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Barely a teenager, it comes as no surprise that many of Silas' more childish characteristics still linger. His lack of proper upbringing is evident upon meeting, but what he lacks in manners he makes up for in joviality and witt. On the surface this act may come across as flippant and aloof, but he possesses and earnest and loyal heart for those few he truly holds dear. It is years of isolation the knowing only the self-serving culture of vagrants that makes him slow to trust. He abhors violence and is squeamish to the point he'd likely faint at the mere sight of his own blood, if he was actually capable of seeing it.
Silas' eyes often generate the most stares and attention, the white-less and almost in-human tissue that remains in his sockets has made the occasional child scream, so he most often keeps them covered with a simple head-wrap. The rest of his features lack the same uniqueness. He is short, even for his age, barely scarping past five feet and has still has yet to shake the gaunt frame of a child from the slums. Hollow cheeks and dark circles under his sockets make his face much less child-like than expected, but his dark hair is thick and healthy, reaching nearly to his shoulders. Finally, the visible parts of his face include a straight nose a touch to long to be handsome, and a mouth too wide to look attractive in any position other than a smile.
Avincian. No writing/reading abilities.
While of middling capacity for a student of Ersand'Enise, Silas' talent shows through the form of his speed and methods. His drawing time is near instant, especially if he is facing the target to be drawn from - the strange tissue that takes the place of his eyes absorbing energy as readily as they sense it.
While most kinetic users only use active forces to draw, Silas's power-gazing abilities allow him to visualize static and potential energies as-well. It is after studying these elements more closely that Silas has developed his own form of movement augmentation based around friction. Be it by drawing from or casting to amplify the static and kinetic friction of surfaces Silas can make them impossibly slick or completely immovable respectively.
His practice in arcane magics had produced much less excitement. Drawing heat comes naturally with his icevien mana, but so far he has had great difficulty casting it as outward heat or even light. His one particular arcane skill is focused on drawing, and was discovered by accident during a time in hiding; drawing all of his own body's heat Silas can approximate death, appearing corpse-like with barely heartbeat for a few hours. He is currently oblivious to how dangerous this actually is, but avoids it purely for fear of the splitting headache that comes as part of its extensive recovery period. Illusion magic or altering his appearance through the use of light is the skill he most desires to learn.
The identity of Silas' father may forever remain a mystery but his mother's story is one he knows well. Aline Rieger, an Eskandr slave, found herself unexpectedly free after her master died of typhus shortly after arriving in Ersand'Enise. Naive and vulnerable, it took little time for the city to take advantage of her. Madame Copin became her employer, at a brothel near the docks in Mudville of so little repute it didn't even have a proper name. Her pay was barely more than the room and board her employer charged her each month, and less once Silas was born; ensuring her eternal debt to the woman. Destitute as Silas' beginnings may have been, they were a happy time in memory for a child who was decently fed and well loved by an communal family in the brothel. At least until his eyes began to rot out of his head.
Or so was the deduction of the Madame, after taking one look at the boy's shrinking, dark eyes. Fearing a new disease that might deter customers, Silas was suddenly ripped from communal life to quarantine in a closet-sized room with a blanket and pillow. He was kept there for the first season of his 7th year, nightly kicking at the door and screaming for help as his entire world grew dark. Only his mother ever came, in the early hours of morning while the rest of the house was quiet. She would wrap him in her arms and tie cool, sweet-smelling bandages around his eyes as she told him about the gods, her homeland, and the life he had left outside.
When he remained healthy and the deterioration of his eyes had ceased; leaving only soft black tissue in its place, did the Madame send for a healer. No academy mage or priest came, but Moriff - a man middling renown in Ersand'Enise's underworld. He was known to take take jobs for less conventional pay than coin, and when he'd heard a description of the boy's condition had come to see it himself. Oblivious to the man's reputation, Silas was in awe as he was told not only would he see again, but use the gift as-well. The man left, with instructions on how to find him if Silas ever wanted further instruction.
It wasn't until his tenth year that Moriff's words came true. What Silas saw could never be called true sight, but it was more than the darkness that came before and he was grateful. Aline was loathe to let her son leave her to follow a swindler, but she had little power to stop him, and they were always desperate for coin.
The work for Moriff had very little to do with the gift at all. The man did help Silas learn to navigate his strange new vision and how to draw from the energies he saw, but mostly employed the boy as an urchin. First he used him as one of his many child beggars, hoping travelers would pity a blind boy. But it quickly became apparent that Silas had much more useful talents. He could make himself vanish at a moments notice, scale walls with ease, and could pockets off the most scrupulous merchants. It didn't take long for his employment to become that of a full time larcenist.
Silas reveled in that time, the pittance he earned as more money than he knew what to do with. He also gained an entire new family; one that didn't care about his ruined eyes, even relished them. His mother was never as excited about his new life as he liked, but she couldn't complain either; he'd grown to old to remain at the brothel as a child and what Moriff lacked in morality he made up for by keeping her son in close proximity and relative safety from the streets.
