⋙: A C A D E M I C S
____________________________________________________________________A P P L I C A T I O N P R O C E S S|| Written test || ”Uh…hi! My name’s Vivian. Vivian Lucasta. Wait…do I have to say my full name? Probably a good idea.
Can I start over?
Vivian Diana Lucasta! This is gonna be my first year at the Academy, but uhm, my family has alumni status. All my older siblings: Dio, Dawn -- they both graduated with honors and I just wanted to keep up the family tradition. And I’m a wiz when it comes to tests. Honestly it’s one of my strengths. Father made sure of that, you know. I mean, he has been pretty adamant that I study-study…udy. So I know I did well enough to pass.”
|| Practical test || ”Erm…I’m not sure this is my specialty. My father, again he really wants me to join his alma mater, so he put me through some…intense tests. When my powers first developed, he hired some of the best, if not kinda scary, instructors. They worked with me day in and day out. It was hardly what I would call fun, let alone fair.” She sighs, lamenting at the memories of the horror she had to endure. ”But my powers did develop into something that, at the very least, he was proud of. Or happy. Or satisfied with. I don’t know which, but it’s still not my specialty. Offensive anything isn’t, but I think I can get by and do well enough…I hope. I have healing abilities, even if they still need work. I can control my solar energy intake to the point what I store can make me useful in battle, but I still need to work on my ability to actually fight. I never did get it down to a level that my father thinks it should be at…”
|| Written essay topic || Vivian squees in delight, feeling as bright and cheery as the first rays of the morning sun are. ”Oh yay! This was so much fun! Like really fun! Maybe just a tad embarrassing, but I wrote about my big sis Dawn. Full name Artemis Dawn Lucasta. She is a hero. Her hero name is, well, Dawn (but don't’ tell anyone I told you that!) Probably the best one who is from my family (sorry Dio I hope you can forgive me). She is a shining example of what it means to be a hero: she’s kind, powerful, so generous, and, if you can forgive my language, a total badass! Everyone in my family has abilities either light-based or solar-based, but Dawn is on a different level. The perfect example of what it means to be a Lucasta and a success in father’s eyes. She is the only one other than my little sister (who has shown signs of it) that can generate solar energy. I don’t know how she does it, but I just had to write about it and make it my focus!”
|| Video supplement ||
The camera flashes on. It’s an older camera, quality is rustic. It’s not like modern day cameras like you might see on Tik Tok and SuperGram, the Superhero-centric Instagram-replacement after Insta lost its place in the social media world. Not quite 90s but somewhere in the late 90s to early-2000s era of camera quality. Like the kinds that were used to film Bring It On and Legally Blonde. The setup itself is a multi-camera, multi-angel where it has the overall shot of a kitchen, decorated with vases of sunflowers spread throughout the counter space (mainly on the edge for the aesthetic). The kitchen itself is a mix of light yellows, whites, warm oranges, and a splash of pink to make everything pop.
And in the center, stands Vivian Lucasta, wearing a sundress with a white base and sunflowers spread throughout. Her hair is tied up in a high ponytail and she smiles brightly at the camera. “Heyyy!” She waved excitedly at the camera, both hands rapidly going back and forth. “My name is VIvian! Some of you may know me as the second youngest daughter of the Lucasta Family. And I know, I know people think of all-powerful heroes when they think of the Lucasta family. And I know a lot of people think we do a lot, but I’m not going to talk about my family. I just want to talk about me and what I think I can bring to the table.” Vivian snaps the left thumb and her index and middle finger of that same hand. There is a transition and a tray of blueberry muffins appears arranged in a pyramid, all stacked perfectly. “One of my favorite snacks! Or really breakfast if you prefer it.”
Vivian picks up one of the muffins, undoing the wrapping and snapping the top part off. She reaches for a butterknife and smears some of the high quality butter on it. And as she takes a bite, she makes approving moaning sounds as she chews. “So heavenly! My favorite!” Suddenly an aura of gold surrounds her, responding to her genuine delight. “I love to bake anything and everything: muffins, cupcakes, scones -- anything that you can possibly add berry flavoring to, but I really love blueberry. And it might seem odd to you because of the obvious presence of gold, but it’s true! I just love blueberry so much! And hopefully, maybe one day, I can share my love for it with everyone!”
