I am talking a lot (mainly because I am excited) but I think I am going to reserve Thermal Manipulation. I can make that work easily within the confines of the rules set in place.
![]() βΌ PERSONAL DETAILS βΊ Age - Twenty-Four βΊ Gender - Female βΊ Sexuality - Bisexual (Male Preference) βΊ Nickname - Rebel βΊ Occupation - Personal Driver, Wheelman βΊ Qualifications - N/A βΊ Residence - Delton, Maine βΌ PHYSICALITY βΊ Scars - N/A βΊ Tattoos - Kade's body is a canvas, and she has many tattoos to show for it all over her body. While she isn't completely covered from head to toe, one wouldn't need to look hard to find a tattoo on her. Her arms and back are where the highest concentration of tattoos can be found. βΊ Piercings - A single silver nose stud and some ring piercings on her ears. βΊ Style - In unprofessional environments, Kade wears punky clothes, and she favors tank tops that will show off her ink. Her hair is usually styled when she is relaxed and off the job. When dressed for her job, Kade wears a neat suit with pants in addition to black leather driving gloves. She is rarely seen without a sentimental pair of aviator sunglasses. Kade will have her hair combed and held back cleanly. ![]() | ![]() ![]() Known to be the queen rebel during her tenor in Ritman High, Kade always gave off an air of confidence and nonchalance. She struggled with authority figures and they struggled just as much with her. Kade was often tardy from classes, often found to be hanging out with other undesirables and misfits from the school. She always kept her cool, and she wasn't afraid to confront disrespect. But Kade was never a bully. She kept to her clique, and she only assailed people who stepped out of their bounds and into Kade's. It was very well known that Kade's home life was very troublesome which very clearly led her to be the restless fireball that she was in school. Many believed Kade would slip into a life of drugs, crime, and poverty after high school. They would be right about two of those three things, but only partially right. Kade's reputation in small town Delton was easily heard, and few wanted to take on such a troublesome girl as an employee. With her home life deteriorating further, Kade found herself out on her own. She couch surfed for a while, right up until she fell into a wrong crowd and achieved a sense of twisted security. Even during high school, Kade had a number of petty crimes under her belt, but nothing was ever proven. The only things she ever truly got in shit for was stealing her dad's vintage mustang and street racing the thing at absurd speeds past the highway patrol. Not only did she win the race, but her arrest caused some ripples in the right places. Her parents didn't bail her out, not that she expected they would. Instead, it was a rich entrepreneur, who had just expanded his business to Delton. The man paid her bail and hired her on as his personal driver. Kade was puzzled by the man's generosity for a time. So when she asked, it became clear that the man wasn't entirely on the up-and-up. He didn't just want a personal driver, he wanted a talented wheelman for his less than legit enterprises. And just his luck, one had drifted right past him on the interstate exit ramp and was arrested just after! Kade expected to be in debt to the man so she would have no choice but to do his dirty work. But he explained that he was in favor of having subordinate that wanted to work for him, rather than be forced to. The only stipulation was that she knew the risks of screwing up and the consequences if she ratted him out. She knew how to keep her lips shut tight. Kade found herself working out of town a lot, but she would always return to Delton in a new luxury home paid for by the high risk, high reward jobs her boss sent her on. She and the entrepreneur wound up developing a friendship and trust in one another. And soon she had become a part of his criminal family. Kade would know her schedule many weeks in advance, which afforded her plenty of agreed upon time off when she needed it. As it would happen, her latest break would fall on the window of time as Ritman High's demolition. She figured since she was around, she might as well check it out. ![]() ![]() Kade was a very complex individual. She had a chip on her shoulder, no doubt about that, but she was a go-getter. She displayed a cool confidence that made her unafraid to take on challenges far greater than her ability. Often times, that would wind up with her being beaten into the ground, but she never seemed to concede or yield. She was a born fighter. Nowadays, and very contrary to her attitude back in high school, Kade has refined her cool. She has gone from being bold, loud, and boisterous, to calm, professional, and reserved. It is clear with one look in her eyes that the spark is still there, just now with several years of maturity to temper it. ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ |
