Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KZOMBI3
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KZOMBI3 thuggy-lewd-dere

Member Seen 6 mos ago

𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. olympic club
𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. Hera@smarty0114 | Ares@Legion02
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. Melissa [NPC]

Waking up in the early hours of the morning with someone new was steadily becoming a new routine for the Aztec. It hadn't ever really been the same since her time in Madrid, tangled up in cotton sheets with War incarnate. But it did enough to quench the lust and loneliness buried deep into her bones. For now at least.

Her boudoir visitors had only grown more frequent this past month when one of her girls mentioned that she was to cater and escort a one Mr. Alexander Marvos around the city. A mortal name Tlazōlteōtl would and could never forget. She made sure all her employees knew it well and to report to her if ever they come across it. Melissa did well with her part, though there was a seething anger that boiled beneath her skin at the fact that he was going to be there for the Festival and didn't even consider contacting her as his personal guide.

The fucking nerve.

So, a plan had hatched in those early moments of finding out. Consulting with those closest to her about what it would take to make him as jealous as possible. For him to realize he fucked up big time and in the process it got her mind off of him. Again. Until it drifted to him once more. A rinse and repeat that continued on a loop for the last thirty years or so.

It didn't take her long to dress and prepare for the day, she still had businesses to run and the Festival starting today didn't halt that in the slightest. Her regular patrons understood that the club wasn't going to be operating at their usual capacity and therefore didn't fret at the small, minor changes to scenery. One of her more seasoned girls always took up the mantle of running the place to Tlazōlteōtl's standards; 'She better, else she would face consequences otherwise.' And Illicit? They could afford to be closed for "remodeling" for a few days at least.

Everything was coming to a head as the latest bed warmer; some mortal that struck up a very boring and one sided conversation at the Jaguar the night before, had long since been kicked out of her abode and after she had double checked that things were in place and ready to go at the Jaguar. A subtle breeze picked up as she made her way to her car, top down to enjoy the good weather before it turned sour. It always did when the pantheons came together under one roof and Hera was the host. The Aztec had nothing personal against the Queen herself, it was by word of mouth she obtained all the dirty little secrets of Hera that made bile rise in her throat, that placed that nasty opinion of her there. In no time at all she was pulling into the parking lot of the lavish country club. If there's one thing about Hera it's that she knows where to host 'em.

Valet took the car for her and before she could make her way inside she was pulled off of the sidewalk and onto a side path, just off the main entrance. "Excuse you-! Oh, Melissa it's you," The quick burst of indignation quickly fizzled and gave way to recognition and then curiosity at seeing the mortal woman. It meant one thing. Ares was here already. Perfect. "What's the matter?" All of her previous thoughts were thrown out the window as she looked over the woman once more. She seemed to be shaking, nervous almost. A seasoned veteran, used to working with some of the more difficult clients because she wanted too and here she is acting like a scared child about to be reprimanded.

Closing the distance to her, Tlazōlteōtl placed an arm around her, trying to calm her down from her anxious state. "Ms. Lalli, I-I have some news and I don't t-think you're going to be pleased with it." A million things were rushing through her head. Had Ares gone off the handle and mistreated her? Asked something so debased of her? Of himself? Did she know of his divine hood? Of her own? What exactly could have her acting in such a way? Instead of voicing her confusion, she just nodded for the girl to continue. "He's seeing someone. Or rather, he has someone he's off to visit after his business is finished here in Seattle. He said he was going to see them in DC and that he uh, he uh..."

At this point Tlazōlteōtl had tuned out her stuttering. 'Seeing someone... meeting up with them after the Festival...' "It's fucking Madrid all over again!" The wrath broke through her internal spiraling and it startled the poor woman beside her. Taking in a deep breath, she ran her manicured nails through her curls, scratching lightly at her scalp to soothe the tension away, if only for a moment. "Is there anything else to inform me of?"

"Uh, umm, well. Yes ma'am. He told them he 'loved them'," another primal snarl fell from the Aztec of Lust and Melissa had to cover her ears from the close proximity. Without another word Tlaz was storming up to the entrance and throwing the doors open with a fury unlike those present would have ever seen - in recent years at least. She thought to make a scene. Find her darling War and lay into him. It would only be fair. She is owed her dues and an explanation. Though finding him would pose difficult as he enjoys hiding from her year after year. Stalking into the main parlor she took a deep breath and blew it through her nose positive that smoke billowed from them. Hera had recently concluded her speech and everyone milled about, chatting or otherwise. Topaz eyes scanned the throng of guests, mortal and immortal alike, searching for the target of her rage, snatching a drink in the process.

Tlazōlteōtl was on a war path of her own and gods help Ares when she found him.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
Avatar of Akayaofthemoon


Member Seen 3 days ago

𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. Olympic Club
𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. Tlaz@KZOMBI3 | Hera@smarty0114
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. Phobos@Danvers

Sweat clung to her brow, her fingers flexing and uncurling as her breaths came out in short huffs. Her back arching as she leaned, her fingers grabbing hold of the water bottle on the floor next to the bench she decided to occupy after the rigorous workout she had put herself through. She slowly undid the cap, taking a swig while lightly dabbing her face with the towel around her neck and getting herself lost in thought, music drumming in her ears to block out the other members who slowly flooded into the gym. Nightmares had decided to plague her early that morning, light barely touching the sky when she had jolted up in bed, all alone while reaching for a comfort that wasn’t there. Sure, she could have a good time and not wake up alone but it wasn’t truly satisfying, only a temporary distraction. Mortals were good for a fling here and there but when you know there isn’t a future to share, it eventually puts a damper and a hold on anything that could be built other than easy friendship. It wasn’t fair to them with their short lives if she didn’t let them go, even though some were harder to give up than others. Hathor had sat in bed silently, haunted by a past that never seemed to truly leave her even when she had thought she had moved on. However, nothing comes from wallowing in pity so she had gotten up, put on some gym clothes, and gone to vent out her frustrations and give herself a better distraction. She could only hope that would help keep a rein on her emotions later while dealing with the gods and goddess for Hera’s little ‘luncheon’. If she hadn’t woken up so early, she would have absolutely disagreed with the naming but at this point, it might have been more accurate than she liked. Perhaps Hera was an early riser as well which is where the confusion arose.

She didn’t have time to ponder further on the matter though, her music suddenly cutting off to draw her attention to the ringing of her phone. Glancing at the band on her arm caused a soft smile to pull on the corner of her lips as she noticed the name and quickly clicked her headset, ”Kristy, to what do I ow….”, Hathor started to speak playfully and ready to tease when she was cut off. Her smile quickly fell as she listened to the woman on the other end, her eyes sharpening as something fierce, dangerous, and unpredictable instantly bubbled beneath the surface and her fingers tightened enough to cause punctures to the skin of her palms, not even feeling the pain as blood dripped to the floor. ”Listen to me very carefully…first, can you tell me where you are?”, she asked in a deathly calm tone, nodding along with the answer even though the other woman couldn’t see it. She was already grabbing her things as she spoke, not letting anymore time pass to get on the roll. ”Good, that’s good. Is there a hand towel rack near the door?”, only pausing for a moment to allow Kristy to answer and taking a second to slam the door open while heading for her car. ”Okay, are there any towels?”, Hathor questioned while tossing everything into the backseat and gracefully sliding into the driver seat a moment later. ”Alright, here is what I want you to do since he could have a key. I want you to wrap the towel around the door handle and tie it to the towel rack. You hold onto it tight just in case. I’m coming, you hear me? I will be there soon, just hang on.”

Hathor barely heard the beep of the phone hanging up before she was frantically hitting dial on a different number while flying down the road, not giving two fucks if there were cops or anyone else around to try and stop her. She could deal with those consequences later should they arise. Right now, she needed assistance, someone Kristy would know and trust. Normally, she would reach out to Tlaz but with today being today, she didn’t want to add anything more to the goddess plate. It wasn’t exactly a secret that a certain God of War was already causing chaos again by hiring one of their girls. Couldn’t even wait a day before making life difficult and leaving her with the aftermath, trying to pick up the pieces of her friend's broken heart. A flood of relief hit her as the line picked up, not going to voicemail like she feared it might since he could have easily already been at the luncheon. ”Phobos, I’m sending you an address. I need you to meet me there as fast as possible! Kristy is in trouble!”
A voice raspy with sleep answered after a moment's silence. "I'll be there in 10." There were no further questions or complaints about having to haul his greek ass halfway across town. And before Hathor could offer any response, the phone clicked off.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

Another distinct thud of a body dropping to the floor could be heard, calm footfalls following shortly behind, moving with purpose as if a predator stalking for its prey. She stepped over the mess she was leaving in her wake as she moved through the entry and hallways of the modern home with no remorse currently for her actions and barely registering that they were somewhat innocent in this matter, just doing their jobs. They weren’t dead though they would be in extreme pain once they awoke and maybe a few might need some medical attention. Her rational thought was drifting further away, control snapping slowly since the moment she had been denied entrance upon her first warning and every obstacle just stacking up against her, fueling that deliciously pleasurable need for blood and destruction which was always slumbering just below the surface, waiting to be awoken and unleashed. The only flicker keeping her somewhat together to not paint the walls red and completely fall to her deeper impulses was that lasting thought that someone needed her to be calm, to stay somewhat in control so that she could be the best side of her, the nurturing and comforting one that assisted those weaker than herself.

Hathor felt herself being roughly slammed in the wall, a growl pulling from her throat as she felt a split second of disorientation before being greeted with a solid punch to the face. A hand reached out, giving her no time to block or dodge before pinning her up by her throat so her feet had no hold on the ground. A smirk appeared on the lackey’s face as he watched in amusement at her fingers clawing at his hand to try and get him to release her. He felt victorious…he thought she was going to cave. Oh how wrong he was because she was going to wipe that smirk right off his face. She spat her own blood at the one engaging her, grabbing their own arm for leverage instead of the digging her nails had been doing and she kicked the man square in the chest with both of her feet, sending them both tumbling to the floor. She gave a rugged cough, trying to get air back into her lungs but not wanting to miss the opportunity to gain the upper hand so she pushed off the wall to tackle the man who was still trying to get up. It was truly his own fault for turning his back to her, a miscalculation or fault for underestimating her. Hathor quickly wrapped her arm around his neck, locking her grip in place as she leaned backwards to apply more force, her legs pressing to the back of the knee in an awkward way so it would buckle. He threw himself backwards, throwing her into the wall with enough force for pictures to fall and shatter glass along the floor around them. She grunted at the force but didn’t let up until he seemed to be close to collapsing, finally letting go so he could stumble forward with a hoarse cry of pain at his hands landing in the glass.

Hathor felt a twisted sadistic smile pull on her lips, slipping a bit further into bloodlust as she yanked his arm roughly backwards close to the breaking point, leaning him closer to the glass as a wince of fear slipped from his lips. ”Who’s smiling now? Hm?”, she practically purred in a whisper against his ear, thoughts drifting for a single moment on how easy it would be to permanently punish this one for laying his hands on her…all it would take is a little shove, no…she had to focus, someone needed her protection. ”Now, you are going to be useful and tell me what I want to know or…well, I’m sure you can use that imagination of yours. Where is your employer? And it would do you well not to lie to me.”, she hissed as if spitting venom. The sheer panic from the man trapped at her whim was enough to bring a thrill of joyous fluttering to her heart before it was instantly squashed, that nagging feeling tugging at her…something wasn’t right but she couldn’t pin it, guilt perhaps…maybe shame, though that truffle emotion hardly seem necessary. The man’s shaky voice brought her attention sharply back on him and pushed aside the voice that was ruining her fun,
“Y-You won’t b-be able t-to get to him!”
”We’ll see. The woman….no, Kristy, where is she?”, she asked, some of her senses coming back a bit more as she was forced to talk and think precisely on why she was here. She would regret parts of her actions and worry over the slip up later, knowing fully well she wasn’t out of the thick of it yet as she didn’t have too many good reasons to fully hold back. “I d-don’t know…” he panted, suddenly frantically adding to his statement as he felt more pressure applied on the already painful hold to his arm, “I swear! P-Please! M-Maybe with h-him. H-He l-likes to take them to the basement. That’s all I know!”
”Hm, how do I get to the basement?”, she questioned, lessening the pressure once more to a painful but tolerable level as a reward. “There is a code for the door. I d-don’t know it b-but maybe it’s in the security office?! The b-basement is t-the opposite way. T-The door is d-down the stairs c-close to the kitchen.”
“And the security office?”
“C-Continue down t-that way, you’ll find the second f-floor stairs. D-Down the hall, around the corner and t-third door on the r-right. T-They will know y-you are coming.” He said, trying to scare her a little, make her hesitate but even he knew that was a hopeless wish when she spoke up once more.
”Good.” Hathor tossed him to the side, letting him avoid the glass but still delivered a harsh kick to knock the guard unconscious before proceeding.

Up until this point, she had been obviously dealing with more of the main staff of guards than the professional security team since while she was dealing with yet another problematic obstruction to get through, the cool feeling of a barrel was felt on her temple. The security from upstairs finally deciding to join in to help their incompetent allies, feeling she was actually a worthy risk at this point. This caused her to pause, her glare still burrowing into the bloodied man in front of her as she stood still, punch held in mid air at the sobbing mess of a man caught in her grasp. She was in a bad position to move and if she didn’t want to take a bullet, Hathor needed to think of something fast. She was fine with taking damage, continuing on her merry way until she collapsed, already looking a little roughed up but a bullet to her head was a slightly different story. It wouldn’t be long before back up arrived and if they were armed then that would be troubling.

"Damn Hath..." The voice of one God of Fear suddenly broke through the tension, carrying with it what could've been a mix of genuine approval and surprise. His footsteps had been gentle against the wooden floorboards but now, stopping midway down the hallway, he raised one to nudge the body of a half slumped guard beside him, checking that he was actually knocked out. At least she'd done a thorough job. A smirk dared to tug at the edge of his lips but he pushed it down, his features instead forming a mask of calm composure.

Running a hand through his still bed tousled hair, the young god carefully threaded through the war path, avoiding the pieces of splintered wood and glass. He moved as someone who was used to such scenes of chaos. "Why don't you just put the gun down?", Phobos spoke softly as he approached, holding up his own hands in front of himself and taking one...two steps closer towards them. "Toss it on the floor and walk away." He nodded to the ground in front of him, his sharp blue eyes taking in the vengeful Egyptian goddess before snapping back to the guard. Even the dullest of deities would recognise that in this moment, she was not her usual self. It triggered a small spark of curiosity within him but he pushed that aside. Phobos did not really see how that was his business to know or understand. And she had never designed to reveal that side of herself to him anyway.

The gun slid along her forehead to the other side of her temple as they both turned to the voice, a sense of relief flooding her and relaxing her tense muscles at the sight of the God of Fear. It should have probably been terrifying, especially in this moment while she was practically close to losing the last thread of control, one of her greatest fears but instead, all she could do was feel grateful. Obviously, it wasn’t a thrilling prospect that he was getting to see her in a whole new light, one she didn’t like those close to her to see but at least disgust or horror wasn’t gracing his features. Hathor watched silently as he tried to talk the guard down, her gaze subtly shifting to the one threatening her.
“Stay back!” the guard demanded, not liking the fact that there was now someone else to worry about and the gun shaking lightly against her skin. She tilted her head, waiting to see what the guard would do, a piece of her hoping that the guard would simply comply but that was tossed out the window when he pulled another weapon from his hulster, now pointing one at each of them. Hathor’s eyes darkened, her gaze getting unfocused but fierce as her mind was racing through all the ways to maim the one before her. Threatening her was one thing but to threaten those she cared about, that was just tipping the scales and asking for her wrath. This one deserves no mercy and she was shaking, struggling to hold herself back from making fantasy reality.

Phobos let out a small sigh, a hand reaching up to idly scratch the side of his nose. " Guess that's what I get for trying to be nice..." He murmured more to himself than anything, a look of disappointment flashing across his face. "Let's have a look then." He uttered gently as he dared to edge a few inches closer to the guard, seemingly unconcerned by the barrel now pointed directly at him. The fear radiated off the mortal like a wave of heat, rolling across the sun-kissed skin of the god who now basked in the raw emotion. Phobos suspected that his presence had made the guard more nervous but it was Hathor who had pulled out this exquisite feeling of panic. "Oh yep, that's a classic." He offered the man a small, almost pitying smile, before his world came crashing down. Fear embraced the mortal, wrapping its icy tendrils tightly around his fragile heart.

The shaking stopped, the mortal seeming almost stunned in one spot like a deer in headlight but only for a moment before the real shaking began. He dropped one of the guns to the ground in sheer blind panic while taking a few steps away, the gun switching who it was pointed at. Hathor didn’t waste a moment to drop the man still in her grip so she could grab hold of the other mortal's wrist while stepping to the side, protecting herself from the line of fire as shots went off. Usually she would have just moved to flip them to the ground and work on disarming without the need for harm but instead she started to repeatedly pound the man’s wrist against the banister of the stairs, waiting for that loud crack even when he had been forced to let go of the gun long before that point. The man slid to the ground, hugging his wrist to his chest as he cried in fear and pain. She really would have liked to continue but someone else deserved punishment far more than this mortal. She made quick work of knocking the guard, slowly turning to pick up both guns before locking her eyes onto her companion. It took a moment for his name to click, a warm smile tugging on her lips even if it didn’t match her state of appearance. ”Hello Phobos, glad you could join me.”, she purred, holding out one of the guns for him to take, knowing full well neither of them needed it but it would help to have fire against fire.

"My pleasure." He replied softly as he took the gun from her. For an escort service, they really had gotten themselves into a fair bit of trouble. Though with a boss like Tlaz, he wasn't all too surprised. It wasn't exactly the first time he'd had to get his hands dirty on behalf of one of her bustling enterprises. "So who's the asshole?" Phobos nodded his head in the direction of the closed door ahead of them, hands deftly unclipping the magazine, checking how many bullets were inside - there were two, and clicking it back into place. Having finished, his eyes scanned over the lithe form of the goddess in front of him, looking for any signs of injuries. There were a couple of scrapes and scratches here and there but nothing to call home about. Not that anything more serious would be likely to stop her anyway. And as his gaze roamed back to settle on her face, he realised that it might've been misconstrued as checking out instead of checking over, and he couldn't help but shoot her a playful smile before turning his attention back to the problem at hand.

”If his file is to be believed, some fat cat lawyer who, on paper, seems on the up and up but clearly, that isn’t the case. Believe me, I will be finding out who their source was for our fine establishment.”, she replied while looking into her own weapon before continuing, ”Make sure they understand the company they keep and to be more discreet with our information in the future if they don’t want a visit as well.” Her attention drew back to Phobos to see if he was ready to proceed, only to find those gorgeous blue eyes scanning over her form and feeling a sense of pride swell at the fact he wouldn’t find much wrong with her if he was worried for injury and if he was looking for other reasons, well, just another to be confident. It wasn’t like he didn’t work at JJ so there was more than a chance he had seen her on stage with a lot less than her current ripped and ragged gym clothes.

”Let’s divide and conquer, I’ll head for the basement while you head for security. It’s upstairs, the third door on the right once you round the corner. Once you have the code for the basement, give me a ring and I’ll meet you down there. Be ready to get Kristy out of here and to a hospital. I’ll handle the asshole and clean up here. Jason owes me one and I would rather not deal with cops today.”, Hathor stated, focused and ready to get down to business. She took a few steps in the opposite direction, heading for the kitchen area but paused, ”Thank you…”, she said softly, not stating more on why she was thanking him though the reason could be taken many ways. For example, just showing up at all, saving her from what would have been a sticky situation, bringing her mind back just a little bit, not being horrified by a part of herself that she hated, helping Kristy after all this…really the list could go on but she didn’t have the time to convey it so the simple phrase would have to do and with that she headed for her destination.

"No need to thank me Hath." Was the gods nonchalant reply before he turned away. It wasn't that he was trying to dismiss her gratitude but more that he wasn't used to receiving thanks and knew not what to do with it. He did things just because he felt like it and he was pretty happy with that. As Hathor walked away he paused at the bottom of the stairwell, listening for any sounds before slowly making his way up to the next floor. It wasnt until he paused on the second to last step that Phobos could hear the sounds of muffled conversation. It was coming from what Hathor had identified as the security room, the door of which had been left ajar, likely when the majority of them had scattered to investigate the source of the chaos.

Stifling a yawn, for he was still feeling kind of sleepy, the god stretched his arms above his head as he pondered on what to do. Listening more closely, he made out only one voice, the other coming from a phone or walkie-talkie or something. As he neared the security room it became clear that the guards back was turned to him, attention focused on a series of screens plastered on the back wall. Shrugging, Phobos aimed for the back of the guards knee, placing an easy bullet into the soft flesh. Watching as the man fell to the floor in gasps of barely contained his pain, he heard an almost (for the guard was making an annoying amount of noise) imperceptible creak of aged floorboards. Turning his head, he had no time to react before he found the butt of a gun slammed into his face, droplets of warm blood instantly falling from the cut that had formed on his cheek.

"Really?" He muttered as he wiped some of the blood away with the back of his hand, irked at the fact he'd been caught off guard. Pulling at the strings of the man's unease, he strode towards him as a wash of fear overcame the man. Grabbing the back of his head tightly, he slammed the guard into the wall, the sound of broken facial bones crisp and a clear confirmation that he was no longer in the land of consciousness. It only took him a couple of minutes of rifling around the room to find the code and pulling his phone from his pocket, he quickly dialled Hathor’s number. "Codes 4559. Meet you down there...and watch your back." The greek added the last part as an afterthought before strolling out of the room.

”I will. See you soon.”, Hath answered, letting him hang up the phone as she input the code. The thunk of the unlocking door could be heard as the metal door creaked open, allowing her to slip inside. She started down the stairs slowly and cautiously so as to not make a sound, that is until she heard a woman’s wail of pain causing her to fly down at a swift pace. The sight of the small blonde woman curled in a fetal position to protect herself from another oncoming kick was Hathor’s last straw, not even giving the man time to react or blink to the noise she had made coming down. She aimed for the leg that was currently the most offensive to her sight, hitting him square in the calf and watching the blood splatter to the floor while the stunned man cried out, limping backwards to try and grab hold of something to keep himself up before glaring in her direction.
“YOU CRAZY BITCH! FUCK!” he cursed, holding his leg and eyeing his own gun on the end table. ”I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Mr. Callaway. I’ve got four more bullets in this gun and as you can see, quite the aim. Maybe my next shot goes higher. Now…” she stated in an eerily calm tone that hinted to the dangerous venom beneath, letting the words hang in the air for a moment. On gliding steps, she moved through the room and grabbed a decorative wooden chair sitting at the corner before sliding it along the ground behind her as she stepped closer and closer to her next victim. She presented the chair before him, glaring harshly as gesturing towards the chair, ”Have a seat.”, she demanded, watching the defiant look burning in his eyes but ultimately calculating the situation and having a seat.

”Move and I promise that you will be sorry.”, giving the only warning she was going to as she was using every once of her control and patience not to just let herself physically rip this man to shreds. Hathor moved to the woman still curled in a ball, tears pouring down her once beautiful freckled face that looked close to unrecognizable with the massive swelling facial features, the break in her nose, an eye which was blackened and unable to open, and topping it all off with a split lip. Hathor had no doubt her body was probably worse off, no doubt there would be some broken ribs and who knew what else could be wrong. Kristy flinched at her light touch, still in shock and not registering she was no longer being attacked until that very moment. The only eye that could open looked at her, terrified but joyful relief finally appearing as well as she desperately crawled to be in Hathor’s arms.
”Shhhhh, don’t try to speak. I’m here. It’s okay, he can’t hurt you anymore. Caleb is going to take you away from here. It’s going to be alright.”, she cooed softly in a warm motherly tone, holding the poor girl as if she was made of glass but giving her as much comfort as possible. She started petting her hair gently before letting the tingling flood of her powers work their magic as she took on the woman’s physical pain. The onslaught of pain made her want to vomit, to cry out loudly, to curl into herself and not move for days so she could lick her wounds but she did not of these things, only allowing tears to spill from her eyes.

Hathor pushed the feelings of pain aside, her eyes glazing over a bit so when she heard the chair behind her squeak slightly and she swiftly turned, firing another shot that caused another scream of pain but also a cry of surprise from the girl in her arms, though she buried closer into her savior’s arms instead of moving away. ”Did I not warn you Mister Callaway, the consequences of moving? Be thankful that we still need to have a discussion or it would not have been your hand I went for.”, she said, her eyes sharply on his and holding back none of the righteous fury she felt while he now stared back at in complete terror as he clutched his hand to his chest, one that now had a nice hole through the middle.

