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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 1 day ago


Lunatea didn't know why Takeshi looked away when she healed herself. Hadn't she already told him that he could look as much as he wanted?

After they recovered from the fight, they continued their journey immediately, not wasting any time. For all they knew, the port could be under attack from the Varjans right now, since they just fought against a detachment of their forces.

As they made their way through the grasslands, Lunatea’s dress continued to flash her panties at every stray wind that blew their way. Though at this point, even Takeshi should already be used to the view. Lunatea herself had a serious look on her face, narrowing her eyes so she could catch the first glimpse of the port town at a distance. No thoughts on getting a mate crossed her mind.

When she saw the smoke rising in the distance, her heart sank. Were they too late? Had the Varjans already laid waste to the city?

And then, Takeshi bolted once again. She yelled to tell him to wait but it seemed that just like before, he really did not like listening to her.

She exchanged a short glance with her other companions before running after him—her skirt flashing her panties every step she took.

When she arrived, her heart sank even further.

The port city—it had been completely destroyed.

To her surprise, however, Takeshi didn’t let out a cry of despair. Instead, he was busy examining what remained of the place. Judging by all the corpses, and the terrible smell they were emitting, clearly a huge battle had occurred here.

Hearing his conclusion, she raised an eyebrow. “But if the Varjans lost, why does the city look like this?”

When she heard him say “Dear Kikyo”, she couldn't help rolling her eyes. She never liked public display of affection. Unless it was given to her, of course.

It didn't take long until they found the footprints leading back into the grasslands. "Hey, we can probably find your dear Kikyo by these footprints." She pointed them to him. "But you have to take the lead. Tell that lover of yours that we monsters mean no harm. I don't want to get arrows raining down on me just because they think I'm hostile."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Skarsneek of the Red Hill

Hearing that Sorae just acknowledging their help was the best they could get, he supposed.

"Now, now, let's not get too ahead." Skarsneek brushed it off good-naturedly at Sorae words. "That only happens after us getting to know one another better in the stack."

"But sure! It's a deal." He gave a thumbs up before deciding to move and part ways but not before he turned around. "Once this done, don't forget, you meet up with us and help Takeshi. We're gonna need every hand on this."

Turning to Atsuha and her sister, Skarsneek lead the way as he scouted for tracks. If the killers used the ground, it wouldn't be hard but Skarsneek had a sinking suspicion that they have also used trees and whatnot to mask their path.

"Alright, keep an eye out for any tracks and check the trees too. Broken branches, footprints, what not." He paid close attention, not wanting to lose this competition.

Once Skarsneek is on the trail, he'll follow it relentlessly. Using all senses, including scent, to find the killer track.

After all, he had a plan for this killer.


Gringor of the Ironhide tribe

His charge, meant to swipe all resistance, was itself swiped as the elites reacted far better in their coordination to tripped him up. His legs stumbled and rolled messily across the floor.

Blood rushed to his head and fury filled his vision as he held the halberd hard enough that his veins showed.

Thankfully, all three of them was blasted away and he felt his ears rung from it. Made worse when the acrid scent of smoke filled his nostrils and he had to held back a cough.

Seeing Nobutada close to taking care of the three, Gringor roared as he jumped towards one of the elite and ruthlessly tackled one elite to the ground before he pummeled him with his bare first. By the time his third blow came, the Elite was knocked out.

Yet this didn't deterred Gringor as he moved onto the next. Joined by Nobutada who they then proceed to clean up all of the remaining elites.

When the coast was clear, the thrumming heat of battle left and just left Gringor with an unsatisfying taste of victory. It was hardly one that he was proud of and felt more like a fool.

But that if those were merely elites, then perhaps the commanders must be much stronger. Similar to that ponce he fought at the early stages of the beach. That lifted his spirits, more exciting fight to come.

His thoughts were broken when Nobutada addressed him and his intentions.

"Gringor, Ironhide tribe." He looked around and went back for his axe, the demonic silver weapon fashioned after a simple but crude axe, the familiar feeling returning to his hands as he inspected the weapon once. "Heard there was a big scrap, so I came."

"Your warboss got captured like a git, so your underboss, Takeshi, is going for another round." Gringor rested the axe against his shoulders and turned to Nobutada. "Sent me here to collect the leftover bois, said you're the toughest."

He then looked at the damage and prodigious strength, it certainly lived up to the description. Thoughts of clashing against it also came and he smiled wickedly at that.

He'll shelve that urge to set the record straight for being the toughest later. They needed to round up everyone and can't afford to waste time. "He also said he can't some because he's dressed as a maiko? Miko? Don't know what he meant by that."

"So, you coming with your bois? Or do I got to crack all of your heads before we go?" Gringor gestured with a thumb to the general direction of their meeting point.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

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@PaulHaynek@Rezod92@Ice Reaver

Shizuka was already prepared to be accused of being an incubus who laid with monsters at every given opportunity, so he rolled his eyes in his mind at his opponent’s statement. Though, he did raise a brow at Kerry after being called boyishly cute. Does that mean I look like a kid? He thought. He ignored it, however, and continued his charge.

Kannazuki’s plan worked, the miko’s ofuda shielding was destroyed and he was able to deliver three simultaneous strikes. Phasing back in front of her, he saw that his attack may have been a bit too effective. She collapsed onto a knee, having to use her sword to prop herself up. He didn’t want to take things that far, but the situation was rapidly deteriorating and needed to end now. In spite of her injuries, the miko didn’t seem like she was giving up just yet.

Taking out yet another talisman, she placed it on her collar area and began chanting some sort of spell. He could already sense that her chi flow was unbalancing at an alarmingly high rate, her veins becoming visible. Was she actually….?

Kerry seems to have sensed it as well, and exclaimed at the miko to cease her foolishness. Echoing his words from earlier, she stated again that they’re here to help. Unfortunately, the island warriors have proved time and again that words simply will not reach them. Refusing to watch this scene play out any longer, the swordsman immediately rushed at the miko.

“Enough!” He exclaimed as he sprinted toward her, already at her throat - determined to pull that talisman off of her collar.


Atsuha made a huff at Sorae’s cold reply, and even Hinami at this post was getting rather tired of the harsh treatment.

“Sorae-san.” Hinami started. “The only thing we’re asking of you is to lend us your strength. Why must you be so – ” Atsuha put a hand to her little sister, signaling to cut her sentence off there. At this point it was obvious to see that further argument on this topic was pointless. They were honestly lucky they got this far with her.

“Taking over your island is the least of our concerns right now. We’ll simply take our leave for now and do our part in finding whoever it is that took your family from you. Whatever fate we choose for them, we will make sure they answer for their crimes. Please, take care of yourself on your way Sorae-san.” Atsuha said, as she bade a solemn but sincere farewell to the lone warrior. ‘

The Hangai sisters allowed Skarsneek to lead the way, making sure to keep a close eye out for any indicators as to the whereabouts or the identity of the Tokinomiya assailants. Atsuha made sure to pick up any trace amounts of residual chi in the environment that would no doubt help in their hunt. Hinami, being a yōkai, could naturally pick up on chi as well. But, she had to admit that her elder sister was much more skilled at it. She instead opted to be at the ready for a possible skirmish.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kishi Grasslands

Kikyo, Ever Faithful

“But if the Varjans lost, why does the city look like this?”
Lunatea Vern Farnsworth

"Probably destroyed from the fighting, or it was already burned down by the Varjans while waiting for Kikyo and her forces." Takeshi replied. "The only thing we can hope here is the villagers' safety, that they managed to evacuate before the Varjans and the fighting came."