With the help of Silas and the other children in him employ Moriff eventually grew to become one of the larger forces within the underworld, and began the plan for bigger moves. Silas was sent to steal a crate off a merchant ship in the docks. It was too heavy to be carried out without the help of force magic, and it didn't take long for curiosity to win out over good sense, and Silas opened the package for a look. Inside were dozens of riles, pistols, grenades, and ammunition. He remembered Moriff's words about coming war and arming themselves. Fear of violence for his make-shift family made him drop the crate into the water of the docks, fear of Moriff made him run before the man could know what had happened. With nowhere to go and in desperate need of hiding Silas hid in one of the only place Moriff couldn't reach, a place he even feared. The Academy.
There was plenty of extra room for him there, between forgotten passages, dusty attics, and gaps between the walls he was able to move around most of the campus without being seen. Food was so abundant the little he took at night were never missed. Most importantly, Silas was able to do what he'd imagined doing for half his life, study his gift.
It was Giacomo Giarrone that found him. An inevitability to the point that Silas remains un-sure if his time spend undetected in the walls wasn't elaborate joke by the Arch-Zeno on the rest of his colleagues. If it was the case, the effect was dramatic. He may not have exactly seen their faces, shock was clear as the small filthy child recounted every lesson he had eavesdropped and display his gift. Whether it was pity, amusement, or genuine excitement about his skills, Silas left the meeting a Zenith's Scholar of Ersand'Enise's Academy of Thaumaturgy.
Silas will one day become a great and powerful mage. Once he gains enough influence and wealth he will return to his not-mother and take them both somewhere far north where they could begin a new life free from debtors and prejudice.
He has only what he brought with him during his escape; a shirt and trousers. Not that he had many possessions to begin with. His wardrobe has been supplemented with used clothing left by former students. A small collection of valuables from the wealthier students have made their way to his possession, only Dami knows how.
BB Colour code = 7B68EE

"Closed minds are always the smallest."
15 | Male | Eskandr/Unknown | Commoner | 6.22
❖ [Mischievous]
❖ [Compassionate]
❖ [Garrulous]
❖ [Optimistic]
❖ [Juvenile]
❖ [Compassionate]
❖ [Garrulous]
❖ [Optimistic]
❖ [Juvenile]
Barely a teenager, it comes as no surprise that many of Silas' more childish characteristics still linger. His lack of proper upbringing is evident upon meeting, but what he lacks in manners he makes up for in joviality and witt. On the surface this act may come across as flippant and aloof, but he possesses and earnest and loyal heart for those few he truly holds dear. It is years of isolation the knowing only the self-serving culture of vagrants that makes him slow to trust. He abhors violence and is squeamish to the point he'd likely faint at the mere sight of his own blood, if he was actually capable of seeing it.
Silas' eyes often generate the most stares and attention, the white-less and almost in-human tissue that remains in his sockets has made the occasional child scream, so he most often keeps them covered with a simple head-wrap. The rest of his features lack the same uniqueness. He is short, even for his age, barely scarping past five feet and has still has yet to shake the gaunt frame of a child from the slums. Hollow cheeks and dark circles under his sockets make his face much less child-like than expected, but his dark hair is thick and healthy, reaching nearly to his shoulders. Finally, the visible parts of his face include a straight nose a touch to long to be handsome, and a mouth too wide to look attractive in any position other than a smile.
Avincian. No writing/reading abilities.
6.22 | Redblood | Icevien | PowergazerWhile of middling capacity for a student of Ersand'Enise, Silas' talent shows through the form of his speed and methods. His drawing time is near instant, especially if he is facing the target to be drawn from - the strange tissue that takes the place of his eyes absorbing energy as readily as they sense it.
While most kinetic users only use active forces to draw, Silas's power-gazing abilities allow him to visualize static and potential energies as-well. It is after studying these elements more closely that Silas has developed his own form of movement augmentation based around friction. Be it by drawing from or casting to amplify the static and kinetic friction of surfaces Silas can make them impossibly slick or completely immovable respectively.
His practice in arcane magics had produced much less excitement. Drawing heat comes naturally with his icevien mana, but so far he has had great difficulty casting it as outward heat or even light. His one particular arcane skill is focused on drawing, and was discovered by accident during a time in hiding; drawing all of his own body's heat Silas can approximate death, appearing corpse-like with barely heartbeat for a few hours. He is currently oblivious to how dangerous this actually is, but avoids it purely for fear of the splitting headache that comes as part of its extensive recovery period. Illusion magic or altering his appearance through the use of light is the skill he most desires to learn.