Whilst the man lamented the loss of several centimetres of flesh, Phobos followed the sounds of pain to the basement floor. The scene in front of him would've been horrific if he hadn't spent millenia fighting in an endless series of wars and battles. As it was, he simply looked on at the whimpering man in front of him, holding back the desire to shoot him in the other hand. It was at least good to know that Hathor would take proper care of him though it would've been satisfying to partake himself. This was always the fun bit. But she had asked him to look after Kristy, so instead he approached the pair, unable to miss the injuries that covered the mortal from head to toe. Crouching down in front of them, he glanced over at Hathor, eyes following the path of tears that rolled down her cheeks. "Can I?" He asked before taking Kristy gently into his arms. Her body was as light as a feather and he could feel the trembles of fear that still coursed through her, though she did not make any sounds of pain as he stood. As he carried the girl he offered her a small smile, one that was surprisingly genuine for a god who knew little more than blood and pain. "We'll get you sorted out in no time, okay?" Seeing that she wasn't too distressed by being in his charge, he glanced back over at Hathor, "I wouldn't keep him alive personally." He said matter of factly as if they were simply discussing what to eat for breakfast or which movie to watch. She stood slowly from the floor, rolling her shoulders lazily and keeping her eyes locked on her prey now that there was nothing to hold her back, ”We will see if I have enough mercy to grant that wish once I’m done.”

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

The goddess of many names found herself standing before the Olympic Club, fashionably late and debating if she should just turn around right now, skip the show for just one year. It wasn’t such an unreasonable thought, given the catastrophe she had done this morning while also still carrying the weight of someone else’s pain while physically fine. She knew she wouldn’t though, Tlaz needed some support after all and she wasn’t letting her best friend brave an emotional battlefield alone. At least she had the sense to go home after the clean up crew had arrived to take care of the mess from her destructive rage that had been unleashed. She figured that the Greek queen would probably forgive her tardiness in this case, after all, if she had wanted to show up on time…she would have been in gym clothes and decorated in the blood of her enemies which didn’t seem quite appropriate for the occasion. Thankfully, for all those inside the clubhouse, Hathor’s control was locked back into place, her emotional state shaky at best and her physical one in agony but at least the guilty party had taken the brunt of her destructive tendencies and those somewhat innocent in the matter had only taken a beating instead of waking to the line of judgement.

She had threw on one of her favorite outfits, hoping it would make her feel irresistible and confident, neither of which she felt emotionally at the moment but it was a start at trying to make her feel better. A full tray of booze was rather tempting and would be a good start to numbing both problems that plagued her. Perhaps she could even coax Dio into a contest of some kind…no, that was probably a bad idea, she would just end up drinking him under the table again even with his claim to fame that he was the winner every time which was laughable and it make cause unwanted trouble. Hathor took a deep breath, trying to drown the fear that she would trigger again with everyone else here and telling herself she could handle anything that came her way when she heard someone on the steps behind her causing her to tense, turning to politely greet the arrival but found herself relaxing a tad bit and even able to pull a smile through the pain. ”Phobos…”

As he approached the Egyptian goddess, Phobos returned her smile with a small knowing one of his own. "She's okay." He reassured, speaking of course of Kristy, who had looked…well like shit, when Hathor had last seen her. The switch in both her demeanour and dress had drawn his attention, the calm facade a stark contrast with the fierce rage that had encompassed her not too long ago. The goddess definitely wasn't boring. Personally, he'd not had the time to go home but he always kept a change of clothes in the trunk of his car, so his attire was, at the very least, not covered in blood stains and the tears of the poor girl he'd taken to hospital. As amusing as it would've been to see his grandmother's reaction, he'd decided against looking like he'd come straight from a battlefield. His face still bore the signs of their mornings activities and admittedly the nurses in the emergency department had offered to patch him up but he hadn't been concerned about one little cut. Unlike mortals, they didn't have to wait weeks for even the most minor of injuries to heal.

Speaking of, their exploits had left him parched and what better to quench it, than some overly priced alcohol. "Want to get really drunk?" Phobos asked his fellow deity as they walked into the grand, and entirely over the top, country club. Not waiting for an answer, he strode over to one of the male servers. After a couple of minutes of gentle persuasion, he returned with two uncorked bottles of true french champagne. "Guess this'll do for starters." He shrugged, more than willing to drink by himself if she didn't want to partake.

He knew her all too well, both answering the question she was going to ask while also offering up one of his own that was in direct line of what she had been thinking moments before his arrival. She couldn’t help but smile, not even able to answer, instead letting herself be led and casually strolling into the country club together. He hardly seemed bothered by her lack of answer though and began instantly working to procure them libations but not just simple glasses as she would have assumed. Upon his return, Phobos had managed not one but two bottles of French champagne. Hathor stepped forward, wrapping her fingers around one of the bottles to claim it as her own. ”I could kiss you, this is exactly what I needed.”

The god raised his eyebrows at the statement, before popping the cork off his champagne, which he ignored as it knocked an extremely expensive looking vase to the ground, and took a swig. "Be careful Hath, you'll have me thinking you're flirting...and I'm not sure I'd be able to resist the charms of a JJ girl." And though his tone was light and teasing, his gaze remained firmly focused on her soft brown eyes.

The sparkling amusement in her eyes at the once beautiful extravagant vase was dimmed as he spoke, turning into something darker as he received her full attention. Her sultry gaze didn’t leave that sea of blue which many could easily get lost in or probably already had as she stepped forward, leaning into his personal space to place her bottle on the table behind him. Her other hand came up, slowly skimming along his own, gently taking the open bottle from his own fingertips before stealing a swig for herself.”And if I was? How long do you think that resistance of yours will last?”

Phobos maintained his calm composure as her body came closer to his, though the corners of his lips began to turn up mischievously. "Oh, I think I'd be broken instantly." He narrowed the space between them even further, the feel of her body warm next to his. "So you really should take pity on me." A playful grin made its way to her own features, leaning up so there was barely an inch between them as she spoke, It’s a shame we are in a place that we can’t test if that’s true or not.” Hath moved to the side, placing a soft kiss to his cheek before pulling away, taking another swig from the bottle she had claimed from him. ”So, I’ll take pity on you this time. Besides, I should really find Tlaz and give her an update so she isn’t surprised later. Catch ya later.”, she replied with a wink before sauntering away. At her words, a flash of disappointment crossed Phobos' features, whether in protest against the end of their game or something else, it wasn't entirely clear. But he quickly covered this up as he watched her walk away, turning to grab the discarded champagne and make his own way into the throng of deities.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

location || Olympic Club
mentions || Hera, Zeus
Interactions || Artemis @smarty0114, Captain Woods & Salvatore (NPCs)


There are few pleasures in this world -- divine or not -- that bring Athena pleasure. Eating the fruits of her labor that typically take the form of birria tacos that she often gets from a food truck that’s almost exclusively parked down the street of her adequate Seattle apartment. Watching her favorite guilty pleasure of Riverdale (don’t judge her). Something about how over-the-top it can get on a weekly basis is, at the very least, dumb entertainment for the Goddess of Wisdom. But above all else, she enjoys sleeping in. She knew going to bed last night that there would be a luncheon hosted by her father’s on-again-off-again partner, Hera, so she set her alarm and made sure that nobody would come between her and grabbing some tacos before heading to that luncheon.

And yet, at five in the morning, she was rudely awoken from a deep slumber. If this had happened during a time when she was still a divine being, hell that made the Trojan War feel like a walk in the part compared to what she might be capable of and what she might do to the person who woke her up. But sadly, she wasn’t.

At five in the morning, Athena got a call from her captain.

Groaning, she answered the ringing phone. She let it ring for a few additional rings. “You do know what time it is, right Captain Woods?”

George Woods, a Seattle-born cop who rose through the ranks. Athena had great respect for him. “My apologies, Sophia. I know it’s your day off. I would have loved to call anyone else, but since you’re closest to Belltown, we need your eyes.”

George was one of the better captains in the collective SPD force. He was unlike most who respected the unspoken rule of don’t call your best detective when she asks for a day off a week ahead of time, yet it was what it was.

In the back of her mind, she thought for a minute about what her father would do. Zeus, as she had always known him, lacked certain standards for the call of duty. Well, unless it involved fornicating with anyone and everyone. That unfortunate mental image aside, she thought about how he might worm his way out of this. She knew Zeus wouldn’t have answered the call in the first place and gone back to sleep, but Athena wasn’t wired like that. In fact, she answered it because she knew the captain only called her because he needed her.

“I’m on my way, captain,” she spoke up after about thirty seconds of thoughtful silence.

About thirty minutes later, Detective Sophia Pallas was on the scene as the sound of her 1970 Dodge Charger came to a stylistic stop. The local PD were already surveying the scene, CSI was just starting to process it. Sophia walked past the crowd gathering and flashed her badge at an officer who was likely a rookie and didn’t recognize her. When he let her through and she walked around the scene, she couldn’t help but do a double and triple take around. Crates were smashed, and scratches along the cargo containers, As she looked to her left, there were a few men who were being treated by EMT and they seemed to have a myriad of bruises and scrapes all over their bodies but none of them were lethal. They got their asses kicked, that much was obvious, but they were alive.

“Interesting,” she noted as Captain Woods waved at her.

Walking up to him, she looked back at the men with EMTs for a short moment before letting her eyes return to her captain. “Hell of a scene, Captain.”

“You’re telling me,” George Woods groaned, clearly exhausted.

“So who were those guys? The ones being treated?”

Captain Woods looked back and sighed. “Low level punks. Not sure who they work for, but they seem to run in a small gang and harass small businesses in the area.”

So they were thugs. In the back of her mind, Athena had a thought (more like an opinion) that they got what was coming to them. She didn’t believe in getting revenge and it wasn’t clear if that was what they were looking at here. It was still too early into the investigation, but given what the captain knew and what she had suspected based off of that, it was an easy guess that those five harassed the wrong person. But who did it was the question everyone wanted to know, especially Athena.

“Was it their bodies the only thing found on the scene?” Sophia asked.

Captain Woods shook his head. “A pile of coke was under one of the guys and we found a SUV about three blocks out that had a few bags of the same product. Whatever these men were here for, it wasn’t to take in the sights. Yeah, I’ve no doubt they were meant to meet up with a buyer and instead got an ass-kicking they’ll never forget.” The Captain laughed.

The only question was who met them instead?

Sophia looked around and she couldn’t help but center on one of the men getting treated. Out of the five that were separated, arms behind their back and cuffed, he was the one that caught Athena’s attention the most. Exusing herself, she walked over just as one of the EMTs was finished patching him up. “Detective Pallas, I need to question the suspect.”

“That should be okay,” The EMT said, standing up and the guy he was just treating just glared at him. “But not for too long. We will need to get him and the other injured to the hospital for treatment.”

“Understood. It won’t take long,” Athena promised, smiling as she took the seat the EMT previously had. When he was out of sight, her friendly disposition was replaced with a much more serious one. “So, why don’t you tell me your name?”

“Eat me!” He spat at Athena.

She kept a nonreactive expression on her face. “Appreciate the offer, but I have good tastes.” A second after she said that, Athena stomped hard on his foot and closed his mouth. “Wanna try this again? Nod if you understand?”

He nodded.

Athena uncovered his mouth and removed her foot from his. “Now, tell me your name, sir.”

“My friends call me Sal. Salvatore Esposito.”

“Salvator Esposito, it’s nice to meet you. Now, I’m only going to ask you this once and, trust me when I say this: you don’t want to find out what will happen if I have to ask you a second time. You and your friends were here, allegedly trying to make some kind of drug deal--”

“Wait, that’s not exactly--”

Athena glared at him. “I wasn’t finished. You were allegedly here to make a drug deal, but it didn’t happen. In fact, judging from the scene--” Athena glanced around, even letting Salvatore look around (which he did), “--That didn’t happen. I can only come to two conclusions. You five either had a disagreement with your buyer and found out the hard way they weren’t someone to be messed with. In which case, this is a waste of my time and my captain’s time.”

“And the second?” He asked, feeling anxious in knowing the answer.

Athena smiled, leaning close so only he could hear what she was about to say. “The second is that you found yourself on the other end of someone you never dreamed you would. Someone who not only beat you up physically but somehow struck so much fear into your eyes -- the same fear I see right now -- that no officers nor detectives know who, right? Nod if I’m right.”

As he nodded, the EMT from before returned from before. “Detective Pallas, we need to take them to the hospital now. I apologize.”

Sophia Pallas stood up. “No need. I am done questioning the suspect for the time being.” She looked down at Salvatore, smiling as he was hauled away on a stretcher. She had a suspicion who did this. Not their identity, but rumors have it there was someone in seattle helping those who couldn’t help themselves. A sort of boogyman for men like Salvatore Esposito. Athena didn’t necessarily disagree with their methods, but those stories were becoming way too frequent lately.

But that was a matter for another day. Athena returned to her captain, telling her some half-truths of what she found out. There were some things about this that didn’t make any sense but at the same time, as she left the scene and drove down the road, Athena thought about a lot of things. In her mind, she was trying to decide if the captain needed to know or whether or not she should keep the fact that the person responsible for the attack on the pier was the ever-elusive Blue Crusader.

As the Goddess of Wisdom walked through the entrance of the Olympic Club, she had several thoughts running through her mind, none of which were positive. She had scanned for her father but only met disappointment. Having Zeus’ company would have, in Athena’s personal and seldom humble opinion, made this luncheon bearable. Hera wasn’t someone Athena particularly got along with. Actually, maybe it would be accurate to say that she loathed her father’s on-again-off-again wife. She had come here with the small hope that her father would finally show his face to these yearly gatherings that the Pantheons gathered at. But alas, this wasn’t the case.

As she grabbed a glass of champagne and lamented that she had to give credit where it was due. For as much as she loathed Hera, the fact of the matter was the Queen of Olympus had a certain talent when it came to finding the finest champagne that reminded her of the smooth taste of liquid ambrosia. She took small sips of it and made her way around the room, observing everyone who she greeted in passing. There were a few gods and goddesses she avoided as much as she could and others she didn’t mind having small conversations with. Yet, as she made her way towards an isolated point of the club, there was someone who she was wanting to talk to. The only person at the club currently who understood her feelings about being here.

“Love the outfit, Artemis. Green and pink aren’t my colors, but you always had a habit of making things work for you.” Athena approached one of the few people in all the pantheons that, to be quite frankly, Athena had an unbiased adoration for. “So enlighten me: who do you think will be the source of most of our future headaches in the immediate future?” She asked, leaning against a table that Artemis was standing by.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by sly13
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Member Seen 28 days ago


Heimdall’s eyes stuck to his opponent with a fiery determination as he analyzed every movement of the man standing in front of him. Though he himself barely had worked up a sweat from the fight he could see the length of this round was beginning to wear on his opponent with each swing. “Is that all you got ye old bastard?” Heimdall said as he ducked under yurt another wild swing. After the punch missed both boxers took a step back steadying themselves.

The man standing across from Halinn kept his guard close as he attempted to hide his heavy breathing. Halinn on the other hand leaned his whole body forward and let his arms hang down, inviting someone to swing for his face. His eyes held a fierce determination yet, there was a hidden boredom with him. “Come on then. I don't want to die of old age.” After hearing the provocation the man let out a grunt and began throwing punches desperately trying to hit anything. Sadly for him however the only thing his fist could connect with were air as Heimdall easily slipped every punch thrown his way as he continued to watch his opponent. Finally, whether it be from frustration or exhaustion the man's last punch left his body wide open for a counter. Heimdalls Crystal blue eyes narrowed on the new as he duked one last punch and unloaded with tremendous force into his opponents ribs. As he doubled over with pain from the vicious body shot, Heimdalls left arm came crashing down across his face, driving him into the mat.

As the man's body laid on the mat, Heimdall began taking off his gloves while he made his way back to his coroner. “Don't bother with a count, hes out.” Heimdall stopped once he arrived at his corner with his coach giving him a rather disappointed look. “What?” He asked as he finished taking off his gloves.

“You know exactly what. What took you so long?” the grizzled man said with a voice that seemed rougher and more weather than the oldest of mountains.

“Figured id give him a chance to land a hit, besides what's the pot up to anyways?”

“Last I checked it was up to 700. You know you’d make a pretty penny if you take my offer and move up to the big stage.”

Heimdall let out a laugh as he took a swig of water before spitting into the bucket. “I told you old man, I'm not in this for the money.” Heimdall turned to look at the clock at the wall, realizing what time it was he quickly stepped out of the ring and towards the showers.

“Besides, I'm happy to keep your fighters humble for you.”

The old man gave a front at Heimdalls response as he turned back to the other fighter left unconscious in the center of the ring.


The purr of an engine echoed in the distance as Heimdall sped through the streets on the way to the annual banquet. This would most likely be the best part of his day if he was being honest, as sad as that might be. How he loved this feeling, this one random thing seemed to fill him with joy more than any other. The moment when he was riding that he no longer saw anything other than the road, felt nothing else but the vibrations of the engine, and thought of nothing. Sadly however it was a fleeting moment as he pulled up to destination and this small paradise washed away. He was sure he was one of the only gods who still refused to let anyone park his vehicle for him. Both because he was raised to never see himself that far above and because no one was allowed to touch his baby but him.

As Heimdall entered into the large banquet hall he took in the view of the ball room, he had to give the queen credit, she did know how to present power and influence. He also had to give credit that even with his tardiness the gathering had not developed completely into chaos, though he had not doubt it would eventually. Heimdall ever the watchman began scanning over the attendants of the gathering as he descended the steps in the hopes of bleeding in despite his underdressed self. There were a number of people he had no fight with, few he wanted to keep an eye on, and even less he actually wanted to talk to. Now it was just a matter of balancing the three to the best of his abilities.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 1 mo ago

location: The Olympic Club
a @smarty0114 & @KZOMBI3 collab

As soon as Anteros moved to sit himself in the seat beside the Norse wolf, Hati relaxed into his chair. There were few people he could let his guard down around and Ant held the number one slot. A lifetime together listening patiently to the whingeing that fell from him in those late hours as they sat together admiring the moon in the comfort that only night can bring. Wrestling among the sheets as Catherine the Great reigned in the distance. Anteros grounded him in a way that was too familiar for the wolf to not latch on to. A semblance of home.

So, as he sat there beside him - pleased though Hati was - and spoke of finger sandwiches, he could tell that there was something much more there in the tone with which Ant spoke, bubbling under the surface; threatening to escape and rush forth. Being the terrible influence he is he would just have to coax the coals of action himself.

“Mmhm, yeah, finger sandwiches. Not entirely what I would have liked it to mean… but we know your wonderful grand-ma-ma isn’t one for making such a scene. Wouldn’t want to bring out the degen sides of the gods now would she?” There was a humor to his own words as he shifted his gaze upon the Erote. Hati was never one for sentimentality but here he was admiring the golden man with memories flashing before his eyes, a cunning smirk playing upon his lips.

Anteros grinned. He couldn’t help himself. Hera might disapprove of the company he kept, Ares might’ve looked down on how he spent his time on Earth, but it did not seem to matter when he was in the presence of the wolf. He wondered if the nights they’d shared all those centuries ago still played out in the theater of Hati’s mind, like they did in his own. Surely not.

“My grandmother prefers all scenes revolve around her,” he replied, looking out into the crowd. “Of course, as a loving grandson, I could not condone any actions taken that might disrupt the festivities. As a son with no desire to see his father however, well,” Anteros paused and took a sip from his glass. “I guess I wouldn’t mind if someone sent it all to shit.”

Hati nodded along in agreement, Hera is one to enjoy the spotlight, much like his own ‘King of the Gods’. He internally groaned when he had spotted the Allfather enter the club and make a beeline towards the trickster. An odd combination the two of them made. However probably no more odd than a Love god and a moon chaser. Hati couldn't, wouldn't, stop the smile that snuck through his cultivated brooding appearance. Anteros did that to him.

"A literal shitshow, huh? I'm sure I could make that happen," It would be too easy to do otherwise. Too boring as well. However, Ant's words caught up to his ears and if they were any more wild like they would have physically perked up. "Speaking of the one whom you wish not to see. Mind if I pick your brain a bit about the man?" Who better to gather info from than his closest friend? Someone who Hati had no qualms discussing his new and strange case too.

Anteros cocked an eyebrow. His relationship with Ares had never been especially loving. That wasn’t surprising, especially within his family. But Hati knew all that. He knew of the scorn Ares looked at Anteros with, and knew how much the word ‘failure’ had come to sting. If Hati was asking about his father now, long after Anteros had drunkenly shared the sorrowful lows of their relationship, it meant someone else was looking into him as well. Interesting. “Not my favorite topic of discussion, but I’ll make an exception for you,” Anteros said, reflexively looking over his shoulder, as if his father might appear at any moment.

A groan escaped the white wolf as he leaned back and rubbed his hands along his face, snagging on scruff in the process, "I know this is a lot to ask and normally I wouldn't. It's just a new client, they want all the deets on Alexander Marvos. And how could I pass up screwing over your father?" Another flash of a toothy grin to cut any tension that might have settled between them. Hati knew how much he despised the war god and yet here he was bringing him up. Disregarding feelings.

It made him feel like shit. And Hati never felt bad when it came to doing his job. But with Anteros nothing was ever what it seemed. Nothing was "how he normally did things". It was always softer, newer. More real. Hati shook those thoughts away, 'Now is not the time,' he chastised himself.

Ares’ mortal name summoned a scoff from his son. “Is that what he’s going by now?” Anteros shook his head, forcing a smile through the painful absurdity of his situation. “I haven’t really spoken with him in, I don’t know, twenty years? He’s been off the grid, besides the festivals. He barely even talks to Hera anymore.” Even Hati’s presence couldn’t quell the rage bubbling up inside his chest. “Best guess? He’s been too busy playing at brutality to give a shit about anyone else. Of course, that implies that he ever gave a shit at all, and I’m not sure he did.”

Anteros downed the rest of his champagne. He would not explode, not here, or even in the privacy of his apartment later tonight. He was not meant to glow, incandescent with rage. He was the perfect son, poised and perfectly put together. The boiling water inside him would stay inside.

“Honestly, that’s probably all your client needs. A millenia on Earth couldn’t make Ares care about anyone other than himself, I doubt a new name and some-” Anteros trailed off as his father arrived. He watched eyes pass over him, like he was just another face in the crowd. Of course he wasn’t enough for Ares, today or any day. “I stand corrected. He’s gotten worse.”

There was no mistaking the bitter taste that seemed to linger in Anteros’ mouth at the mere mention of his father. It was enough information as he was going to get from the male beside him. There wasn’t a need to press any further for fear of truly hurting him. It wasn't something that he enjoyed doing to him though that seemed to be all he ever brought to the table when it was the two of them. Always seeking the Erote out to help him with his issues. Even after having essentially ditched him all those years ago. Hati didn't deserve Anteros, in any capacity. Friend or lover.

Offering a content, thin lined smile Hati patted the male on the back, nodding in agreement, pulling him closer and into his side. "If it makes you feel any better," He licked his lips after taking another sip, finishing his glass and waving a server down for another, "This... client of mine seems extremely interested in him. Obsessively so. It would be such a shame if this information, of her and her intentions, were to be leaked to the rest of the gods. Perhaps causing a sense of discord among lovers," Steel eyes didn't miss the arrival of the Aztec and wondered just how much pain she could inflict on War. Her own pain would be a small price to pay if it meant that Anteros' blood would simmer and the loving passion that is Requited love would shine brightly once more.

Anteros smirked through the rage as he followed Hati’s gaze. “Y’know, you are much more clever than Odin ever gave you credit for.” Anteros was not normally one for tricks and schemes, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t make exceptions. Tricks and schemes were embedded in his DNA after all. Manipulating Tlazolteotl’s emotions felt dirty, but better that it came from him than someone else. “Who is this woman anyway? Lover? Enemy?”

If Hati were in a more advantageous position he would have bowed at the compliment. It wasn’t often he was able to have his fur ruffled in all the best ways with words of affirmation. Especially from one as beautiful as Anteros. "Get this, a mortal.” Hati nodded as if it were scandalous gossip. ”Some woman named Isabelle or some such iteration. I’m assuming it’s a fling with the size of the hard-on she's got for your old man.” He graciously accepted his new drink and with a flourish downed it quickly. "Not entirely sure if she’s scorned or not. She wants information on him; everything about him actually. Family, friends, business endeavors and the like. It struck me as very strange, but there was nothing… otherworldly about her so she couldn’t be a hunter of some sort.” Hati shrugged, not exactly sure of something in his hunt got under his skin. It wasn’t like him to not know something about his prey. Regardless of if they knew their role in his life.