"Hey, we can probably find your dear Kikyo by these footprints. But you have to take the lead. Tell that lover of yours that we monsters mean no harm. I don't want to get arrows raining down on me just because they think I'm hostile."
Lunatea Vern Farnsworth

"We're not lovers." Takeshi futilely denied. "...at least, I haven't confessed properly yet."

"But you're right, they just ran into Varjans so they'll be on edge. They might react violently if they see you." Takeshi agreed with Lunatea. Closing his eyes to think of a simple way to convey that the rabbit yokai with him was an ally, he let out a deep sigh when he resigned to the only option he could take. "Alright, I'll take point... and you all stay close to me. Much closer than how we traveled previously. That way, Kikyo and her forces will not be hostile. At least, not immediately."

Being in close proximity with yokai was also something forbidden. Takeshi remembered his lessons about how a yokai passively emits her energy that can be absorbed by a human in her vicinity, leading to corruption. It was a slow process, incredibly slow as a matter of fact, but it was not nothing and so, should be prevented as much as possible.

But it was a litte too late for Takeshi, who had done things worse than stay in a yokai's presence.


Takeshi led Lunatea and the other yokai out of the destroyed port and back into the Kishi Grasslands. They followed a trail of blood and destruction left by Kikyo in the form of dead Varjan patrols who had the misfortune of running into them. The trail took Takeshi and the taskforce into a thin forest obscured by dense fog. "I have a feeling we're getting close to them, stay alert."

Entering the foggy forest, the group ventured a bit into the woods before Takeshi suddenly spread out his arms to block Lunatea. Or maybe block something from getting to Lunatea. "Everyone, it's me! Takeshi Oja! You know, son of Lord Hideo, doesn't sit properly, eats too much." Looking closely, Takeshi was talking to the silhouettes who blended with the obscured trees. They had their bows nocked but lowered them once they knew they were in the presence of their lord.


The voice caught all of Takeshi's attention. Emerging from the mist was a beautiful, fair-skinned woman with dark-purple hair and eyes which were wide in disbelief. She wore a shrine maiden's outfit with armor over it. "...You're alive."

"Kikyo..." Takeshi and Kikyo ran towards each other, ending in a long, tight embrace. "You're okay, too. I knew you'd be fine but still, thank the gods."

"I heard... the Ojas fell in Sanjo Beach." Kikyo could barely contain her tears. "F-Forgive me, Takeshi-sama. I actually gave up hope..."

"Hey, it's fine, it's fine!" Takeshi reassured Kikyo as they broke the hug. "I would've been lost, actually. If it weren't for them." The young Oja motioned to Lunatea and the other yokai.


Kikyo drew her blade and was about to engage Lunatea when Takeshi stopped her from behind. "Wait, wait! Kikyo, they rescued me! They're here to help!" The young Oja sheepishly chuckled. He kind of knew this was going to happen but at least Kikyo actually stopped to listen to him. It could have been worse. "Hehehe, uhh. Again, the yokai are allies, Kikyo."

"Err, say 'Hi', Lunatea-san!"

Unknown Inn

Sorae, Gentle Heart

~ @AzureKnight (ATS & HIN), @Restalaan (SKA) ~

"But sure! It's a deal. Once this done, don't forget, you meet up with us and help Takeshi. We're gonna need every hand on this."

"Don't you worry, yokai. I'll help Takeshi repel not just the Varjans." Sorae amusedly replied before chuckling.

However, what amusement she had disappeared when Hinami began to protest the harsh treatment. Fortunately, Atsuha calmed the Jiangshi down before Sorae could respond. The samurai was content to leave it at that.

The Dragon Tomi was still fast asleep in what was left of Sorae's home. She'll probably catch up later but one should hope she and Sorae don't get into a spat.


It did not take long nor was it difficult for the taskforce to find a trail of footprints, or rather hoofprints, that lead to the Tokinomiya estate. The horses themselves were long gone, their masters long dead, but their trail remained and all the taskforce had to do was follow them to where they came from. Chi from strong warriors could also be detected by Atsuha but these probably belonged to the corpses in Sorae's home.

The trail lead them out of the estate and into the dirt roads of the Onrai region. It took the taskforce half an hour going down a road with naught but the forests of Shizuyama around them, until the hoofprint trail lead them to an inconspicuous, walled, two-story inn at the side of a mountain. There was nothing remarkable about this place though, but there were several Shizuyama locals in robes conversing at the front yard. Their sword scabbards could be seen on their hips, these were no mere villagers.

The taskforce hid behind the walls surrounding the inn so they could listen.

"...What do you think happened to Sorae?"

"After that roar? She's probably dead fighting the Dragon that showed up there."

"First the Varjan invasion and now a Dragon yokai? This whole situation is getting complicated by the minute."

"Doesn't matter, we have our orders." A female voice piped in. "Once we confirm that the Dragon isn't at the estate anymore, we'll go there and make sure all the Tokinomiyas are dead."

Fung Temple

Nobutada, Unwavering Will

~ @Restalaan (GRI) ~

"So, you coming with your bois? Or do I got to crack all of your heads before we go?"

"I do not appreciate the terms you use, yokai. But I suppose there are more pressing matters at hand, like how Takeshi has sent you, a yokai, to seek me out." Nobutada replied before letting out a sigh. "...I shall leave even that aside for now. If Takeshi-sama requests my and my fellow monks' service, then he shall have it."

"Let me just free my fellow monks. The Varjans hid them under this temple, where we keep our supplies. The 'cellar', if you will although it is larger than a normal one." Nobutada then put away his fire lance weapon and began methodically removing the floorboards to open a long hatch that revealed stairs that lead down into darkness.

Nobutada did not take any sort of light with him when he descended, feeling he did not need them. "Everyone! It's safe now! The Varjans have been vanquished." The large monk announced. "I had... special help. But we can talk about that later, what matters is that we're all safe."

There was no response. "My brothers?" Gringor watched Nobutada search the darkness, only to return empty-handed and a shocked look on his face.

"They're not here..." Nobutada muttered. "The Varjans lied to me..." One could feel seething anger rising from the monk, but it was immediately suppressed with an exhale of breath.

"...I must search for them. They must be out there somewhere, probably still captured by the Varjans." Nobutada said, more to himself than to Gringor. "Lead me to the young Lord Oja, yokai. I'm sure I can search for my brothers along the way."

Terauchi Temple

Rude Awakening

Io had met Lady Kyouko at Otomo Port and had arrived too late to join the main group of her taskforce. Not to worry, though! Lady Kyouko still had plenty of boats to take Io to the island of Shizuyama.

However, the Inari had other plans. She thought it would be faster to just teleport the Lich to Terauchi Temple, the base of operations of Lady Kyouko's human spies in Shizuyama. Normally, teleporting someone would consume a lot of Lady Kyouko's energy but since Io was also sort of a spellcaster, the Lich could help teleport herself and divide the energy consumption of the spell. With that course of action, the spell was prepared and the Lich was teleported.

In a burst of light, Io found herself in a peculiar chamber. She found herself facing what seemed to be a shrine, filled with statues and idols and lit candles. Looking around her, she realized that she was probably inside a Zipanguese temple with wooden floorboards and sliding tatami doors at all three sides. Also with her in the chamber were a whole group of humans all ragged in appearance, looking like refugees from a war. They were all taking peeks outside through the slightly open sliding doors until Io appeared.