![]() ![]() Does it ever boggle your mind when you try to force your brain to interpret one sense as another? Such as trying to taste something purely because it smells good? Or trying to associate colors with something you hear like music? Have you ever succeeded? Then you might be a synesthete, someone who's senses have become linked in a limited capacity. But what if that ability was dialed up to eleven? What if not just two of your senses were tied together, but ALL of them? ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββHyper-Synesthesia, something that would theoretically drive a human being insane from overstimulation of the senses. Seeing and hearing glass shatter. What would simply observing such an event feel like? Taste like? Smell like? It's hard to comprehend, so just imagine somebody experiencing Hyper-Synesthesia and the sheer amount of willpower they must possess to get through it. Kade's power of synesthesia might not be the entirety of her power. It is possible the power came with a little something on the side to help dampen the effects of the synesthesia. The best hypothesis is that her brain is processing the sensory information at a superhuman rate. Nevertheless, with practice and mastery, Kade's synesthesia could be used massively to her advantage. She could potentially even isolate her sensory experiences to two or three senses at a time instead of all five. | - βΌ STRENGTHS βΊ Effectively using a sixth-sense to analyze environments and situations βΊ Heightened reflexes and reaction speeds βΊ Strong empathic advantages by experiencing body-language and micro-expressions through other senses βΊ Can be 'switched on and off' at will βΌ WEAKNESSES βΊ Can be overwhelmed, and incapacitated in extreme circumstances, by very sudden loud noises, bouts of pain, bright lights, horrible smells, and bad tastes βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββΊ Easily exploitable if the power is figured out βΊ Hard to use without extensive practice, being unprepared and activating the power in an area with several stimuli could be potentially dangerous |
I am talking a lot (mainly because I am excited) but I think I am going to reserve Thermal Manipulation. I can make that work easily within the confines of the rules set in place.
If you want just DM me and throw me what you mean
![]() βΌ PERSONAL DETAILS βΊ Age - Twenty-Five βΊ Gender - Cis-Female βΊ Sexuality - Straight βΊ Nickname - N/A βΊ Occupation - High School Visual Arts Teacher; freelance portrait commissions as a side hustle βΊ Qualifications - BA in Art Education (BAEd) βΊ Residence - Boston, Massachusetts βΌ PHYSICALITY βΊ Scars - A small scar on her left forefinger from accidentally stabbing herself with the carving knife in pottery class as a student βΊ Tattoos - None- Kelly loves the idea of having a tattoo but hasn't found or designed something she wants permanently on her body yet βΊ Piercings - She has 2 lobe piercings on each ear- the lower one she wears fun dangling earring in most days while the other is just a simple stud or silver sleeper. She has a triple outer helix piercing on her right ear βΊ Style - Kelly has an affinity toward summer dresses, long colourful skirts and overalls. On a day that calls for more casual clothing you'll find her in jeans and a shirt if her overalls or casual dresses are unsuitable. No matter what she's wearing you can bet it'll be colourful, generally pastels but she does wear bright colours here and there. She essentially lives in her black converse boots and wears silver rings on her lift pointer, right thumb and right middle fingers. Kelly's hair is often in a messy braid or ponytail. Although she occasionally straightens it she generally lets it do its own thing without doing anything special to care for it other than the generic shampoo and conditioner leaving it to be a kinda-wavy-frizzy mop. | ![]() ![]() In her time at Ritman Kelly was 'that art kid' often scribbling in the margins of her pages and focusing more on her new masterpieces than attending parties. Despite this, her defining feature was probably her ability to blend in with most cliques. Even though she never made super close friends Kelly could float group to group with ease. Although she could never really make it with the jocks or super popular girls, or more accurately never tried, every other group seemed to be fair game from the music kids to the geeks to the slackers. This itself brought advantages in the form of always being near people who at least knew her name. She was rarely bullied beyond the occasional snarky remark from some of the popular people. On the flip side Kelly never had super close friends; her ability to float between groups was more associated with her tendency to fade into the background more than her being outgoing or a proper social butterfly. Although in some