"Either way, information will be gathered and delivered to her sporadically,” another wolfish grin placed perfectly across his features, sharp eyes flitting between scanning the room and darting back down to the male still hugged to his side. He would burn anyone else to ensure that his closest companion wouldn’t hurt anymore. If that meant he too would pay the price, then so be it. But there was going to be some fun to be had before it was all said and done. "It’s the least I can do in order to ensure chaos follows all the right people. There are always some casualties of war, aren’t there?”

Anteros looked between Tlazolteotl and his father. Even now, he sensed the forces moving between them, the pulls of love. It was practically a fog, filling the ballroom with a rosy haze. “That there are. That there are.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KZOMBI3
Avatar of KZOMBI3

KZOMBI3 thuggy-lewd-dere

Member Seen 6 mos ago

best laid plans

location: The Olympic Club
interactions: Ares @Legion02 | Hathor @Akayaofthemoon
mentions: Hati

Ares could never read people well. He never had to. The games of politics were at best a slightly less dull pastime to him. That’s why he sat back in the shadows as his mother made her speech. Pothos came in as well. She was such a talented singer. Not even Ares could deny that. The fact that he had a plate hanging on his wall back home attested to that. Still, he wished she would apply herself more. If she wanted to she could’ve battled for the top spots in all the world's charts, but she was going easy now. She took more after her mother oftentimes.

The gleam of the golden apple pendant did make Ares lean forward in interest. Ages ago, so far that it had become pure myth, an apple just like that sundered two great powers and countless heroes. Ares himself had fought on the plains around Troy. What was his mother playing at? She didn’t do small acts of kindness. Was this something to rile up the younger gods? Was she fishing for another divine war?

Those questions vanished the second the doors opened to lt the latest goddess in. Smelt her first. That delicious scent of sweet chocolate and sinful alcohol. The blood in Ares’ veins warmed up through her presence alone. Before everyone had been at their best possible behavior so it wasn’t a very thrilling situation.

Tlazōlteōtl’s entrance changed that immediately. He spotted her and for a sweet second he locked into her beautiful, topaz eyes like he had done so many times before. In a split second plans changed. The serene place he would invite her to faded. Something else would have to be done. Ares got up. There were other, secluded places. Even here. Especially here. He gave Tlaz a small, taunting smile. Enough to make sure that she knew he saw her. Then he started walking towards the gardens outside, where he vanished from her sight into the hedges.

Storming into the main hall, where everyone was seated, did nothing to quench the fire burning under her skin. If anything it served to keep it going. Especially when the target of her rage was spotted getting up from his hiding place, only to scurry off to another, having the nerve to smirk at her. He wasn't getting off that easily. Tlazōlteōtl quickly took chase and hunted him down, finding herself in the gardens and losing sight of him completely.

Scoffing and sighing heavily through her nose, throwing her arms up in frustration and venturing deeper into the hedges, seeking her man. "I swear to Huitzilopochtli, Ares, you're not getting off with a warning." Grumbling to herself it was clear that she had no directional sense of where she was or where she was headed, only that smacking the shit out of Ares was the top of her list. If only she could get to him.

Taking a deep breath she halted her movements. "Ares, yōltzin, come to me~" Her voice, sultry and low, easily carried through the vegetation surrounding her. It is better to catch flies with honey than with vinegar after all.

“You called?” Said a soft voice from behind her. Before Tlaz knew it she was grabbed around the waist. One hand covered her mouth so she couldn’t scream. Soft lips kissed her neck in a bid to rile her up even more.

To Ares it was all a game of course. This wasn’t the first time he teased the Aztec goddess so mercilessly. It was their wicked way of playing with each other. She’d return the favor, he was sure of it. In her own way she’d torture him after this. So he was going to have his fun. At least for now, before he’d have to breach the subject of Madrid. It was an ever looming thing Ares knew would have to be discussed sooner rather than later. But that didn’t take away that he wanted to enjoy his short time with Tlaz first.

As quickly as he had grabbed her he let her go again, except with one hand he spun her around so she’d be facing him. Again he gave her a daring smirk.

He was on her quicker than she realized, her wrath clouding all senses except for the desire to rip her claws into him and tear him apart. A blessing in disguised, honestly. There was such short amount of time where his lips touched the exposed skin of her neck, the warmth radiating from him called out to her. To succumb to the desires they both still harbored for the other. How she wished to just fall back and melt into him. It was something that was as ingrained into their being as being able to breath. Always with a tease, a taunt, a smirk. Loving words spoken as if nothing else existed before turning it around and playing more games. A hunt, a chase. Though the moment was cut in twain and standing there, facing that stupid, attractive smirk of his she was reminded of why she stormed after him.

A coquettish smile graced her painted lips as she looked him over, stepping closer, one hand to his chest running up to his tie to grip it tight. Before he could make a move or speak once more, Tlazōlteōtl raised her hand and brought it firmly across the side of his face. The sound that emanated from the force of the slap was enough to get even the smallest of creatures dwelling in the gardens to hold their breath. Her own chest heaving with everything she wanted to say. You axno conetl!" The fire that was dwindling in her veins from his grip was ignited in that contact with him and as she continued to stare at him, it only seemed to grow. "You left me?! No note, not call, no contact!? Nothing."

Tlaz raised both hands into fists as she proceeded to beat on his chest, each landing with less and less power behind them. As furious as she was there was no denying how wonderful it was to be in presence after so long. It only served to remind her just exactly how lonely she’s truly been all this time. ”Just… why…” her words, whispered, seeped out from loose lips as the fire seemed to ebb back into an ember.

She slapped him, she was hitting him yet Ares’ own fire was burning down as well. The intensity of Tlaz’ hate had melted away in an instant. Still he took the hits. She need this, he knew that much. When it all became too much everyone becomes a creature of physical expression. So he let her hit him as he felt her fire burn out. He didn’t answer her questions either, not yet at least. That’s not what she needed right now. As the power behind her punches weakened more and more Ares moved his own arms to slowly embrace her.

When Tlaz was finished, Ares was holding her close. “I’m sorry.” He said softly. He meant it, though he knew it wasn’t enough. Not at all. But he still needed to say it. Everything she accused him of was true. He did leave her.

Thirty Years ago, Madrid

When he woke up that morning, thirty years ago, Tlaz was still asleep beside him. Outside it was still dark but he didn’t want to go back to sleep. For a time he was happy to just lay down beside her, with his head on his pillow and watch her. She had a cute nose. Everything about Tlaz was beautiful but her nose was cute. Aphrodite didn’t have a that. Or rather, Ares realized at that moment, he never cared to notice such things about the Greek goddess of beauty. Right now though, he felt happy. But then a fear crept into his heart. Was this him? Truly him? The Ares that fought on the fields before the great walls of Troy? The Ares to which King Leonidas and his Three hundred prayed to?

He was changing. Being with Tlaz, it was changing him. He got up. His blood began to boil. Why? He wasn’t fighting? He wasn’t loving? Why was it boiling? He needed to cool down. Light from a street lamp shone inside the bathroom of the hotel. Ares rushed over to the sink. Something was happening and it was wrong. He splashed water in his face to cool himself down. It only confirmed how hot he was running. Physically hot. Tlaz was changing him but he couldn’t change. He couldn’t become soft now. Athena’s endless taunting would drive him to the edge if he let his skin thin. Zeus’ constant disappointment would wear him thin. The Olympians were toxic and you only survived them by being able to weather every jab and insult, or by being loved by everyone. Ares was not Pasithea or Hebe. He needed his walls around him.

This metamorphosis had to stop. There was only one way to do that. He pushed himself away from the sink and grabbed his bags. Ares always travelled light for a reason like this. In ten minutes he already had a foot out the door but he stopped and turned around to look at Tlaz one more time. Something deep down him told him he’d regret this. Sooner rather than later he’d regret it.

Today, Seattle

And now he did regret it. “I hurt you. I know that now.” He said. “There are no words in any language that I can use that will earn my forgiveness.” Not that he would even be able to use them. Weaving honeyed words was an art Apollo practiced. Ares never saw a use to it. Until now, at least. “I want you back though. I want to earn you back. If you’ll let me.”

Tlazōlteōtl wanted to scoff at his words. He would absolutely have to earn her back. Though it was a futile battle to participate in. Ares was a master of war and she already lost her heart to him. There was no need for him to fight, not really. But she needed him to hurt just a fraction of how badly she had been hurting these last few decades. Being pulled into his warming embrace, held tightly, having him whisper these words to her made the embers in her ignite once more into something of love rather than rage and hate. Tlaz had missed this. Craved it for so long and now that she has it, she is content to fall back into a gentle rhythm with him once more.

"You did more than hurt me, yōltzin. I want nothing more than to go back to before, for you to be mine and I yours…" Her words were muffled against his chest. So close, if she focused her eyes she would be able to see the individual threads that made up his suit jacket. See that there were colors of plum blended among the grays and blacks that made up the majority of his wardrobe. It was refreshing to see him branch out. The thought alone, of him growing and changing and not because of her, brought the somberness back into her head and heart rather than the fury. 'Give it time...' the voice inside her spoke.

Pulling back enough to look up into his face she managed a small smile, for even though her heart was fractured he was there, with her. Right now. Not the other woman. The other woman. It's when the questions came flooding back and she needed to hear it from him. If he were serious about wanting her back, to try to "earn" her back as he says then he needed to start answering her. "Who is she? The woman. Melissa mentioned you were on the phone with someone. Someone you love." It was now or never, Ares. What was going to be his play? Will he run away once more or stand on the front lines and take damage? "If you mean what you say yōltzin, you will answer me. If there is another..." Tlazōlteōtl let the statement hang in the air. Mostly for show, as a threat. Partly because she didn't know what she would do if his love was directed to another. It was a situation Tlaz was not familiar with and one she didn't like to find herself in.

A plan truly never survives first contact. In his mind, Ares had planned it all out. He was going to tell the tale of the last thirty years slowly. Until Tlaz mentioned Melissa. She should’ve known the woman would work for Tlaz. She was far too beautiful to be a simple guide to rich idiots. An old, ever simmering fury began to boil up once more. Melissa betrayed him. If that had happened even half a century ago Ares wouldn’t have tolerated such a thing. He would’ve yelled and screamed, and then fired her at the very least. Of course, a vengeful part of him might’ve gone further still. He would’ve turned the poor woman’s life into a living hell. It was easier to destroy lives than most people thought.

The god of war took a breath to stop his own furious thoughts. He had to be better than that.

“There can never be another like you.” Ares said. He did keep hold of Tlaz’ hands. In a way he was almost afraid to let her go. Truly, the English word was lacking though. Love meant too many things. It was an odd thing he only learned a few years ago from another human. The Greeks had at least seven different kinds of love. “You are Agape to me. My love to you is boundless and unconditional. Should you walk away now I’d still love you. I could never stop.” He paused for a moment, to calm his own heart again.

“The other woman you speak of… the other girl really. I love her in a different way. I won’t lie to you. She is dear to me.” He squeezed her hands lightly. His heart dropped. If she wanted to walk away he would not hold on. It would be her choice. Yet he knew his own body would betray him if she did. His heart would fight for her. He took a big breath to steady his nerves. For two millennia had been shot and stabbed, yet this made him nervous.

“She’s my daughter. Someday… I hope you can accept her as well and we three can share a life together.” Every second of silence after he said that was like torture. His muscles strained against themselves.

Then an idea ignited in his mind. He would fight for Tlaz, as he promised. And it would start with acting instead of speaking. “I propose dinner. I’ll ask her to come to Seattle in a week, after the whole festival of life, so she can join us and you can meet her.” After all, Isabel always wanted a family.

His hold on her had not waned in all these years but the words he spoke just couldn't quite reach her, even as she listened intently to them. 'Another woman... a daughter... dear to him…' They stuck out like a sore thumb and Tlazōlteōtl couldn't be bothered to look past them. Of course she would love any part of Ares. It was inevitable. That included his children, of which he had many with the goddess of love and beauty - a notion she had always been envious of. However, it never once deterred her from him. So what was it about a new one that rubbed her the wrong way? 'The fact that he's just now divulging this to you is one reason. How old is she? Did he leave you for another and this child was born from their budding romance? Why else would he continue to hide her from you? To hide himself from you? Guard your heart…' Her internal thoughts were screaming at her to see the signs, read between the lines he shelled out.

Tlazōlteōtl squeezed his hands back, reassuring him that she had heard his words, that she was there for him as he claimed he was for her. It was as much for his benefit as it was to calm and ground her. Should she dwell on the thoughts too long she was bound to start hitting him once more. But before she could get a word in edgewise to answer his questions, to say anything on this bomb of information he dropped on her, something from the bushes caught their attention.

After his conversation with Anteros, Hati excused himself and followed after the loving cross pantheon couple expecting to find destruction in the wake of Tlazōlteōtl's wrath. She seemed more agitated than normal when it comes to Ares and since acquiring this new client, it would behoove him to follow and gain any gossip to pass her way.

So there he stood, among the high bushes, intently watching the scene unfold around him. Snapping pictures on his phone, recording bits and pieces - with and without sound; just to piss Isabel off. Their words were meaningless to him, though when Ares dropped that he had a daughter, a new one things began to click in place for him. This mysterious mortal woman wishes to know more about this godly man? Of course, he was her father. But why did that mean she had to resort to stalking and investigations to get to know him?

Another presence crept up on the couple and Hati moved further down wind to ensure his cover wasn't blown until he was ready to approach War on his own terms. For now, Hati was content with watching the scene unfold before him.

Unlike the prowling wolf that remained hidden, content with observation of the scene unfolding, Hathor was far from amused when her dark eyes landed on the pair and had no plans to let this conversation continue. Ares was a weakness for Tlaz, easily slipping past her defenses because her love for him willingly let him in and left her vulnerable. Did she wish for Tlaz’s happiness? Always. Did she think the person to provide it should be Ares? Absolutely not. He didn’t have to deal or see the aftermath of his actions, Hathor did. It wasn’t him to dry the goddess’s tears and to slowly collect the fractured pieces of her hurt heart before building her back up, that was her. If Hath had to be a shield for Tlaz so the emotions didn’t sweep her away in that moment and could give her some space to think logically, she would. Protecting people, especially women, was her purpose so even though she was in immense pain, even though all she wanted to do was sit down and relax, she found herself squaring her shoulders, putting on a strong front and gliding across the grass with all of the grace of the queen she should have been had Ra keep his promises. ”Tlaz, there you are! I have been looking for you everywhere.”, she said to capture the pair's attention, her tone playfully friendly and light as a bright smile lit up her features.

She physically took Tlaz’s hands from Ares, placing them in her own as she lightly brushed her lips to kiss each of the woman’s cheeks in greeting. Hathor turned her attention towards Ares, making sure to lock her gaze with his own as her eyes changed from the soft shine of delight into something dangerous. The smile she had worn moments ago dropped from her face before she spoke, all the warmth devoid from her tone and taking on a strict business attitude because the last thing she needed was a fight in her condition so some politeness was needed.“Ares.”, she started, giving him acknowledgement before continuing, ”It is always such a pleasure to see you again. I’m sure you won’t mind if I steal Tlaz away. I have a private matter of great importance that needs to be discussed and unfortunately it can’t wait.” Hathor didn’t give him an opportunity to dispute her demanding words, already working to lead the Goddess of Sin away from the God of War. She was thankful that in this moment, her words were actually true in some capacity.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by KZOMBI3
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KZOMBI3 thuggy-lewd-dere

Member Seen 6 mos ago

show & tell

location: The Olympic Club
interactions: Hati | Melinoë
mentions: Isabel @Legion02 | Loki @fledermaus | Phobos @Danvers | Apollo @smarty0114

After sitting in the shrubbery for longer than seemed necessary, Hati wanted to make sure he didn't run into the War god after all, the White Wolf composed himself and took a stroll through the begonias, tapping away on his phone. His mini stakeout proved to be well worth the headache he received from the mortal woman who called herself his "employer". Yet, here he was being as dutiful as he was back in Asgard, at the beck and call of Odin. A snarl plastered on his face as he let loose a small growl.

To: vile witch
I think you'll enjoy yourself quite a bit at the Jade Jaguar. Ask for Lalli.sent

As an after thought he shot one more text her way;
To: vile witch
Should have just told me he was your father 😉sent

Attaching a picture he took of the two immortals in love he sent the text, leaving it as cryptic as he possibly could. Isabel was a smart girl, 'Too smart, she'll be able to use what little information he sends her way well enough. "That should satiate her," he pocketed his phone as he strolled back into the foyer. He couldn't help but take notice of the shadow of death clinging to the sun, off to refill their drinks at the bar where there happened to be another friend of sorts, guzzling away some sort of demon. Hati saw it fit to pull her away, if just for a moment, and head towards a different set of delicious drama. The wolf wasn't much for inciting riots and causing a stir - not unless it benefited him - that was typically the child of his grandfather, but oh how it fell on him to get this place lively. Hati wasn't complaining. Quite the opposite. He was thoroughly enjoying this new personality trait and wanted to see just how far he could take it. Starting off with pulling Melinoë away from her Apollo.

Flashing his most sincere of smiles he approached the would be couple, 'Pfft,' he had to chortle to himself lest he end up on the wrong side of madness. "Excuse me, Sunshine, mind if I steal her away? Mortal business affairs and all." Hati didn't give Apollo a chance to reply before he was guiding Melinoë to a different part of the bar by the elbow.

Retching it from his grip she turned deadly eyes onto the Norseman, "Hati-" she spat, "The fuck is with that?" It was unlike Hati to seek out her opinion on matters, immortal or otherwise. While they were friendly enough towards one another it wouldn't be entirely out of the realm of possibilities that they despised one another. Occasionally. The same way one could torment the other but no one else got the privilege. Was this what close sibling relationships looked like? Or toxic ones? Instead, she was just dragged along the bar where a number of bodies were present. Hati didn't seem to notice or care and pushed them aside regardless; seeking something or someone out.

He only rolled his eyes in response, "Please, you were bored. That and you were playing a losing game, doll. You're welcome by the way. Besides, I have something else far more interesting for us to do." He reached across the bar and grabbed a bottle from behind the counter passing it off the woman beside him. In another life, he thought, there might have been something between them. Melinoë had an air about her that drew him in, she was hot, yeah, duh. But there was something else there. That is until she spoke to him and then he remembers how much a bitch she truly is. However the Nornir had other plans. Stick them in close proximity and eventually they will kill one another. Until then of course, have them amicable to one another; siblings almost. Almost. Hey, it's whatever. He always wanted a little sister to bully around.

Popping the top of the bottle of Estate Argyros VinSanto passed to her, Melinoë admired the vintage twenty year aged bottle before taking a large swig, hoping to calm the random set of nerves flooding her senses. She couldn't exactly pinpoint the cause, not until Hati had ushered the two of them closer to the source of his glee. Waving his hands, most frantically, Hati had pulled the attention of the last person Madness wanted to see. Phobos.

As they approached her eyes raked up and down the figure of Fear as he leaned over the bar top, looking a little more worse for ware than he usually did and something in her told her to care, to question him about it. Just not with Hati lurking about. He was bound to sniff out something and make it a bigger deal than it was. Rolling her eyes Melinoë tried to turn on her heel and walk away but Hati's grip only tightened as he steered them to his friend. "Pho, long time no see, running into you what a coincidence. Ah, and Melinoë is here too, man, I'm sooooooo lucky to have my friends here," he smiled so wide and so conniving his canines stuck out against the stubble he called a beard before he tilted up his own bottle of brew.

Glaring up at the man who still held her captive Melinoë stomped on her foot before yanking her arm back. "Phobos," she shot at him, not the warmest greeting she's given him, definitely not the worst. "Looking a bit peckish, love. Father running you into the ground?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 3 days ago

The Luncheon
Mood: Observantly Bored

Interactions: N/A

Ares arriving at their little gathering was literally enough by itself for a glass in her personal game but it deserved another one in its entirety the moment her half brother took the time to acknowledge her presence. She quickly turned away from him, looking at the table cloth like it was the most interesting thing in existence as she sat completely frozen in full blown panic, terror sinking into her veins like fridged ice. She silently hoped that someone had given her enough luck today to make him leave her be while her knuckles went white from the tight grip on the stem of her glass. It took a few minutes to calm herself, let her muscles relax once she realized by some miracle he wasn’t approaching her since harassing her seemed to be an amusement for him or at least in her view that is what he was doing. That or he was incredibly dense and didn’t realize just how much being near him just set her off kilter. Pasi threw back the current glass in her hand as if it were a shot, noting that she racked up the need for one more before letting her eyes scan over the room, starting to count some more as she did. It hadn’t even been that long and so much drama was unfolding before her very eyes or had already popped up in one way or another.

’Mother giving gifts is usually enough to get some riled but that one I can probably slide since it isn't definite. Oh no, Hebe and Herc just entered together which means…yup, right on schedule, Mother is already headed over and that combo never goes well. Guess that means we are up to two needed glasses. Let’s see…oh? Well, doesn’t Tlaz look delightfully out of sorts which can only mean one thing. Should I take off glasses if I can guess who her wrath is aimed at? Naw, too easy. Hope she rips him a new one but I’ll have to remember to check on her later, poor gal looks like she needs some pampering…wait, Hati? What on earth are you up to? You know what, I saw nothing.’ With that thought in mind, Pasi slowly made her way over to the closest waiter that was coming in with the restock of fresh flutes but she happily plucked the tray up from their hands, causing them to look a little startled. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of these and you should have a break. The staff has been working so hard, I think a little time for yourself won’t cause too much harm. I promise you won’t get in trouble and I’ll even put in a good word with my Mother about your excellent service.”, she said with a dazzling grin and waiting to see if she would need to use her aura but the waiter seemed to gratefully agree, not wanting to put up a fight with the guests and actually seeming to not want to be here anymore than she did. She carefully sat back down, feeling rather proud of herself for making it there without tripping over her own feet before taking one of the flutes. Her eyes scoped the room again, deep down hoping she hadn’t missed anything with the little excursion from her table but if she had then it certainly wasn’t her fault. As the time passed, four empty flutes were next to the silver tray she had swiped with three more sitting in the wings in case something new occurred.

Honestly, she couldn’t wait for more to kick off even if it was some miserable event/party plan her Mother cooked up or just getting to the eating of finger sandwiches since this was boring her to death. She thought the game would make it more fun but being alone just wasn’t as enticing as she had anticipated. Speaking of enticing, Hati must have heard her thoughts on being bored because it seems Madness was about to meet up with Fear, all for some clever Wolf's amusement.
Guess that means one more glass for me since those two can’t help but toss insults with their playful banter. I’m pretty sure they actually like each other still but insults are insults so here we go! Pasi thought, snagging one of the remaining three glasses and starting in on it. The role of solo observer was a bit lackluster so she started to debate on who she could rope into her game. Her father was a good choice as always when it came to anything with competition mixed with liquor, maybe Herc since he could care less if her mother’s party didn’t stay perfect but with Hebe nearby that could possibly not work, Hath was usually a good choice if her father was competing but it seemed she was preoccupied currently, actually a few key choices were a bit busy but Hati might be a good one to convince as he was better at snagging people into doing activities than she was.

Hm, so many choices though some are far more tempting than others.. She finished off her flute, adding it to the growing pile before walking with determination towards the bar but slowing the closer she got as her timid nature bubbled up. She wondered what she was going to say and she also didn’t want to be rude and interrupt them if they were having a decent conversation. It eventually led to her shyly standing behind the trio, shuffling her feet a bit as she tried to think of something not completely awkward to say. She couldn’t just blurt out, do you wanna play a game? Right? Yeah, that would be too creepy.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KZOMBI3
Avatar of KZOMBI3

KZOMBI3 thuggy-lewd-dere

Member Seen 6 mos ago


location: The Olympic Club
interactions: Hathor & Tlazōlteōtl
mentions: Phobos@Danvers | Ares@Legion02

There was a look in those dark eyes that told Tlazōlteōtl that Hathor had something on her mind completely unrelated to the intimate conversation she was pulled from. Even as they walked away Hath still held her hand in her own, a constricting grip that refused to let go until they were out of sight and earshot from her reunited lover.

Tlazōlteōtl wanted so much to look back at him, to see if he was pursuing, but deep down she knew the answer already. Instead she turned her attention to her closest friend, returning a reassuring squeeze of her own. "Tell me, yolicniuhtli," a smile ever present on her face as well as her voice, "Was you pulling me from Ares more than a ruse?" It was a blessing and a curse to be pulled from him so soon, however with the amount of information dropped on her all at once Tlaz couldn’t wait for an out. Not to dismiss him, more to collect herself and mull over the words she needed to choose carefully. The Egyptian's company she currently found herself in was much appreciated and it felt like they hadn't seen too much of the other in recent moons; regardless of them working together.