Without saying anything, they all pointed outside. Silently gesturing to Io take a look.


"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!? Are you seriously going to kill yourself just to take out a group that's not even your enemy!? This is absolutely ridiculous! How many times do we have to tell you for it to get through your thick skulls!? We are here to help you! I just got back from helping Takamori and he's on board to help Takeshi Oja! Your island's secret routes have been exposed! We don't have time for this stupid shit! You're gonna waste your life over nothing if you don't stop!
Kerry Maros

"I shall NEVER suffer the LIES of the yokai!"

The miko bellowed her conviction, her spririt energy continuing to tear itself and making her quite delirious. Shizuka charged at her with nary a plan, his only goal was to take the miko's ofuda from her with his inhuman speed. He managed to get close and actually grab hold of the gold-colored talisman, but the priestess was not idle. She managed to ram her blade into the azure swordsman as he came close but fortunately, the sword only hit Shizuka's side and did not hit any organs. It was still quite painful, though.

Tearing the talisman from the miko caused her spirit energy to suddenly stabilize, causing a small blowback that sent Shizuka and the priestess flying away from each other. Ayu immediately went to Shizuka while the miko's battered allies took her away.

With the Shizuyama warriors beaten handily by the yokai, they began to quickly escape from Terauchi Temple. Two other shrine maidens surrounded the unconscious miko and teleported themselves away. This unwanted battle was won, with the only casualty being the injured Shizuka. The monks and refugees began to emerge from their buildings.

"Oh my gods, are you alright?!" Ayu panicked at Shizuka. "We got somebody in trouble here! Please help!"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 1 day ago

"We're not lovers." Takeshi futilely denied. "...at least, I haven't confessed properly yet."

“Then you should.” The rabbit monster replied with a stern look. “Human lives are short. What if one day you end up losing her?” As a monster, she couldn’t understand why some humans wouldn’t just marry and bed each other the moment they found their significant other. What were they waiting for?

"But you're right, they just ran into Varjans so they'll be on edge. They might react violently if they see you." Takeshi agreed with Lunatea. Closing his eyes to think of a simple way to convey that the rabbit yokai with him was an ally, he let out a deep sigh when he resigned to the only option he could take. "Alright, I'll take point... and you all stay close to me. Much closer than how we traveled previously. That way, Kikyo and her forces will not be hostile. At least, not immediately."

“Understood.” She nodded. “Then, I shall walk alongside you.”

Takeshi would find that the rabbit girl would stay just a tad too close to him for comfort as they followed the footsteps out of the destroyed village.

They followed a trail of blood and destruction left by Kikyo in the form of dead Varjan patrols who had the misfortune of running into them.

Lunatea wrinkled her nose at the corpses they found on the road. Such brutality never suited a peace-loving monster like her. Or any other monster, she imagined.

The trail took Takeshi and the taskforce into a thin forest obscured by dense fog. "I have a feeling we're getting close to them, stay alert."

“I don’t like this.” Lunatea commented once they entered the forest. “I can barely see a thing here. Even with my exceptional sight.”

“Still, it makes the perfect place for them to hide. I won’t be surprised if we get ambushed by them in the next five… maybe ten minutes,” she said matter-of-factly.

Entering the foggy forest, the group ventured a bit into the woods before Takeshi suddenly spread out his arms to block Lunatea.

The monster stopped in her tracks though not before having her breasts brush momentarily with his arms.

She glanced around, trying to see through the thick fog.

“They’re here, aren’t they?” She whispered.

And then, she saw them—the silhouettes blending with the trees. Bow-wielders. And they were all aiming their weapons towards them.

No. Not them. Her.


The voice grabbed her attention as well—her eyes immediately switching to the direction she heard it from.

So that’s her…

No wonder he’s fond of her… she’s beautiful…

She watched them share a hug in silence, not daring to make a move. She knew that the bowmen were still aiming their weapons at her.

And if the situation got worse… she had to be ready with her spells.

Just say that I’m with you, Takeshi… Don’t you dare forget…

Thankfully, he did remember.

But it wasn’t enough to dissuade her suspicion, it seemed.

“Well met, Kikyo-san.” She pressed her hands to the front of her dress and bowed. “My name is Lunatea Vern Farnsworth. As you might suspect, I am not native to this island. I came from the outside world under the invitation of Lady Kyouko, to help you and your people in your fight against the Varjans. So please, just because I am a youkai, or a monster—the term our people use on the outside—do not consider me your enemy. For I am your ally. And Takeshi-san can vouch for me on that matter.”

She tried to act as refined as she could, even using the honorifics the locals used.

Still, thanks to the fact that there were young human males fit to be her husband amongst the ambushers, her dress acted up anyways, flashing her tight panties and bum to them as she bowed.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

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Io at Terauchi Temple

Io gracefully descended from the teleport. It was not her preferred method of transport, but given the circumstances she accepted it. She was met with the still air of a temple, as Lady Kyouko had described she would. Notably, the ones inside the temple were not attacking her - not something that could be said of every temple she had entered in the past.

Io quietly watched the fight unfold outside of the temple, analyzing each minute detail of the Mikos' actions. There was much to learn already about the development of magic here. Whispering in her native language that the surrounding refugees would not understand, Io's grimoire glowed, her whispered words inscribing themselves into the page magically. There was much note-taking to be done.

The situation rapidly escalated out of hand before Io could intervene, but perhaps she was not too late to help. Emerging from the temple's sliding door, Io stepped down from the temple steps, walking past the refugees and monks to Ayu and Shizuka. Her pallid skin and torn robes which fluttered and revealed ribbon-like scrolls that wound tightly around her body drew a bit of attention, but she seemed to not notice it at all. "Kyouko sent me," Io brusquely muttered, as if that would answer all potential questions levelled at her. Crouching down, she examined Shizuka's wound. Io knew that Kyouko expected her to help, and not solely observe, but she was surprised at how quickly she already needed to act. "Unfortunate." She said, not considering how bad that would sound to a wounded person. She added after a moment of study, "But not fatal. I will fix it."

Io whispered in her native language to cast a spell of healing. Drawing energy from her own body, and subtly leeching life from the nearby flora, she shaped the energy to heal Shizuka's wound. Ordinarily she'd draw life from the surrounding area without much care... but Kyouko had explained the importance of not defiling Shizuyama's lands willy-nilly. Kyouko had explained it multiple times, even, as if she didn't believe Io got it the first time. Io understood the concern, of course. A dead circle of grass following the area she walked on would likely not make her look the best in the eyes of the locals... especially since it was on a temple's ground. She took care to not overtax the life around her, fragile as it was, for the sake of relations between them all. Io had enough energy to spare... though maybe not if she had to do this too often.

Io watched intently, almost clinically, as Shizuka's wound closed. While she had plenty of experience healing living things, she was more comfortable with undead. Much more room for error with undead. The wound disappeared within moments, leaving no evidence that there was ever one except for the torn clothing and traces of blood.

Io stood after judging the healing was satisfactory, flatly gesturing to herself. "Io." She considered that enough of a greeting. "It seems things aren't as simple as Lady Kyouko hoped," Io said quietly, unaware of how much of an understatement that was.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 2 days ago

Terauchi Temple


Closing the distance between them within a moment, Shizuka already had a hand at the miko's ofuda. However, as he would soon find out, a slightly more cautious approach should have been taken against the priestess. In another act of aggression, she ran her blade into the swordsman's side. He winced as his blood began to drip onto the ground, but fighting past the pain he tore the talisman from her chest with solemn determination. He would then find himself blown back from the resulting shockwave, though still conscious and aware of his surroundings. Witnessing the native warriors retreat, it seemed that the conflict was finally put to an end. Although, any feeling of relief Shizuka held combated the pain he felt from his stab wound. Ayu quickly came rushing to his side, her face full of worry.

