The world had seen better days. The Justice League was dealing with an international incident and in talks with the UN about the formation of a Justice League Europe. The Teen Titans had just fallen apart and there were several heroes who’d fell in between the cracks of the last big crisis. Two long-time friends who’d seen time with both the Teen Titans and the League decided to get together and do something about the superhero shortage. Maybe the younger heroes had given up. Perhaps the slightly older heroes had fallen on hard times. Wally West (aka the Flash) and Vic Stone (Cyborg) pitched the idea of an academy for younger heroes in need of training to a few billionaire friends. After deciding against the name ‘Justice University’ the pair of heroes and their backers decided on the obvious name… Titans Academy.
Setting up shop in Midway City after a spike in metahuman crime got national media coverage, Cyborg and the Flash took a different approach with their ‘school’. They took in young metahumans between the ages of 16-25, and there were part time and full time members each with a different mentor. The Flash already protected Central and Keystone City, so he’s part time. Cyborg tackled the full timers and relocated to the Midway branch of STAR Labs while his team lived at the academy. It was pitched to the mayor of Midway City as a police academy of sorts for the next generation of superheroes.
Midway City was once the stomping grounds of Hawkman as well as the Doom Patrol. Regular metahuman threats included more savage individuals like Lion-Mane, and there’s talk of Robotman losing his mind and wrecking a local bar. However the boys may get some help in the form of another old friend…
C H A R A C T E R S & C O R E N P C'S: C H A R A C T E R S & C O R E N P C'S:
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "H E R E'S A L I S T O F T H E T H R E E M E N T O R S...
C H A R A C T E R R O S T E R: C H A R A C T E R R O S T E R:
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ T H E M A I N C A S T. . .
All absences discussed with GM's will remain inactive and will not be in danger of moving to the "At Risk" category. Please communicate with us, we are here to work with you.
Inactivity is tracked after a period of fourteen (14) days, or two weeks. After two weeks of inactivity, a character will be moved from the Active Roster to Inactive. If an additional seven (7) days passes after two weeks has already elapsed, inactive Characters are will be vulnerable to death by plot development at the GM's behest.
◼ DRAGONSONaka Ahn Kwang-joU N E X P L A I N E D A B S E N C E As portrayed by @WXer
◼ SACRIFICEaka Liam CassidyE X P L A I N E D A B S E N C E As portrayed by @PapaOso
◼ GRAVITASaka Jiřinka "Jiri" ZimaU N E X P L A I N E D A B S E N C E As portrayed by @Zaibatsu
◼ ALIASaka Full NameS T A T U S As portrayed by [@Name]
S U P P O R T I N G N P C'S: S U P P O R T I N G N P C'S:
P L A Y E R & GM C R E A T E D N P C'S. . .
T I T A N S: T I T A N S:
C H A R A C T E R: C H A R A C T E R:
R O L E: R O L E:
S U B M I T T E D B Y: S U B M I T T E D B Y:
D I A L O G U E C O L O U R: D I A L O G U E C O L O U R:
Alexander 'Alex' Mason ♦ May 1st, 2002 ( 20 ) ♦ Straight Male ♦ Neutral Good
Mentor: Cyborg ♦ Status: Full Time ♦ Experience: Six Months
⦿ P O W E R S:
Alexander has the metahuman power to project force fields made of yellow solar energy. Not unlike a Green Lantern’s constructs, the force fields and shields are based on his willpower and ability to focus. He generally creates a personal shield that some say resembles a police badge. Alex also possesses enhanced strength (around a five ton cap) and uses the extra muscle to super leap from rooftop to rooftop when on patrol.
⦿ W E A K N E S S E S:
Alexander has the same limitations as any average human. His costume can protect him from most small arms fire, but he can still die from bullets or anything that can kill people. Alex has no formal training and is at best decent at hand to hand comabt.
⦿ P E R S O N A L I T Y:
Resourceful, Trustworthy, and Patient
⦿ Brief Bio:
Alexander was your average kind of kid growing up in the Eastside slums of Midway City. When a fire erupted in his parents’ apartment building his metahuman power kicked in and the high school sophomore was able to protect his family from the flames. Three years later he would not be so lucky when his parents were in a car crash that took both of their lives. For several months Alex was aimless and lacking direction. A chance encounter with members of the Justice Society during the grand opening of a Hawkman museum left the young man in awe and he knew what he wanted to do. Rather than continue to hide his metahuman abilities, he used part of the life insurance money he’d received to get a suit made and began patrolling Midway City. In his brief time in the superhero community he hasn’t done much aside from stopping a few purse snatchers and rescuing several people from a burning building. The only time he came across an actual supervillain was when he tried stopping Copperhead from stealing something from STAR Labs. The goon for hire handed him a beating, however the meeting eventually put Alex on Cyborg’s radar.
⦿ N O T E S:
Eventually Alex will meet Jim Harper and the helmet of the Guardian will be passed on to him at some point.
As intimidating as Kijani is, Cyborg is like that x 1000. He's got a big heart and he's pretty funny... but he's the size of a pro wrestler. Can't believe I've been here over a week and haven't heard him say 'Booyah!' once.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | F L A S H | __________________________________
Wally is like that guy in school that can fit in with any social group. He's got the boy scout attitude sorta like Superman seems to have. He isn't here too often, but when he is everybody can learn a thing or two pretty quick. Definitely the kind of hero I want to be.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | D R A G O N S O N | __________________________________
This guy is definitely somebody to learn a few things from. I can swim like a fish, but he can control water as well as the creatures in it like Aquaman. I always considered Aquaman to be one of the more powerful members of the League, pretty sure the same thing applies here with Dragonson.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | S H U R I K E N | __________________________________
The part time ninja girl from Gotham still has that mystery about her that bugs the hell out of me. Like she knows more than she lets on. She’s friendlier than most from that area, so maybe I’ve just got the wrong idea.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | A P P A R I T I O N | __________________________________
She was trouble when she walked through the doors. Arina cuts me in half with her eyes and reminds me far too much of the girls my mother warned me about. Does she really not care about anything?
__________________________________ __________________________________ | C H E M A X Z O R D | __________________________________
The giant booger thing is an alien that Flash and Cyborg insist on being on the team. I’m in a superhero academy with an alien. I can’t believe this is real life.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | O R I G A M I | __________________________________
Jiri often hangs around the kitchen when I’m in there prepping meals. I should probably ask and make sure she doesn’t have food allergies. I dig her accent too.
_________________________________________________________ Lincoln 'Link' Wolfgang Thrope _________________________________________________________ March 9th, 2001 | 21 | Caucasian _________________________________________________________ Single | ♂ | Heterosexual _________________________________________________________ Full-Time | 9 Months | Cyborg _________________________________________________________ St. Louis | Missouri | United States of America
I L L M E T B Y M O O N L I G H T ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Nine months ago, Lincoln was introduced to the superhero known as Cyborg through circumstances he'd rather left unmentioned. Under the light of a Hunter's Moon, Lincoln lost control of his curse and set upon the Midwestern town he called home at the time.
Eventually, Cyborg was able to get the young man to regain control, but not before several tragedies laid in his wake. Horrified by his actions and knowing a conventional prison would never hold him, Lincoln sought repentance by learning to control his curse and working to become a hero.
M I S C E L L A N E O U S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
I'm picturing Link being the team's 'Hulk' so to speak. The berserking monster you don't really trust but appreciate having in your corner.
Lincoln is the son of the wealthy Senator Conall Thrope and his wife Lycia Thrope neé Shaw. Lycia comes from old money, whereas Conall is of 'new' money, though there's a dark side to his fortune and in hushed circles, it's referred to as blood money.
The Triple Goddess is the triunity of three distinct aspects, the Virgin (or maiden), Mother and Crone (alternatively Hag) and is the being responsible for cursing Lincoln with Lycanthropy. Her consort, the Horned God is also antagonistic towards Link. Much like his consort, the Horned God is triune in nature and is made up of the Warrior(or Youth), Father and Sage. Appearing either in the form of the Oak King or the Holly King, the Horned God rules aspects that drive Link's primal nature. Nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting, and the life cycle, the Horned God represents the unity of the divine and nature, and it's only through gaining both the Horned God's favour and the forgiveness of the Triple Goddess that Lincoln can break the curse set upon him.
The change into the beast under a full moon is representative of the Mother's Curse upon Lincoln for his attempt to deflower the Maiden. It is his punishment being revealed over and over again and symbolic of reminding those near him of the animal lying beneath the surface.
In an effort to reduce Lincoln's triggers, Cyborg has Link currently trying a vegetarian diet and especially avoiding red meat. Additionally, Lincoln has been suggested to regularly see the Academy's student therapist. Lastly, the staff has requested that he perform daily meditation sessions in order to center and ground himself to avoid any unnecessary transformations.
P O W E R S & W E A K N E S S E S P O W E R S & W E A K N E S S E S
P O W E R S & A B I L I T I E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ As a sixteen-year-old, Lincoln was cursed with lycanthropy by the Triple Goddess. This resulted in unpredictable changes into a werewolf and even months lost in the woods as a giant wolf. Over the past five years, and especially in the past nine months, Lincoln has learned his triggers and how to control the wolf within. Below are the details of his curse, its benefits and its drawbacks.
It should be noted that the transformations themselves are not comfortable and if forced whether by a full moon or a loss of control, can be excruciatingly painful to Lincoln which only leaves him in a more dangerous and enraged state.
A partial transformation, Lincoln is only capable of summoning some attributes of his curse. This includes claws, pointed teeth and ears. In this form, Lincoln is most in control, though generally it's prompted by sudden mood swings such as fear or anger, it can also be prompted by baser appetites ranging from hunger to lust. Lincoln can call upon aspects of the wolf to aid him either in battle or in mundane utilities such as checking for spoiled milk.
A fuller transformation, in this form Lincoln is fully embraced by his curse. The werewolf possesses strength and durability well above those of a human and while Lincoln is faster in this form than he is transformed, it still lacks in speed compared to his final form. A lightning bruiser, Link relies on his speed and strength to quickly and brutally take down foes. His durability is impressive, though easily cut through using any of his vulnerabilities. Notably, Lincoln loses the ability to communicate conventionally and is reduced to grunts, gestures and nods to convey his thoughts or opinions without the presence of a telepath.
The werewolf form is more prone to sudden mood shifts due to bloodlust and Lincoln can lose himself to the beast if left transformed for periods of extended time. As such, he generally leaves patroling to other more capable heroes and instead acts as a guy in the chair for the team.
The direwolf form looks more like a giant wolf than it does a werewolf and is the purest transformation that the curse provides. Lincoln fears being trapped in this form as his mind is weakest to the animal within. Though lacking thumbs and the dexterity of his other forms, the direwolf form is fastest and both large and strong enough to carry two human riders.
Like the werewolf form, Lincoln lacks the ability to communicate through speech in this form and must instead rely upon the interpretation of others.
L I M I T A T I O N S & W E A K N E S S E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ◼ BLOODLUST
The Wolf's need for blood is as much a strength as it is a weakness. While the bloodlust makes Lincoln an impressive combatant, it's also a surefire way to lose not only control but himself to the Wolf. In the event of this, Link is as much a threat to his friends as he is to his foes.
Lunar Phases have a significant effect on Link's abilities. While a full moon can cause an uncontrollable transformation, especially under a Blood Moon or a Hunter's Moon, a New Moon can make the transformation nearly impossible to summon.
Just like the legends say, Link is vulnerable to silver. It burns to the touch, easily cuts through his hide and if bound by it, prevents his transformations.
The time it takes Link to transform leaves him vulnerable, in addition to the pain of the actual transformation. If already weakened or wounded, attempting to transform or being forced to could cause him to lapse into unconsciousness or worse. If left transformed, particularly at Stage II or III for too longer, Lincoln may have trouble reverting to a human form. There is the potential for the curse to become permanent if Lincoln loses control in a sustained state of transformation.
Much like silver, aconite or Wolfsbane, can be fatal to Lincoln, especially if ingested. Weapons laced with traces of aconite whether, by an oil, poison or other solution can inflict grievous wounds upon Lincoln and easily bypass his defenses.
While some stages of his transformations gain night vision, as a whole Link's vision does not improve and in fact in general gets worst. While it's a common myth that canines only see in black in white, this does not negate the fact that when transformed, Lincoln develops an exaggerated form of colorblindness that can make his teammates difficult to distinguish in certain settings, especially in well-lit locations or under sunlight.
Assertive ● Repentant ● Stoic Originally the spoiled son of a state senator, growing up Lincoln had want of nothing. That all changed on his sixteenth birthday when in a twist of fate, the girl he scorned turned out to be the Maiden, an aspect of the Triple Goddess. Disgusted by the vain cruel boy, the Triple Goddess cursed the boy with lycanthropy so that the world would see him for the beast he was.
Though he thought he had a handle on the curse, Lincoln would go on to lose control several times until he was eventually confronted with the fact he couldn't handle it on his own. This eventually brought him under the membership of Cyborg and the Flash, finding him a place at the Titans' Academy.
Cyborg's triumphant cry echoed across the intersection as Lincoln nodded his appreciation toward the superhero. The sonic blast above his head had deflected the considerable piece of debris that Cinderblock had thrown his way. Cracking his neck, Lincoln jumped over the cement barricade left behind by the construction crew that had been working to repair the water main now flooding the scene of their battle.
"What's the blockhead even want here?" Link growled towards Cyborg who simply shrugged from behind cover. His sonic cannon was held tight against his chest, readying another blast.
Looking from Cyborg, back to the approaching concrete man, Lincoln let out an agonized cry. Even in the din of the city, the sound of his breaking bones rearranging themselves seemed to loudest noise. Though it was only moments for those watching, it felt like an eternity for Link as the pain nearly rendered him unconscious. His cry turned to a howl and suddenly Cinderblock found himself knocked backwards.
Sliding along the crumbling asphalt, the statue of a man moved to defend himself as a blur of silver and black fur suddenly was atop him. Claws and fangs dug into the stony shell of a man. Cinderblock's attempts to defend himself from the creature only caused Blitzkrieg to dig in further.
Another blast of the sonic cannon caught Cinderblock across the chest sending fractures through his body. A loud crack suddenly sent a stillness through the air as Blitzkrieg landed on the ground in front of his foe. Rubble littered the werewolf's feet as the remainder of the stone man's arm crumbled from his mouth.
Let me guess, only a flesh wound.
Link thought to himself as the wounded supervillain steadied himself for another attack. The unmistakable sound of Cybrog's weapon charging for another strike caused Blitzkrieg's ears to twitch.
"I think it's time to finish this," The former Titan called, "I've got the sonic, if you've got the boom!"
A howl from Blitzkrieg was all Cyborg needed as he let the shoot loose. The last thing Cinderblock saw after the blinding flash of blue hit him was Blitzkrieg's fangs descending upon him.
A literal fish out of water, 'His Majesty' has decided to grace the academy with his attendance and Lincoln couldn't be any less thrilled. There's a lot of his old self he sees in the Dragonson, and while a Prince certainly outranks a Senator's son in terms of position, the sense of elitism and entitlement that comes from these titles are universal. Lincoln will be keeping an eye on Kwang-Jo, if only to help the Prince not repeat Link's own past mistakes, though if he was more honest with himself, Link would realize it was more out of envy than actual concern.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | S A C R I F I C E | __________________________________
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | O R A C L E | __________________________________
Though Link would loathe anyone to know, he has quickly developed a soft spot for Kennedy since the girl's arrival at the academy. The two of them have similar backgrounds, coming from places of privilege before having it stripped away due to circumstance. Admittedly, in Link's case, this was due to his own poor choices where Kennedy was actually trying to do the right thing. Despite this, he still sees them as kindred spirits and actively looks for opportunities to get to know her better.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | S H U R I K E N | __________________________________
Probably one of the friendliest faces around the academy, which is, in Link's opinion, odd as she's from Gotham. Gothamites are not known for their sunny disposition in life. She doesn't live at the academy which means Link hasn't had much of a chance to get to know her yet, though he's quite curious if she was trained by the legendary Dark Knight himself.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | S H A T T E R C R A S H | __________________________________
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | A P P A R I T I O N | __________________________________
Often in nature, the more flamboyant and beautiful something is, the more likely it's bad for you in some way. Whether it's poisonous, venomous or just plain dangerous. Perhaps it's with this instinct in mind that Link prefers not to allow himself to become particularly infatuated with the beautiful Arina. There's no argument that she's a stunning young woman, or that she has an air of class and grace Lincoln hasn't seen since attending events with his father. But the girl clearly would rather be anywhere at the academy and reminds Link far too much of his old self.
He'd be remiss to relapse into those behaviours again.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | T H E S H I E L D | __________________________________
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | C H E M A X Z O R D | __________________________________
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | O R I G A M I | __________________________________
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | F L A M E B I R D | __________________________________
Much like Link, Sarina has a past left best undiscussed. Where Lincoln himself was a spree murderer, Sarina was a career criminal until the intervention of Flash and Cyborg. She's been attending the Academy longer than him, though not much longer to the best of Link's understanding. A true firecracker, she lives up to her abilities and is always burning brightest in any room.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | X L R 8 | __________________________________
Within Rufus' first hour at the academy, Lincoln had already considered giving up the 'atoner' gig and devouring the speedster, hat and all. There was just one problem, have you ever seen a wolf chase a rabbit? Except this rabbit had chugged four litres of red bull and snorted six lines of coke.
He was very fast.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | G R A V I T A S | __________________________________
There's something captivating about a girl with an accent and although Link at times struggles to understand what Jiri is saying, he's more than happy to listen to her say it. Like most students, she's relatively new to the academy, but unlike most students, she's also relatively new to the country. Link has noticed that she seems to hang around the kitchen in the evening while the desserts for the following day are being prepared. Normally he'd chalk this up to someone wanting to snag an extra treat but there's more intention behind Jiri's actions.
