“Life is so much more than where you were born”
18 | Male | Obenja | Artisan | 8.20
❖ [Soliscitous]
Tku has a natural concern for others in part from his time traveling and in part to his gratefulness to his own life. There are many lives that do not get to live a blessed life such as his. It is the minimum he can do to care for those he can see and consider those he can’t see. Every person is a story that has yet to be read.
❖ [Tolerant]
Tku had traveled to various places and had been met with estranged glances for his appearance until he figured out to hide it. From all the places and people he has found that if you can be tolerant then you at least come to hopefully learn and enjoy the world. Darhanic, Quenitc, Anglic. If they could learn to accept that people can disagree then there would be so much less fighting.
❖ [Inspired]
Tku is easily inspired to create art. The natural world has held his love since he was a child. People inspire him to create things worthy of admiration. And magic holds the ability to bewilder and help the world turn into a beautiful place.
❖ [Mischevious]
What is more fun than having a laugh with those around you? Blood magic may be dangerous but you tell me better magic than just harmlessly messing with someone. As long as it is in good spirits, Tku is sure people will laugh with him.
❖ [Generous]
Tku knows how to heal and how to build. He has healed small injuries and fixed or created small things for people or repaired things on someone's house. He never charged and has never asked for more than to sleep. He only needs what he needs. Memories are much more valuable than money.
Tku has a natural concern for others in part from his time traveling and in part to his gratefulness to his own life. There are many lives that do not get to live a blessed life such as his. It is the minimum he can do to care for those he can see and consider those he can’t see. Every person is a story that has yet to be read.
❖ [Tolerant]
Tku had traveled to various places and had been met with estranged glances for his appearance until he figured out to hide it. From all the places and people he has found that if you can be tolerant then you at least come to hopefully learn and enjoy the world. Darhanic, Quenitc, Anglic. If they could learn to accept that people can disagree then there would be so much less fighting.
❖ [Inspired]
Tku is easily inspired to create art. The natural world has held his love since he was a child. People inspire him to create things worthy of admiration. And magic holds the ability to bewilder and help the world turn into a beautiful place.
❖ [Mischevious]
What is more fun than having a laugh with those around you? Blood magic may be dangerous but you tell me better magic than just harmlessly messing with someone. As long as it is in good spirits, Tku is sure people will laugh with him.
❖ [Generous]
Tku knows how to heal and how to build. He has healed small injuries and fixed or created small things for people or repaired things on someone's house. He never charged and has never asked for more than to sleep. He only needs what he needs. Memories are much more valuable than money.
Tku, being a bloodchild, is albino. However, you will rarely see his white skin. Spends a lot of time applying skin dyes and makeup to get him to something close to his family’s color but still, they would say he is light skinned. What he doesn’t hide are his violet eyes that contrast with his makeup, drawing people in for long conversations. He has always loved his eyes and would never hide them. His hair is naturally this whitish yellow but he embraces his cultural love of vibrant colors and dyes his hair regularly. Though he has chosen to stick with a dark blue/purple for his arrival, nothing too eye-catching for now.
He tends to dress quite simply when traveling, and only a few articles that are not important like trinkets from his travel along with a variety of accessories he has made from a variety of materials he has found, some appreciating the natural color of the material, others dyed in the most brilliant of colors.
His build is rather developed from his travels, not overly muscular but built enough to withstand the strain of travel with ease. He varies in weight but is coming to the school purposefully leaner to define his build. The last thing Tku would want would people to believe him to be overweight. He stands around 5’10, taller than the average man but hopefully not tall enough to gain suspicion.
Traveling for so long has given Tku some scars that he managed to keep under control. Burns are not too uncommon in his travels. At some point, he started to keep track of them and laugh about how and where he got them, though he prefers his souvenirs.
Tku is a wanderer and has traveled to more to many lands. He knows a few by heart and can get the job done in quite a few others.
He can speak Belgaggic fluently and knows a couple of dialects like his home nation of Obenja.
He is also fluent in Torganeese and Tarlonese Yasoi from his time traveling in those countries.
He speaks some Virangish and Iniporian but struggles with writing.
His time in Nikan taught him how to do basic conversation but the writing system alludes him. He can recognize a few characters and is interested in learning more due to the beauty he finds in them. The same can be said with Rettanesse but he spent more time in Nikan.
Avincian is something he found useful across the world for the most part. A handy language to have though he wouldn’t call his perfect by any means.
Although he may seem super knowledgeable about languages, his knowledge is inherently superficial. He needed to know enough to conversate and get through as he moved through. Language for him is but a tool to learn and talk to many others.
Tku had spent the majority of his time using kinetic magic and binding/blood during his travels. Sometimes he creates water for himself and others to drink. He is quite proficient in first aid and creating materials using Blood. He builds towers in places he has gone to, using the natural materials around him and highlighting the structure with unique materials from the places he has traveled. Sometimes these structures are functional by design but most are functional by happenstance.
He is quite gifted with deconstruction and reconstructing things and can heal minorly. Most of his fighting was kinetically enhanced use of a spear. Lots of running away.
Base RAS | Augmented RAS | HP | Blood Types | Items |
7.89 | 8.07 | 20 | Bloodchild | Art bag, The Devil's Brush |
School | Speciality | Tier | Base | Offensive | Defensive |
Magnetic | N/A | Neophyte | D2 | D2 2D2/3D2 | D2 2D2/3D2 |
Arcane | N/A | Neophyte | D2 | D2 2D2/3D2 | D2 2D2/3D2 |
Binding | Material:Creation, Artificery | Expert | D10 | 3D10 | 3D10 |
Chemical | External: Corruptive | Apprentice | D5 | D2 2D5/3D5 | D2 2D5/3D5 |
Kinetic | Kinesis | Novice | D4 | D2 2D4/3D4 | D2 2D4/3D4 |
Atomic | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Blood | Generation, Witchcraft | Journeyman | D8 | 3D8 | 3D8 |
Temporal | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Dark | Summoning: Matter | Novice | D4 | D2 2D4/3D4 | D2 2D4/3D4 |
Command | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Primordial | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Extra | Description |
Fruit: | Olive: +1 to all rolls that have to do with Binding |
Other: |
Tku wasn’t long for the world on his first go about. He was born meager and underdeveloped. His parents knew he wouldn’t survive but they kept hope he may push past. However, fate did not favor him as he died of whooping cough. That would have been the end of his life if it hadn’t been for a Belzaggic noble that had been looking at their wares. She took pity on the Tku and resuscitated him, bringing him back from death.
After that Tku had a normal upbringing, with the exception of him being a blood child now and having a RAS higher than any of his family by a wide margin. His skin was pale and white compared to his family. His hair had lost its natural color and was brought to a yellowish white. His family’s hazel eyes were gone, leaving a brilliant violet. Children were cruel to those who were different and his family was accepting but had a hard time dealing with it as well. Tku knew well that they loved him but there was a gap between his family and him.
This ostracization pained him as a young child but he grew to accept the way life he was given, it was better than not living. With all the time he had to himself, he studied his family's trade. They were builders of many things and had to know many things to make the jaw dropping towers. He remembers sitting on his great grandfather lap, asking so many questions about their trade. His grandfather had traveled in the past and regaled the many things he had seen. “Life is so much more than where you were born.”
A fateful day came when the same noble that revived him as a newborn came back again. Tku was 6 at the time and wanted to show his gratitude to the noblewoman. He took 5 days to carve an intricate statue in her honor. The noblewoman was so impressed that she offered his family to take him to develop his school, sailing back during the harvest seasons to help with work. Tutors would be provided to hone his skills as a craftsman and Tku would create something of worth for her from time to time. Tku was nervous but with the confidence of his family, Tku left his home.
His grandfather came with Tku to be his caretaker and the boy's journey began. He spent 3 years studying and learning from various teachers and his grandfather. He traveled within the noblewoman’s land to find inspiration and learn about natural structure. The flora in the larger Belzaggic island in the North Severan Sea. It was forever fascinating for the young boy. Classes were challenging and stimulating but he wanted to explore the island more.
The Noblewoman did expect Tku to continue to make art for her but when Tku’s magic started to form, she had to give him some training to make sure he didn’t accidentally kill himself. Tku was eager to use his magic, absorbing materials and being able to recreate them. It was a true blessing. He could collect things and make them later. He loved doing it until he essentially injures himself and then he would stop for a day or 2 and do it all over again.