As Vivian jumps, there is a transition of her standing to her laying down on the countertop, the camera pointed down on her, closing in on her smile. “I want to spread my light and let everyone know the warmth of the sun!”
S C H O O LCrystal Peak Academy
Y E A RFreshman
C L A S S I F I C A T I O NSuperpower Manipulation - Solar Energy Manipulation, Solar Energy Absorption & Conversion, and Heliokinetic Combat
O C C U P A T I O NDaylight Delecies - Though owned by the Lucasta family as part of their legacy status with Crystal Peak Academy, it is independently ran (as far as anyone is aware of). Vivian works there full time as a baker.
L I V I N G A R R A N G E M E N TCypress Apartments ||
Bedroom |
Home Theater Setup If Viv was honest and voiced her opinion, she would prefer not to be given special treatment, but the Lucasta family motto is you never say no to Pierre Lucasta.
⋙: R E P U T A T I O N
____________________________________________________________________For the most part, Vivian Lucasta is one of the sweetest girls you’ll ever meet in your life. As bubbly as she is kind and selfless, if anyone in this world -- or at least in the Lucasta family -- illuminates any room she’s in by merely standing in it, it’s Vivian Diana. And it is not because she feels she is deserving of such high praise. Honestly, for all intents and purposes, Vivian is pretty clumsy and humble, at that. She’ll never accept compliments, but actions speak louder, right? As stated, she’s selfless but it’s also her dedication (when she’s not goddamn boy crazy) that makes her stand out. She is a person who surprisingly endures the hardships she’s had to face in her life. That should speak volumes.
⋙: P O W E R S & F I G H T I N G S T Y L E
____________________________________________________________________A B I L I T I E SDisclaimer about the Lucasta Family Powers: Everyone in the Lucasta family is capable of incredible feats that extend anywhere from light manipulation to fire and manipulation of the sun (or the energy given off by the sun). Nobody in the family nor the family records that extend several decades before Pierre took over the reins as the family patriarch knows. All that is known for certain is that every member has always shown a talent for these specific powers and once in a solar flare, they all overlap.
Solar Energy ManipulationVivan can manipulate the overwhelming energy the sun gives off on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter the kind of energy it is whether magnetic, nuclear, the immense heat -- because where Vivian’s true strength (at least at of current) lies is not in being able to use those individual properties as they were absorbed but rather converting them into pure energy that has traces of their insatiable (and to a degree, toxic) form and become a source of golden energy with traces of heat (especially when used offensively)..
Solar Energy Absorption & ConversionIn a nutshell, when Vivian remains still and in the direct periphery of the glorious sun and her rays, she can store an unreasonable amount of its direct, potentially poisonous rays, and not only store it in her body for future use (especially when she needs to use it and it’s night time), but her body naturally converts it into pure energy for her to use in whatever way she needs to. It’s like an advanced form of photosynthesis with the added bonus of possibly being able to shoot blasts and beams and orbs of golden hues.
Heliokinetic CombatAs a disclaimer, it should be noted that Vivian isn’t a skilled offensive fighter. That’s something she never managed to finely tune. That being said, she can do the bare minimum that could make her an asset against lesser foes. She can apply her stored solar energy into various (capped at three types as of current day) forms of offense
- Solar Hand Blasts - Vivian's hands glow golden (could apply to both) and she shoots a continuous, albeit limited, volley of hand blasts at targets or a singular target. These blasts are usually shaped like orbs that explode upon contact with anything physical. The hand blasts, at her current level, when hit one-by-one may cause bruising/very minor burns.
- Solar Bolt - In the same way as with the hand blasts, Vivian’s hand become engulfed in a golden aura-like substance, but instead of a volley of hand blasts, straight lines of a stronger kind of blast attack. They usually have a one-way trajectory, which makes it ideal for singular targets and less so for group efforts. When hit directly, the solar bolts are capable of knocking the wind out of someone; otherwise there is potential for mild to moderate burnage.