Maybe she just hasn't learned you can watch cake videos on YouTube yet?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
[table][row][sup][h1][color=2c2c2c][b]▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[/b][right][b]▅▅▅▅▅[/b][/right][/color][/h1][/sup][/row][row][cell][CENTER][SUP]__________________________________[/SUP] [img]Image Link Goes Here (Right Click above and use 'Copy Image Address')[/img][SUP]__________________________________[/SUP] | [COLOR=LIGHTGRAY][B]B L I T Z K R I E G[/B][/COLOR] | [SUP]__________________________________[/SUP][/CENTER][/CELL][CELL][color=2c2c2c]*[/color] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][INDENT][sub][b][url=Character Sheet Link Goes Here][color=lightgray] T H R O P E, L I N C O L N[/color][/url][/b][/sub] [SUB] [i]Assertive[/i] ● [i]Repentant[/i] ● [i]Stoic[/i][/SUB]
[QUOTE]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.[/QUOTE][/INDENT][/COLOR][/CELL][/ROW][/TABLE]
_________________________________________________________ Kennedy Heartfield _________________________________________________________ December 12th, 2002 | 20 | Caucasian _________________________________________________________ Single | ♀ | Bisexual _________________________________________________________ Full-Time | 5 Months | Cyborg _________________________________________________________ National City | California | United States of America
D O N T F O R G E T M E ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Kennedy met Cyborg through her visions. Cyborg is probably very thankful for it too. A battle gone awry left Cyborg in a terrible state. Kennedy received a vision of a broken and beaten Cyborg down where no one would find him for hours. Kennedy raced to the location, found the man, and got him help.
Though she was hesitant to explain to him how she knew where he was, she eventually relayed her powers to him, sparking a conversation as to what she planned to do with them. "I'm no hero" Kennedy said, but Cyborg assured her she was. "Don't forget me now. I will be reaching out someday." M I SC E L L A N E O U S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ◼ Kennedy would definitely be a good support, using her visions to help with battles as well as using her invisibility to get in and out of situations to help protect others. She can also be a good artillery with her psychic attacks. -
P O W E R S & W E A K N E S S E S P O W E R S & W E A K N E S S E S
P O W E R S & A B I L I T I E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ◼ CLAIRVOYANCE
Kennedy has the ability to see into the future. The visions can range to a few minutes, days, weeks, or even years. She can summon a vision or visions can appear at random. When Kennedy is experiencing a vision, her eyes turn white and she looks as if she is staring into the distance. Depending on the length of the vision, it could last a few seconds or minutes. Kennedy is also able to use her clairvoyance in a fight, predicting attacks and countering them.
Kennedy can turn invisible at will and move around without being seen by the naked eye. She does so by using her psychic abilities to coat herself in an invisible weave. She can still be detected by heat-seeking devices or by people that can see infared. If her concentration is broken, her invisibility will disappear.
L I M I T A T I O N S & W E A K N E S S E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ◼ PSYCHIC SUSCEPTIBILITY
Due to Kennedy's powers, she is more prone to psychic attacks than others. This is especially true during her vision state.
Kennedy is not a fighter. She cannot pick up a car. She cannot land a punch hard. Her physical strength is lacking, leading her to be vulnerable in a physical fight close-up. She is also extremely vulnerable during her vision state.
Due to the intense nature of her power, if Kennedy is not careful, she can get tired very easily. Kennedy has been known to pass out after using her abilities to a great extent.
Headstrong - Sarcastic - Determined Kennedy's seemingly perfect life turned upside down when her powers manifested. A cheerleader in high school, a vision of her classmates being attacked at the Homecoming game. She attempted to warn everyone, but no one believed her. The game was attacked and many students were injured or dead. She was outcasted by her peers, calling her a freak, and even blamed her for the attack. Her parents didn't know what to do, having received calls from other parents, warning them to not send Kennedy back to school. In the end, they sent her to California to live with her uncle. Kennedy hid her powers.
But secrets can only remain hidden for so long. She ran into Cyborg, who she helped, leading her to share her powers. Since then, Kennedy was worried it would get out after she set up an okay life for herself. No longer the bubbly, popular girl, she remained a sarcastic, sardonic person who, despite what life dealt her, still determined to do her best. Cyborg reached out later, offering her a spot at Titan Academy. She debated it at first but decided it might be good to actually try to be a hero, for once.
Kennedy walked along the pathway, uncertain as to her place. Sure, she accepted the position, but was she cut out for this? Didn't her powers hurt more than help? Her mind traced back to school, who she was before. She was popular. She was liked. And one vision destroyed all of it. She could hear the others now.
"It's your fault they're dead!"
"Why didn't you save them sooner?"
They were questions and accusations she said to herself also. Since then, she had hidden that part of herself. Her uncle knew, but there was always that underlying warning of not letting anyone find out. That is, until she met...
"Don't need to be psychic to hear your thoughts."
Kennedy spun around to face Cyborg. The man that offered her this chance. "You know me, always wearing my heart on my sleeve." Cyborg chuckled. "That and the look on your face that just begs people to talk to you if they want a punch to the throat. Trust me, I've been in my own thoughts. That's all they are though." Kennedy shrugged. He wouldn't understand, surely. "Even untrue words hurt." Cyborg nodded in agreement. "Maybe so, maybe so. But all the more reason to demonstrate action. You can stand there and let people think what they want and prove them right, or you can go out there and show them how wrong they were."
Kennedy wanted to say something sarcastic, but she bit her tongue. He was right. She really needed to get out of her own head for a while. "Easier said than done when all of your skills revolve around your own headspace." Cyborg grinned, "All the more reason to clean the cobwebs out. Speaking of which, it's almost class time." Kennedy groaned mockingly but walked alongside him. Perhaps, maybe, this was the place she needed to be, after all.
Plenty of people could assume that Kwang-Jo is some stuck-up elite and Kennedy can't blame them. But if there is something she learned growing up and that is appearances can more often than not be deceiving. She doesn't get the sense that he is anything more than a noble doing his best. After all, they are all here on equal footing. Kennedy sort of looks up to the guy as he is what she hopes to be one day...proud.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | S A C R I F I C E | __________________________________
His powers are incredible and tragic. The ability to bolster allies at the cost of your own health doesn't seem great, but the work it could do could be the difference between life and death, for all parties involved. Kennedy wonders if the boy truly wants this or feels an obligation. As it stands, she is unsure of his motives but hopes he doesn't exert himself too quickly.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | B L I T Z K R I E G | __________________________________
Kennedy doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve, but she can't help but feel Lincoln is the one person here who truly understands her. And that is saying something when that other person can turn into a werewolf. They come from similar backgrounds of being misunderstood due to powers they had no control over. Kennedy admires Lincoln's strength and determination to be better than what people expect. Kennedy hopes the two of them can grow closer during their time at Titans Academy.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | S H U R I K E N | __________________________________
Incredibly friendly, possibly to a fault. Kennedy feels the girl could be a good friend and ally. Kennedy also gets the sense there is more underneath the surface, but she doesn't want to pry. They are all here to help others. Possibly help themselves if her own past is any indication.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | S H A T T E R C R A S H | __________________________________
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | A P P A R I T I O N | __________________________________
Kennedy is slightly afraid of the girl. She is a beautiful person, to be sure, but Kennedy gets the sense the girl would rather be literally anywhere else than where she always is. Perhaps that is judgment on Kennedy's part, but it isn't like Arina is doing anything to combat those thoughts. The girl might be cool, but Kennedy prefers to keep her distance for now.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | T H E S H I E L D | __________________________________
Alex seems genuinely sweet and it makes sense his powers would demonstrate his protective nature. Kennedy feels the two of them would get along swimmingly, but they just haven't had the chance to speak much. She can't put her finger on it, but there feels more to Alex than first glance would say. A cute smile, a kind face. Perhaps she is looking too closely, but she has met a few guys like him before. Sweet until you get close. The prettiest fires often burn you quickly.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | C H E M A X Z O R D | __________________________________
They are a literal alien. Kennedy hasn't had much interaction with WE or ME or whatever it wants to be called and that is mainly because Kennedy doesn't know what to say. She isn't afraid of WE. She knows firsthand what it feels like to be judged for things outside of your control. But she also doesn't want to say or do something disrespectful. Perhaps WE will reach out.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | O R I G A M I | __________________________________
Kennedy will be honest. Origami rubs her the wrong way. Her powers are cool and useful and beautiful to see, but the girl has an attitude problem. Kennedy sees herself in Kijani though. She used to be the same way before her powers developed. She had to learn a harsh lesson that acting better than everyone else often leaves you alone despite how many "friends" you have around you. Maybe Kijani will prove her wrong, though Kennedy won't hold her breath.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | F L A M E B I R D | __________________________________
Kennedy likes Sarina, she can't help it. Sarina comes from an interesting background, but that has only made her into the person she needs to be. Kennedy would love nothing more than to be friends with the girl, but maybe she is hoping for too much. Kennedy admires Sarina's nature and hopes to one day be the same. If only Kennedy would stop pushing people away.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | X L R 8 | __________________________________
Speed seems like a power of great sadness. Sure you are super fast and can get from one place to another in a snap, but what do you miss out on? Life literally speeds by you. Robert doesn't strike Kennedy as the friendly type and one who thinks too highly of himself and his powers. Even the speediest of people can act really slow sometimes. After all, they are here to learn and grow.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | G R A V I T A S | __________________________________
The girl is mysterious, but that honestly adds to her charm. Her powers are incredible and she seems like a tough fighter. Kennedy feels the two of them would get along well if Kennedy would reach out. The girl seems both approachable and not. She is also new to the country, which comes with its own fair share of hardships and nerves. One day she hopes Jiri and her could be friends.
TL:DR Good-natured and determined but proud. Chie is a fairly kindhearted and earnest woman. She is more than happy to pitch in when she feels help is needed, and remains modest and dedicated in all her ventures. Chie can get competitive and never hesitates to push her limits. She's bold but not completely oblivious, though being young and new to the world of heroes, she often comes off as naive. Chie is over everything, young, and is prone to impatience and failure weights heavy on her.
Chie's enduring persistence and willpower are a permanent facet of her character. She is stubborn and nothing short of death can stop her from risking life and limb to achieve her goals. She is willing to put in the time and effort to do what she wants and is aware of her faults, always trying to improve from them. This hasn't stopped her from making mistakes, mind you, but she always gets back up and keeps trying.
Peak human physicality: Training in martial arts since the moment she could stand, playing varsity sports and working out with her brother has made Chie an incredibly strong woman. She isn't super human by any regard but she can take much more of a beating than your average person, can run miles in minutes flat and can lift like a body builder. Compared to any enhanced person, she is relatively mundane, but against the average goon and gangster she far excels.
Inhuman accuracy/sight: Chie, like her mother before her, has eyes like a hawk. She can see in the dark fairly well, and can see farther than most people. This aids in her ability to hit things from far away accurately. With any gun, crossbow, or thrown item she can hit a 6 inch target from as far as 200 feet away. This isn't even adding the addition of scopes.
Throwing stars: Her namesake, weapons she got in a weapon store in Gotham to replicate her mother's old weapon. Hers are more streamline and generic, being 4-prong shurikens.
Extendable staff: Much like robin's own, a metallic staff that extends and collapses for convenience. It's not particularly sturdy, as it is hollow but it's hard enough to pack a wallop.
Acrobatics and parkour: Chie has long since learned to traverse the sprawling cityscape in it's entirely. Be it scaling walls, jumping building to building, riding rails, and all things in between. This applies to her fighting skills as well, capable of doing flips, splits, and all in-between.
Martial arts: Years if training, sparring and real life experience has turned Chie into a surprisingly dangerous teenager. She is capable of fighting hand to hand, with a variety of melee or throwing weapons, and has adopted a mixed style of Karate, kickboxing, wrestling, and street techniques she has left over time. Chie's skills rival a professional fighter, because as a superhero; she is one!
Stealth and lockpicking: Picked up from her more rambunctious side of life, Chie is skilled in avoiding people's notice. Her mother taught her how to walk and jump silently, as well as how to quiet her breathing. Experience has taught her where to hide and how to trail someone inconspicuously. Chie learned to lock pick on her own and while not a master, the skill comes in handy.
Expert driver: Chie can drive motorcycles at high speeds expertly. It goes without mentioning this includes weaving around obstacles and doing dangerous jumps and other stunts. Her skills rival any daredevil or drag racer.
A short and stout woman, Chie has broad shoulders and an athletic build. Her hair is long, about to her shoulders, and jet black. Her skin is fair and her eyes are a dark brown.
Weaknesses: -Social life: Shuriken's greatest weakness is her family and friends. She would do anything for them and would not let them get harmed, and if they did she would never forgive herself. Simply put threats towards those she cares about are a surefire way to stop shuriken, and potentially even make her do things she would regret.
-Human: She may be tough but compared to Kryptonians and androids, the shuriken isn't up to snuff. While she can handle your day-to-day criminals no problem, without help Shuriken can easily get hurt in battle and she doesn't recouperate fast and she won't always fully recover. More importantly, she has no immunities to poisons or radiation or any other odd way to deal with the damage. Not a huge weakness but in the world of metahumans, it is a big deal.
Chie was born to a very dangerous woman who had run from her old life and started anew. Kyoko, Chie's mother, was once a very deadly assassin and bodyguard for the H.I.V.E. in the Japanese branch. Eventually, her jobs changed from revenge killings and robberies to kidnappings of innocent people. When she found out the leader was kidnapping people to experiment on them, Kyoko took her money while the going was good and bailed. She spent the new few years traveling the world and living lavishly until she met a charming man in the Bahamas. She would end up coming home with him and after a few years together, the two would have their first child. Marriage and four years later, Chie would be born.
Kyoko taught martial arts to her kids from the moment they could walk, and while her brother quickly lost interest, Chie was enthralled by it all and took the teachings with gusto. Despite her mother's past, Chie lived a surprisingly lackluster childhood. Shortly after her brother moved out for college though, her life took a sudden turn. Chie would move to Gotham for her father's job at the ripe age of 15, right as she was going into high school. Here, Chie would encounter her first mugger and thoroughly beat them down. Gotham was particularly seedy and Chie found herself defending herself constantly until finally, she decided to take the initiative and fight crime herself. She eventually dawned a costume and prepared herself to take on the gangs of Gotham, but as she began to deal genuine blows to the crime syndicates, she found herself overwhelmed. Luckily, after a near-death retreat from a penguin drug bust gone wrong, Flash came in for the save and invited her to his school,
All around Alex is a good guy with a heart of gold. If there was anyone Chie would want to give her identity to it would be him, as there is no doubt in her head he could keep a good secret. She hasn't had much time to get to know him but she is eager to be a part of his team.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | C H E M A X Z O R D | __________________________________*
Chie was prepared to see different kinds of people at the academy, but she never imagined that a sentient blob would be among her classmates. It's been very hard to her to adjust from the whiplash that living with an Alien gives, but Chie has turned over a new leaf and is instead doing her best to help Chem feel comfortable at the academy.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | O R I G A M I | __________________________________
Chie sees Kijani as a rival, but it's clear she's losing. Kijani has this effortless charisma and elegance to her that Chie envies madly. Worse yet, her powers are far more powerful and impressive only honing in Chie's inadequacies. Chie doesn't mind Kijani's attitude but it drives her nuts to feel inferior.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | F L A M E B I R D | __________________________________
Chie thinks Sarina is just the best. She enjoys her company and hasn't had any reason not to. Chie feels empowered in her presence, as Sarina never ceases to be headstrong in the face of danger.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | X L R 8 | __________________________________
Chie might actually like Rob if he hadn't been one of the worst pickpockets in Gotham. He stole her mother's favorite purse one night and once Chie recognized him from the news, she hasn't trusted him since. Still, he's at a hero's academy, so while she may be weary, she knows he will change over time.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | G R A V I T A S | __________________________________
Much like Origami, Jurinka is someone that Chie envies for her cool powers and tough exterior. Unlike Origami, though, Chie is aware that she isn't as harsh as Kijani. To Chie, Gravitas is a perfect sparring partner, someone who she can learn from and grow with.
"We tamed the seas and took tribute from the land during time immemorial. Defeating these super villains will be, as you say, a cat walk.
... What? Why would dessert be able to move?"
NAME Ahn Kwang-jo ALIAS Dragonson AGE 20, July 27 APPEARANCE ♆ Height: 165 cm ♆ Weight: 61 kg ♆ Hair Color: Black ♆ Eye Colors: Pale Azure, Crimson Red when powered
PERSONALITY ♆ Vigilant ♆ Amicable ♆ Proud
STATUS & MENTOR ♆ Full-time - Cyborg
EXPERIENCE As a member of the royal family of Silla, Dragonson was educated in many subjects befitting that of a prince which included aquamancy and swordfighting. The latter would be essential as he would inherit the magical blade of Tangun before departing for the surface world in order to join the Titans Academy. It is said to rend the skies and command the waves when mastered but for now it only acts as an amplifier for Dragonson's inherent magical powers.
With that said, Dragonson has no formal hero training and has only begun to learn the protocols that he is expected to follow.
POWERS ♆ Hydrokinesis - Able to control bodies of water through magic runes tattooed on his body, strengthened by his sword Tangun.
♆ Sillian Physiology- Just like that of an Atlantean, the Sillian body adapted to its deepwater environment and resulted in naturally heightened resilience.
♆ Amphibious - Not only is Dragonson able to breathe underwater and on land, he also travels faster when swimming compared to most non-sea dwellers.
♆ Aquatic Sovereign - Like the Aquaman, Dragonson can command the denizens of the sea though he can also summon them through water portals invoked by his magic.
WEAKNESSES ♆ Separation from the Sword - Without Tangun by his immediate vicinity, Dragonson's powers drop to that of a normal Sillian. While more remarkable than an average person's capabilities, its absence limits Dragonson to basic water manipulation.
♆ Lack of Water Sources- Without the presence of large bodies of water, the Dragonson cannot operate at full power either.
BIOGRAPHY Long ago, the kingdoms of the seven seas had enjoyed a splendid peace that isolated them from conflicts that raged across the lands. However, it would only take a few years to change the course of their societies. Atlantis would be the first to re-establish contact with the outside world, as the new Aquaman to take the throne had been raised on the surface. The Atlanteans were quick to send diplomats to the royal courts of the other abyssal kingdoms in an effort to convince them to reintegrate with the world as new global threats started to emerge.