aspects a 'loner' yet in others seen as very social Kelly had a positive high school experience. To a lot if people she was known to be soft-spoken- often not talking outside of greeting and basic small talk unless properly addressed. She often had her head in the clouds and seemed to be in her own little world a lot. She didn't pay the best of attention in class, often caught in her scribbles or her thoughts, but she got decent enough grades. It was surprising to absolutely noone when she decided to study in the field of art. ![]() ![]() Kelly still isn't the most outgoing or rambunctious she has seemed to find her voice- being more willing to start and join in conversations and speak up for herself when necessary. She's become a voice of reason, something she blames on having to teach 15 year olds. She is definitely very much more levelheaded than she was in high school but with that brings her being more weighed down by the stresses of life. She seems to be more on edge and anxious, particularly in stressful situation, and more likely to break down. Outside of stressful situations, however, Kelly is still rather laid back but it does take a lot less to kick away her demeanour. ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββKelly is still a gentle soul and dedicated to her craft as an artist and a teacher. She is an ISFP and holds a lot of the subsequent traits. She is still somewhat charming in a way she can have at least a surface relationship and be relatively liked by most about her. Her 'halfway loneliness' has caused her to become independent but so much so it becomes a fault. Her long-term anger and annoyance manifests more as passive aggressiveness and bitterness rather than aggressiveness, any in the moment anger is more likely to cause her snapping. Kelly can be very stubborn- wanting to work on something until it is perfect and struggles to give things up, even if it's the best action. Kelly still loves fantastical ideas but adulthood has seemed to have taken off her rose-coloured glasses. She seems to be less of an idealist- leaning more toward being a realist and those fantastical ideas seem to be more of some short-lived fun rather than ongoing escape. No longer being as connected to her world of imagination has given Kelly the desire to improve her own real world. She's become better at forming friendships beyond surface level and her curiosity for unattainable unknowns has shifted toward trying new experiences. Perhaps she is waiting for something to give her back a sense of fantastical wonder... |
![]() ![]() Kelly has the ability of object manipulation. She can change objects or a collection of objects into something else. The object can't take add weight or hardness (eg she can't turn a cheeto into a machine gun). Although this is somewhat limited to only her imagination designs that aren't real objects or are big changes take a lot of focus and sometimes a lot of time the first couple of time she makes. ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββKelly's power seems to come from her hands however it is more nuance than that. When she touches and object and has the intent to change it the electrical signals that travel down the neural pathway are coating in a transmutation energy that seeps through her fingers onto target object when she touches it. This coating contain almost like a 'code' for the transmutation and the object will rearrange itself to fit its design. | - βΌ STRENGTHS βΊ Thanks to Kelly's broad imagination and her dedication to keep working until she gets something right her possibilities truly are limitless. As a master of rote learning larger creations only take a few tries before she can transmutate bigger objects at a rather fast rate. βΊ Although she can't make creations have otherworldly properties (eg she can't make a magic wand or such) she can use science to make something that seems almost otherworldly in ways human 'magic tricks' work. The energy that causes the transmutation can, however, be imbued with magic if a castor is willing to add that into the transformation code. βΌ WEAKNESSES βΊ New and larger designs needs a lot of focus and thought, she often needs to think about where every little piece is repositioned or changed. Kelly may have to spend hour analysing and trying to design a new transmutation for an object. The more she does it the easier it gets βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββΊ The bigger and more powerful the end result of the object the harder she has to focus on creating it- if her full attention isn't on it it causes deficits in the end result. For smaller things like turning a piece of paper in an origami design might jut mismatch the folding lines but turning a printer into bazooka might completely misfire or not fire at all. |
<Snipped quote by Salsa Verde>
I was just asking in general. How dark and adult is the intent?
