Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 1 day ago

@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree

Yagata Shipyard

The swordsman watched as Lilliana let loose a stream of blades on the dock troops, letting out wails as they were drained of their chi. As he tried to tell Gringor from earlier, magic is a powerful force. Deciding that sabotaging their operation was enough for now they were about to make a retreat when --

Shizuka's thoughts were drowned completely out when a strong kick slammed into his face. That was the second time it happened while here on the mainland...

He along with his fairy teammate where sent flying into a nearby warehouse; their flinging was stopped by a couple of crates they crashed into. Shizuka got back to his feet as quickly as he could to meet their attacker, which of course turned out to be the Fatal Pulse himself. The fact that both he and Lilliana completely lost track of him and fell for a sneak attack further proves his suspicions were correct. However, the ronin would immediately feel a strange sensation rattling in his body.

Assaulted by the scent of smoke in ash, it seemed that the crate he crashed into contained the strange substance the soldiers were handling. Some type of strange drug, it seems that it's affects were beginning to take hold. Having already been in the process of gathering his chi for a counterattack, he would find his focus to be somewhat impaired. Trying his best to regain his senses, he began to implore breathing techniques in order to calm his nerves. Having been surrounded in the substance, however, it wouldn't be as effective. He needed to change the playing field. Another soldier appeared carrying a touch, which got quite the hostile reaction from the Fatal Pulse. It was clear that this odd powder needed to be kept away from heat sources, and the idiot just brought one right to it....

Luckily his companion was quick to react, channeling a magic circle she began to cast a spell of her own. Hopefully it was something that would knock back their opponent and turn the tides! Her spell of choice was...!

A cow.

While he wasn't in his most stable mind, even Shizuka was taken aback at the result of Lilliana's spell. Of all the things they may have needed at that moment in time, a cow was after even the last thing on his mind. He blinked for a bit, questioning if what he was witnessing was real or an effect of the drugs. Before he could ponder it further the fairy quickly carried him out of the warehouse as the bovine charged at their assailant.

Having gotten further away, Shizuka could feel at least a bit of his senses stabilizing, though he was still feeling riled up and anxious. Trying at least something to help, he fired ice shots at the Fatal Pulse's feet. By immobilizing him it'll hopefully assist the cow in trampling him . Of course if their foe or anyone else had a counter he'd prepare for that as well. If anyone tried to shoot them out of the sky he'd use his mist technique to obscure their view with illusions and then counter with some more spells of his own.

"Lilliana-san, ghh...I'll try to cover us as best I can. Just, try not to summon any more farm animals this time..." He managed to mutter out.

@PaulHaynek @Restalaan

Outside the Inn

Having been subdued and bound, Atsuha's lover planned on interrogating their prisoner back at the temple. Something she wouldn't mind assisting with if she were allowed to do so. But, the next scene that followed would permanently close the door to that opportunity.

Unable to control her anger, Sorae immediately demanded answers from the woman as to who orchestrated her clan's massacre. As expected, their captive only gave cryptic statements with concerning implications for a response. This only sealed the woman's fate, as Sorae brought down her weapon and decapitated her. As her head rolled on ground in front of them blood squirted out of her neck. Hinami winced and turned her head away, Atsuha looked at Sorae with wide eyes and seemed at first she was going to yell at her. However, after hearing her statement she appeared to lost any words she may have had for her.

Atsuha no longer felt that she was in any position to be lecturing Sorae. Skarsneek witnessed the aftermath of the scene, and after slapping Sorae on the rear and scolding her he guided the sisters out of the inn. Apparently not wanting them to soak themselves in the gruesome atmosphere any more than necessary.

"Skras-kun! Wasn't that a bit much?" Hinami said.

"Nee-chan, Sorae's pain is understandable. However, Skars-kun is correct in his scolding. We have allies, myself included, who could've done something to get more answers out of her. But now, our search for answers is back to square one. For now, it's best we head back at meet up with the others." Atsuha replied

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 1 day ago

Unknown Inn


~ @AzureKnight (ATS & HIN), @Restalaan (SKA) ~

"She. Was mine to do. Not yours. Your ass owes me one. And I'll have it."

Sorae was about to retaliate when Skarsneek smacked her behind. The naginata was ready to strike, but Sorae chose to hear out the male Goblin for now. She said nothing in response to Skarsneek's words and quietly allowed the taskforce members to leave the inn and the bloody aftermath of the prisoner execution.

But as the group conversed outside, they were joined by Sorae who had words for them. "Yokai." She began. "I'm going to stay here and look for clues regarding my family's killers. But you should head back and tell Takeshi-sama that I will help him fight against the Varjan invaders. In fact, I'll be heading out to see him once I'm done here. Mind telling me where he is staying at?"

Once that question was answered, the taskforce's mission here was done. They could head back to Terauchi Temple to break the news or go somewhere else.

Shizuyama Wilderness


~ @Restalaan (GRI) ~

The rock Gringor hurled at the mages missed when the target simply ducked to evade it before resuming burning the forest near the male High Orc.

Gringor's loud bellow caught the Varjan party's attention, now pinpointing the monster's precise location. However, they had to dive out of the way when Gringor's chopped tree fell upon them. With their attack disrupted, Gringor leapt from the tree that he had rode as it fell. His axe fell upon a startled mage, instantly taking him out. The other mages managed to levitate away before Gringor could get to them, hiding behind a human wall of Brigands.

The mages raised their arms once more and streams of blue fire arced over their Brigand protectors and towards Gringor. The male High Orc could evade the flaming streams, but not for long since the mages would soon predict where he would go. Still, Gringor could see isolated Brigands get pulled down into the grass and even saw one of the furthest mages get taken down as well.

Isolated House


"That many will not be an issue. Please stay inside."

The wounded villager bandits watched Io face the Brigands by her lonesome. They watched her walk out, their weapons still drawn. While they imagined many things of her, they never expected her to be a spellcaster when she pulled her grimoire out and cast forth a bolt of lightning at the Varjans and their Wardogs.