The underwater Kingdom of Silla, claiming dominion over the Yellow Sea to the Bering Strait, had found themselves in a peculiar position. Their former tributaries on the East Pacific lands had devolved into belligerent states armed with weapons capable of mass destruction. Popular discourse among the Sillian people fell into two camps: the militarists who clamoured for a strong army to defend them versus the anti-aggressionists who advocated for diplomatic and economic ties with their neighbours. To satisfy both camps, King Munmu of Silla had chosen to pursue a modernization and expansion of their army without explicitly declaring an intent for war while also sending his children on diplomatic missions to the surface.
Taking the name Ahn Kwang-jo, the first prince of Silla known as Dragonson was given the task to be the diplomat to the territory they once called Goguryeo at the age of 18. Nowadays, this state now calls itself the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. While he wasn't familiar with surface culture, Kwang-jo did find his experiences quite eerie. All of his tours across the state were curated and directed in such a way Kwang-jo only saw what his handlers wanted him to see.
Curiosity got the best of him. On an unsupervised escapade, he would use his powers to quickly travel on the waterways of the country and witness the true state of the population. Shocked and horrified, Kwang-jo would resign from his post and inform his people what he had witnessed. This would only intensify debates between the two factions, boiling over to riots across the kingdom. Action had to be taken and a compromise was eventually reached. Prince Dragonson would follow the steps of the Aquaman and spend time on the surface among their pantheon of heroes. He will eventually return with power and experience — choosing the destiny of his people when the time is right.
NOTES ♆ Met Cyborg on a highly publicized event sponsored by the U.N. ♆ Has attended royal galas in Atlantis as an official representative of his nation of Silla. ♆ Is a big fan of animation though often assumes that these are all historically accurate. ♆ Uses a glamour charm created by the Conservatory of Sorcery in Atlantis to hide his real identity when out in public.
SAMPLE POST The day had finally arrived. For weeks now, Atlantean and surface engineers had been hard at work collaborating with the royal architects of Silla in creating an airlocked dome that would allow the housing of foreign embassies, finalizing their integration to the international communities of the world. This momentous event was declared a holiday across the kingdom and the people were invited to witness the grand opening of the structure. King Munmu himself would attend though he would not be the one to give the royal ascendance and speech with regards to this achievement. Rolling out a device made of crystal and mithrilium, the foreign engineers would soon project a moving image of Silla's royal son in front of the crowd. Truly, the achievements of the outside world were quite the marvel to witness. The same could not be said of the prince's current state though. Though he was dressed in the majesty of his royal attire, the eyebags on his face were quite clear to those that witnessed the projection and his words would soon confirm just how tired he was.
"Loyal citizens of Silla! I thank you for your presence today in celebrating... this embassy opening!" The prince would take a momentary pause to regain his composure. Taking a deep breath before proceeding, he would expound about the wonders of the surface. "Uh, the surface world has quite the collection of luxuries and I would be remiss if I did not share them with you. In fact, I have spent the last few days constantly learning about their culture through these luxuries known as blue rays, completely unlike the manta rays of our domain. As such, I have asked the representatives of the Atlantean embassy to project an episode of this new media fascination of mine for the remaining time allotted to my speech. Glory to Silla!"
As the image of the prince dissipated, murmurs among the crowd started as they wondered what the prince had exactly meant. However, a new image replaced his royal highness. The crowd first fell to silence as a heavenly chorus began but this would eventually be followed by a cacophony of laughter as they witnessed the antics of this slob of a surface dweller seemingly afflicted with jaundice. Truly, this had to be the peak of surface comedy.
Experience - With his powers? Two years. As a hero? Four weeks.
Powers - Hyperhuman metabolism and super speed. Body, senses and mind are all operating at hyperhuman levels. No known connection to the speed force. He can break the sound barrier in his sneakers and outrun a fighter jet if he's pushing himself.
Weaknesses - He cannot rely on Speed Force and its near infinite bullshit. He needs lots of food, sleep and a plan just like everyone else.
BRIEF Bio - He grew up mean in Boston. Irish descent since a few generations, Rufus came from a neighborhood where you'd throw punches first and leave the questions to the cops. Thing was, he wasn't very good at punching. With time, he learnt other skills to survive. The kid was good in school, but dropped out as soon as he entered high school. Shortly after his powers kicked in and then he read every book in the library in an afternoon. With his abilities he became something of a Robin Hood styled vigilante. He stopped some low level bad guys once he got a hang of his powers, and he realized that handguns are only supersonic when they leave the gun - afterwards they're slow. He moved from city to city, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, even if he was hard pressed to find anyone he qualified poorer than himself. Eventually his spree came to an end when he was met with the big strong heroes carrying membership cards to the Watchtower, and like every young Hyperhuman they come across, he was offered a choice.
Notes - Rufus was caught working a pickpocket circuit in Gotham City when by sheer bad luck the Retired Flash, Jay Garrick was in town, fighting Icicle Senior who was teaming up with Mr.Freeze. Garrick caught Rufus and offered the young runner a choice. Soon after, he was introduced to the current Flash and lead onto the team, provided he could behave.
Rufus has a strained relationship to the other speedsters, he disliked them before he met them and he dislikes them even more now. Garrick being the exception and took a liking to him, as a result Rufus sports one of Jays old tunics. Rufus would insist it's the only thing he could find that was friction resistant enough.
The Trucker Hat stays on during Mach 4.
"You understand the concept of SUPERspeed, right?" He asked, slurping his iced coffee in between jabs. His sparring partner getting ever more frustrated with each thrown hit, missing the younger boy ever so slightly. His feet always found a spot safe from the advances of the man pushing him towards the corner in the ring. His friends eyes glinted with excitement at the prospect. Each strike moved him to push himself a little further. "Yeah, but your mind can't keep u-" Pausing to strain himself for a big haymaker once the speedster was pushed to the corner, which Rufus effortlessly avoided, climbing out and over the ropes of the boxing ring, leaping over Mike's shoulders, throwing his drink to the air and then standing up again behind Mike, in time to catch his drink. Giving him a soft push to his back. Mike grunted. "Hey, Coach! Check the camera! He cheated!" The taller boy cried and coach nodded. "Yeah, Skinner loses. He left the ring." As he checked the high speed camera that was reacquired from Intergang by Rufus a few weeks back. Rufus shook his head.
"Yeah. But isn't this stupid, anyway? I could punch Mike so fast his chest lights on fire from friction alone. What purpose does this serve?" Finishing his Big Belly Burger XXK Bizarro Milkshake.
"Ain't you ever seen Karate Kid, Rufus?" Coach Stevenson questioned and Rufus shook his head. "Movies are 24 frames per second. It would literally be more interesting for me to gouge my eyes out with a buttering knife." Mike put a towel to his forehead. "He's talking about wax On, wax off, Rufus. Small improvements make way for large change. You dodging me might save you from getting stabbed... Again." As Mike finished speaking an alarm on Rufus's smartwatch set off. Someone had tripped the silent alarm at the bank.
"Well, Miyagi, we'll see if you're right." He said, leaving in a blur. "How did he know that, he hadn't seen the movi-" Stevenson was interrupted by Rufus reappearing in his tunic and uniform, having changed from his tank top and shorts.
He picked up his blue trucker hat from the table next to the computer as he smirked. "I read the novelization." And with a boom that shook the windows, he was gone.
_________________________________________________________ Kijani Ryane _________________________________________________________ August 8, 2003 | 18 | Metahuman/African American _________________________________________________________ Single | ♀ | Heterosexual _________________________________________________________ Full-Time | 1 Year | Cyborg _________________________________________________________ Long Island | New York | United States of America
P O W E R S & A B I L I T I E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ◼ PAPERKINESIS
Kijani has the ability to manipulate paper, and control it’s density. She can turn an index card into a razor sharp blade, a book into a brick, and newspaper into armor. She is limited only by her imagination, and distance. Every bit of paper within 50 feet is her plaything, from pages to paper towels.
She has a lot of grace on the battlefield, her primary talent being evasion and misdirection. Her fighting style is a blend of Tai Chi, Capoeria, and ballet dialed up to 11- moving with the flow of the fight, never stopping. Kijani’s self-invented style flows from move to move, never breaking stride even when she falls or is hit, it simply becomes another move in the dance.
While she isn’t a full speedster, Kijani can move fast as hell when it is necessary. What separates her from the rest of the speed freaks is that she’s still visible to those with a quick eye, and she can only keep this up for about 5 minutes max before she becomes drained.
Kijani has a gift for languages, and currently speaks English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Mandarin and Japanese with fluency. She is working on Russian. She also boasts of having an eidetic memory, but this remains to be proven.
L I M I T A T I O N S & W E A K N E S S E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Kijani does not have the superhuman durability that many heroes possess. She can and will be injured, and will die if shot. Also, if her paper is compromised, she has little choice but to run.
Arrogant - Elegant - Bitch Kijani was born to two wealthy, brilliant people who happened to dislike each other. Her conception was essentially an accident, and her parents married out of propriety rather than love. When she was eleven, she was kidnapped off the streets and held for ransom by an organization known as the Alpha Continuum. After about a month, she escaped and made it home to her parents. From that day on she was never quite the same. She promised herself she’d never let that happen to her again, no matter what it took. She became an emancipated minor at the age of fifteen, took her inheritance from her parents, and used it to start living life on her own terms.
In a hidden pocket of Chicago’s underground tunnels, a young woman consulted a computer screen. On it was the face of a disheveled businessman, looking desperately into his webcam.
“Please, Origami. Those files can’t leak, it would end me.”
Kijani spoke into her microphone. It would digitally alter her voice, leaving a distorted masculine tone to hit this man’s ears. “I’m sorry, Mister Ross. But that is not my problem. My client paid me excellently for these files, and they will be public by tomorrow. Unless…”
“Unless?” There was a note of hope in Ross’s voice.
“Unless you can outbid my current client. Are you willing to pay the price?” She typed rapidly into her computer, knowing a hefty sum would now be blinking on Ross’s screen. It had better be; she had placed the hacking module in person.
His face fell. “That’s… a lot of money.”
“It is. How does it go, again? Ah, yes. ‘Your money, or your life.’” She chuckled, dryly. “You have 24 hours.” And she cut the connection. She waited 5 seconds before exhaling and removing her headset.
Her golden eyes were almost glowing with happiness. Shady businessmen were Origami’s bread and butter, and she was about to make a 10 million dollar sum. He’d pay to keep that secret. Most of them would rather sacrifice their cash than their ‘sterling’ reputations.
Kijani Ryane stretched, popped her back, and got up to make herself a latte.
T H E S U I T O F F L A M E B I R D ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Sarina's suit is a dual weave suit, made of Kevlar and a newly developed modacrylic, making the suit resistant to fire and the intense heat she gives off when using her powers as well as resistant to knives and small calibre weapons. When Sarina uses her powers the excess heat she gives off is absorbed by her suit to keep anyone nearby out of harm’s way.
The modacrylic in her suit, having the higher absorption rate, gives off a glow while she uses her powers Making it extremely hot, it is not recommended for others to touch. If the suit becomes too hot the small diamond plate on her chest is connected to a rapid cooling system integrated throughout the suit that expels the excess heat as steam which could be used as a smokescreen to make an escape. A W I S E D E C I S I O N ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Ten months ago, Sarina encountered a pair of superheroes by the name of Cyborg and Arsenal, the latter of which was hiding in plain sight. The Duo had intel of a priority target currently using a warehouse as a front for a facility. With lookouts dealt with quietly the Duo had an opportunity to use the element of surprise, but it did not last after Flamebird flew in landing between them and thier target.
After a short but rather interesting conversation, Cyborg eventually managed to persuade Sarina to team up with them, but she had to do it their way, this meant no killing. As fate would have it, her target was also at the warehouse, Something Cyborg never considered, thus bringing the ancient proverb 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'.
Her agreement was a wise decision, even if she didn’t see it at the time, it would open up new avenues and avoid a trip to the Coast City Super Powered Prison. After the battle was all said and done however; Both their targets escaped, but the facility was shut down... permanently. M I SC E L L A N E O U S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ◼ Despite having quite destructive powers, I like to see Sarina become a versitile member of the team, learning new ways to use her powers and even learn to do more without always relying on her powers and for her to evolve as a person.
Sarina funnily enough was originally a villian for the KL/Omega man universe from the Queens of coast city RP and felt like paying some homage to it. This time around history has played a differnt card and now we get to see what life brings to Sarina this time around. Going from Villian to hero will be an interesting journey. -
P O W E R S & W E A K N E S S E S P O W E R S & W E A K N E S S E S
P O W E R S & A B I L I T I E S Pyrokinesis: Sarina can control the kinetic energy of atoms to generate, control/manipulate fire Allowing her to excite or speed up an object's atoms, increasing their thermal energy until they ignite, not necessarily objects, but also air particles, she can control and move the flames, along with fireproof skin and thermal resistance something that is a life saver. This also allows Sarina to illuminate a dark area. Sarina is also capable of flight with a pair of flame wings she can manifest, her body can be engulfed in flames during this time. Sarina will continue learning new ways to use her amazing abilities.
Fire Ball Projection which is the ability to create and manipulate fireballs in her hands and throw them, Fire Stream Projection will enable Sarina to generate or create flame thrower-like blasts of flames that can go up to long ranges. They can burn things with intense engulfing flames but sadly there is no telling if Sarina will be able to control the size and radius of her blasts initially. Fire Breath is the ability to manipulate the fire in her lungs and exhaling to spew a torrent of fire. Fortunately, Sarina has thermal resistance in her throat and mouth which is something she has not yet discovered because now she can only use her hands.
Sarina will be able to understand and control her gift enough for Pyrokinetic combat in the form of Fire Shield Construction which will allow her to create a shield out of the fire to defend/protect herself from harmful, melee and even offer minimal resistance to cold attacks. On the more offensive side, through concentration, Sarina can create a sword of fire that not only does physical damage like an actual sword would, but also can burn them severely.
One day Sarina will be able to use one of the her most amazing but dangerous powers. Conflagration, also known as rain of fire, is where Sarina can Summon a Rain of Fire within a large area within her vicinity capable of intense temperatures, burning or even possibly incinerating any objects nearby. It is an Area of effect type of ability and one that is one of Sarina's most powerful abilities. If there is one thing Sarina won't always admit is her fear of what she might capable of, weather it is her being in control or loss of it. And with good reason.
L I M I T A T I O N S & W E A K N E S S E S Unconscious use of her power can be catastrophic not only to herself but others. There are other downsides that factor into Sarina's power and for one Control is extremely important, Water and a oxygen depleted environment can render her power useless, There have been instances of Sarina getting burned if she abuses the power to much or loses control.
Another weakness for Sarina is the Fiery temper and at times a short fuse. This is another side effect of her power as it effects her personality and emotions which gives her a little bit of unpredictability of outbursts which could get her in trouble.
Over use of her power can cause headaches, nosebleeds, unconsciousness and even put Sarina into a coma, Despite the thermal resistance and fireproof skin Sarina is still only human and thus has many of the typical human weaknesses that come with being a typical human being as pretty much anything else that can harm a human can Harm her. -
Uninhibited - Adventurous - Fiesty Initially born and raised in her hometown Lisburn, the only issues Sarina ever really had to deal with was overly nosey neighbours and the constant arguments and debates that would happen between her parents at home for reasons she could never really understand, she would spend most of her time alone in her room or hiding out. This didn’t help when her parents were often out because of their work, this in turn made Sarina become rebellious over time and often breaking the rules. Soon however; because the nature of her father’s work especially, the family was forced to move away to the U.S.
In her teenage years however, Sarina's life was plagued with troubles, not really fully adjusting to life in the U.S, her mother wanted out of the work they were doing, causing a rift between her parents, Sarina in the meantime continued to get into trouble, getting arrested several times. Problem was her father was a powerful man and organised a fake kidnapping of his own daughter. Sarina spend the rest of her teenage life stuck in a lab being testing on, her father ignoring her pleas, and where was her mother?
After years of hardly seeing the outside world, Sarina became Flamebird, one of the first to come out surviving the test’s, her powers gained from certain serums. Her father seemed more interested in a dynasty than a daughter, the group he was apart off wanting to make their own supervillains for their own ends. For years Sarina did their bidding, until she eventually began learning more of the truth of their work and plans, Sarina eventually turned on them.
It had been several days since the warehouse fight, Sarina was more than happy to go back out there and do her own thing, continue on the search for her target, after all it is personal for her. Still the circumstances of that night still played in her mind, not that she normally cared about such things, but now her enemies would be starting to learn she had teamed up with a titan at least. Cyborg and Arsenal had convinced her to meet again to talk, and that is how she found herself sitting on a park bench waiting.
She didn’t have to wait too long, her constant observation and expectation of some sort of ambush had her notice two men approaching her, to her surprise it was none other than Cyborg and Flash, it literally looked like three casually dressed individuals simply meeting up and nothing out of the ordinary.
“You actually turned up, I was expecting you to have already skipped town” Vic would begin.
Sarina had a sly smile showing. “I almost did, Considering I’m meant to be a villain and all, But I was curious what you had to say.” The trio began to through the park.
“Curiosity killed the cat”
“Why did you bring him again?” She pointed at Wally.
“Look we are not here to reignite hostilities” Cyborg momentarily raised his hands, before casually placing them down. “I will be real with you, there are those out there that would like nothing more than to put you in that super powered prison in Queens. But after your actions the other day, I managed to persuade them to give me a chance to offer you a choice, and it will be completely up to you.”
Sarina listened as Cyborg finished his sales pitch. It was true, she probably deserved to get locked away in all honesty, but why would a titan of all people try to put their neck out on the line for someone like herself? She surely didn’t deserve it in her mind. “I’m listening”
“There are two choices you have, the first being, we can go our separate ways, you would have a twenty-four hour reprieve, you can carry doing what you always have done, the other option will be forever closed and when you get captured you’ll be taken to Queens.” Cyborg paused for a moment allowing it to sink in. “The second option is to come joins us at Titans academy, especially after your recent actions.”