At 10 he produced a sculpture for the lady and she thought about selling it as it didn’t meet her wants. It sold quite well and the Noblewoman was excited for the week. From there he started getting some specific requests from the Noblewoman. He got paid a small amount for it but he was still being taught so he didn’t mind.
By the time he was 11 his great grandfather passed and he returned home for mourning. While he was there he felt the love of his family once again and they asked if he could stay. Tku didn’t want to though. He wanted to still learn and develop. And he had already learned everything from his great grandfather. So Tku boarded the ship and left.
Only to realize he was taken the wrong boat and ended up in Sakenga. Confused, Tku wandered the port and somehow got onto another wrong boat. This time to Joru. He was at first upset at his own ineptitude. But he had another thought as he looked towards the land of Joru. Maybe this was his time to wander? Maybe Tku getting on the wrong boat twice was a sign. And with that Tku went on a long journey.
Tku explored Joru for a while and made his way to Azjul. From Azjul to Zanegol. Took a boat from Zanegol to the major island Bozán. Another ship from Bozán to Kelawi for a week or 2 and then another ship to Joru to send a letter back home that he was alive and then he crossed into Torragon.
By the time he crossed into Torragon he was 14. He had gotten better in magic and could empower his body with kinetic to a small degree. It made travel so much more useful. Torragon was beautiful if not empty in places. This did not sit well with, “Why not just build something here?” So Tku started crafting structures out of sandstone and other buildable materials using blood and kinetic. If they collapsed who was to care, they were in the middle of nowhere. This habit left a trail to where small statues of people he met started appearing everywhere he went.
Then he perceived something truly beautiful. The sun had set on top of a barren rocky flat. It looked like it cradled the sun itself. Tku wept at the beauty of the world and decided to take his biggest build yet. A tower to Eshiran to mark the time of day and setting sun. Oranges and black materials were used to create a winding structure that exemplifies the beautiful sunset. He spent a whole year laboring away using his magic to the utmost. It was a simple use of magic but not a day went by when he didn’t get to bed exhausted and woke up sore. But it was all worth it. To see the beautiful structure. He left it there and moved on. He was 15.
The rest of the time was spent traveling in the Darhanic nations and then making it to Tarlon. The Darhanic people were splendid and had a magnificently colorful culture. He learned so much from visiting there. He wouldn’t build there as he felt it would be disrespectful with his skills and lack of knowledge. Just some small statues in the nowhere areas.
The Yasoi of Tarlon were unique if not somewhat hostile. Tku couldn’t blame them though as he was a traveler into their lands. Their architecture was inspiring and he learned a great deal from them. Some of the things he learned were not about architecture but that is for another story. But still, Tku remained there for maybe a year and a half before catching a boat to Nikan.
His explorations of Nikan were cut short as he met a map maker who just so happened to be a Zeno at the prestigious school of Ersand’Enise. After a drink and traveling with him, a surprising offer was put on the table for him to go to school. Tku was surprised but did not hesitate to take it. After all, when else would something like this come up?
Tku is motivated every day to create and learn. This opportunity to attend the Ersand’Enise is one that he was gifted and to waste it would be an insult. He wants to hone his craft and make the connections needed to explore the places he hasn’t been. He worries though that there are those that he one day grows so attached to that he couldn’t leave and continue to explore.
Tku has very little clothing as he can always make more. What you find are knick knacks from his travels, a book of stories that he has heard from time to time. A jewelry box filled with inexpensive pieces that he was given out of goodwill. A sack of different currencies that come out to 5 magus more or less. A mass produced spear that was made in Joru. Various beads of various materials
He carries on him a satchel full of small carving tools, various brushes, and dried pigments to be used for watercolor. An assortment of oiled paint that range in quality. Some charcoal. Tku carries many things. No weapons or anything too odd for an artist. 2 sketchbooks.
A Primordial Banana
The Devil’s Brush (Revidia): A powerful item of highly advanced Binding Magic. It is said that whatever is painted by this brush, so long as it is non-sentient and is painted with enough skill, will turn into exactly what it appears to be. Provides 12 manas.
Xiao Ping Tea Set: A high quality, porcelain tea set with five different flavors of tea. They taste great on their own but if mixed together will make the taste even more exquisite or taste horrid. (More, secret information awaits)
About a full plank of Writhing Wood Maple
3/4 planks of Zenwood
2/5 of Wyrmwood
7/10 of Devil's Yew
3d¤ 0G¤ 4S¤
The Devil’s Brush (Revidia): A powerful item of highly advanced Binding Magic. It is said that whatever is painted by this brush, so long as it is non-sentient and is painted with enough skill, will turn into exactly what it appears to be. Provides 12 manas.
Xiao Ping Tea Set: A high quality, porcelain tea set with five different flavors of tea. They taste great on their own but if mixed together will make the taste even more exquisite or taste horrid. (More, secret information awaits)
About a full plank of Writhing Wood Maple
3/4 planks of Zenwood
2/5 of Wyrmwood
7/10 of Devil's Yew
3d¤ 0G¤ 4S¤
Tku has an Alpha Albino Monarch called the Pale Empress and a Normal female Monarch that is her lady in waiting.
S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S
❖Spearmanship: Although Tku is rather humble when talking about his skill, he is quite talented with one and has honed his through necessity.
❖ Cooking: A common skill that everyone without a servant needs.
❖ Painting and Building: He is an artist versed in many techniques.
❖ Spatial thinking: He is great at perceiving and placing things spatially due to his time thinking of architectural
❖ Master of camouflage: Tku is a master of makeup and has learned with a bit of acting, you can fit in almost anywhere.
❖ Cooking: A common skill that everyone without a servant needs.
❖ Painting and Building: He is an artist versed in many techniques.
❖ Spatial thinking: He is great at perceiving and placing things spatially due to his time thinking of architectural
❖ Master of camouflage: Tku is a master of makeup and has learned with a bit of acting, you can fit in almost anywhere.
W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S
❖ Violet eyes: These violet eyes that Tku refuses to cover are an easy giveaway to people about his blood type.
❖ Impulsive: Tku is quick to give in to impulses and slack off on duties that can range from nothing big to disappearing from his benefactor and family for 2 years.
❖ Insecure: He grew up with judgment of his appearance and takes a great amount of time and effort to do his makeup.
❖ Uninformed: Being a traveler he knows very general things about the greater things going on but their nuances are completely lost on him. Nor is he fully aware of how many nations are gearing up for war.
❖ Stress: Tku can deal with many things but stress is where he can falter. His morals and beliefs have never been hardened and he has never been put in a situation where he was more than an observer in difficult scenarios. How does one act when the weight of a situation will change lives? How do you tolerate someone who tries to eradicate another?
❖ Impulsive: Tku is quick to give in to impulses and slack off on duties that can range from nothing big to disappearing from his benefactor and family for 2 years.
❖ Insecure: He grew up with judgment of his appearance and takes a great amount of time and effort to do his makeup.
❖ Uninformed: Being a traveler he knows very general things about the greater things going on but their nuances are completely lost on him. Nor is he fully aware of how many nations are gearing up for war.
❖ Stress: Tku can deal with many things but stress is where he can falter. His morals and beliefs have never been hardened and he has never been put in a situation where he was more than an observer in difficult scenarios. How does one act when the weight of a situation will change lives? How do you tolerate someone who tries to eradicate another?
Hex code is 734960

Magnetic: 0
Arcane: 0
Binding: 8???
Chemical: 0
Kinetic: 2
Atomic: 0
Temporal: 0
Dark: 0
10 points
+ points
=10 total
Factor Two:
Primary Mana Type: 0 (Blackblood)
Secondary Mana Type: 5 (Bloodchild)
Viral Mana Type: 0 (N/A)
Aberrative Mana Type: 0 (N/A)
Total: 5
Factor Three:
Reading: 3
Drawing: 4
Range: 3
Speed: 4
Containment: 2
Conversion: 3
Efficiency: 4
Focus Words: 0
Preservation: -3
Freecasting: 3
Multiplying: 5
Spatial Intensifying: 0
Temporal Intensifying: 0
Total: 28
Factor Four
RAS: 7.55
Total: 49
Factor Five
unique items: 0
mana boosting items: 0
Experience: 6
penalties for overspecialization: -2
Penalties for physical frailties or impairments: 0
Mindset: 3
Constitution: 4
other relevant skills: 5
Temporal and Dark bonus: 0
Total: 16
Grand Total: 10+5+28+49+16 = 108
Arcane: 0
Binding: 8???
