Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FrogRFlowR
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FrogRFlowR Elder Frog

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Needless to say, I suggest you keep your distance."

So - that was what Tomi felt hanging in the air then. Atsuha pretty much confirmed it. Tomi felt like answering and telling her that Skarsneek wandering eyes chose by themselves to check the Dragon out but, in a surprising bit of restraint, she didn't.

It wasn't long after that farewells were exchanged and that the group split up to reach each objectives. During the way, Tomi remained mostly silent if not for a complaint here and there about walking so far and not being able to rest. She otherwise entertained herself with Atsuha's obvious interest in Skarsneek and also by studying Hinami. Tomi being Tomi, she didn't care too much to study the members of her group until they were her immediate companions. Now that they were close together, there indeed seemed to be something off with Hinami, as Skarsneek pointed out. They would have to wait and see.

Like the rest of the group, their arrival at the estate was an immediate bring back to the reality.

"What tragedy." Tomi said to the scenery. "Look at all this...so much dead, so much waste. I wonder if one of them could have made a suitable ma-"

Tomi's statement was a bit over dramatic, but she did feel for the humans dying. Of course, being a Monster and all, her mind was a bit twisted and may have wondered too easily to the wrong reasons for grief. This might be why she was picked off as the target of their sudden aggressor - or maybe not. The fact was, Tomi felt the kick on her head and barely had the time to use her tail to keep herself on her feet and bring both hands to where she was kicked.

"Ow ow ow ow ow!" she exclaimed taking a step back. "What was that for?!"

Skarsneek and Atsuah all very quickly interjected and had quick exchange with the human, but Tomi was...angry. Her golden eyes begun shining brighter. Between Shizuka giving her a tough time, Atsuha obviously looking down on her and the walk leading to here having exactly ZERO naps, Tomi had it. She was tired and angry and not in the mood for talks. She brought one foot forward and must have seriously thought about it, but then Hinami spoke up.

"Skars-kun, Nee-san, there's no need for this. We came here to aid these people, not to fight them!"

Tomi hesitated for half a second before turning her face away and unleashing a torrent of flames upon the nearby ruins of a building, an angry draconic roar accompanying the river of fire that left her body. When it was done, the already ruins wouldn't have much left that wasn't pulverized by the blast or left burning. Tomi then adjusted her posture straight, cleared her throat to bring back her usual voice and calmly said;

"Can't we just drop our weapons, have a talk and finally go have a nap?"

Roku was already in a state of confusion and distress at her new situation. Her travels were not made easier by Lunatea's attired which kept...flashing them? She tried keeping a straight face about it, though. As for their other companion...she was weird in her own terrifying way. At least, she didn't make any move against Roku's Lord.

Roku also kept to herself, not daring to speak too much. She felt a change in her, which scared her. She also felt her Lord's wandering eyes but did not know what to make of it. He thoughts were quickly brought back to matters of which she was used to; War. Before them was a Vajran camp.

“Do you want to die? No amount of honor is worth it if you lose your life achieving it in the process.”

As Lunatea charged, Roku followed in her footstep, adding "If you think that, then you do not know our customs at all, monster." She had wanted to say that they welcome an honorable death, but...it felt wrong to say when she was standing here alive - or kind of. While her companions were rotting on the beach.

Nevertheless, Roku's attacks also found their mark. Her sword left her scabbard and deflected hit after hit, each deflection leading to a fatal slash of her Katana. As she was cutting her way through whatever enemies came her way, Roku kept an eye on Takeshi to make sure her lord was safe, and being ready to take an arrow for him if need be.

It was true that they welcomed an honorable death...but surely Takeshi knew how suicidal this charge was? She would have to find some way to inquire when this was over.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

If you think that, then you do not know our customs at all, monster."

Lunatea paid a short glare at her before replying, "You're right. I scarcely know your custom. But I know for a fact that throwing your life away is just that: throwing your life away."

She interrupted her reply to flick her finger, causing the air to explode around the face of a Varjan soldier.

"I understand though, that a custom is a custom. And I respect your people's choice in following it. So I will not make any more sour comments regarding it."

She finished her speech by lifting another soldier with her blast of wind, turning him upside down before letting him fall head first to the ground.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 9 days ago

Varjan War Camp

The Code Of Shizuyama



Takeshi was pleasantly surprised when the yokai with him, Roku included, had all decided to let him take care of the war camp alone as he wanted. He expected them to protest, but he was glad they didn't. The young Oja was relieved, that was one dilemma off his mind.

He made his way to the war camp, hiding behind natural covers and the tall grasses and avoiding the sights of the posted guards. Taking them head on might be possible, but the safer way was taking them all out silently. Right, even if he was found eventually, hopefully he would have already eliminated half the camp and the Varjans would be in more manageable numbers.

Takeshi slipped past the walls through a large gap on the palisades. Taking out a Brigand guard who was on his lonesome with a stab on the neck, the young Oja then moved on to a Varjan Warrior inspecting some weapons displayed on a rack. Takeshi rammed his sword into an exposed area on the Varjan's armor, but the invader did not fall immediately. He screamed in pain as he flailed about, bringing him and Takeshi towards the weapon racks and crashing unto them.

Swords and axes and halberds clanged upon hitting the ground, alerting the entire war camp. Everyone dropped whatever they were doing to investigate the noise and they found Takeshi red-handed, finishing off the Varjan Warrior with a slash on the neck.

That could have gone better, Takeshi thought. There were maybe a dozen or so Varjans invaders facing him, most of whom were unarmored or fur-clad Brigands and only a few were fully-armored Warriors. So long as he was careful, Takeshi believed he could take them all on. His grip on his sword tightened, it was still going to be a hard fight.

The Varjans came at him and Takeshi did his best to fight them off. He managed to fight off and wound the first attackers, but these Varjans knew how to use their numbers. Some quickly circled around to try and hit the young Oja from behind. Takeshi's defense was soon breached and a spear managed to pierce his shoulder. He took down the spearman by hurling a kunai's at the latter's neck, taking a life. Pulling out the spear, it was dawning to Takeshi that he might have bitten off more than he could chew.

It was then that Lunatea took attention of Takeshi when she kicked down a Varjan from the air and started disrupting the Varjan formation with her wind magic. Roku followed behind, her sword deflecting any attack directed at her and retaliating with a fatal counterattack. As the Varjans reeled from the sudden appearance of the monsters, a quickly expanding Nyla appeared on the other side of the war camp.

Coming to the false conclusion that they were surrounded, by monsters no less, most of the Varjan troops lost their nerves and began to scatter. They were not numerous enough to take on monsters, nor were they prepared to fight such creatures. Seeing there was no way to get past Nyla's slimy mass, the Varjans instead tried to get past Lunatea and Roku. Although if they didn't need to fight, they didn't. They would run past the monsters.

But a powerful presence made itself known by dispelling Lunatea's wind magic and saving that one particular Varjan lifted into the air. The powerful winds were redirected towards the rabbit monster and the Ochimusha, blowing them away towards Nyla's side and briefly stunning them. "Stand and fight, you cowards! Come back here!" A gruff male voice attempted to rally the Varjans, coming from an imposing caster fully armored in blue-colored plate with gold outlines and emblems. He wore a long, mage skirt and some other sorcerer accessories while wielding an arcane staff.

The Varjan Warlock, Senusret of The Scarce Legion, was annoyed that he was assigned the minor task of constructing a war camp to guard one road amongst many of this blasted island. He envied the Warlocks who had the more prestigious tasks like taking over forts and establishing Varjan presence there along with the Master Warlocks and the Princes. Well, at least there was no one to boss him around here.

He paid no attention to the commotion outside at first, believing it to be an accident as was oft the case. But when the screaming and the winds started, Senusret immediately left his tent to find the war camp in disarray and his forces routing. He narrowed his eyes at the monsters and quickly went to work, disrupting the rabbit girl's magic.

Warlock Senusret was the monsters' final foe, the few Varjans who stayed behind being handled by Takeshi who was powering through his injured shoulder.

