Kosara Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A Location:Neil & Bob's Public House - > Hayloft Action: N/A Bonus Action: N/A Reaction: N/A | ![]() |
“!!!” Kosara let out a gasp of surprise and horror, staring wide eyed at her tall friend before her eyes turning to glare at the elf with extreme intensity! So it was THAT far already!? Ohh, he was so getting buried to his neck in the sands for a day or two to teach him responsibility and loyalty! She glared at Rickard a bit more, pondering the many possible ways she could apply the punishments she learned back home. Or maybe she should just tie him behind their mule and drag him about the place? She heard it was a punishment used sometimes…
“Bye, V, see ya in a bit.” Kosara called, waving to the bard, turning to her with a smile as the woman excused herself. Sadly she did not partake in the foodstuff munchies. There was something to be said about heading to rest tonight though. A long day of traveling didn’t really leave you with much energy to spare. She could go to the Honey Barn, but she wasn’t really at her best right now and it was kinda late what with spending time at the market. Kosara also noted she had to tell what she heard of the municipal building to the group. Or at least to V who was likely to relay it to the others.
Her eyes turned to the elf again. Scowling at him in innocent kitten fury.” I will confirm or deny with Kathryn later when she’s sober!” She finally stated, looking at him.” I know the meaning of the word mate. Animals have mates…. But I suppose meaning around these lands might be different…” She drawled slowly, staring at Kathryn and Rickard who too seemed to want to escape this situation.” I will apologize properly if Kathryn confirms your story.” She finally firmly stated.
By the way of things they were being politely in tavern and inn speak to go home since the place was closing for the evening!” Alright, sir! Thank you for looking after my friends!” Kosara chirped as she waved at the man and quicklly hoped up from the chair she was sitting on.” Come on Kathryn, let’s go!” The tiefling called and quickly jogged outside and heading to the hayloft, where to her surprise she was being very calmly and somewhat kindly admonished for her acts. Kosara blinked at Marita, sort of nodding, but still somewhat confused about the whole thing.” Alright… I will try not to if they are blackout drunk...” She carefully replied, planning to ask her grandpa about it later whenever she saw him the next time…. Also ask V… and maybe Kathryn on how they would have approached the problem.
Back into the hayloft, Kosara quickly smiled and ran about the place to where she left her sleeping things like the blanket earlier. She then proceeded to seek out if there was a source of water present in the hayloft.” Hey, anybody knows if one of those barrels over there has water?” She asked the others as she put her stuff on top of her bedroll before darting over to Marita.” Yeah, let’s make theories and deductions! I too discovered some things tonight while I was at the marketplace I think it might be of some importance and... ohh did you know they have somebody here that can make music with water?” She lack of attention struck once again as she recalled the rather impressive display with the water containers and music made through the use of them.