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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Grade
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Grade If you're reading this, then I am no longer alive.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

This black-haired man in a wheelchair watches as the pompous mage girl walks down the stairs, followed soon after by one of the noble lady's guards. They don't look happy. So the mage was not an acquaintance after all? Did she intuit that the girl with the guards looked anxious too? Is she trying to help them? Basing on the mere minute he encountered her on the dock, she would only half-assedly help someone while trying to make herself look good.

It would seem he still holds a grudge over that scenario. He acknowledges within himself that it's immature to hold onto such thoughts, and yet he's veritably invested in this anxious noble's situation. Not so much as to help, but just to know. That too is immature, but when you've abandoned the notion of basic needs, superficial ones tend to take their place.

"If you don't deem it rude of me to ask," he asked the noble lady, "what did she offer you?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zim0cron


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Magic. Academy?" He seems doesn't know. It is literally an alien thing to him. "Sorry. Haven't heard of it." He said. "Say. A wavy image. I got dragged to. Is it magic? It was made by the shine people. They wanted me to escape. Before they hold my clan's soldiers." He continued.

<Snipped quote by Zim0cron>

He read her body language. The food on table truly not appetizing. So he proceed to check something on his pouches that attach on his bag. He then give her it. It was carefully wrap and it contain with a homemade sweet bread. Made by the wife of the merchant who was helped by him.

"It's called sweetbread. Merchant wife said. Already done eating the first one. First tasting. You can have it." He said.

"The…shine… people? Would that be something like this? Oh and don't worry, its just light," Perhaps a demonstration would aid in their communication. In her good hand, she began swirling her fingers as she recited a very basic incantation. "Tri luminious minutiae" Some more energy came to her face, one of her simple joys, it seemed, was magic.

Three small balls of light formed above her twirling finger tips, their light barely illuminating even her hand. The minor illusion dissipated as soon as it appeared, dropping the moment she heard 'sweetbread'. Her visible excitement betrayed her modesty.

"That is very kind of you, you have been so very generous, but I can't accept that without giving something to you first," A fair layer of blush filled her cheeks. Just why was this mysterious man being so nice to her? Surely, she thought, it is just the good nature of people to help others.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

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"Oh. Did I say shine? My bad, it's shrine people. They taught me to be nice. And help people. But I think. I can't never see them again. My clan's soldiers. Probably occupied. The temple. The only left for me. Is this katana. And this bow." He said with a sadness on his face. Katana was of on his hip and put it on his lap, so that young elf can see it. It is beautiful work of art for the people who first time seen the sword in the scabbard.

"Since. I got draggd. Into this. Foreign land. I'm going to carry me own. And help people as what they taught me." He said.

"I leave bread to you. My bow's quiver. Nearly. Empty. I should find. For supplies. But. I. Think. It's hard to find one. Also good for the walk after. Eating. Food" he continued.

The bow can be seen along with a bag that lies on the floor. Same as the quiver that has an arrow left in it.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zim0cron


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Zim0cron>

"Oh. Did I say shine? My bad, it's shrine people. They taught me to be nice. And help people. But I think. I can't never see them again. My clan's soldiers. Probably occupied. The temple. The only left for me. Is this katana. And this bow." He said with a sadness on his face. Katana was of on his hip and put it on his lap, so that young elf can see it. It is beautiful work of art for the people who first time seen the sword in the scabbard.

"Since. I got draggd. Into this. Foreign land. I'm going to carry me own. And help people as what they taught me." He said.

"I leave bread to you. My bow's quiver. Nearly. Empty. I should find. For supplies. But. I. Think. It's hard to find one. Also good for the walk after. Eating. Food" he continued.

The bow can be seen along with a bag that lies on the floor. Same as the quiver that has an arrow left in it.

"Oh, well that is a wonderful thing they taught you, thank you greatly, and good luck finding a craftsman to get arrows from!" She sounded quite chipper, now gratefully accepting the sweetbread. He seemed quite nice in all honesty, definitely someone she felt like she could trust on some level, although the idea of inviting him to take the free bed in her room was... Out of the question.

No matter how nice people seemed, they always had the capacity to turn on you.

After paying the outrageous price they were charging for nectar, the small elf woman set upon her meal. Tempering her eager consumption with the knowledge that others were around. The meal, for its part, hit the spot.