Takamori's Dojo

Takamori, Blessed Sight

"And before you ask how I know your name, I'm here on behalf of Takeshi Oja. He wanted to come and see you personally, but he couldn't. Something about still being dressed up as a miko? Anyway, as much as I want to do some hubby-hunting, now is not a good time for that so why don't you just put the bow and arrow down, hop off the roof and get over here so we can talk this out. Maybe tell me what happened to your dojo?"
Kerry Maros

Takamori's eyes widened. "How did you...?" He then shook his head. "For you to know that, the young master must still be alive and have told you that willingly." The samurai then lowered his bow. "I do not know why the young master would trust a yokai, much less send one in his stead, but I shall believe in his judgment... for now."

Takamori then slid down the roof and landed on the ground with grace expected of a samurai. "Tell me everything you know, yokai. How you know Takeshi Oja and how you got him out of Sanjo Beach. The Varjan invasion force, at least the main bulk of it, was landing there. Takeshi survived, but did others? What about his father? Lord Hideo Oja?" He shot Kerry a lot of questions. "Don't tell me we actually won and repelled the Varjans."

"As for what happened here... Well, Varjans happened." Takamori started. "I was packing up to join the battle in Sanjo Beach when out of nowhere, a band of those bloody Varjans assaulted my home." Taking a look at the ruined dojo, Takamori continued. "I hid my daughter under the floorboards and led the Varjans away from here before picking them off one by one. When I came back... she's nowhere to be found, and the corpses of the Varjans I killed here were also gone."

"They've taken her, yokai. And I intend to find her." Takamori approached Kerry as he finished. But then added something after a sigh. "...I cannot join Lord Oja until I do."

Tokinomiya Estate

Sorae, Gentle Heart

~ @AzureKnight (ATS & HIN), @Restalaan (SKA), @FrogRFlowR (TMI) ~

"Takeshi sent us since he couldn't come, and he's still dressed as a miko. So step away from her, now."

"Look, whatever happened here, know that we come in peace. However, that may change if you don't get a damn thing away from my sister. Kindly remove your weapon from her and we can talk like adults, or I can break it in half and shove it someplace I don't think you'd like."
Atsuha Hangai

"You must be Sorae-san. As Skars-kun stated, we are here on Takeshi-sama's request and wish to aid in your fight against the invaders."
Hinami Hangai

"Can't we just drop our weapons, have a talk and finally go have a nap?"
Tomi Gōrudo

Unintimidated by Tomi's fiery tantrum on one of the buildings, Sorae glared daggers at Tomi. "...Don't push your luck, Dragon."

Sorae, however, heard the taskforce's earlier words and let out a deep sigh. She spun her naginata and got its blade away from Hinami's neck only to smack the Jiangshi on the back with the weapon's shaft, making the undead monster stumble towards her companions. She twirled her naginata again before planting it on the ground, holding it in a relaxed manner.

"...So, the young lord's alive. Although, I doubt he remains uncompromised considering he's willing to send yokai to do his bidding and trust them with his secrets." Sorae began. "But he's alive, and that's what matters for now. Do you know happened in Sanjo Beach? Takeshi-sama managed to survive, but what of the others? Did anyone else survive? What of his father? Tell me everything."

"Clan Tokinomiya, my family, was supposed to join the defense of the beach. But then, assassins came to our estate two nights ago. The battle was fierce, but we were outnumbered in the end." Sorae paused, her eyes becoming wet. Very wet. "I was the only survivor, as far as I know. My father, my mother, all our servants and retainers... my dear sister. They're all gone, Clan Tokinomiya... is dead."

"And as the last of my clan, I intend to avenge my family."

The woman then relaxed further and chuckled. "Although, I should thank you really. I was waiting for the traitors to send more troops to finish me off but after your friend's roar there, I think they'll be thinking twice. Everyone here knows a Dragon's bellow when they hear one." Sorae then motioned at the taskforce to follow her.

"Come, let's go to my still-intact room. Tell me what Lord Oja wants while your little kiddie Dragon over here takes her afternoon nap."

Fung Temple

Nobutada, Unwavering Will

~ @Restalaan (GRI) ~

"Come, let's fight these Varjan's to the death."

"What the-? Who are you?" Nobutada was glad to be free of his chains, but he immediately noticed the weapon Gringor wielded and the chi he emitted. "You're a... you're a yokai?"

Multiple horns then blew, it seemed a lot of the Varjans in the area saw Gringor make the bold rescue of the warrior monk. "We have to get to the other monks before the invaders do anything to them. Come!" Nobutada told the male High Orc. The warrior monk made his way to the pagoda, bowling over any Varjan that tried to stop him. Weapons swung at him broke upon contact.

With his body alone, he smashed open the doors to the temple. Within the sacred structure was a shrine to a saintly statue surrounded by candles, as well as a squad of Varjan Brigand guards who were swiftly dispatched by both Nobutada and Gringor. "The other monks are held under the pagoda, yokai. Can I trust you not to move from this position and eliminate any Varjan that attempts to get past you?" Nobutada asked of Gringor. "I have to get my boomstick then we can try to repel the invaders from this holy place."

Gringor then watched Nobutada exit the building where multiple arrows were shot at him, only for the projectiles to shatter upon hitting him. But as soon as he left, three Varjans arrived to challenge the High Orc.

Two of whom were standard Varjan Warriors wielding a shield and axe while the third one appeared different. His armor was slicker and he had a half-skirt behind his waist, a halberd in one hand. This guy must be one of those renowned Varjan Elites.

Terauchi Temple

Rude Awakening

~ @AzureKnight (SHI) ~

"I am allying with these mamono, because of aforementioned reasons. So, what will you do? Will you allow us to save the lives of your people, or will you instead point your blades at those who would aid you?"
Shizuka Kannazuki

"...I've heard those 'reasons' before, Kannazuki-san." The miko replied, her enraged and disappointed look at Shizuka betraying her ultimate answer. "Let me guess, once the yokai help us, Shizuyama should 'see them in a new light' or 'let them stay in the island for a while, they've earned it'. I am no stranger to the ways of the yokai, Kannazuki-san. I see through their lies and deceit... just as I should've seen through yours."

"Please, miko-sama! Our reasons to help are genuine!" Ayu made her feeble attempt in dissuading a fight. "The island's being invaded, we mustn't fight with one another!"

"It is being invaded." The miko agreed as she drew her sword, prompting Ayu to do the same. "And not just by Varjans..."

The miko gripped her blade, only to suddenly throw an ofuda that radiated magic at Shizuka. Fortunately, Ayu sliced it in mid-air, stopping the spell, before charging into the opposing force. With her in action, one would notice how large her blade was. A strange weapon for espionage, but it certainly helped here where Ayu clashed with melee-specialized samurai. The priestesses threw magical talismans at Samael and Valeriya who responded with some magics of their own.

The civilians around the temple took shelter within the pagodas and the surrounding buildings once the fighting broke out. Still, they all opened their windows to watch the showdown unfold.

The miko facing Shizuka grabbed five more ofuda and threw them to the ground, they didn't hit the stone pavement but instead started circling around her by her feet. They moved alongside her, and the miko charged at Shizuka with her sword raised high in the air.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 1 day ago


Takamori then slid down the roof and landed on the ground with grace expected of a samurai. "Tell me everything you know, yokai. How you know Takeshi Oja and how you got him out of Sanjo Beach. The Varjan invasion force, at least the main bulk of it, was landing there. Takeshi survived, but did others? What about his father? Lord Hideo Oja?" He shot Kerry a lot of questions. "Don't tell me we actually won and repelled the Varjans."

"Well, I don't personally know Takeshi, but an Inari named Lady Kyouko does. I'm part of a taskforce she sent to investigate what's been going on in Shizuyama and to help you locals out whenever and wherever we can. I actually came to the party late, but was able to help rescue your lord and get him out of Sanjo Beach along with my teammates. As for the beach..."

Kerry momentarily looked away and gave a sad sighed, recalling the devastation and death she saw that day.

.....Sanjo Beach has been taken. Sanjo Town, as well. Again, I came in late, but form what I could tell, there was a lot of dead. Most of them were.....your people. I'm sorry. If there is any silver lining to this, the residents of Sanjo Town evacuated before the Varjans overtook it, so it's not a total tragedy. As for Takeshi's father.....I'm not sure. He's not with us and wasn't among the dead when I flew over the beach and town. So either Hideo is missing or captured."