The magical bolt arced at the first Brigand before jumping to another, then to another, then to another. The lightning bolt jumped three times before the next Brigand wisely dove into the ground to avoid the lightning magic which crashed into a tree and searing its bark. Four of the Brigands were electrocuted by the spell and knocked unconscious and out of the fight. However, none of the four Wardogs were deterred and descended upon Io.

A hound immediately leapt and clamped its jaws on the Lich's arm, trying to drag her down. The attempt was futile thanks to Io's innate monster strength, it didn't even hurt that much. But it did immobilize her arm, likely preventing her from casting any more spells until she was free from the canine.

The other Wardogs were poised to strike, but Io's newly-reanimated Zombies came to her aid. The once-male Varjans were now clearly women, possessing attractive bodies, albeit bloodied and damaged from being violently killed earlier and all. The three other Wardogs were quick to notice the new threats and quickly pounced on the undead. But while Zombies were not at all deft, they were pretty hardy. The Wardogs were too quick for the Zombies to catch but the Zombies were too durable for the Wardogs to actually hurt.

"She needs our help! Come on!"

The four surviving villager-bandits exited the house to fight the three remaining Varjans. A Brigand hurled a javelin which impaled and killed a villager before the two groups entered melee.

Shizuyama Wilderness


The Varjan Footmen could only watch as Kerry burst her cyclone and sent the Varjan arrows all over the ravine. The bowmen did not have time to take cover and so, were struck with their own projectiles. Then, the Hornet moved to the Footmen climbing the ravine. Arrows gathered by the cyclone shot at them and hit them in their backs, sending them plummeting to their doom and filling the air with their screams.

An exhausted Kerry landed near the awestruck villagers and waited for any Footmen who still remained and ascend the ravine. But none came, only the screams of panic and fleeing came from the Varjan invaders down below. This fight was over.

"I heard their screaming, yokai. You gave them what they deserved." The villager complimented the Hornet. Likely an unwanted one. "Thank you for what you have done. You may be yokai, but we will never forget what you have done for us. We will be heading to the temple haven, but will probably avoid the roads. They seem to be infested with Varjans."

After bidding farewell, the villager refugee group made their way to Terauchi Temple. This task was done and Kerry can go with the villagers to the temple or go somewhere else.

Yagata Shipyard


Everyone, including Fatal Pulse, was confused when Liliana apparently summoned forth an ordinary, unremarkable cow. Being conjured from magical means, the Varjans were still apprehensive of the bovine. "This... this isn't gonna explode, is it?" Fatal Pulse warily asked.

When the warrior Fairy slapped the cow, the beast made an agitated 'moo' and dashed towards Fatal Pulse and the Brigands in order to leave the small warehouse as soon as it could. While the Brigands were disoriented a bit from the stampeding animal, Fatal Pulse merely stepped to the side to make way for the cow before deftly evading the ice shots aimed at his feet. His eyes fixed upon the fleeing Liliana and Shizuka, realizing that the seemingly-nonsensical bovine spell was but a distraction.

Sword in hand, Fatal Pulse began to gave chase. The taskforce duo had left the warehouse through a side door and began to take to the sky, but Fatal Pulse took brandished a small, cylindrical object and pressed a button on the end. He then hurled it at the fleeing Liliana and Shizuka, the cover of the mist did not matter as the object was an explosive. An unusual one that simply emitted a bright flash of light and a loud sound that sent ears ringing with noise.

With the duo back on the ground, Fatal Pulse was immediately upon them. "Leaving so soon? The party's just getting started!" He said as he leaped into the air for a diving slash against Shizuka, who at least was far enough from the Nolkro to regain control.

Shizuyama Wilderness


The fight began in earnest, with none of the warriors aware of the spores Alice was breathing out. But when the Mad Hatter charged the nearest warrior, she saw him take a unique stance and suddenly disappeared.

Alice then felt as if she had been slashed at the body. Maybe she was, she simply did not see it. Her monstrous physique made sure no blood was spilt, but the pain was true enough. She then noticed the warrior she charged was now behind her. Was this the 'Heavenly Strike' technique? Alice found out she could weather its blows, but a continued assault might put her in a pickle.

And the warriors did not appear to be yet affected by the spores, Alice will need a plan of action if she wanted to last long enough for her ability to win this fight. The second warrior closed in, and began a series of slashing attacks against Alice.

Upon arrival at the rendezvous location, the port village of Otomo, at nighttime, Yuki met with the enigmatic Inari monster Lady Kyouko. She told Yuki that she was sort of late to the meetup but was glad that she showed up anyway.

Lady Kyouko briefed Yuki of the situation: The Varjans have invaded Shizuyama and has blockaded the island, surrounding it with their fleet and making ship travel impossible. So in order for Yuki to get to Shizuyama, she will have to be teleported to Terauchi Temple, the current home base of Kyouko's Taskforce. The Inari monster told Yuki to help out wherever she could, and not to be too hurt by the words and actions of the anti-monster Shizuyama.

Yuki was teleported by Lady Kyouko herself and a mysterious cloaked figure. She saw bright, white light surround her and before she knew it, she was no longer at the port.

Terauchi Temple

Yuki found herself in a chamber in what appeared to be a temple. There were monks praying at the shrines but upon her arrival, one of them kindly escorted her out of the room and into the temple grounds.

The temple area was walled and filled with tents and people, refugees from the invasion. The gold-colored leaves of the surrounding trees made the place beautiful, but the sight of despondent villagers marred the sight. Still, this was Terauchi Temple and Yuki could already see some yokai hanging about. Presumaly part of the taskforce since it was made very clear that there were no yokai in Shizuyama prior to the arrival of the taskforce.

Samael had spent time resting in the temple base. He had the opportunity to leave the island and the bloody war it was involved in, but chose to stay for now.

"Thank you. For the meal. It's delicious."
Lunatea Vern Farnsworth

"Using your hands for your food is barbaric, but I guess you're a yokai and all." Takeshi remarked. "Still, you want me to show you how to use chopsticks? It's pretty easy for me and all my friends and family but I've met foreigners who could never get used to them." The young Oja proceeded to give Lunatea a pair, and gave himself a pair as well. "Just hold it like this..."

"By the way, tell your friends too that I'll be happy to help this 'Kyouko's Taskforce'."