Maybe this trip would not be so bad afterall.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

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Nanashi go for another meal along with a treat meal for Viviana. He prioritize to accompany with her dinning time. Then he will give her an escort after the meal and will proceed to roam on the upper deck if she enter back to her cabin.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by spiral origin
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spiral origin {alpha&omega}

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@wierdw @Frank

Lady DeVespe glanced down at the card, blinking blankly in slight confusion. As she read the message contained on the inside, she blinked again, furrowing her brows. It was hard to tell whether she was more confused, suspicious, or impressed, as she held the card in her hand, unsure of what to do about it, or its owner's apparent offer to make her a dress. In any case, she soon hesitantly put the card away, glancing to her guards who seemed no less baffled than she herself.

She turned to Gulbahg, lips slightly parting to speak, but taking another moment to consider. "...I don't believe that..." - she pauses to think of the right word - "...passenger poses a particular threat to me. Though perhaps it would be best to keep our distance."

She took out the card again, running her fingers over the letters scorched into the paper. A whimsy seemed to cross her mind momentarily, before she shook it away, refocusing her attention on some other more dire business.

"Erm, yes, you may go. I will call for you as needed." She nodded to Gulbahg, before returning her gaze to the sea, her other guard standing watch dutifully nearby.


She was a little startled when the man in the wheelchair approached her, asking about the business with the other passenger - Ember, as it seemed he was called according to his 'card'.

She gave a polite nod in greeting - the trained habit of a noblewoman - before addressing his question.

"I was offered a... fashion opportunity, I believe..." Her words carried an amused tone as she took out the card again, glancing at it. "...A dress, I think?..." She glanced down at her own attire, pouting slightly, before shrugging at the man. "Unfortunately I'm a little pre-occupied at the moment to concern myself with fashion," she gave a wry smile, her eyes glancing over the man's sitting mechanism with a hint of curiosity as well as unease.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

After the awkward bear hug from his old friend and the rough pat on the shoulders, Valen couldn't help but smirk slightly "Can't say I really delight in my work, an' years of doing it definitely..." the sellswords lips drew a thin line as he thought about things he'd rather not and sighed "Well I'd say the year haven't been kind to me." but as he looked up to the man who had seen his fair share of fights the creases on Valen's face softened into a slight smile "Guess I should've stuck to working the docks eh old friend?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Grade
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Grade If you're reading this, then I am no longer alive.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Oh, heavens. That tiny pout was cute. He'd smile if he could.

That card has traces of magic in it. A caliper slides out of his left sleeve, and a scroll unraveling into a screen made of multiple glass sheets in his other sleeve. "May I borrow that card, please?" @spiral origin @wierdw Quite the wariness for just a tiny card, but you never know when magic is involved.

"I'm not well-versed in fashion, but if your goal is to not look like a noble, I'd say you're doing alright." He tilted his head up to glance at her face, then back down at the calipers. "Just, respectfully, you'd do well to cast away those noble manners. Personally, being stuck in a chair for years certainly makes it easier." A little self-deprecating joke in there to ease the tension.

"... I'd like to help you, in however way I can. The only payment I'll require is to hear your story."

Throughout all of his words, his jaw really hasn't moved. Surely, even if he has a cloth mask on...
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by BSwizzle


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A large booming voice coming from off to the side. “LADY DeVespe!!, why it’s been such a LONG time”. “I almost forgot that night we had together, you haven’t changed a bit, looking as…noble as ever…”
Taking a drink out of my bottle, and a bit off of some cooked meat, Attempts to wink at the fine lady, it come across as awkward blinks. “lady DeVespe, you will be excited to know I did what I said I would do, I became a great swordsman, and would love to show you some time what my sword can do”.
I could absolutely take any of these low life’s out for you, (looks to the man in the wheel chair) “not him though, I can’t out run a man with wheels for legs”, but for a few coins of course, or something a bit more exciting”

You just stop by my hammock ANYTIME.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Grade
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Grade If you're reading this, then I am no longer alive.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

A crack forms on the screen that this black-haired man on a wheelchair has held up as protection against the card, and so he rolled it back up and let it slide in his right sleeve. He has just about had it with this same drunk guy that's been terrorizing his peace all morning. The uncomfortable noises it makes when it talks. Its imposing stance and careless motions. The high-pitched sound of beer sloshing in that damn bottle. Now, an interruption to his precious conversation? This all ends here.

He slides the calipers back into his sleeve and tosses the card to his right hand as he breaks the left armrest off of his wheelchair, turning it into a cane. He presses it down at the floor, and the drunk guy would soon find itself unable to move around as the floor slides perfectly along with its every step. He then elbows the ship's taffrail lightly, causing Lady DeVespe's second retainer who's been silent all this time and leaning at the taffrail, to suddenly, weakly take a swing at the drunk guy.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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It's difficult not to notice the commotion, really. Verdant took a glance at first but didn't take long before she openly gawk alongside the other people abovedeck. If nothing else, people loved being bystanders. And she's got front row seat to see the wheelchair man doing... stuff. More magic, probably. She may need to revise her intention to wheel him off the ship at the first given opportunity.