Chemical: 0
Kinetic: 2
Atomic: 0
Temporal: 0
Dark: 0
10 points
+ points
=10 total
Factor Two:
Primary Mana Type: 0 (Blackblood)
Secondary Mana Type: 5 (Bloodchild)
Viral Mana Type: 0 (N/A)
Aberrative Mana Type: 0 (N/A)
Total: 5
Factor Three:
Reading: 3
Drawing: 4
Range: 3
Speed: 4
Containment: 2
Conversion: 3
Efficiency: 4
Focus Words: 0
Preservation: -3
Freecasting: 3
Multiplying: 5
Spatial Intensifying: 0
Temporal Intensifying: 0
Total: 28
Factor Four
RAS: 7.55
Total: 49
Factor Five
unique items: 0
mana boosting items: 0
Experience: 6
penalties for overspecialization: -2
Penalties for physical frailties or impairments: 0
Mindset: 3
Constitution: 4
other relevant skills: 5
Temporal and Dark bonus: 0
Total: 16
Grand Total: 10+5+28+49+16 = 108
Guy Attard

"If the gods chose a nation, they did so 800 years ago."
19 | Male | Perrench-Djamantese | Baronet | 7.67
❖ [ Soldierly ]
Raised in Djamant, Guy had always had a "work hard, play hard" attitude to most things. However, for better or worse, he has become even more rigid. He wakes every day at the same time. Manages his responsibilities with great care and order. Trains and maintains what he has to be prepared for. When he is given an assignment, he follows it to the letter. It provided a structure that made him uniquely fit to start schooling but deprived him of his old habits of cutting back. Every now and then, he fondly remembers swimming through old shipwrecks.
❖ [ Loyal, Trusting, Commodore ]
Guy didn't come to learn what loyalty was until he trained with his fellow frogmen. What it means to trust someone and to give that trust back unwaveringly. To trust so fully in someone's character that even if one doesn't personally agree with them they do it because of that trust. That is what it means to have loyalty.
❖ [ Patriotic ]
His mother inspired a great deal of patriotism in the boy. Cultivated from a young age, Guy was primed to see Perrence as his true home. This was accidentally reinforced by his father's hardened outlook on his new wife and new child. Having few prospects, Perrence provided a place for Guy to find pride and self-determination. His collective experience has made him a sycophant for them and a fervid protector. His pride stretches to protecting what he knows as Perrence and fighting against those that would threaten it, externally or internally.
❖ [ Tolerant ]
Tolerance was never taught to him but it was learned by not having too many negative experiences. The Djamantese people were mixed and merchants came in all the time. Even when he was being trained and indoctrinated in Perrence, He worked with Eaiko and mixed folk for most of the time and had to learn to respect different people. This has led him to a crossroads on how to view Revidia and the other Central Alliance members.
❖ [ Curious ]
Guy had always been curious about everything around him. Before he was molded into a soldier and became obsessed with Perrence, He was reading books with his mother, learning, and asking questions. Before he had become such a Perrence loyalist, he was striking up a conversation at the port with people of all shapes of life. Even his tolerance is based on his natural curiosity of people. He often loved swimming and exploring shipwrecks and the reefs. For the first time, this curiosity has been met with acceptance and has even been encouraged by the academy. With this encouragement and Guy now finding satisfaction in trusting and getting to know someone deeper, Guy has found himself very satisfied in his life.
Raised in Djamant, Guy had always had a "work hard, play hard" attitude to most things. However, for better or worse, he has become even more rigid. He wakes every day at the same time. Manages his responsibilities with great care and order. Trains and maintains what he has to be prepared for. When he is given an assignment, he follows it to the letter. It provided a structure that made him uniquely fit to start schooling but deprived him of his old habits of cutting back. Every now and then, he fondly remembers swimming through old shipwrecks.
❖ [ Loyal, Trusting, Commodore ]
Guy didn't come to learn what loyalty was until he trained with his fellow frogmen. What it means to trust someone and to give that trust back unwaveringly. To trust so fully in someone's character that even if one doesn't personally agree with them they do it because of that trust. That is what it means to have loyalty.
❖ [ Patriotic ]
His mother inspired a great deal of patriotism in the boy. Cultivated from a young age, Guy was primed to see Perrence as his true home. This was accidentally reinforced by his father's hardened outlook on his new wife and new child. Having few prospects, Perrence provided a place for Guy to find pride and self-determination. His collective experience has made him a sycophant for them and a fervid protector. His pride stretches to protecting what he knows as Perrence and fighting against those that would threaten it, externally or internally.
❖ [ Tolerant ]
Tolerance was never taught to him but it was learned by not having too many negative experiences. The Djamantese people were mixed and merchants came in all the time. Even when he was being trained and indoctrinated in Perrence, He worked with Eaiko and mixed folk for most of the time and had to learn to respect different people. This has led him to a crossroads on how to view Revidia and the other Central Alliance members.
❖ [ Curious ]
Guy had always been curious about everything around him. Before he was molded into a soldier and became obsessed with Perrence, He was reading books with his mother, learning, and asking questions. Before he had become such a Perrence loyalist, he was striking up a conversation at the port with people of all shapes of life. Even his tolerance is based on his natural curiosity of people. He often loved swimming and exploring shipwrecks and the reefs. For the first time, this curiosity has been met with acceptance and has even been encouraged by the academy. With this encouragement and Guy now finding satisfaction in trusting and getting to know someone deeper, Guy has found himself very satisfied in his life.
Guy stands at an impressive 6 foot and 2 Inches. Broad-chested and a sizeable back combined with a trained body makes him seem much more athletic than the average Biro. His arms are longer than average, and you can see it play out in his control over weapons. Well defined physique obtained from his training is holding strong. His skin is relatively light for the amount of activity he does though freckles have started to pop up on him.
His face isn't outright handsome but isn't bad given his background. Blemishes mark his face from either sun damage or other small accidents. The most noticeable marking is a scar that crosses down from his forehead, across his left eyebrow, and narrowly misses his eye. It is rather deep but has softened over time. He maintains a level of facial hair considered appropriate and takes a great deal of work to keep himself looking sharp.
For days that he toils on land, Guy wears a sturdy tunic that has minimal frill to it accompanied by plain pants and a well-maintained pair of boots. He chooses more earthen tones for these, trying to not stick out and focus on functionality over style. Still, he wears a piece of jewelry to separate himself from the common folk from time to time.
For the days at the school, he tries his best to adopt the latest trends of Ersand'Ernise though at times he goes with basic attire, not having the care or money to match the elites at the school. He'd rather have a few very reliable set of clothing that he could actually maintain.
Informal events are met with loose, flowing outfits that allow him to move as he pleases. He will even break out the few adornments he has to have fun. He tends to not buy many outfits for these events and instead has organically built up a closet worth of things and a box of accessories. Many of the items Guy keeps are given him to by friends and he places great importance on them.
Formal events are different. For those, Guy would be ashamed to not go all out. He was taught by his trainers that dressing the best in formal events makes what you represent seem strong. He will spend weeks ahead of time planning his outfit with notes on how to best represent himself.
Something of notice is that the very astute can see the off coloring of his skin. He's never been caught on it but from time to time he tries to obscure it with the right garments and if needed, makeup.
❖Djamantese- His Father tongue and the basis he learned other languages.
❖Perrench- His Mother tongue and the language he finds himself the most comfortable with.
❖Revidian- He learned this language solely for espionage and has a good grasp on common speech and even some accents within the enemy nation. It is a rather foul language, all things considered.
❖Avincian- He learned this one like any other noble but he has been honing it to make it more natural.
❖Constantian Eaiko- He learned this from teammates and from working in Thalakos for some Eaiko harvesters. His greatest feat is talking underwater.
❖Virangish- Guy mainly leans on his knowledge of Djamantese and substitutes some additional study to be able to read and sound like a 4-year-old making up words every now and then.