Current Legendary Tale in progress
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago


At the base of the temple steps if one listened close enough the light buzz of someone's snores carried from the treetops encroaching the holy place. Amidst the branches of the golden leafed tree-line the curious or keen-eyed could have easily spotted the silhouette of a boy stretched out lazily upon a large bough, his snores rustling the golden leaflets slightly.

He was welcomed by the monks and even the refugees but he politely declined not really feeling comfortable around a bunch of strangers no matter how much he would have liked to sleep fireside. But Samael was content to snooze amongst the branches of trees, the moonlight filtering through the leafs and the wind gently caressingly him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

"Chopsticks... I suppose I can try to learn."

If she were to be honest, she didn't see why one would use such a cumbersome tool to eat. Spoon and fork were far superior, though of course, out of politeness, she wouldn't say that to him.

"By the way, tell your friends too that I'll be happy to help this 'Kyouko's Taskforce'."

"Thank you." She gave him a small, quiet smile. "I'll make sure to tell them that."

As Takeshi tried to teach her on how to use his utensil, he would find that she was terribly clumsy at it. She would keep dropping whatever food she tried to lift with her sticks, to her great and utmost annoyance. Not to mention the way she held the sticks. It was enough to make any natives of the island laugh. Or cringe.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 1 day ago

@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree

Yagata Shipyard

As they traveled through the skies, Shizuka could feel the effects ofvthe drug slowly wear off. Unfortunately, his relief was short lived, as he sensed that the Fatal Pulse was hot on their trail. He wasn't surprised that he was able to dodge his ice darts, not even mentioning the poor cow. At least the mist would make it hard for him to effectively retaliate.

Or so he thought.

Kannazuki and Lilliana were hit by a explosion of light, the brightness made him shield his eyes in addition to the high pitched ringing makingbhin grit his teeth. With his mist strategy foiled, the duo were sent tumbling to the ground. However, Shizuka made sure to gracefully maneuver to where he would land on his feet - also being sure to catch Lilliana if she was in danger of hitting the ground in a more severe manner.

They were again face-to-face with the Pulse; he taunted them with his twin blades drawn.

"Certainly quick on your feet, I'll give you that. Not too many people can catch me off guard. But, I'll be sure not to fall for your tactics this time." Said the ronin.

Shizuka was holding the hilt of his sword, but he didn't assume a stance of any kind. He did begin to channel his chi, however, as small rocks and pebbles rippled and were forced up from the ground around him. A blue aura along with a bit of crackling sparks formed around him, his hair flowing from the generated force.

"Lilliana-san, this man is a dangerous foe. I don't know what other tricks he has up his sleeve, but I'm going to cut right through him. I'd like for you to head back to the temple and report that we found here to Takeshi-dono, but if you'd rather stay here I won't stop you. You can cover me in case something goes awry, just don't get caught in the crossfire" He said to her, not taking his eyes off of the Pulse for even a moment.

"Well Keith, shall we begin?"

Both Keith and Lilliana would find thar Shizuka had completely vanished, leaving behind only a small cloud of dust where he was standing. He would then appear right at Keith's immediate side, his hand full of frozen energy. He'd strike at him with Hyorangeki, if he had a way to counter he'd use Eseryu. He would fool him into thinking he landed a successful hit, only to slash at him while his guard was down.

The light show from earlier made him weary of his abilities, but there was one other thing that weighed on Shizuka's mind...

How exactly did he know this guy's actual name anyway?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Skarsneek of the Red Hill

Hearing Sorae words before they left, Skarsneek turned slightly before waving his hands to acknowledge her.

"Terauchi Temple, remember, report to your lord so he knows you're still alive. Might even come and help you." He said in between steps before reminding Sorae of one important fact. "Don't go rushing in and dying now, you owe me after all."

"Well, let's go back. If you want to proceed with another mission, go ahead. I'm beat for today." Skarsneek rubbed the back of his head in annoyance. This mission was a success but it felt bitter.

Still, that's one person of importance recruited.

Walking all the way back, Skarsneek realized it would be night soon as the sun set down on the horizon. Idly, he wondered just how the rest are doing.

As he entered, he noted that there was some new damage. That got him sharpened up as he hastened his footsteps. There was no other defenses nor additional patrols so it meant there wasn't a raid or attack, was it a scuffle?

Well, that's terrific. Skarsneek rubbed the back of his head in annoyance as he felt a headache forming. Wondering just who started it.

Arriving at the temple and pushing the door wide open, he flamboyantly announced his return.

"It's me, Skarsneek! You may rise." He proudly entered before looking at the numerous refugee and checking up with them. Picking any of them at random and asked in perfect Zipang. "So what happened today? Someone got into a fight? It was that orc, ain't it?"

"And you all, need anything? Water or food? I'll fetch some for ya."

And on, Skarsneek looked and interacted with the locals. Helping them as best as he can before finishing up as he takes his leave to find Takeshi.

Asking a priest or two, he finally found Takeshi alongside Lunatea. The latter having a conversation with the other. After a quick moment of thinking, he decided it was definitely time to mess with the two of them. Definitely.


"Yo!" So with all the subtleties of a bull, he came and interrupted their conversation. Especially with Lunatea. "Snatched one already? Man, you sure work fast!"

"And Takeshi! My man! Getting over your prejudice, can't be more proud of ya!" Intentionally, he put a hand over Takeshi's shoulders. Hand smacking a bit harder than intended as he got close to the heir of Shizuyama and fake whispered loudly enough to be heard. "But be careful, rabbits are well-known for their large families and heat cycle. Your hips may give out before hitting number twelve."

Whatever they would say, Skarsneek will let go of Takeshi before he cleared his throat. "I got Sorae, but as for her clan...well, let's just say we have a problem."

Taking a look around to ensure that there aren't any eavesdroppers, Skarsneek face and tone changed as he report his finding. "They're all dead. Only Sorae's left. All of them were murdered by Shizuyamans."

"One of the leads we found, at least before Sorae offed her, seems to say that the world's changing and men of vision got to face it or something. Usual shit."

"But if I got to speculate, they're probably working with the Varjans." Skarsneek proposed and deduced as he stroke his chin. "Fits their M.O too."