"As for what happened here... Well, Varjans happened." Takamori started. "I was packing up to join the battle in Sanjo Beach when out of nowhere, a band of those bloody Varjans assaulted my home." Taking a look at the ruined dojo, Takamori continued. "I hid my daughter under the floorboards and led the Varjans away from here before picking them off one by one. When I came back... she's nowhere to be found, and the corpses of the Varjans I killed here were also gone."

"They've taken her, yokai. And I intend to find her." Takamori approached Kerry as he finished. But then added something after a sigh. "...I cannot join Lord Oja until I do."

The hornet's eyes widened at this revelation before her face softened into a look of understanding and sympathy. There are very few circumstances that can take precedence over stopping a evil invading force that's threatening to conquer your home. Takamori's plight, justifiably, was definitely one of them.....

.....and one that Kerry can sure as hell get behind.

"Well, good thing you met me, huh?", she spoke, resolve evident in her eyes as she twirled Dusk before laying the spear between her shoulders. "Listen....I understand why you and your people have your guard up whenever you see me and my kind. I'm a mamono, or yokai as you call it. I'm different from you in many aspects, this is true. But at the same time, do we not breath the same air? Do we not feel the same wind on our skin? Do we not bleed, just like you? While yes, some mamono are warranted in you being very cautious of, know that not all of us are like that. Sure, someday I wish to find the one guy I want to settle down and spend the rest of my life with. But it won't be today. Hell, that day won't be coming for a little while. Because right now, all I see is a father ready to move heaven and earth to save his child, yet knowing he can't do this by himself. Like all of Shizuyama currently, you need all the help you can get if you want to even hope to stand a chance against our enemy."

Planting her spear into the ground, Kerry put out her hand toward Takamori.

"Shizuyama needs you, but that can wait. For now, I'll help you save your little girl. On that, you have my word."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Skarsneek of the Red Hill

The tense moment was shattered when Tomi suddenly decide to then set a building on fire while roaring. It's flames hot enough to melt whatever cinders that were left before she looked to calm down much more by remarking to get this over with so she can take a nap.

Resisting the urge to sigh and roll his eyes, Skarsneek just kept his attention on Sorae.

Hearing what happened as they moved to somewhere quieter, Skarsneek sat crosslegged across Sorae, keeping a close distance to the Hangai sisters protectively.

Once they were seated and ready, Skarsneek went to the point for Sorae questions.

"Your forces got totaled. Only a handful survived. Takeshi man is trying to rally what's left together to continue fighting. That includes you." He waved his hand to the sides nonchalantly but he suppressed the annoyance for now. The clan was supposed to be here was pretty much reduced to one. So that put a damper on things. "As to his father, ain't got a clue. We know he might be taken by the Varjans and kept alive but aside from that, no one else that fought in the beach made it."

"Well, aside from that Roku guy. Turned into a mamono undead and came back for more. Got to love that kind of tenacity." Skarsneek grinned, appreciating the slight irony of a person that hated mamono becoming one.

"But yea, I usually don't pry but considering the desperate situation, I got to ask," Skarsneek adjusted himself and one of his arms rested on his club. "You said something about traitors and assassins being sent? You got any ideas who they are or suspect at least?"

Bad enough they're already fighting a losing war, it's worse if they don't solve the internal problems quickly.

Besides, he knows a few ways to turn those traitors into their side. Especially if some are on the fairer sex. Skarsneek leered at that thought.



Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Gringor felt the rush in his blood as they plow through the Varjan in their way, all the while smiling as he caught Nobutada showing that he was indeed living to his description. Seeing how things just bounced off or outright shatter against his frame, putting his own Ironhide tribe moniker to the test. It certainly made Gringor even more eager to test Nobutada out.

For now, he directed his ire into the Varjans, slamming and cutting them with his demon silver axe. Draining them of energy and feeling it empower his own.

Soon, Nobutada broke down a door, leading to a large statue and candles lit everywhere around it. It felt like those sacred places where shamans do their rituals to the elemental spirits though those often involved more than just prayers.

Fanning out and being tasked to hold this place, Gringor only saluted Nobutada with a hefty smack of his fist to the chest.

Even as Nobutada left, Gringor was soon occupied new enemies. Two of them carried broad and axe but the one proved to be the most interesting one for him. A man that wielded a halberd and dressed in a much fancier armor.

He cracked his neck, readied himself like a bull ready for a charge before diving forward into the halberd wielding foe. A side-sweep with his axe, blazing at a breakneck pace.

But Gringor had other plans, whether it hit or miss. He would dash off to the sides, and bore right into one of the other axe and shield Varjan warrior instead.

Letting out a howl loud enough to pierce one bones, Gringor aimed to smash both shield and foe together in a single strike. His axe going far past the opponent and close enough that even if the shield caught the axe head, the strength behind would send him flying.

He wanted to savor this fight, and these extras weren't needed.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Things were going well enough. Not a single Varjan would pass by her, and any who tried would be instead drawn into her mass...what did she do with them? Well, that was perhaps better left unsaid. Cake was plentiful and perhaps, sending them back into town after having a taste would be quite humorous...ah? A subtle feeling of magic not belonging to Lunatea or her companions made itself known.

A warlock?

Nyla pursed her lips.

magic caster. Likely knew fire spells. She'd need to be careful.

"Tsk tsk, why do men always like their wars and battling?" She'd sigh, condensing her mass a bit in order to have more ready to defend herself from. The Shoggoth would lash out with a few tendrils, testing the waters to see if she could hinder this warlocks movements. "Why don't you just take a nice comfy seat on me like the last one of you did?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

"I'm not surprised. Such are the ways and wiles of yokai." Takeshi replied immediately. "And yes, I did find your buttocks cute. But they stopped being cute at around the third time you showed it off. Now it's just a nuisance, like an annoying fly buzzing and irritating me in every possible way." Takeshi pulled no punches. It was strangely cathartic for him too, to finally say something to the yokai other than pleas for help.

Well, sure, he had to lie that Lunatea's behind stopped being cute, but it still got annoying.

With folded arms, Lunatea raised an eyebrow at his reply. What was that supposed to mean? She thought to herself.

“You said my butt isn’t cute anymore after the third time. Then why do you still stare at it at the fourth time? And the fifth? And the sixth? I find your claim to be quite paradoxical, Sir Takeshi.”

She was quite confident on the matters regarding the cuteness of her butt so she couldn’t let that comment of his slide.

Lunatea watched as the Varjans began to scatter and retreat, smiling as she did. She would rather not be forced to fight them all if she could. And so, when some of them ran to her direction, she let them go without a fight.

But then, it happened.

A powerful presence entered the battlefield. He somehow redirected her wind spell, sending it to where she stood.


She let out a scream as she was sent flying. She would've crashed into Nyla if not for her reversing the momentum by casting another wind spell mid-flight. She landed on all fours right in front of the Shoggoth, her butt up in the air, showing off her panties to the maid.

Tch, what was that?!

She looked up and finally saw the one responsible for redirecting her spell.

That is… a human warlock?

She clicked her tongue. She now had to fight an actual spell caster.

She watched as Nyla tried to immobilize the man with her tentacles. Only to find out that he was more than capable of repelling each and every single one of them.

She needs my help! I should use my magic as a distraction so she could grab him.

She jumped from her crouching position before she made her way to the flank of the warlock. Using her superior speed, she fired blasts of water, fire, thunder, and all the other basic spells that were quick to cast, all the while dodging the warlock's own spells. She hoped he could make it difficult for him to handle both her and Nyla's attacks. @Rune_Alchemist@PaulHaynek
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 10 days ago


The miko gave her response by attacking the ronin with an enchanted ofuda. Ayu deflected the attack before it reached him, and he had taken note of her nōdachi. The fact that she could wield such a long blade efficiently was impressive.

She too did her best to diffuse the situation, but she had no greater luck.

Of course she didn’t believe his words.

Of course she would call him little more than a deceiver.

