Despite Valeria’s night class meant to be an invite-only event, it was inevitable other students would spend their evening watching the training and learning what they could. Given the classroom also served as an arena, it was only natural curiosity swayed the young girls’ hearts. By the time the bee-like machination was destroyed, a good crowd was formed in the stands with marvelous gasps and surprised noises coming from the observers. Charlotte chuckled at the spectacle of it all. She supposed in some way, there were still some fun to be had from being a Magical Girl.
“Hey Valeria, is that the best you got? These girls got you on the ropes if they can one-shot your toys!” Charlotte called out from up high over the railing. She instantly regretted that when a crowd of “oohs” and “aahs” were directed at her now, excitement buzzed high with the revelation that the Crimson Comet herself was watching the class. “Ah, nuts,” she sheepishly said, casting welcome warm waves at the students whose attention she caught before leaning away from the railing again. “I, uh, hope that didn’t come across as showing off to ya,” she said to Maria with only a slight wiry grin.
The audience’s attention was thankfully short-lived. The crowd noises quickly turned into shrieks of surprise that marked Magical Girl Stripes’ return. Several girls leapt out of the way of the tiger who bounded out from the seats and leapt directly into the arena below. She couldn’t help but snicker again at all the commotion, students now huffing and trying to catch their composure after nearly being run over by a giant cat. “Well, that’s good to hear Maria. Frankly we’re in dire need of Magical Girls like you these days,” said Charlotte, now giving the girl her full attention.
She wasn’t sure if Chinami was paying attention anymore and she led Maria away from her to leave the goth to her own thoughts. She didn’t want to disturb her after all, but she kept close enough in proximity in case Chinami did want to continue their conversation. What mattered was being alone with Maria. Charlotte’s voice dipped down as she said, “The Ministry has an idea about what’s causing these Pageless spikes. Some of those girls had a run in with a rogue Magical Girl today.”
Roma Bhakti’s sighting was kept quiet for now. Whispers of her were passed down only by the most senior staff members and the Grand Minister herself. And of course, Magical Girl Ozma. “You might have heard of her. She left the Ministry some time ago and seems to be causing trouble now. I’m not quite convinced the two events are related, but the Ministry recommends investigating in the matter. Worth a shot at least, and I suspect that might be the real reason they wanted you with us.”
Charlotte sighed, voice picking back up. “The serious look really doesn’t suit me, heh. Anyway, the Grand Minister wants us with the girls who spotted her in case a fight breaks out. You should probably start getting used to the teacher role because we start tomorrow. I hear Valeria’s got good tips for it.” She caught the tail-end of a conversation happening down below and noted the class homework was to make two-girl teams to generate better coordination with each other. “That’s not a bad start by the way. Best to start small and pair with one Magical Girl before forming a full team. I suggest you take that as homework too. You know, as your senior~”
Charlotte’s smile widened by the corners just a little bit. She thought she could feel a new magic in the air, one directed at the stadium below….but now closely watching her. “And that goes for you too. It’s better to be part of a team instead of stalking by yourself you know,” she called out from behind her shoulder, wondering if she just imagined the presence. She hoped she wasn’t getting too old and rusty in her skills.