The identity of Silas' father may forever remain a mystery but his mother's story is one he knows well. Aline Rieger, an Eskandr slave, found herself unexpectedly free after her master died of typhus shortly after arriving in Ersand'Enise. Naive and vulnerable, it took little time for the city to take advantage of her. Madame Copin became her employer, at a brothel near the docks in Mudville of so little repute it didn't even have a proper name. Her pay was barely more than the room and board her employer charged her each month, and less once Silas was born; ensuring her eternal debt to the woman. Destitute as Silas' beginnings may have been, they were a happy time in memory for a child who was decently fed and well loved by an communal family in the brothel. At least until his eyes began to rot out of his head.
Or so was the deduction of the Madame, after taking one look at the boy's shrinking, dark eyes. Fearing a new disease that might deter customers, Silas was suddenly ripped from communal life to quarantine in a closet-sized room with a blanket and pillow. He was kept there for the first season of his 7th year, nightly kicking at the door and screaming for help as his entire world grew dark. Only his mother ever came, in the early hours of morning while the rest of the house was quiet. She would wrap him in her arms and tie cool, sweet-smelling bandages around his eyes as she told him about the gods, her homeland, and the life he had left outside.
When he remained healthy and the deterioration of his eyes had ceased; leaving only soft black tissue in its place, did the Madame send for a healer. No academy mage or priest came, but Moriff - a man middling renown in Ersand'Enise's underworld. He was known to take take jobs for less conventional pay than coin, and when he'd heard a description of the boy's condition had come to see it himself. Oblivious to the man's reputation, Silas was in awe as he was told not only would he see again, but use the gift as-well. The man left, with instructions on how to find him if Silas ever wanted further instruction.
It wasn't until his tenth year that Moriff's words came true. What Silas saw could never be called true sight, but it was more than the darkness that came before and he was grateful. Aline was loathe to let her son leave her to follow a swindler, but she had little power to stop him, and they were always desperate for coin.
The work for Moriff had very little to do with the gift at all. The man did help Silas learn to navigate his strange new vision and how to draw from the energies he saw, but mostly employed the boy as an urchin. First he used him as one of his many child beggars, hoping travelers would pity a blind boy. But it quickly became apparent that Silas had much more useful talents. He could make himself vanish at a moments notice, scale walls with ease, and could pockets off the most scrupulous merchants. It didn't take long for his employment to become that of a full time larcenist.
Silas reveled in that time, the pittance he earned as more money than he knew what to do with. He also gained an entire new family; one that didn't care about his ruined eyes, even relished them. His mother was never as excited about his new life as he liked, but she couldn't complain either; he'd grown to old to remain at the brothel as a child and what Moriff lacked in morality he made up for by keeping her son in close proximity and relative safety from the streets.
With the help of Silas and the other children in him employ Moriff eventually grew to become one of the larger forces within the underworld, and began the plan for bigger moves. Silas was sent to steal a crate off a merchant ship in the docks. It was too heavy to be carried out without the help of force magic, and it didn't take long for curiosity to win out over good sense, and Silas opened the package for a look. Inside were dozens of riles, pistols, grenades, and ammunition. He remembered Moriff's words about coming war and arming themselves. Fear of violence for his make-shift family made him drop the crate into the water of the docks, fear of Moriff made him run before the man could know what had happened. With nowhere to go and in desperate need of hiding Silas hid in one of the only place Moriff couldn't reach, a place he even feared. The Academy.
There was plenty of extra room for him there, between forgotten passages, dusty attics, and gaps between the walls he was able to move around most of the campus without being seen. Food was so abundant the little he took at night were never missed. Most importantly, Silas was able to do what he'd imagined doing for half his life, study his gift.
It was Giacomo Giarrone that found him. An inevitability to the point that Silas remains un-sure if his time spend undetected in the walls wasn't elaborate joke by the Arch-Zeno on the rest of his colleagues. If it was the case, the effect was dramatic. He may not have exactly seen their faces, shock was clear as the small filthy child recounted every lesson he had eavesdropped and display his gift. Whether it was pity, amusement, or genuine excitement about his skills, Silas left the meeting a Zenith's Scholar of Ersand'Enise's Academy of Thaumaturgy.
Silas will one day become a great and powerful mage. Once he gains enough influence and wealth he will return to his not-mother and take them both somewhere far north where they could begin a new life free from debtors and prejudice.
He has only what he brought with him during his escape; a shirt and trousers. Not that he had many possessions to begin with. His wardrobe has been supplemented with used clothing left by former students. A small collection of valuables from the wealthier students have made their way to his possession, only Dami knows how.
S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S
❖ Powergazer
❖ Slight of hand
❖ Stealth/Thievery
❖ Ersand'Enise City Expert
❖ Quick
❖ Slight of hand
❖ Stealth/Thievery
❖ Ersand'Enise City Expert
❖ Quick
W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S
❖ Pacifist-nature
❖ "Blind"
❖ Illiterate
❖ Uneducated/trained
❖ Underworld fugitive
❖ "Blind"
❖ Illiterate
❖ Uneducated/trained
❖ Underworld fugitive
BB Colour code = 7B68EE
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