He kept quiet on the front that it might be the angle that Takeshi clan wasn't extreme enough when it came to monsters and so joined forces with the one and only most radical forces on the earth intent on breaking up monster relationships violently.

"Sorae said she'll come and join you later. Hopefully, she does and not go on her own." Skarsneek finished his report before leaning forward to Takeshi. "Personally, I think we need to watch over her. She might go and do something stupid."


Gringor of the Ironhide tribe

Gringor strike took one out shaman out and turned to the rest.

Seeing this, they levitated and float themselves above before hiding behind their line of men.

Hissing and nose flared, this only surmised why he hated fighting shamans, sorcerers, and mages. No sport to fight at all.

A stream of blue fire came, and he ducked to the sides. Rolled and got onto his feet before dashing off to the sides. Drawing their attention as he read that it won't be long before he was hit with the fire.

Which was why he quickly dash to the sides as another wave came before he charged forward to the line of brigands. Intent tear through them before getting into the mages.

Like an experience wood cutter, a single swing of his axe fell the first line of the brigands before he held his axe forward.

Then he proceed to slam into the second line like a bull, the sheer momentum of his charge catching a few of the brigands upwards into his embrace.

Yet Gringor wasn't done, as with another roar, muscles tensed like iron, and feet dug into the ground before it tore chunks. He lifted the bandits caught by him and continued forward like a living battering ram. Intent on using the brigands as a meat shield.

If they didn't fire, they'll scatter. If they fired, then Gringor will continue his path forward regardless by tossing the brigands forward, slammed the head of his axe down and pole jump himself higher to avoid the blistering flames.

He already caught sight of the mage that stood at the very back end disappearing. So at the very least, there were three mages left.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@PaulHaynek @Restalaan (SKA) @AzureKnight (ATS & HIN) @Hammerman @Dark Cloud @Nakushita

"I heard their screaming, yokai. You gave them what they deserved." The villager complimented the Hornet. Likely an unwanted one. "Thank you for what you have done. You may be yokai, but we will never forget what you have done for us. We will be heading to the temple haven, but will probably avoid the roads. They seem to be infested with Varjans."

Kerry had to hold back a guffaw after hearing the first half of the villager's comment. How hard was for him to give out that compliment like that to her? Herculean, she bets.

"Well, in that case, I'll be your flying bodyguard on the way there. Lilith knows, I need some shut eye after today.", she replied, taking to the air as the villagers finally crossed the bridge and trekked toward the temple, Kerry hovering over them vigilantly.

Thankfully, the journey proved uneventful for once as the group of refugees walked through the front gates of Terauchi Temple. Touching down, Kerry let loose a big sigh, in both relief and exhaustion. All that's left to do is grab dinner and go straight to be- what's that snoring? Following the noise, Kerry approached a nearby tree and looked up toward its branches, only to find...

"S-Sam?", Kerry queried, quite bewildered to see the demon boy here. Last she saw him was when they first reached the temple in the early morning. Even when she came back from recruiting Takemori, Sam was nowhere to be found. Where had he been all day? Questions piling yet too tired to really care about waking Sam up and asking, Kerry only gave a shrug and the sleeping demon lie as she walked through the gate. Once inside the grounds, she would see Takeshi conversing with Luna over dinner, along with Skarsneek, Atsuha and Hinami returning from their mission. The male goblin had just finished giving out his report when Kerry stepped in.

"Hey, guys. I'm back. Took down of some Varjans causing grief at a bridge and escorted these villagers back here.", Kerry began after she grabbed a bowel of food. She....didn't bother using any utensils. "Takeshi, I got good and bad news. Good news, Takemori stands with you. Just call him and he'll be there. Bad news, his adopted daughter, Setsuna, sided with the Varjans in exchange for revealing Shizuyama's hidden routes. You may want to get the word out that your secret pathways and hideouts may be compromised. Oh, Luna? I found Sam sleeping in a tree, near the steps just outside the front gate. I don't think any of us have seen him all day, so you might wanna go check on your boy."

Then, out of the corner of her eye, Kerry noticed a woman with horns and wearing Zipangunese clothes come wandering out of the temple.

".....And who did Kyouko send this time?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


"It went in deep, but not deep enough," Carroll says, as he spread his corrupting goo across Alice's body, and bandaged the wound - more or less, as it was pulling the separated flesh together. "Still, that movement was unlike anything I've ever seen. If you can, bait it out a few more time, and I think I can counter it."

"Very well," Alice says, as she weathered the flurry of blows from the assaulting swordsman. "Forgive me, sir," she says, "If would be better for you to use your best attack, that Heavenly Strike technique. This is nothing in comparison," she skipped on her heels, and held Carroll in her left hand alone,"Allow me to show you..."

"Against the rain, the Queen never shrinks or shies;
Inciting fear in the clouds, and splitting the skies...

Rain Breaker: Inverse Rainbow!

Alice, suddenly, planted her heels, and dashed forward; scooping Carroll upwards, in an arc, and with her sudden reach, created a bloody rainbow above her with the completed arch.

Returning to a two-handed hold, Alice would retreat from her target and keep the other two in sight.

"Don't hold back!" Carroll barked. "Use your right hand, not your left, dummy!"

Alice meeped, flailing her arms. "B-Buh-Buh-But, I thought it was okay to take it easy on Humans!" she whined, "I'm not insulting them, am I!? Am I insulting you!?" Alice looked at the men; pleading for an answer with her big eyes. "Nnnn..."
EDIT: Made the couplet rhyme.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


With their route out of the warehouse secured thanks to the noble sacrifice of one very antsy cow, Liliana felt comfortable enough with the distance gained to pick Kannazuki up and begin flying, smirking as she saw that Fatal Pulse hadn't managed to catch them. Before the fairy could come up with any sort of snappy one-liner to rub it in however, Fatal Pulse unleashed some manner of attack she wasn't expecting that seriously hurt her ears and sent her body into a paralyzed state of shock, sending her plummeting to the ground. Luckily however, the fresh air had allowed Kannazuki to recover enough to land and catch her, leaving the fairy very impressed at the swordsman's agility.

