Victoria Belmont Half-Elf, Bard, Level 3HP: 23 / 23 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A Location: Hayloft -> Neil & Bob's Public House Action: Prestidigitation Bonus Action: N/A Reaction: N/A | ![]() |
It had been a while since Victoria made an appearance without her trusty not-quite-living sidekick, Morty. Ever since the harmony and cadence of the Weave brought this secret to her, as revealed in teachings that most Bards simply wouldn't have had the ability to master, she had been traveling with some version of a lesser creature gifted with animation. For the first time in a while, Victoria was going to be in a location with allies present and their belongings nearby. Not on the road, not by herself.
Something about that was troubling.
But seeing as the hayloft was empty of people and the last time she spied any of her group they were headed into the Public House, Victoria thought to enter. She didn't exactly need more wine (that was NEED, but such necessity was open to interpretation and argument), though a plate of something hot and filling might do her some good. It wasn't the most pleasant night out what with the fog and chilly weather. In truth, though her urgings to visit the Honey Barn and see what festivities were a palpable force, getting something to eat and some rest to regain her fuller abilities sounded really good right then. Her more impulsive nature brought her to the pragmatic decision, which was a rarity to those who were aware of her personal history.
Victoria wasn't but two steps toward the Public House when two of the patrons within burst through the front door like their pants were ablaze, one of the yelling something about ...sprinkles? Yes, that was the word. Somehow, impossibly, the orchid-clad Bard was certain this was the fault of someone in her party. A sigh and a head shake later, Victoria resumed her steps toward the pub's main door. Her posture shifted from the slight weariness she felt to something more confident, her stride showing equal hints of sensuality and control. Every movement displayed coordinated dexterity and decisiveness. Her very jaunty, feathered, bardy hat nestled atop her red-auburn hair at an angle just rakish enough to be fashionable without trying too hard. She was to meet a new public for the first time, and the event simply had to be memorable.
A collection of drunken reprobates threatened to upset the carefully crafted persona Victoria had adopted for herself. Two moved to block the doorway while others flanked her; not immediately being hostile more than they were half-drunk and hoping to assert alphamale-esque displays for the pretty, exotic, young Half-Elf with crystal blue eyes, just as much as assure each other that they were "men among men", unafraiid to go after what they wanted. The problem was, so many times situations like this would turn into something much, much worse. "Woah, hold on there, m'lady," slurred one, puffing his chest out like a mighty pigeon, "There are dangerous people in there. You should stay with us."
"Yeah," said another, a sloppy grin on his face, "We're a lot nicer then those assholes in there. What's your name?" General murmurs of agreement and stifled chuckles followed. This was not a situation Victoria wished to be in.
A polite refusal was in order, until it needed to be impolite. She slipped her very floppy hat off of her head and looked up to the Human men on three sides of her. "Sorry boys. I have business on the inside, so if you'll please excuse me?" She reached past one of the ones in front of her and swung open the door, but they did not budge.
"Why ain't you gonna give us you name, pretty little girl? You gotta give us something, or you won't get by. What's it gonna be?" This coming from the one directly in front of her. One to her side reached out and laid a hand on her shoulder. "This's a nice coat. You some kind of rich girl, huh? Rich girl gone slummin'?"
Enough was enough. Victoria's smile was still there physically, but her mind was already judging things like distance and time, and quickly running at what magical ability she could muster that wasn't immediately fatal. With a voice that was honey-sweet yet streaked with authority, she stated, "Again, sorry boys. I'm not interested and you need to let me by - "
She was immediately cut off by another to her front who drunkenly blurted, "Give us a kiss, then. I'll let you by. Can't account for my mates, though." This was backed up by laughter from the others, and the press of bodies crowing a little closer around Victoria. "Yeah, me next," came a supporting opinion to her side.
"...hells with this..." she thought to herself. Men were disgusting sometimes, a sentiment which carried far more irony coming from her than any of these plebeians would be able to understand. She closed her eyes and lowered her head with a sigh, seemingly in defeat. "Okay," she finally said, her tone hollow.
When she raised her head again and opened her eyes, they had taken on the hue of an inky, corrupted blackness, like gelatinous coal coated with a film of ebon oil. The effect was disturbing, paired with the marks on her face from the funeral service which she had not removed yet. Her smile returned, this time menacingly enchanting, giving off the impression of a snake eyeing down a field mouse. "Mmmmmm," she purred, raising a hand to her silver, raven skull brooch before reaching as if to cup the cheek of the larger Human in front of her. Victoria's nails were black, and her palm appeared to drip heavy with energy birthed of necrosis. "Yes, give us a kiss. The Queen demands her count of flesh, and of souls. You are but a snack for the ravenous, but with your friends..." A devious laugh escaped her lips and she took a single, confident step to place her so close to the men in front of her as to feel the heat radiating from their bodies.
Trembling, the first man lost control of his bladder, darkening the front of his pants. The one next to him screamed, "Oh gods! Don't let her touch you! Don't let her touch you!" as he scrambled away, falling into the open doorway and then picking himself up, hurrying to escape in any direction he could. The others scattered like fish in a pond disturbed by a hurled rock, most running for the main thoroughfare to the west, but a couple of the others trying their luck in different directions. But the first one who demanded a kiss of her, the one with the damp trousers, fainted dead away and fell back into Neil & Bob's Public House.
When the commotion began to die down and the collective, drunken shouting of the men who thought they had the upper hand faded into the distance, Victoria dropped her prestidigitations with a disarming giggle, covering her mouth with a hand. She re-affixed her bardiest of hats to her head, and stepped over the mess of a Human to enter the Pub proper. Scanning the crowd (most of which was staring in her direction with a mix of emotions across their faces), she finally saw Kathryn and, giving a friendly wave, strode purposefully up to her. As a courtesy, she kicked the unconscious man's leg out of the way of the door so that it could swing closed on her way to the bar.
With a warm and personable voice, she greeted her adventuring associate with, "Dame Kathryn! Hi. Where is everyone else?" Victoria was acting as if nothing had just transpired. It probably wasn't the best approach at keeping a low profile, certainly, but maybe if she ignored it the problem would just go away. Right? "Oh, I promised you a drink, didn't I?" Cheerily, she attempted to signal the bartender.