There was a moment of hesitation, a sense of dread in her aura as her gaze scanned the area as if trying to debate if this was the best time or place to have this conversation before answering in a hushed tone. ”There was an incident. Phobos assisted me in…handling the situation but Kristy won’t be in for a while.”, Hathor paused, taking a deep breath as she held Tlaz's hand a bit tighter and shaking slightly with unresolved rage as well as pain. She had gotten revenge for the woman but in all honesty, Hath wasn’t happy she had to deal with the man so fast as to not miss the event in its entirety.

At the mention of one of her… employees being out of commission the Aztec saw red because there were only so many instances where Kristy would be off. And even fewer so with the mention of Phobos in the same breath. Instead of lashing out, for there was no need, she turned to her closest friend, guiding her to the nearest seat once inside the banquet hall. Her hand still clasped in Hathor's, rubbing circles into the top of her skin, alternating different amounts of pressure, she made the beauty look at her. "How are you my friend? You must be drained."

”Far from just drained,”, she started with a sigh and used her free hand to rake it through her hair but instantly regretting the action so she gently took it away to tap her fingers against the table and using her clasped hand to give the other goddess a comforting squeeze. ”Physically, I’m not in the best shape since I made sure Kristy stayed comfortable for a while. Emotionally, I’m conflicted.”, Hath said, letting her eyes drift over to the bar and stopping on the man that had not long ago watched the aftermath of her rampage without disgust of her actions. Phobos didn’t feel fear and had watched his father’s work which was in her favor when showing the less than beautiful sides of her but it didn’t stop her from the nervousness at introducing another person to a part that had been judged so harshly in the past. It had caused a few to be more cautious once her work had been seen.

It was why she had waited so long before hunting down and dealing with Hebe’s problem. The young goddess only got told that he would no longer be a problem or contact her. She had let the other believe she had ‘talked some sense into him’ and that was just better all around. Hathor would be more weary of Pho if it hadn’t been for…well, she wasn’t sure what had happened. It was a new development that was for sure. She watched as the three talked at the bar, more pointedly, she watched Phobos and Mel as there was something there that they both refused to acknowledge and she wasn’t sure how deep it ran. It made her hesitant to follow the path and see if the new development was worth following. As if not being able to keep it to herself and needing a bit of guidance, she blurted out quietly, ”I flirted with Phobos.”

Tlazōlteōtl was taken aback at the confession and worked hard to keep the surprise from showing on her face, though she knew better. It wasn't a feeling of disgust or shock in the sense that it was something bad, more elation than anything. In the moment the filth goddess clasped her hands together in glee and pulled her friend in for a tight squeeze. "Hath! This is exciting!" While the woman next to her spoke quietly, Tlazōlteōtl couldn't be bothered to contain the joy bubbling forth from her.

"It's about damn time," she spoke, a sly grin decorating her painted lips as her eyes roamed the room for the god who has Hathor so smitten. Not a lie, Hathor deserved to find love, to love and be loved in return. A much different connection than the one she knew so long ago at the hands of Ra. She was a warrior goddess and deserved to be worshiped as such. Who better than a War God? But as she turned in her seat to lay her gaze upon Phobos she was greeted with the sight of him surrounded by the wolf and madness herself and that joy that was present turned sour in her gut.

"Ah. That," Tlaz waved her hand as if to dismiss the vision before them and sat in Hath's line of sight, "Do you want there to be something more going on there? With you two? What did he say? How'd he react?" Among all the things Tlazōlteōtl was, a slut for gossip and other's love affairs was one of them.

Hath found herself chuckling at her best friend’s excitement, not even bothered by the tight squeeze and not having the heart to let her know that she might as well be crushing her to death. The loudness of her excitement however caused a slight blush to rise on her face but it was nice to see the other woman so happy for her. Tlaz knew better than anyone else that she kept others at a certain distance in the romance department so it was only fair to let her be over the moon about the small occurrence. She couldn’t stop her attention from drifting again, landing once more on the trio but the goddess made sure to put an end to that as if reading her thoughts and concern on the matter. She bit her lip, leaning back into her chair at the multitude of probing questions while she thought it over for a bit, knowing there was no way she was avoiding the gossip queen and especially not when it was about love or even the possibility of it leading in that direction.

”Maybe? I’ve never really thought about it before and then this sort of just happened. I’m definitely not against the possibility.”, Hathor replied to her first few questions, still trying to wrap her head around why she had gone along with the teasing comment and pushed it into actual flirting when he left it open to do so. ”He just teased me, warning more or less that my innocent comment of ‘I could kiss you’ might be taken as flirting…and that he might not be able to resist such charms. I could have let it go but I didn’t want to so I pushed the line. Tlaz, I almost kissed him and I don’t think he would have stopped me, actually it seemed like he wanted me to since he leaned in just as much as I did until there was barely an inch between us but…..I don’t know, I kissed his cheek and implied that I was only pulling away this time. If we hadn’t been at this ridiculous luncheon, I have a feeling I might not have been able to resist the temptation that was offered but at the same time I don’t want to complicate what has been a pleasant friendship so far.”

If Tlazōlteōtl was a squealing kind of woman she would have at the pure adorableness Hathor was giving her. "That's the best kind of situation, Hath. Besides, with the way you two get along like kindling and fire I don't think you'd have anything to worry about in that department, love." Her smile seemed wicked in the best sort of way as her eyes flitted between the two. If a little push was wanted she would give it willingly. Who could resist a little sin in their lives? Especially ones as long as theirs. "Just say the word and it'll be so~"

She raised a brow at the wickedly sinful smile painted on her friends lips, a small smile pulling at the corners of her own because of it. Tlaz always had a way of warming her heart and she felt extremely lucky to have someone so amazing to support her when she started to falter. ”It is a rather tempting offer, not going to lie but I don’t know, Tlaz. It honestly could have just been a spur of the moment thing. If I’m going to give another god a shot at some sort of romantic relationship, I would rather not be a fling or a brief temptation. I’m not lacking for mortal company if I want to go in that direction and it’s a lot less permanent if it gets fucked up.”

The Aztec hummed in acknowledgement, she knew a thing or two of mortal companions, godly ones too, especially after Ares abandoned her in Madrid. So who better to know and understand Hathor's plight than she? "Understandable. But I doubt it was a spur of the moment incident. Besides, won't truly know unless you try~" She still couldn't help but nudge her in the right direction of love. It rang true with anyone involved if time has taught her anything. There were many instances where she didn't jump at an opportunity and it weighed heavy on her; never knowing what could have been. Tlazōlteōtl would hate to see the same eat away at her closest companion.

Clapping her hands together and flagging down the nearest server she alleviated them of a few glasses of champagne, holding one out for the Egyptian, "Enough of this what if and let's drink and cause a scene. This place is becoming far too stifling for the likes of us, don't you think?

Hathor took the offered glass with a smile, clanking them together for a small toast before raising it slightly as a nod to the Aztec goddess.”I’ll drink to that!”, she chuckled softly, taking a sip from her newly acquired drink as she let her gaze wander again, watching with amusement as poor Pasi tried to wait and join in on the group that held her attention. There would be time to think over what Tlazōlteōtl was saying later, not letting the what ifs and maybes get to her even if her friend was absolutely right about not knowing until you try. She wasn’t sure about trying but then again, she wasn’t one to let opportunities be missed. After all, one should seize every opportunity along the way, for how sad it would be if the road chosen became the road not taken. ”So, what kind of scene did you have in mind?”, Hath questioned with a playful smirk.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 2 mos ago


location: The Olympic Club
interactions: Hati | Melinoë | Phobos
mentions: Apollo | Pasithea | Odin | Loki

Fuck, he was craving a cigarette. Phobos was by no means a habitual smoker however these luncheons tended to bring out the worst in him. It really was no surprise that his grandmother liked to orchestrate such events. The room reeked of manipulation & deceit, and though the god may have his own faults, he really was not in the mood. Besides, he had seen his father and Tlaz strolling towards the garden, and nothing was worth witnessing that shitstorm. Generally he tried to block out the messes that Ares got himself into, which was lucky because the Greek also preferred to ignore his son.

After that near miss he'd abandoned any hope of a smoke and quickly retreated to the bar, where he could continue his plan to get thoroughly intoxicated. Bringing the champagne to his lips, Phobos was taking a swig when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Turning, he instantly narrowed his eyes at the pair strolling towards him. Hati...and Melinoë. Placing the bottle back down, the god of fear rested an elbow against the bar top, fingers supporting his head. And of course, Mel instantly had some quip that she just could not contain.

"Oh don't be like that Melinoë. Jealousy doesn't suit you." Phobos drawled lazily. If it were not for the wicked glint in the gods eyes, it would be easy to mistake his words for contempt. For some reason, her father seemed to be a bit of a sore point between them. Yet her words echoed with truth. Fatigue did press down on him like a heavy weight. Fear was everlasting, inescapable, and he found that he could not resist the urge to push his limits to the edge. Simply put, he worked himself too hard. Not that he was going to tell either of them any of this. That was not how it worked. It was for this reason that he decided he was entirely too sober to be dealing with these particular friends. Especially given Hati (whom he had seemingly neglected) and his mischievous tendencies. Ushering the bartender over, Phobos shot her a small, surprisingly genuine smile.

"One..." He paused, glancing at the pair appraisingly. "Actually, make that three shots of tequila please."

"Mmhm, I've been told it makes things in the confines of the bedroom all that more enjoyable, wouldn't you agree, Pho?" Melinoë quipped back, the look in his eyes having not been overlooked. Though their relationship was one that was built atop a competitive content there was no denying that over the centuries something else had developed as well.

Hati stood there, almost off to the side, his wolfish grin never leaving his face - only seeming to grow - at the sight of these two bantering at one another. Who would have thought Hati, the moon hater, son of Fenrir, would be here playing a twisted game of matchmaker? 'I'm influenced too much by Ant~' he couldn't stop the giddy thought from crossing his mind, his thought drifting to the Erote. "A shot for me? Phobos you shouldn't have." Clasping a hand on Fear's shoulder, shaking him lightly as friends often do.

Melinoë rolled her eyes at the wolf, there was definitely something going on here that she wasn't aware of and it bothered her. Especially because it seemed she was about to find herself at the wrong end of a long winded joke. She would have to remind the pair of them who it was they were fucking with should it come to that. Instead, she took the shots of clear liquid, passing Phobos his and hoarding the other two for herself. Hati pouted, reaching across to snatch it out of her grasp successfully before holding it out to his two companions offering a toast. "To jealous and hate filled sex. May it change lives for the better~" and with that shot a wink towards the son of Ares.

"And to always basking in the sunshine." Phobos added pointedly, failing to hide the edge of annoyance in his voice. It was hard to miss anything at these events, as much as one would want to. It was why getting drunk was so preferable. Downing his own shot, he slammed it back down on the bar. Hati placed too much weight in the power of sex. He had only ever seen it as a simple exchange, a momentary and selfish pleasure. It was pointless to consider otherwise.

Keen to move the conversation on, Phobos nodded his head towards the bartender for another round. "Anyway, you shouldnt be such a tease Hati, you surely must have one secret you're willing to spill. Shouldn't he Mel?" He'd unconsciously been avoiding her gaze but now his blue eyes latched onto her own as he moved to gently dig an elbow into her side.

Snickering at the notion of seeing Hati squirm she nodded, leaning into Phobos, "Spill your secrets, White Wolf. We're all ears~" It was difficult to ignore the warm presence beside her, as much as she liked to pretend he had no effect on her she was only lying to herself. What is madness without a little fear? Having always been surrounded by the other they were bound to get annoyed with each other. Though lately, Melinoë couldn't help but want to get more. There was just something about how, even now, cerulean eyes as beautiful as the oceans stared at her own the color of swamp, made her feel self conscious. A tightness in her chest. A blooming sensation. Something Melinoë was not used to in anyone's company, let alone Fear's. It was different from Apollo, this company she kept with the son of war, yet she wouldn't trade it for anything. Well, maybe something.

A downed shot and a glare towards his friend had Hati eager for the next one, "Sunshine can eat a dick, it's all about the moon baby," firing off finger guns like they never went out of style. "Teasing is all part of the fun my dear friends, you two should know that better than anyone."


Hati cut her off before she could appropriately retaliate, "And as far as secrets go, I am an open book. All my glorious moments on display, the world's a stage or some shit," he gestured circularly, waving his empty hand around.

Melinoë smirked into the neck of the bottle she still held, "Oh, is that so? Tell us about you and Anteros then? You two were awfully close earlier," If Hati still had fur covering his body it would have raised up at the mention of his long standing companion's name.

Phobos let out a barking laugh at the mention of the winged god, attention thoroughly diverted. "Anteros, really? Come on man..." He trailed off, leaning towards Hati though still maintaining his closeness with Mel. It was true that they did often butt heads but he had never felt uncomfortable around the epitome of madness. Unable to stay himself, he found his gaze raking over her face, lingering on her soft features. The corners of his lips began to pull up into what would've been a teasing smile, had he not suddenly realized what he was doing. Instead, he glared at her and grabbed his tequila.

"Well..." He paused, his expression suddenly replaced by one of mild amusement as his eyes moved reluctantly back to the wolf. "It seems they've already been frolicking in the garden-" Phobos grinned, leaning forwards to pluck a leaf off his friends shoulder, "I didn't realize you were such an exhibitionist Hati."

Would he retaliate in the form of a blush or stuttering it would result in far more teasing than he was already receiving. Instead he opted for a smug smile as he sipped at the shot glass in hand, "You didn't? Hmm, shame really. I'm always on the lookout for great places," Hati was a lot wiser than the two gave him credit for. He noticed, with icy eyes, how they stayed close to one another only moving away when they themselves noticed the close proximity. The small glances passing between them filled with an emotion furthest from hatred he had ever seen. And he would know what that looked like if his relationship with Odin was anything to go off of.

"Besides, my dalliances are nothing compared to the stories you have to share, I'm sure," the wolf gestured to his male friend, eyes dancing with mirth. "I've heard through the grapevine that you and a certain curly haired Egyptian are getting along quite swimmingly. Do tell." Stirring the pot was becoming a forte of his at this point and he was going to master it by the end of the festival.

Melinoë was content standing back and watching the small bickering taking place between the two. It amazes her how any of them could put up with Hati and his shenanigans. Always one to be on the watch for, for his personality definitely seemed to ebb and flow to match with those he surrounded himself with. And over time it seemed that his grandfather's mischievousness was the one to emerge the most. It was a bit refreshing, she wouldn't lie. However it was at the mention of Phobos potentially being romantically involved with another immortal that brought her back to the conversation. "You and Hathor?" She couldn't stop the question from tumbling past full lips.

Something in her seemed to shrink back just a little so that she, physically, would not. She held her spot next to him, and though she had been wanting to place a hand on his shoulder or arm, this bit of information firmly gripped her in place. Melinoë looked at her… friend? Nemesis? What exactly was he to her? Eyes searching his profile, trying to catch his gaze and read the emotions behind them. 'It was only a fever dream. A what if.'

"Clearly your sources are quite inept." Phobos grumbled, rolling his eyes at the absurdity of Hati's statement. Well, sort of. He couldn't deny, at least to himself, that he and Hath had been flirting earlier. Truthfully he had enjoyed it but they were just colleagues...friends. He was sure Hathor had no romantic feelings for him: she was far too smart for that. Moreover, was the awareness of Melinoë's watchful gaze and for some reason, it bothered him that she was hearing any of this. His jovial attitude shattered, replaced by a cool mask of indifference. An attempt to cover the irritation that was bubbling up inside him. If Hati had been a mortal he would not have been able to resist tapping into his fears.

Fine, let Hati believe whatever he wanted. He did not feel like playing with the grandson of Loki today. "But surely you must know better than to expect any less from a greek..." He smirked, "We really are insatiable."

Hati was keen enough to pick up on the shift of Phobos' demeanor and subtly backed off, "Yeah, yeah," He waved his hands in surrender to show no harm, his shot long drained by now and sitting on the bar top, "The Greeks may be insatiable but I have yet met someone who can run with the wolves." He punctuated his salacious joke with a wink to the both of them before clasping Phobos on the shoulder, whispering in his ear "Have fun," and took off running into Pasithea as he did.

Melinoë stared after the Norseman with a scrunched nose. "Hati doesn't know what he's missing…," huffing lightly to herself more than anything. She was hesitant to look up at Phobos, even she felt aura around him shift and she wasn't prepared to be on the receiving end of Fear pissed off. Mel would have taken her leave as well but where was she to go when her mind was so clearly stuck on the being beside her?

Resigning herself to just speak with him normally she found herself… anxious. Clearing her throat she gestured to the event around them, "What're your, uh, plans. For after this," and then she was taking another sip of wine from the bottle, anything to keep herself busy and not seem too desperate for company. It was a simple enough question that held genuine curiosity. Eyes looking up at him over the glass in her hands, scanning his handsome features, waiting for a response and praying it would end in pleasantries.

"Why do you wanna know?" Phobos shot back sharply, surprised by the sudden, and actually very polite, small talk. Instantly he realised he was being an asshole, lashing out at Mel mostly just because she was there. But the god of fear was sulking, and for good or bad, he'd never been inclined to pretend around her.

She stared at him, taken aback at being snapped at. Melinoë couldn't say she was surprised, it wasn't like them to ever have civil conversations unless there was a mutual transaction taking place. Body rigid, she bit her tongue, rolling it around, anything to keep herself from spitting venom. Instead, she breathed deeply through her nose, closing her eyes. It was a natural reaction for the both of them to lash out first so there wasn't any fault on him there. There was just something in her that constricted at the look he initially gave her. Like he couldn't be bothered to be seen with her. But he hadn't run away yet. So that was something.

Opening her eyes back up, running her empty hand through her hair and away from her face she looked up at him through long lashes and offered him a coy but sincere smile once more, "Just looks like you need a smoke, and I want the company."

Phobos sighed. It would be so easy to brush her off, to throw some meaningless insult in her direction and be left to drink alone. But Mels smile had caught him off guard. Phobos couldn't remember her ever looking at him like that before. Scanning her face, he raised a single eyebrow, still wary of her true intentions. Either she was being startlingly honest or she had some mischievous plan up her sleeve. Yet either way, a cigarette and the company of madness sounded far more preferable to anything else this luncheon could offer. Running a weary hand over his face, the god nodded. "Sure, a smoke sounds great."

It was a lot easier than she initially thought, getting Phobos to agree to join her. Melinoë truly believed with his rigid response he was going to bite her head off. To say she was pleasantly surprised was an understatement, yet here they were, standing atop the balcony overlooking the walled garden that held Hati and his dalliance just earlier, smoke billowing about them before being carried away with the gentle breeze. Her bottle of wine nearly empty and forgotten sitting on the banister between them.

Exhaling once more before passing the coffin nail over to her idol she spoke into the silence, "It's been quite boring this go 'round, don't you think?" Referring to the Festival. Typically there would be some kind of destruction taking place, incurring the wrath of Hera and moving the event along. But it seemed pretty tame so far and it was making the madness in her itch for some type of amusement. Which brought her to her question, "Was thinking we could really liven up this place. At least, make it more enjoyable to be stuck here for the time being~" The corners of her lips turned up in a coy smile, eyes screaming of all the possibilities they could get up to and bringing the drink to her mouth before passing that as well.

Forearms leaning casually atop the bannister, Phobos tapped the top of the cigarette, the excess ash falling to decorate the prim bedding flowers below. As he turned to face her, he saw the madness churning underneath the surface, ready to play. And the invite to join was...tantalising. "Perhaps..." He replied coolly, his prior irritation dampened by the hits of nicotine. Phobos wasn't necessarily one to cause trouble amongst the gods but he could do with blowing off some steam. "What exactly are you thinking Princess?" Phobos smirked before drawing the cigarette up to his lips and taking another long drag.

Melinoë would never, ever admit what that nickname did to her. Not outloud and definitely not to him. But it made her warm and melty like ice cream left in the sun too long. Sickly sweet but oh so delicious. She was giddy at the idea of having him join in on the trouble. "Perhaps a game. Who can induce the most fear or madness in the mortals around here. Loser caters to the winner's whims for a full day." Her gaze was locked on his face, memorizing it for what reason she didn't have one, other than just because. Electricity flowed down to her fingertips at the idea of beating him. An idol of hers growing up before the Fall. Another tidbit she wouldn't ever admit aloud to him lest she be teased about one more thing.

"Easy enough." Phobos smiled, unable to cover up the flash of intensity that lit up his features. He was being cocky, partly just to annoy Mel, but also because this was literally his life. Inducing fear in others was like breathing and mortals tended to always be a little bit scared, especially those who would otherwise deny it. "Are you sure you want to be at my beck and call for a full day? I can't promise that I'd be nice." Standing upright, Phobos moved closer to the goddess, head cocked appraisingly. Her confidence always drew him in and it took a lot to hold himself back. It was easier to mock. Unable to resist, he leaned forwards to ruffle her hair patronisingly. "I'll go easy on you if you like."

As much as she wanted to lean into his palm she refrained. She would win this and needed to focus on the task at hand to do so. Standing on her tiptoes she placed a hand on his shoulder to steady herself, leaning up to his ear to whisper, "Pfft. Rougher is better, just don't be too disappointed when I win, Fearsome~" With a kiss to his cheek she was off to find her first victim and hopefully secure the prize of this little bet. How bad would it be if she did lose, Melinoë wondered sauntering through the halls.

His jaw twitched as Melinoë walked away, still reeling from the nickname she'd so casually given him. It struck at chords of both annoyance and discomfort, the latter of which Phobos was entirely not okay with. Running fingers through his own dark hair, the god of fear let out a deep sigh before turning back to the country club. He'd never live it down if he lost and part of him was curious to see how far he could push if he did win.

You'd better watch out Princess...

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A Hera & Hebe Collab
Mentions: Odin, Ares, Hercules

Hera was many things in her life. Regal, proud, ambitious. Maternal, however, was not a trait that came easy to her, despite her station. Perhaps it didn’t come easy to anyone. Perhaps it was work, each and every day, work that Hera had long since grown bored of. With Ares, she’d been everything she thought a mother should be. Loving and supportive, in all things. With Hebe though… No. She had done what was necessary to protect her daughter. Hebe was not born for the battlefield like her brother. She was soft, and the world was not kind to soft girls.

As Hercules sauntered off, Hera took to hovering around Hebe, smoothing imaginary wrinkles in her dress, and taming invisible flyaways, clucking her tongue in disapproval. “I just… not everyone can be trusted, darling. I mean, first you start working for Odin, then you start taking rides from that man-child… I worry.”

There was a small part of Hebe that wanted to swat away her mothers hand. To beg her to, for once, trust her judgement. But, as always, this was soon swallowed by her persistent need to please. "Mother, I - it wasn't planned...I missed the bus and he just happened to drive by." Her eyes trailed over the ballroom, unable to make direct contact with her mothers ever watchful gaze. She particularly avoided looking in the direction that Herc had strode. "And Mr. Odin's a great boss! Honestly! Maybe...maybe you could try talk to him sometime?" Hebe's voice perked up as she spoke, her expression a picture of doomed optimism.

Hera scoffed, smirked, and shook her head. “I’m sure he keeps his employees happy. There’s probably a bar on every floor,” Hera said, disdain dripping from her tongue. She did not trust Odin around her daughter, anymore than she trusted Hercules. He was a collector, and she imagined Hebe made quite the prize. Of course he would want to keep her around. “Are you enjoying it at least? He’s not asking too much of you?”

At the mention of alcohol Hebes outstretched hand dropped back by her side, ignoring the glass of champagne that was being proferred to her. Shooting the waiter an apologetic look, she finally turned to face her mother. "I mean, I guess it's kind of busy but that's okay." She smiled, genuinely having no qualms about her boss. In the two short years she'd been his assistant he'd treated her better than most mortals and gods she knew. "And I have to work for someone. I sort of thought you'd approve it being for another god…"

“Immortality does not a god make,” Hera said, matter of fact in her pride. “Your brother,” Hera said, gesturing to where Ares sat, “is a god. You and I are gods. Even Artemis and her damned brother are gods.” Hera’s arrogance was unbridled today. “Those of us who dined on Mount Olympus know what power is, what responsibility means. We guided the mortals into ages of wealth and wisdom, while the others watched and waited and waged their petty wars. The mortals, savage as they might be now, would be much worse had it not been for us.”