❖Torragonese- Guy is shamefully barely at a conversational level for the language. If only he had known which way that scorpion would side, he would have studied it more.
❖Kerremand- Guy took this in his first year of Ersand'Enise. He uses it fairly often but he wouldn't say he was completely proficient. He can't seem to get the accent right. He prefers to avoid using for that reason.
Goldblood Oceanborn
Journeyman Chemist
Guy has extensive study and training in Chemical. It was by far one of the most prolific schools he used for infiltration. During his training, he used it to make people more amendable to him while boosting his own physical abilities more subtly. Deteriorating to the hull of a ship to setting up large explosions, Guy found the most use of the school of Eshiran. Ersand'Ernise had deepened his understanding of Chemical mixtures and has made him not only more well-rounded but also gifted him a more delicate control.
Journeyman Magneticist
The next school was taught to them with 2 purposes. 1 is to resist internal chemical attacks that can lead to their capture and end themselves quickly in case of capture when combined with Chemical. Later on, they were gifted multiple Drudgunzean Gold Threshers for operation and as such were taught the art of taming using Magnetic as the main instrument of control. He has built further on this at Ersand'Ernise to better his own abilities as a beast master and to give him some unsuspected firepower.
Adept Kineticist
Like most Oceanborns, he excelled in kinetic enhancement. These were built on in the military where he honed his enhancements to his own body to make it a weapon in close quarters. Silence was key for their role, so he was instructed on the functionality of Sonic manipulation. There with the help of his Eaiko squad members, he learned how to use Sonic magic in the water to further his detection range and how to find hidden things. He started to practice Kinesis much more regularly after coming to Ersand'Ernise as it seemed to be the fashion of laid-back nobles to use it for every whim.
Adept Arcanist
Something that was not taught to him by Perence was the School of Ipte, Arcane. He was focused on the Chemical and Magnetic specialties while others in his group focused on the utility side of Arcane. Coming to the school gave him time to learn about them and he followed his comrade's training, learning illusions and luminescent. An interesting combination he found is using Chemical, Magnetic, and Arcane to supercool the water. With this, he could easily manipulate this mixture to turn instantly frozen and then liquid again. How practical it will be in the field has yet to be tested but he found some pride in his talent as a scholar there.
All of the squad members were given a thresher companion to help increase their odds in missions. He received the runt out of the kindness of their instructors and he has been taming it well. He even taught it some fun tricks.
Guy was born in a small town in the northeast of Perrence, not terribly far from Revidia. His birth came as an unwanted arrival as his family was about to return to their home in Djamant. They stayed there for a few months for his mother, Liana, to recover from childbirth. Guy was the 4th child of the line with two older brothers and one older sister. His father paid him little mind but his mother was affectionate towards him. She would sing tales of the Great Perrence to him and often said that him being born in Perrence was the greatest blessing he could have been given.
Growing up he was given freedom to do as he pleased by his father. He was the third son and was given to his mother to raise him into a proper Perench noble. In between studying under his mother, Guy spent time in town, at the ports, or any number of areas. He would play in the shallow waters and take risks jumping cactus. Guy remained unaware of his nature until he was quite cruelly tossed into the sea by his brother. He could breathe underwater!
After that Guy found himself going on many underwater adventures. Exploring shipwrecks, discovering treasures, observing nature, and stealing some thresher eggs. He met a few Eaiko but was mainly nervous because of the myths that sailors told about them. However, he often found his curiosity kept him watching them like a shy child. However, his mother intentionally let it out that her son was an oceanborn and the Perrench made an offer for him to join Légion de la Flamme Sacrée. They came, offered Guy's father compensation and there was nothing else to say, Guy was off to be trained without ever knowing a father's love, he was treated coldly by him even towards the end.
He trained with a team of Eaiko and other people like him. At first, he prided himself on his noble blood and being born in the golden fields of Perrence unlike most of them. However, he changed. They were working for the Perrence too and he had grown close to them. He moved up the training list and felt he was a shoo-in for captain. He was well-liked, well-trained, well read. He had it all. Instead, it was given to his rival. He didn't even make the cut.
It was a sad day, goodbyes were given. He was bitter but he knew better than to let it show. he wasn't going to sour his former team. They were going to be doing the Lord's work and he wouldn't let his own feelings cloud that. He packed up and headed for the doc when his instructor stopped his just before he boarded a ship to Djamant. He handed him a letter along with a pouch that would change his life course. A privilege given to him for the sake of Perrence! He was now a Biro at Ersand'Ernise.
Besides discipline, it would be the basic want to improve for the sake of Perrence. Everything he learns furthers his worth to them and he finds that to be more important than other goals. He hopes to learn enough to one day be entrusted with the training of new recruits and instill in them the same will as he has. To fail that would not only be a shame but be a failure for all he has worked for.
Quite a few sets of formal and informal clothing.
Jewelry and other adornments he gathered naturally over time.
- A utility knife made out of Eshiran's gold, a unique memento from his time in Thalakos. It was said to be a present from his former teammates. He is unaware that he helped pay for it.
- An old necklace with some Virangish writing on it. It was the only thing Guy had ever been explicitly given by his father. Despite his issues with him, he finds himself cherishing it.
- A signet ring belonging to his mother's noble line, saying if her needs he should use it. He has no intention on burdening his mother's blood.
- An Eaiko sash that was gifted to him from a close friend and at one point romantic rival. It is too bold for him but he will still wear it for that friend.
A few vases and coins that seem to be from the avincian era. He found these in very old shipwrecks around his home.
In his room are various maritime things, some goggles, and other random assortment of things. For a somewhat serious person, he keeps a very particular honey from Djamant well stocked.
Jewelry and other adornments he gathered naturally over time.
- A utility knife made out of Eshiran's gold, a unique memento from his time in Thalakos. It was said to be a present from his former teammates. He is unaware that he helped pay for it.
- An old necklace with some Virangish writing on it. It was the only thing Guy had ever been explicitly given by his father. Despite his issues with him, he finds himself cherishing it.
- A signet ring belonging to his mother's noble line, saying if her needs he should use it. He has no intention on burdening his mother's blood.
- An Eaiko sash that was gifted to him from a close friend and at one point romantic rival. It is too bold for him but he will still wear it for that friend.
A few vases and coins that seem to be from the avincian era. He found these in very old shipwrecks around his home.
In his room are various maritime things, some goggles, and other random assortment of things. For a somewhat serious person, he keeps a very particular honey from Djamant well stocked.
A Rosy Thresher: Given the most wonderfully creative name, Pebble. He has had it for around 2 or 3 years now. It was the runt but had grown to near full size with lots of love. Guy has been slowly training it to respond to stimuli to help him search for things quickly with its immense sensing range. It is still in development as it can be hard to train threshers to do complicated tasks. But as long as he can provide an item, scent, or thing for it to search for, it can find it and more or less guide him with weak pinches. Or sometimes pinches that are way too strong. That is just how Pebble rolls.
A Puffhound: This fantastic lady was given to him at the age of 13 after nearly losing an eye on one of his adventures. She is precious in every way and very well-trained. Sadly, Guy could never get rid of its stubborn belief that it is a lap dog. It is immensely friendly and loves everyone. Her name is Penelope the Great.
Yet to be named animals.
A Scagbiist
3 Dragon Hounds
3 Virangish Pointers, 2 are albino.
Midnight Wasp around 280 wasps strong
A Puffhound: This fantastic lady was given to him at the age of 13 after nearly losing an eye on one of his adventures. She is precious in every way and very well-trained. Sadly, Guy could never get rid of its stubborn belief that it is a lap dog. It is immensely friendly and loves everyone. Her name is Penelope the Great.
Yet to be named animals.
A Scagbiist
3 Dragon Hounds
3 Virangish Pointers, 2 are albino.
Midnight Wasp around 280 wasps strong
TBD, probably 2 or 3 things.
S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S
❖Espionage: Just a skill he was taught and one he makes use of. Along with it came certain techniques used to manipulate people, set traps, destroy evidence, and all the basics.
❖Sailing: A skill he had learned from his home and reinforced with military training. He is quite a capable sailor and finds it to be fairly relaxing.
❖Geography: They were taught the basics in training, but Guy has expanded past that. He uses the vast resources of Ersand'Ernise to build a collection of maps and to make little war rooms. He even whittles the miniatures himself.