Her ears were still ringing but she could hear the repulsive sound of Fatal Pulse's voice, the mercenary's blades crossing with her friend's while Liliana struggled to her feet. Her equilibrium was completely disrupted from that explosive...but right now, she had a feeling that she'd get in the way of Kannazuki's swordsmanship. "You handle him, I'll keep the small-fry at bay. ...C'mon sword, let it be anything but a cow this time!"

With her focus placed into her blade, she would unleash one more Support spell from her blade, a pale bolt of energy shooting at it to Kannazuki and enshrouding him in a yellowish glow, before Fatal Pulse would swear he was seeing double. Triple, even, as Triple Reflection was empowering Kannazuki, making ghostly duplicates of him that followed his movements and soon grew so solid that they were indistinguishable from him.

"Yes!" Liliana said excitedly, narrowly avoiding getting hit by an arrow being shot by a Varjan soldier. Using Size Trick, the fairy would return to her miniscule size and begin demonstrating the Royal Knight Fairy style of swordsmanship: Death by 1000 cuts. It would be like trying to swat a fly with a sword as she grew faster in her smaller state, her sword cutting all the same with the blessed wooden flesh of a World Tree blessing it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nakushita
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Nakushita Number 1 Ranked Bucket Fighter

Member Seen 11 hrs ago



Even with Lady Kyouko having filled her in on all that was going on and what was expected of Yuki. Yuki still was left in a bit of an awe with her new surroundings. After all it had been many years since she had left her preferred stomping grounds. This new land being completely foreign to her, though she supposed that this meant she would be able to have far more fun than she would have been able to have back home. After all there was new people to meet, new places to go, sure she was supposed to be helping Lady Kyouko, but that did not mean she could have a little bit of fun along the way.

Though just at a first glance, Terauchi Temple seemed like a pleasant enough place to set up camp. Taking in all the sights of the temple as she was escorted to the outside into the temple grounds. The trees being more impressive than any she had seen before, their beautiful gold-colored leaves catching her eye. As she walked along, she could not help but to spot the various villages, though even with how despondent many of them seemed to be, it did not dampen Yuki’s usual positive and cheerful mood. Though she knew she would have to get use to hanging around other Yokai again, there already seeming to be more around the temple grounds then Yuki had been around in quite some time.

Though, Yuki figured she had time to try to get acclimated to her new surroundings and get a real grasp of this new life. Once she had, she would start to explore further out from the temple and its grounds and find what new things this land had to offer. Though there was no reason to rush it after all, she figured there would be time for it all at some point and it would be best to enjoy it while she could.

As she took in her surroundings, she could not help but to notice that she seemed to have caught the attention of another. Though this girl seemed to be far different from any Yokai she had ever met before. Though Yuki figured that was a good thing, after all she had become so use to only ever being around Oni like herself. Finding this rather intriguing, Yuki decided to go introduce herself to this stranger of a race she was not familiar with. Skipping over towards Kerry with a little grin on her face “Hey you!, I figured since I noticed you looking at me, and I was looking at you, I may as well come over and introduce myself, name is Yuki, I just arrived with Lady Kyouko, not even ten minutes ago, say, what kind of Yokai are you? I’ve not seen Yokai of your type before, but it is always cool to meet new and different people” Yuki cheerfully addressed Kerry. Not being shy at all when introducing herself to new people that she didn’t know.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


“Hey you!, I figured since I noticed you looking at me, and I was looking at you, I may as well come over and introduce myself, name is Yuki, I just arrived with Lady Kyouko, not even ten minutes ago, say, what kind of Yokai are you? I’ve not seen Yokai of your type before, but it is always cool to meet new and different people”

"Heh. Always good to see a smiling face, especially during these times.", Kerry replied with a smile of her own. "Name's Kerry. Welcome to the taskforce. You got you're cut out for ya."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Skarsneek of the Red Hill

"Yo, bee girl! What's up!" Skarsneek waved as he saw Kerry enter, then fearfully at the back of his head, he wondered if he recalled seeing her before this. Ah well, best to pretend and ignore that detail.

Hearing Kerry run down of her own mission, Skarsneek can only shake his head in disbelief. Another family betraying one another? Sheesh, talk about messed up, or repressed problems.

Hopefully, Takeshi own family isn't shaping up to be like that.

Though on hearing Sam, he brightened up at that. So that's where he went?

Just then, a new presence decided to reveal itself as they stepped into the room. Taking his attention as he raised an eyebrow at the monster girl that just walked in.


Were ogres supposed to be that small?


So quietly, while Kerry took her attention, he snuck around and observed her. Looking at the odd clothes and built before standing right behind her. Waiting patiently until she noticed, he even tapped his foot once to get her attention.

The moment she turned, Skarsneek delightfully smirked with glee as he sharply brought both of his arms upwards.


Once the moment was over, Skarsneek giggled like a child before introducing himself properly.

"I'm Skarsneek! Glad to meet you, little oni!" He confidently said, completely ignoring the fact that he too was a little one. Perhaps shorter due to being a goblin.

Though he left out that he was a male despite still being dressed in the traditional female goblin style. Come on, surely, he was able to fool this one?

"Hey, welcome! You're part of Kyouko reinforcement too!?" Skarsneek warmly said and smiled as he approached
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 11 days ago

Io at the Isolated House


Io barely noticed the hound latching onto her arm, though she did have a mild pang of annoyance as it was making it hard to move. The dogs were trained supriringly well - or perhaps they were deaf? She didn't care enough to continue the train of thought. 'Though, a monstergirl facing down a pack of wild dogs like this... Not dissimilar to the lecherous texts of a head wizard I once knew.' Io thought to herself, amusedly. The old memory of the story gave her an idea.

Even trained animals were still animals, and ruled by instinct and feeling, Io knew. She reached down to one of the scrolls wrapped along her inner leg, causing her old robe to flutter upwards for a moment (not that anyone was looking, of course), before pulling it free and deftly draping it around the dog. The scrolls along her body had many purposes once they were activated, of course, most of them for magical enhancements... but a small few were for other purposes. This one simply amplified lust in the one it was touching, clouding other feelings entirely. Io activated the scroll, letting it wrap around the hound and have its effect.