Sarina raised an eyebrow and stopped walking. “Is that really a choice? You’re basically telling to take my chances and possibly go to prison, or go to school”
“It is not a school; it is an academy.” Wally pitched in. “Your actions have opened up a rare opportunity, you could literally turn your life around, not always be the bad guy anymore, sure not all may forgive you, but you have a chance to use your powers for good, you could be a super hero.”
Sarina stifled a laugh. “Me a superhero? Sorry, but in what screwed up world would that ever be allowed to happen?”
“This one” Cyborg pipped in. “You have no idea just how much of an opportunity you got yourself into, honestly what have you got to lose in trying?” To be fair, he had a point, what did she have to lose? At this point she had more enemies than she did allies, what is the worst that could happen?
2 years of fighting experience, a few months at Titans Academy.
𝓟𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓼 __________
Inertia Battery
Shattercrash's body stores the energy from any impact she sustains for later use as a force multiplier. Anything from getting punched in the face by someone with super strength to so something as small as her feet hitting the ground or her heart pounding in her chest is absorbed by her body to hit harder. This energy multiplies the strength of any collision caused by her body. One could mistake this power for meaning Evie simply punches really hard, but her is more nuanced than that. Her entire body can benefit from this power, and she can use it to extend the reach of a punch out by blasting someone with energy, up to 20 feet away. In an uneventful scenario, Shattercrash's "battery" sits at around 100%, but prolonged close quarters combat allows her to go above her normal capacity by taking hits from an enemy. This results in a snowballing effect that causes Shattercrash to become increasingly hard to fight back against the longer a fight lasts.
𝓦𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 __________
Glass Cannon
Shattercrash's power absorbs the kinetic energy of anything that hits her, but it does absolutely nothing to soften the blow. She has the potential for devastating bursts of offense, but to get to the point where her power is at its upper limit, she needs to survive a prolonged fight against other people in a world where super strength and non-physical attacks exist. She may hit harder, but Shattercrash doesn't have super strength or super durability.
Shattercrash compares her power to a battery because it stores energy, but a battery can only store so much. If her normal capacity is 100%, then her battery allows her to store energy up to 200%. She will eventually drain back down to normal levels, but it's possible for her to store too much inertia, resulting in what look like violet solar flares erupting from her body. In a fight, this would only make her more dangerous, but eventually she'll have to burn off some energy to avoid damaging the surrounding area too much when people could be around her.
𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 __________
Shattercrash grew up in California with a single mother and her younger brother. It was livable, but it wasn’t ideal; Rent was high, her mother worked two jobs, and their dad left before her brother was born without leaving any child support.
She spent a lot of time away from home, biking down streets after school, going for runs or figuring out the specifics of the powers she just got. She had always heard about superheroes in distant places who could do incredible things. She figured it out quickly, but didn’t have any significant outlet for it. One day her mother got hurt at one of her jobs, and they were faced with losing their home before long. A month later, she found a place where metahumans fought in a ring for money. Shattercrash didn’t hesitate in jumping in. Her first match was a blowout win by knockout, and she made bank off of it.
The next two years were spent holding a “summer job” while her mom recovered. While she wasn’t rich, the money was undeniably good. She was motivated to win every match, and for every ten wins, she only occasionally had one loss. Most of the contenders weren’t anything special, but they gave her a run for her money each time.
Someone heard about the pit fighting, and before she knew it the entire place was busted. They caught her and decided to call a superhero. That superhero happened to be the tin man himself, who gave her a shot at using her power in more “constructive” ways. Of course, that meant punching people who threatened other people, instead of punching them for money.
𝓢𝓪𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝓟𝓸𝓼𝓽 __________
3:59pm, mask on. In less than sixty seconds, her first match would begin. Evie walked down the concrete steps to the cage where she was locked in with her opponent. A burly guy with blue, craggy skin and red eyes. Well over six feet all, shirtless and possessed of ego. She was wearing a simple half-face mask with a violet hoodie and some cheap gloves over her glowing hands.
”Ladies and gentlemen, tonight, we have a new contender!” Mixed applauds rang through the “stadium” as the announcer gave the introductions. The lights made it hard to see anything past the cage.
”Tonight, everyone’s favorite freaky heavyweight Tremor Man faces a masked scrapper known only as Shattercrash! She doesn’t look like much against this mountain of a man, don’t you think!” What followed was the sound of boos and laughs at Evie’s expense. She wasn’t so sure she stood a chance against a guy like that, but her head was telling her, “Blast him and worry about the plan if he gets back up.”
”Our contestants face off in thirty seconds! Remember, no weapons! You win by forfeit, you win by fatality, you win by knockout! If you’re not dead, don’t throw the fight, rookie!” The announcer shouted with a booming voice as the clock ticked down.
”Five! Four! Three! Two! One!” The crowd’s roars grew to a crescendo as Tremor Man charged at Shattercrash. Not quite a blitz, but more like a freight train on legs ready to body slam her. Shattercrash, against her own best judgement, stood completely still as she raised a hand into a fist and swung a haymaker aimed right for his leg. In a burst of neon violet light, he leg was broken underneath him, his body tumbled to the floor as the thunder of the punch silenced the entire building.
The cage shook like an earthquake, and without really thinking, Shattercrash lunged forward, swinging a glowing leg directly into his face with another explosive flash. Tremor Man’s body didn’t move when it hit the floor. The crowd was stunned for what felt like an eternity as Evie wondered whether she just killed a man two swings.
The crowd screamed in excitement, loud enough that Evie could feel the room rumble. A new record in the fighting ring’s books for the fastest victory. After the match was officially concluded, Evie counted more money in her hands than she had ever seen in her life. Her leg would no doubt have a nasty bruise for the next few days, but this?
_________________________________________________________ Arina Lécuyer _________________________________________________________ October 17th, 2003 | 19 | Caucasian _________________________________________________________ Single | ♀ | Heterosexual _________________________________________________________ Full-Time | Six Years | Cyborg _________________________________________________________ New York | New York | United States of America
T H E L É C U Y E R I N C I D E N T ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
The idea of being a Titan had never appealed to Arina. Once upon a time, the thought of being part of something so cheesy made her feel ill… and if she were honest, it still did. Each time she took the trip down memory lane, back to “The Incident” as she referred to it, her mood soured and she silently cursed her siblings for dragging her into this world. If she had it her way, she’d be somewhere far, far from the States, living a quiet, ordinary and comfortable life.
After taking an afternoon to reckon with the events of her life, she able to look back at the occasions her life had gone up in smoke (no pun intended), and in every minute detail she analysed, she was able to confidently pinpoint the unequivocal moments which acted as the main cataclysms that collectively came to be dubbed “The Incident”.
These were as follows: ⥇ The disastrous reunion between Arina and her traitor twin Sister. ⥇ The re-emergence of her older, and frankly, incredibly rude Brother. ⥇ The disingenuous “invitation” to align with the Faction he had found himself enlisted in. ⥇ The Faction taking exception to the word “No”. ⥇ A blown up home. ⥇ A three day game of cat and mouse. ⥇ Several incidents in which she lost control of her powers. ⥇ A seven man death toll. ⥇ An unwelcome and incredibly presumptuous third party. ⥇ A stupid robot man (A.K.A Cyborg). ⥇ The biggest insult she’d ever received, in the form of an invitation to join the Titans. ⥇ And finally, in the grandest of paradoxes, her greatest ally and nemesis… … The wind.
M I S C E L L A N E O U S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Arina’s style is a product of her self-confident and superficial behavior. It doesn’t matter what she’s wearing, she insists on looking her best at all times. If she has to get up hours before training to curl her hair, she will. Thanks to a vast Family fortune, she’s able to spend the ridiculous amounts required to keep up with her habit; the price of the nicest clothes is of no worry to her. Whether it be formal, casual or work, she will wear them. More often than not, she can be seen in casual attire, only wearing the uniform (above) she adopted when joining the Titans. When occasions arist for formal attire she adorns herself in the most extravagant of gowns.
“The only aspect of her that supersedes her beauty, is her vanity,” - Pachid Coyotas, Lécuyer Family Secretary.
She has her Family crest tattooed on her upper left arm and on occasion carries a katana, also carrying her Family Crest, designed into the guard and her family’s motto engraved into the blade.
Arina has a strong survival instinct and sense of self-sufficiency. She doesn't care much for fighting, it’s not like she doesn’t enjoy the exhilarating magical feeling of violence and war, she’s simply too lazy. She rather opt out of a fight or allow someone to take her place, simply so she doesn’t have to get her own clothes dirty. Trickery is her general game; she’ll first try to talk her way out of a fight before resorting to battle.
She is incredibly perceptive in and out of battle, this makes it easier to find a way to break her opponent down and talk them into losing focus. She watches for slightest changes in body language and facial expressions. Even the smallest twitch of an eyebrow is enough ammunition for her to be able to try and burrow under her opponent's skin. Not only facial twitches, she scans the body for any muscular twitches that could give her an indication of a forthcoming attack, helping her to perhaps avoid taking a hit.
Her small frame lacks overall strength, and in a battle of muscle she’ll ultimately almost always lose; but her small frame however, allows her to be quick, stealthy and agile on her feet. If forced into a fight, she’ll often try to use her agility to wear her opponent down before stepping in to use a blade. Incredibly analytic, she’s incredibly cautious and careful in her movements, her keen reflexes almost always trying to ensure an escape route or dodge by relying on her nimble and flexiable movements.
If a fight is drawn out and there is no escape, she’ll fall back on her skill with knives and swords in the hopes of ending the battle quickly and with as little fuss as possible; not using her smoke abilities unless it’s absolutely necessary. She flat out refuses to use firearms, finding them to be an incredibly rude and impersonal form of battle - if she’s going to fight, she will fight with dignity. A philosophy she’s quick to disregard in her attempts to slink out of the fight at every chance she gets.
P O W E R S & W E A K N E S S E S P O W E R S & W E A K N E S S E S
P O W E R S & A B I L I T I E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ From as early as she could remember, Arina was being trained in one way or another.
Her earliest memories are ones of her training in the art of expressing and reading microexpressions. When she was physically able, combat was added to the list, followed closely by the use of blades and knives. It wasn’t until she was twelve that her family put her through their coming of age ritual predicated on activating the Meta-Human gene. After an incredibly traumatic physical and emotional experience she developed an ability which allows her to turn her body (and on occasion, an object or ally she may be touching), either partially or fully, into smoke to serve various supplementary purposes. While in smoke form, she becomes impervious to damage, however if needed, she can still interact with physical objects. She does not have complete control over the ability however, causing her to sometimes transform into smoke without intending to do so.
Below are the details of her ability, its benefits and its drawbacks.
The hallmark of Arina’s ability, allows her to turn all or any part of her body into smoke at will. Allowing her to deform, shape and move her body however she desires, along with making her near immune to physical damage. When Arina is struck by a physical attack, she can turn the impacted area to smoke, causing the attack to pass through her and leave her unharmed. Arina then solidifies back into her original form. When struck, part of the smoke she turns into can also split from her body and be manipulated, for example, making a ball of smoke around an enemy’s head to asphyxiate them. If Arina herself physically attacks a target, however, she must remain tangible, therefore leaving her susceptible to physical counterattack. Moreover, she has the ability to transform matter and objects, including living beings, into smoke. Normally when in smoke form if a strong gust of wind or strikes her, Arina’s smokey body would disapate she would die; however, using extra energy and hyperconcentration, she can recombine back together.
►Smoke Manipulation(creates, shapes and manipulates smoke) ►Smoke Transmutation(transforms matter and objects, including living beings, into smoke) ►Smoke Apparition(transforms into smoke at will as well as the ability to phase through solid objects that do not obstruct smoke) ►Smoke Counter(uses smoke in close combat to trap and asphyxiate target) ►Enhanced Apparition(ability to reform after a large gust of wind)
Arina can convert her body into smoke for any number of purposes, such as infiltrating buildings or sneaking up on targets. She can generate and expel large amounts of her smoke to surround his opponents to detect, trap and/or bind them. Due to smoke being a gas, it has high manoeuvrability and irregular movements, allowing her to easily cover the battlefield in smoke as her opponents try to escape it, being able to detect any movement within the plume of smoke and also easily hide within it. Once her smoke surrounds her enemies, she can increase its density, making it more suffocating and toxic - causing them to suffer from general smoke inhalation. Her smoke form in such an environment allows her to use it to move freely and quickly to any point within. Additionally she is immune to smoke inhalation and can absorb smoke from an area, leaving the air clean to breathe.
►Smoke Swarming(disperses body into a swarm of smoke, scattering into large area while retaining control over fragments instead of staying in relatively cohesive form and reforming from any part) ►Smoke Toxicity(inflicts smoke inhalation) ►Smoke Teleportation(teleports via smoke, merging into smoke and appearing anywhere else from within the smoke) ►Smoke Absorption(absorbs smoke, while removing it from the source, into the body, using it as an energy boosting fuel)
Arina is able to enter an enemy through their nostrils and mouth. Once inside, she targets muscles, organs, nerves, blood, and even their abilities can become an extension of her will, essentially it becomes a new body for her. While in this state, Arina can talk through and experience everything the target does. Alternatively, she can torture the person from the inside, acting as a means of interrogation, possibly even kill them. She can, using their energy, use any ability the host is capable of. She can communicate with the host and relinquish control at any time without leaving the host body, meaning she can remain hidden inside a host indefinitely. The ability can also be used offensively by entering the opponent’s body to deoxidise them from inside.
►Smoke Posession(enters targets body and takes control of their body) ►Oxidation(once inside target body, it can be attacked from the inside by the smoke, causing great pain, and even death)
Arina can create silhouettes made of smoke - in the most used example of this, she replaces her own body with smoke silhouette the moment an attack lands. This creates an optical illusion, making the enemy think the attack was dodged by transforming into smoke and passing through them. From this, the Arina can use the lapse in the enemy's attention to attack or flee from the area. The smoke that replaces the Arina's position has the same quality, density, and shape as if the she had just become smoke. When it is hit it explodes outward into a three yard radius of smoke, breathing in this smoke causes coughing, watery itchy eyes, and skin irritation. Additionally she can unleash a continuous stream of smoke from her hands, shaping the smoke into the form of a dragon; its primary objective is to envelop and suffocate the target.
►Smoke Silhouette(creates silhouettes made of smoke) ►Smoke Dragon(blasts smoke at a target, enveloping them in a dense and toxic cloud)
Arina was educated from a very young age on how the brain works (specifically human psychology). She has a deep insight into human behavior and motivation. She also has exceptional body language reading skills, as well as learning how to perform in order to be the ideal person in any given situation. Outwardly, she can exude confidence, keep a calm demeanor, and speak in a way that appeals to the target’s emotional sensitivities. She trained for years in the act of being able to know other peoples’ minds, experiences, and preferences. She has developed heightened powers of observation and exceptional body language reading skills, which allow her to deduce things about others that surprise them, leaving many to believe some sort of psychic ability is involved. She has exceptional control over her facial expressions and is very aware of her emotions, body language and what it conveys. She is able to mask certain “tells” that go along with lying (fidgeting, changing the topic, rushed speech, deflecting and denial, etc...).
She maintains a heightened awareness that gives her the ability to sense threats so she can prepare for an attack by moving to avoid a blow. While she is charismatic, often using verbal techniques to de-escalate a violent situation, preventing the fight all together; she is profficient in a mix of defensive and offensive techniques to minimize physical harm done to herself. As a branch of her combat training, she learned to be proficient with knives and a katana.
►Manipulation(excellent control over her facial expressions and general ideosyncracies) ►Mentalism(heightened powers of observation and exceptional body language reading skills) ►Close Combat(fast reflexes, excellent balance, coordination, and overall agility skills) ►Blade Training(balance, dexterity, stance, throwing knives and kendo)
L I M I T A T I O N S & W E A K N E S S E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ◼ COUNTERS
Due to Arina’s smoke body, she exhibits weakness against water and wind-based abilities. If she has the energy she can generally use her enhanced apparition against powerful wind abilities, but she is completely unable to change into her smoke form due to the danger it presents; additionally she cannot reform unless the conditions are safe. High wind, or wind attacks can cause her smoke form to dissipate which would result in death. High wind hitting the smoke silhouettes will instantly disapate them. Rain can cause the smoke that makes up the smoke swarm to clear. As smoke is dissolved when it comes into contact with water, Arina's abilities are incredibly weak against water-based attacks; in some situations, they can be life threatening. When trying to pass through solid objects, electricity can bridge the molecules in phasing, potentially harming her.
When in smoke form, it can be unstable. If concentration is not maintained she could accidentally disperse the smoke potentially resulting in death. Control, discipline, and restraint are extremely important. Unconscious, emotion-influenced, impulsive, or reckless use of her abilities can be catastrophic. Jump scares and other sudden changes of emotion can cause Arina to instinctively turn to smoke.
Arina may be exhausted when too much energy is used. There's a limit for how far her smoke screen can be spread (ten yards high, one-hundred yards away from initial use); additionally, if her abilities are unstable, she may lose track of who is an enemy in the smoke screen and who is not - this could cause her to accidentially suffocate an ally. Distance, mass, precision, max power, cab be ubstable, depending on Arina's energy levels and her emotional state. When absorbing smoke, she does not gain energy from smoke she has generated. If Arina is exhausted, she may not be able to turn an ally to smoke along with her, leaving them vulnerable to physical attacks. When turning allies (and objects) to smoke, she requires constant contact with the object/person to prevent it from returning to its normal form. When posessing, if the host resists her too much, she will be ejected from the body. She cannot pass through solid objects that are air tight.
During posession, if the host dies, so does she. Deoending on Arina's energy levels, her emotional state and the resistance of her host, she could accidentially lose control and kill both her host, an in turn, herself. Her ability to turn allies (and objects) to smoke is unstable and unrefined. Attempting under stress or while fatigued poses the threat of losing control and abrubptly returning the target to their original form, or (more likely) she could unintentionally put too much into the ability and accientally overload them, causing them to expand and disperse: killing them. If Arina is not able to revert from her smoke form in sufficient time, she will drain her energy levels entirely, causing her to disperse; killing her.