❖Martial Training: Sometimes the best way to deal with things is with no magic. So, Guy like any other soldier, was trained to fight proficiently with many weapons and with his hands. He prefers spear, sword, rifle, and his own hands. He isn't too proficient with firearms though he tries to improve himself.
❖Survival: The missions he was trained to go on could be long and drawn out in the water. They were taught not only how to survive on land but in open water in terrible conditions. Most of these skills are learned and haven't been practiced in a long time.
❖Sailing: A skill he had learned from his home and reinforced with military training. He is quite a capable sailor and finds it to be fairly relaxing.
❖Geography: They were taught the basics in training, but Guy has expanded past that. He uses the vast resources of Ersand'Ernise to build a collection of maps and to make little war rooms. He even whittles the miniatures himself.
❖Martial Training: Sometimes the best way to deal with things is with no magic. So, Guy like any other soldier, was trained to fight proficiently with many weapons and with his hands. He prefers spear, sword, rifle, and his own hands. He isn't too proficient with firearms though he tries to improve himself.
❖Survival: The missions he was trained to go on could be long and drawn out in the water. They were taught not only how to survive on land but in open water in terrible conditions. Most of these skills are learned and haven't been practiced in a long time.
W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S
❖ Poor Management: He falls into putting too much on himself and lets his superiors put unjust work on him.
❖ Women: He finds women to be in need of help and has fallen for more times than he liked for a pretty face much to the despair of his purse and teammates.
❖ Lone Actor: Despite having trained for group activities, he finds himself being more self-centered after not making the cut and being sent on a solo mission.
❖ Stubborn: Once Guy makes up his mind on an issue, he tends to stick with it unless there is a good deal of convincing evidence or argument for it.
❖ Longing: Guy craves companionship. He had always been more reliant on those around him for that but since coming to the school, he has been hard-pressed to make friends and has felt displaced by it.
❖ Women: He finds women to be in need of help and has fallen for more times than he liked for a pretty face much to the despair of his purse and teammates.
❖ Lone Actor: Despite having trained for group activities, he finds himself being more self-centered after not making the cut and being sent on a solo mission.
❖ Stubborn: Once Guy makes up his mind on an issue, he tends to stick with it unless there is a good deal of convincing evidence or argument for it.
❖ Longing: Guy craves companionship. He had always been more reliant on those around him for that but since coming to the school, he has been hard-pressed to make friends and has felt displaced by it.
Guy started as a 7.33 after he finished growing. It was a respectable RAS for a low noble. However, he had been slowly tipped off by people of potential aberrations and he just so happened to have reason to go to those locations with usually a few people. He now is at a commanding 7.68 and has become familiar enough with the risks and benefits of black aberrations.
Guy has done some work in Thalakos on his off-season. Gathering and selling Eshiran's gold using that very human face of his. It was a job his close friend set up for him after not making the cut. He made many friends there and has gotten a little bit of metal along with some experience handling the workhorses of the operation, Black Devils. The last thing they said to him was that if they had one too many eggs, they would send one to him. He secretly hopes it wasn't a joke, but he is unsure if he would be capable enough to handle such a beast.
Retired Character
Ingrid Penderson

Explosions are cool. Books are awesome.
19 | Female | Eskandish | Nobility | 8.74
❖ [Eager]
❖ [Nerdy]
❖ [Inventive]
❖ [Idealistic]
❖ [Selfish]
❖ [Nerdy]
❖ [Inventive]
❖ [Idealistic]
❖ [Selfish]
Ingrid normally favors more functional clothing as she has traveled from one mine to the next for most of her childhood. If Ingrid were to attend one of the many high society events you would find her wearing some of the latest trends procured for her by her mother. Although Ingrid's vision is well suited for daily life, her eyes begin to strain when she tries to perform more administrative tasks. She corrects this through glasses. She has quite a few burn small burn scars from her training in magic. Ingrid has a habit of dragging her hand as she wrote and it has given her some odd callouses on her dominant hand that are not there on her non-dominant hand. Ingrid rarely adorns herself with accessories, instead preferring just her glasses
❖ [ Eyes: ] - Blacks and blues.
❖ [ Hair: ] - Raven colored hair.
❖ [ Skin Tone: ] - Fitzpatrick Type 2 - Fair skin with cool undertones. She never get paler than this but can darken in the sun quite a bit. With Sanguinaire she no longer tans at all.
❖ [ Height: ] - 6ft 4in / 193cm
❖ [ Weight: ] - 210lb / 90kg
❖ [ Physique: ] - Tall, Full-Figured. Leaner in year 2 after getting her weight undercontrol
❖ [ Facial Features: ] - Some freckles here and there.
❖ [ Physical Quirks: ] - Taller than most men, some writer callouses on her dominat hand. Some scaring on her back over her heart along with a scattering of other smaller scars that have been lightened with Binding.
❖ [ Distinctive Features: ] - The blackish blue eyes blend to make a light purplish appearance.
❖ [ Apparel & Accessories: ] - TBD
❖ [ Hair: ] - Raven colored hair.
❖ [ Skin Tone: ] - Fitzpatrick Type 2 - Fair skin with cool undertones. She never get paler than this but can darken in the sun quite a bit. With Sanguinaire she no longer tans at all.
❖ [ Height: ] - 6ft 4in / 193cm
❖ [ Weight: ] - 210lb / 90kg
❖ [ Physique: ] - Tall, Full-Figured. Leaner in year 2 after getting her weight undercontrol
❖ [ Facial Features: ] - Some freckles here and there.
❖ [ Physical Quirks: ] - Taller than most men, some writer callouses on her dominat hand. Some scaring on her back over her heart along with a scattering of other smaller scars that have been lightened with Binding.
❖ [ Distinctive Features: ] - The blackish blue eyes blend to make a light purplish appearance.
❖ [ Apparel & Accessories: ] - TBD
Ingrid is a native speaker of Eskandish. She is fluent in Avincian and Perrench. She is partially fluent in Belzaggic and lastly only literate in Torragonese. The Penderson family is very keen to make sure their family is fluent in many languages to keep a strong relationship with all their business partners. Ingrid believes that in a few years she will forget most of them.
She has become more accustomed to the languages she somewhat knows while attending Ersand'Ernise. The biggest improvement was Retaneese. She only studied it in the 2nd semester of her first year but was given an opportunity to improve through her mission in Retan. Though the benefits she saw as lessoned by her use of the speak trout.
Ingrid's training as a mage started with her family where they tried to teach her Arcane, Kinetic, and Chemical. She did well in Kinetic and Arcane but failed to grasp her Family's Chemical magic. The way it was taught and explained never clicked with her though she still carries her families instructional guide to some of the old internal Chemical magic her family specialized in.
Coming to the school, she ignored her weakness with Chemical and plowed full steam into Arcane and Atomic magic. Atomic was new to her but she seemed to be a fast learner and then accelerated by Benedetto, someone Ingrid can only describe as a magic savant. The trials and the Forked Tower honed her craft further. She also started her studies in Binding. Every true fight Ingrid experienced in the first year left her lying on the ground, slowly passing away until a Binder came and saved her. That and oddly enough Trypano got her to study it.
As the first School year came to a close, Ingrid was marked as a Journeyman in Atomic and Arcane as well as Apprentice in kinetic and Binding.
Her use of her magics are considered pretty standard among mages.
For Arcane, Ingrid is a very well-rounded mage. Creating intense heat and explosions from it as well as burning away things as needed. Cryomancy in conjunction with Binding to create strong ice to defend herself as well as launch Icy blasts with Kinetic. Illusion she purposefully doesn't use to its fullest, instead making comical versions that are easy to tell to convene messages and have fun. Luminescent is a daily use thing to help her read but she wouldn't call herself a master at it though she does love the invisibility spells. Transmissive is something Ingrid found out it exists but not much more than a spell to let her see hidden things and enhance her vision at night it seems.
For Atomic she truly uses it to its fullest. Casting the strongest explosive spells and some of the most lethal radiative spells. She is proficient in her Infinity loop and is even aware how to make new elements with though that seems to be lacking in combat use. She is experimentative with it foremost. She studies the ways that things absorb radiation and how that energy interacts with materials. She has been working on an X-Ray spell of some sort but finds her lack of Magnetic knowledge to be slowing her down. Most of all, Atomic is her favorite school.