Hera raised a hand, gently caressing Hebe’s face. “Odin makes no deal that does not benefit him, and your work ethic is certainly not beneficial enough to a man like him. You are worth far more than some secretary.”

Hebe felt her cheeks flush at the unexpected compliment. "I..." She couldn't recall the last time either of her parents had said anything so kind. Even such a small breadcrumb was enough to bring a spark of joy to the young goddess. It was moments like this that drew her back to Hera again and again, despite the dissidence in their views on the other pantheons. "Thank you...though I could never be as impressive as you Mother. It's so beautiful here today..."

“Oh darling,” Hera said, radiant as ever, “nobody could be as impressive as me.” The Queen of Olympus shared in her daughter’s admiration for a moment, all too happy to bask in her own glory, especially now that her daughter seemed to be returning to her rightful place, beneath her wing. “You are off to a good start though. Who knows, perhaps these gatherings will be your responsibility one day. Just remember to keep your focus, lest you become,” Hera spared a glance in Hercules’ direction, “distracted.”

"We're just friends..." Hebe mumbled, her blush deepening as she followed her mothers gaze. It was true really. She had known Herc forever and well...commitment just seemed to be off the cards for him. But she couldn't imagine giving up their friendship, that at the very least was something she wanted to hold onto. "But I dont think I'd ever be able to host something like this anyway." Wisps of blonde hair fell around her face as she shook her head in concerned insistence. Hebe had never desired to lead or to claim the spotlight. Her place had always been in the background, helping those who strived for greatness. "I'm not sure the other gods would listen to me like they do you."

A laugh spilled out of Hera’s lips, a sparkling sound that reminded the room why she had been named Zeus’ bride all those centuries ago. “Nobody listens to me. If they did, we’d be far better off.” Hera shook her head, almost somber in her judgement of her fellow gods. “Leading is much less about being heard, and more about being feared. Fear is what drives most souls, mortal and immortal. These vagabonds will do almost whatever they please, but they return to my festival year after year, because they fear what the years might bring them. You must project strength, and remind them constantly that it is more than a projection, that it is a promise.” Hera gestured towards Loki with a slight nod of her head. “Take the Trickster, for instance. I would be a fool to believe I could ever tame him. But for one day at least, I can direct him.” Hera had clearly yet to discover the destruction of her carefully arranged seating chart.

"I don't want anyone to fear me though." Hebe muttered, a look of concern flashing across her face as she briefly glanced over at the Norse god. Was this really what her mother wanted of her? She was not Ares, she had not the strength and conviction that he so easily showed off to the world. "And I kind of thought everyone came because of the World Tree. It's not like they really have much choice." She idly chewed on her bottom lip as she spoke. Speaking of the tree always bloomed a well of sadness inside her, but she pushed the feeling back down, trying to ignore it. "I- I hoped some of them stayed because they still wanted to help mortals."

“Help mortals? What in the world have mortals ever done for you, my dear?” Hera did not like to dwell on the mortals and their short, small lives. With those thoughts came memories of fire and fear and pain. “Have the mortals ever helped you? Hera let out an indignant huff. “That is nothing but a fool's errand. A creature that can not help itself, is not worth helping.”

The young goddess paused in thought. "Well..." Some had been kind to her and many were fun to be around. But help...no she didn't think she could honestly say they had. "I guess not." Though Hebe did not dare to think about it often, her trust in mortals had become fragile. Her mothers words struck a chord of curiosity inside her; was this really how all the gods felt? "But what do we do instead?"

Hera shrugged. “We survive, and we remember and we wait. Remember who we’ve been and who we are, and await the day that our divinity returns to us, stronger than ever. And in the time between, we make sure this gathering of egos does not explode outward.” She swirled her champagne, her movements smooth and languid. “It isn’t exciting, and oftentimes they’ll never appreciate what you do, but responsibility is rarely full of thanks or excitement.”

Hebe frowned at her mothers words, unsure of the possibilities of which she spoke with such certainty. "That makes sense..." She replied softly, though there was no real intensity behind her words. Another thought had sprung into her mind, distracting her from Heras propaganda.

"What if I came to see you work sometime!?" Hebe practically bounced off the floor at the idea, hands clasping eagerly in front of her. She knew it was a long shot but maybe if her mother saw her less as a child, she might be willing to reconsider her friendship with Hercules.

Hera maintained her stoic demeanor, even as her daughter’s excitement threatened to pierce her stoney walls. She’d never quite grasped this juvenile aspect of her child. Hera had never been afforded the luxury of juvenility. Her childhood had been lived out from inside her father’s gut. Nevertheless, she welcomed more time with Hebe. It wasn’t long ago that a Hebe shaped hole had enveloped her heart, and now, she was so close to filling it again. “I would adore that. Perhaps sometime this week? We can get lunch with your brother, brothers even, if Ares sticks around.”

At the suggestion Hebe beamed, genuine delight etched across her face. "I'd love that!". It had been a while since she'd spent any time with either of her brothers, they were extremely busy after all and often not even in Seattle. "Thank you mother." Unexpectedly, Hebe moved to hug her, something which was not a usual occurrence between the pair. Normally she would not have dared, intimidation holding her back, but today she almost seemed to have forgotten who she was with.

" I can move some things around, so just let me know the day." She added as she eventually drew away, her previously pristine bun having been pulled askew amid the excitement.

“I’ll have my people reach out,” Hera said, smiling with a certain warmth that only she had. “I’ll see you later my dear. A hostess’ job is never complete, after all. Don’t forget, you’re to help Persephone with the apples today.” Hera gently caressed her daughter’s face, happy that she seemed to be returning to the fold. With a royal elegance, she swept off into the crowd, ever the entertainer.

Watching her mother walk away, Hebe paused. She had forgotten she was supposed to help Perse...but the goddess was busy talking to Hades and it would be rude to interrupt the pair. Absent-mindedly playing with a strand of hair, she nodded politely as she was once again offered a glass of champagne. Taking it she smiled lightly to herself. Maybe she could just have a drink or two before she got to work…

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Danvers
Avatar of Danvers

Danvers boo

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A Hera & Hebe Collab
Mentions: Odin, Ares, Hercules

Hera was many things in her life. Regal, proud, ambitious. Maternal, however, was not a trait that came easy to her, despite her station. Perhaps it didn’t come easy to anyone. Perhaps it was work, each and every day, work that Hera had long since grown bored of. With Ares, she’d been everything she thought a mother should be. Loving and supportive, in all things. With Hebe though… No. She had done what was necessary to protect her daughter. Hebe was not born for the battlefield like her brother. She was soft, and the world was not kind to soft girls.

As Hercules sauntered off, Hera took to hovering around Hebe, smoothing imaginary wrinkles in her dress, and taming invisible flyaways, clucking her tongue in disapproval. “I just… not everyone can be trusted, darling. I mean, first you start working for Odin, then you start taking rides from that man-child… I worry.”

There was a small part of Hebe that wanted to swat away her mothers hand. To beg her to, for once, trust her judgement. But, as always, this was soon swallowed by her persistent need to please. "Mother, I - it wasn't planned...I missed the bus and he just happened to drive by." Her eyes trailed over the ballroom, unable to make direct contact with her mothers ever watchful gaze. She particularly avoided looking in the direction that Herc had strode. "And Mr. Odin's a great boss! Honestly! Maybe...maybe you could try talk to him sometime?" Hebe's voice perked up as she spoke, her expression a picture of doomed optimism.

Hera scoffed, smirked, and shook her head. “I’m sure he keeps his employees happy. There’s probably a bar on every floor,” Hera said, disdain dripping from her tongue. She did not trust Odin around her daughter, anymore than she trusted Hercules. He was a collector, and she imagined Hebe made quite the prize. Of course he would want to keep her around. “Are you enjoying it at least? He’s not asking too much of you?”

At the mention of alcohol Hebes outstretched hand dropped back by her side, ignoring the glass of champagne that was being proferred to her. Shooting the waiter an apologetic look, she finally turned to face her mother. "I mean, I guess it's kind of busy but that's okay." She smiled, genuinely having no qualms about her boss. In the two short years she'd been his assistant he'd treated her better than most mortals and gods she knew. "And I have to work for someone. I sort of thought you'd approve it being for another god…"

“Immortality does not a god make,” Hera said, matter of fact in her pride. “Your brother,” Hera said, gesturing to where Ares sat, “is a god. You and I are gods. Even Artemis and her damned brother are gods.” Hera’s arrogance was unbridled today. “Those of us who dined on Mount Olympus know what power is, what responsibility means. We guided the mortals into ages of wealth and wisdom, while the others watched and waited and waged their petty wars. The mortals, savage as they might be now, would be much worse had it not been for us.”

Hera raised a hand, gently caressing Hebe’s face. “Odin makes no deal that does not benefit him, and your work ethic is certainly not beneficial enough to a man like him. You are worth far more than some secretary.”

Hebe felt her cheeks flush at the unexpected compliment. "I..." She couldn't recall the last time either of her parents had said anything so kind. Even such a small breadcrumb was enough to bring a spark of joy to the young goddess. It was moments like this that drew her back to Hera again and again, despite the dissidence in their views on the other pantheons. [color=7BDCB5] "Thank you...though I could never be as impressive as you Mother. It's so beautiful here today..."[color]

“Oh darling,” Hera said, radiant as ever, “nobody could be as impressive as me.” The Queen of Olympus shared in her daughter’s admiration for a moment, all too happy to bask in her own glory, especially now that her daughter seemed to be returning to her rightful place, beneath her wing. “You are off to a good start though. Who knows, perhaps these gatherings will be your responsibility one day. Just remember to keep your focus, lest you become,” Hera spared a glance in Hercules’ direction, “distracted.”

"We're just friends..." Hebe mumbled, her blush deepening as she followed her mothers gaze. It was true really. She had known Herc forever and well...commitment just seemed to be off the cards for him. But she couldn't imagine giving up their friendship, that at the very least was something she wanted to hold onto. "But I dont think I'd ever be able to host something like this anyway." Wisps of blonde hair fell around her face as she shook her head in concerned insistence. Hebe had never desired to lead or to claim the spotlight. Her place had always been in the background, helping those who strived for greatness. "I'm not sure the other gods would listen to me like they do you."

A laugh spilled out of Hera’s lips, a sparkling sound that reminded the room why she had been named Zeus’ bride all those centuries ago. “Nobody listens to me. If they did, we’d be far better off.” Hera shook her head, almost somber in her judgement of her fellow gods. “Leading is much less about being heard, and more about being feared. Fear is what drives most souls, mortal and immortal. These vagabonds will do almost whatever they please, but they return to my festival year after year, because they fear what the years might bring them. You must project strength, and remind them constantly that it is more than a projection, that it is a promise.” Hera gestured towards Loki with a slight nod of her head. “Take the Trickster, for instance. I would be a fool to believe I could ever tame him. But for one day at least, I can direct him.” Hera had clearly yet to discover the destruction of her carefully arranged seating chart.

"I don't want anyone to fear me though." Hebe muttered, a look of concern flashing across her face as she briefly glanced over at the Norse god. Was this really what her mother wanted of her? She was not Ares, she had not the strength and conviction that he so easily showed off to the world. "And I kind of thought everyone came because of the World Tree. It's not like they really have much choice." She idly chewed on her bottom lip as she spoke. Speaking of the tree always bloomed a well of sadness inside her, but she pushed the feeling back down, trying to ignore it. "I- I hoped some of them stayed because they still wanted to help mortals."

“Help mortals? What in the world have mortals ever done for you, my dear?” Hera did not like to dwell on the mortals and their short, small lives. With those thoughts came memories of fire and fear and pain. “Have the mortals ever helped you? Hera let out an indignant huff. [color=color=7845b8]“That is nothing but a fool's errand. A creature that can not help itself, is not worth helping.”[/color]

The young goddess paused in thought. "Well..." Some had been kind to her and many were fun to be around. But help...no she didn't think she could honestly say they had. "I guess not." Though Hebe did not dare to think about it often, her trust in mortals had become fragile. Her mothers words struck a chord of curiosity inside her; was this really how all the gods felt? "But what do we do instead?"

Hera shrugged. “We survive, and we remember and we wait. Remember who we’ve been and who we are, and await the day that our divinity returns to us, stronger than ever. And in the time between, we make sure this gathering of egos does not explode outward.” She swirled her champagne, her movements smooth and languid. “It isn’t exciting, and oftentimes they’ll never appreciate what you do, but responsibility is rarely full of thanks or excitement.”

Hebe frowned at her mothers words, unsure of the possibilities of which she spoke with such certainty. "That makes sense..." She replied softly, though there was no real intensity behind her words. Another thought had sprung into her mind, distracting her from Heras propaganda.

"What if I came to see you work sometime!?" Hebe practically bounced off the floor at the idea, hands clasping eagerly in front of her. She knew it was a long shot but maybe if her mother saw her less as a child, she might be willing to reconsider her friendship with Hercules.

Hera maintained her stoic demeanor, even as her daughter’s excitement threatened to pierce her stoney walls. She’d never quite grasped this juvenile aspect of her child. Hera had never been afforded the luxury of juvenility. Her childhood had been lived out from inside her father’s gut. Nevertheless, she welcomed more time with Hebe. It wasn’t long ago that a Hebe shaped hole had enveloped her heart, and now, she was so close to filling it again. “I would adore that. Perhaps sometime this week? We can get lunch with your brother, brothers even, if Ares sticks around.”

At the suggestion Hebe beamed, genuine delight etched across her face. "I'd love that!". It had been a while since she'd spent any time with either of her brothers, they were extremely busy after all and often not even in Seattle. "Thank you mother." Unexpectedly, Hebe moved to hug her, something which was not a usual occurrence between the pair. Normally she would not have dared, intimidation holding her back, but today she almost seemed to have forgotten who she was with.

" I can move some things around, so just let me know the day." She added as she eventually drew away, her previously pristine bun having been pulled askew amid the excitement.

“I’ll have my people reach out,” Hera said, smiling with a certain warmth that only she had. “I’ll see you later my dear. A hostess’ job is never complete, after all. Don’t forget, you’re to help Persephone with the apples today.” Hera gently caressed her daughter’s face, happy that she seemed to be returning to the fold. With a royal elegance, she swept off into the crowd, ever the entertainer.

Watching her mother walk away, Hebe paused. She had forgotten she was supposed to help Perse...but the goddess was busy talking to Hades and it would be rude to interrupt the pair. Absent-mindedly playing with a strand of hair, she nodded politely as she was once again offered a glass of champagne. Taking it she smiled lightly to herself. Maybe she could just have a drink or two before she got to work…

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 1 mo ago

a @smarty0114 & @metanoia collab
mentions: Odin @KZOMBI3 & Ares @Legion02

“Love the outfit, Artemis. Green and pink aren’t my colors, but you always had a habit of making things work for you. So enlighten me: who do you think will be the source of most of our future headaches in the immediate future?”

“I do, don’t I?”

A rare smile graced Artemis’ face as Athena arrived beside her, happy to have the company. Her half-sister was often the only member of her pantheon that she could stomach for long. It was rare she found someone more clever than her, and besides, she had no girls to watch over for the day. In the absence of work, she supposed she could let her hair down, just a little.

“Immediate future? I’m sure our wonderful step-mother will push all the buttons that she can by the end of today’s festivities.” Artemis hazarded a glance over to the other side of the room, where her brother was still toying with Melinoe. She rolled her eyes and let them fall on Ares. Brooding as he was, she could not rule him out of any possible trouble. “Though, I suppose one of our brothers will make an effort to upstage her.”

Athena lost her half-smile at the mention of Hera. A complicated relationship, those two had. Some days were tolerable and some days she wished she still had both her Shield of Aegis, which was lost during the crusader days, as well as her full divine powers. There was no proper way to…repay Hera in the weakened state she was. But she couldn’t think about that. It was neither here nor there and she was, at least, in the company of someone who made this obligatory luncheon much more tolerable than if Artemis wasn’t around.

Looking around as Artemis mentioned their brothers, her eyes couldn’t help but fall on Hercules, who she just noticed. “Could always count on the Divine Idiot over there to make things interesting.” She had a fascination with her half-mortal brother, Hercules. She found him annoying but in the way one kept a jester around than a cockroach like she had to assume most saw him.

“Can we blame him? He’s hardly more than a toddler,” Artemis said, swirling her cup gently. “I don’t suppose you’ve heard anything of interest lately?” Artemis had her hand in a great many pots, and if there was anyone she trusted to aid her, it was the grey eyed Athena. Between searches for their father, keeping tabs on the mortals and their knowledge regarding the existence of the fallen deities, and her own, more personal ambitions, it paid to have a helping hand. Athena was well positioned to hear some interesting whispers, and Artemis loved to gossip.

Athena let out a slight chuckle at the comment Artemis made about Hercules. She agreed, of course, but she found it hilarious because was absolutely right. Athena was fond of Hercules, but he hardly inherited their father’s natural intelligence. That right was reserved for the two goddesses analyzing everything that happened in the ballroom. “Anything interesting, you ask?” Athena hummed, glancing at Artemis. One could say she certainly had something, though Sophia Pellas was urging her not ot say anything. Something about duty and honor, but Athena had to admit, she’s been meaning to get it off her chest and Artemis was, if not anything else, a trusted confidant. Perhaps even someone who could help her out. “Well, I have something you might find interesting. Let me ask you first: what have you heard about a vigilante that goes by The Blue Crusader?”

Artemis snorted. She had never been one for the high drama that putting on a costume and fighting crime required. She preferred to let her prey see her face. “Enough. A few of the girls heard something about one of his nighttime adventures, relayed it back to me. Honestly, I thought it was Apollo. He used to like to play dress up, back in the sixties. The guy sounds a bit too hands on for him though.” Artemis smirked at the distant memory of her brother, clad in spandex. That endeavor had been amusingly short lived.

Athena chuckled at the mere thought that The Blue Crusader could be Apollo. She wouldn’t put it past him to do something like that, but something about the Crusader was that whoever it was, they were careful. Careful enough to not have their identity known to those who they attacked; careful enough that not a simple person even knew what he looked like. “As amusing as it would be to find out that our brother was behind it, you’re right. It’s too hands-on and, to be quite frank with you, Artemis, this Crusader is too smart to be anyone even remotely close to Apollo.” Though her tone was serious, she chuckled again. “But he struck again last night. At the docks in Belltown. Five men were injured, all with several cuts and premature bruises all over their body.”

“Well, that seems to rule out most of our family. Smarts have never been their strong suit,” Artemis said, a wry smile creeping across her face. “Probably eliminates most mortals as well. Useful as they can be, I can’t imagine one of them being able to stump you.” Silver eyes scanned the room, observing each immortal like they were a deer she was tracking. “Have you tried our friends from the north?” Artemis nodded in the direction of Odin and Loki. “This isn’t either of their styles, but Odin can be helpful, if you’re willing to owe him a favor. He does have an annoying tendency to know things.”

Athena mused a sound at the mention of Odin. She had what one might call an interesting history with Odin -- one that Athena would neither call favorable nor unfavorable. Artemis was right, of course. Odin was one of the most knowledgeable deities of their kind. Even if she had not conversed with him in such a manner in quite some time, that much she remembered as clear as the fall of Troy. But she just didn’t agree with Artemis about Odin but how none of those from their own pantheon fit the motive or style. Either too idiotic to not get caught or too arrogant to not want at least someone to know it was them. The Blue Crusader had to be someone both with the humility to not seek fame among their peers and with enough brains to do so without getting caught.

And the longer she thought about it, Athena wasn’t sure if she wanted to know who he was to arrest or congratulate them. It was a perplexing situation for the Greek Goddess of Wisdom, to say the least. “Perhaps I’ll give the Alfather a visit. Not here, of course. Hardly the place to talk about such a sensitive matter. Perhaps after today’s festivities. Surely he could make time for me.” In the back of her mind, Athena dreaded what Aretemis said might come to pass: owing Odin a favor. It didn’t frighten her, but the reputation that the Alfather amassed made her worry.

“Surely if he won’t, you’ll make the time yourself,” Artemis said, flashing Athena her playful smile. “Let me ask you a question now. Have you heard from Hephaestus recently?” Artemis swirled her champagne and slid her eyes across the ballroom. “Girls tell me he’s been seen more and more recently. It’s not like him.” Artemis was a huntress, and she knew that animals, divine or otherwise, did not change their behaviour without reason.

Glancing at Artemis, she hummed in a thoughtful way at the mention of their brother. “Hephaestus?” She repeated back as she thought to the last time she remembered even hearing from her brother. As unfavorable as he was in her opinion, past incidents of their interactions still bearing a rather lasting impression on her, in the years spent among mortals the Goddess of Wisdom has come to soften up on him somewhat. He still retained negative thoughts on him, but she did not loathe him like Hera did. “I cannot say that I have. Truth be told, I think it’s been a few decades since I had any contact with him in any sense.” She subtly pursed her lips, hiding resurfaced feelings as she sipped her champagne. Swallowing the small sip, Athena asked, “Why do you ask? What’s troubling you, Artemis?”

Artemis pursed her lips, and pondered the question for a moment. “It’s probably nothing. Just… variances. You know I don’t like when things aren’t in their place, and Hephaestus has been out of place more and more recently. If it’s not nothing… well then he’s looking for something, and whatever he wants, I want it more.” Artemis didn’t trust her family. Most of them were scheming, self serving, liars, and while she supposed she wasn’t so different, at least she was herself. Anything that was of value to her brothers, was more valuable to her.

The Goddess of Wisdom chuckled to herself, making casual glances around the ballroom as Artemis spoke. She too wondered what that atrocious-looking troll of a God was looking for (if he even was). Who was to say? Maybe he was just trying to give weight to an interest in him that has been nonexistent for centuries. Athena certainly hasn’t given the troll any place in her mind since before the fall -- though, if she was completely honest, even centuries before that, Athena gave little care to him. Even the likes of Hera were more tolerable in her mind than the wretched beast that burst from her loins (in a matter of speaking).

“Do you have any leads on his whereabouts? Or maybe a last known location? Perhaps the Alfather could help, as well. Not that I am particularly fond of owing him two favors, but if it is something he might be able to assist, especially if it will finally shed some light on the troll’s location, it may just be worth the hassle.” Internally, Athena doubted the very thing she stated. Stories of Odin reached even the Greek Pantheon and not everything that reached her ears were favorable stories. Still, she stood by what she said about it possibly being worth it.

“Honestly, I was expecting him to be here. Seems he’s chosen to forgo today’s festivities.” Artemis shook her head. Something was perturbing her, she just could not see what. “You’re right about Odin. It can’t hurt, seeing what he knows. Perhaps it’s time we pay him a visit,” Artemis said, smiling her hunter’s smile.

“We huh?” Athena smirked, poising her glass to her lips. She smirked under and it hummed a thoughtful sound, one that had many of her brilliant thoughts pumping through her mind. “Just like the good old days.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KZOMBI3
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KZOMBI3 thuggy-lewd-dere

Member Seen 6 mos ago

𝖔𝖋 𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 & 𝖒𝖎𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘
𝖔𝖋 𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 & 𝖒𝖎𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘

𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. The Olympic Club
𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. Loki

Odin didn't get to spend much time with Loki before being called away on business. The whole point if him being "retired" was that he didn't have to deal with trivial matters. That's what he expected at least. Didn't seem to be the case for the Allfather as he placed his phone back into his pocket and made his way back inside.

Before reaching the threshold of the event hall he was hit with a massive migraine. Pain so intense it was as if his skull was being split in two. He wondered if this was how Ymir felt as he ripped apart to create the world. He could remember the screams his brothers and he pulled from the primeval being. How it tore the skies and shook the universe. Odin attributed this to the pain of giving up his eye. But those instances brought forth something good, something useful. Something worthy. A positive in a time of negatives. This pain wasn't that of a welcomed nature, nothing creative was coming from this agony. It was dark and all encompassing, slow at first then all at once. Visions danced before his eyes of wraiths and other unnatural forces invisible to the mortal mind. Clawed fingers inching closer to him, trying to encircle his throat, preventing him from making a sound. It inched closer, refusing to relent in it's pursuit. A haunting sight, hollowed eyes of a skull decorated with bits of rotted flesh draped across what remained. A cloak as black as night and as light as smoke billowed in it's wake as it continued it's path towards the Allfather was a sight he thought he wouldn't have to see ever again. The tortured wails seeping from the open mouth was enough to make him cover his ears for fear it would burrow into his brain to deliver a deadly strike.

And then just as quickly, they disappeared, as if they weren't there to begin with. With the pain subsided, Odin stood from his crouched position on the ground, having no memory of how he got there in the first place, straightened himself out and continued on his walk into the venue.

