Dana listened intently as Garnier informed them of the drones’ various armaments. “I’ll keep that in mind!” she noted with a giggle when the cadet advised them to avoid getting stepped on. Cordelia proceeded to follow up on Penny’s plan by suggesting that, in the event they came under attack, the “least effective” member of the team should remain behind to keep the drones occupied, while the rest continued on to the objective. Nicole then followed that up by volunteering herself for that role, should the need arise. This caused the usually upbeat Dana to frown slightly. The thought of “sacrificing” one of their own didn’t particularly sit well with her, especially when the “sacrifice” in question was their unofficial leader. She was about to say as much, when the ever-astute Vanna spoke up, offering some much needed words of wisdom. The young noble went on to address Dana personally, advising her to remain focused on the closest threat at all times. “Roger that!” the energetic Ars Magi confirmed with a nod, while giving her refined teammate a confident grin. Holst then stepped up beside Dana and offered her services as a spotter. “Thanks!” the cheerful Norban replied with a big grin. “My elementum can really improve my vision, but two sets of eyes are always better than one!” she added, her brilliant smile seeming to shine all the brighter as lightning split the sky overhead.
While the current weather conditions might have been viewed as unpleasant by most people, Dana Noel wasn’t most people. The buffeting wind and torrential rain only served to amp up her already irrepressible enthusiasm to maximum power. Focusing that power within her small body, Dana’s eyes seemed to glow as her vision was enhanced tenfold. Imbued with the power of her elementum, her awareness expanded to take note of every aspect of the battlefield before them, every piece of rubble, every drop of rain. Thus, she was the first to notice when Nicole employed her own elementum to redirect that rain towards where the drones lay in wait, hopefully befouling the machines’ optics enough to conceal their presence. And if that wasn’t sufficient, Cordelia was quick to provide her own contribution, in the form of a swiftly constructed mirror. Moving with a balance of speed and caution, the small team of officers and Ars Magi made their way down the rubble strewn street. Dana herself stuck close to the officers and joined Holst in keeping a sharp eye out for any unpleasant surprises. It took them nearly half an hour, but eventually, they had made it within sight of their destination, while remaining completely undetected. Unfortunately, that was about to change, as a pair of drones appeared to block their path.
As the imposing machines drew nearer, Garnier suggested that if the pair was taken out fast enough, they might not even have time to signal the others. Not wasting a moment, Nicole was quick to issue orders, which basically boiled down to “have Penny smash the crap out of them”. An instant later, Team 3’s pint-sized powerhouse proceeded to do just that. In short order, the two machines had been reduced to piles of sparking scrap, curtesy of Penny’s rocket hammer, and a few supporting shots from Dana’s own gladius to finish them off. The only question now was, had their little “demolition derby” attracted the attention of the other drones in the area? With that thought at the forefront of her mind, Dana’s piercing gaze swiftly scanned the surrounding area, the energetic Norban on high alert for any sign of approaching danger.