Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Big House
Demi watched as Zeke's hand twitched before dropping down to his side. Following the motion with his eyes only and lingering on the sight of his hand for a moment. He stood by, watching as Zeke began to ramp up, seeing how what Cassian had said bothered him. As Zeke took his step forward so too did Demetri, grabbing him by the wrist as darkness began to envelope the both of them into complete darkness. He turned Zeke on the spot, pressing his forehead against his as he spoke in hushed tones. "It's fine. Please, don't get so worked up over this. Cassian's just an ass and you're still my boyfriend." He gave Zeke a soft kiss on the lips before pulling back and having the darkness fade away as the space grew between them.
But just as the space began to grow, Rosie began to speak. Snapping Demetri back from his maladaptive daydream while Zeke regained a spot next to him. He blinked twice, looking around wondering just how much he'd actually missed. Rosie was reciting the prophecy, Cassian didn't have a bloody nose or black eye, and Zeke seemed equally unscathed. Luckily there hadn't been a fight. He let out a shaky breath he hadn't realised he was holding, letting his arm drop to the side as he died to hold Zeke's hand. " It's fine. Please, don't get so worked up over this. Cassian's just an ass and you're still my boyfriend." He said closely to Zeke in hushed tones so that no one could hear them in the room. He wished he could say it allowed, but he had to break the news to Janelle first, that was the agreement.
"Well lucky for you Zekey boy, my brains already mush. So good luck to those Lotus guys trying to get me into their little trap. The King of Giants however? That's a bit more of an issue. Supposedly you can only kill him with the combined power of a god and a demi-god. Aaand we seem to be in short supply of gods." Demi didn't want to mention that the last known ones to attack this giant was daddy dearest and some hyped up jock. Making him potentially target numero uno. That'd likely spiral Zeke into more of a worry than he already was. He also didn't wish to mention that their little werewolf friend was likely who they were helping out in this quest, because that would give hope and hope is what breaks people.
Cassian Rudenko

Location: Big House
Cassian couldn't make heads or tails of Zeke. He and Demetri had spent so long fighting one another he'd assumed them enemies of some kind, then suddenly this morning they're dining together, and he's worried about the condition of his shirt and the blood that's on it. Zeke said it was his healing nature that made him zone in on the sleeve, but even then he hadn't thought it'd've struck that much of a nerve. He quickly glanced over Zeke as he spoke to him, and then Kristin as if he were entertaining an audience, trying to decide what it was that made him tick at this very moment.
Before he could zero in on an answer, Zeke began to take steps towards him. Cassian immediately put his hands up in a sign of peace, letting Zeke and the room know he wasn't here for an altercation. He let Zeke's threat sink in, swallowing his spit when the child of Apollo finally turned around. His hands slowly went back to his sides, hooking his thumbs into the pockets of his pants. "Wonderful. So we need a god after all. Know any minor ones we might be able to call up? Or…Roman ones? Just because our gods are tied up doesn't mean theirs have to be right?" Cassian addressed to the room, fully ignoring the situation that'd just happened.