Kinetic is mainly used for Kinesis and the occasional sound magic and enhancement side. She isn't lacking in the other forms but just finds herself leaning in one way over the other. She will admit her knowledge on the depths of Gravity and Sound are lacking though. She is one to test it out thought to deepen her learning as she finds Kinetic quickly becoming one her most used schools of magic.
Binding magic came as a learning curve for Ingrid. It didn't require chemical magic but certain processes in the body naturally tie into chemical magic. But with some lessons from the Forked Tower and speaking to Trypano, Ingrid had gotten past the hurdle. her uses are pretty limited to either healing herself and making projectiles or walls. Ingrid struggles to heal others from her lack of understanding of other bodies.
She still studies Atomic and Arcane, striving to become an expert in them.
Base RAS | Augmented RAS | HP | Blood Types | Items |
8.74 | 8.9 | 26 | True Sanguinaire, Oceanborn, Limitbreaker, Glowvein, Manatracer | Scepter of Ahn-Shune |
School | Speciality | Tier | Base | Offensive | Defensive |
Magnetic | N/A | Neophyte | D2 | D2 3D2/4D2 | D2 3D2/4D2 |
Arcane | Pyromancy & Cryomancy | Journeyman | D8 | D2 3D8/4D8 | D2 3D8/4D8 |
Binding | Medical:Corporeal | Apprentice | D5 | Binding is not meant for Offense | D2 3D5/4D5 |
Chemical | N/A | Neophyte | D2 | D2 3D2/4D2 | D2 3D2/4D2 |
Kinetic | Kinesis | Adept | D7 | D2 3D7/4D7 | D2 3D7/4D7 |
Atomic | All of it BABY | Journeyman | D8 | D2 3D8/4D8 | D2 3d8/4d8 |
Blood | N/A | Neophyte | D2 | D2 3D2/4D2 | D2 3D8/4D8 |
Temporal | N/A | Neophyte | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Dark | N/A | Neophyte | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Command | N/A | Neophyte | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Primordial | N/A | Neophyte | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Extra | Description |
Fruit: | Golden Apple: All thresholds for using skills above tier level are lowered from 12 to 6. Cool Mint of Logic: The bearer earns two free counters per encounter, with advantage. Firey Fruit of Passion: The bearer earns two free strengthens per encounter, with advantage. |
Other: |
Ingrid's house was very constricting for her. Her life was not to become a person but to further the wealth of the family and that painted most of Ingrid's interaction with her family. The overbearing nature of her family was comforting to her as a young child when she was unable to discern her family's intentions. By her 8th year, Ingris developed enough that she could see the motives at play. Her family was obsessed with money and her training and careful cultivation were just the byproducts of it. She had believed this was the normal way that nobles acted, they sacrificed themselves for prosperity, and for most of her short life, she found a strong sense of pride in working hard for her family even if it cost her the seldom personality she had.
The parties were a bore and nothing more than networking. Ingrid would lie about escapades as her mother instructed her to gain trust and friendship and use it to gain favorable deals. Everyone did this in her family, from her siblings to her dear grandfather. Anything to make sure that they were never hungry, never cold, to never beg again. And the more you could do the better the praise from your own family. It was the only reinforcement that she could get as they were the only ones that held space in her world. With that praise came gifts. Ingrid was able to study as much as long as she liked if she could continue to perform.
Even her rebellious phase was turned into a race against her sibling and cousins to gain even more favor. She couldn't keep up with them and was sent to some of the mines in the coldest parts of Eskand. There she would botch a controlled explosion sending a ball of flame up the tube nearly killing herself and the 2 workers. The fear she felt quickly gave to uncontrollable glee as Ingrid couldn't stop laughing. When she went back to her quarters she couldn't help but reimagine the explosion, not what went wrong but the beautiful fragmentation of stone and bubble of expanding flame that had almost consumed her life.
She was sent back to the main house to explain herself and her family grew worried. Ingrid was no longer obedient and unwaveringly calm. She was smiling and was going into exquisite detail about how she almost killed herself. Her father had her stay home and study believing the near-death experience had damaged her mind. During this time she realized that mining was such a drag and that she wanted to study. Sadly the school could be a bit expensive so she needed a proposal to convince her grandfather. Over the 2 years, she wrote to correspondents at the mines and did a comprehensive study on the inefficiencies, and created potential prospects to increase revenue that would all hinge on sending her to the academy. Her grandfather liked the intense drive he saw in Ingrid and decide to fund her schooling in exchange for the research and development of even better mining techniques or anything else they could do with their connections. As long as it made money.
Ingrid hopes that through her time at school she can develop her magic to even further heights. To study under the tutelage of masters of magic. All of it. Ingrid also hopes to actually have a life that when she writes her story it will inspire people to live as freely as she wants to. Although Ingrid believes that she will be able to complete her goals, there is a part of her that creeps into her mind when she has difficulty that she will fail and be lost to history.
Ingrid does not pack light. Her dormitory is full of some of her personal journals and studying materials. Along with a few non-educational books hidden among the textbooks. Dozens of rock and mineral samples. Along with tons of maps and a complicated ledger of the family's operations, her location makes it convenient instead of sending everything down to Eskand
Ingrid brought quite a few different sets of clothes for different events. Most of the time you will find her in the same outfit, something that is not likely to spontaneously combust and is good for movement.
She has some rare metals for study and varieties of coal and black powder. And lastly, in a lead box, she has 5kg of Uranium and 2kg of depleted Uranium. The box is tripled layered in lead.
Her reward for defeating the Royal Sand Wyrm was 3 dragon pearls. 2 worth 5k Magus. Sold
She was also given some 10 Royal Sand Wyrm scales.
Her Reward from Into the Depth was an Instruction Manual on Temporal Magic. Along with Sileen's Number.
A lockbox containing an original seed of the tree of life from an ambrosia fruit, still able to germinate, 800 years old. (8)
The wulliweid skeletons stared back at her with their empty eye sockets. There was strange chill in the air. Reaching out with her magic senses, Ingrid could feel something in the seed that was unlike anything else she had sensed before: not necessarily grander and more powerful. It was merely... different - an entirely new type of energy. She furrowed her brow and thought, still wary in this strange place. It was vaguely familiar - very vaguely. For some reason, it reminded her of something she'd felt around Penny when they'd been drinking with the Hegelans this morning. Ingrid has found the first of the Five Legendary Treasures of Eskand:
The ghost ship Herald of Free Enterprise, believed lost twenty years ago. This magnificent galleon is in somewhat rough shape but somehow still afloat and with much of its cargo intact. (20) It is worth 20,000 Magus.
The ship is in pretty rough shape. Some of the planks are badly rotten and it's taken on some water and a slight but noticeable list. The sails are in tatters and many nails are rusted right into the planks and need to be replaced. The rudder is done for and nothing in the cabins is much good anymore. It's afloat, though, and definitely salvageable: much cheaper than building a new galleon, and especially one of this size At 230 feet in length and 1200 tons, it is one of the largest ships afloat the known world over. Its cargo manifest consists almost entirely of copper and zinc mined in Belzagg: fairly valuable if not especially so, and easily preserved, at least. If the ship is carrying 500 tons of cargo, then it's worth about Ỽ8,000, though it'll likely cost roughly half of that for repairs.
A Zeno's keyring, tied to a tiny booklet of passphrases and a second with a map of the city's catacombs.
Skeleton Key to the buildings of Ersand'Enise
An old lantern that, when ignited, emits a blue light rather than red/orange/yellow. It appears to be powered by arcane and magnetic magic. The blue light allows for early-age UV lighting that enables one to see things many can't. Due to its middling condition, it has lost quite a bit of its potency. However, with how this light interacts with other forms of light, it grants a 5% resistance to Arcane-based illusions. (11)
Ahn-Eshiran's Ball Gown

An absolutely stunning and gorgeous gown made of lace, silk, and beautiful fabrics. Yet do not let this beautiful design fool you, it is a gown designed to not only be gorgeous, but deadly. As not only does it enhance the user's ability to use Atomic magic, but also has greater durability than any cloth, leather, or hide.