Of course she would choose to engage in combat rather than listen to reason. It was always the godsdamn same here.

He’s already heard all too much about this land’s relationship with yōkai, he did so from Kyōkō-sama even before the taskforce members had gathered. Even so, seeing the way these people acted while their real enemy continued to kill and pillage, it frustrated Shizuka. It was ridiculous to presume that a people would up and throw away their lifelong ideals, but did they have no sense of time and circumstance?

He noticed that the other survivors had gathered around to join in the skirmish, throwing more enchanted seals at Sam and Valeriya. They quickly countered and began engaging them. He was especially worried about Sam, but unfortunately he couldn't focus on him right now.

He turned his attention to the maiden in front of him, his expression a combination of frustration and somberness.

”Your prejudice blinds you to the truth. Were the yōkai the ones who slaughtered your allies on the beach in cold blood? Were they the ones who even now continue to murder your people and take your lands as their own? If fighting is the only thing that will make you see reason, then so be it.”

Shizuka quickly gathered chi around his hand, and an icy wind began emanating from it. Holding out his hand in front of the approaching miko, he fired a barrage of sleet at his foe. This was mainly to deal with the ofuda coated in magical flames that floated around her. He would then phase above her head, sword already drawn.

The first technique he used was Mizore, the second one he would use would be Kogarashi - a vertical spinning attack. His goal wasn’t to kill her, of course, just to immobile her with the shock of force and freezing energy generated by his combination attack. Unless she had an unforeseen counter.

@Restalaan @FrogRFlowR

It seems their words reached the dame warrior, as she removed her weapon's blade from Hinami's neck. Hinami made a small gruff when pushed by the blunt end of the naginata, however, which Atsuha took slight offense to.

Her attitude quickly changed, though, after hearing the tragic tale of how her clan was decimated by assassins before they could assist the fight at Sanjo Beach. That would explain the intense sorrow she saw in her eyes earlier. The one particular part in her story where she explained that not even her little sister survived the attack, that one hit close to home.

"Sorae-san, I-I'm so sorry. Thank the gods that you survived, but the rest of your family… I…I am at a loss for words." Atsuha said.

Before she could continue, however, Tomi apparently thought that now would be a good time to throw a temper tantrum. She let loose a powerful burst of flame breath that completely destroyed the ruins of a nearby building. The dragon then in her own way cosigned with Hinami and Skarsneek and opted to drop the hostilities so that a proper discussion could be held. Why say that after destroying a structure? She thought. Sorae didn’t seem to mind, however, and began leading them towards the estate. It annoyed Atsuha that Tomi seemed to be more concerned with taking a nap than actually taking heed of the situation.

“What’s your problem?! You could’ve burned down the entire forest doing that! If you're so damn determined to take a nap, then go to sleep already! The adults can have an intelligent discussion in peace at that point!” Although her outrage may have very well staved off any attackers, the needless disregard for the environment was something the spider was not on board with.

“Nee-san, let’s not fight. There’s more pressing matters to address.” Hinami said, attempting to calm her sister.

Upon following her to her room, Skarsneek asked Sorae if she had any insight as to why traitors would attack her clan or who sent the assassins. Atsuha saw that the goblin was sitting where he could quickly defend her and her sister should anything happen. While she appreciated the gesture, she was more worried about him.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 9 days ago

Varjan War Camp

The Code Of Shizuyama

Nyla unleashed her tendrils to try and get ahold of Senusret, but the Warlock responded by firing a jet of flame from his hand to burn away the slimy eldritch tentacles. Lunatea was the next to act, flanking Senusret and launching light elemental spells at the Warlock in an effort to distract him and make an opening for the Shoggoth to exploit.

Senusret raised his staff to erect an invisible magical barrier against Lunatea's spells, while using his other hand to continue fending off Nyla's tendrils. This defense was quickly draining the Warlock's spirit energy. The monsters would break through in due time, which meant Senusret had to go into the offensive. Perhaps a bit of divide and conquer could work.

He stopped fending off Nyla's tendrils and put both his hands on his arcane staff. He then thrusted it forward, unleashing a shockwave too large for Lunatea to evade and was sent flying into a tent. But just when Nyla was about to get him, her tendrils only hit black smoke. Smoke that shot into the air before falling down behind the Shoggoth, with the smoke disappearing as Senusret rematerizalized.

The Warlock immediately formed a large fireball between his hands, to launch at Nyla at point-blank range. It would not kill the Shoggoth, but it would definitely hurt. Nyla could already feel the heat emanating from the flaming orb... and something climbing on her back?

Using the Shoggoth's slimy mass as leverage, Takeshi leapt above Nyla and rammed his blade unto Senusret's chest as he landed. The young Oja was a bit singed by being so close to the flame spell, but fortunately it dispersed when its caster was slain. Takeshi removed his sword before collapsing right next to the Warlock's corpse.

Takamori's Dojo

Takamori, Blessed Sight



"Oh, before I forget, have any of you seen a girl named Setsuna? I'm helping her father look for her here. His name is Takamori, do you know him?"
Kerry Maros

"What? You're with Lord Takamori? No way..."

"Lord Takamori would never involve himself with yokai."

But Takamori himself joined the conversation as the villagers walked out of their cage. "Never mind about that. Answer her question, where's my daughter. Where's Setsuna?" The question elicited gulps and side glances from the villagers. "What's wrong? What happened to her?"

"My lord, I cannot be too sure if it was her since I don't know her face but..." One of the villagers began. "There was a girl, imprisoned like us. But then she told the Varjans that she was a great warrior, told them that she was your daughter and student. She offered her skills and knowledge to them in exchange for freedom." Takamori's eyes widened in disbelief. "As a test of her loyalty, she was asked to kill a couple. Tobio and Hachi. She slaughtered them without hesitation. The Varjans gave her a room in the barracks."

"No... no..." Takamori bolted towards the living quarters with Kerry following him. Checking each of the rooms, he found one that differed from all the others. Within that room were articles that was Shizuyaman rather than Varjan. Takamori surveyed the room before his eyes focused on a clothing rack containing a kimono, yellow in color.

"This is Setsuna's kimono..." Takamori muttered. Sauntering over at the table with scrolls, he picked one up. "Setsuna's writing... telling the Varjans about the secret routes Shizuyama has." Finding a quiver full of arrows, Takamori grabbed one and observed it. "When I make arrows, I make them like this. Something I taught to Setsuna."

Finally convinced with the evidence, Takamori walked outside with his mind elsewhere. "Damn it... Gods damn it... I should've known... I should've known..."

Tokinomiya Estate

Sorae, Gentle Heart

~ @AzureKnight (ATS & HIN), @Restalaan (SKA), @FrogRFlowR (TMI) ~

"Your forces got totaled. Only a handful survived. Takeshi man is trying to rally what's left together to continue fighting. That includes you. As to his father, ain't got a clue. We know he might be taken by the Varjans and kept alive but aside from that, no one else that fought in the beach made it."

Sorae let out a deep sigh. "There was no winning that battle. We knew it, and the Varjans knew it. They could've easily took the time to surround the island to stretch our forces incredibly thin, but they knew they didn't need to do that. They made it clear where they would land first and dared us to stop them." The last Tokinomiya let out an amused snicker. "It was about sending a message as much as it was a battle."

"Sorae-san, I-I'm so sorry. Thank the gods that you survived, but the rest of your family… I…I am at a loss for words."
Atsuha Hangai

"I shall not let myself be pitied by yokai, so save it." Sorae coldly rebuffed Atsuha. "And I'm not thanking the gods for letting me live while everyone I knew and loved died."

"You said something about traitors and assassins being sent? You got any ideas who they are or suspect at least?"

"No. And I intend to rectify that soon. Very soon." Sorae's words dripped of restrained rage.

With everyone within Sorae's room, the last Tokinomiya began. "So, Takeshi's alive and free and he's working on fighting back. He's also willing to ally with yokai to do so too..." Sorae was obviously troubled by the last part. "I'll trust the young Oja for now. Tell him that I'm more than willing to raise my weapon against the invaders, but I cannot let the massacre of family go unanswered."