"Geh. Don't worry, I'm fine. Trust me, I've been through worse…." He said as he tried to ease Ayu's bewilderment. He held his side, applying pressure on the wound to ease the bleeding. He was about to use a bit of water and ice magic in order to clean the wound and prevent inflammation, but he then felt another presence make itself known.

It was a person dressed in strange, ragged robes. As her clothing fluttered in the wind, her body underneath was shown to be wrapped in peculiar scrolls. He could tell by the chi alone it was another undead mamono, also sensing she held powerful magic at her disposal.

She knelt down beside Shizuka, analyzing the wound. Ignoring her choice of words, he looked with curiosity as she gathered energy and began to heal his flesh. His wound was healed to the point where it didn't even appear that he was injured in the first place. Although, he took note that her spell seems to draw life from what's around her.

Now fully restored, the swordsman stood back up to meet with their new ally at eye level. He dusted himself off and honorably bowed before speaking to the yōkai who introduced herself as Io.

"You have my thanks, Io-san. Rather shameful of me, allowing myself to be injured in such a reckless manner. If not for you, I may have been stuck on the sidelines for a day or two! My name is Kannazuki Shizuka by the way, and it's good to see that Kyōko-sama had sent for more taskforce members."

He turned to Kerry for a moment, who fortunately caught the fleeing Varjan prisoner before he could escape.

"Kerry-san, it seems you were the first one to finish with your mission. Well met, in addition to recapturing our little friend there and assisting with the natives."

"Apologies Io-san, it seems you caught us at a…precarious time. But with everything settling down, hopefully we can take a small respite while we wait for the other members to return."

While he was trying to lighten the mood after the battle, he couldn't help but wonder what the miko meant by refusing to believe the lies of the yōkai. She also earlier mentioned that the yōkai had taken much from them, more then they realize. What was the whole story, then?

Unknown Inn


After beginning their trek back through the countryside, the group happened upon a trail of hoofprints that ultimately led to the Tokinomiya estate. Save for signs of a past skirmish, the estate was eerily empty. At that remained was the faint stench of dead; the chi Atsuha could sense mainly stemmed from the corpses of fallen warriors, most of which were from Sorae’s own clan. The scene made Hinami especially uncomfortable, fortunately the group quickly decided that there was nothing else of interest at the estate and the group continued to follow the trail of the assailants. After some time, they eventually found themselves facing a shabby inn on the side of a mountain. Standing in front of said inn were a few locals who held weapons on their sides, and they seemed to be discussing something. Motioning for her sister to follow her lead, she hid behind the inn’s walls and began to listen in.

Unbelievable, she thought. It would seem that the assailants being fellow natives was true. They still couldn’t imagine why Sorae’s clan would be wiped out by their very own neighbors. Atsuha felt Hinami’s chi start to stir a bit, not that she could blame her as she felt similarly. Thankfully, the flow still felt natural and Hinami seemed to still hold control over her mental state. After pondering for a moment, Atsuha turned to Skarsneek.

“Skars-kun, what should we do here? I could knock them out with a quick spell or two, or tie them up with my web so we can interrogate them. Or perhaps you had something else in mind?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@PaulHaynek @Crowvette @AzureKnight (SHI)

"Kerry-san, it seems you were the first one to finish with your mission. Well met, in addition to recapturing our little friend there and assisting with the natives."

"Yeah, Takamori's on board. Just send the word and he'll be there. And who knows what damage that asshole could've done if he got away. Thank the gods I was around.", Kerry replied before turning to the newcomer. "Hmmm......Io, was it? Well, given the aura I'm sensing and how nearby plants wilt from your presence.....and you look too down to earth to be a wight, so you must be a lich. Huh, usually your kind is stationary. You're the first one I've seen out this far. Oh, speaking of our little friend..."

Before she forgets, Kerry quickly ran over to the pig pen to retrieve Kasseros, who was still unconscious and becoming a new pillow for the pigs. Seconds later, she returned to the group, dragging a muddy Varjan behind her.

"It seems things aren't as simple as Lady Kyouko hoped," Io said quietly

"Honey, that's an understatement in all caps.", the Hornet commented before becoming serious and addressing everyone, including Ayu. "I wasn't bullshitting about what I said earlier. Takamori's adopted daughter sided with the Varjans in exchange for giving them information. Shizuyama's hidden routes have been exposed. The locals won't have anywhere to run if this keeps up."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Skarsneek of the Red Hill

After searching thoroughly, they found horse tracks that lead straight to the estate. Seeing those, it was a simple manner of following it back to the origin.

Though the actual journey itself was still lengthy as Skarsneek was on the trail. Sniffing the air occasionally to detect anything unusual but continued the hunt. It seemed that the perpetrators slacked on this or was confident enough that it wiped everyone out.

Then again, they nearly did. Skarsneek idly reminded himself as they headed to the Onrai region.

Heading into the deeper parts of the forest, Skarsneek finally found their clue as they came to a dinky-looking inn at the wayside.

Getting closer, he picked out a conversation occurring and slowed his breath.

Hmm, so they think she's dead? Good. Skarsneek quickly strategized, deducing that the female speaker is probably the one in-charge.

But orders? Did this mean there's still a mastermind behind this?

Doesn't matter, he'll unravel the one responsible by making sure the female gets captured first. The others, he can leave it to fate, Sorae or Hinami.

Maybe not Hinami, on second thought.

His thoughts was broken when Atsuha consulted him on their next move. Speaking low enough that they can't be heard, Skarsneek outlined their plan of action.

"Boffum." He blurted out directly and emphasized with a raised finger. Getting only confusion before he elaborated. "Spells and webs, I'll distract and smack them."

"Make sure they're captured alive. Be a little rough, its fine."

With that, Skarsneek quietly sneaked closer to the trio. His clubs at the ready and carefully, circled around them so that their backs would against Atsuha line of fire. Meanwhile, he was approached them from the other side to hem them in.

Like a panther, Skarsneek dared to get close as he can. Almost closer to arms reached as he hid and clung to any buildings to prevent them from seeing him.

A moment passed, and then, without hesitation, Skarsneek sprung from his spot like a lightning out of the blue. No words or screams, just pure instinct left. Clubs raised upwards for an attack as he aimed to isolate at least one of them. Didn't matter if it were man or woman, he'll fell on them.



Gringor of the Ironhide tribe

He gestured to Nobutada to get on with it as the latter led the way into the cellar. Following close-by and ears ready in case any of the Varjan came back for a second round or locked them into the cellar before setting it on fire.

Going deeper into the dark, Gringor eyes adjusted to it quickly and sniffed the air. A twitch of his eyes as he realized something was already off, plenty of humans stuck together underneath a cellar should've left a strong scent.

Yet there was barely any of that.

Even as Nobutada went to search for his brothers, Gringor took a quick look at the cellar that housed supplies. Regratably, it was empty. The Varjans had cleaned it out completely.

That was...annoying. Gringor tapped his head and maintained his wits despite the rising temper and placated it with deep breath.

Just in time for Nobutada to request him to lead the way.

Grunting and hefting his axe, Gringor twisted and quickly marched. Not even looking backwards to see if Nobutada can keep up with him.