Indifferent ● Perceptive ● Unmotivated Birthed in New York, Arina had invested a lot of her lifestyle volunteering for the "greater cause" or so she was told. The Lécuyer maintained a strong reputation, depicted as incredible wordsmiths; painting colourful lies in the blood of those sacrificed for "the cause". Torn from the womb of their lifeless Mother, she and her twin, Kenna led extremely different lifestyles as well as remote lifestyles - barely having anything to do with one aother, or even their older Brother, Christopher. Each of the Lécuyer siblinngs were subject to their own specialised training, often kept totally isolated, even their interactions with the maids kept to a minimum.
An incredibly old and noble family, the Lécuyer had a well established and successful mercenary group. Her Father, head of the family, was a cold soldier with the highest expectations for all of his children. According to her order in birth and the Lécuyer family customs, Arina’s role (outside of becoming a soldier to fight in their army) was assist her Brother in fulfilling his duties as the heir to the Lécuyer line. As fist born daughter, she was expected to expand the family’s fortune, influence and wealth through marriage. Groomed and primed to be the perfect wife, she was put through relentless and grim training sessions, learning the art of desire, manipulation and receiving the best education money could buy. Until such time as she was sold off to some arranged political deal, it was her duty to ensure smooth alliances and serve as the pillar of support for her Brother, in and out of field. With values and traditions so antiquated, Arina often questioned whether or not her Father and the Elders realised it was no longer fifteenth century France.
While other young children played in the field, with sticks or dolls, she spent her hours in a room of mirrors; she spent her hours in a space of glass, surrounded by mirrors, getting to know each and every muscle in her face, and how to manipulate it. For years, she refined the artwork of emotion and expression. She was only permitted to graduate to the next stage in her curriculum, adding combat into the mix, when she was able to maintain a cheerful expression without falter while being beaten within an inch of her life.
All whilst she accelerated her skills, she was subject to merciless and brtutal methods of training. full of life and nearly merciless strategies of education. In her early teens, she made her debut among the socialites of New York and the upper class of both national and international connections. She need to be versed in most subjects, she needed to be a fluent diplomat; and when being questioned in regards to even the most remote village in the world, it was imperative that she knew it so well, that when she answered the question, it would sound almost as if she were reading it from a book in her hands.
It is a well known fact, the Lécuyer Family gained so much success and power due to the fact they hailed from a repeating line of Meta-Humans. With this in mind, their main goal was to ensure the security and longevity of the Family and the Organisation.
When a Lécuyer child reached the age of Thirteen, they would undergo the Familys "Coming of Age" ritual. An event where the Meta-Human gene was force activated through a series of incredibly dangerous and grueling experiences that put them through high levels of physical and mental trauma. She barely made it through the ritual alive, and with no time to mentally process what had just taken place or understand her new abilities she was sent to join her siblings in the field.
Any independent thought or disobedience for the Lécuyer was to be slighted out at the first gesture of defiance. Techniques crafted by the Mercenary Faction for the sole use of destroying the spirit of those dared to defy the Lécuyer were eployed by her Father and exercised as correctional styles for Arina and her siblings. This would crush any fabrication of "dreams" and liberated ideals. In the same way a puppet was delicately handcrafted to the creator's desire, Arina was meticulously manufactured to serve the Family's goal, and there was no place for even the slightest derailment.
After the demise of her Father - assassinated by her Brother, Arina was suddenly thrown into what sould have been her Brother's place, as head of her Family and subsequently the next Commander of the Mercenary Faction; two titles she didn’t much care for. She had spent her entire life being moulded into a specific person who was suited for a specific function, only to find herself no longer relevant to that role with ten times the responsibility thrust upon her. She had never envied her Brother, always believing the future mapped out for him was even far more bleak than hers. And now she was in his shoes, with her Sister now set to fulfill a Arina had been primed for, she felt slightly ill. The one thing she had hated she was now free of; it was slightly sardonic, she thought, that escaping the future she dreaded, she landed herself in an even darker one.
It took her less than two months to throw in the towel, taking a good portion of the Family fortune and riches, she vanished. She grew weary appeasing the Board and the Lécuyer Elders, weary of living a life of murder and waging wars on behalf of the highest bidder and of appeasing the elders. And after a year of living independently and enjoying the luxuries of freedom, what was later labelled "The Lécuyer Incident" shattered her newfound peace.
In short, her twin Sister had sought her help, and while being pursued by their Brother, she led them straight to Arina. After her refusal to join Christopher in his new faction, a three way sibling argument, the complete annihilation of her new home and a three day hunt, in which she was the prey, her lack of control over her abilities had racked up a seven person body count. In the course of being pursued by their brother, her sister sought her help and she led them straight to Arina. After she refused to join Christopher in his new group, a three way sibling argument, a three day hunt and her inability to control her abilities, fatigue and stress had caused a seven person body count, most of whom were innocent civilans.
She'd never say it, but she was immensely fortunate that Cyborg and Co. arrived at the right time; they drove her Brother and his crew back, forcing a withdwael, before turning on her to make her pay for the unwarranted hurt and destruction she'd caused.
It was then she was dealt the biggest insult she’d ever received: Cyborg gave her an ultimatum, both be a part of the Titans and examine to manipulate her lethal abilities in order to help her to control them; or face the law, taking most of the blame for “The Incident”. Everything in her screamed no, and her pride nearly precipitated her to take delivery of her Brother’s invitation out of pure spite. He gave her a deadline and an address.
She had four months to decide, and she considered at length how long she could run while being hunted by the Titans. The notion of joining a new Faction no better than her Family was no more pleasant. Addtionally, if she were caught, she'd spend the rest of her life locked away with different Meta-Humans with an affinity closer to the darker underworld. So, it was with relctance she appeared at Titans tower at the literal last second of the deadline with an unbelievable amount of suitcases, oil and polish for Cyclops and a book titled "How to Slow Down in Bed" for Flash.
When he witnessed the death of Nicéphore Lécuyer and his only male heir, Pachid couldn’t say he hadn’t felt slightly relieved. Nicéphore had ruled over the Lécuyer with such an iron fist, it was often hard to breathe. With the mercenary army at his disposal, it was a widely known fact that the walls within the Lécuyer’s ground had eyes, and there wasn’t a single action that went unknown to him. As the future advisor to the next heir, one thing that often unsettled Pachid (Nicéphore’s cruel and sinister leadership aside) was the knowledge that when the Lécuyer Tyrant did eventually step down… or die… his rebellious, hot shot son would take his place. And while Pachid loved Christopher as if he were his own brother, the idea of a life spent narrowly avoiding major political fallouts because of his arrogant and fearless attitude had always felt like fuel to the already exhausting sickness that coursed through his bloodstream.
Simply serving as the right hand to the Lécuyer Family’s heir was tiring enough, and the knowledge that the rest of his days would be spent cleaning up the messes that had the potential to destroy one of the oldest and most revered Meta-Human Families in existence had often made him wonder if death were an easier choice. Thus it was, on the night that Nicéphore Lécuyer, head of his Family and Leader of the The Sacred Entente along with his only Son (and first born, next heir and second in command to The Sacred Entente) disappeared in exile, a strange feeling of relief flooded through him as he watched Arina, the Princess of the Lécuyer Family, and his new charge, stand over her Father’s body, in a visible state of unease. She was stained in his blood, the only sign of emotion on her features, the trembling of her fists.
In that moment, Pachid felt a sense of hope. Hope that after an era of ironfisted brutality and darkness, some form of normality and peace could take hold within the Family.
His moment of hope, however, quickly turned to bitter taste on his lips, accompanied by a heavy blow to the confidence he held in his own intelligence. As he attempted to help the young Lécuyer Princess navigate her way through the ocean of paperwork, research and revision in order for her to take over, he was slightly dismayed to realise just how alike she and her Brother really were. In fact, the only member in the main branch of the Lécuyer who could be deemed even close to what he’d consider ‘normal’ (at the very least, not unpredictably insane) was not Arina, but her twin Kenna.
The youngest of the twins, much to the misfortune of all who stood under the umbrella of the Lécuyer (along with those affiliated), had the terrible sense to finish the race from her mother's womb moments after Arina; effectively dooming them all to hell and placing a mark on the beginning of The Sacred Entente’s steady decline into complete destruction (in Pachid’s humble opinion).
It hadn’t even been a fortnight and it was an almost daily occurrence that he was met with either a feeling of dismay, disbelief or irritation; sometimes (or often), he was full of all three. As he took the seat in front of her late Father’’s desk, observing the thin Princess before him, his mood was just that. Although, he felt a new emotion that had been added to the cauldron in stomach, bubbling to the surface: anxiety... or panic - he was having trouble trying to figure out which it was. Yet, as he watched Arina fill out a form to transfer an enormous fortune into a personal account, he figured he’d soon find out as each stroke of her pen caused the pit in his stomach to deepen.
"When you said you wanted out, Arina, I didn't think you were serious."
His tone was blunt and void of emotion and he lazily leaned back, settling into the arms and allowing his body to slide down and she paused for a moment. Her vibrant light sapphire irises flickered up to his royal blue ones and her brow slightly furrowed with confusion as she almost pouted, gazing at Pachid as if he was unable to keep up.
"I don’t know what gave you that idea considering, I said, there’s no way I’m going to spend the rest of my days being dictated to by a board of directors who want nothing but power and wealth, and are willing to force me to sacrifice any values or freedom in order to give to them; I’d rather die… so the best course of action for all is my departure.”
Pachid raised an eyebrow at the girl, as her over dramatic and seemingly innocent gaze found his own indifferent one, and he noticed it somehow made her eyes look even larger; however, almost as soon as their eyes locked, her entire expression dropped into a blunt deadpan - her eyes losing all the life and vibrancy they had just held,
"If you interpreted that as sarcasm, that is entirely your fault - and you have no one to blame other than yourself."
She nonchalantly turned her attention back to the task at hand and he blinked twice in confusion at her matter of fact tone before his face scrunching a little as his eyes narrowed ever so slightly. A silence filled the room as he tried to process the rambling and utter ridiculousness of what he'd just heard. He continued to stare at the paradox of a girl as if it would help him to further understand what was going on in her mind.
He felt frustration flash through his body, putting him on edge, and he inwardly tried to push it back down into the cauldron of uneasiness it had come from.
This girl.
She was on the brink of becoming one of the most powerful political figures in the defence industry. She was Leader of one of the most respected and oldest Families in France and now the States, a role she had only held for a day. Hand in hand with her position in the Family, the highest rank in The Sacred Entente was to be bestowed upon her. The only thing to do in order to attain said power, was be sworn in during the upcoming Ceremony and it would all be official.
However, after reading a travel magazine, she was now about to throw it all away. She hadn’t even taken a moment to stop and think about her actions and the effect they would have on the Family, as well as her. Within the hour of said magazine, she had been in the process of signing away her rank.
And she was doing this all on a whim.
He felt slightly ill as his irises followed the pen which looped around, forming the main section of her signature and a small part of him that hoped this was all some sort of elaborate prank; however, he felt as if he were coming to a dead end. A thought crossed his mind as he rested his chin in his palm, closing his eyes for a moment. She was less hot headed than her Brother and didn’t carry herself with the same arrogance that Christopher did. Despite this, however, she was equally as defiant to the ‘chains’ which bound her to the duties expected of her by the Family. It was painstakingly clear she had absolutely no interest in her new position, nor did she even pretend to care about making it appear as if she was taking her responsibilities the slightest bit seriously.
Pachid opened his eyes, his serious gaze now fixed on Arina. It was those traits that made her far more dangerous and unruly than her brother. Chris was a hot head, when he felt trapped, he would grow frustrated and rattle his ‘cage’ in anger - metaphorically, and physically. However, at the end of the day, like a bratty child, he could always be talked into the correct course of action, or, be simply and sternly told ‘No’.
Arina, on the other hand, did not have her brother's short temper. On a larger scale than her Brother, didn’t respond well to being dedicated to, by her own Board Members. When it all bubbled down down, her instinctual reaction whenever she felt the chains of Nobility begin to tighten, she would quickly and calmly come up with a solution that not only resulted in her getting exactly what she wanted, but doing so in a way that publicly boosted her popularity and severely impared the other Official Members of her Family and Army, out of pure spite. That realisation caused him to seriously consider bowing out of nobility with a sword to the abdomen and accepting the sweet embrace of death while he could, with his dignity still intact.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | F L A S H | __________________________________
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | D R A G O N S O N | __________________________________
She doesn’t know how to feel about Dragonson… he’s either lying about the reason he’s here, or the ones preparing him to rule are idiots… that, or they have more sinister plans for his fate. Due to the way he seems to ooze naivety, she assumes it’s one of the latter. Arina has a hard time understanding how a nation would send a diplomat who has little to no knowledge of the customs and culture of the place he’s been sent to. While she accepts he’s the Prince of his nation, and sending him to establish relationships with those outside his kingdom was an integral part of his education; not schooling him correctly just feels like he’s been set up to fail in his mission of “diplomacy”... or it’s just a blatant insult to the “Land” Nation… which would be hilarious.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | B L I T Z K R I E G | __________________________________
Arina was vaguely aware of the Thorpe family, and if she were to take a guess, Pre-Twelve-Step Lincoln would have been a lot of fun. It’s a shame he's so full of self loathing he drowns out what little personality he has left and any hint of the slightest interesting trait with a creepy personally tailored rehab like existence, fit to cure the most unstable junkie. Rehab programs built upon shame and guilt are bound to fail. It’s for that reason she believes him to be a ticking time bomb. She’s unaware of the specific details surrounding the origins of his curse, but he’s surely no more a monster than she. Perhaps she’ll find some respect for him if he ever finds himself, rather than building a false persona upon the foundations of AA. She wonders if he’ll ever understand that no matter the circumstances surrounding the event, it was he who drew the short straw in his altercation with whoever put the curse on him.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | S A C R I F I C E | __________________________________
His powers are a direct reflection of his personality. Arina finds this to be incredibly depressing and tiring. Such angst, much wow. She’s noticed his resolve (or lack of) for being a part of this team seems to almost rival hers… based on that observation, she at least knows who not to rely upon in a bind.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | O R A C L E | __________________________________
Before the “orientation” to the Titans, the one rule Arina had given herself (solely to help her abstain from instantly deciding the option of running forever would be a kinder fate) was “no judging” the other members. Get to know them first. Kennedy has really tested her resolve for that rule. “American Dream” Cheerleading Homecoming Princess? Oh… no… she broke her own rule. The girl seems nice enough, and almost to her own disappointment, the only complaint she has with the girl are her powers. Knowing the future, altering the future feels dangerous. Arina has to wonder the extent of the butterfly ripple caused by such an event. How many people have been influenced by a change in the timeline to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her caution shouldn’t be mistaken for some sense of newfound morality. In all honesty, Arina doesn’t care much, if at all, for the potential lives impacted by the fortune teller. She’s just acutely aware that if such a ripple effect can impact a random person on the other side of the world, it could and most likely will impact her in some negative way at some stage.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | S H U R I K E N | __________________________________
Arina is skilled in the art of manipulation - it was a talent drilled into her from an incredibly young age. With this in mind, when Arina observes Chie’s behavior and history, something doesn’t add up. Given the little she ‘s managed to pick up of the friendly girls story, being from Gotham was enough to instill everlasting angst and hatred in a person. She doesn’t trust people who are so blindingly positive, she feels it disingenuous (Pot. Kettle. Black.) - after all, when the sun constantly radiates from the exterior, the only thing left inside is darkness.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | S H A T T E R C R A S H | __________________________________
Arina is indifferent towards Evie, she has no compliments, nor complaints. Well, if one complaint could be made, she could do with being more of a girl at times, but she’s not here to get personal. The girl takes her training way too seriously for Arina, which is probably why they haven’t really interacted. Arina would rather be annoying Alex or watching the antics of Chemaxzord than in the gym.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | T H E S H I E L D | __________________________________
If Arina has gravitated towards anyone in the weeks of “Orientation” as she had dubbed it, Alex is probably that person. His chilled out demeanor makes him easy to be around, and he seems not to find her too “high maintenance”. Testing her luck with his patience, she can often be found flirting with him or causing odd shenanigans. She’s never liked the creepy friendship-conquers-all team vibe teams like The Titans give off, but something about the way Alex holds himself and his ideals that makes her appreciate his alignment and she can't quite figure out why.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | C H E M A X Z O R D | __________________________________
Another member of the team she is oddly comfortable around, Arina finds Chemaxzord oddly charming. There seems to be a childlike wonder in the... whatever he is... and she feels there's something pure about observing the way he interacts with this world and experiences what it has to offer. Not a lot about him puts her ill at ease, in fact, if she's not annoying Alex, she can probably be found chilling somewhere in the presence of Chemaxzord.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | O R I G A M I | __________________________________
Truly beautiful abilities wasted on such a foul attitude. On occasion, Arina wonders who would win in an intellectual matchup, but as fast as the thought is conjured up in her mind, it’s cast out again. Arina simply doesn’t care enough to deem the girl worthy of the time it’d take to find the answer.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | F L A M E B I R D | __________________________________
Arina has no complaints or qualms about Sarina, it seems Cyborg also blackmailed her onto the team… she’s still unsure if the flame girl sees it that way… She seems to be one of the more mentally balanced members of the team, given the road that led her to the Titans - something Arina respects; the girl seems to accept herself mistakes and all. Arina can emphasize with her over more than just an onboarding story, albeit silently. While Arina has made no effort whatsoever to befriend the girl, Saria is definitely one of the few she bothers to act friendly and engaging towards.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | X L R 8 | __________________________________
Another team member Arina can respect. Unlike his Gotham “homie”, Rufus doesn’t go out of his way to pretend he's something he’s not. Again, he’s not someone she’s gone out of her way to befriend, but the few interactions they’ve had were likely her just making inappropriate comments.