"Tell the young Lord Oja that I will join him in this fight, but I will need several days to sort out this problem."

Fung Temple

Nobutada, Unwavering Will

~ @Restalaan (GRI) ~

The Varjan Elite hopped back to evade Gringor's horizontal sweep, but was surprised when instead of a follow-up attack, the High Orc opted to strike one of the Varjan Warriors to the side.

When Gringor swung his axe, it never hit the Varjan Warrior's shield. The Varjan Elite had moved to intercept it, swinging his halberd down on Gringor's axe and burying it on wooden floor. Splinters flying everywhere, the Elite then backhanded the High Orc to momentarily stun him while a Warrior swung his axe at the axe hands, making Gringor lose his grip on his weapon.

The Elite then rammed his halberd unto Gringor's torso, but did not even pierce skin thanks to monstrous durability. The Elite then began to push hard, joined by the other two Warriors, to get Gringor away from his axe and to a wall where he would be very vulnerable.

Terauchi Temple

Rude Awakening

~ @AzureKnight (SHI) ~

”Your prejudice blinds you to the truth. Were the yōkai the ones who slaughtered your allies on the beach in cold blood? Were they the ones who even now continue to murder your people and take your lands as their own? If fighting is the only thing that will make you see reason, then so be it.”
Shizuka Kannazuki

"You have no idea how much the yokai have taken from us. How many of us had to leave the island because of them."

When Mizore was performed, one of the miko's magical talismans glowed before bursting outward in a bright flash that annihilated all the sleet coming towards her. The miko missed her vertical strike though when Shizuka disappeared and reappeared above her, about to perform the technique Kogarashi. However, one of the remaining four ofuda glowed and zapped Shizuka.

The azure swordsman felt nothing but the cold energies that accompanied the technique was completely gone. The miko easily sidestepped the vertical spinning attack and retaliated with a slash that Shizuka narrowly blocked. But then it was followed by a nasty roundhouse kick to the face that sent Shizuka spinning around, just in time to see the prisoner Kasseros Telmar exploiting the commotion and straight up escaping via the temple's entrance.

Well, there was no time to deal with him. Shizuka had to deal with his current opponents, and now he knew what the floating talismans did.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Tch! A shield? 

Lunatea cursed under her breath. She wasn’t a powerful enough sorceress to conjure a spell that could pierce through it. She had to rely on him running out of mana. Thankfully, she could count on that happening since she scarcely used her own mana to cast her spells, relying more on her panties absorbing the mana from her surroundings. 

Unfortunately, she did not anticipate the sudden shift in the warlock’s movement. All of a sudden, he thrusted his staff at her direction, sending a shockwave too large and fast for her to dodge. She tried to erect a shield but it was far too late. 


She was sent flying, crashing into a tent behind her. If it weren’t for her monster biology, there was no doubt in her mind that she would have shattered a bone or two. 

The tarp covered her entire body, obscuring her view from the rest of the fight. Not to mention her own closed eyelids as she was reeling from the pain of the attack. 

It hurts… so this is what a real fight feels like… 

When she recovered, the fight was already over. It seemed the Warlock had been slain by Takeshi and his sword. 

So why was he laying down unconscious there? 

She ran up to him and crouched down, shaking his body. “Hey. Can you hear me? You’re not dead, are you?” She then looked up at Nyla and asked, “What happened? Why did he collapse like this?” 

Unfortunately, other than healing minor scrapes, she wasn’t that well-versed in the art. Still, she tried anyway, casting the strongest spell she knew to his body. 

“Can you heal him?” She asked the Shoggoth again. “If so, don’t just stand there. Help me. And we should carry him to one of the tents so he could rest.” 

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 1 day ago


"My lord, I cannot be too sure if it was her since I don't know her face but..." One of the villagers began. "There was a girl, imprisoned like us. But then she told the Varjans that she was a great warrior, told them that she was your daughter and student. She offered her skills and knowledge to them in exchange for freedom." Takamori's eyes widened in disbelief. "As a test of her loyalty, she was asked to kill a couple. Tobio and Hachi. She slaughtered them without hesitation. The Varjans gave her a room in the barracks."

"Are....Are you shitting me, right now? There's no way in hell a girl could do that, would do that! If all that's true, then that would make her a...."

Kerry couldn't finish the sentence. It seemed too cruel and fucked up to be real. But when she turned to Takamori and saw him standing there with clear disbelief in his eyes, she became gravely concerned.


"No... no..." Takamori bolted towards the living quarters with Kerry following him. Checking each of the rooms, he found one that differed from all the others. Within that room were articles that was Shizuyaman rather than Varjan. Takamori surveyed the room before his eyes focused on a clothing rack containing a kimono, yellow in color.

"This is Setsuna's kimono..." Takamori muttered. Sauntering over at the table with scrolls, he picked one up. "Setsuna's writing... telling the Varjans about the secret routes Shizuyama has." Finding a quiver full of arrows, Takamori grabbed one and observed it. "When I make arrows, I make them like this. Something I taught to Setsuna."

As the evidence began to pile on, Kerry gave a sad sigh as she slowly followed and watched the hawkeyed archer scour the room, hoping beyond hope to find anything... anything that would deny the truth set before him.

He would find nothing. Nothing but further proof of Setsuna's....


Finally convinced with the evidence, Takamori walked outside with his mind elsewhere. "Damn it... Gods damn it... I should've known... I should've known..."

Kerry stood a few feet behind Takamori as he came to the dreaded conclusion. She wanted to lay a comforting hand on the man, but refrained from doing so out of fear raising a bad reaction out of him from her physically touching him.

"Takamori, I...Maybe she....", Kerry began, trying to reassuring, but ultimately deciding to be honest. "Part of me wants to believe that she did all of this against her will, but your reaction.....it tells me something different. Have you always suspected that Setsuna had a....darkness within her? That one day, she would.....betray you like this?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Skarsneek of the Red Hills

"Hmm..." Skarsneek stroke his chin and scrunch his face in thought after Sorae laid her answer to them, it seemed reasonable but hardly efficient. If she dies in the process then all their work would go down the drain and in a worse scenario.

Yet they can't leave traitors behind their lines now, can they? They'll do as much damage to their fight as the Varjans do in the front line.

"How about we help you out? You could always use a couple of distractions," Skarsneek gestured with a thumb to where Tomi would be napping. "They know there's a dragon but they don't know that you live."

"And if they don't know that you live, they got a nasty surprise!" Skarsneek grinned mischievously before dropping that act. "But honestly, I doubt your lord Taka is going to let you do this alone and I'm sure he'll definitely ask to come along to help which prob has us getting involved too."

"Besides...if the Varjans are involved," Skarsneek smiled but it was strained at the sides, as he had to restrain the filling rage surging out. "Then I can't in good conscious just leave it now, can I?"

"But that's just my thinking, feel free to use our help even as meat targets." He ended and dusted his hands dramatically before shrugging to Sorae, accepting whatever her decision is.

Though he wondered what exactly should they do, the day was still long after all.


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

The rush of his weapon being diverted forcefully snapped his attention completely before that was brutally paid with a backhand, it barely moved his neck but the sheer surprise shocked him more than the damage. Enabling an axe swung downwards and slammed into his arm, striking a nerve that involuntary shook his grip out of reflex.

In a single motion, the Elite rammed his weapon right towards his torso, failing to even break skin but the force was enough to start pushing him backwards into a wall and further away from his weapon.


Gringor grimace turned into a feral smile as the pounding in his head got louder and louder. Eyes seeing red at the corner of his eyes as he gripped below the halberd axe, forced it to the sides by sheer power and strength.

Was fun!

A single lash of his kick aimed dead center at one of the Varjan warriors with a shield and arrested their charge completely. When the elite pulled their weapon back, Gringor strained and jerked backwards for a heartbeat before he let go of, turning the strength against the former overstretched his retreat, leaving the last shielded warrior to Gringor.

An opportunity that the high orc did not miss as he pummeled downwards with a hammer blow, the fist sending the shield downwards and leaving the warrior exposed for a brief moment.