If it worked to free her arm, Io could then direct her attention to helping those in the melee - they were too close together for Io to use another lightning bolt, as much as she wanted to simply knock them all out and sort them herself. However, her zombies could be used. Reaching out, Io would cast a wave of undead energy across the zombies and the dogs they distracted. The energy was of course harmless, even beneficial, to undead but would drain the living hounds as it touched them. Then she would simply direct her raised zombies to aid in the fight against the Varjans.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

All of a sudden, an uninvited guest butted in on their conversation.

"Yo! Snatched one already? Man, you sure work fast!"

Lunatea looked up and immediately her small smile turned into a frown.

"It's you. The goblin."

To be honest, she had entirely forgotten his name. Even his gender no longer surprised her.

"What do you want?" She narrowed her eyes. "And just so you know, Takeshi here already has a lover. Who is not me."

When the goblin bent down and whispered to Takeshi, Lunatea could hear every single word he said, owing to her rabbit ears.

"I can hear you, you know."

He wasn't exactly wrong though. Her species indeed suffered through heat cycles every year. And when it happened… well, let's just say that she had trouble keeping her panties dry.

"And I would never fgobline my partner to perform intercourse if he doesn't desire to, " she quickly added.

She then listened to his report. When he finished, her frown had only deepened.

"That's not good… I think we should fetch her immediately." She gave Takeshi a concerned look.

Before they could continue their conversation, however, another person arrived. This time, it was the bee mamono. And unlike with the goblin, Lunatea's expression remained neutral at her appearance.

She gave him her report as well though not without mentioning Sam and how she might want to check on him.

"I suppose I could…" She mumbled to herself. It had been a while since she last saw the boy after all.

"Still, to think someone native here would side with their invaders… quite curious, if you ask me." She told Kerry once she finished.

The bee girl then asked who was the person coming to them.

"Hmm?" Lunatea clocked her head to the side. "Her? She's a newcomer. You'll have to ask her for her name because I certainly don't remember."

Once she arrived and introduced herself, Luna stood up and did the same in kind.

"Greetings. I am Lunatea Vern Farnsworth, a Wererabbit. It's a pleasure to meet you." She gave a bow, flashing her panties to anyone standing behind her as usual.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

One moment he was dreaming of soaring through the air and the next thing the male mamano knew he was flailing wildly through the air as he fell from the branches of a tree. Landing with a solid thud and a subsequent groan, Samael certainly hadn't expected his dream to end with a landing like that.

However he realized in fact he was definitely awake and had a sizeable 'goose-egg' poking at the top of his head "Ouchies." the demon mumbled groggily, grunting as he pushed himself to his feet with a hand on his head.

Maybe a tree wasn't exactly the best place for him to sleep, a bed would be nice and so would a snack what with his stomach rumbling at the thought of food. How long had it been? A day? Two maybe? He couldn't remember, the day had been a blur. Well, anyways the temple looked way better to sleep in! Thus the short statured demon trudged up the steps and inside the temple.

It didn't take him long, what with the fact most the monks were sleeping at this hour that he found his way down a hall where he heard both familiar and unfamiliar voices.

Samael while still harboring a big bump on his little head, instantaneously brightened at the sight of everyone "Wowzers you guys are here?" he sounded genuinely surprised walking in, his hair tangled with sticks and leafs but he had a big ol' smile on his face "Gosh, I was wondering if I'd see you guys again...Well maybe just Luna but..." he blushed slightly as he not so subtly glanced to the were-rabbit.

"Huh! Hey your new!" as his eyes wandered he saw the short girl that the goblin seemed to be 'bugging', that was what Luna called what the goblin usually did to people "You look just like me, must mean we're related...Right?" he asked glancing around the room for an answer.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 1 day ago

Shizuyama Wilderness


~ @Restalaan (GRI) ~

The Brigand lines could not hope to stop Gringor, who was like a boulder when he attacked them. Felling the first line, the male High Orc crashed into the second line and brought with him some of the Brigands as shields against the Firethrowers. The mages stopped their stream of fire when Gringor was executing his maneuver, more because they needed to move again rather than respecting their comrades' lives.

The Firethrowers split up as Gringor reached them, moving to the sides. Now, the High Orc was surrounded and the mages unleashed their torrents of blue flame upon the monster. Only this time, Gringor was too close to the Firethrowers for him to move out of the way. The flames reached him and he felt his skin burn from the searing heat. His monstrous physiology endured for now but would soon give in to the unceasing fire.

But the fire ceased. One by one, the jets of flame stopped as the Firethrowers were taken out. The mages realized too late that Gringor was not their only enemy in this fight and soon, the whole Varjan search party succumbed to the darkness.

Gringor could douse the flames still on him by rolling, patting or pouring soil on himself. The fire had not gotten below his skin, fortunately. The forest around him was still on fire, but most of the Varjans lay dead on the grass. Slain silently by an entity some of them did not even know was there.

Isolated House


The hound biting Io's arm immediately let go after the Lich wrapped the lust-inducing scroll around it. Apparently a female, the Wardog immediately singled out one of the other hounds and the two fought each other. 'Fought', wherein one of the Wardogs was simply trying to repel and run away from the other who very much did not want to fight.

With that out of the way, Io cast forth her wave of undead energy on her zombies and the Wardogs fighting them. The hounds were quickly turned undead, and under the thrall of their new Lich master. With the small fighting force assembled, Io sent them to handle the remaining Varjan Brigands.

"Kai! Nooo!"

Unfortunately, Io's undead were too late to assist the villagers. There was only one left and a Varjan Brigand managed to land a fatal slash upon him before being harassed by the Lich's newly-acquired Wardogs. The Brigands tried to fight off both the Zombies and their former hounds but the monstrous creatures superior, driving off the attackers.

The last villager laid dying on the side of the building, his wounds too grievous to heal. And he knew it. "Miss Foreigner, please... you have to save the merchant with the iron mark." He rasped out his last words. "He... he's my brother. I was... trying to steal the mark to stop him from dishonoring his family."

"Please, look for him. He's a good man..."

