Name: Lucy Dolores
Age: 25
Nationality: American
Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Daedalus
Daedalus is a Noble Arm that is well, quite literally a right arm. Replacing Lucy’s arm entirely, the NA appears as a metal prosthetic with a bone white main coloration and a golden trim along the edges of joints. With the abilities Daedalus has, whenever it opens up, it reveals a complex mechanism of brass-looking gears and hydraulics that move in correlation to Daedalus’s movements. Of course, being a magic weapon, these have no functional impact on Daedalus, and striking them does little to the Noble Arm. When moving, the NA frequently clicks due to the internal mechanisms, though this has no impact on Daedalus’s functionality. Daedalus maintains near-perfect movement of an actual human limb and doesn’t initially appear to be a proper weapon, though its abilities certainly betray that appearance. When the NA is not in use, Lucy simply doesn’t have a right arm, a bone white metal plate being at the base of the arm instead.
Noble Arm Rank: B+
Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Melee/Ranged, Force/Change, Close
Noble Arm Abilities: Daedalus has interesting and powerful combat abilities, while also visually changing the Noble Arm in the process.
Raijin's Burst - On the surface, Raijin's Burst seems like a fairly simple ability. Daedalus is capable of emitting a powerful wave of force traveling at the speed of sound from the hand’s palm. This ability takes a moment to prepare itself to be used, notably, a metal flap on the back of the hand of the NA raises up, and two on the sides of the forearm open as well. When a Raijin's Burst is triggered, these flaps snap shut, releasing a blast of varying strength, though it can also close without triggering a blast. The stronger the blast, the longer these flaps have to stay open. The power of said blast can either be weak enough to barely move a small plant, or strong enough to destroy concrete with rebar support, snap steel I-beams, and stop a charging adult elephant. The area Raijin's Burst effects can also be tuned, anywhere from a large cone in front, to a narrow beam, though narrowing it past a roughly 45° cone will not increase the effectiveness of the attack.
Raijin's Burst also can selectively target, but the effects are minor. Those the blast is not intended to get hit will not go deaf and experience a reduced (but significant) impact, however those intended to be hit by it will receive the brunt of the attack, alongside likely going deaf due to the massive pressure change experienced. Lucy notably cannot go deaf from using Raijin's Burst, and experiences little to no recoil that you would expect from an attack like this.
Icarus’s Wing - With extended contact with most materials, that being most metals, organic matter, concrete, and everything in between, Daedalus can degrade the material like how gallium destroys aluminum. The larger and tougher the object, the more time it takes to degrade it, though the area affected by the ability can be controlled. For example, instead of destroying an entire large steel door, Icarus’s Wing can instead target a human sized area of it to weaken. After the material has been sufficiently degraded, it may collapse under its own weight, or crumble with a gentle push. This ability also extends to humans and other living creatures, but not other Noble Arms.
Dragon’s Fang - Daedalus’s melee ability, shifting each finger into an impossibly sharp object. No matter the direction a strike comes from, if it can be cut by Daedalus, it will cut it. The activation of this ability prevents Raijin's Burst from being used until Daedalus reverts back. Like with the other offensive abilities, a target not intended to be hit will result in the NA bouncing off it without creating more harm than if you were to be punched by it. The tips of each of Daedalus’s fingers also turns a blood red, though this has no effect on the combat performance of Dragon’s Fang. Typically, Daedalus cannot cut through tougher metals, but it can easily claw through kevlar, aluminum, and slice into bone. While other Noble Arms can have a superior ability to slice through things, the Dragon’s Fang ability is no slouch.
The Blessing of Daedalus - The collective name for Daedalus’s passive abilities when in use. Daedalus, like most other Noble Arms, is significantly tougher than most armors. Daedalus can also exhibit significantly more strength than a traditional human arm despite being significantly heavier than most arms. Despite this, it’s not a good idea to attempt to use Daedalus to carry something heavier than what Lucy’s skeleton can handle, as bones will fracture. Daedalus also does not give any sensory input, meaning Lucy cannot feel the object she is interacting with.