His job was done here, he gathered only one but it was the tough one.

His pace set would be a grueling one as he made haste and went right for their meeting point. Only stopping once or twice to cover the tracks and mislead any pursuer should they follow.

Gringor would arrive at the meeting point to see Takeshi and co, assuming nothing happen in the way.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kishi Grasslands

Kikyo, Ever Faithful

“My name is Lunatea Vern Farnsworth. As you might suspect, I am not native to this island. I came from the outside world under the invitation of Lady Kyouko, to help you and your people in your fight against the Varjans. So please, just because I am a youkai, or a monster—the term our people use on the outside—do not consider me your enemy. For I am your ally. And Takeshi-san can vouch for me on that matter.”
Lunatea Vern Farnsworth

Kikyo narrowed her eyes at Lunatea's introduction, but Takeshi was quick to follow-up. "They also saved me from Sanjo Beach, where the Varjans landed. I would've died there if it weren't for them." He said. "Listen, Kikyo. My father is still alive too, but he has been captured. We need to work together with the yokai to save him. With him back, I'm sure we can find a way to beat back the Varjan invasion."

The Oja retainer turned to her master in disbelief. "Takeshi-sama! You can't be serious!" Kikyo almost yelled. "To work together with the yokai... would be to insult our island and all those who came before us. To spit on the traditions that held our island for centuries. Please Takeshi, you must reconsider."

Takeshi closed his eyes and stood his ground. "Kikyo, we cannot do this alone. Back then, our demise was sealed. But now, there is hope. We can save our island. Throw back the Varjans." The young Oja placed his hands on Kikyo's arms. "I know I'm breaking many of our taboos. But trust me, Kikyo. We'll get through this. Please?"

Kikyo was indecisive at first, but then closed her eyes and nodded in resignation. "I... I trust you, my lord. I shall follow you." And with that, even the archers hiding in the trees lowered their weapons.

Takeshi laughed in relief. "Thank you, Kikyo."

"But I'll be keeping an eye on you, rabbit yokai. And don't think I don't notice you flitting your skirt to seduce us."

Kikyo Kinkakuji has been recruited successfully. Takeshi had let Lunatea decide what to do next. They could go to Terauchi Temple to rendezvous with everyone or go somewhere else.

Unknown Inn

Sorae, Gentle Heart

~ @AzureKnight (ATS & HIN), @Restalaan (SKA) ~

The taskforce sprung their ambush! And the people in the inn were completely taken by surprise! Skarsneek managed to take down one of the men conversing and making the others back away, startled.

"What the hell?! Yokai?!" The woman yelled. She was fair-skinned and had her black hair tied into a ponytail. She had a green kimono on and was unarmed, unlike the men who pulled out their swords. "Everyone, we've got yokai! But there's only three of them! Let's waste 'em!" The woman barked as she retreated into the inn.

More men in warrior robes and some bits of armor emerged from the inn with blades and spears. There were about six of them when the taskforce noticed two of the inn's windows open. Archers appeared on each of them, already aiming arrows at the yokai.

Terauchi Temple

Gringor and Nobutada reached Terauchi Temple without further incident. Although upon getting there, it appeared that the temple itself went through an incident. Whatever it was, they seemed to have missed all of it and only witnessed Io heal Shizuka upon their arrival.

There were signs of fighting in the temple grounds, burn marks on the stone paths and soils. Nobutada knew a small battle took place but upon seeing the multitude of yokai within Terauchi Temple, he winced. He wondered if Takeshi had really thrown his lot with yokai to defend Shizuyama. Well, there was only one way to find out. "Looks like we've missed plenty here. But first, may I ask: Where is the young Lord Oja? I was told he lives."

"Ah, ah! Well... Takeshi-sama isn't here yet. Err, probably off looking for other warriors such as yourself to help us defend Shizuyama." Ayu was the one who answered the monk. "B-But we're glad you're here Nobutada-sama! And not, you know, attacked us despite being invaded by Varjans."

Nobutada raised an eyebrow. "Is that what happened? Did Shizuyaman warriors attack you?"

"Err, yes." Ayu replied honestly. "B-But we didn't do anything to provoke them. They just saw the yokai and became immediately hostile." That was mostly correct but Ayu did not know that Shizuka's white lies may have aggravated them. "We tried to reason with them, but to no avail."

Nobutada exhaled with exhaustion. "...I shall go to the temple to meditate. Just... let me know when the young Lord Oja arrives."


As the monk removed himself from attention, the Shizuyama refugees began to emerge from their buildings. They all looked apprehensive at the taskforce and especially their yokai members. Fortunately, Ayu was there to explain. "Everyone, listen to me! I know that not only some of us are yokai but we also just battled warriors who were your sworn defenders, but please believe us that we are here to help. We were always here to help, only if you'll let us."

The Shizuyama villagers whispered amongst each other but made no direct reply to Ayu's speech. After a few moments of deliberation, they dispersed and returned to their own little corners in the temple grounds.

Ayu let out a tired sigh and turned to the taskforce. "Well, I take it that they don't completely trust us but at least they trust us enough not to freak out at us." She let out another sigh before continuing. "It'll take some time for them to come around. Although, I believe we can help that process. Why don't you all take a look around and see if there's anything you can do for some of the villagers. I'm sure some of them are already on board with us."

"Has Takeshi-sama given you any things you need to do? You can also do those." Ayu pointed out. "Or I suppose you can take a break for now. I mean, I heard you were all from the battle in Sanjo Beach."




Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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The Oja retainer turned to her master in disbelief. "Takeshi-sama! You can't be serious!" Kikyo almost yelled. "To work together with the yokai... would be to insult our island and all those who came before us. To spit on the traditions that held our island for centuries. Please Takeshi, you must reconsider."

Lunatea rolled her eyes hearing her statement. Great. Yet another close-minded human.

Still, she held hope that at the very least, Takeshi would be able to defuse her hostility towards her. At least, up until she no longer saw her as an enemy she had to slay on the spot.

Kikyo was indecisive at first, but then closed her eyes and nodded in resignation. "I... I trust you, my lord. I shall follow you." And with that, even the archers hiding in the trees lowered their weapons.

And just like that, her hope was proven to be correct.

“Thank you very much for your magnanimity, Lady Kikyo.” She gave another bow. “I assure you, I shall not betray your expectations.”

It seemed the rabbit monster had opted not to reply to her comment regarding her skirt.

Afterwards, Lunatea suggested to Takeshi that they depart for the cemetery south of Terauchi Temple next. With Kikyo on their side, they could move on to their next target, which, if she were allowed to choose, would be Yurine, the Deathkeeper.

“I am simply more interested in her than the others,” the rabbit monster gave her justification.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Skarsneek of the Red Hills


Moving like a blur and taking the first one down, Skarsneek didn't even hesitate as he moved to the next one. Twin clubs were already in motion, twirling one as a way to distract while the other shot forward like a snake. Hit the one of the initial trio right in the gut before the other came to the back of the neck, enough force to knock the breath and give a shock down to the spine.

Once that was done, he swirled around to see more coming out from the inn. The one that took his attention the most was the ones at the window.

Snarling, he'll leave the ones swarming out to his wife. All of them bunched up just like that was a prime target.

So instead of retreating, Skarsneek dove forward instead. Knowing full well that he only had moments before the archers start firing.

Once close enough that the archers can't risk shooting their own, Skarsneek then slide with his knees forward and back to the ground. Low enough that he shot past all of them and even going past one between their legs. His clubs batting any spear that attempted to skewer him as quick jabs to the knees, thighs and heels burst outwards when he saw the chance.