Yagata Shipyard


~ @AzureKnight (SHI) ~

"Well Keith, shall we begin?"
Shizuka Kannazuki

"Oh, so you know my name, huh?" Fatal Pulse noticed Shizuka's apparent knowledge of him. He had not revealed his true name yet and seemed quite offended that it was already known beforehand. "Just you wait, blue boy! Once I get access to my 'resources', I'm totally gonna look you up and read all about you! See how you like it!"

When Shizuka unleashed a magical blizzard from his palm, Keith twirled and spun his sword to block the incoming hail hurtling towards him. Many of the icy shards were broken by his blade, but just as much got past his defense and pierced his body. But despite getting mangled by ice, Keith did not seem to feel his drastic injuries. "...Maybe I should've used a second sword." The sword he used was also worn down from striking the hail.

Keith lunged at Shizuka as retaliation, closing the distance with immense speed. But upon striking the azure swordsman, Keith found out he only struck an image made of mist. Shizuka managed to thrust his sword into Keith's back, which elicited a rather girlish scream. "My gonads!" Suddenly, Keith gripped the sword impaled upon him and kicked Shizuka away. The mercenary then pulled out the azure swordsman's blade from his back, still unaffected by his wounds. "But you're gonna have to do better than that, and now I have your cool sword. Now then--"

Turning around, however, Keith was greeted with three Shizukas staring down at him, thanks to Liliana's illusion spell. "Alright! Now which one of you stabbed me in the back?"

Shizuka did not have control over his mirror images, but he felt as if he knew what they would do.

Liliana greeted the Varjan forces coming to reinforce Fatal Pulse. When the first Varjan Brigand swung his axe at the initially human-sized warrior Fairy, his eyes widened in surprise when his weapon hit naught but air. Liliana had shrunken to avoid the axe, and darted past the Varjan ranks and easily evading any attack made her way. All the while, slashing and hacking with her magical sword.

As the Varjans fell to Liliana, the tiny warrior soon felt something hover over her. She could only spare a glance as an empty box was dropped onto her, trapping her inside the darkness of the crate. Weight was put on the box to prevent Liliana from simply pushing it off. Even with the Fairy's diminutive size, they were not taking chances.

"We've got the fly! Go help the boss!"

Shizuyama Wilderness



Terauchi Temple

"Chopsticks... I suppose I can try to learn."
Lunatea Vern Farnsworth

Takeshi could only let out an amused chuckle at Lunatea's efforts in wielding the eastern eating implements. "Hey, look on the bright side. You can't get worse than this so you can only improve from here."

It was then that Skarsneek appeared with the Hangai sisters. His gaze briefly stuck on Atsuha before his attention returned to the male Goblin. He raised an offended eyebrow at Skarsneek's initial words and its implications but he got up to listen more closely at his news about Sorae.

"Sorae said she'll come and join you later. Hopefully, she does and not go on her own. Personally, I think we need to watch over her. She might go and do something stupid."


Takeshi let out a deep sigh at Skarsneek's debriefing. "...So that was why they were not at the beach. Damn it. Why did this have to happen..." He then bowed his head at the male Goblin. "You have my thanks for locating Sorae. Once we've rescued my father, I will get to the bottom of this... massacre and bring justice to these traitors." He declared, his tone merciless. "I'll greet Lady Sorae once she arrives here."

Then it was Kerry who arrived with news from Takamori.

"Takeshi, I got good and bad news. Good news, Takemori stands with you. Just call him and he'll be there. Bad news, his adopted daughter, Setsuna, sided with the Varjans in exchange for revealing Shizuyama's hidden routes. You may want to get the word out that your secret pathways and hideouts may be compromised..."
Kerry Maros

"More traitors, then." Takeshi remarked. "It appears it is not only the Varjans we have to watch out for. I suppose it is not very unsurprising. Our island has its fair share of the wicked and selfish, thinking of only themselves and never the harm they do upon others." Bowing his head at the Hornet, he expressed his gratitude. "Thank you, Kerry, for seeing Takamori. Although, I worry about his daughter. Hmm, this is the first time I've heard about her..."


While Yuki was welcomed by the taskforce members present at the moment, most of the humans in the temple grounds still regarded their yokai helpers with suspicion and wariness. Something that was starting to change when some villagers were willing to talk to the taskforce regarding their problems.

There were also the individuals that Takeshi had asked the taskforce to look for. They would be instrumental in saving the captured Lord Oja.

Takeshi Oja was at the temple grounds, ready and willing to assist a taskforce member in their ventures.




Current Legendary Tale in progress
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 11 days ago

Io at the Isolated House


Io surveyed the aftermath of the fight as the major din of the battle settled, thinking about what the last villager said, and looking over the bodies left. It was quite a selection. She hadn't been amongst so many fresh corpses in a long time - if she had to explain it to a living person, she would have likened it to setting foot in a garden full of freshly planted seedlings. There was plenty of potential here. But first, there were things to attend to. Weeds in the garden, so to speak.

Io allowed some of her undead hounds to chase the living ones off. She would have to re-make her scroll, but she didn't really want to retrieve the existing one from a living beast. She had standards, and it wasn't a hard scroll to recreate with some time. Next, came the issue of the unconscious Varjans. While she was still tempted to let them join the rest, she had to at least see if they would be worth anything to the villagers alive. She bound them with rope scavenged nearby.

Io kept her zombies on guard as she singled out one of the unconscious Varjans, taking them apart from the group. She had to figure out if they knew where this merchant was, and this was the most direct way to do it. Shaking the prisoner awake, she gave them a moment to come to before she crouched down and softly began asking them questions. "Varjan. You will tell me everything you know about these 'iron marks.' And the location of a local merchant that has one." She took a moment to undo her disguising aura, letting her undead pallor return to her skin. She beckoned over one of her remaining undead hounds to draw close to the prisoner, with her grimoire in her other hand. "Telling me now will be best. I have other methods if you refuse." Her normally deadpan expression gained a slight, yet noticeably sadistic smile. She would move on to the others if this one knew nothing - Io hoped that at least one had a clue. If not... That was their problem.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

While Liliana was keeping the soldiers busy with her precise stabs and fast flying, she heard the sound of Fatal Pulse scream and turned her head back to see him impaled. Now, surely the tide would...