Maybe she should shank him in his sleep instead.

It looked like some sort of wood manipulation? Need indirect contact, by how he ripped off the wheelchair's handle. Idiot cant even take good care of his own things. She hoped that the broad-shouldered drunkard slug him in the face, that'd be nice to see. Maybe that rich lady's guard can shank him too. Save her the effort of doing so later.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by BSwizzle


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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zim0cron


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Viviana quietly excepted the ronin's company. Waiting for them both to finish eating before standing up.

"Thank you very much Nanashi, you have been very kind. I will be heading back to my cabin now, good luck finding what you need to find on this ship," She smiles warmly, gives a curt bow, then heads off back to her room. Once inside she flops backwards onto her bed with a heavy sigh. Social interaction was far from her favorite task, but she could not be rude to someone who was doing so much for her.

Allowing herself to reset before going back to her studies, her three-fingered hand began its absent minded magic once more. As she stared into the wooden ceiling, small elemental flickers jumped between her fingers: The faintest fireball, miniature arcs of electricity, glitters of frost. It took minimal effort and kept her subconscious distracted.

Eventually she would get back up, dust herself off, and retrieve another book from her footlocker. Evocation, the school of Elemental Destruction. Far from her favorite study, but valuable in a pinch, and flashy enough to awe the entrance examiners.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After the elf smile before entering the cabin. He proceed to the most crowded part. Keep seeking for a merchant who can supply his arrow.

He shows his sample of arrow on every merchants arround the place. @spiral origin

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by spiral origin
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spiral origin {alpha&omega}

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Dark Cloud

The captain gave Valen a wistful smile, glancing towards the distant clouds for a moment. "Those were some good times back then, weren't they?" He sighed, chuckling, throwing up his fists playfully, reminiscent of the bar rumbles they'd had in days long past. "Sounds like we've got a lot to catch up on, old friend. Once I get this lassie on the road, we should have a nice cup of ale or two together." He gave Valen a firm, encouraging pat on the shoulder, before busily continuing with departure preparations.


The noble lady blinked at the wheelchaired man's request, studying the card one more time before handing it to him with wordless curiosity.

She listened to his comments, a look of concern developing. At his request, she exchanged a look with her guard, before hesitantly turning back to the man. "...Thank you much sir but I am not in need of any help..." There was a discomfort to her voice, perhaps caused by suspicion, unwillingess to divulge her personal matters, or having to uphold a certain level of a facade. Ultimately she gave a polite smile, glancing at her guard once again.


At the bulky woman's approach, Lady DeVespe was visibly startled as she took a small step backwards. At Barbara's comments, the noble lady's cheeks turned flush, a look of conflicted recognition flashing in her eyes. "Err..." she stammered, clasping her hands together and kneading with anxiety. "I... we... err..." Finally she let out a surrendered sigh, smiling politely at Barbara, cheeks no less flushed. "T-thank you... Barbara, for your... errm--invitation. I will--I will consider it..." Lady DeVespe awkwardly cleared her throat, giving the woman an embarrassed smile.


Lady DeVespe's guard suddenly stumbled toward Barbara, his arm flailing weakly at the sturdy woman, knocking her lightly on the shoulder. The man looked at his arm, confused, then at Barbara, and then his lady. "Uh... sorry," he muttered to the woman, before stepping back towards the taffrail and examining it for suspicious signs of how his arm just took a swing on its own.

Lady DeVespe was confused at this as well, stroking her eyebrow with a finger and glancing at her guard, before looking back to Barbara cluelessly.


The ronin's search for a merchant soon brought him back to the quartermaster who handled his room exchange request. The man looked up at him, slight irritation returning to his expression. "You again? What is it now? Don't tell me you want your room back."

When he realized Nanashi was looking to buy arrows, his impatience turned to slight intrigue. "Well, yes, I can provide you with arrows, given you have the funds to pay for them." A smugness flashed through his eyes before his business-like demeanor returned. "How many arrows are you looking for? I can provide..." He looked to his supplies, taking a handful of standard wooden arrows from a tray. "...ten for four gold pieces." He handed Nanashi a single arrow for inspection. "Or if you would like to purchase in bulk, fourty for fourteen gold pieces." A hand idly stroked his short curly mustache as he waited for Nanashi's reply.

When the quartermaster realized that Nanashi was looking for a special type of arrow that would only fit his bow, his interested expression faded, replaced with his typical scowl. "We don't have that type of thing."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Grade
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Grade If you're reading this, then I am no longer alive.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

So, Lady DeVespe and this drunk guy just... He internally slapped himself. Not his business.