A combination that at the very least, get them to slow down or hamstring then enough for a good follow up.

"Now!" Skarsneek yelled before propping his club to propelled him forward for extra range, hoping that Atsuha would be able to trap all of them. Or at least, enough that they're inconsequential. Hinami probably can handle two, same with Atsuha.

As for him? He was diving right into the inn for the archers and that woman, she had no weapons yet still had enough authority to command them. She was either a handmaiden or servant, which meant that she knew something.

Once past the inn doors, Skarsneek dove into one of the archers, his clubs twirling to intersect any arrows before lashing out a brutal strike to the gut first before another follow up to the knees. His senses sharpened to its extreme as he chased the other archer around. Using anything to distract them as he closed the distance quickly.

The moment he's done, Skarsneek begun his chase for the woman. While his nose was now where sharp as that brute of an orc, it was enough that he can track her.


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

The journey was quick and quiet as they finally reached the base, idly, Gringor felt a little smug since he managed to actually reach his destination and not fumbled around. After all, he had thought that he had taken a wrong turn somewhere but he pushed that aside. It all worked in his favor.

Though when they arrived, seeing the sight of a battle had him in the thrills, so much so he moved forward with no regard.


So it was with utter disappointment that when he reached there, it was already over and done. Sighing, he moved towards Shizuka and Io.

"So was the fight fun?" He questioned with a nod to the Zipangu swordsmen before nothing the new presence and quirked an eyebrow to her. "And who's this?"

For the latter however, she was just greeted with an impossibility since male Mamono don't exist. Yet one was standing here and now, half-naked, toned muscles, dressed with a far too short pants, arms and leg covering that seemed far more suitable for adults of questionable taste bordering on scandalous. Alongside a large axe on one shoulders, the proof of this monstrous trait was seen from the ears and tail swishing to one side similar to that of a wild boar.

"I got the tough boi," Gringor after receiving his answer would point a thumb towards Nobutada, currently conversing with Ayu. "He was tough, tougher than me. But I'm stronger, obviously."

"Also, those tin-can varjan are strong. Three of them come at me before tough boi there took them away from me." He huffed in annoyance, feeling cheated and deprived. It was an actual fight and one that he wanted to kept on going.

"It was fun."

Unbeknownst to him, Shizuka and Io got a glimpse of Gringor's full-on maniacal smile. Enjoying and loving this conflict to the fullest.


When Ayu came, telling them that they can rest, help out the villagers or continue their search. The answer was obvious for Gringor.

"I'll find some more of the bois," He then mentally counted the three other ones, and tossed the axe upwards. The thing flipped once, then twice before it landed into the ground noisily.

Hmm. Gringor frowned, wishing that he had assigned another number instead when he realized that he had to find the sneaky ones. Kageho.

"Bah." Gringor growled, wondering where the vampire assigned to it went. Well, hopefully, this one will give more fight for him.

With that in mind, Gringor wandered around the forest. Looking for any weird or open clearings as Takeshi asked for. Throughout it all, his guard was up but it was still a frustrating event. Hopefully, he can quickly find them on the sheer fact that he's a monster and they try to take him out.

Anything to just alleviate this damn boredom.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


"Everyone, listen to me! I know that not only some of us are yokai but we also just battled warriors who were your sworn defenders, but please believe us that we are here to help. We were always here to help, only if you'll let us."

The Shizuyama villagers whispered amongst each other but made no direct reply to Ayu's speech. After a few moments of deliberation, they dispersed and returned to their own little corners in the temple grounds.

Ayu let out a tired sigh and turned to the taskforce. "Well, I take it that they don't completely trust us but at least they trust us enough not to freak out at us." She let out another sigh before continuing. "It'll take some time for them to come around. Although, I believe we can help that process. Why don't you all take a look around and see if there's anything you can do for some of the villagers. I'm sure some of them are already on board with us."

"Well, you gotta start building trust somewhere, I guess.", Kerry commented as she watched Gringor wander off into the woods. Part of her wanted to follow him, but thought better of it. The high orc can keep himself in check and not cause trouble.....hopefully.

A Bridge Too Far

"Yokai, the Varjans have taken the bridge leading to Terauchi Pass, the road that connects to here. Many people travel that bridge, especially now. Please, you have to do something."

"Well we can't let that slide now, can we? Leave it to me, I'll make sure that bridge is Varjan-free in no time!"

With that reassurance, Kerry took to the skies and headed toward said bridge.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

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Io at Terauchi Temple

Io gave a nod to Shizuka's introduction, and the quick explanation of events from him and Kerry. She had to take in account the rather quickly developing situation. It was at least happening faster than she expected - but Io knew at this point that the living always moved faster than she would prefer. For a few moments, she seemingly froze, lost in thought about the situation.

She snapped out of it when Gringor crossed her vision. Now this was already a groundbreaking finding. Without missing a beat, she threw open her grimoire, dictating notes in her native tongue. Her eyes seemed to glow with fascination as she scanned the monsterboy, taking steps around him from a distance as if she was observing a museum piece from all angles. Her grimoire's pages fluttered, being magically filled with writing and turning to the next page in moments. After a moment, she quickly realized she didn't introduce herself. "Ah. I'm Io."

It also didn't occur to Io how her rapt study of this newcomer would appear in the view of others, but even if she did it wouldn't matter to her. This discovery alone made her trip the island worth it. Io had barely managed to finish dictating her physical description and series of questions before Gringor had already taken off, handling an issue that one of the locals had described to him.

For a moment, it seemed like Io might take off after him, but she simply closed her grimoire. She turned back to Shizuka. "That one... Is part of the task force?" The excitement in her voice was noticeable even to the people she had just met. "This island is already beyond expectations."

"I saw a terrible battle near Kuta Farmstead, yokai. Bandits and Varjans killing each other. I probably shouldn't worry about scum tearing each other apart, but their fighting might put someone in danger.

Please, can you take a look?"

"Two enemies of the village fighting? I will take care of it." Io banked on the situation being a good fit for her abilities. Worst case scenario, the villagers would likely not care much about dead bandits temporarily being raised to ward off the Varjan threat. With that in mind, Io strode off towards Kuta Farmstead, the lightest note of a smile on her face. She had originally planned on simply resting, but this development had put her in a good mood. An energetic mood, even. How rare, she mused to herself.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

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Since arriving here there had been several things that had been weighing heavily on Shizuka’s mind, and not just the immediate threat of the Varjan invasion. He was about to consult Ayu before Gringor and a large man dressed like a monk came up to the temple. The man of course was Nobutada; Gringor as well succeeded in his mission. He turned to acknowledge the high orc’s question, which made him squint a bit.

“I typically do not fight for enjoyment, Gringor-san. However, I can say that we promptly resolved it without there being any casualties. As for her, she’s our new ally, a lich named Io.” He replied, having some feelings for the nearly crazed grin on his face.

Ayu then explained that they could stay at the temple to rest for a bit, listen to some of the stories of the locals and aid them with their troubles, or continue to find more of Takeshi-dono’s allies. He then saw the others off as they went on their way to fulfill their next objectives. Though he was a bit concerned about letting Gringor roam about as he pleased, he decided it’d be best to stay and meet with the other taskforce members once they returned. Besides, the high orc had thus far proven himself thus far hasn’t let his battle lust run wild….yet.

Shizuka went back to Ayu, hoping she could answer some concerns he had about the land they were sent to defend.