In no time at all he reached his companion, a brother from the beginning, a lover of times more recent. Loki sat back and just watched with trained eyes of mischief. A type of chaos that worried others to the bone but for Odin it was just Loki. He wouldn't be the same if he didn't have this type of presence about him. Leaning low to the trickster's ear he teased him from his chair, "Come, ástin mín. Let me take you on a proper date," With an outstretched hand he took the silver tongued in his grasp and led him out of the venue. They will have time enough to eat Ambrosia later, for now, Odin wished to sample a different type of treat.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

place your bets

location: olympic club
interactions: Melinoë | Phobos | Hercules
mentions: Apollo

Princess of the Underworld. Maiden of Madness. Bringer of Nightmares. Melinoë was all these and more so this little game of theirs should be in the bag. It should be simple to score a win. She was going up against Phobos afterall. ’He couldn’t scare his way out of a school house full of children… her internally bashing of the object of her desire just moments ago came to a halt as she bumped into her first mortal prey.

It was too easy to get inside their head, especially as the poor boy couldn’t help but try to look anywhere but her. It proved difficult on his end. A light caress of her hand across his chest, resting on his shoulder, a whispered word or two in his ear and she was staring up at him, his tray of drinks plucked from his slipping grasp. Before long they would have wound up on the ground and she couldn’t let the booze go to waste. One thing Hera got right was not skimping out on the quality of libations.

His nametag read “Austin” and she thought it was a fitting name for someone like him, lanky and tall, but not unfit. His long face only grew longer as the moments ticked on and his body caught up with his mind. Melinoë didn’t doubt that it was something utterly delicious that he dreaded, that he feared. One thing she wished she still had domain over was what the mortals would see when she came gliding through the night to pay visits. It would truly make her life on earth that much more enjoyable.

Instead she stood there, glass in one hand, tray in the other, waiting for the inevitable drop that would soon come. Luckily, she didn’t have to wait too long before his face contorted in such a way that she was guaranteed a scream soon and she was correct. Placing a hand to his mouth to prevent himself from spewing projectile at a patron he scrambled to get around the corner and to the nearest lavatory. His muffled screams alerted anyone in the immediate area to come to his rescue and check on him. For now Melinoë just walked on by, catching Phobos eye from across the room, mouthing, “One for me~” as she searched for the next victim.

“You’re a hard person to track down!” Hercules exclaimed walking towards the Ghost Goddess, a bright, typical Herc-like grin on his face. The kind that spelled cheer for all on the receiving end of it. Hercules was historically bad when it came to reading the room and that’s exactly what he didn’t do. He was solely focused on his new possible, very likely new roomie that everything else that was going on wasn’t a priority. “We need to talk and stuff!” Herc went to grab for Mel’s hand.

Jaw clenched, fear glared back at madness. He couldn't help it. She both infuriated and thrilled him at the same time, but regardless, he was not willing to suffer the fate of losing to her. Phobos braced himself as his gaze was briefly diverted by the sight of Hercules approaching Mel, inwardly rolling his eyes. Of course… Rolling his shoulders, his sharp blue gaze darted away from the pair to the mortals scattered about the room. It would be easier to target those who were already feeling uncomfortable and it wasn't long before he felt the gentle lapping of fear drawing him in. Turning, he smiled softly at a prim looking woman holding a clipboard stuffed full of papers. Perhaps involved in the organization of this overly extravagant luncheon? It was no wonder she was on edge, his grandmother did not like mistakes. Strolling over towards her, he placed a hand gently on her shoulder, directing her to a collection of cushioned chairs to their right.

"Sit." He commanded before taking a seat beside her. The woman seemed unsure but did as she was told, hands already visibly shaking as fear began to strip away her autonomy. Leaning towards her, forearms resting lazily atop his legs, he turned back to matters at hand, directing his annoyance at his fellow gods towards the mortal instead.

"You're going to fail." Though he spoke conversationally and the words themselves were trifling, Phobos twisted at the primitive fear deep inside of her, pulling it to the surface, leaving no room for other more inconsequential emotions. "Ms. Montgomery does loathe ineptitude." Phobos voice was low whilst he spoke, akin to one whispering to a lover. "I would..." Noting the tears that were falling across her cheeks, smearing clumps of mascara over her skin, he stopped. Too easy. Inwardly he sighed, trying to ignore the small part of him that felt some guilt for hurting this mortal. For causing pain when she had done nothing wrong. It was subtle if observed by anyone else in the room but he knew inside, she was anything but okay.

And just like that Melinoë was yanked away, dragged at the mercy and strength of Hercules. To be fair she didn't believe his intentions to be malicious in any way, it was Herc for crying out loud, but it did take her by surprise. Especially since she wasn't expecting him to show up out of nowhere.

Digging her heels into the ground as much as she could in order to slow him down she pulled his attention back to the present, "Herc. Stop, slow down," It would take a brick wall to stop him, "What did you need to see me about? I'm in the middle of something–," Eyes flicking between the back of Herc's head and Phobos sitting alone with a woman. A mortal, but a woman nonetheless.

With a dramatic sigh that would make Dio proud, Hercules let it drag out for a few seconds as he met Mel at her eyes. “Do you not rememberrr!? You texted me. You want to live at Acropolis, don’t you!?” Could have Herc waited until she was done? Yeah, maybe. Maybe he could exercise a little patience, but why wait? He was here and she was also here. No time like the present!

Her face fell as she snapped her attention to the utter man-child before her. That's right, she was kicked out of her place this morning, how could she have forgotten so easily? With a sigh of her own, that resembled more of a groan, she rubbed her face with her free hand. "I do remember, thanks. Yeah, got the notice this morning, need to find a place to stay and where better than with you? You've got the space still, right?" She wondered if this arrangement was going to come back and bite her in the ass, though with his high energy completely encompassing her she wasn't able to dwell on the thought for too long.

Hercules was as excited as he was impatient, so he nodded rather eagerly when Mel asked about the space. “Well obviously! One room to be exact! The one room to rule them all!” Truth be told, Herc couldn't remember where he heard that saying from but it was growing on him. “It’s yours if you want it. Or have you made other arrangements since…an hour ago?” He asked, blinking curiously at Ghost Girl. It would royally suck if she did because then he would have to look for someone else to help make rent.

Truthfully, Mel hadn't given any arrangement much thought. Too preoccupied with getting swept away by Sunshine and then Fearsome. Important thoughts flooded her mind and it wasn't anything to do with lodgings. It wouldn't be terrible to live at the Acropolis. Sure there were going to be ragers constantly, and the occasional breaking of property… the more she pictured it the more Melinoë had her reserves. "Who else lives with you there," her questioning was cautious, as if treading on shards of broken glass.

Since her run in with the golden boy madness hadn't spotted her opponent in this little game of theirs and she wondered what he was doing. How he was doing. Was he beating her? No. No way.

Herc let out a curious humming noise, taking a moment to think. “Well, of course there’s me. And Apollo, too. Dio crashes from time to time whenever he’s in town, so one of the rooms is pretty much reserved for him. Other than that, we don’t have anyone else really. There’s a revolving door of people who just crash on the couch but not, like, permanent residency like me and my boy have.”

At the mention of sharing a living space with Apollo, Melinoë's blood ran cold but her body flushed with fire. Had it really been so long since they were in each other's company, in more than passing, that the mere thought sent her nerves haywire? 'Pathetic,' she thought of herself. 'He left you. Abandoned you. And for what?' No reasoning as far as she could remember.

Perhaps staying so close to him wasn't the best of ideas. No telling what kind of irreparable damage could be done if the wrong words were passed between them. Her body language must have spoken volumes for even Hercules had been examining her a bit more closely than he was before. To see him quiet in thought was a terrifying sight indeed. He was unpredictable and Melinoë supposes that's why she didn't mind his high energy at times. There was always something a little bit more when it came to him.

"Not so sure your boy would enjoy my presence at the acropolis 24/7…" she mused aloud, finishing off the last of the flutes from the tray she swiped from Austin. Did Hercules know of her dalliances with his friend from long ago?

"Given up already?" Phobos smiled coldly at the pair as he suddenly interrupted their clearly private conversation, arms crossed sullenly across his chest. He'd had to prise himself away from the last mortal, who'd begun clinging onto him after she'd hysterically started weeping. And now it appeared that Melinoë had never actually intended to take part in this competition of hers. "It's okay." He waved a hand dismissively, "I understand that you'd be nervous about losing."

She had to crane her neck to be able to look back and up at his sour face. An equal look of her own plastered across her face no doubt. "I didn't give up, I was interrupted with some important, personal business," Melinoë didn't know why she felt the need to argue with him, just that that was how it's always been between the two of them. Muttering on about how she was only at one mortal to his probable more. It was embarrassing. Her own game and she wasn't even participating anymore, though not by choice. A pout formed in her lips because of it, arms crossing over her chest in annoyance.

"Yes it did look very cozy over here..." Phobos muttered as he looked down at her, eyes flitting to the hero god for a brief second. "Oh don't sulk Mel." He smirked, pleased that she appeared to be lagging behind...and put out by it. It was a rookie mistake to be so easily distracted. Yet something in him was swayed by that pout and, despite knowing it would be extremely fun to gloat, he couldn't bring himself to. "I really don't have that many yet anyway." Phobos lied, casually shrugging his shoulders.

At this she perked up just a bit, a look of confusion crossing her features more so than glee. Was his heart not in it? It was a stupid game after all and Phobos wasn't known to partake in games joyfully. "Cozy isn't the word I would use," Melinoë instead turned her mind back to the object at hand, "He's just helping me find a new place to live," She explained the situation as briefly as possible not needing everyone to know her business of potentially becoming homeless. Maybe it was because she knew Phobos, or maybe it was because she was expecting of him that she divulged that information to him. If she were to be honest with herself she didn't think she could live and conduct her business comfortably within the confines of the Acropolis. But what other options did she have?

"You don't have anywhere to live?" Phobos frowned, unable to mask the edge of concern that creeped into his voice. "Well...you'd better not screw her over." His eyes narrowed as he finally acknowledged Herc, wondering what the golden boy had promised her. "She's whiny when things don't go her way." He quickly added, cursing whatever part of him was unable to shut the fuck up.

"Hey!" Her pout deepened as a blush dusted her cheeks.

Hercules had remained silent during the whole time Mel and Phobos were talking, his eyes darting side to side, looking between both of them. If he was being honest, he didn’t quite understand what they were talking about. Something about a game? It all fell on deaf ears. Then when Phobos had turned his attention on him, Herc perked up, shaking his head. “No I promise I’m not screwing her about anything! I put it out there we had an extra room and she texted me about it. Didn’t know it at the time it was Mel but I said we’d talk about it and here we are.” It wasn’t that Hercules was necessarily fearful of Phobos, but he was acting very aggressive towards the Divine Protector, so he had this natural instinct of slight anxiety.

Looking solely at Mel now, his smile half-shrinked into a frown. “I’m not sure what happened between you and Apollo, but Acropolis is pretty big! Like not to brag or anything, but we did pretty well for ourselves. It’s huge and spacious enough that, yeah you’ll technically be roomies but y’all don’t have to see each other if you don’t want to.” Hercules understood how that sounded but it was the truth. Another truth was how he genuinely didn’t know who would answer the offer he put out there. The fact that Apollo’s ex (?) answered, tt really was a small world. “You need a place and we have an extra room. I’d be more than happy to have ya live at the crib, but I totally understand if you wouldn’t want to.”

Melinoë was touched at Hercules' honesty but nonetheless looked up at Phobos to gauge his reaction to it all. She was nervous, to say the least, at the commotion it would cause, her presence in the house. But she couldn't exactly say no…

"Why are you looking at me? I don't care who you choose to live with." Phobos bit back as the goddess stared up at him, his own gaze straying off to the side. He could feel the trepidation that flowed from her. Once the rumours about Sunshine and Madness had been rife...and unavoidable. Maybe those feelings were still there and who was he to dictate how she lived her life? "Just don't come crying to me when you get yourself in trouble." He muttered coldly. Pulling the packet from his pocket, Phobos began to draw out a cigarette, feeling a strong desire to be alone.

His words were cold and distant, a complete contradiction to his earlier actions and it pained her to be on the receiving end after what she believed to have been progress. But some things never change, how harshly she was reminded. "Right, of course. Why would you care,” her own words muttered and dripping with venom. Why would she ever believe that there was something more, something other than just madness and fear between the two of them. It was folly to hope. Hope brings nothing but disappointment and heartache. Melinoë had learned that from the beginning.

Ignoring Phobos, she turned her gaze and body back towards the Protector, it wouldn’t be that bad living at the Acropolis and Fear made it all that much easier to decide, "Just let me know when to move my stuff in,” and without giving a final look she pushed past the son of Ares and stalked away, tendrils of madness leeching off of her like smoke, needing to find someone to torture in order to make her feel better.

Hercules just stood there, diving his eyes one last time between the two as Mel left. Maybe he was missing something but it seemed like there was definitely something he wasn’t understanding. But nevertheless, they were getting a new roomie and now they wouldn’t have to worry about rent. Only downside was now he had to find a gentle way to break the news to Apollo. Baby steps. Baby steps, Herc.

He took in a deep breath, slow as it was, and looked at Phobos. “Well…guess I’ll see you around, Phobos. You should…uh…come by Acropolis sometime. Have a drink or something.”

The god of fear let out a barking laugh at the idea of setting foot in Acropolis. "Sorry but I really don't see that happening." Phobos replied bitterly before following suit and strolling towards the gardens once more.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
Avatar of Akayaofthemoon


Member Seen 3 days ago

this'll be fun

location: the olympic club
interactions: Hati | Pasithea | Tlaz | Hathor
mentions: Ares | Odin | Loki | Hera | Hebe

Seeing the two love birds walk away together made the Wolf’s heart happy. To a degree. He would never admit that he was intentionally trying to get them together. Nor would he admit that their weird pining, fuck buddy situation, whatever, was getting on his nerves. Lest he be at the mercy of fear and madness. It made Hati shiver in a sick sort of delight.

For now though, he was in much better company. The pretty little thing that looked like a doe caught in the headlights of an oncoming car was just the thing he needed after the hectic morning he’s had. As he guided Pasithea from the bar he snagged a tray of drinks from a passing server; licking his lips and winking at them as a form of thanks in payment for ruining their route.

“Tell me, Pasi, doll. What is it you hoped to accomplish by joining up with our lot,” he gestured to where Melinoë and Phobos had vanished onto the balcony.

She glanced up with a wide eyed stare of surprise, an embarrassed blush quickly dusting her cheeks at the sudden line of questioning she had not been prepared for. Her brain was still trying to catch up on how she had been swept away and guided by Hati when a split second ago the trio had been talking with the wolf’s back to her. Pasi tilted her head back to glance over her shoulder at his gesture, noticing that the two…well she wasn’t really sure what to call the pair but they were headed onto the balcony which caused a pout on her lips. She had been hoping to rope all three into her game but she guessed that one was better than none. ”I was hoping to rope a few of you into my game but it seems I’ve only managed to snag a wolf….that is if you are interested?”, Pasi questioned with a raise of her brow and bit of a mischievous grin.

He matched the mischievous grin she was throwing up at him. The prospect of taking his people watching into a game, one where he was going to ingest copious amounts of alcohol, piqued his interest in more ways than one. As they continued on their way there was this scent that weaved through the patrons attending. Similar to the one he caught a whiff of earlier this morning, after his meeting with Miss Uptight. It was rancid, putrid, and it bothered his sensitive nose. Not giving it another thought he quickly ushered the two of them to an area that had a gorgeous view of the board and the pawns they were going to play with.

“A game. How exciting. This place could use some fun. What did you have in mind, dollface?” The toothy grin he shot her was laced with the utmost of devilry that he was sure would have made Loki proud. Speaking of, he turned his head this way and that, trying to locate his dear old grandfather and his blóðbróðir, his side piece. Just thinking of the Allfather made his blood boil, but for whatever reason he was trying to be better than before the Fall. It was strange and Hati wasn’t entirely sure he liked it. As he scanned the area he took notice of their absence and shuddered with disgust, downing a flute of champagne in one go to try and help free his mind from the disgusting image burned there.

She wasn’t sure what had shifted in the last few moments to cause that subtle shift but the shudder did not go unnoticed and it being followed with a downing of a single flute had her slightly concerned. Pasi placed her hand on his own, giving it a gentle squeeze as she turned her eyes to the room instead of lingering on his once grinning face and silently offered her support while proposing a divine distraction by answering his previous question. ”I couldn’t agree more! So I thought, what could be more fun to pass the time than by doing a drinking game of my own creation. The rules are simple: we observe the party’s occupants and for every interaction that includes a barb, insult, fight, or some kind of drama, we will drink. We could even put stakes on it if you want…first one to pass out or get in trouble for being called out loses? What do you think?”

Oh he liked this idea all too much. So much trouble to be caused, so much alcohol to consume. Hati was sure that there was no way he could out drink someone of Pasithea's league but by gods he would try. With another smirk thrown her way he held out a drink for her to take, "Let the game begin!"

Pasi answered his smirk with a playful grin, taking the offered glass with ease. She didn’t have to wait long however for her smile to lightly falter with the slight sting of jealousy settling in as Hebe and Hera spoke with each other while looking happy. She quickly drew her eyes away from the pair, gazing around the room until they landed on Tlaz and Hath conversing which snagged her mind back to earlier when Hati had prowled out to the gardens. ”Soooo, game aside, got any juicy gossip for me? Something tells me that the gardens might have had quite the interesting development earlier though I wouldn’t mind hearing more if you have it.”

Eyes lighting up in mirth the wolf leaned closer to the young woman beside him. "I'll share mine if you share yours," He gestured with a nod towards the hostess with the mostess. "But yes! Let me tell you~ seems your dear, beloved brother has dug himself in quite the hole with our beautiful sin provider. You see they dated decades ago and Ares just … poof, ran off and away. I heard—" It didn't take him long to divulge all that he had heard from his hiding places amongst the roses, drinking his glass empty before grabbing another off the tray he swiped, strategically leaving out the bit about his new employer.

After a beat passed he cocked an eyebrow, gesturing once more to the goddesses chatting away like a pair of hens and offered to pull them into their little drinking game. "The more the merrier right?" he argued. Not only that but they were sure to enlighten them with some drama of their own.

”Wow, he really has gotten himself into quite the mess. Don’t tell him I said this but it kinda serves him right for treating someone in such a manner.” , she said with a cheeky grin and taking a small sip from her drink. ”I guess it’s only fair to loop you in on the gossip and drama that is my life where our lovely host is concerned since you were so upfront on your end. My mother has never acknowledged me except when it was convenient to her as a bargaining chip. It stings to watch her be so happy and at least somewhat nice to another of her daughters. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy Heebs gets to have that but still…., Pasi stated, pausing a bit and letting it just sit unfinished. It was a relief when Hati pulled her attention to the two goddesses sitting and chatting with one another, questioning if they should join in the game. It would be interesting to hear from their side of things and Tlaz did look like she needed to relax…actually, Hath did too…strange. ”Absolutely! Come on!, she squealed excitedly, practically dragging him over to the pair.

Before she saw them she could sense their presence arriving and it had the Aztec turning her body to welcome new company. "Well, well, well. Good to finally see you, Hati~" her spoke volumes to his spying earlier. And with a softer, more gentle smile she shone up to Pasithea she greeted her with a hug before they all sat down once more.

"To what do we owe this pleasure?"

”You both looked as if you could use some excitement soooo….when Hati just joined my little drinking game, we thought some more players might be fun!”

The smirk that would normally have graced his features dripped from his lips as he knew he had been caught, his attention snapping to Hathor with eyes narrowed, “You told her, didn’t you?” It wasn’t so much accusatory, she had every right too, Hati just thought they had more to their relationship than that. “I’m hurt,” he mocked as he placed a hand over his heart to feign injury.

Tlazōlteōtl sat back, sipping her umpteenth drink and watched on as the two of them interacted, content with the show it would surely provide the rest of the table with.

”Aw, don’t give me such a look. I had to do something to keep temptation at bay. Call it self preservation at your expense.”, Hathor teased with a playful smirk, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving it a soft pat. ”What can I do to soothe the pain of such an emotional wound?”, she asked, happy to play along with his faux injury.

If his ears could perk up higher than mortal appendages allow they would have. A wolf in sheep's clothing was never his forte, but he did enjoy playful, flirting banter. Especially when it came to beautiful creatures such as the women before him. "Oh, I'm sure we can think of something~ Don't know about taking away pain but soreness will definitely be involved."

”Oh? Is that so?”, she asked with a raise of her brow and a cheshire grin. Hathor was about to play more into their flirtatious game when a pair of hands roamed over the wolf’s shoulders, wrapping loosely around the front as Pasi leaned her chin on his shoulder. It was relaxed in a way and seemingly friendly but Hath knew jealous when she saw it but she hadn’t expected it from the usually timid goddess. The Greek goddess smiled sweetly and spoke with a gentle tone but her dark eyes remained on Hathor, ”Is that flirting I hear? And I thought Pho and Mel were bad earlier.”

It was such an innocent comment but one that had Hathor taken back a bit since she had just been trying to get the earlier incident out of her mind and convince herself it was nothing. It didn’t help that she had seen the trio talking earlier and maybe Pasi knew more about the earlier conversation since Hati was always one for a scope and best at giving gossip. It effectively reminded Hathor that flirting had gotten her into this weird place to begin with and while flirting with Hati was normal and playful fun, the thought of Pho and Mel just made her wish she had taken Tlaz up on her offer. ”So what was this about a drinking game?”, Hath asked, trying to maintain her composure though her smile might have faltered a bit.

Pasi felt a little bad for the small deception and the dig at Hath where Phobos was concerned since she didn’t know the full details. She had simply noticed where the Egyptians' eyes had been earlier and took a shot. It seems some forgot just who her mother was and she could be every bit her mother’s daughter when provoked. Just because she wasn’t ready to spill her heart out didn’t mean she was going to sit back and watch events like this play out.

Hati released the breath he didn't know he was holding as he listened to these tell beauties essentially argue over him like a piece of meat. He wasn't complaining, not in the slightest. More surprised than anything to witness Pasi take charge. And over him no less. Well, definitely aroused more so than anything, surprised came after.

As soon as the words left Hath's mouth he jumped at the opportunity to speak, but didn't once pull away from the comforting embrace of the goddess draped around him, explaining the game and its purpose to their newest players.

It struck out as hurtful, what the young Greek did to Hathor, harmless as it was. Though Tlaz would have liked to see her crumble beneath the Egyptian's fashionable heel for that tongue of hers, she refrained from making a statement to bring that scene about. Instead she listened intently to this game of theirs as Hati stood there shocked still. The first time she had ever seen him so. An interesting day this turned out to be indeed.

She had a moment of wondering, debating on if the pain had gotten to her or if Pasithea had accidently used her powers and caused a hallucination. Hathor still nodded softly to Hati’s explanation of their game but her eyes slightly drifted to the Aztec goddess as she wondered if she was seeing the same thing she was. The man before her never seemed to falter and took most things with ease and without worry but now he appeared stunned. He was speaking, yes, but his body language said a lot more as he stayed still in the young goddess's embrace. It made her giddy to watch something new unfold that she couldn’t have fathomed ever seeing, curious in seeing if anything would come of this eventually.

It made Hath’s half smile brighten once more as she watched Pasi slowly pull from the embrace but kept her hands on the wolf’s shoulders, gently massaging as he spoke and giving him an opening to remove himself if he chose. The poor girl was blushing like mad and looking nervous beyond measure even though her hands were steady, probably more from practice than due to her emotional state. It was clear she hadn’t planned on expressing or hinting at any feelings and knew the confusion that might be there. It definitely made her more agreeable in forgiving the slip up instead of addressing it. ”Sounds interesting. What do you say Tlaz? Want to join in? I promise I’ll try to go easy.”

What else could she say other than yes? It was an opportunity for them all to enjoy this event more so than they would have if they hadn’t crossed paths. This entire interaction from the start was more than surpassing her expectations and Tlazōlteōtl was anything but disappointed. It would be a shame to see it all go to waste. So, Sin incarnate took up a glass and held it out in a toast for the others to join, cocking her head to the side and letting a Cheshire grin to find home on her lips, "I did say we should have more fun. What better way than to drink with great company?” With a salud, they connected their glasses and set about their own little game, praying to put the libations to the test.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The ballroom had filled with the throbbing roar of conversation, and the clock was ticking ever onwards. Once more, when all the fallen deities had arrived and had their tongues properly whetted with whispers, Hera climbed the ballroom stairs and looked once more upon her subjects. The clinking of metal against glass dulled the room’s conversation, and Hera’s voice rang out over the crowd.