- Concussion Solar Beam- By far Vivian’s most powerful offensive application of her abilities, Vivian is capable of firing off a condensed beam of solar energy that can leave whatever it hits out for a short while. She does this by holding her hands together. Typically when she uses her powers offensively, she wouldn’t have to focus her energy, but this specific application takes a lot out of her. She charges into either hand, focusing all of her energy from one hand into the other (in this case her left hand since that’s her dominant hand) and she unleashes a golden beam at any target (it has the potential to cover multiple targets if they’re close to each other)
L I M I T A T I O N SThough her feats with her powers are impressive, Vivian isn't without her limits. For one, though she can manipulate solar energy and absorb/convert its raw properties into pure solar energy that her body can safely use, she cannot generate it, which severely limits her ability to use it around the clock. It's why she has to store as much as she can and has to be smart about it (not always a case with Vivian). Natural occurrences may also hinder her ability to take in solar energy such as cloudy weather where the sun is partially or completely out of view, solar eclipses, specific points in the day where the sun is either too low to be at its full effectiveness or too high to be safely absorbed and converted.
Vivian's offensive capabilities are greatly hindered by her inability to maintain a violent or otherwise offensive mindset. It's odd that since her powers are greatly offensive and are made for an offensive combatant, yet she lacks the very thing that would maximize her potential using her powers. She also gets lost in her head, which could be potentially damaging to her health when using her abilities, especially when dealing with the sun and how one wrong move could send her to the hospital or worse. Just because she can manipulate the sun's energy doesn't mean she has complete immunity to the radiation and other damaging elements.
C O M B A TVivian's combat style is unrefined and not even a style. For the most part, her style is pretty basic in the way she uses her powers. Blasts and beams are the extents of her offensive capabilities, so there is much to improve on, especially with balancing that with endurance and reaction time.
⋙: A P P E A R A N C E & P E R S O N A L I T Y
____________________________________________________________________D A I L Y L O O K S & S T Y L E - Hair: Dirty Blonde w/ lighter highlights| Somewhere between curly and straight | Mid-back in length, it is styled simply in ponytails, buns (even space buns on occasion).
- Eyes: Hazel green
- Height: 5’6”
- Body Type: Slightly hourglass-shaped with modest features
- Clothing Style: Boho-chic | Jeans, shorts of both denim and more cotton-based materials, sundresses for summer and spring seasons. Lots of neutral colors and summer colors like light orange, yellow and neutral colors such as beige, white, and black. She has tons of accessories such as bead bracelets, light scarfs with floral patterns for those chilly days, hats ranging from knit caps to berets. Winter season typically has Vivian donning jeans, long-sleeve shirts, heavier scarves, and knit caps. || Vivian Style
- Makeup Wise: Minimal applications but with colorful eyeshadow shades to compliment her blonde locks and hazel green eyes, flesh tones for lipstick (Vivian isn’t flashy about makeup).
- Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings: Vivian just has her earlobes pierced. She doesn’t have many scars worth mentioning -- just some lasting bruising that never healed due to her father’s extensive training. Vivian has one tattoo of a set of stars patterned like glitter on her right inner wrist, colored various shades of yellow and white.
S U P E L O O K S & S T Y L E Though a freshman and just starting out, Vivian has ideas for her supe costume and has a very rough, baseline costume. It's completely homemade -- or at least commissioned through ametuer means. A sundress that is yellow in color and has light orange and pink floral designs that comes to a stop at her mid-thigh and a white cloak that in its current form attaches to the dress and hovers over her face.
Updates desired: Eventually, Vivian sees herself having a full white cloak that covers her entire body, locking on and around her dress, draping over her body. Special material would be commissioned so that it would actually cling to her form and release when needed/required. There would be an emblem of a sun surrounded by flower pedals of the same design and shades of light orange and pink around it on the back of the cloak. The sun emblem would a golden sun that's radiant and beautiful but also envokes a powerful symbol of hope.
P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S Bubbly ☼ Energetic ☼ Overtly Positive ☼ Easy to Please ☼ Friendly ☼ Lovable ☼ Carefree ☼ Overworries ☼ Prone to negative opinions about her ☼ Insecure ☼ Often forgetful ☼ Easily discouraged
F E A R SNever being good enough. Vivian, despite her cheery disposition, has a very low self esteem and overall view of her own self-worth. As a result of her father’s harsh training and even harsher expectations of her to be great (like Dio and Dawn), she always had a feeling of insignificance. The alma mater of all of her family from parents to their siblings and her own attended is now going to be own and that alone is absolutely terrifying. What if she’s not good enough? What if she doesn’t prove herself to her father and the rest of her family? What if she’s not good enough?
