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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Is there a waitlist for this?

Edit: because my desire to roll polyhedral objects is I N S A T I A B L E but I'd just thought I'd ask since I love tabletop so much.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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@Dark Cloud

Regretfully, yes. There is one slot open for a specific member of the RP community, but to the general public there are presently two others who have priority. Time and finances permitting, I would love to run multiple one-shots and campaigns for as many dice goblins as I could, but reality is a cruel mistress.

Feel free to submit a character using the rules provided if you want, with the understanding that it could be a while. And I do appreciate your interest in my little adventure.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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@Dragoknighte@rivaan@Remipa Awesome@Lewascan2@Sigil

Dragoknighte as asked for and received an extension until Friday, February 18th, citing acceptable reasons for said extension. If any ongoing IC stuff with Marita the Cleric cannot be postponed, please get with me and we'll handle a workaround for the time being. Otherwise we will proceed as normal, all things considered. Please adjust reactions accordingly.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

@Dragoknighte@rivaan@Remipa Awesome@Lewascan2@Sigil

Post is up. Please remember that we are indeed still in the Narrative, and everyone has a one day extension. I would remind that waiting until the last hour possible makes me weep uncontrollably, but as we're behind screens I still maintain plausible deniability. You will notice that we have come to just inside of the Township, and as long as your post contains reactions to that, pretty much everything else is good to go, within reason.

Now might be a good time to discuss divvying up treasure found along the way, and what you might do as a group if something more solidly treasure is received. Now is also a good time to decide whether the party is going to be transparent, and with whom, or whether you are sticking to the cover story. In any case, we have officially arrived at the investigation and shenanigans part of this adventure. There will be opportunities to poke around town. Same goes for roleplaying opportunities with the locals. You might get into a scrape or two. And yes, there are events which are time dependent, the most obvious one being the Harvestide celebration. And remember, there is a shiny Milestone level at the end of this. Be thinking ahead.

Go ahead and ask about things which happened along the way, if you want a more in-depth explanation of how things look or where things are. There are no dumb questions. Well, until you ask a dumb question and then I'll let you know.

Good luck!
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

@Dragoknighte@rivaan@Remipa Awesome@Lewascan2@Sigil

Congratulations! You have finally made it into the Township of Avonshire, and a few lines have been drawn before you even got your whole ass past the front gate. Not to worry! Things begin to get a little looser from here. Sort of. Now is when choices can be made, and the overall story alters depending upon what avenues the group decides to pursue. Just remember, the goal described by the absent Gregory Arbalest, Sheriff of the Avonshire Region was to solve the puzzle of the missing townsfolk and correct the problem if possible. But other things may have muddied the waters, not the least of which is the coming festival.

Best of luck, adventurers. <insert evil laugh here>
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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@Dragoknighte@rivaan@Remipa Awesome@Lewascan2@Sigil

I'm glad the decision to assist the poor, weary Cecily and sad Miss Lizbeth was a party-wide unanimous affirmation. The object here is to give a good idea of where things are in town, from a character point of view. Also to illustrate a few hot spots. Now, seeing as there is another decision to be reached concerning the wine delivery, the final consensus may or may not effect plot points moving forward. Pick as your characters might and have fun with it.

Oh, and for those of you who wanted a brothel in town? You're welcome. Though it's a little more like a Burlesque than anything less savory. We must maintain some element of respectability. Sort of. Or the illusion of respectability. We'll go with that.

In any case, however you choose to help these two, be it moral support, parting the crowd for ease of mobility, charisma based roleplay to smooth things over with customers, or just buckling down with muscle work and getting things unloaded (which will be needed regardless of everything else), have this in mind as the posts move along. Any questions while the wagons travel through town or stop at the locations will be sorted.