__________________________________ __________________________________ | G R A V I T A S | __________________________________
Finally, Jiri is one of the members of the team Arina hasn’t bothered to form a real opinion about. No complaints, and probably only compliments for a change. So maybe that was a lie, Arina has taken a liking to Jiri. She finds her adorable. Arina has been wanting to spontaneously put on a surprise baking workshop for the girl, she’s just been waiting to get supplies.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
[table][row][sup][h1][color=2c2c2c][b]▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[/b][right][b]▅▅▅▅▅[/b][/right][/color][/h1][/sup][/row][row][cell][CENTER][SUP]__________________________________[/SUP] [img]Image Link Goes Here (Right Click above and use 'Copy Image Address')[/img][SUP]__________________________________[/SUP] | [COLOR=LIGHTGRAY][B]A P P A R I T I O N[/B][/COLOR] | [SUP]__________________________________[/SUP][/CENTER][/CELL][CELL][color=2c2c2c]*[/color] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][INDENT][sub][b][url=Character Sheet Link Goes Here][color=lightgray] L É C U Y E R, A R I N A[/color][/url][/b][/sub] [SUB] [i]Indifferent[/i] ● [i]Perceptive[/i] ● [i]Unmotivated[/i][/SUB]
[QUOTE]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.[/QUOTE][/INDENT][/COLOR][/CELL][/ROW][/TABLE]
Name - Jiřinka "Jiri" Zima Alias - Gravitas Age - 21 Mentor – Cyborg Status – Full-time Personality - Cocky - Protective - Insecure Experience - 4 months Powers - Gravity Manipulation Jiri has only relatively recently discovered her powers and with no formal training she has yet to gain anything resembling mastery of them. At the moment she is almost entirely restricted to affecting the gravity of herself and those in proximity to her. She is able to lift, manipulate and throw small objects, but anything including and heavier than a half full trash can would require concentration and effort.
She primarily uses her power to enhance her own abilities and alters her own personal gravity field to give herself enhanced strength, speed, and durability.
Outside of her powers, Jiri was trained from a young age by an authoritarian and disciplinarian father in various forms of Mixed Martial Arts from a young age and is an extremely talented hand-to-hand fighter. She has dabbled in countless fighting styles, but primarily draws from Muay Thai, Peek=A-Boo boxing, and Dutch Kickboxing in a striking sense. Her grappling style primarily consists of a focus on Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. She is proficient in Dagestani wrestling and Judo and is more than capable of getting her opponent to the ground and beating him to a pulp, but prefers the quick, less violent route of going for a choke or joint snap. Weaknesses - Jiri's enhanced durability does not extend to any non-impact based damage at the moment. Currently it softens the blows of blunt force trauma, but knives and the like will still cut her.
Another less obvious weakness is her insecurity. Years of living under her fathers instruction has given Jiri certain triggers that shake her confidence when activated. Being told that she isn't good enough or harsh criticism regarding something she has put effort into can upset her, among other things. Appearance - Jiri stands at about 5 foot 5 and still isn't used to being teased for being so short. She has a slim, fit physique and a bit of muscle is visible on her arms.
Her hair is platinum blonde/white, but her undyed brunette eyebrows give away her true hair colour. Ask her if it's dyed though and depending on how cute you are she might tell you the truth or not. She is rarely seen without her mother's red hair ribbon on her head, and even when she isn't wearing it she usually has it on her person. Her eyes are light blue, and a scar traces from just above her left eye down passed her cheekbone. BRIEF Bio -
Jiri is a Czech gravity manipulating martial artists who was brought up for the majority of her life by an extremely strict and eccentric father. She was constantly training for and fighting in competitions, and despite doing very well in most of them was never able to get her fathers approval, leaving her insecure about how others think of her, especially if they become someone close to her. She moved from Czechia to Midway City around the time she was 19 and worked as a waitress to support herself.
She swore of martial arts after moving, but after an encounter with a mugger she began to train again. During this encounter latent powers awakened within her, which she tried to hone herself but has only recently been able to use them effectively.
Jiri was born in Brno, Czechia and did not have a say in how most of her life so far has gone. Her parents couldn't have been more different, her mother loved Jiri with all of her heart and had she been around for the majority of her life it would have gone very differently. She unfortunately died after being hit by a drunk driver when Jiri was about 5. From this point on her father took over. He was already a bit of a strange person before this point. He was obsessed with Martial Arts, and his obsession only grew after he tore his ACL in his late 20s and was unable to compete anymore.
The death of his wife eliminated what little semblance of normalcy he had in him. Jiri's life from that point became martial arts and she was constantly in training for her next competition, never being allowed to properly socialise outside of her friends at training. While most parents would shout at their children for avoiding their school work to do anything else, Jiri's father was the opposite. He'd regularly talk about how useless school was and how Jiri should forget about education and focus on her fighting. For years Jiri was under his spell, doing as he said and sneaking school books and meetings with friends whenever she could. As she got older though the veil began to lift.
No matter what she did he was never happy. She'd consistently win high level competitions and he'd never even given her a "Well done." He'd just talk about what she could have done better and the next competiton they'd be entering. She grew tired of this, everyone else around her would congratulate her but her own father wouldn't. When it came time for her 19th birthday she moved out. It was a horrific process and her father did not make it easy, keeping all of her prize money for himself, but in the end she managed to get away.
And get away she did. A friend she'd met at an international tournament lived in Midway City and offered his spare room after she had explained the situation to him. They made the necessary arrangements and she moved halfway across the world and began a new life. She worked as a waitress to pay rent, avoiding martial arts like the plague for fear of reminding herself of her father. Life had other plans though. While walking home one night she stumbled upon a mugging that was about to get violent. She was about to walk by and call the police, but something spurred her into action. Before she knew it she'd flattened the guy and the police were on scene to arrest. Something had felt strange when she was fighting he mugger though. It was like everything had felt lighter and heavier at the same time. She decided that martial arts didn't have to be just something she did for her father, and decided to do it for herself.
As she began training though she noticed that feeling more and more. She couldn't quite pin down what it was until one day she accidentally lowered the gravity on a plate of spaghetti at the restaurant she worked at and sent meatballs and noodles flying all over the window. After this Jiri began to realise she had powers and started trying to train herself on how to use them. After a while she became confident enough to go out into the world and become a vigilante herself. Her exploits caught the eye of a certain Justice Leaguer and the rest of history. Notes -
Has only lived in the US for about 2 years now so still has quite a strong Czech accent. Although her English is very good and it's only every now and then that she struggles to think of a word.
Wants to try more "traditionally feminine" activities since moving to the US since she wasn't able to previous and has felt embarassed asking anyone to teach her. She desperately wants to learn how to bake.
Her favourite movie is The Princess Bride
Has only ever been in one relationship and it was a highschool fling
SAMPLE POST - Jiri sat on the blood and sweat stained stool panting as she stared at the white mat beneath her feet. She couldn't hear anything except the blood pounding in her ears, she'd felt this feeling a few times before. She'd been rocked by the last punch for sure. "Are you even listening to me, girl?!" Her head snapped up to face the large, imposing, bearded Czech man standing in front of her. He had a scowl on his face and spoke again in Czech - a little trick to stop the other fighter's corner from hearing his advice. "You let her hit you, why?" Jiri looked up at him and opened her mouth to speak. "I just-" "Shut up" She did. Her father began talking quickly to the two other men in Jiri's corner and they all began barking orders and instructions at her. She felt like she could cry. She was winning this fight why were they so mad with her? It was like she couldn't do anything right. She breathed in deeply, she hadn't even listened to anything they were saying to her by the time the bell had rung. She didn't care. She tried to make herself care about winning but she just wanted to go home and listen to music.
Wiping her eye quickly she stood up from the stool, raising her fists to her face and moving towards the centre of the octagon. Her opponent was no joke but Jiri was better. She felt shaken though, she was hesitating. A kick flew at her stomach which she took on the side, winding her slightly as more strikes began to push her up against the cage. She was defending herself but it was like she couldn't bring herself to hit back. The crowd were roaring, it was deafening. Jiri looked around the body in front of her, catching a glimpse of her father's uniform frown as he shook his head at her. She sunk lower. Why was she here? Getting punched in the face for him? Why is she letting this happen?
Something began to well up inside her. An anger she'd only felt in her quiet moments. Anger at her father and anger at herself. Her sadness turned to rage, JIri's eyes were like a jaguar as she started bobbing and weaving around the strikes pushing her against the cage. Seeing her opening, she ducked right under a left hook so that she could drill the fighters liver with a jab and a cross before sliding out away from the cage and back to the centre. The crowd cheered and the energy of the room ran through her. Jiri opened her arms out wide, taunting her opponent who rushed her. She saw it coming, ducking under a head kick and in one fluid motion grabbing her opponent by the stomach and slipping behind her. She tightened her grip and bent her knees before extending and bending her back, suplexing the fighter onto the mat and sliding over into a rear naked choke.
It was over. Her hand was raised. The crowd erupted. The car ride was silent.
Despite what she had done her father had barely said a word to her since leaving. Jiri rested her head on the cold window staring at the scenery passing by. Talking to her father was 10x as nerve wracking as being in that fight. "So, dad, what did you think of the fight?" The silence was deafening. It was like he hadn't heard her he just kept staring down the road with his foot on the pedal. It was that way for a minute or two. "I can't believe you let it get to the third round." The weight of what her father had just said made the words drop to the ground like bricks. She should have expected this but she never did. Jiri opened and closed her mouth. She was about to argue but what was the point. She turned and faced the window again, gripping her mothers hairband in her hand as she did.
-Name- ME REMOVED -Alias- Chemaxzord -Age- 22 -Mentor– Flash -Status– Part-time -Personality- Aloof, High-strung, care-free -Experience- 14 years -Powers- Malleable Physiology: The squishy bits of ME are capable of stretching, squishing and morphing into plant of general shape though anything complex is beyond his current capabilities.
Chemical Transmogrification: Objects coming into physical contact with Chemaxzord become putty in his living-putty hands. Like a gradual infection or radiation emitting from the physical touch of WE, the touched object’s chemical makeup can be slowly changed to WE’s will.
Mechanical host: The squishy bits that compose ME don’t have a skeleton and have trouble keeping together, let alone presentable on it’s own. Thanks to an ancient (and very much busted) Thangarian War-Droid that ME inhabits, keeping a more mobile form isn’t an issue and comes withe the boon of blocking blows from enemies and is pretty decent when lobbed at a foe.
-Weaknesses- Temperature: Too hot and Chemazord’s insides begin to lose it’s ability to stay together and the gooey bits begin to ooze and have trouble keeping together. Too cold and the walking philosopher’s stone slimey bits begin to become rigid and run the risk of breaking off.
Slimey, not Slime: While ME appears to be a very viscous slime, he is more like a giant amoeba with a thick skin covered in mucus. As such he can probably take a bit more punishment than a human but nothing is going to pass through him harmlessly.
No Skeleton, Yo Problem: ME is more than capable of living and moving while not riding his mechanical steed but he will be much slower and much less capable, needing to divert a fair amount of effort just to stay together. Since arriving on Earth he’s been working on limiting his reliance on his mechanical body but the machine is like a crutch to little Timmy.
-Appearance- The slimey bits of Chemaxzord constantly move and shuffle, oozing across the surface of it’s droid body and the metal body beneath is much the same. The metal body always seems to be just barely kept standing at any given movement. Overall the alien, metal body and all fluctuates between standing at 5’6” and 6’1”.
-BRIEF Bio- Somewhere out in the dark nothingness that is space a flowing sea of green orbits a red sun, pulsating and flowing in a manner that looks anything but natural. In truth this planet’s surface is composed of a single, eternally contemplative entity that seemed to be stuck gaining enrichment from whatever space tossed it’s way. One of it’s many play things turned out to be an ancient ship with it’s sole droid occupant, long brought offline even before crash landing into the eldritch-esque beast.
The slimey beast, known only to itself as WE, poked and prodded the machinery in an effort to learn about it and bring some fun into it’s life. Much like an infinite amount of chimps with type writers, eventually WE punched in just the right combination of buttons and levers to reboot the somehow still functional ship and accidentally launching it back into the inky blackness of space though it now towed a severed ‘limb’ of WE which had been torn off after the doors shut.
The ship flew, drifted and knocked through the cosmos for eight years with little to no changes to it’s innards aside from the very slow healing of the still living limb, it’s random spams of movements eventually taking on more purpose as the years past. Retaining it’s progenitor’s curiosity, the limb would reach out and prod randomly at it’s environment, eventually bonding somewhat to the husk of the ship’s previous occupant to better move around the ship and provide itself some grounding. It’s curiosity eventually turned to knowledge and the once out of control ship was reined in by it’s new master and 21 years after it’s second voyage to the stars it was once more grounded on the planet Earth, leaving the removed shared of WE stranded and interacting with other life-forms for the first time.
-Notes- * Met the Flash after the Justice League was called to look into an alien infection. Said infection was the ME unintentionally turning his surroundings to metal in an attempt to replicate his now destroyed home-ship. * ME REMOVED was the the first thought ME can remember thinking, hence the origin of his name.
-SAMPLE POST- “NEXT.” The alien called, rippling it’s membrane to call out the word. Behind the counter of the deli section at the local grocery store stood a mechanical man sporting an apron, gloves and a blob of what looked like snot from someone with the flu. Like everyone before, the next customer crept forward skeptically as the last customer quickly rushed away with their cut of meat.
“Hi… could I get 2- 300 grams of black for-“ “300 GRAMS OF BLACK FOREST IS COMING SOON.” the alien interrupted, grabbing the slab of meat and heading towards the saw. With very little grace, the slab of meat was slammed onto the machine and the alien began cutting away as another customer approached the line, letting out a yelp of surprise as her eyes landed on the alien’s visage, triggering all the tense onlooker in line to jump.
“I WILL BE HELP YOU IN A MOMENT MADAM. PLEASE GET THE LINE MADAM.” ME called over, extending his head up in the hopes of getting his voice to travel a little farther. This act caused some to leave the line, the oddity of the situation being too much for them. Another disruption from the tense calm came when the word ‘shoplifter’ was yelled across the store.
“ARE NOT ALL YOU SHOP LIFTER? WHY WITH EXCLAMATION DO THEY CALL?” ME asked the customers as he continued to sloppily slice.
“No. We’re not shop lifters.” the customer at the counter said defensively “a shoplifter is someone who steals and-“ “STEALS IS THIEVERY IS CRIMINAL! WE CLOSED FOR MOMENTS AND BEYOND. ME BE BACK IN LICKITY SPLIT.” ME called, leaving the meat on the slicer and clumsily vaulting (tossing) his body over (across) the counter and running for the front of the store. The customers were left mostly stunned but relived that the alien was gone. From somewhere further in the store’s attached deli, a normal looking human poked his head out with a bewildered look.
Mentor – Cyborg (I’m open to Flash if needed though)
Status – Full-time
Personality - Sincere, Hesitant, Envious
Experience - Very little. He only recently got accepted into the program and given his niche abilities he honestly doesn’t know what to expect for his future with the titans.
Powers - The ability to heighten / enhance the powers of his allies at the cost of a physical sacrifice. Example: Liam watches as his ally struggles to maintain the forcefield that stands as the only thing protecting civilians from falling rubble. He takes a deep breath and snaps his finger, activating his ability to amplify the powers of others. This gives his teammate just enough juice to hold the forcefield until the civilians are safe. Liam also possesses a heightened healing ability that teeters on the edge of being superhuman.
Weaknesses - Liam’s primary ability requires physical harm to be done to him in order to work. Yes he heals a bit faster than the normal human, but otherwise he is just a man. One who lacks the training or metahuman capabilities to feel like anything other than a burden to his teammates.
Bio- Until recent years, Liam was just an average guy. Anxiety ridden, medicated for the chemical imbalances in his brain, and just trying to scrape by. That changed when his father drove him across the state to drop him off at college. About 45 miles from campus they suffered a car accident that caused their vehicle to roll over a dozen times.
Liam regained consciousness to find himself hanging upside down in the vehicle with smoke filling the air around him. His arm was trapped and the seatbelt was the only thing keeping him in place. He saw his father desperately trying to force the door open to get to him, but it was clear that the door was bent in place. Liam tried to force his arm free but was met with nothing but a stabbing hot pain.
What he didn’t notice at first was that when he tried to pull his arm free and the pain erupted within him, the air around him distorted and the smoke cleared in a line directly between him and his father. As this happened something surged within his father and he was able to pry the door out just a little bit further than before. Liam did the only thing he could think of in that moment and used his free hand to unbuckle his seatbelt. This caused the entire weight of Liam’s body to pull against his restrained arm. The pain was immense, but his arm stayed in place. With every second that Liam hung there the pain he felt pulsed through his body and the line of distorted air and smoke between him and his father grew more noticeable. Eventually, he took notice.
Moment after moment his pain surged a bolstering strength within his father that was beyond a man filled with adrenaline. They could feel and see this palpable connection of energy passing between them. His father grew stronger and stronger until finally he pried the door from its frame and was able to free his son. At that moment, Liam and his father realized that he wasn’t so average after all.
He's 6'4" with a runner's body.
He's borderline obsessed with Dungeons & Dragons.
His favorite movie is Bladerunner.
He's bisexual but doesn't know it yet.
His favorite band is Coheed & Cambria.
His favorite food is Biscuits & Gravy.
Apparently he's fond of things that are Something & Something.
More to come :)
SAMPLE POST - The pitter patter of rain on the car’s windows had a calming effect on Liam as his finger hovered over the call button on his phone. It wasn’t enough to ease the storm in his mind completely, but at least it was something to talk the edge off. The last few months of his life had been an absolute rollercoaster of emotions. Really you could say the last three years, but especially these recent months had pushed his Lexapro dosage to its breaking point. He hesitantly let his finger hit the button. Two long rings later a voice answered.
“Hey son, I was worried you weren’t going to be able to call before your flight. Everything good?” The voice was caring but cautious in tone.
“Yeah...I uh...I pulled in about ten minutes ago. It’s pouring rain here. Of course I didn’t bring an umbrella.” Liam let out a forced laugh before a few second pause that felt like minutes. “Can I ask you something? I don’t want you to judge me, but I feel like I have to say it.”