Gringor shoulder shook once and a blurring fist crushed right into the Varjan chin, its impact sending him off his feet and straight to the brain. Rattling it and no doubt, enough to knock the man clean.

But that was not enough, Gringor grabbed the mans leg much to the Varjans shock. Twisted his foot as he spun around once, and tossed the man's unconscious body like a sack of potatoes right towards the last remaining shield warrior.

The moment it left his hand, Gringor charged forward hard enough to leave an imprint of his foot onto the prayer hall floor as an animalistic roar bellowed out from him. Shaking the prayer halls and throat as the shine of his eyes looked like a demon from the prayer candle.

Gringor's eyes was peeled as he readied to snatched the halberd with his hands and slide all the way downward into grappling range.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 9 days ago

"Was that... necessary, father? They've served us faithfully for generations."

"...I know, my son. But there cannot be exceptions, or else the yokai will have victory over us."

"Remember, Takeshi. You must never, ever fight alongside yokai, much less defend them. Promise me this, my son."

"...I promise."


"I'm sorry, father."


Varjan War Camp

The Code Of Shizuyama

“Can you heal him? If so, don’t just stand there. Help me. And we should carry him to one of the tents so he could rest.”
Lunatea Vern Farnsworth

Takeshi felt hands and voices around him, saying that he needed healing. He jolted awake before he could moved. "I'm fine! I'm fine. No need to worry about me." The young Oja slowly got up as he shook his head, his legs still wobbly. He stared at his yokai allies and let out a deep sigh before surveying the now-empty war camp.

Had he been alone, he might have died. At best, he might have just been driven away. With light wounds. But here right now, three yokai were able to handle an entire Varjan war camp that even had a mighty caster. There was no doubting their abilities, and there was no doubting their necessity for the battles ahead. Takeshi wished it was not so, but this was the reality.

"Are all of you alright?" Takeshi asked his yokai companions. "I know the yokai are hardy, but still. The journey ahead is going to be long."

"Uhh, thanks... by the way."

Takamori's Dojo

Takamori, Blessed Sight

"Part of me wants to believe that she did all of this against her will, but your reaction.....it tells me something different. Have you always suspected that Setsuna had a....darkness within her? That one day, she would.....betray you like this?"
Kerry Maros

With a deep sigh, Takamori turned back to Kerry. "The reason's simpler than you think, yokai."

"When I told Setsuna the news about the incoming Varjan invasion, she proposed... that we join them, to survive. She said that we had skills the Varjans won't waste and if we joined them, we'll not only live through the invasion but maybe also thrive." Takamori sighed again. "...The ensuing argument got heated, and I convinced her... I thought I convinced her not to dwell on this unspeakable act ever again."

"I really should've known. That girl's a survivor, she'd do anything to keep her life." Takamori finished.

"We're finished for today, yokai. I... need some time to rest, and think." Takamori told Kerry. "Tell Takeshi-sama that he needs only to call for me if he wants me wherever. In the meantime, I'm going to try and find any clues as to where my 'daughter' could be. I need to stop her before she hurts any more of my people."

Takamori had been successfully recruited, the task is done. Kerry can head to Terauchi Temple to break the news or go somewhere else.

Tokinomiya Estate

Sorae, Gentle Heart

~ @AzureKnight (ATS & HIN), @Restalaan (SKA), @FrogRFlowR (TMI) ~

"But that's just my thinking, feel free to use our help even as meat targets."

"...We have a code, yokai. We can never accept help from you, no matter what." Sorae replied.

"Besides, I would never burden others with personal problems." The last Tokinomiya continued. "I doubt the Varjans were involved. If they were, there would definitely be Varjans among those who attacked. Or at least, Varjan weapons. No, I believe this matter is purely between Shizuyamans. At least, for now."

"If Takeshi-sama wants to help me, he can come himself." Sorae added. "Now then, if that is everything that is needed to be discussed then our business is concluded. Run along now, yokai. It's bad enough that I invited you into my house."

The warriors of Shizuyama were truly a stubborn bunch. Perhaps a more stubborn head can get through to her?

Fung Temple

Nobutada, Unwavering Will

~ @Restalaan (GRI) ~

With the Varjan Warriors taken care of, Gringor charged at the Varjan Elite with heavy stomps and an animalistic roar.

The Elite stayed calm in the face of this rampaging High Orc. Just when Gringor's hands were about to grasp the halberd, the Varjan Elite made a quick sidestep to avoid the charge... but did abandon his halberd to the High Orc's hands. Turning to see, Gringor saw the Elite roll towards his fallen Varjan Warrior allies and took their axes.

Now re-armed with dual axes, the Varjan Elite prepared to face Gringor again. But this time, new challengers arrived into the temple. Two more Varjans, armored similarly like the Elite and wielding halberds, entered the fray. Two more Varjan Elites, it seems. And Gringor still hasn't harmed the first one, not that they did any damage at him either.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

“Oh… you’re fine.” Lunatea blinked. It seemed humans could be more durable than she had thought.

She let him stand up on his own, not wishing to injure his pride any further. When he wobbled a little, however, she grabbed his arms to keep him stable.

She gave him a stern yet concerned look. “Careful. Don’t push yourself too hard.”

“And yes, I am fine. It hurts, being slammed like that with his spell, but it’s nothing my healing spell can’t take care of.”

The rabbit monster then lifted up her skirt, all the way upwards until her belly button was visible. The reddened skin there was an obvious mark of the warlock’s attack and she intended to take care of it before resuming their trip.

She then placed her other hand on said skin, chanting the words to cast her healing spell. Light covered her hand as slowly but surely the swelling receded away.

When she finished, the skin was back to its normal, brown state. She let her skirt fall, though it wasn’t long until a stray wind picked it up again.

“You’re welcome,” she replied to his thanks.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 1 day ago

@PaulHaynek @AzureKnight (SHI)

With a deep sigh, Takamori turned back to Kerry. "The reason's simpler than you think, yokai."

"When I told Setsuna the news about the incoming Varjan invasion, she proposed... that we join them, to survive. She said that we had skills the Varjans won't waste and if we joined them, we'll not only live through the invasion but maybe also thrive." Takamori sighed again. "...The ensuing argument got heated, and I convinced her... I thought I convinced her not to dwell on this unspeakable act ever again."

"I really should've known. That girl's a survivor, she'd do anything to keep her life." Takamori finished.

Even turn her back on family and country., Kerry sadly thought to herself, feeling genuinely sorry for Takamori. Somehow, the actual reason for Setsuna's betrayal was worse than the Hornet's initial assumptions. For a young girl to do that to her father, the man who took her off the street and gave her a home....

....It was like a cruel joke.

"We're finished for today, yokai. I... need some time to rest, and think." Takamori told Kerry. "Tell Takeshi-sama that he needs only to call for me if he wants me wherever. In the meantime, I'm going to try and find any clues as to where my 'daughter' could be. I need to stop her before she hurts any more of my people."

Again, Kerry motioned to lay a comforting hand on the glowing-eyed archer, but once more thought better of it. The man clearly had a lot on his mind and needed time to process and digest. Best leave him be.

"Alright, Takamori. If that is what you feel is best, then I'll get out of your hair and be on my way. I'll be sure to pass the word to Takeshi.", she replied as she walked past the man. However, before she took flight, she turned her head slightly and offered one last advice. "Listen.....I know it seems bleak right now, but don't lose heart, okay? If you give into despair, then that's when the Varjans have truly won. So keep your head up and eyes ever forward, human. Take care."

And with those parting words, Kerry took to the skies, heading towards Terauchi Temple.

Man, this is turning into clusterfuck., she somberly thought to herself as she flew. I managed to get Takamori on board, but Shizuyama's hidden routes have been exposed. Gotta relay this to Takeshi and the others as soon as possible. The chips are already stacked too high against us as it is.

With her speed and a bit of wind magic, Kerry made it to the temple in record time, although when she got there....

What the hell?

....she was just in time to see Kasseros, the Varjan warrior her teammates defeated and captured, escaping through the front gate and was making a run for it.