“Ayu-san, the miko I fought earlier mentioned something about how much the yōkai had taken from the people here. I was wondering about how much you know about the history of the relationship the people have had with the yōkai and why they fear them so vehemently.” He paused a moment before continuing

“Also, I was also wondering why Kyouko-sama had decided to aid the island with a group of yōkai in spite of all that. I have my suspicions but I’d like to hear the most accurate answer first.”


On seeing Skarsneek’s hand gesture and hearing the phrase he gave out, the sisters turned to each other with perplexed faces.

“Boffum…?” Hinami said. “Um, I’m sorry, but is that some sort of phrase known amongst your people? I don’t mean to be insensitive…” Quickly after that, however, the goblin explained that he would flank and distract them while Atsuha would bind them with spells and webbing. Oddly to Hinami, he did give her an explicit directive in this case. Before she had time to press him about it, he was already on the group in front of the inn. Taking down one of the men, the woman shouted for reinforcements. Six more fighters scrambled out of the inn, ready to engage them. Atsuha took note of the archers at the windows; they would be annoying to deal with, she thought. They should probably deal with them first.

As if reading her mind, Hinami had already thrown some knives made from demon realm silver at both of the bowmen, hoping to drain and take them out in one swoop. Meanwhile, she began charging at the fighters and entered the fray alongside Skarsneek. “Hinami, wait!” She exclaimed.

Hinami failed to hear her sister’s words, she already had a bo staff in hand as he bludgeoned one fighter upside the head with it, gracefully flipping over another’s head and then hitting him with a spinning kick.

During the chaos, some beautiful pink petals began to swirl around her, emitting from the plant on her back. She started firing them at some of the other bandits, she also pulled out a talisman and began to channel it. After casting its spell it dissipated into a golden light.

The spell was one that boosted one’s vitality and durability, she and the others would take less damage in case anything went awry. While these seemed to be nothing more than low level marauders, one could never be too careful.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kishi Grasslands

“I am simply more interested in her than the others,”
Lunatea Vern Farnsworth

"Yurine-san? What do you want with her?" Kikyo asked.

But the answer came from Takeshi. "There were warriors, powerful people, that weren't with us in Sanjo Beach, you included. I'm trying to gather all of them so that we can mount a rescue to save my father. The taskforce Lunatea is a part of is looking for the others."

"Still, Lunatea-san. Are you sure you wanna go after her immediately?" Takeshi asked, surprised that Lunatea wanted to move out again despite the long day they've had. "Don't you wanna take a break first? Like, catch your breath back in Terauchi Temple? 'Cause I sure do, especially after our fight in that Varjan war camp. Ugh, my shoulder's still sore from that."

"I won't stop you if you really want to." Takeshi added. "But you will have to go at it alone, since I need to escort Kikyo to the temple."

"And I also need a place for my forces to stay for time being until they are needed. It is inefficient to drag them to everywhere I go." Kikyo piped in. "Speaking of the temple, I'm impressed you've managed to establish a base of operations this quickly. It truly speaks to your natural leadership skills, Takeshi-sama."

"Uhh, yeah, about that..."

Unknown Inn

Sorae, Gentle Heart

~ @AzureKnight (ATS & HIN), @Restalaan (SKA) ~

Skarsneek had made for the inn, probably to capture the woman. This left with eight Shizuyaman swordsmen and spearmen against the Hangai sisters.

But the Jiangshi was already fighting them, taking two down with her bo staff and some well-placed kicks to the head. Now, six remain and four surrounded Hinami; two with swords and two with spears. One of the swordsmen began whispering at his blade, likely an enchantment while the spearmen began thrusting their weapons at the Jiangshi, hoping to score something with their range while the remaining swordsman watched out for any openings Hinami might make.

Two spearmen made for Atsuha. "...I hate spiders." One of them muttered before attacking the Jurou-gomo. But the spider yokai already had a spell ready, pink petals fluttering from the plant on her back were launched at the spearmen at quick speeds and the warriors were pelted to unconsciousness. The other spell she casted with the talisman also came into effect, protecting herself, her sister Hinami and her lover Skarsneek.

And just in time too, as arrows from the archers on the windows bounced off of Atsuha's body, feeling more like pebbles hurled at her than painful projectiles. Although, her monstrous physiology likely would have protected her anyway. The archers nocked more arrows, but then shifted their attention to something inside the inn.

Skarsneek had burst into the inn in search of the woman conspirator, finding himself in a large room with weapon racks, boxes and crates and a ladder that led into the second floor. The two archers had loosed a couple of arrows at his allies outside but switched targets when the Goblin appeared. Skarsneek managed to take down the first one but a sword-wielding warrior interrupted him, which allowed the remaining archer to shoot a couple of arrows at the Goblin before a knife from outside the window hit him square in the head. Demon Realm Silver, of course, so the archers was not dead.

The woman was also here, and she got herself a sword from the weapon racks to join the fight.

Alice and Liliana both arrived at Otomo Port in the island of Akamagaseki at the middle of the day, as per Lady Kyouko's instructions... save for the fact that they were supposed to arrive much earlier. The port was busy and the two saw many warrior monsters mobilizing and preparing supplies. It very much looked like they were getting ready for a battle.

A weary Lady Kyouko ran up to the newcomers. "Ah, you two! It's good that you're here. A little late, but that's alright." She greeted them with a quick bow. "I'm afraid we don't have much time. Varjo has officially invaded Shizuyama and is overrunning the island as we speak. Their fleet is currently encircling Shizuyama too so I can't send anymore boats to ferry you to the island. I will have to teleport you two to Terauchi Temple."

"Come. Quickly now." The fox monster led Liliana and Alice to her estate on the hill, heading to the wide and spacious backyard where a figure in an obscuring cloak was also waiting. Liliana and Alice could sense tremendous power from this individual, and could tell she was a monster herself. "Using a teleport spell like this typically consumes a lot of the caster's energy. Fortunately, my friend here offered to help the cause, uhh, pretty recently and so, we can share our energies on the spell."

"Anyway, I'm teleporting you to Terauchi Temple in Shizuyama. It's the base of my human spies on the island and they'll help you where they can. The rest of the taskforce are, I believe, also there so rendezvous with them too."

Those were Lady Kyouko's last words before she and the cloaked figure clasped their hands together which began glowing. Liliana's and Alice's visions quickly became white.

Terauchi Temple

“Ayu-san, the miko I fought earlier mentioned something about how much the yōkai had taken from the people here. I was wondering about how much you know about the history of the relationship the people have had with the yōkai and why they fear them so vehemently.”
Shizuka Kannazuki

"Ahh, that one's a little bit complicated, Shizuka-san." Ayu began. "As you know, Shizuyama was freed from the yokai when it was officially founded. The people of Shizuyama has fought the yokai ever since, even if the other islands in Zipangu either accepted the yokai or submitted to them. After The Great Change, Shizuyama still continued to fight the yokai."

"But now, instead of casualties being inflicted by death in battle, they are inflicted by Demonic Energy." Ayu continued. "The warriors of Shizuyama know of the... transformative effects of Demonic Energy and while it is fine in small, negligible amounts, they strictly do not tolerate those transformed by its effects. Anyone who has changed into a yokai or spent a long time with them are immediately either executed or banished, no matter who they were or what they did before."

"People are torn from their families and clans because of this. Of course, everyone blames the yokai instead of the rules."