“It seems everyone has arrived. Everyone I expected anyways. Before we have our lunch, I’d like to say a few words,” Hera said, relishing the eyes upon her. Today, at least today, she held the attention of these fickle gods. “We have all had our differences, our squabbles. Both in the heavens, and here on earth. Today though, I ask that we leave our weapons sheathed, so to speak, and enjoy the gifts of the world tree, the gifts my people have tended and bore unto you all.” Hera grinned. She was all too happy to remind the other pantheons of Persephone’s contribution to their immortality.

“Without further ado-” The clangor of shattering glass silenced the Queen of the Gods, followed by two loud thuds, and screams of shock. The attendants had been showered with glass from the skylight above, now broken and open to the sky. Confusion gripped the crowd, as they gathered around an object Hera could not make out.

With all the authority of her station, Hera marched down the stairs, shoving her way through the crowd. In the center of the circle, lying in a pool of dark, mortally red blood, two bodies lay broken, and bent. Through each corpse’s chest, a bloody, ragged hole, gaped, like the bloodshot eye of the Fates looking on into the future. The faces were not unfamiliar to Hera. The smaller body, slender and pale, eyes staring into nothing, was Macaria, the spirit of peaceful death. The other was a face she had never forgotten, not even all these centuries later. Zagreus, Prince of the Underworld, He who had died before the fall, lay broken on the ballroom floor.

Melinoë had once been enjoying her little game of fear and madness, instead now taking it upon herself to just torment the mortals hired for the event. Her sour mood only seemed to deepen when Hera had taken center stage, puffing herself up like some glorified blowfish. Nonetheless she turned her attention to the Queen until the shattering of glass fell atop her and the lifeless forms of her siblings lay there at her feet. Blood pooled around their bodies in a way that reminded her of the Styx, slow and full of life long since past. It was thick and bubbling; fresh. There was a smell, the scent of death, one she never truly forgot, coiling around her feet, trailing upwards like an invisible cloud of smoke. There was this awful sound ricocheting off the marbled flooring and the too thinly decorated walls. Decor, she remembers thinking, that was just as gaudy as the woman hosting. A scream. No, a wailing so torn asunder that it couldn’t possibly be organic in nature. She wanted to turn and snap at the offending party. Why won’t the noise stop? Where is it coming from?

It never once crossed her mind that it was coming from her.

Her vision blurred, darkening the corners of her eyes, but she couldn’t look away. Refused to. Their sight would forever be ingrained in her mind. It was her fault they were even coming to this godforsaken event. She had hounded Zagreus to make an appearance after his long hiatus. To drag their baby sister with him. It had been so long since she had been out. Mother and Father wanted nothing more than to see them. Not like this. Never like this.

Melinoë couldn’t even blame Hera for this this time. It felt like she was falling for an eternity towards the ground, half expecting it to swallow her whole and bring her back to the Underworld, where this - the Fall, her life on earth, this - would all be some horrific nightmare she would wake from. She somehow snapped out of her daze only to lunge towards their bodies, clawing at the ground in her scrambled attempts to get to them. To hold them in her arms. She needed to know that this was just an illusion. A horrible trick played on her by Phobos in an attempt to win their stupid little game. But she knew that that wasn’t the case. Couldn’t even bring herself to search the gathering crowd to find him and prove it. Too focused on her siblings, her own madness creeping up from within her like the bile that rose in her throat.

Hati was there at that moment, snatching her out of the air before she was able to reach the bodies, having sensed something was off. Melinoë clawed at him, thrashing, screaming, “Let me go! I need to be with them! Hati, let me go! No, no, no, no,” as he dragged her away. This whole day reeked of suspicion and it was only now, as he held his friend back that those fears were confirmed. ”I’ve got you,” He whispered into her hair,calming her as best he could, pulling her back and shielding her from the sight of those on the floor. The rest of the room was in a panic, fleeing from the scene or moving closer to get a view of a dead god. It wasn’t something that had happened, to their knowledge, in this day and age. Only those who were well versed in destruction and death stood their ground and began to congregate to whisper of the scene before them.

The white wolf had to bite his tongue before he bit theirs and instead motioned towards Artemis to come take a closer look. He would have to pass Madness off on Phobos, get him to take her away along with her parents. They shouldn’t be here to witness this of all things.

Artemis stepped forward from her place at Athena’s side as her brother moved to help Phobos with Melinoë. For a moment, she half expected the children of death to spring to life, wounds healing as they should have. But they did not. Their bodies remained cold and lifeless on the floor. As whispers began to sweep the room, Artemis knelt beside the corpses, peering at the wounds with the eyes of a hunter.

Macaria had died first, quickly. The blade had pierced her from behind. She hadn’t seen a wound like this in centuries. The mortals had long ago lost their taste for swords.

Zagreus had gone fighting. His hands were wounded, most likely trying to catch the blade. A blow to the heart had ended his fight. “Hati, see if you can catch a scent,” Artemis commanded, still scanning the bodies for evidence.

Without hesitation he was on it, the only one to give orders that he would jump at the chance to complete. Getting low to the floor, Hati sniffed the corpses of the fallen. It was that scent again. The one that had been plaguing the venue since before he arrived. This would prove a bit more difficult than he would like to admit yet still he followed the putrid stench.

It was almost like he could see the tendrils wafting off the bodies in the center of the room, winding and weaving up, up to the skylight above before disappearing over the top. They needed to get up there, follow the trail before it went cold. He motioned above and then to the stairs leading to the roof, ”Gotta get up there,” it wasn’t so much of a question as it was a statement and he was taking off before any other instructions were given.

Upon arriving on the roof the tendrils swirled through the shattered glass before congregating not but twenty feet away. Just like a pointer Hati was calling attention to the Huntress at the sight he found. A single matte black card, embossed in gold with a logo and script. He didn’t spare it a long enough glance before his eyes trailed along the ground once more, gaze following the trickle of blood splatter and caught sight of a weapon. One that looked all too familiar to him, lay there on the ground. It’s bladed edge coated in blood. He turned to Artemis, looking back and forth between her and the sword, a form of fear creeping its way up his spine before lodging itself at the base of his neck, ”This, this… this was supposed to be lost. O-Or locked up or something… it’s not supposed to be here.” The shaking of his voice wasn’t familiar to him and it worried him that the simple sight of a weapon would cause this shift.

Artemis picked up the blade, studying the runes carved into the shining gold. Centuries had not dulled the sheen of this sword, a weapon she’d only read about. “Dainsleaf. Didn’t realize this survived the Fall.” She looked behind her, down at the crowd below. They both knew what this meant. A Norse blade, two dead Greeks? At best it would be chaos down there upon hearing the news, at worst, war. “We’re going to have to tell the others about this. They’ll want answers.” Artemis groaned. She did not like being without answers. “We’ll have to tell them something. Deal with the mortals. Put Athena on the case and keep Hades and Persephone from starting a fucking war.”

It was an order he didn't want to obey but it was one that needed to be done. Hati knew what would erupt if things got leaked, if what they knew was discovered. He wasted no time in getting to ground level and pulled Athena to the side informing her of her newly appointed duties, "We need all hands on deck for this. Keep them as in the dark as possible until we know everything." There wasn't any other way he could have stressed the importance of it all without exposing his hand. Athena was smart, she would understand.

From there he began to round up the mortals, which wasn't difficult as they all congregated towards the back of the venue. With the most charming smile he could muster he sauntered into their space, hoping to calm their nerves with a carefree sort of attitude, "Bet you didn't think you would be working a murder mystery luncheon, did you?" A lie that rolled off so easily it made him sick.

While Hati lied to the mortals, Artemis was calling her girls to the club, in an attempt to gain control over the crime scene. Of course, Hera sensed the authority of hostess slipping through her fingers as the party devolved into chaos. She would not be sidelined, not today. As Artemis returned her phone to her bag, Hera materialized beside her, stern and cold.

“What did you and the dog find? I won’t be kept out of the loop,” Hera said, keeping her voice low. “Should the festivities be halted?”

Artemis shot Hera a curious look. Was that fear in her voice? Fear from almighty Hera? Regardless, it would be harder to ice Hera out right now, than it would be to just oblige her, at least a little. “We found a weapon. Athena will be looking into it. That is all we know.”

Hera scoffed. “What weapon could do this?” She had encountered no such danger in all her years walking the earth. As far as she knew, this kind of incident should not have been possible. Even so, she hadn’t known Zagreus to survive the Fall. It seemed there were mysteries upon mysteries that she did not know the answer to.

“What am I telling Mel, Artemis?” Apollo’s voice cut into their conversation as he stepped into place beside his sister. The voice, soft and melodic, threw Hera back, only weeks earlier, to the last time she’d heard that sound, crackling out over the radio.

“Alright my early risers, I wanted to share something with you. It’s a little bit of a work in progress, a bit alternative, but let me know what you think.

At a gathering of fallen stars, two fall farther, farthest, dead
Slain by a blade, cursed to draw blood, no hope in store for the lost son
Spirits gather round the raven’s head,
While old crimes stain the queen’s plumage, deep, deep red.

The memory was vivid, crisp and clear. She’d dismissed the song as more of Apollo’s drivel, requested her assistant change the channel and moved on. Now she saw it for the prophecy it was. He had foreseen this. “What do you know?” Hera spat, whirling on Apollo and shoving her finger into his face.

Apollo put his hands up in surrender. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about,” Apollo replied, calm and cool, “but I’m gonna ask that you get your finger out of my face. Can’t damage the moneymaker after all.”

“You foresaw this, I heard you. On the radio, you sang some stupid-”

“Woah, I’m gonna stop you right there. One, none of my songs are stupid. Even the stupid ones. Two, I don’t see shit anymore, Hera. The lyrics come to me, I can’t tell what’s prophecy and what isn’t. If I predicted this, it was an accident.”

Hera growled and shook her head, marching back to her place on the stairs. She would not be made a fool of here, in this place. Someone was coming, for her, for her family, for all of them. They would not get her, not today. Let their enemies come for them when they are full of ambrosia, let them see what happens then. “Don’t worry everyone, the situation is being dealt with. For now, I think it’s appropriate to call the festivities here. Apples will be distributed, and information will be gathered. After that, you are free to leave.”

Artemis spoke up then, to add her own commands. “If you think you have any information, or that you might be able to offer up a particular skill set, speak with Athena or myself. We’ll be taking point on this, unless someone has any objections.”

Hera sighed. T’was an abrupt ending indeed.

As the fallen fell furthest of all, the chambers shook. As blood flowed freely from immortal wounds, never to be healed, a hollow screech bellowed from below. An echoing cavern deep, deep below, tangled in the roots of the Tree, hidden from sight, cried out in anguish. Icy breath escaped from the once tightly shut confines, enveloping the space in fog. Hephaestus was concerned. It wasn't like he witnessed the Waking on a daily basis. The world was changing, reshaping in preparation for a new age… It was the start of something big and yet no one, down below or above, would have seen it coming. He just hoped they would forgive him.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 7 mos ago

𝖗 𝖊 𝖈 𝖔 𝖓
𝖗 𝖊 𝖈 𝖔 𝖓

𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. jade jaguar
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. Isabel | Tlazōlteōtl
𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. Ares | Hathor | Phobos | Others

~Later that evening~

Isabel was tapping the corner of her phone on the inside handle of the car door. It was a rapid, nervous kind of tapping, to the rhythm of the fast-paced music that was blaring in her ears. Streetlights passed over her face again and again. She was looking outside but wasn’t really seeing anything. Her mind was too preoccupied. Too many questions were bouncing in her mind.

“Meeting a fellow?” Asked the driver. He was an old man, probably a grandfather who tried to get by. Perhaps a birthday was approaching. Isabel could guess that much from the friendly smile in the back view mirror.

She ignored the question and the smile.

“That’ll be it love.” Was the next thing he said, as the car pulled over. Isabel just got out without saying another word. Gods she hated small talk. It just wasted time and her time was not one to be wasted. She took the pods out and a wall of noise hit her.

Hundreds of people were moving around the downtown street to and from the bars that were spread around. Others were just standing outside, smoking a cigarette or just cooling off in the fresh night air before going inside again. If she was going out to have some fun she would’ve played some games here and now. Tonight she had come with a purpose though.

Like a proud lioness she stepped forward through the nightlife street, passing more than one couple kissing in the shadows away from the street lights. The way she walked – the cheer confidence it showed off – combined with her needle-like heels drew more than enough attention. Her dress, an almost scandalously short piece, did the rest. In a few minutes she made her way towards the infamous Jade Jaguar. Before she went in she checked her phone again. So far the PI had been worth his money. The problem was that he caused her to ask far more questions than she got answers for. In the last twenty-seven years she knew her father he never once spoke of a woman he loved.

But now, when she looked at the picture she got just a few hours ago, she saw him so close to another that it made her sick. It didn’t help that her father asked her to come to Seattle in a week for a dinner. And then she was supposed to ask for a certain Lalli at the Jade Jaguar. Isabel was smart enough to make the connections.

If this woman - whoever she pretended to be - thought she could worm herself into the Markov's she didn’t know Isabel yet. If she worked at the Jaguar, she’d have some skeletons in her closet.

Isa took her phone back, took a deep breath, and put up the mask she had worn so many times. With a bright smile that could fool anyone except her father, she walked up to the bouncer. He curtly asked for her ID. She faked taking it as a compliment as she handed a fake one over. Tonight she’d be Sabrina Carver. The ID was quite convincing though. That, combined with a sweet smile and the fact that she’d drawn in half a dozen puppies behind her, meant that the bouncer let her through easily enough.

It was only the first day of the Festival, well probably the last of them too, and already Tlazōlteōtl was feeling the draining effects they were known for. It was a spectacle to say the least and the Aztec was on her toes. Should she be there in the open of the Jaguar? No, probably not, but it was a business and it still needed to be run.

If there was someone out there attacking the Gods she felt that she was at least safer being surrounded by mortals, giving the culprit less of an opportunity to strike. Her thoughts on it anyways. Besides, Hathor would be in soon and Phobos was due to arrive not long after - if he wasn’t caught up taking care of the remaining daughter of Hades; she felt safe knowing that they would be there soon. For now, she had a presence that was needed and so, with a heavy sigh and a pinch to her cheeks, she strutted out from the employee’s back room and walked the floor, making a beeline to the bar.

Rubbing her temples at the bar she waited for the next set of drinks to be placed on the serving tray so she could hand it off to one of the waiting girls, thinking back to her meeting with Ares in the gardens. She wanted to speak with him more today, but the deaths of gods put a halt to that. He was whisked away into the fray of those wanting to be of service and help in this mystery, she couldn’t blame him for that. Tlaz did however blame him for not leaving her information to get a hold of him at a later time. Or even offer to console her, protect her.

The feeling of being perpetually second place in his life was quickly becoming evident to her and she didn’t know how to feel about it. It wasn’t something she’s been used to, never had to deal with this before Ares. A strange sensation to say the least and it did nothing to quench this amalgamation of feelings swirling within her. Of rage and anger but also of confusion, and even… depression?

No, no. The Filth Goddess of Sin does not get depressed. Neither is she placed on the bench only to be someone’s backup plan. With a new resolve, and now a tray full of drinks that she passed on, topaz eyes filled with fire, scanned the room for mortals to schmooze and drain their wallets dry. Maybe find someone to make the war god jealous in the process.

For a precious second, Isabel and Tlaz’s eyes met. Isabel recognized the woman immediately. The picture didn’t do her justice. She was beyond beautiful. There was a raw sensuality about her that Isabel easily recognized. That aura came from absolute confidence. She looked away, grabbed a shot lightning-fast from a passing tray, downed it, and moved through the thorn of people like she was water. She learned to do that from her father. Right now she could understand why he was attracted to this woman. Surely she had her claws deep in him already. Did she grab him for his wealth? Maybe she’s one of those succubi that likes to toy with men before discarding them?

It didn’t matter. Not really. Whoever or whatever she was, Isabel vowed to chase her away. With a woman looking that prideful it wouldn’t even be hard. Though first, she moved towards the bathroom. The make-up she had on right now was far too appropriate for a club like the Jade Jaguar. She needed something different. After fifteen minutes she wandered out with far more innocent-looking make-up than when she wandered in. Her usually cocky smile was gone and replaced with a far more genuine one. She didn’t stride like a goddess over the floor now and instead almost meekly made her way towards the bar.

“Hi, sorry. Could I have a water please?” She asked this ‘Lali’, though she made sure she could barely be heard over the loud music.

Tlazōlteōtl was caught off guard by the woman beside her. There was something off with her, that much the goddess knew. There was no way a woman as meek looking as herself would willingly waltz into the Jaguar without knowing what kind of den it truly was. Even if she had, the bouncers at the front would have checked her over and she had trained them well enough to know better than to let those too… innocent in through the doors.

So, to see this woman beside her putting on a charade struck out to the Aztec, especially after the events today with the other pantheons and fresh deaths lingering over her head. Straightening her posture she smiled widely at the dark haired beauty, ordering a simple glass of water for her and held it hostage as she leaned on the bar top, eyes cautiously watching her company’s every move.

“An interesting choice,” it was left ambiguous though the owner gestured to the club around them without breaking eye contact, though the statement itself was geared towards a number of things. Her outfit, the location, the “innocent” act. Her. Whoever she was, Tlazōlteōtl planned on finding out and dealing with the consequences that followed. “Tell me, wha’s a pretty little thing like yourself is doing in a place like this?”

Isabel kept her act up. She smiled a little in embarrassment. “It’s that obvious I don’t belong here? I’m sorry, this will be a long story really. And an awkward one.” She took a seat on one of the barstools first. “My… dad is seeing this woman. Her name is Lalli and apparently, she comes here often. So a friend of mine managed to get me in but-“ She looked behind her at the whole dancing floor. “How the hell am I going to find anyone called Lalli in this?” She turned back around to look at the bartender. She still had that innocent look on her face. “I just wanted to meet her you know.” She then quickly added, acting a little dejected by her apparent failure.

Was she sizing her up, a goddess? Maybe it was paranoia finally sinking in. Maybe it was just her being a little too annoyed at someone waltzing into her club looking for her with an air of mystery about her. Perhaps even a combination of both and then some, but there was something about the atmosphere surrounding the two of them in that moment that raised the hairs on the back of her neck.

Clearly she was intent on location “Lalli” and that’s exactly who she was going to give her. Sliding the glass of water across the top towards her she sighed heavily, “Hm, well, you just happened to find her. What are the odds,” her voice low and teeming with an unspoken threat to it. Though she doubted it would work.Someone like her, willing to walk into the fire like she did and play with it, there wasn’t anything she could do to scare her away. Not like this at least.

“Dating your father?” Tlaz brought it back to the supposed statement, a hand to her chin, feigning in thought, “I have dated many men, but currently there isn’t anyone I’m seeing. Perhaps it was in the past?”

Isabel let her face light up in apparent happiness when she ‘found’ Lali. She picked up on the threat easily. If this Lali before her wasn’t such a vile person then Isabel would’ve admired her skill of spitting threats that only a certain people would pick up on. Instead she pretended to never having picked it up to begin with.

“No, no. It’s something very recent… at least I think. His name is Alexander.” Isabel said before taking a sip from her glass. She didn’t show it, but the fact that she so off-handedly talked about dating so many men felt vile to Isabel. These were the women that toyed with men. She wouldn’t let her own father become a victim of someone like this. For now she waited to see if Lali knew the name. Of course her dad had many names. Hell, even her own name could be that of a specter he had conjured up decades ago.

At the mention of his name those feelings of rage and confusion flared up within her though she hid it well. The one that decided to settle within her bones was that of embarrassment. Eyeing the woman before her, up and down, she surmised that she was within the range of thirty years and beautiful. Stunningly so. This stranger, this woman shared so many similar features with the one in question. Looking at her, knowing Ares was her father - and that it was not her child - her heart broke upon and she doubted she hid that well enough.

“Ah, yes,” she cleared her throat, “Alexander…” What was she to say to this? ’Your father is an immortal being with whom I have had a torrent love affair with but he ditched me years ago in Madrid?’ Oh, yes, that would go over swimmingly. Who is to say that she isn’t involved somehow in what’s going on in the immortal world currently? But Tlazōlteōtl couldn’t be bothered to think that way - the deaths of the others were so far from her mind at this moment. All she could see, hear, think about was what went wrong between them that his daughter would be here, seeking her out.

Instead she just stood there, swaying a little in her spot before coming back to the present and ordering herself a strong drink, “Ar- Alex and I… we’ve known each other for an extremely long time. There was something there, once. Long ago, thank you,” Tlaz took a sip of the agave based cocktail before continuing, “Hadn’t seen him in years until today. What’s got you digging around your father’s love life?” Her eyes slowly trailed back towards the face of her lover’s daughter. The thought alone sent shivers down her spine in a way that normally signaled danger. Was this why he left her? He had a family with someone else? Did he leave her to have that family without her?

Isabel was trained to see the little things in people. An anxious motion with their hands or a slight trip in their speech was often enough for her. Right now this Lali was giving her way more. For once she almost betrayed one of Alexander’s aliases. Something that started with an ‘Ar’. It made Isabel angry though. She could never figure out another alias of her father yet this woman almost casually gave one up. Still, in that same breath she gave Isabel so much more to work with. Her mind went racing to pick the right words. She was tactically sipping her water to buy her some time.

“I wanted to meet the woman he talks so much about lately.” Isabel said as she put the glass down and looked up at Lali. “From the way he describes you, I thought you’d be glowing like an angel!” She threw in a small giggle in there for good measure. In truth it was just another vocational ploy. So many women love knowing they’re talking about in a good way. It works even better when there is love involved. “Clearly none of what he said was a lie.”

It was like being doused in a vat of ice water when she spoke. Lies upon lies she uttered. Not unlike her father in the slightest, for that Tlazōlteōtl scoffed. Without missing a beat she threw back the remnants of her glass and turned towards the young woman. “It is hard to believe he would speak of me so highly,” it was the goddess’ turn to stall for the right words, the ones to throw this child off of her past relations to Ares. “The last time we spoke with one another it was anything but sweet nothings,” not a complete lie, but one nonetheless.

The strip club owner couldn’t place her finger on what it was that this girl was seeking to gain from her. Maybe it was just information. Maybe it was something more. Regardless, Tlaz didn’t appreciate being interrogated. “Tell me, conetl, what is it you want? Why come all this way, to my place of business, hm? It wasn’t just to meet me,” leaning forward into the woman’s space she purred these words, eyeing her frame, examining her for the threat she posed, or didn’t. Tlazōlteōtl wasn’t quite sure yet.

The vibe was changing quickly. Isabel picked up on it quickly. She said too much. Damn it! Her instinct told her to drop the act. She wanted. Gods she wanted to put this woman in her place so badly. She didn’t though. It was hard – Isabel couldn’t even take a deep breath to calm herself – but she preserved and kept up her projected innocence. She didn’t have much more time though.

“It-I just…” She took a deep breath as she feigned being upset by some horrible memory. “When mom got sick my dad didn’t leave her. He stayed with her through those years. And then, when she died, he just… he collapsed. He didn’t get out of bed and barely ate. And when he did get out of bed it was to visit her grave. He did that for months.” The art of showing sadness as a lie was to truly remember something sad. So as she told the tale about how she and her dad were part of a happy family for so many years she kept on thinking about all those times she had to wave her dad goodbye at the airport, back when she was young and didn’t know for sure if he’d come back.

“It felt like he had this… hole in his heart and nothing and nobody could fill it but.. well. Here you are.” She gave a small, sniffling laugh as she motioned towards Lalli. “I really hope you can fill that hole in him.” The implications of the story were clear though. You are not his first choice. You are a replacement. You. Are. Second.

He didn't leave her... stayed with her through those years...

The words echoed inside her head for a few moments before dying out. It was clear that she was second best to someone else. Someone else who had caught his attention and claimed his heart for their own. And through this, a child was conceived. One she so desperately craved and wished for with him. A vacant chill raced across her skin, the kind that sit for too long with no chance of leaving. Like cold water drops sitting on one's skin and then being doused with icy air. A sickening feeling rose in her throat and she felt the unmistakable presence of tears in the corners of her eyes. Thankfully she was able to blink them away before they had a chance to fall. She wouldn't cry out of sorrow anymore over Ares. She had done that already. Instead, the bile rising in her throat signaled something a lot more sinister.

Her love would never be enough it seemed. It was never enough. But what of her wrath. He left her, no warning, no note, no contact. Not even to tell her himself that there was nothing there for him anymore. She would have understood. Been heartbroken, but she would have understood. Now, here was his daughter, making sure Tlazōlteōtl knew she was second best. Runner up. An afterthought.