Self repair- The dress is enchanted to take energy from the surrounding area to repair itself. Such as heat from the sun, kinetic energy of the wind, the dress shifting and moving, or even from the earth.
❖Always looking good.
Kinetic Dampening- The dress is enchanted to be enchanted to be able to reduce any incoming kinetic damage by 25%.
❖Combined with the enchantments below.
Enhanced Durability-The dress is enchanted to be increased durability to the point being resistant to mundane physical damage.
❖Combined with the enchantments below.
Energy Dampening- The dress is enchanted to be enchanted to be able to reduce any incoming Light, heat, and electromagnetic energy damage by 25%.
❖Combined with Enhanced Durability, Energy Dampening, and Kinetic Dampening, the user gains the benefits of light armor, considered Epic armor but gains none of the additional bonuses for being epic:
+1 to RAS modifier tier & +1 to skill modifier for defense
Health- 6
Light Feet- Provides the user advantage on defense for themselves once per turn.
Atomic Enhancement- The dress is filled with Radshield manas which the user's effective casting power and defense against atomic by not needing to defend themselves from the effects of atomic magic.
❖The user will gain an increase of +1 to RAS tier when using atomic magic and defending against atomic magic.
Ahn-Eshiran's Wand

An absolutely marvelous wand made from brass and steel with a handle made of a gorgeous black leather wrapping. This wand is made to meet the wear and tear of a field of combat, with a regal and elegant look.
Arcane Enhancement- The wand is filled with assimilator manas which act as Fireshield manas which augments the user's effective casting power with and against arcane by not needing to defend themselves from the effects of arcane magic.
❖The user will gain an increase of +1 to RAS tier when using atomic magic and defending against arcane magic.
Kinetic Enhancement- The wand is filled with assimilator manas which act as Juggernaut manas which augments the user's effective casting power with and against Kinetic by not needing to defend themselves from the effects of Kinetic magic.
❖Anytime the user attacks with Kinetic magic the user will gain an increase of +1 to RAS tier, and will increase damage dealt with a physical attack by 2 hp.
Light Arrow- The user is able to fill the wand with energy to fire a quick beam of intense light and heat that has great power and precision.
❖Allows the user to use Razor of Light (tier 4/Journeyman) without the need to focus on casting. Allowing the user to concentrate on another spell while using the wand.
Cash on hand:1500 Magus~
+Ỽ20 for betting at the Seoul Sister Concert
+Ỽ25 for Greed Winnings!
-Ỽ1200 at Auction
+Ỽ8,000 for Copper and Tin
-Ỽ4,000 for Repairing the Galleon
+Ỽ5,000 for selling the Dragon Pearl
-Ỽ5,250 for the materials of the ship Excluding the canons and furniture
-Ỽ2,000 to Blackfield Armory investment
-Ỽ86 for Desmond's Birthday Amulet
-Ỽ301 for 25 Evergrowth Pots
-Ỽ200 for Destruction of Property
-Ỽ750 for Jocasta's transportation services
-Ỽ80 for a Great Neskal from Abdel
-Ỽ300 for McBoller's setup
-Ỽ300 on Wardrobe
+Ỽ2,625 from Blackfield Arsery
+Ỽ3,422 for Shipping on the Ship of Free Enterprise
+Ỽ60 Barge Trade
+Ỽ717 Sausage prices
-Ỽ160 For Spratz Trade Carts
+Ỽ78 For Spratz Trade
+Ỽ2500 for Small Dragon pearl Sell
-Ỽ200 for Zeno Bucks Investment
-Ỽ800 for Reticulated Frobas Egg from Silas
-Ỽ3 for Silas Birfday
-Ỽ1000 for shipbuilding contract
-Ỽ7 for A sky-blue vase from Engyu
-Ỽ25 for a date with Sir Jean-Claude, Legendary Dragon Rider
-Ỽ7.5 for a chuck of heavy pyrite, (Ingrid suspects it isn't due to its weight)
-Ỽ2 for a 2-pound lump of Radium
+Ỽ4000 for selling a large Dragon Pearl
-Ỽ3000 for the Dragon Taming Box
-Ỽ200 for Zeno Bucks Investment
-Ỽ800 for Reticulated Frobas Egg from Silas
-Ỽ3 for Silas Birfday
-Ỽ1000 for shipbuilding contract
-Ỽ7 for A sky-blue vase from Engyu
-Ỽ25 for a date with Sir Jean-Claude, Legendary Dragon Rider
-Ỽ7.5 for a chuck of heavy pyrite, (Ingrid suspects it isn't due to its weight)
-Ỽ2 for a 2-pound lump of Radium
+Ỽ4000 for selling a large Dragon Pearl
-Ỽ3000 for the Dragon Taming Box
+Ỽ20 for betting at the Seoul Sister Concert
+Ỽ25 for Greed Winnings!
-Ỽ1200 at Auction
+Ỽ8,000 for Copper and Tin
-Ỽ4,000 for Repairing the Galleon
+Ỽ5,000 for selling the Dragon Pearl
-Ỽ5,250 for the materials of the ship Excluding the canons and furniture
-Ỽ2,000 to Blackfield Armory investment
-Ỽ86 for Desmond's Birthday Amulet
-Ỽ301 for 25 Evergrowth Pots
-Ỽ200 for Destruction of Property
-Ỽ750 for Jocasta's transportation services
-Ỽ80 for a Great Neskal from Abdel
-Ỽ300 for McBoller's setup
-Ỽ300 on Wardrobe
+Ỽ2,625 from Blackfield Arsery
+Ỽ3,422 for Shipping on the Ship of Free Enterprise
+Ỽ60 Barge Trade
+Ỽ717 Sausage prices
-Ỽ160 For Spratz Trade Carts
+Ỽ78 For Spratz Trade
M O U N T S & P E T S
A reticulated Frobas

A rainbow Savanah Runner

A beautiful Qilin.

A normal Great Mountain Serpent
S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S
❖ Ingrid is a skilled liar from her years of studying and putting them into action at parties.
❖ Ingrid was trained to assess value and can analyze the potential value of items, land, and even contracts given enough time depending on what it is.
❖ Ingrid has an enhanced ability to perceive things in a 3d space and can accurately portray that on maps and relay it to people.
❖ Ingrid is able to do a perfect bow/curtsey.
❖ Ingrid has spent most of her free time studying. Giving her a wide grasp on many studies and lots of random information.
❖ Ingrid considers herself to be a pretty good cook
❖ Ingrid was trained to assess value and can analyze the potential value of items, land, and even contracts given enough time depending on what it is.
❖ Ingrid has an enhanced ability to perceive things in a 3d space and can accurately portray that on maps and relay it to people.
❖ Ingrid is able to do a perfect bow/curtsey.
❖ Ingrid has spent most of her free time studying. Giving her a wide grasp on many studies and lots of random information.
❖ Ingrid considers herself to be a pretty good cook
W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S
❖ Ingrid has difficulty believing simple motives despite hers being simple as well.
❖ Although she wishes to be more independent, she struggles to make moves against people she perceives as above her in standing.
❖ Although Ingrid is fairly intelligent, she almost forcibly ignores how her family became so wealthy and who that wealth truly cost.
❖ Ingrid had adapted to her more solitary lifestyle and becomes easily exhausted from moderate levels of activity.
❖ Ingrid grew up not having very many friends or anyone who confided in her. She is woefully unprepared to be a genuine person that she wants to be.
❖ Ingrid ties her sense of self-worth to her accomplishments and the praise of others. Too much opposition and failure could make her crumble
❖ Although she wishes to be more independent, she struggles to make moves against people she perceives as above her in standing.
❖ Although Ingrid is fairly intelligent, she almost forcibly ignores how her family became so wealthy and who that wealth truly cost.
❖ Ingrid had adapted to her more solitary lifestyle and becomes easily exhausted from moderate levels of activity.
❖ Ingrid grew up not having very many friends or anyone who confided in her. She is woefully unprepared to be a genuine person that she wants to be.
