Name: Yuki Akamata
Race: Yokai: Oni
Magic/Abilities/Equipment:Shape-Shifting: Yuki has the ability to shape shift into various different animals and can even disguise herself as a human if she wants. She often uses this ability to play mischievous jokes and pranks on others. Or to remain unnoticed and undetected when going about her usual business.
Increased Strength: Her strength is slightly stronger than a human male despite her smaller and weaker stature when compared to most human males. She is capable of very strong kicks thanks to this increased strength. Relying primarily on her kicks and her weapon when the rare occasion comes when she must resort to violence. Much preferring to play her mischievous pranks and cause trouble then to end up fighting.
Naginata: Her preferred weapon of choice is a Naginata which she can summon to herself. Liking to keep her opponents at a decent distance from her and liking the weapons defensive capabilities. She is also fond of its versatility and because of its length, it allows her to gain leverage on her opponents with her strength. However, she would much prefer never to have to use her weapon, being much more content to enjoy her mischievous activities then to fight.
Personality: Yuki has a mischievous and fun seeking personality and is always looking for ways to have fun. Usually by pulling pranks on unsuspecting humans or even other monster girls she comes across. She also hates to fight and will not do so unless necessary. Much preferring to stick to her fun and games and avoid such violent interactions. Yuki is laid back and cheerful and is always up for an adventure, especially if it means getting to pull her various pranks on new victims for the first time. She also has a strong sense of loyalty and can become attached to those she begins to care about. Even so, the more attached she becomes to someone, the more likely she is to want to pull pranks on them. She is easy going but can have a stubborn side if her pranks do not go well.
Background: Yuki spent many years of her long life living in the forests surrounding the villages of the area. Playing her pranks on any who stumbled across her path while keeping herself hidden with her shapeshifting abilities. Often disguising herself as harmless forest creatures while going about her mischievous deeds. Moving from village to village once she felt like she had her fill of each village. Often living on her very own and passing her days causing various trouble for unsuspecting villagers.
Yuki had come from a family of Oni Yokai like herself that originated from the mountains of a faraway region and had slowly moved down into the valleys. Causing trouble everywhere they had gone until Yuki had reached adulthood. At which time she split off from her family and went out on her own. Wishing to discover new and interesting places to explore and new victims to have fun pranking.
Eventually on one of her many mischievous prank filled adventures she had encountered Lady Kyouko whom she had tried one of her many pranks on. Only to discover that Lady Kyouko herself was not human, but a Yokai as well. After a short discussion, Yuki quickly agreed to help Lady Kyouko out with her mission. After Lady Kyouko saw that her shapeshifting and her ability to be discreet as great assets that would help her cause.
Favorite Monster Girl: Neko/Wolf.