...Why did he scream about his gonads? And how was he completely fine!? Was he some manner of undead? As the questions surged in her mind, she barely had time to notice the shadow pass over her, trapping her underneath a crate. Dashing around inside of the crate Liliana would try and find a way out, groaning as she basically rammed against the walls of the box. Then, she had a thought. They wouldn't have had time to do more than just get a box, so what was weighing her down?

Then, the fairy instincts for mischief kicked in. A devilish smile kicked in as she heard the soldier sitting on the box laugh at how ridiculously easy it had been to contain the fairy in her dumb little box. She estimated that her sword was sharp enough to penetrate the wood if she stabbed, and so the fairy would fly to the ground, building up momentum by flying in a circle before she dashed for the top of the box.

Where darkness prevailed and the sun didn't shine...that was where her sword would strike. The soldier atop the box would leap from his position, eliciting a cry of pain that would be followed by the sound of breaking wood. With the box now able to be lifted, Liliana would use Size Trick once more to grow large enough to break free and slam the box into the man's head. "Alright, who put the box on me!? Someone's going to be pushing up daisies until they ARE a daisy!"

Eyeing the state of the fight between Fatal Pulse and Shizuka, Liliana had a feeling her new friend stood little chance without a weapon. Even if Triple Reflection could fool Fatal Pulse into guarding, she didn't know if Shizuka had any martial arts skills to let him take his weapon back...so she'd give him a new one.

Varjan steel probably wasn't what Shizuka was used to using, but he'd find a sword sliding towards him, kicked by Liliana. "Alright, now you're all going to have to deal with a really BIG fly!" she said, taking to the skies and resuming her swooping attacks...albeit now, it was with a lot more speed, and less risk of getting shoved in a box. She'd go for archers first, then axemen.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nakushita
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Nakushita Number 1 Ranked Bucket Fighter

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

@Rezod92@Dark Cloud@Hammerman@Restalaan


Yuki gave Kerry the brightest smile that she could muster up “Thanks for the warm welcome I look forward to working with you and everyone else here”. Turning her gaze towards the sound of a foot being tapped behind her. Only to be surprised by Skarsneeks delightful greeting of boo as she returned his greeting with a small little wave. “Oh my, if you do that again, you may just well give me a heart attack, it is a pleasure to meet you as well Skarsneek, my name is Yuki” Giving him a warm smile like she had given Kerry.

Now turning to face Lunatea giving her a bow of her head in return for her greeting. “A Wererabbit huh? I don’t think I’ve come across a Wererabbit before, so it has been a pretty exciting day already, it is not often I come across those that belong to groups that I haven’t met before, you and Kerry are definitely very unique to any that I have met before, then again I guess I really do only hang out with Oni if anyone at all” Letting out a small little laugh at the end. Before having a thought come to mind now, now that she had met a few of the others within Lady Kyouko’s group.

“It is a pleasure and honor to meet with you all, I’m still pretty new here so perhaps I can tag along and assist you guys until I get my feet underneath me” Yuki suggested with a quizzical expression on her face. Her eyes shifting back and forth between the trio of the Skarsneek, Kerry and Lunatea. figuring it would be best if she started out small and slow until she got a better understanding of how things worked.

Her head quickly turning to the direction and sound of another approaching. Hearing his greeting as she tilted her head to the side and reached a hand up to her chin rubbing it in thought. “Related? Hmmmmm” Her crimson gaze looking Samael over from head to toe. “Well, you do seem to be a demon, so I guess that is possible, though you do look pretty similar to myself, by the way, my name is Yuki, I’m an Oni, where did you come from? I was born and raised in the mountains, how about you?” Yuki questioned with a quizzical expression on her face. Asking a few questions and giving out a few more details to see if anything matched up.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Skarsneek of the Red Hill

She didn't notice! That had Skarsneek happy as she didn't even mention about his gender!

"Right, this here is a goblin! Annoying, charming, and also the best at mischief!" He pointed to himself with a wink towards Yuki, introducing himself as he's probably the first goblin she saw in her life. "I'm also the sneakiest around here, so you want a place to have a break-in, I'm the best monster for the job!"

Then looking at Samael and Yuki interacting with one another. Skarsneek grinned ear to ear as he slide next to Samael and put his arm around his aslders like close friends did.

"Ey, I was also born and raised in the mountains! One of the eight, in fact." Skarsneek beamed as he pointed a thumb to himself before gently putting Samael forward. Letting the demon have some confidence boost with him at the back, whispering to him quietly. "Go get her."

Then afterward, he turned to Kerry, Lunatea and Takeshi.

"Right, I got to see a man about his dog. See ya for the night!" He announced to the rest of them, intent on retiring for the night but not before doing one little thing.


Finding the sisters, Skarsneek will try to see if he can get to meet and talk to Hinami alone. There's something bothering him for a while now and he intends to get to the root of it. After all, they're family now. Can't let small things grow into a large problem. He thought idly with both hands on his head.


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Seeing the blue flames, Gringor eyes was blinded but the residual figures of were mages was still in his mind.

Not bothering to scream, he continued forward as air escaped his lungs but he moved on. Flames burnt him and hehasdoubt have only seconds to last startse he start to burn.

Yet Gringor slammed his foot forward! There was no retreat, he'll cut all of them down even if he was ashes! No retreat! Never!

Through the flames, his ax flashed forward and inches away from cutting down the shaman before he fell like a puppet with its string cut. Gringor ax merely doing superficial damage at that point as it harmlessly pushed the shaman's body back.

Ignoring that, Gringor turned before seeing all the other shamans in similar states. Idly, he patted the remaining flames and felt the stinging air on his skin. It was like it was rubbed raw.

Still, better than being roast pork, he supposed.

Looking around, taking a deep breath before bellowing outwards like a wild beast. His cry shattering the night silence, echoing far and wide across the jungle.

Once done, he recalled something about underboss Takeshi's words. Or the gist of it.

"Your bossman wears woman's clothing like Nike Maiko, Miso, Miko?" Gringor guessed, hoping that he got it somewhat correct. His guttural Zipangnese wasn't the best. "He sent me here to crack yer heads on why youz didn't come for the scrap at the beach."

1x Laugh Laugh
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