❖ Ingrid ties her sense of self-worth to her accomplishments and the praise of others. Too much opposition and failure could make her crumble
Year 1, Semester One
Foundations in the in Drawing, Converting, and Casting in the Atomic School of Magic
Foundations in the in Drawing, Converting, and Casting in the Arcane School of Magic
SK104: Athletics, Agility, Physical Fitness & Sporting Activities - PL, PL, SN
SK106: Business, Negotiation & Money Management - CM, LS, AL
AC102: Fundaments of the Natural Sciences and their Uses in the Magical Arts - AL, TC
LN106: An Introduction to Literature, Rhetoric & the Written Word in Retanese - CM, Retanese 1
SI04: Hiking & Wellness - EM, SL, PL
SI08: Vegetarian Cuisine & Eating Healthy - BL, PL, CL
Year 1, Semester Two
Foundations in the in Drawing, Converting, and Casting in the Atomic School of Magic
Foundations in the in Drawing, Converting, and Casting in the Binding School of Magic
SK103: Farming, Gardening, Animal Husbandry & Animal Familiars - BL, TC, PL
SK106: Business, Negotiation & Money Management - CM, LS, AL
AC106: Fundaments of Statecraft and Leadership in Magical Practice - LS, CM, AL
AC103: Fundaments of Geography & Cartography in Magical Practice - AL, SN
SI04: Hiking & Wellness - EM, SL, PL
SI08: Vegetarian Cuisine & Eating Healthy - BL, PL, CL
Year 2, Semester One
Foundations in the in Drawing, Converting, and Casting in the Chemical School of Magic
Foundations in the in Drawing, Converting, and Casting in the Arcane School of Magic
SK201: The Art of Persuasion by All and Any Means - CM, EM
AC202: An Introduction to Biology - BL, AL
SK204: Advanced Gardening & the Myriad Uses of Plants - BL, TC
AC203: Cartographical Practice and Measurement - TC, AL
LN206: An Introduction to Literature, Rhetoric & the Written Word in Xochi - CM/L, Xochi 1
AR205: Taste, Texture & Ingredients Science - AR, SN
SI03: Dragon Racing, Dressage & Draconic Studies - BL, PL, TC
Foundations in the in Drawing, Converting, and Casting in the Atomic School of Magic
Foundations in the in Drawing, Converting, and Casting in the Arcane School of Magic
SK104: Athletics, Agility, Physical Fitness & Sporting Activities - PL, PL, SN
SK106: Business, Negotiation & Money Management - CM, LS, AL
AC102: Fundaments of the Natural Sciences and their Uses in the Magical Arts - AL, TC
LN106: An Introduction to Literature, Rhetoric & the Written Word in Retanese - CM, Retanese 1
SI04: Hiking & Wellness - EM, SL, PL
SI08: Vegetarian Cuisine & Eating Healthy - BL, PL, CL
Year 1, Semester Two
Foundations in the in Drawing, Converting, and Casting in the Atomic School of Magic
Foundations in the in Drawing, Converting, and Casting in the Binding School of Magic
SK103: Farming, Gardening, Animal Husbandry & Animal Familiars - BL, TC, PL
SK106: Business, Negotiation & Money Management - CM, LS, AL
AC106: Fundaments of Statecraft and Leadership in Magical Practice - LS, CM, AL
AC103: Fundaments of Geography & Cartography in Magical Practice - AL, SN
SI04: Hiking & Wellness - EM, SL, PL
SI08: Vegetarian Cuisine & Eating Healthy - BL, PL, CL
Year 2, Semester One
Foundations in the in Drawing, Converting, and Casting in the Chemical School of Magic
Foundations in the in Drawing, Converting, and Casting in the Arcane School of Magic
SK201: The Art of Persuasion by All and Any Means - CM, EM
AC202: An Introduction to Biology - BL, AL
SK204: Advanced Gardening & the Myriad Uses of Plants - BL, TC
AC203: Cartographical Practice and Measurement - TC, AL
LN206: An Introduction to Literature, Rhetoric & the Written Word in Xochi - CM/L, Xochi 1
AR205: Taste, Texture & Ingredients Science - AR, SN
SI03: Dragon Racing, Dressage & Draconic Studies - BL, PL, TC
Year 2, Semester Two
Foundations in the in Drawing, Converting, and Casting in the Atomic School of Magic
Foundations in the in Drawing, Converting, and Casting in the Arcane School of Magic
Athletics, Agility, Physical Fitness & Sporting Events
Business, Negotiation & Money Management
Fundaments of Natural Sciences and their uses in Magical Practices
Fundaments of Geography and Cartography in Magical Practices
Foundations in the in Drawing, Converting, and Casting in the Atomic School of Magic
Foundations in the in Drawing, Converting, and Casting in the Arcane School of Magic
Athletics, Agility, Physical Fitness & Sporting Events
Business, Negotiation & Money Management
Fundaments of Natural Sciences and their uses in Magical Practices
Fundaments of Geography and Cartography in Magical Practices
Analytical (AL): 7
Emotional (EM): 3
Communication (CM): 6
Technical (TC): 5
Sensory (SN): 3
Leadership (LS): 3
Survival (SL): 2
Biological (BL): 6
Cultural (CL): 4
Artistic (AR): 1
Physical (PL): 8
Emotional (EM): 3
Communication (CM): 6
Technical (TC): 5
Sensory (SN): 3
Leadership (LS): 3
Survival (SL): 2
Biological (BL): 6
Cultural (CL): 4
Artistic (AR): 1
Physical (PL): 8
Ingrid started as an 8.4 but after absorbing 7 aberrations, Ingrid got to 8.71. She is now a unicorn.
1st was on the nightstand
2nd was in the desert
3rd was during the Faire
4th was during the Faire
5th was during the Aberration Madness event
6th was during the Aberration Madness event
7th was during the Aberration Madness event
8th was during the Twin Towers event.
2nd was in the desert
3rd was during the Faire
4th was during the Faire
5th was during the Aberration Madness event
6th was during the Aberration Madness event
7th was during the Aberration Madness event
8th was during the Twin Towers event.
Guild: Enchanters Union
Golden Mushroom
Pumpernickle Club
Draconic Order
Society of Grapes
Eshiran's Own
Eskandish Circle [Ethnic Club]
Golden Mushroom
Pumpernickle Club
Draconic Order
Society of Grapes
Eshiran's Own
Eskandish Circle [Ethnic Club]
Coming soon. Essentially how her family got to where she is. Lol this is never getting done. I keep adding more and more and I hurt everytime someone asks about it.
Factor One:
Magnetic: 0
Arcane: 8
Binding: 4
Kinetic: 6
Atomic: 8
Temporal: 0
Dark: 0
26 points
+6 points
=32 total
Factor Two:
Primary Mana Type: -2 (Blueblood)
Secondary Mana Type: 0
Viral Mana Type: 0
Aberrative Mana Type: 0
Total: -2
Factor Three:
Reading: 2
Drawing: 2
Range: 4
Speed: -1
Containment: 3
Conversion: 2
Efficiency: -2
Focus Words: -2
Preservation: -2
Freecasting: 2
Multiplying: 5
Spatial Intensifying: 3
Temporal Intensifying: 0
Total: 16
Factor Four
RAS: 208
Total: 104
Factor Five
unique items: 0
mana boosting items: n/a
Experience: 4
penalties for overspecialization: 0
Penalties for physical frailties or impairments: 0
Mindset: -3
Constitution: 3
other relevant skills: 5
Temporal and Dark bonus: 0
Total: 9
Grand Total: 16+(-2)+16+104+9 = 143
Magnetic: 0
Arcane: 8
Binding: 4
Kinetic: 6
Atomic: 8
Temporal: 0
Dark: 0
26 points
+6 points
=32 total
Factor Two:
Primary Mana Type: -2 (Blueblood)
Secondary Mana Type: 0
Viral Mana Type: 0
Aberrative Mana Type: 0
Total: -2
Factor Three:
Reading: 2
Drawing: 2
Range: 4
Speed: -1
Containment: 3
Conversion: 2
Efficiency: -2
Focus Words: -2
Preservation: -2
Freecasting: 2
Multiplying: 5
Spatial Intensifying: 3
Temporal Intensifying: 0
Total: 16
Factor Four
RAS: 208
Total: 104
Factor Five
unique items: 0
mana boosting items: n/a
Experience: 4
penalties for overspecialization: 0
Penalties for physical frailties or impairments: 0
Mindset: -3
Constitution: 3
other relevant skills: 5
Temporal and Dark bonus: 0
Total: 9
Grand Total: 16+(-2)+16+104+9 = 143
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