It seems he's a tad rusty with controlling his power, only having used it to move with his wheelchair for a long time. Steeling himself to exert full power, he lightly elbowed the taffrail again, this time intent to hurl DeVespe's second guard's entire body towards Barbara.

Barbara... that's a woman's name, right? That's a woman?

@spiral origin
With this distraction, he gave back the white card back to Lady DeVespe. "I just can't ever seem to get anyone to accept my help. I hope it's not because you think I'm helpless." He reverses his wheelchair while looking down. Seems like he's trying to measure his spot. He looks back at DeVespe. "Good luck."
His wheelchair tips over backwards, and it would seem like he's falling, but instead he fully submerges through the wood floor like it's made of water, leaving no trace.

There he was, hanging upside-down from the ceiling of a closed cabin below the deck. He took this moment to ponder on the nature of that card. He was sure of it, traces of mana on the card just before he took ahold of it, possibly to show hidden text solely for Lady DeVespe...
Maybe if he was a mere seconds earlier, he could've read it.

Actually, what was up with the card itself? He thought it'd be parchment or a sheet of wood but no, perfectly cut and folded sheet of... It seemed like linen but it shone in the sunlight like silk. It maintains its shape... hardened by light heating? The words seem to be seared onto it, so maybe, but what nice design.

His mana pool is beginning to suffer from this prolonged mid-air suspension, and so he began rolling towards the wall, and down the floor. What was that name in the card again? The 'proprietor' of... a fashion business? It was at the start of the card... Oh, wow, the air in this room feels so dry, it's unusually pleasing... Come on, focus. "Sme... Smothering... no.."

As his wheels touch the floor, he stares straight at this... gorgeous woman? With the red hair and deep v-neck black dress... "S...mouldering Ember."

His head slowly tilts right, until his back just falls onto his chair, and his arms completely limp off the armrests. For someone who can only move by using mana, to waste his mana on spells like that, how reckless. Sounds try to come out of his mouth, but only in incoherent pieces, barely syllables, until after a moment. "Can I stay in... this room for just a little while? I can't move, my mana..."

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago


There was a sudden, terrible, and immensely girly shriek, as Ember came to the startled conclusion that there was a MAN in his room. (Specifically, an UNINVITED one.)

The magic he was using shot up and away from the suspended framework he was producing like a bottle rocket with a ZINNG!, and a loud Pop!, as it burst like a cross between a firework and an exploding spider, making a floofy rain of tiny fibers as it sputtered out, which floated on the air and slowly fluttered to the floor.


Shrieked ember in a glass shattering falsetto.



and with that, the flustered and angry mage waved his wand at the door, which unlocked and flew open with a crash, before he trained it on Wheelo.


A massive cloud of luminous vapor billowed up around wheelo, then forcibly shoved him through the now open door into the commons and bunks just outside.


Shrieked the magician, just before the door closed with a violent slam, and the lock re-engaged with audible authority.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Grade
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Grade If you're reading this, then I am no longer alive.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The vapor clouds were dragged along by the black-haired man in a wheelchair as he was toppled over and his body lifelessly hit one of the ship's inner pillars. His body began to inhale the clouds rich in mana, and soon there was a motion in his arms trying to push himself up.

This Ember woman, she's almost a threat too. Seems like everyone has telekinesis nowadays. Unfortunately, those excessive foggy frills won't do her any favours. He could use her as mana supply...

His chair tilted forward and scooped him back up, and in that moment he was fine, although it'd be prudent of him to not cast spells for the rest of the day.

He parked himself at the wall in front of Ember's room, intent on absorbing any more excess mana she just carelessly exudes, as well as finally getting away from the sun. His hair, oh, it was starting to get frizzy. It would be hard to be inconspicuous while stealing someone's hair in this ship, so for now this material is in short supply. Sunlight doesn't bode well for clothes either.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zim0cron


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The sudden commotion outside startled Viv from her studies. Curiously, she poked her head out of her room, only to see the wheelchair-ed man recovering from falling down. If she had more clearly heard what was shouted she may have been more cautious.

"Sir? Are you alright? If you need any help I can try to assist" She placed the book down, pages open, on the empty bed as she left her room. As much as she liked to keep to herself, she was always taught to be polite and helpful.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@spiral origin

Nanashi make a small bow to the quatermaster for his inconvenient.

@Zim0cron @Grade

He heard the noises and proceed to look for it. Seeing the young elf and wheelo in the same place.

"What.Happened?" He said and make Wheelo recover faster into his wheelchair by helping him.
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