“Of course son…You can always ask me.”
“Does that mean you won’t?”
“Won’t what?”
“Judge me.” There was another pause. This one longer before his father replied.
“I’m not going to judge you son. Why would I? I am so proud of you.”
“Are you only proud of me because of this Titan Academy stuff? Because I’m joining it?”
“Of course that makes me proud. Is that so bad?”
“No…it’s not bad, dad, I just wonder what would happen if I didn’t go. If I didn’t join. I feel driving away right now and forgetting this whole thing but I know that it would disappoint you.” Liam’s voice cracked as the final words left his mouth. Another pause.
“Son, you can’t run from this. Look, when I was in the war there were many times I was afraid, but….” Before his father could finish Liam cut him off.
“I am not YOU dad. I’m not a soldier in a war or a fucking super hero. I’m fucked up and I have been for a long time. I wasn’t able to keep my shit together enough to stay in college. What makes you think I can be useful to them? I’m nothing but a liability.”
“I don’t believe that for a second and neither do you. What you can do is absolutely what a hero does. The very nature of your ability is all about helping others. You can be as much of a hero as any one of the Justice League or the Titans or…” Liam cuts him off again.
“But what if I don’t want to be a hero, dad? What if I just want a chance to fucking live? It was your dream to be a big bad war hero and a badass. That’s not my dream. I don’t even know who I want to be.”
“See that’s where you’re not seeing things clearly Liam. This is the greatest opportunity you’ll ever have to figure out who you are. Please…don’t waste this.”
“I just want to make you proud. I want you to be proud of ME…not what I can do or who you think I”
“I am proud of you son. No matter what. But I’m begging you. Don’t make a mistake that’s going to haunt you for the rest of your life. Do the right thing. Promise me.” There was a final pause between replies here. Much longer than before. Eventually, Liam answered.
“Okay. I promise. For you dad. I’ll give it everything I have. But...I have to go. The plane’s about to leave.” After the thought was finished Liam ended the call before his father could reply. No thank you...It was time to go to work.
Three months as a soldier. One more month as a superhero.
Conrad’s powers come from the mysterious talisman that bonded itself to his left hand. Through magic or some other unknown force, the talisman has the bodies of three creatures stored within. With a conscious thought, Conrad can activate the talisman and instantly transform into one of the creatures. In these forms, Conrad retains his mental faculties and personality, just gaining with the unique physical traits of each creature. The unique creatures are as follows.
The Gargoyle: This is a seven foot tall lizard like creature with yellowish-brown scales. This form has two large wings that allow for flight as well as a barbed tail. The Gargoyle can lift up to ten tons and is resistant to blunt damage and some lesser bullet damage.
The Hunter: This form is a long and slender green figure with pointed ears. This form has heightened senses, much greater than a human. The Hunter can also produce quills out of anywhere on its body. The Hunter can use said quills as either a defensive measure or as projectiles that can reach up to a maximum distance of fifty feet away.
The Shape: This form is a purple colored humanoid with no visible features. The Shape’s form is constantly changing as it can extend all parts of its body, change their density, or shrink down. The Shape can also store kinetic energy by bouncing off things, until ready to release all the energy in one strike.
While most of Conrad’s knowledge is outdated for 2022, there are still some relevant things he’s good at. A lot of his medical knowledge is still useful for patching up battle injuries. He’s also in really good shape from a lifetime of prioritizing activity. Due to his training in the army, Conrad is a competent marksman, able to use this skill when firing quills as the Hunter. As a superhero, Conrad has slowly been getting the hang of fist fighting. Learned French from his Haitian grandmother
If not for the talisman, Conrad is a human. Anything that could injure or kill a human will do so to Conrad. While using the talisman to transform, there is a hard time limit of twenty minutes. If Conrad doesn’t revert to human before then, he will do so automatically and be unable to transform into anything for twenty minutes. If Conrad ever goes unconscious, either from sleeping or getting hit on the head, he will instantly revert to human. If Conrad dies in one form, all others will simultaneously die. Each of the three creature forms have their own weaknesses.
The Gargoyle: This form is very slow, even when in flight. Given its size and shape, the Gargoyle is hard to hide.
The Hunter: While fast, this form is very fragile with bones breaking almost being guaranteed on contact. While the Hunter can produce seemingly endless amounts of quills, the more created in a short time period causes each new one to get progressively more painful. This could lead to the Hunter passing out from the pain.
The Shape: Given the sheer scope of the Shape’s power, this is the most difficult form to control. It’s hard for Conrad to command this form to stretch a particular part of the body, and if he loses focus he could simply change into a purple puddle on the floor. Also since this form doesn’t have a mouth, when Conrad speaks it seems to come from everywhere at once through some unknown power, which does creep out a lot of people.
Conrad is of African descent, though his mixed complexion does reveal that he had an ancestor of Caucasian descent. His dark brown eyes are nice to look at. Recently, he has let his black colored hair grow out in a more modern style that he’s seen on other people. Conrad has also started to embrace modern outfits, though he’s still not crazy about color, preferring white, black, or gray sweaters and pants.
He has also retained his costume from when he was part of the super-powered soldier squad. This consists of a dark green jacket with yellow sleeves. Conrad’s lower half is covered with black pants and boots. Notably on him is a yellow domino mask and a yellow triangle encased around a smaller black triangle, which encases a green pyramid on his chest.
While in the Gargoyle form, Conrad is just over seven feet tall. His whole body is covered in yellowish-brown scales. The Gargoyle is slightly hunched over, a pair of large wings jutting out of its spine. The wingspan on it is just under ten feet. The Gargoyle has strong, thick hands and feet, perfectly suited for grabbing things or remaining standing. Behind the gargoyle is an almost five foot tail that has several spikes along the end of it.
The Hunter form is much different. Standing at a little bit under six feet, the Hunter is covered is a grassy green colored skin. Its large blue eyes are ever vigilant, as are his long and narrow pointed ears. His head is covered is a small smattering of walnut covered hair. The Hunter can also produce sharp quills that are snow white in color. The Hunter’s body is lean, with long legs meant for running and jumping.
Finally, the Shape is hard to describe. In it’s neutral state, the Shape is a purple colored humanoid, but is lacking any features. No eyes, nose, mouth, ears or any identifying marks. This neutral state can be twisted, extended, or changed completely. When no conscious thought is being put into the Shape, it becomes an inert puddle on the ground.
Born in Chicago in the mid nineteen-twenties, Conrad would dream of becoming a medical doctor. This dream would be put on hold when World War II broke out. Seeing footage of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Conrad was inspired to join the army, which he did on his eighteenth birthday. He would be trained and shipped to Europe, participating in D-Day.
The horrors of war quickly eroded Conrad’s optimism. By a few months in, he went drastically against his morals by looting some items from a French castle. One of these items was a talisman that attached itself to Conrad’s hand. The next time his unit fought, the talisman would activate, turning Conrad into a monster. Upon learning about Conrad’s new power, he would be transferred to a squad of other soldiers with superpowers.
Conrad would be enticed into working with the squad by hearsay that it could lead to the soldiers joining the Justice Society. Once fully trained, Conrad would be sent to take out strange Nazi operations. This included a prototype time machine. While trying to capture it, a Nazi scientist would attempt to flee with it. Conrad would jump into the machine to stop him, just as it disappeared.
Only to reappear in a Checkmate facility in twenty twenty-two. The machine no longer worked, meaning that the two men were trapped in the future. Checkmate would interrogate both men, until Conrad proved that he was who he said he was. With little options for a man out of time, Conrad would be recommended several superhero teams that could possibly help him.
Born into the ethnic part of Chicago, Conrad was the son of a mixed Haitian-Jamaican family. Raised to respect the law, Conrad did his best to stay out of trouble. The child would become a young man against a backdrop of crime and racial tension in his city. Conrad attempted to avoid these issues however, with dreams of becoming a medical doctor.
But almost everyone’s dreams were put on hold as the war broke out in Europe. While Conrad’s parents told him not to worry as it was far away, he could not be not concerned. After all he had extended family in England and France. Conrad would continue to do his best in his studies, still aiming for that doctorate. But then Pearl Harbor was attacked.
The almost sixteen year old Conrad decided at that moment that he was going to fight to defend America. So while he appeared to focus on his studies, he was actually counting down to his eighteenth birthday. And just as Conrad was in his final year of high school, he enlisted in the army on his birthday.
Conrad would quickly go through basic training before being shipped off to England. Conrad would be a part of the America forces participating in Operation: OVERLORD, better known as D-Day. While Conrad would survive the hellish battle, he would lose almost everyone he knew in his unit.
From there he would slowly make his way through rural France, continuing to lose fellow soldiers. This slog would begin to diminish Conrad’s enthusiasm and optimism about the war. This came to a head when his unit took shelter one night in an abandoned castle. While exploring the historic building, Conrad would come across a box filled with valuables, including an odd looking talisman.
Going against his morals, Conrad would loot the items. But while sleeping in the castle that night, the talisman would begin to move on its own, before clamping down on Conrad’s left hand. This instantly woke Conrad, who tried everything to get it off, but to no avail.
Conrad would hide the talisman with bandages, telling his superiors that he had cut himself on something in the castle. Conrad’s unit continued to head east toward Germany, only to be ambushed by Nazi forces. During the firefight, Conrad’s talisman activated and he transformed in a winged monster. In this monster form, Conrad defeated the German soldiers.
Upon reverting to his human form, Conrad was put under watch by his officer. News of Conrad’s transformation would reach army command, who had him brought to the newly liberated city of Paris.
Conrad would then be placed under review, the army wondering what to do with him. However an army scientist studying superpowers would come to learn of Conrad. Seeing potential in him, the scientist would transfer Conrad to a squad of other soldiers with superpowers.
Conrad would do some training on using his powers, discovering two more forms he could become. There were even rumors in the squad that if they survived the war, they would get a spot on the Justice Society, America’s greatest hero team. Once sufficiently trained, Conrad and his squad would be sent to Germany to fight the Nazi secret science division.
After his first successful mission of liberating a Nazi indoctrination camp for super-powered children, Conrad requested a costume to make him seem like more of a superhero. On a high from his first successful mission, the second one Conrad went on would be his last.
Conrad would be dispatched to northern Germany where they said the Nazis were working on a time machine. The super-powered squad would be sent in to capture the device. But in the chaos of the ensuing battle, a Nazi scientist boarded the incomplete machine in an attempt to change the past. Not wanting the machine to escape, Conrad jumped into the machine as well. A fight ensued resulting in the machine accidentally disappearing.
The machine would fall through time for a while, until the scientist could regain control. The machine became physical once more, the machine’s screen stating that it was the year twenty twenty-two. Conrad managed to force the scientist out of the time machine, only to be greeted by a squad of armed guards.
Conrad was then detained while these people verified his story. Eventually they would reveal themselves as Checkmate, a global peacekeeping organization. They had taken control of many former Nazi sites to prevent their misuse. They also revealed that the machine he had arrived in no longer worked. Conrad was trapped in the future.
Feeling bad for him, a Checkmate agent would give Conrad a list of possible superhero teams he could contact for help.
Conrad went to Midway City because he heard that there was a museum of the Justice Society based there. Hoping to find out more about World War II and what happened to his allies, Conrad would be disappointed to find no mention of his squad ever existing. And the heroes of the Justice Society who he looked up to were now dead or retired. Conrad left the museum, thinking about possibly heading back to his hometown of Chicago. But something serendipitous happened, when outside the museum Conrad spotted the police chasing a fleeing vehicle. Deciding that he could still be a hero, Conrad transformed into the Gargoyle form and grabbed the criminal’s. At the same time Cyborg and several of his students were also chasing the fleeing vehicle. Once stopping the thieves, Cyborg and Conrad would talk, Conrad explaining his current situation. Cyborg would then decide to help him, offering Conrad a spot at the Titans Academy.
Face Claim is Jacob Latimore. Dialogue color code is #2F8C24. The codename Legion comes from both their being multiple beings stored within, but also that Conrad was part of the American army, a modern day version of a Legion. Future plans for Conrad include revealing that the talisman is in fact an alien device storing the DNA of extinct alien species. Also maybe gain the ability to load the DNA of more aliens into the talisman. Conrad’s favorite superhero is Amazing Man of the Justice Society, so much so that he copied his color scheme for his costume.
Conrad attempted to calm himself as he sat in the metal chair. While his hands weren’t bound, he definitely felt like a prisoner. Besides the chair he sat on, the only things were a table and duplicate chair. Beyond that was a mirror, probably a two-way mirror thought Conrad. They could see him, study him, but he was left in this room without any answers.
Conrad looked down at was he was wearing. The costume he used in the guise of Legion had seen better days. There were tears and holes in it from that battle against the Nazi garrison at the laboratory. For Conrad it was two days ago, but the Nazi scientist had claimed that they had been taken to the year 2022. Conrad realized that would mean that he was nearly a hundred years old.
That thought was pushed away when the door to the observing room opened. In stepped a man dressed in black and blue armor. Conrad noted the decal of a black knight piece from Chess on him. Most of the people he had seen since arriving in this facility in the Nazi time machine had been wearing that icon.
This man was completely bald, without facial hair or even eyebrows. He placed what looked like a metal book on the table, before sitting down across from Conrad.
“Mr. Laguerre,” he began, “You’ve been gone a long time.”
Conrad was thrown off by the use of his actual last name and not his codename. He had been guaranteed by the government that he would only appear in files under the name Legion, his private life far removed from tales of incredible powers.
“If that man was to believed, it was seventy-seven years. Did we at least win the war?” Conrad asked.
“Yes, the Axis surrendered less than a year after you disappeared,” the man explained.
“So what, did my squad join the Justice Society and continue the good fight?”
“No your squad was disbanded after the war, most members going into government positions. As for you, it might be difficult to understand, but there’s no record of the army operative member named Legion after going missing on a mission in October 1944. You didn’t go into hiding, we would of found a trace of you. You simply ceased to exist.”
“What do you mean that I ceased to exist? I’m sitting right in front of you.”
“As best we could tell, you went from 1944 straight to 2022. You never go back.”
Conrad took a minute to let it sink in. He never goes back to 1945, never sees his family and friends again. By now most of them were probably dead. Conrad had barely learned to be a man back in his day, and now had to figure out this strange future.
“Look, we’ve confirmed that you really are Conrad Laguerre and that your not a threat,” stated the man, “You will be allowed to leave.”
“And go where?” Conrad asked, “I have nothing here.”
The man then slid the metal book over to Conrad. On it was a list of contact information for several groups. Conrad’s eyes were drawn to the Justice League, perhaps some sort of successor to the Justice Society.
“This is public info on some superhero groups currently operating. They might be able to help you,” stated the man.
“I guess the Justice Society isn’t around?” Conrad wondered out loud.
“That is a possibility. They formally disbanded in the 1950s, but they seem to come back together every few years. I found that they just opened a museum for the Justice Society. Maybe you’ll find some answers there.”
Conrad thought back to the superheroes of the war. Were his favorites like Amazing Man even still around? There wasn’t a good chance in his mind that they were after all these decades.
“We can fly you stateside and give you a bus ticket to Midway City where the museum is, if that is what you want?” offered the man.
Conrad immediately nodded. Hopefully if he went there, someone would know him. Someone would tell him he wasn’t forgotten after all these years. It was a long shot, but it was one of the few things that Conrad could latch onto.
Name: Einion Malcolm Camlann (Though he hates his first name and just uses the middle, or goes by 'Mal') Alias: Wally calls him 'Champ', if that counts? Age: 18 Mentor: Flash (with occasional help from third parties) Status: Part-time Personality:
Reserved, (Surprisingly) Clever, but Genuine: A frank, hard-working and generally uncomplicated young man, Malcolm's never been one to posture or make illusions about being something he's not— No dreams of making it big on the silver or small screen, rising to some political office or climbing any corporate ladders to fame and fortune ever really able to make purchase in his noggin when he so greatly preferred the simplicity of working with his hands, coming home to mom's cooking and maybe having the family dog pass out on his lap while melting his own brain in front of the idiot box. Nor has he ever really been one to kick up a fuss or wear his feelings on his sleeve, a close relationship with his dad, grandparents, many of his uncles, the regulars at the local Legion Hall and all the wars he grew up hearing about having firmly imparted the (maybe a bit unhealthy) idea in his head that life just tends to dropkick you out of nowhere sometimes, and that it's the responsible thing to go out deal with problems as best you can, help others with theirs where you're able and above all, don't add to someone else's burden... And considering he now shares company with a guy that got so mangled he's now mostly robot, a dude that has to hurt himself on a daily basis to help others and an actual friggin' werewolf, he's entirely likely to keep mum about whatever bothers him for a while yet. Any of his personal worries and woes kind of seeming like whining by comparison.
...Not to say he's a complete introvert however. And anyone who actually tries to get a word in with him will find he's actually pretty easygoing, generally good-natured and actually a bit charming in his own way. As well as deceptively clever; happy to play the lower-class bumpkin grease-monkey just long enough to strike someone supposedly 'better' than him down a few pegs with a sharp word or expertly timed comment when provoked.
Experience: A month or so of tests and training... and those literal fifteen minutes against Bizarro. Powers:
Magic Circuit: Appearing as an intricate series of glowing woad tattoos across Mal's body when activated, this appears to be the source of his 'powers'. Vastly boosting his physical strength, speed and durability into the realms of kryptonian ability. Though he won't be keeping pace with powerhouses like Superman or Captain Marvel in the gym anytime soon, as far as the academy's experts can tell, the whole thing acts like an extra muscle-group; in that, the more he uses it, the more it will develop and the more potent it will become, possibly granting him more conscious control of those other feats he displayed while fighting Bizarro as well.
...As to where he got it— as the Academy's experts were quick to point out, that this isn't something someone can be born with, this was very purposefully done to him— he hasn't the slightest idea.