Topaz eyes raked over the woman in front of her and though her tears may have been real, it was disingenuous to the words she spoke. Tlazōlteōtl knew sin and all the forms it wrapped itself in. Lying was no different. But her motives were lost on her and the goddess realized she didn't care anymore. She wanted her gone from her sight. It was only Ares she wanted to see at the moment and she had some very choice words for him. "Sorry for your loss," she recited the words as if reading from a Hallmark card, she could be just as callous. A forced smile upon full lips, one that didn't accurately represent the look in her eyes, "But as for your father and I... there will be a lot more holes in him when I am through with him."

A few minutes later Isabel was hailing down a taxi outside the Jade Jaguar. Her job there was done. Whatever storm that would follow would douse any spark her father and this Lali had. Quite self-satisfied she took her place in the back of a cab and ordered it to drive her to her hotel.

There was one more thing to do though.

To: Mr. Wolff
Your information was splendid. Thank you ;)
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
Avatar of Fabricant451

Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 22 days ago

Six Months Before

The Salt Lair

The mark of a good streamer was how long the chat would wait from getting the notification of going live to getting bored and going elsewhere with their time. It was a delicate balance and one smaller streamers surely struggled with; but the Goddess of Salt was not a small streamer. She was, in fact, one of the biggest streamers on the platform and, surprisingly, most of her viewers were not bots. And only a weird handful were weirdos constantly asking her to do hot tub streams. Tochi, which was her online handle and what most people called her - it sounded better than 'Zaniyah Florentine' which was a name she decided upon after a series of mistakes that shall not be repeated but did so involve some of her peers (and not in the streamer sense of the word) - had gotten quite used to entertaining an army of people who, on a good day, communicated more in single image spam and words that made no sense than they did with actual words.

Already the chat was moving at a blistering speed with the usual suspects first and foremost. The spammers, the people trying to say hello and getting lost in the shuffle, the people spamming bot commands, the people following pre-stream which was always dumb because Tochi never said the name of people who followed or subbed when she was not physically in front of the camera, and of course the mod team doing their best to corral the gang of idiots. There were fewer idiots around today simply because Tochi was not playing a competitive game and hadn't been for the past couple streams. She had opted to try a dating sim called 'Dating Deities!!!' which had the conceit of the player character-slash-narrator being a faceless normal mortal person and the characters to date were all, well, deities. Tochi, of course, had her thoughts on the matter and despite the game not causing her to break a keyboard or hop in team chat and call her team "more useless than a bag of cowshit, which at least contributes to the world by being fertilizer" and then getting into a heated argument whenever her team tried to engage her in a flame war of words, she had managed to make it entertaining for one reason.

She had some thoughts on the godly characters in the game.

"What's up, Salt Miners!" The pre-stream overlay faded and the shitty, salt-loving little gremlin grin of Tochi greeted her adoring audience, the Salt Miners, so aptly named because they paid the bills for the Goddess of Salt.
"Welcome, welcome. We'll be playing Dating Deities!!! today, don't worry. But of course the sub goal is in effect so if you weirdos and perverts want me to play anything else then get to fuckin' subbing or gifting. Or, you know, waste your money on something better. Like getting laid. Ah who am I kidding, you guys are watching me play a fucking dating game, none of you are getting laid. Thanks for the follow, SeraphicSapphic, and congrats on having the most obvious name for a dude pretending to be a girl I've ever seen. Either that or you're a permanent heal-bitch which is somehow more pathetic."

When it came to Tochi's streams, half the appeal was when she roasted her chat. It was almost a rite of passage. The real fun was when the people who got upset about it tried to start shit in the chat, but fortunately most people wise up to the fact that everyone takes their lumps but no one takes the lumps as much as Tochi herself. Searching her name on any given clip or video upload site and the results are always her either freaking out in anger, rage, ranting, or a compilation of her being utterly humiliated at the 12 Trials from her collab with Hercules. Every day she earned her title and every day she couldn't believe people paid for this. But she gave up trying to understand mortals when they decided that too much salt was a bad thing. Cowards. The lot of them.

"Anyway, enough of the bullshit pre-roll, let's get to the game. I forgot where we left off, but we were probably trying to find out how to impress the fucking band geek Apollo. Let me tell you guys, it's really weird how all these "hunky and sexy godly beings want to bang you out" dating games always seem to use Greeks or, worse, the Norse. You ever notice that? You ever also notice that they kinda just ignore how many stories of the Greeks and especially the Norse involve animals and the fucking of said animals? Like...Freyja, you know, the Norse whore - what that's what she is, she literally sleeps with, like, anyone - but like what's up with her and pigs? And what's up with, like, dudes giving birth to wolves? You guys know about that, right? Like I get that some people wanna act like viking dudes and girls are hot but any people who worship a bunch of drunken meat loving assholes that pump out wolves are not my idea of cool."

"Also, why just Greeks and Norse? Like is anyone out there really like...'Yeah I want the fucking messenger god Hermes to fuck me faster than Sonic the goddamn Hedgehog'? Take my word for it, you guys can do better than that. Or what about Ares? This game makes him out to be, like, a jocky douchebag football captain type and how cliche is that? Ares is the simpiest dude I can imagine, dude fought wars because he wanted to fuck Aphrodite as if that was some kind of impossible task. You guys wanna know how you have sex with Aphrodite? You have a pulse and genitalia."

The chat was ablaze with people voicing their comments. Some were laughing. Some were agreeing. Some were disagreeing. Some were saying how boring the game was - and those ones had a point as all Tochi was doing was clicking through dialog and reloading if she made a choice that her god of choice didn't seem to like. It was in games like this where Tochi's personality had to do the hard carry, and that meant insulting the ever loving shit out of people who the chat assumed to just be fictional, mythological figures. What they didn't know, of course, was that Tochi was speaking candidly about people she had known for centuries.

Whatever. She doubted they watched her streams. And if they did? Well, Seattle was going to be awkward as hell.

"All I'm saying is that there are better, hotter options than Aphrodite if you could just expand beyond the goddamn Greeks. Like have you guys ever heard of Tlazōlteōtl? No? No... Lotta nos in the chat. Of course. I say Aphrodite and everyone goes "Wow she's the sexy one, right?" But I say Tlazōlteōtl and I might as well be speaking nonsense. Trust me, Tlazōlteōtl makes Aphrodite look like a nun. Seriously. Love me some Tlazōlteōtl. Anyway, look why is Athena of all people an option in this game? Athena isn't going to put out. She'd much rather want to bore you over a game of fucking chess than score you a glimpse of her fucking chest, you know? I guess when you're said to be smart people just assume you're a sexy librarian type. Librarians aren't sexy! Have you ever been to a library? They're all old women or people whose only source of romance and sex life is reading books with shirtless dudes on a horse on the cover. Actually that probably fits Athena perfectly. You heard it here first: Athena, big fan of shitty female stroke books. Maybe not intellectually stimulating but hey, that's what toys are for, right?"

"Dionysus is in the game, I forgot. Oh right they're the theater kid. I mean big ups for the game for trying to be inclusive I guess but if anyone is definitively in the male camp it's that fucking drunk. Like if the creators of this game were smart they'd just have Tyche be the enby but that would require them knowing who Tyche is. No one does. Nothing interesting about Tyche, not like the goth boy Hades. Talk about missing the point. "Oh he's god of the dead so let's make him a weird goth boy" psssssssh, be more creative, game. I got nothing to say about Hades, though, because I'm pretty sure if Hades was real he'd be a real mean motherfucker who totally isn't at all creepy about Persephone. But hey, I'm sure the best relationships are based upon kidnapping girls you find attractive. So fellas and gaydies, don't be afraid to just take your crush and make them into your queen. What's the worst that can happen? She develops Stockholm Syndrome? That's a win as far as I'm concerned."

"I have been informed by my mods that I need to clarify: DO NOT KIDNAP PEOPLE."

Tochi had gotten in trouble with websites before for her unfiltered language. Fortunately in today's world the only thing that mattered was the bottom line and places that banned her realized she brought in a lot of money and ad revenue so they were actually financially irresponsible if they kept her off their platform. To Tochi that just meant she was untouchable. A 'twenty' year old with an ego, what's the worst that could happen.

"I forgot I'm supposed to be on the Apollo route this playthrough because, you know, get the worst out of the way early, right? Apollo is the kind of person who would make you a Spotify playlist where every song title was a word that, when put together, was like a fucking admission of love or something but you don't even catch it because the music choices are just the worst and you're questioning why you even thought he was cute once. In game, I mean. Obviously. Artemis is cooler anyway. Now I'm not saying I'm gay but I am saying that if Artemis was an option in this game I would pretty much kill my firstborn just to cop a feel. Visually. She's just, like, pretty and cool and pretty cool and we could bathe in mother lake together on the island of Lesbos. Call me."

"Who else is in this game? Headmaster Hera? Who gives a shit. See this is my problem with these single pantheon dating sims. The Greeks are boring. Boring gods, boring foods, boring language. And they never pick the cool ones. Like why doesn't this game have Pasithea? You telling me the game can't dedicate time to putting in someone who would be the absolute godqueen of yoga pants? Or what about Hebe? Actually better not. We had to read Lolita in school and I assume people who make video games missed the point of it and would do the same with Hebe. We don't like that in this house. Deimos and Phobos could be a threesome if you wanted to never enjoy pleasure again. Oh what, what's weird about them being siblings? Have you guys ever deity dated before? If they aren't fucking their kids and siblings then they're fucking cows and shit. We've been over this. Look, gods are hedonistic assholes, they're just built different. It's fiction, guys, it's fine if it's fiction and I know a lot of you weirdos in chat have done the stuck in a washing machine gag. So don't even pretend."

"I lost my train of thought. Whatever. This game fucking sucks. I'm bored. You guys want me to play Apex or something?..."

The Olympic Club

As far as her audience knew, Tochi was in Seattle for a video game convention, but she had no intention of doing a stream at the convention because of NDAs so they would have to settle for her doing an irl stream eventually. Of course this was a cover for the truth, but she figured they didn't need to know that she was going to be attending a little gathering of people she took joy in ripping to shreds a few months ago, eating an Apple, then being told by the prudish ones of the bunch that she has to act like her mortal age which meant not even getting to enjoy the fancy bubbly drinks that were everywhere. Whatever. If they didn't let her drink then she would just make sure all their drinks tasted like someone had dumped an entire carton of salt in every glass. Hell, it would probably improve the drinks anyway.

The grown ups had been talking and scheming and plotting or whatever it is the adults did when they got together - which always was "pretend Tochi wasn't there" because if they acknowledged her they might have to come up with some excuse to remove themselves from the conversation. No one was really equipped to deal with it when Tochi went on about...what the mortals called memes or whatever the hell it was. For Tochi, these gatherings were a necessary evil and a chance for her to do some goofing around; for the others, it was like bring your daughter to work day with Tochi. Unfortunately, the shattering of glass and the falling of corpses was better than any prank Tochi could have reasonably come up with.

As there was panic in the air - because what other response was there to corpses crashing the party - Tochi was busy being Tochi and making the finger sandwiches and other assorted food take a visit from the salt mines - the next person to eat anything, assuming they had the stomach, would probably wish for another corpse to save them from the horrors of a massive sodium intake.

Tochi grabbed a sandwich, one she had coated in that fine white substance, and bit into it. Succulent, salted meat, tomato - which was disgusting - and lettuce. Delicious enough. However, when she was mid-bite of her second bite she turned towards the commotion and, given her incredibly short size, couldn't tell what was going on. She tried jumping but that didn't help. All there were for her to process were murmurs, sounds, screams, shouts, panics, nerves. A whole range of emotions that must've meant one thing: whatever happened was fucking mental.

Tochi did what she did best. Meddle. She elbowed the body next to her with a cheeky grin plastered over her face. "Some party, right? Better than last year."

"Bad luck. That's all it is." Tyche, the elbowed figure, ignored Tochi's prodding and stepped away from the scene, her expression blank yet there seemed to be a hint of jealousy in the slight twitch of her lips, the little flicker in her eyes, and the gently elevated heart rate that caused her breathing to be a bit more rapid. Tochi didn't understand what had caused Tyche to have such a reaction until the arbiter of luck stepped away and Tochi was able to see the blood on the ground, the glass, the bodies, and the sandwich in her hand fell to the floor in response.

"Fuck...would I get banned if I streamed this? Eh best not. I hear mortals don't like it when you show them corpses. I'd have to go quiet for like six months and make a whole Twitlonger. Not worth it." She was speaking aloud, but mostly to herself. She tended to do that, years of talking to a camera for hours on end had an effect even on her. "So, like...same time next year?"

What else was there to say? This was a bit unprecedented and if Tochi didn't make cracks then she might actually have to process what she had seen, and that was not something she was able to do. It would be too much. Even for her. As her words fell on ears too occupied with more important matters, all Tochi could do was darkly chuckle. To keep her grounded.


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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

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𝓢𝓲𝓫𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮
𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.Isas Hotel Room
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. Deimos | Isabel
𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. Ares

Now, bring yo ass over here, hoe

Twenty stories up one of Seattle's finest hotels, music blasted loudly in a five star suite and any guest in one of the adjacent rooms would have a headache in the morning. The rooms were gold and shiny and pristine. Not a speck of dust tarnished any surface and the windows gleamed in the moonlight. Guests normally got whatever they wanted, including peace and quiet. However idle threats had been made regarding the consequences of interruptions, and so there had been none.

'Til all skeet-skeet, motherfucker

It was for the best. Deimos loved to play with mortals but they usually didn't like to play back. The goddess was currently spinning in the centre of the living room, a cloud of ridiculously floofy baby pink swirling alongside her. Surprisingly deft feet kept her balanced, giggles escaping her lips as she went around and around and around. A bottle of champagne was gripped tightly in one hand though the intoxicating dizziness felt was not yet its doing. Finally she stopped, eyes narrowing in focus as she held the bottle in front of her, aiming away from herself. Tongue poking out of the side of her mouth she released the beast. The cork shot out, spinning and finally shattering a very precious looking ceramic vase.

Hoping she can sock it to me one more time

"Touchdownnnn!" She whooped, high fiving an invisible partner in crime. It had taken her three abandoned bottles of Veuve Clicquot to make that shot. Bouncing on her tip toes, platformed sneakers making her taller than her true height of 5ft4, Terror tried to contain her excitement as blue eyes twinkled conspiratorily. It shouldn't be too long now. Normally she wasn't very good at being patient, however today she'd tried her absolute best not to ruin the surprise. It was sooooo hard though. It was boring being by herself but Phobos had sent her the 🙄 face when she'd asked if he was free. Is he hanging out with someone else? Her bottom lip stuck out at the unsavoury thought.

“Looking for me?”

Isabel was standing at the door of the room with her arms folded. She was looking intensely at the woman on the other side of her hotel room. It wasn’t the first time someone was ‘waiting for her’ in her own hotel room. Though none of the other intimidators – private, criminal or public – looked so ridiculous. Or drank on the job. So this girl in front of her was probably just some jaded lover who wandered into the wrong room. On any other day there’d be hell to pay. Right now Isabel felt forgiving though.

Deimos' face lit up at the sight of the mortal in front of her. Skipping over, she wrapped her arms around Isa before the woman could do anything to stop the sudden onslaught of affection. "I was!" She chirped enthusiastically, still clinging on like a baby monkey to its mother. "I've been waiting for so long. I thought you'd never come!"

Great. A stalker.

With one hand Isabel pushed the stranger away. “I told the people in the lobby to wait five minutes before sending in security.” She made a theatrical display of watching down at her watch. “You got four and a half more minutes to get the hell out of here.” She even took a step sideways and motioned towards the door. As forgiving as she felt right now, she really didn’t want to be bothered by this girl. Whoever she was. The daughter of some client maybe? What did it matter?

"That..." The pout reappeared. "That's not very nice." Smoothing down the multiple layers of ruffles that constituted her dress, for a moment, Deimos looked like she was going to cry. Why was she being so mean? She'd gone to so much effort to meet her too. Everyone liked surprises after all! It just didn't make sense. It...it...

"Oh! I'm so stupid!" Deimos suddenly exclaimed, letting out a loud laugh. How could she have forgotten. No wonder Isa seemed so affronted and annoyed. Running into the master bedroom, there came the sounds of thudding and clattering before she returned, a neatly wrapped gift, red bow and all, gripped between her hands. "I got you a present!" She held it out to Isa, waiting expectantly for her to take it.

This was definitely reaching into the top ten weirdest things that happened in Isabel’s life by now. Did someone lose their child or something? What was going on? Carefully she took the gift with one hand and waited for a second to see if it would explode. Her eyes were still on the girl in the pink dress before her though. She seemed to know her, yet Isabel didn’t know the girl. That imbalance in information didn’t make her feel safe.

Still, after a few seconds she quite unceremoniously tore open the wrapping paper.

The goddess beamed as she watched Isa. "I thought maybe you could put it in your office or something." She leaned over to point to the framed photograph of her and Ares. "He doesn't usually like having his photo taken but I think he got bored of me pestering him."

What. The. Fuck.

Isa saw the picture. Her grip fainted. Her heart beat shot up. Something inside of her snapped. Too many questions rose up. She looked back at the girl dressed in pink. Impossible. Impossible! Adrenaline coursed through her blood. Isabel grabbed the girl by her arms. She spun around. The frame’s glass shattered on the ground. With a loud thud Isabel pushed the girl against hotel room’s door. “How do you know him?” She could barely restrain her own anger to speak.

"Well I don't feel like telling now." Deimos replied sullenly, all previous good humor sapped from her expression. She put up no fight as she was pinned against the door, body hanging limp, arms dangling at her sides. It would probably bruise where her shoulder blades had slammed against the hard wood but such things healed quickly for her kind. "You should try and guess. I'll give youuuu…three guesses and if you don't get it, then tough luck." She stuck out her tongue childishly at this proclamation.

For almost half a minute Isabel just looked at the girl with nothing but utter confusion on her face. In her mind she was battling the idea of knowing more from her dad’s life beyond the veil he erected. At the same time the person she was facing was clearly either a psychopath that was toying with her or absolutely insane.

Then again, she had worked with much worse people. She let the girl go and took a step back. Still facing her she crouched down to grab the picture to examine it. Her dad was dressed in military garb but not the girl. She wore some tough-looking leather outfit but it looked civilian. Still, she knew well enough what her dad did. Again she looked up. “CIA? You’re his handler?” She asked.

"Nope!" Deimos shook her head, not moving from where Isabel had left her. "Two guesses left! Better think carefully, Little Miss Markov."

Isabel very much hated that taunted. She went over the picture again. Things weren’t lining up. It looked old. Gods. “His lover?” God she hated even saying the word.

Her nose scrunched up in distaste at that guess. "Ewwwww! No, that's so gross! Come on Isabel, aren't lawyers meant to be super good at this stuff?" Picking up a piece of shattered glass from the floor, she idly began to poke at a sharp end with the pad of her index finger. "Last guess!" She pointed the shard of glass at Isa. "I believe in you!"

That was a strange yet telling visceral reaction towards that suggestion. The problem was that Isabel didn’t like the implication of it. She looked at the picture again. Her heart dropped. She threw aside again and beelined for the girl in pink. With one hand she quickly disarmed her again, with the other she took the side of her face. “Hold still.” She ordered, as she looked deep into the girls.

And then it click. The second it did, Isabel staggered backwards. She felt ill. If not for the adrenaline coursing through her body she’d be spinning. “No. No, no that’s impossible.” She grabbed the side of a chair to keep herself balanced. She had his eyes.

“You’re… his… daughter?!” Saying it almost made her hurl. She was younger! How!? What double life did her father live!? Did he have a whole other family somewhere else? Suddenly all the love she ever felt from him felt poisoned.

With their faces so close, Deimos would have licked her if she hadn't backed off so quickly. It was fun to lick people, she liked seeing their reactions. Instead she clapped her hands together, giggling with joy. "Bingo! Yay Isa!" She darted over to her sister, smushing their faces together once more as she went in for another hug. I'm so proud of you. I think papa wouldn't have wanted me to meet you but I just couldn't wait!"

Isabel couldn’t push her sibling off her quick enough. “You’re younger than me!” She yelled as she walked backwards, then away to walk in circles as she tried to get her brain in order again. “All those times he boarded a plane he-“ A wave of sickness hit her again. Isabel clutched her stomach. She came to Seattle to meet cousins, nephews, uncles, maybe even grandparents. With big eyes she looked over at the girl in pink. Instead she got a sister!

She fumbled in her purse. Damn it where was it, where was it! With a scream she emptied it all out on the floor. There was it, her phone! “He’ll explain it.” She muttered to herself as tears began to well up. “He’ll have an explanation for this.” She grabbed her phone and with shaking hands began to call her father.

"No no no! Don't call him!" Deimos lunged for the phone, gripping on to it and trying to prise it from Isabel's hands. Her fingernails dug into her skin as she clung on, though it wasn't clear whether this was or wasn't intentional. "I wanted to play with you first! Her eyes narrowed as she dug in deeper. "Don't make me hurt you Isabel." Dread had begun to seep off the woman and it tempted Deimos, calling out to her like a siren to a sailor. Ready to pull them towards shallow rocks.

Isabel released her grip on the phone to get away from the girl. Her eyes were big. Tears were welling up inside of them. She was taking quick but shallow breaths. For a second she felt dazed. Then she looked at her own hands. Blood was dripping from the nail wounds. These feelings, she had felt them before. She had felt them so many times. But now she was in control. Isabel’s breathing slowed down again. What kind of sick person talks about playing with someone like that!? It didn’t matter. The girl crossed a line. Despite everything, she was still her father’s daughter.

With two quick moves she tossed away her heels and hiked up her dress’ skirt a little bit and then got ready in her fighting stance. “Come and try, bitch.” She challenged the girl before her.

Deimos just gave her a playful smile as if they both were going to have some silly fun. She jumped a little to get herself loose but didn’t take a stance like Isabel did.

Like two predators eying each other they began to circle each other. Teasing the first attack out of each other. Each made a feigned switch. Then another step, and another. Their eyes darted over each other. Trying to find that gap.

Isabel saw one! With trained speed she attacked.

Deimos’ trap worked. The first blows were being traded. Behind each move of Isabel was focus and knowledge. She had trained for this. Her body moved on its own, lett her mind read her opponent. Deimos was a hard opponent to read though.

The goddess fought in a very different way than Isabel. She didn’t call on her training. Each move was instinctual. Each strike was more savage. Isabel felt her mind cloud up. In a few seconds her left arm was already covered with bruises from blocks. She managed to kick Deimos once in the head hard though. Just two more times and she reckoned the girl would be out on the floor.

Deimos didn’t want the fight to be over that quickly. She dodged a kick, then got close. Right up in Isabel’s face. It took her by surprise. Deimos gave her a smile, before she pulled her hair down. She dragged Isabel down on the ground, with her soon on top of it. “See sis? We’re having fun!” She exclaimed as she tried to pin down her victim.

Isabel would not have it. With her one free hand she grabbed one of her heels and struck Deimos straight on the head. It bought her the second she needed to get from under her and up on her feet again.

She didn’t need to win. She couldn’t. She just needed to survive until security arrived.

Deimos rolled over, standing before smoothing her hair where the shoe had so rudely messed it up. "I see how you like it." She smiled predatorily, tongue running over one side of her teeth. The two circled each other again, before Deimos suddenly lunged, grabbing onto Isabels arm with both hands.

She started to twist around, performing the old classic 'chinese burn'. So absorbed was she in the fun she was having, that she failed to notice the knee that came colliding into her stomach. The goddess let out a small oof as she stumbled backwards.

Isa glared at her, annoyed at the girl for using such juvenile tactics. It seemed to her that she was not taking this seriously. She didn't let her catch her breath however, moving to strike her once, twice...

Deimos called upon the dread that had been slowly building up in the room, seeping from the mortal in front of her. She paced towards Isabel, who was for a moment paralysed, unable to move out of the way. Terror overwhelmed her. Holding out a fist, Deimos spun it around before slowly opening her fingers. She'd been tightly gripping a long shard of glass, enough so that she had cut her own palm, blood dripping to mar the immaculate carpet.

"I think I'm bored of this now." She stated bluntly, closing the gap between them before suddenly ramming the glass into Isabels left thigh.

Excruciating pain burned Isabel’s leg as she collapsed.

Right then two guards from security burst through the door. In just a blink they saw it all. The half-destroyed hotel room, the woman on the ground and the pink-dressed girl standing over her with a bloodied glass shard. “Call 911”.

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