⋙: F A M I L Y & R E L A T I O N S H I P S
____________________________________________________________________ L O V E D O N E S D I R E C T F A M I L Y
Lucien Pierre Lucasta || 65 || Father || Retired Pro Hero; Current CEO of the Lucasta Organization || Face Claim: Stellan Skarsgard
Hero Name: Morning Star
Powers: Photokinesis, Light Aura, Photonization, Light Body (no longer accessible) -- Pierre is capable of many feats with his light-based powers. In his prime, he was a wreckingball who was a formidable foe. He could mainipulate light, generate it, create powerful explosions, and he had incredible endurance with his powers. Nowadays, though he can still fight using them, certain abilities withered with his chronological age.
Hanna Estelle Lucasta (nee. Sonnen) || 63 || Mother || Retired Pro Hero || Face Claim: Jessica Lange
Hero Name: Sun Maiden
Power: Solar Generation & manipulation; Solar Physiology -- Not only can Hanna generate and manipulate her own solar energy, but because of her prolonged use of her powers and constant exposure to the sun, she can assume a sort of ascended form where she becomes one with the sun. This form, in recent years, is nothing of its former glory.
Apollo Dion “Dio” Sonnet (born Lucasta but has since changed his name)|| 36 || Older Brother || Magician|| Face Claim: Max Riemelt
Hero Name/Alias: The Amazing Dio
Superpower: Illumination - when in a room with either natural light or artificial light such as LCD bulbs or screens, Dio can absorb it to make it dark or intensify it to make it brighter. He is masterfully skilled with it and uses it to his benefit as a magician.
Artemis Dawn “Dawn” Lucasta || 32 || Older Sister || Pro Hero - #5 of the Super 8 || Face Claim: Margot Robbie
Hero Name: Dawnstar
Power(s): Solar Generation & Manipulation || Solar Physiology - Dawnstar can generate her own source of solar radiation, forming it into waves of intense heat and other offensive means. Like her mother, she can assume an ascended form in which her body takes on the form, properties, and palette of the sun itself. It only lasts for a limited amount of time but it makes her a total powerhouse.
Cassopeia Star “Sia” Lucasta || 15 || Younger Sister || High School Student || Codename: N/A || Face Claim: Elle Fanning
Lucien Pierre “Luke” Lucasta Jr || 15 || Younger Brother & younger twin of Sia || High School Student || Codename: N/A || Face Claim: Ross Lynch
Powers (SIa): TBD
Powers (Luke): TBD
R E L A T I O N S H I P SPlease delete section if not applicable.
Childhood best friends? Exes? Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Partner? Put anyone that is noteworthy to your character here.
⋙: H I S T O R Y
____________________________________________________________________Y O U R L I F E S O F A REveryone and their mother would know the name "Lucasta". It has become a household name at this point. For five decades, ever since Lucien Pierre Lucasta, also known as Morningstar in his heroing days, the Lucasta family has not only been in the spotlight of being pro heroes, but they have been at the (or close to it) top of the food chain. Whether for glory, fame, or wealth (and in some cases, all three), The Lucastas have cemented their legacy as a family of heroes. Even Pierre's five siblings and their families have amounted to the same trio of success as Pierre, who now serves as the head of the ever-expansive hero family, Lucasta.
The Lucasta's origins could be traced back to before the first recorded super was discovered. They originate from Spain and France while the Sonnens, Hanna's family, came from Germany. For the two families to come together, they both lived in upstate New York, not knowing that Pierre and Hanna would meet and create literal magic.
The legacy that the middle child, Vivian Diana, would soon have to live up to all started at Crystal Peak Academy. Her parents, Pierre, and Hanna Estelle Sonnen (now Lucasta) both attended that prestigious academy. It was there they fell in love. Pierre was said to be powerful and righteous and Hanna, while as gentle as the first rays of a sunrise, she was confident, sure of herself, and when Pierre got too much, it was said she blasted him with the full force of the sun. Of course, only they know but Vivian grew up on stories that her mother would squeeze in between her extensive training lessons. At some point, she wondered where that Pierre Lucasta was.
Not long after graduating and becoming pro heroes in their own right, at one point, they did both hold spots within the Super 8, but like all good things, it came to an end. During those days, the two of them were a team. Sunlight is what they called them. Sunlight because while Pierre held the absence of darkness in his hands, burning with a fire within that was matched by his arrogance, Hanna held the power of the literal sun in her hands, thus sunlight was born. When they both retired, which wasn't at an old age. They were both still in their prime, but something in Pierre changed. When he had children, he became more interested in the development of his legacy than protecting the city of New York. Hanna loved him, so she never doubted it.