Also a note: The stops, even if it is counterintuitive to locations on the map, will be in the order that Cecily mentioned them. I will go into descriptions with the next update, and you can decide where your interactions and/or investigation goes from there. When the deliveries are complete, it will be nearing late afternoon/early evening. If you have questions, and I'm sure you will, hit me up. When we get through this slightly clunky and awkward section and the characters have absorbed enough knowledge to make it less meta, stuff may proceed at a more manageable level of ...manageableness.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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@Dragoknighte@rivaan@Remipa Awesome@Lewascan2@Sigil

And away we go. Do we split up? Do we stay together? Do we secure a good spot first and then start the investigation first thing tomorrow? Should there be frolicking involved? Why am I asking so many questions? Can I even stop? Is this the sign of a coming stroke? Was that last joke in bad taste? Would you believe that I have no idea?

All this and more to unfold. Huzzah!
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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@Dragoknighte@rivaan@Remipa Awesome@Lewascan2@Sigil

Congratulations for surviving this far.

The group is now officially in the middle of the Township and has a decent lay of the land. The options are wide open and there are multiple avenues of investigation available for those who wish to do so. Likewise, establishing one's safe zone or a fallback spot is a viable option, as is attempting to curry favor with some of the colorful locals. Of course, there is always the Napoleon gambit (I'm going to show up, and I'm going to see what happens), possibly involving joining the ongoing jocularity of the Festival which has yet to really kick off in earnest. In any case, for the next while I will update, I will react, and if anyone activates a planned encounter or uncovers something interesting, I will be very sure to let you know.

Welcome to the meat of our adventure. The next series of choices are a bit more sandbox in nature. Best of luck, Adventurers.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

@Dragoknighte@rivaan@Remipa Awesome@Lewascan2@Sigil

With the intent of keeping things moving forward, it will be assumed that whichever choice the group makes concerning the wagon will simply be carried out without need for another post. Likewise, the business with the animals in stabling will be handled by Cecily, off scene. One will have access to the mule during business hours of the stable, barring more clandestine actions. Same for the wagon if it is kept there instead of the hayloft. Cecily and Lizbeth will be around if any more questions need to be asked or the like, as the stabling is going to be a quick affair, before leaving again to bury their dead before nightfall.

We have hit the point where progress continues at the direction of the party, and how they wish to proceed with the information and leads given. Game time, it is late afternoon, and while businesses are not closing down for the day, most hours of operation for crafts or merchant goods are in the home stretch.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

@Dragoknighte@rivaan@Remipa Awesome@Lewascan2@Sigil

Hello again ladies, gentlemen, and all those blatantly refusing to accept the societal norms of binary existence (See? I can say it differently, you yutzes). Stuff is starting to move along. To recap: The party is split into two groups. Maybe three, but we'll get to this in a moment.

Group A is headed to the very nearby Neil & Bob's Public House to do whatever one does when they're trying to participate in a rather covert investigation, which in this case apparently means gambling on power drinking and asking obvious questions to the staff. No judgement here, this IS a way to go. It is an adventuring party, after all.

Group B is headed toward the graveyard just outside of town. What was supposed to be the quickest way there has become clogged with so much Human (and Halfling) cholesterol, making travel slower than expected. The good news is that everyone seems to be in positive spirits; the bad news really only applies if you don't like being around people. There are a fair amount of them.

Then there's the wild card. Our Tiefling has not committed to a location nor course of action when she gets there. Toss a coin, roll a die, place your bets, etc. There's a great big town (for the region) to do great big stuff in, one way or another, if going it alone is the order of the day. Otherwise, the safety of the party is still an option.

And the investigation commences! Go forth! Carpe that Diem! Be the best You that You can be! Get one of those tiny Victorian spoons and scoop ALL the marrow out of the roasted thighbone of your grand adventure! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzz-

Okay, now I'm a little out of breath. You all do you. Next cycle begins.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

@Dragoknighte@rivaan@Remipa Awesome@Sigil

Update is updated. I do hope that I have provided enough interesting and diverting things for the party to involve themselves with while still pursuing the investigation, more or less.

I have made a couple of announcements in the Discord about changes made to this RP, and in part (for anyone else keeping up with our grand adventure) some of that will be revealed here. The status for the Avonshire campaign has changed from FULL to APPLY. While this is not a first come, first serve thing, I will give the initial option to those who have already gone through the application process, meaning, invitations will be sent over the next couple of days. Anyone else who in interested must go through the process detailed at the start of this OOC. Slots are very limited.