Battle-Trance: At first believed to be some kind of 'Berserker State', causing no small amount of alarm to the Academy, further analysis of what footage there was about the whole incident in Halifax, examination and greater understanding about how the boy's magical circuit and acknowledging the simple fact that a truly mindless berserker wouldn't have abruptly stopped like Mal had the minute helped arrived and his opponent was no longer a threat. Instead, noting it as some kind of 'Battle-Trance', it's been observed that the kid's first (and so far, only) dip into this state did not make him necessarily more durable— which makes sense, as he would still be running off the same Magic Circuit as noted above— it did, however allow him to simply ignore the many broken bones and grievous injuries inflicted upon him and keep on going, as well providing a handy blueprint of what he may actually be capable of.
Firstly, and most obviously was a bright, spectral blue light that engulfed his body so completely that right up until the end of his 'debut', the most anyone could see of him was a silhouette of a person wreathed in cerulean flame and covered head-to-toe in glowing tattoos. Secondly, was the effect the boy had on the weather; with the skies spontaneously darkening into a storm and generating both gale-force winds and lightning that struck him several times which, not only didn't seem to harm him in the least, but our Rookie was actually able to weaponize against his foe; either by redirecting it right at him or seemingly 'holding onto it' and slamming it into him with his fist. Thirdly, that the majority of that encounter took place in the air, implying that the boy can in fact, actually fly.
All that said, and though study of his Magic Circuit shows that he should already be capable of such things, Malcolm has yet been unable to replicate any of these feats in a controlled environment and can't even remember anything about it.
...Though, as one researcher pointed out, nobody's tried throwing another semi at his little sister yet.
Polyglot: Speaks Gaelic, Quebecois and Acadian to his mom's family, Welsh and Cornish to his dad's and all five at the same time to confuse the hell out of telemarketers and scam-callers.
Mechanic/Metalworker: And actually a damn good one at that, quietly whittling away his free time elbow deep in engine grease and motor oil repairing anything from little outboard motors, to motorcycles to big damn diesel engine blocks out of fishing boats with the kind of deft skill that only comes from raw talent and a lifetime of practice. Has also been known to fabricate his own parts when need be by either lathe, casting or even by hammer, anvil and a bit of welding.
Handy: Also pretty good around his house and the Academy, able to fix anything from TVs, air-conditioners, heaters, fridges, furnaces and plumbing with the same kind of deft skill he does with cars.
Outdoor Survival: Knows how to hunt, trap, build shelter and actually thrive deep innawoods. Something he used to do as a kid with his Grampa for fun during summer break.
Not Invulnerable: While extraordinarily durable, Mal is far from invincible. And any opponent in his same weight class or higher can put him into the ground. It should also be noted that the boy still needs to breathe in order to keep on living, so it's entirely possible to drown him, choke him, or poison him with toxic gasses.
Activated Abilities: It goes without saying but when his circuit isn't active, Mal is, essentially, just a normal teenager. A surprise attack or bullet to the brain while his glowy-bits aren't doing their thing will put him down just as quickly as it would anyone else.
Lack of Experience: It might be a little obvious, but Mal... doesn't actually know what the hell he's doing. And that inexperience is bound to get him into trouble at some point.
Unlike much of the rest of the cast, Mal ain't exactly anything special to look at; Yeah, sure he's not horribly deformed or anything like that, he's just... well, not the downright supermodel hot most kinda expect from their superheroes— though he'd honestly clean up really goddamn well if he ever really bothered to put in the effort. Standing at around 5'8", with brown hair with just a tinge of the ginge, green eyes and a scar running over his brow from a hiking trip out in Wales with his cousins when he was a boy and another over his cheek, the more physical nature of Mal's upbringing and his work on his dad's boat have actually kept the boy in pretty (to say the absolute least) decent shape— giving him the kind of extraordinarily powerful physique that only comes from a lifetime of hard work and use instead of careful tailoring in a gym the same way a body-builder in a contest would, with an emphasis on function over form. Though truth be told, few would ever see this with how little the guy has ever really been apt to show off, even before he started occasionally breaking out in weird, glowing tattoos.
...Never mind the scarring here and there that even the best of superheroic medicine couldn't quite make go away and the mysterious symbol that's been half tattooed, half carved into his chest since that fateful fifteen minutes against a mad Kryptonian clone that's made Mal even less likely to shed his shirt in front of complete strangers than he normally would be.
BRIEF Bio: Einion (which he despises being called) had a relatively normal life compared to the rest of the Titans crew. Mum ran a successful diner on the Halifax waterfront, Dad took up the family trade as a fisherman after he came back from the army (the other family trade) and he was the middle of three kids with an older brother named Cynan (or just 'Kay') and a little sister Gwendolyn (or just 'Gwen'). Spending his early years largely being watched over by his grandparents, uncles and all the old codgers in the Legion Hall while dad was off fighting in Afghanistan and mom was busy at work, the kid would find his calling in life quite quickly after being exposed to a bunch of retired and very bored army engineers therein where he would steadily graduate from being the tiniest bartender that establishment ever employed, to being an extra set of hands on their home projects to finally being the kid they called to fix damn near everything when they got too old to keep it up themselves because they'd already taught him to fix damn near anything.
'Cept of course for when dad was home on leave. That's when he and Gwen would spend basically every waking hour they could latched to the man to try and keep him home while Kay attempted every subterfuge and sabotage he could think of to try and distract the guy enough not to pick up the phone when the Department of National Defence began calling about redeployment.
Let it be known that the trio finally won out in the end. On Gwen's birthday of all things, when dad came home and said he was staying for good now.
Life continued as normal after that, but on a significant upswing. With our boy Mal having a generally uneventful yet happy time, barring a few hiccups here and there, like that time he accidentally discovered an old ruin while hiking with some cousins in Wales— namely by falling through a roof he didn't know he was standing on and damn near braining himself on the way down, or somehow making a mortal enemy of the kid two grades up from him whose dad owned a karate dojo, several championship titles and an already existing grudge against his own anyway. He got relatively decent grades, worked more projects for his family and friends and would eventually go on to work two summers on the boat with his dad and brother where he served as the custodian to a particularly cantankerous old diesel engine from the 40's.
It was during the latest of these excursions that his brother was lost at sea, ripped off the deck and into the drink by a rogue wave. And though he put on a brave face for his mum, sister and a father absolutely destroyed by guilt, Mal became noticeably more withdrawn and quiet. Still going through the motions, going to school, working on the boat now moored in the harbour and any other project that came his way but... dispassionately. Mechanically, and without the enthusiasm for his work he'd had for it basically his entire life.
Small wonder then, when, walking down to the harbour with Gwen to bring his dad lunch just shy of a year later, the day some lunatic had the brilliant idea of smuggling Bizarro into North America in a shipping container by way of Halifax to avoid the more heavily monitored American ports to the south. When there was a sudden explosion, an ungodly loud war cry, where Mal didn't know sweet-eff-and-all about whether his mom and dad were safe, and the only thing he could see was the abandoned semi-truck hurtling through the air like a child's toy about to turn him and his sister into hamburger meat that something snapped.
He doesn't remember what he did.
Hell, he barely believes what he's been told he did.
But by the time proper help of the spandex and cape variety showed up, they apparently found the Kryptonian clone curled up in the fetal position, bloodied, battered, bruised and so outright terrified he scampered to hide behind them as they arrived with tears in his eyes begging for help. Mal, for his part, well... as scared as Bizarro was of him, he was still a clone of freaking Superman. So once the boy abruptly stopped attacking when they arrived and more importantly, stopped glowing so they could see the absolutely mangled state he was in, they grabbed the kid and boomed him back to the Academy's medical wing. Where he would spend the next two weeks in a coma (and at one point, actually dead), and another week after that under observation in a punch-drunk haze with a concussion that seemingly left him violently vomiting, convulsing and having a seizure every other hour.
When he finally began to recover, or at least, could actually respond to questions, Wally and Vic finally approached the topic of him being part of the Academy. If not as an actual crimefighter, then to at least to help him figure out just what the hell was happening to him.
Long story short, he agreed. And has been popping over to the Titans' place after school and on weekends via a Boom Tube Cyborg set up in his garage ever since.
Mal's parents, despite the norm for these kinds of things, are actually both aware of his new extracurricular activities and somewhat supportive of it. Occasionally sending him through with things like fresh fish, lobster tail, donairs and at least one colossal five pound block of homemade maple fudge the one time he made an off-hand mention about how speedsters are with calories.
He occasionally pops through with little projects to work on in his spare time. Appliances, bikes, lawnmowers... that kinda thing.
Though he has no active memory of his little tussle with Bizarro, Mal does get little flashes of the whole affair here and there when he's dreaming. With phantom pains once in a while as an added bonus, though that, according to the experts, makes some sense with the kind of beating he took and they've prescribed him some pills to help him deal with it.
Despite himself, the cold night wind caught him a bit off guard, making the lad to mutter a curse under his breath and pull his denim jacket just a bit tighter around himself. Though of course he had nobody to blame but himself— After all, what kind of idiot would decide they needed a breather on the goddamned roof half-way past god-be-dead o'clock at night just because they couldn't get any sleep?
'This guy, apparently...' Mal answered for himself in his own head, hugging his thermos tighter to himself as he shut the door behind him, before stepping out onto the roof proper and having a look around; finding the edges of the place demarcated by a steel railing, with some benches scattered and even a little green space— a bit of grass, a few knee-high saplings and a moderately-sized apple tree planted by someone who clearly had plans to keep this place going a while. Good signs that people were meant to be up here, so hopefully he wouldn't be breaking any rules with his insomniac wanderings.
Rubbing the bridge of his nose tiredly, the boy quietly walked straight passed the benches and all the places clearly meant for sitting and parked his tuckus down on the soft grass under that tree— a granny smith, now that he could get a good look at it— and took the moment to zip up his jacket before cracking open up that thermos to pour himself a cup of, ironically, hot apple cider.
It'd been a day... no, scratch that, three weeks that he'd been here. Today was just the first day he wasn't dying, dead or violently vomiting or hemorrhaging as his body protested not staying dead and had the privilege of actually being conscious of the world around him. Where he could ask questions like "Where am I?" and "Why am I here?", ya know, the sensible things. Which he regretted almost immediately because superheroes are generally an honest sort and so told him absolutely everything. Hell, they even showed him videos.
He didn't say much at the time, but honestly, that freaked him right the hell out. So much so that he could only nod along numbly when Flash and Cyborg asked if they could keep him around a few more days, just to make sure he didn't drop dead.... again. Which of course, was another thing for him to quietly freak out about; the fact that he'd very likely have stayed dead had the chiefs not called their old friend Raven to stitch him back together with magic— a process that itself proved to be a bit dicey as, apparently, her magic didn't play too well with his own (whatever that meant), making it a slow process. With her having to apparently hover over him the whole time he was out, this woman he hadn't actually met yet.
'Gotta get her a gift or... something. The boy thought, eyes casting down toward his cider and drawing an absolute blank on what exactly he'd even get someone like that to say 'Thanks'. Not exactly something he could half-ass after all the... unpleasantness the boy had probably put her through the whole while.
Shaking his head in frustration, he lowered the cup and sighed. He'd probably have to ask Cyborg or Flash about that in the morning and, frankly, he was a little worried they might start pitching him the idea of becoming a frequent visitor here. And, well, while he was grateful for everything they did— hell, they even got in touch with his parents while he was out and set up a boom... tube... emitter?— A thing that teleports stuff in his family's garage so that they could come and check up on him and so that they, the Titans, could check up on them and make sure they were alright; It was why he had these clothes, and a thermos full of his grandma's cider and all these comforts during this last stint of his recovery. And he'd always be grateful to Flash and Cyborg for that.
But he'd met some of the other people here— A Werewolf son of a Senator, an ex villainess who could grow flaming wings at will, an actual ninja and an honest-to-God Prince of the friggin' Ocean.
He didn't belong here.
He couldn't belong here.
The sudden appearance of a blue light derailed that train of thought, as his eyes cast downward to see the intricate glowing lines and patterns he'd been encountering on and off all day weaving their way across his hands. Gently tugging his sleeve back revealed his arm had already been thusly marked. And looking into his drink itself, he could already see the glow of the markings on his face glinting in the cider's surface. Calmly, he lowered the cup to rest against his other palm, closed his eyes, and steadied his breath. In through the nose, out through the mouth— just like he'd been instructed in those meditation aides his blue-cloaked caregiver had left for him before she left— until, eventually, it passed.
For a solid few minutes more, he sat there in silence. Something resembling a frustrated snarl attempting to form on his face before finally, his features just drooped in a look of abject defeat.
"Ya know, if you don't drink that stuff soon, it's gonna get cold." Came a voice from off to his side, making the boy's head snap around nearly right off his neck and his eyes to lock onto... some red-headed guy in plain clothes just casually standing there with his hands in his pockets.
He could've sworn he'd heard that voice somewhere before, though...
"...Flash?" Mal asked awkwardly and just a bit confused.
"I don't sleep in the costume, y'know— well, not usually." The speedster replied with a little chuckle at his own expense as he stepped forward, eyes flicking down to the cup in the teen's hands. "That your granny's cider?"
"Uh... yeah." Mal said, offering up the as-yet unused cup "Want some?"
"Heck yeah, if you're offering." The hero replied, casually walking over, taking the offered vessel and plopping down on the grass next to the denim-clad lad to take a drink. Who, for his part, just cracked open the thermos again and took a swig right from the source.
A minute or two passed between the two in comfortable silence, broken only by the wind and the chirping of distant crickets.
"So..." Flash finally spoke up. "What's got you up here brooding like a bat, anyway?"
"Eh. You know, long day and all that." Mal replied, averting his eyes slightly. Something the fastest man alive caught onto immediately.
"C'mooooon, I promise I won't share your super-secret Batman thoughts with anybody." Wally continued, giving the kid a light jab to the ribs with his elbow, before comically puffing out his chest and raising his free hand in an Eagle Scout's salute. "Scout's honour."
The young man just about choked on his drink from that sudden jolt to the ribcage, shooting a glare the his assailant, though he couldn't find it in him to be mad at the grinning goofball. Who was, weirdly starting to make him grin just a bit himself... well, between the coughing and sputtering.
Seriously, took him a solid half minute to clear his throat. Flash actually had to give him a few cautious pats on the back to make sure he was alright there.
"Well..." He began, after finally getting the appropriate amount of air into his lungs. "There is the whole thing where I— y'know— died."
He had to pause for one last cough.
"Like... Kaput. Donezo. The fat lady has shut her yap, gotten off the stage and fallen into a six-foot hole in the ground. DEAD!" He continued, taking another sip. "I mean that's... that's a hell of a thing, right?"
"Oh yeah, No. That one makes sense. And it's always one heck of a mess to have just kicking around in the back of your head for any amount of time."
At the confused look the Canuck gave him for that comment, the off-duty speedster just poked himself in the chest and mouthed the words; 'Super Hero'.
"Yeah. Trust me dude, I get'cha on that and I'm here for ya... But, uhh... that's not all that's bugging you is it?"
Mal paused, brow furrowing slightly.
...And looked away again. That chipper casual mood that seemed to grow between them seemingly dead in that moment.
"...There's also the whole thing about being a magically charged, ticking time-bomb that could potentially flatten my hometown in a blind rage if I'm not careful."
Ah, the markings were back. Even brighter than before. A pretty good sign that this was what was really bugging the kid. Raising a brow at this as he polished off his cup with one final gulp he let out a little belch into the back of his hand, scratched his chin a little and, met that statement with his usual tact.
And held out his cup for a refill.
In response, the younger man— still glowing, mind you— just stared back at his senior incredulously.
"Nah." The Flash reaffirmed without skipping a beat, now shaking his cup slightly to emphasize that he wanted more cider. Which, to his credit, seemed to work as the teen both stopped glowing and actually complied with filling the cup.
But not without a look that seemed to demand he elaborate on that point.
And after a long gulp, the ginger complied.
"Man, I have fought berserk robots, berserk aliens, berserk magical monsters... berserk robotic alien magical monsters. The whole wide and multi-flavoured spectrum of every big angry thing you can even start to think of." Flash explained, tone actually serious for the first time in this entire conversation, though his vocabulary stayed the same. "Do you know what basically all of those things have in common?"
Mal shook his head no, not entirely understanding where the man was going with this.
"Not one of them would deliberately take a hit to save a complete stranger." He continued, lowering his cup. "I've had three weeks and no concussions to go over all those videos and all the evidence, and you... whether that was another you for all of that or actually you and you just don't remember from all the hits to the head, well..."
Slumping back against the tree, he took another sip and continued in an even tone.
"You were never our prisoner here, Malcolm. And we didn't offer you a spot here to spy on you, contain you, or because we think you're dangerous, but... because it honestly looks like you could use some help. And that's kind of our whole bag."
The teen had to actually look down in embarrassment, feeling kinda silly about the whole thing after that.
"Oh, uhh... thanks." He said, scratching the back of his neck and trying to look anywhere but at his would-be mentor. "But I mean, some of your students here; the senator's son, the corporate princess, the actual Prince... these types of people were already kind of— y'know— exceptional to begin with. Do I really belong here? I mean, I'm literally just some guy."
"What a coincidence, so was I." The speedster chirped back without missing a step, grinning a little. "...Unless of course, you think I just came bursting out of the maternity ward and started chasing bad guys in my red and gold huggies."
Both of them burst into a healthy laugh at that, even if the joke itself wasn't that great. Followed by a few good minutes of recovery afterward.
"...And for the record, man, you're not just some guy." The redhead continued, after catching his breath. "You're some guy that saved around half a million people in fifteen minutes."
The hero gave the teen one last (gentler) elbow to the side to emphasize his point.
"And I think that's pretty exceptional, don't you?"
"Yeah... yeah. I honestly hadn't thought about it like that."
The ginger smirked. Before glancing down at his watch.
"Aaaanyway, I really ought'a head to bed. Mind if I take this with me? I'll throw it in the dishwasher in the morning." He said, pointing at his still half-full cup as he stood.
"Yeah, go ahead man."
"Sweet, thanks! Have a good night Champ."
"You too... Flash." The teen responded, though he tripped over his own tongue for a second there as his brain still registered that as a damned weird thing to say out loud.
He got an oddly sympathetic snort in response, before the retreating for called over it's shoulder.