God’s Vortex - The only defensive ability Daedalus has, when in use, the top of the forearm near the end of the arm opens up and visibly grows in size. After that is done, the solid piece of metal separates into smaller fragments vibrating at immense speed, resulting in humming from Daedalus. While it is vibrating, an invisible shield appears in front of the arm, catching large projectiles like high velocity tank shells. Each pellet from any sort of shotgun round counts as their own projectile, while grenades or other explosives bounce off without affecting the shield at all. Anything larger or with too much kinetic energy will pass straight through the shield. After 10 seconds passes or the shield absorbs a significant amount of kinetic energy, the projectiles are dropped and a large cloud of smoke erupts from Daedalus, temporarily obscuring the immediate area. This allows Lucy to escape engagement. After usage, Daedalus’s active abilities cannot be used for some time, proportional to how much energy was absorbed. If a low amount of energy is absorbed, it results in a fairly quick recovery, while a large amount of energy absorbed results in it being unusable for about 15 minutes.
Misc Abilities: Lucy has quite a knack for mechanical engineering, despite typically only having one arm. She generally spends her free time messing about with mechanical constructs, particularly enjoying building things with LEGO Technic parts. She also has quite the talent for getting into trouble and getting out just as fast, whether that be convincing the other person to back down, or demonstrating her Daedalus to scare them. Despite not being a good judge of character, Lucy exhibits quite the talent of interrogating people, that skill coming from her interesting and not so noble past.
Personality: Lucy is many things, but she is neither openly friendly or openly hostile towards people around her. To most, she comes across as cold, but not in the sense that she dislikes them, moreso it’s just how she is. While Lucy is quite capable of following orders, she will calmly speak out against things she doesn’t like, expecting people to listen closely. Outside of combat, Lucy’s demeanor doesn’t change much. While she, of course, won’t harm people unless they attack her, she is quick to strongly warn them to back off. Despite all this, she is quick to help out others, so long as laws she sees as just in the situation aren’t broken. Lucy also can be noted to have an interesting set of morals, while she’s not immoral, it comes across more like she doesn’t properly know what is right, influenced by her gang history.
Fears: Harm to her Family, harm to the person she is seeking out, her death, and harm to those she likes. Quite simple, really.
Bio: Lucy was born into a gang in the New England area, but relocated across the country several times. Due to the presence of Arms Masters, bigger gangs were able to form, both targeting lower Arms Masters and those targeting particularly hateful civilians. The gang Lucy grew up in, called by her as the Family, targeted aggressive persons and aggressive lower Arms Masters, being quite effective at it. This led to some groups hating them, of course, but their more vigilante-like action led to some deals with police departments around where they were at the time. They helped the police, the police ignored them. Lucy herself was homeschooled, and introduced into this life from a young age. Taught to defend herself and fight others, she became quite capable of protecting herself.
This all changed in the early 2000s, when The Big Three rose up. The gang was plunged into chaos, as everything around them seemed to break down. The Family stayed together, in these troubled times, they couldn’t afford to fall apart. The Family stayed together, even if the resulting chaos hurt them. People now weren’t just born with Noble Arms, they could
get them. One such person, whom the Family ruined their life, came rushing after them. A lowly E rank, he knew about Lucy, even though the Family thought she was a well hidden secret. He jumped her on her way to strike a deal with another gang, sure he would slice her in two. Nobody knew that Lucy had a Noble Arm, not even herself.
In an instantaneous moment, Daedalus appeared, entirely replacing her arm. Before anyone knew what happened, a Burst was fired with a massive crack, throwing the assailant onto his ass and his Noble Arm down the alleyway they both were in. Lucy was still trying to process what just happened, when the attacker got up and threw a punch, it struck, but Lucy punched back with all of her strength. Daedalus was stronger than she expected, shattering the E class’s neck and fracturing the base of his skull, killing him near instantly. After this, she went into hiding, coming to accept the fact that she no longer had a regular arm. She made her way back to her Family, surprisingly enough they were accepting enough of her new position as an Arms Master, although some worried about the attention the Family would get.
Over the next few months, the Family’s situation continued to deteriorate, financially and in their strength. That is, until they got an interesting offer. Someone with a high amount of interest in the Family wanted their help, specifically someone in the Philippines. In rewards for helping them, they’d give the Family quite the amount of money and connect them with valuable people. This would be enough to secure the Family’s existence for the next few years, assuming they don’t die. This person specifically requested “Someone with extraordinary abilities.” That person would be Lucy. This person also proved their identity to the Family, getting their limited trust.
As such, Lucy traveled to the Philippines, though ended up there at an incredibly bad time. She received a letter from the messenger, simply stating “Survive and assist in this upcoming battle and I will double the money you will receive.” This is where she is now, and this is where her story starts, caught up in a conflict she had no right to be in.
Current Goal: Survive, meet up with the messenger, secure the fate of the Family.
Military or Civilian Rank: Volunteer Arms Master Soldier.