The detained man saw nothing but the dirt path before him and thought himself home free....until he heard the approaching sound of buzzing wings rapidly getting closer and closer to his position. Kasseros would only have enough time to look up and see the bottom of Kerry's combat greaves as her diving foot got acquainted with his face, sending him rolling back until stopping on his back, knocked out cold.

"And where do you think you're going, dirtbag?", spat Kerry, walking over and grabbing the down Varjan by the scruff of his shirt before dragging him back toward the temple. All the while, the Hornet was confused. How did Kasseros get loose? Wasn't Shizuka, or anyone in the temple for that matter, suppose to keep an eye on him? What happened?

As she walked through the front gate with her prize, the answer soon made itself clear.

"Hey, Shizuka! Mind explaining why this jackass over here tried to make a...run....for.....it?", Kerry began, only to trail off as she took in the sight of her taskforce leader in the middle of fighting one of locals, a....shrine maiden? Wait, what were they called here again? Mikos?

Regardless, Kerry only had one thing to say about the state of affairs before her....


Her loud outburst would be loud enough for both combatants to pause their duel and take note of her sudden appearance.

However, due to Kerry not knowing how this fight came to be, the mamono unwittingly may have made the situation even worse...
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Skarsneek of the Red Hills

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully at her words, though clearly not appreciative of her answer.

Who knows what will happen if he just leave her be.

No, perhaps he'll try one again.

"Hmph, you don't need to ask for our help or accept it." Skarsneek waved before grinning. "We'll just follow you and do what we want!"

"Like you said, you don't want to involve others but it's our job to be involved in this. Shizuyaman affairs or not." He said without any shame then, a much more different tone that he’s been using as Skarsneek honestly said what he felt and thumped his chest proudly."Besides, letting a lovely lady go into danger isn't my style. What might my parents say if lil Skar didn't do the right thing because someone said no?"

And if she makes a run for it he was a pretty good tracker himself. Comes with escaping and hiding, he was pretty confident he can track her down at least.


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Before he could snag the knight, the latter let go of his weapon before rolling away. Grabbing the fallen weapons in his hand easily before coming back to face him.

Then without a word, two more of those elites came in. Wielding the same halberd that he liberated in his hand, he twirled it once before taking his stance. Lowered for a thrust as his eyes studied each of them, shifting to the sides before standing still, then quickly shifting again.

After a moment, Gringor charged forward with the halberd in hand. This time, instead of anything fancy, a single thrust was aimed for the dual-wielding axe elite that it blurred.

Gringor aimed to skewer for the knight and his armor as he added additional momentum by twisting his hips. If the other knights decide to do anything else, Gringor will used brute strength to batter them off with the halberd and take his distance back. Not taking any risk as he took a comfortable pace of stabbing and slamming the elite counter-attack with their halberd while ensuring he's constantly pushing at them.

The rage build up within and he forced it instead into his strikes, lending more power in each blow.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

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Terauchi Temple

@PaulHaynek @Rezod92

The swordsman wasn't surprised that his ice barrage was nullified, it was mainly supposed to be a distraction anyway. He appeared above her head and prepared to attack with Kogarashi. However, as Shizuka's strike was about to hit its mark, he felt a strange sensation hit him. The magic he had built up had completely vanished, but he felt no pain and the physical aspect of the technique remained uninhibited. The miko was certainly no pushover, though, as she dodged his slash with a graceful step and countered with one of her own. Shizuka quickly recovered and brought his blade to his side to defend against the strike, the clash caused his bang to sway a bit. She wasn't done yet, however, as she quickly shifted her attack into a kick delivered straight to his face. Ouch…

Worse over, the swordsman was able to witness the perfume-wearing prisoner making his escape. Godsdamn perfect, as if he needed any of this right now…

But, right now he needed to focus on the shrine maiden and magic nullification abilities. His expression was sharp, but composed as he rubbed the bruise her kick had left. "As expected, you are quite skilled. Being able to react to my speed is no easy task." He said as he held his blade out so that the tip was pointed horizontally from his side. "I can't afford to hold back too much, so I don't have much of a choice." It seemed that Shizuka was prepping another technique, but didn't seem to be channeling his chi. Given what he now knows, why would he? He would use Butōsen to deliver countless slashes to where her ofuda would be obliterated, then immediately follow-up with Tōhōfū Kari to strike her from three different angles. He felt that would also be a good way to deal with another counter she had up her sleeve.

This plan was briefly interrupted when the buzz of a fellow task force member could be heard closing in. It seemed that Kerry was the first one done with her mission, unfortunately she arrived in time to see the small skirmish that had brewed while she was away. Her response was a natural one.

"Forgive me, Kerry-san, but I don't have time to explain. Please do what you can to help quell this conflict quickly." He said without even turning to her.

He then instantly charged at the miko to execute his plan. Like before, his aim is to incapacitate and not to kill. Hopefully this would put a stop to this madness…

Tokinomiya Estate

@Restalaan @FrogRFlowR

The Hangai sisters listened intently as Sorae explained her situation further; Atsuha clammed up a bit when the Shizuyaman warrior rejected her empathy. She guessed she shouldn’t be surprised that she can still hold on to her prejudices even in a circumstance like this. Hearing her remark that being the last remaining member of her clan is nothing to be thankful for clammed her up even more. She felt she was being insensitive without even realizing it at first; Atsuha thought that she may be able to relate to Sorae, but their situations aren’t quite the same. Afterall, the Hangai clan was still around. At least, as far as she knew.

Her eyes flared up a bit when Skarsneek mentioned they could act as meat shields. I’m no one’s meat shield except my sister’s thank you! And, maybe yours…I suppose… she silently said to herself, blushing a bit.

Skarsneek tried his best to convince her, but she simply wouldn’t accept their aid, going on about some kind of code among the natives. Hearing that she would find the assailants and avenge her clan herself was enough for Atsuha to finally break her silence.

“As Skars-kun stated, our directive here is to defend the island from the Varjans and assist its people in any way we can. We will continue our mission independent of your word or otherwise. Also, as Takeshi-san requires your aid and we are currently working with him, what has affected you also affects us as well. This isn’t just your problem anymore, and I don’t know what you hope to accomplish on your own.”

Hinami thought it best to remain silent, but supported her comrades' pleas for Sorae to accept their aid, gazing at her with a solemn expression.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 9 days ago

Varjan War Camp

Kikyo, Ever Faithful

Takeshi glanced away with a blush when Lunatea raised her skirt high up to heal the bruises she sustained. He patiently waited for the yokai trio to finish up their businesses before the group set out once more, leaving behind their not-so-small victory of eradicating a whole war camp.


"The Kishi Grasslands." Takeshi said as the group approached a landscape that was almost nothing but various types of grass and several hills. "We're close to Wadatsumi Port, come on."

Soon, the group could see a smokestack rising in the distance. An ominous sight, one that made Takeshi panic. "No... no, no, no!" The young Oja bolted through the dirt path as quickly as he could, leaving behind his yokai companions who could only follow and catch up. But despite his hopes, Takeshi could only slowly approach a burned down village port. Buildings were nothing but cinder and corpses strewn around.

"How could this happen-- Wait." Takeshi inspected one of the corpses. It was Varjan, axe in hand and armored in fur. Running over to another body, it was another Varjan. His eyes sharpened and saw that most of the slain in this ruined port were Varjans with only a handful being warriors of Shizuyama. "This... is not a Varjan victory. Too few of the corpses here are Shizuyaman." There was no sign of Kikyo here either, she and her contingent must have defeated the Varjans here and moved on to somewhere else.

Takeshi released a deep sigh of relief as he fell down and sat on the ground. "Heh, I should've realized that Kikyo isn't that easy to kill..." For once in this long while, Takeshi had ran into good news. "Come on, let's find where my dear Kikyo had gone."

Lunatea and the others had found a large set of footprints leading out of the port and back into the grasslands, likely from Kikyo and her forces. But based on her work here in Wadatsumi Port, this Kikyo was someone dangerous... and possibly on edge. Would it be wise for a monster to follow Takeshi into Kikyo.