For the present group of players, per usual hit me up via direct message or in the Discord for questions, clarifications, or for rolls. Merry Adventuring.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

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I am still interested in joining if you'll have me.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

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Reposting the character sheet here with the color changed.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

@Lurking Krog

Looks good. Please transfer your character to the CS Tab and jump in as an appropriate opening presents itself. Be advised that as soon as your post hits the IC, you're stuck in the loop with the rest of us, subject to the rules and policies outlined in the initial post of this OOC, plus whatever oddness I feel like making up on the spot. Best of luck with that. And welcome aboard.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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@Dragoknighte@rivaan@Remipa Awesome@Sigil@Lurking Krog

The three locations have been updated. Out of them, it looks like all parties thusfar interacting have their own group of locals (of varying sizes) with whom conversations can be struck. I will accept attempts at dialogue or skill rolls for additional information, should the named NPCs have anything to say and are willing to do so, for the next post if so desired.

In the meantime, engage with your surroundings. There's stuff to do. Make stuff up if desired. Roleplay to the very STEM of the asparagus! Do not let your minds stagnate on mere tropes within the greater D&D community! Allow your imagination to sprout into something firm, yet malleable! Praise the pagan RPG gods in all fo their pagan RPG glory!!! <insert evil laugh here>

Ok, going too far. To summarize, good job on you all, let's keep the momentum going, for there is much in the way of investigation to do. Many thanks for keeping on with the story.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

@Dragoknighte@rivaan@Remipa Awesome@Sigil@Lurking Krog

Update is updated in the IC. Do how you do. As per usual, Discord and the OOC here are appropriate places for questions, comments, and clarification, and my PM boxes are always open.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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@Dragoknighte@rivaan@Remipa Awesome@Sigil@Lurking Krog

And the update is up. And dated. Updated, one might say. I warned you that this might happen. I told you, but no one believed me. Well, who's laughing now, Billy? Hmmm? WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?

I digress. Getting to the point of it, the festive Township of Avonshire is slowing down to a sleepy, nighttime crawl, with most of its residents and visitors calling it a night. More clandestine activities might be had, a couple more chances at conversations, possibly, or this might be a time to think about getting a nice, long rest in. Of course, there are opportunities to be had, were one to look for them.

Also take into consideration that this festival will be around for a while longer, and there will be other chances to experience all that Avonshire has to offer the visiting adventuring professional. But don't mind me. Please, discuss among yourselves. And keep those dice handy.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Hey, permission to edit my last post for color coding?

Sure, go right ahead. I see what you're talking about. Fix the damn thing.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

@Dragoknighte@rivaan@Remipa Awesome@Sigil@Lurking Krog

As expected, and mentioned a few days ago in the Discord, my work schedule has taken a ballbat to the side of my skull, making this the most coherent thought I am capable of typing at this time. So, in accordance with the deal mentioned, I will be a day later getting the update posted. Some of it got done, then my brain restarted in Safe Mode. So here we are.

The other half of this deal is that everyone has an additional day extension to get their own posts in. It just wouldn't be fair otherwise.

...and this concludes our broadcast day. Thank you and goodnight.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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@Dragoknighte@rivaan@Remipa Awesome@Sigil@Lurking Krog

And we are back on track. Update is posted; again with my apologies on its lateness. Everyone has one additional day to get their posts in this posting cycle. Now, with that out of the way, a couple of caveats:

First, please forgive the terseness of this update. The issues which made this late are the same ones that are affecting the level of detail. Hopefully this will be better resolved by the next one.

Secondly, there is a discrepancy in word selection. In a previous post, I used the word "tankard" to describe the container of wine which was about to be served. The word I was groping for (and missed) was actually "decanter", as mentioned in this post. Apologies, these are two very different things in terms of usage and amount held.

Anyway, enjoy the post and the extra day to respond. Thanks!

EDIT: If I did not address something that I should have in this update, please message me privately and I will let you know and/or make an appropriate ruling. Thanks again.
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