“Also, I was also wondering why Kyouko-sama had decided to aid the island with a group of yōkai in spite of all that. I have my suspicions but I’d like to hear the most accurate answer first.”
Shizuka Kannazuki

"Oh, I'm afraid I can't help with you that." Ayu slumped her shoulders, genuinely sad that she couldn't answer. "Even I don't know why Lady Kyouko does all this. But she has helped me before and she genuinely wants the safety of Shizuyama so I trust her."


Before any of the taskforce members could go off on their missions, a flash of bright light came from one of the pagodas; the one where Io also came out of. It appeared there were more where she came from. A monk opened the sliding door to let out Alice and Liliana, who would see the Terauchi Temple grounds for the first time. From their view, it looked like there had been a fight here recently what with the burn marks on the stone pavements and a bit of damaged architecture.

Ayu quickly went up to them. "Hello, hello! Are you two also part of Lady Kyouko's taskforce? If so, then welcome!" The snow-haired woman happily greeted them. "Err, don't mind the marks. There's been a small skirmish here with the, uhh... more stubborn locals but it's all fine now. It's all fine!" She then let out a sheepish chuckle. "You two are probably confused as to how all got here. I'm ready to answer any questions you have."

Alice and Liliana could notice the wary stared aimed at them by the refugee villagers. "Hey, listen. The taskforce is also currently trying to build trust with the people of Shizuyama. Why don't you two join them?"




Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Lunatea paused, placing one hand on her chin as she tilted her head.

“...You have a point. We certainly can take a break first before we move to our next objective. And I certainly am not dumb enough to do it alone.”

If she were to be truthful, she would prefer not to spend any more time with this Kikyo character. But alas, it seemed she had no choice in the matter. She would just have to accompany her to the temple and bear any hostilities she might show towards her on the way.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Liliana had to admit, she was not used to the hustle and bustle of a human port. Or human civilization in general. A giant forest was her home, so she could go miles before bumping into another fairy but here...she was having to float above people's heads just to get anywhere without fear of bumping into someone! Upon finally meeting Lady Kyouko, Liliana would reciprocate the bow offered to her with a curtsey. "Its an honor to meet someone who is friends with my Queen! Anything you need done, I'll do it Miss Kyouko!"

Upon being pushed into using a teleport spell prepared by Lady Kyouko and her powerful friend, Liliana would barely have time to say: "Tele-what now?" before being engulfed in that blinding white light, transported who-knows-how-far to the island of Shizuyama. When the sliding doors opened, Liliana would rub her eyes and look out at the surrounding landscape, trying to see past the (in her opinion) ugly human village ruining the scenery.

"So, this is Zipangu huh...?"

The little fairy that was fluttering beside the Mad Hatter who's name she hadn't learned yet was taking in the sights, nearly darting off the moment the temple's doors opened before being stopped by the reality that she was here for a reason. And, at least a messenger for that reason was telling her that she should aid the local villagers. ...Judging from her statement and the burn marks, they were hanging on and could use the help. "Sure thing Miss! If you don't mind me introducing myself, I am Lilliana. Royal Knight of the great Fairy Queen Titania, and ranked sixth amongst her personal guard. I'll save the questions for later, since it looks like help is more in demand than questions. Toodles!" The fairy would dart off as soon as she introduced herself, hoping to catch someone's eye who needed aid.

She wasn't even sure if they had fairies in this area of the world or some other form of natural mamono, but people sure were looking at her like a giant bug to be swatted until they saw she had a face. ...This was getting her nowhere, and as such she would resort to the worst tool in her arsenal: Getting big. Ducking into an alleyway the fairy would be surrounded in a faint white glow before growing to a height of 5'2" before stepping out once more. ...And now people were staring at her like she was weird in ANOTHER way.

When a panicking man approached her with a desperate enough request, she would nod her head at every word, barely understanding who these "Varjans" were, but got the gist they were bad humans.

"Yokai, please hear me out. While I was on my way here, I had to hide from a patrol of Varjans. One of them was a strange black-clad warrior who stood out from all of them. I overheard him talking about 'very helpful substances' and how they can be used against our people.

I think they were going to the Yagata Shipyard west of here. And the Varjans called the warrior, 'Fatal Pulse'."

"Yagata Shipyard to the west, right? Don't you worry Mister Human, I'll go and knock their socks off so bad, they won't think ANY substance could ever help them! Toodles!" the fairy knight would say, before running off towards the west.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As they "landed" from the teleport, Alice would stumble forward; her mushroom brain telling her that teleportation was forward motion, and the movement needed to be honoured. It didn't - but, how was she to know? Normalcy worked so much differently than Wonderland, and she was, until recently deposed by fire, the Queen of Diamonds. As she stumbled forward, however, she would nearly crash into a woman with hair that was mightily long and gorgeously purple, and noticed her concerned expression.

Alice didn't even notice the returning teleport of her allies, nor their wounds and burns, or even that they exist. How could she focus on them, when this angel made flesh was standing before her with her face scrunched up in such beautiful concern? Her eyes narrowed in worried focus. Her lips pursed in an anxious pout. Her nose --



Alice nearly leapt from her skin, as Carroll barked at her. She was driving at the speed of Horny on Main Street, and missing every exit onto Responsibility Avenue. Shaking her head, she looked at the woman...

She bore the look of someone with something to say (not particularly to Alice, at this juncture, but still); a request to fulfill or a message to deliver, Alice knew not what her vocal intentions were - just that she had them. Steeling herself, Alice cleared her throat, and asked, "A-A-Are y-you o-okay?"

"Smooth, Alice..."

Alice meeped, hefting her Cursed Sword, and looking hella sus, as she whispered, "She's so pretty, Carroll..." Her Heavenly soft voice was a clear contrast to the Hellishly coarse voice of her parasitic companion, as he shot back, "Stay on task!" Alice failed her arms, before managing a stable salute, "Wah-Wah-Wah-What can I do for you, ma'am!? The Taskforce is at your service!"

She wasn't even official yet... but she did have a pretty official looking salute.

That would probably convince her.


Despite being awkward as sin, Alice seemed to find her mark, as the woman did need assistance from the Taskforce about a Heavenly Strike... or, did she actually just wanna pass that message on to them? Alice really couldn't pick between the two, but she knew that this was something that caught Carroll's attention, at least.

And, what had his attention, duly had hers - that's just how parasitic symbiosis worked.

"Thank you, mila -- miss!" Alice says, in mid-fedora tip with her mad hat, before she stopped herself from committing a war crime this early in her new campaign, and booked it to hunt down the musician telling the tale of technique turned myth.

"The first stop in rebuilding Wonderland of Diamonds is acquiring that technique or the Demon Energy that its user generates when using it..."

"Mhm! Let's do our best! I just hope there aren't a lot of people..."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree @Enkryption

Before she flew out of the area, a flash of light was caught on the corner of Kerry's eye, causing her to turn around and hover back down just enough to see the commotion. As it turned out, new arrivals had appeared. A Fairy and, judging from the mushrooms and dapper attire, a Mad Hatter with a....talking axe? Wait......a talking axe!? That can only be a....!

Is that a fucking Cursed Weapon!? I thought those weren't around anymore! What kind of clout does Kyouko have!?, thought the Hornet, quite puzzled as the two newcomers, Lilliana and Alice, went their separate ways, the fairy traveling west while the corrupted weapon wielding mushroom girl talked to a villager. Shrugging, Kerry resumed her journey toward the bridge, yet a strange question bloomed in her mind as she flew....

Why did it feel like she met them in another life?
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