Tokinomiya Estate

Sorae, Gentle Heart

~ @AzureKnight (ATS & HIN), @Restalaan (SKA), @FrogRFlowR (TMI) ~

"Like you said, you don't want to involve others but it's our job to be involved in this. Shizuyaman affairs or not. Besides, letting a lovely lady go into danger isn't my style. What might my parents say if lil Skar didn't do the right thing because someone said no?"

“As Skars-kun stated, our directive here is to defend the island from the Varjans and assist its people in any way we can. We will continue our mission independent of your word or otherwise. Also, as Takeshi-san requires your aid and we are currently working with him, what has affected you also affects us as well. This isn’t just your problem anymore, and I don’t know what you hope to accomplish on your own.”
Atsuha Hangai

"Nice spiel but we all know what you all are really here for." Sorae coldly replied. "You help us out a little, we give something in return, you and I become a little friendlier then next thing you know, there's yokai crawling all around my home."

Leading the taskforce back outside, Sorae continued. "But I suppose there's no getting rid of you, at least not without more blood being shed in my estate." The last Tokinomiya then turned to the taskforce. "Tell you what, why don't we split up? That way, you all can stay out of my way while also doing what you can to help."

"The attackers must have come from somewhere, and the soils of Onrai are usually moist. They would have definitely left tracks on their way here. We'll look for those and follow them... separately. First one there... gets to decide the fate of my family's killers. Deal?" Sorae offered the taskforce. "Or are you gonna mouth off some nonsense again?"

Fung Temple

Nobutada, Unwavering Will

~ @Restalaan (GRI) ~

Gringor charged at the dual-wielding Elite, planning to use his innate strength to swat away any enemies who wanted to intercept him.

However, the Elite did something different. The two halberdier Elites thrust out their weapons, but not at Gringor. Rather, his feet. The High Orc's charge was turned against him when he tripped and stumbled, rolling messily across the wooden floor.

The three Elite immediately surrounded Gringor but before they could do anything, a powerful blast of fire and smoke blew all three Varjans away. The High Orc saw Nobutada, who had returned with what was seemingly a very thick metal staff. The monk promptly started beating down the Elites who could not block the staff swings nor could they even make the monk flinch with their attacks. Gringor also witnessed Nobutada ignite the staff on one end that then spewed an explosion on the other end against the Elites.


While Gringor was fighting in the pagoda, Nobutada had routed the rest of the Varjans outside. Turned out, the Elites had all come for Gringor and left the small-fry and fodder to deal with the unstoppable Nobutada.

"I would say 'thanks', yokai, but your kind are not welcome here." Nobutada spoke to Gringor. "Before we do anything else, I would like to know. Who are you, yokai? And what are you doing here?"

Terauchi Temple

Rude Awakening

Kerry's arrival had paused Shizuka and the miko's duel. Unfortunately, her appearance had further sealed the miko's opinion of the azure swordsman. "Another one of your yokai allies, I see. No doubt, you have lain with them more times than there are stars in the sky!"

When their duel resumed, two samurai broke off from their fight with Ayu and the others to accost Kerry. The two wielded their blades as they approached the Hornet, their grips tight and their stances solid. One of them immediately began slashing at Kerry, his moves quite fast for a human. The other samurai began circling around, waiting for an opening on the Hornet's defense to strike.

Shizuka executed his plan, unleashing a torrent of slashes at the miko aimed at her protective ofuda. The priestess tried her best to defend her magical charms but could not, and the paper talismans were torn apart. With the miko now vulnerable to magic, the azure swordsman came at her. Not just one Shizuka though, but three! The miko hesitated and she was struck with three powerful slashes. The azure swordsman may have overdid it, though. The miko fell to one knee with the slashes having wounded her considerably.

However, she was not out of the fight. But she knew she was losing, perhaps a tide that cannot be turned. Out of options, the miko produced a gold-colored ofuda and placed it on her collar area. She began chanting, filling the talisman with golden energies. Shizuka sensed that the spirit energy within the miko was destabilizing very quickly, her veins even started glowing. This was bad.


Yuuki Hisako had met Lady Kyouko at Otomo Port and had arrived too late to join the main group of her taskforce. Not to worry, though! Lady Kyouko still had plenty of boats to choose from to take Yuuki to the island of Shizuyama.

The boat rowed as quickly as it could to take the Yuki-onna to her destination. Upon reaching a remote shore, a human spy came along with Yuuki to escort her to Terauchi Temple, Lady Kyouko's base of operations for her spy network in the island. It masqueraded as a temple to evade suspicion and it was only staffed by humans, thought not for much longer.

Upon reaching the temple, Yuuki and her spy escort heard sounds of fighting. Had the Varjans already reached this place? What was really going on, however, was that the human warriors of Shizuyama were battling monsters, probably belonging to the taskforce. The human spy had left immediately, not wanting to partake in any sort of violence and left Yuuki gawking at the entrance.

A magical blast sent one of the warriors sliding across the temple ground and next to the Yuki-onna. She had brown monk-like robes on and wielded a long blade. Her silver hair was pretty short and her fair skin showed small cuts. "Owww, huh? Oh, hi! I'm Ayu and you must a yokai sent by Lady Kyouko." She did her best to smile and greet Yuuki. "Listen, we're actually here to help these Shizuyama folk against the Varjans... but they don't appreciate yokai so as soon as they saw one, they... were provoked. We could sure use a hand, but uhh, don't kill them."

After the small exchange, two Shizuyaman samurai wielding spears charged at the Yuki-onna.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 1 day ago

@PaulHaynek @AzureKnight (SHI) @Ice Reaver

"Another one of your yokai allies, I see. No doubt, you have lain with them more times than there are stars in the sky!"

"What the hell, lady!? Don't go running your mouth and spout shit that never even happened! I mean sure, Shizuka is boyishly cute, but I haven't even made a move on him, let alone fucked him!, Kerry indignantly replied to the miko before two samurai began to approach her, swords drawn. "Oh for Lilith's sake..."

Without looking, Kerry tossed up the unconscious Kasseros high enough for her to kick him into a nearby pig pen before drawing Dusk out just in time to block a sword slash from her current opponent.

Huh.....unlike the Varjans back at Fort Nakayama, these guys are actually pretty quick on their feet., she thought, complimenting as she parried and blocked the incoming strikes of the samurai. Kerry was keenly aware of the other samurai circling their bout, no doubt waiting for her to falter.

But that wasn't going to happen.

Blocking another slash as the samurai pushed forward, Kerry quickly shifted her spear to a diagonal angle, using her opponent's momentum against them as the sword slid down the shaft of Dusk and into the ground, to which Kerry immediately planted her boot on the blade to keep it there. Realizing that he couldn't pull his blade back, her opponent looked up in time to receive a hard backfist to the face, releasing his weapon as he stumbled away. Her antennae twitching, Kerry ducked just as a horizontal sword swing passed over her head. She spun low with her leg out, sweeping the other samurai's feet from underneath and sending him on his back. Before he could get back up, Kerry twirled Dusk and stabbed downward, impaling him in the chest and quickly draining him of his spirit energy. Pulling her spear out, the Hornet turned to see her first opponent charging her again, now sporting a bloody nose, a shorter sword and fury in his eyes.

Seeing this, Kerry simply raised her hand toward the man and...

"Wind Art: Squall!"

Just as he was about to reach her, a blast of air hit him with the force of a stampeding bull, sending him flying and crashing through the paper doors of a nearby house, startling the family of refugees within.

With her opponents taken care of, Kerry turned to- who is this blue skinned woman fighting another pair of samurai and why did the air get a bit colder? Before she could even comment on this apparent new arrival, the Hornet sensed spirit energy being deteriorated. Shocked by this, Kerry turned to the source and...

.....No. She....she wouldn't. She couldn't! What would it even accomplish!? Was the miko insane!?

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?", Kerry exclaimed, not wanting to believe what she was seeing. "Are you seriously going to kill yourself just to take out a group that's not even your enemy!? This is absolutely ridiculous! How many times do we have to tell you for it to get through your thick skulls!? We are here to help you! I just got back from helping Takamori and he's on board to help Takeshi Oja! Your island's secret routes have been exposed! We don't have time for this stupid shit! You're gonna waste your life over nothing if you don't stop!
1x Laugh Laugh
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