Between their two families, which came from old money dating back from centuries ago, they amassed an incredible fortune. A fortune that would be used to further Pierre's personal mission to make the world know that the Lucasta family wasn't any less than the Cashmores or Cypress'. So he carved a name for himself, for the name of Lucasta. First came the first two children. So vain and arrogant, Pierre named them after greek gods. His oldest and easily his first disappointment, Apollo Dion. To Pierre's shock, his firstborn son showed very little evidence that he was going to be as great a hero as he was. He had powers, but it was simple parlor tricks as far as Pierre was concerned. He had the power of illumination, being able to make a room darker or brighter depending on his desire. Even though Dio had other skills, Pierre didn't pay him any attention, not like he did his second child and quite possibly the brightest star of the family. Artemis Dawn had her mother's central power but her father's drive. From combat lessons to languages to very extensive, bordering on abusive, physical and superpower training, he did what he tried to do with Dio: he pushed his first-born daughter to her limit and pushed that.
And you know what? She rose to every occasion. Hanna tried to keep him in line. Tried to appeal to the man she knew and loved, but that taste of success pushed Pierre further into his insanity. She became his shining star. Dawn graduated with honors from everything: Crystal Peak Academy, the heroes she interned with, and even when she went on into her own. Everything she did was spectacular. She was a literal star.
And Vivian felt the brilliance of her sister cast a huge shadow over her.
Vivian Diana Lucasta. She is the middle child. She was born in upstate New York (where all the Lucastas were born). Her name comes from two sources: Latin/Roman origin and means lively and her middle name, Diana, comes from Roman origin. The Roman Goddess and Roman equivalent of Artemis, which happens to be Dawn’s first name. Such a powerful name. One that breathes such life, yet when she turned ten, the age all of her siblings found themselves under the intense microscope of Pierre Lucasta, was when Vivian was never the same again.
His goal was to recreate his success with Vivian as he had with Dawn. Vivian, at the time, just wanted to make her father proud of her, because she had never known that. As sad as it is to say, that’s just something she never got. Her mother always made excuses, saying he was a driven man and she always tried to build Vivian’s image of her father by talking about how he was when he was a hero. Or even when she met him, yet none of that made any difference. Year after year, he trained her. Not only physically and in combat, but pushed her to learn languages, to test the limits of her powers.
Right, her powers were a late development. Her powers didn’t surface until she was fourteen, which was three years later than Dawn’s powers surfaced. So at that point, she was at a great disadvantage in her father’s eyes. Another thing was that her powers were nothing compared Dawn’s. Just another disappointment in her father’s eyes and this enraged him. Vivian never seen him train her so viciously. Late nights and early mornings, she was up training mind, power, and body. Over and over again. On continuous repeat to the point that she was seventeen and, in his eyes, Pierre was seeing what he wanted to see when she was eleven years old.
Meanwhile, Vivian was so tormented yet still wanted to make him proud of her. She still wanted to make him proud of her. So much so that she applied for his alma mater. She did everything he wanted of her. And when she got accepted, even though she wouldn’t be anywhere near him, she still heard his voice in her head, telling her to do great, to not ruin his reputation. And in the back of her mind, Vivian worried for her younger siblings, Sia and Luke. As far as she knew, their powers hadn’t manifested yet and they were just a year older than she was when hers did. Without her there to take the full brunt of his attention, part of her worried for them…
⋙:A N Y T H I N G E L S E
____________________________________________________________________Lili Reinhart ||
#daa520/Goldenrod 🔅 Vivian bakes. Any reason she can have to bake, she will. Whether it’s for fun, fundraisers, to distract herself, to decompress, she will bake.
She bakes almost anything she can, but what she really enjoys making are blueberry muffins, or really anything blueberry-related. She loves blueberries.
🔅 Music makes her happy. Like really happy. When she’s down or feeling like the world is ending, all Vivian has to do is pop on some indie folk and she feels better!
🔅 Vivian loves taking long walks, especially if it’s with her light,
Hope. Also if it’s with someone cute. Definitely better with someone cute.
🔅 Defined jawlines are the cutest!