious what it was that Chiron wanted to tell everyone, particularly those going on the quests and everything, but until the remaining people showed up, they were just going to have to wait everything out in general. It was a bit annoying to have it where Chiron was saying that he had announcements, and then just saying nothing in general.

"I mean, you'll be 'eadin ahff in defferent directions to defferent places in general right? 'e might mention 'ow you all are goin to travel, ahr sahme ahther pieces o' impahrtant info dat might matter fahr your quest and all," Janelle suggested with a bit of a shrug. She had absolutely no idea what it was that Chiron wanted to mention and all, so she figured that they'd have to just wait and see once the others show up to continue with the conversation.

Marygold Isley

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Mary walked over to be with Stella, since after the announcements and all they were going to go off to the camp store after they got some drachmas for the girl. She listened to what she was saying and all of her questions and words that were coming out of Stella's mouth, and she found it somewhat amusing how many questions still the girl had going through her head. To her though, it was still debatable whether or not that sort of thing was actually a good thing. Since asking questions was usually a good thing, most of the time.

However, the fact that she was asking all of these questions right now showed her inexperience with everything, and once again, Mary was worried about her younger half-sister. Since she didn't seem to know what to expect, or how things would work, and that made her think she was going to go off and get herself killed. "Flying in a plane or something isn't entirely out of the question, though people do tend to travel by bus or car most of the time when heading off," Mary answered the last question for Stella about traveling.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 15 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Clearing -> Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Arthur's gaze followed after Andy's, resting on Tammy. He didn't much like that they were followed, but now really wasn't the time to chew out a person who was likely only acting on the orders of Chiron. That would get him nowhere, and would only serve to make a new enemy when he didn't even know if they'd all be coming home safe. Following quietly after Andy, he listened to her words, and only responded. "I'm glad we met too..." That was about all he could really say about his feelings here. Everything else was feelings, and things that would not easily be conveyed by him directly.

Standing next to Andy in the dining pavilion, he couldn't help but feel trapped. There really wasn't anything he could do but follow fate, and allow the events that were going to come to pass to do so. He hated feeling powerless like this, he didn't want to have to do any of this, but this was the situation. He quietly waiting for Chiron to list off his announcements, and probably send them off on their adventures. After that, he'd be thinking almost every moment about whether or not Andy would be safe, and keep himself as safe as possible for her.
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