![]() βΌ PERSONAL DETAILS βΊ Age - Twenty-Five. βΊ Gender - Female. βΊ Sexuality - Bisexual. βΊ Nickname - Nat, Nattie, Millie. βΊ Occupation - Influencer. βΊ Qualifications - BA in Communications & Marketing. βΊ Residence - NYC, New York. βΌ PHYSICALITY βΊ Scars - - βΊ Tattoos - - βΊ Piercings - Ears. βΊ Style - Natalie wears all sorts of fashion because of her work, mostly for sponsorships and promotion. Privately, there is no typical go-to selection. Whatever is available and somewhat clean usually works. ![]() | ![]() ![]() Natalie was as plastic as it gets in High School. Bizarrely obsessed with appearance, social status, and doing trendy things, her focus was on anything besides academics. Even if being able to grasp what she had to learn, Natalie cheated more than once out of unadulterated laziness or for the sake of making some thirsty boy do her bidding. She was absolutely a core member of the mean girls, the popular crowd, the plastics, or whatever people called it. While their influence over some matters at Ritman was obvious, they were not comically evil or nasty to other students. Even if some kind of bullying did occur, it was mostly online and towards other girls that had either actively or passively offended the group. The term 'offended' is used extremely loosely here. It could entail just wearing the wrong shirt to school or having a pathetic follower count on Instagram. However, Natalie was not the worst of the bunch. There were about four or five other chicks in this little circle of devils that could be considered 'mean' in that comically psychological way. Some of them were more overt and outspoken about things. Natalie was more of the passive-aggressive kind that made inappropriate comments and snarky remarks. However, this mostly happened when the others of the group were around. When she was alone, Natalie conversed with other students in her classes in a completely normal way. She was a bit of a 'bridge' between the sociopathic plastics and the regular crowd, even the rejects at times. However, this tale was slightly different online. Natalie was no stranger to shit on people that did not deserve to exist on social media, specifically Instagram. It was an unhealthy obsession, which eventually turned into a lucrative business. Contrary to popular belief, Natalie only went through two relationships during her time at Ritman. The first, and most extensive, was with one of the school athletes named Jonathan Robson. A year later, during one of many house parties, Natalie cheated on Jonathan with one of the cheerleaders, Alison Helliwell. The outcome was a spectacular scene and intense drama at the party, as well as several days at school. Being who he was at heart, Jonathan tried to get them to agree to a threesome rather than being hurt or mad. This did not go down well with Natalie, and any and all relationships promptly ended. Whenever this kind of thing happened among the plastics, it became the town gossip for days, especially in the teacher lounge. ![]() ![]() The toxic attitude surrounding the 'plastics' thing faded after graduating from Ritman. The attitude has always been there and will be there in the future to some degree, but there is much less contact with the other members of that group that can fuel the fire. Natalie put all of her effort and time into the social media presence, which eventually took a good turn about a year after high school. The follower count skyrocketed, the sponsorships rolled in, and one complicated social environment was traded for another. The 'influencer' world was not unlike what Natalie had experienced in high school. It was just larger in scale, not to mention the fashion and modeling world that came creeping ever so closer. ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββNatalie would not consider herself spiteful, just uninterested. If she had to analyze it, which she is definitely capable of, the conclusion would most likely land on Natallie being unfulfilled or shallow. The social media thing has taken a toll on her, mentally and physically. The realization that she engages with a hostile industry that feels no remorse when taking advantage of people or abusing them has surely made Natalie more humble. She has secretly wished for a change in her environment and social circle. The people that she naturally attracts are often unhealthy company. They are obsessive-compulsive narcissists that take joy in character assassinations and degenerate indulgences. However, the influencer business is like any other addiction. It is difficult to get out of it even if you want to. Natalie needs an excuse, any kind of excuse, to close it all down or at least reduce the amount of clout chasing she does herself and is subjected to. Time after Ritman made Natalie more verbal. She is quite well-spoken, but there is still a clear hint of the old resting bitch-face thing where she does not say anything. Her lack of verbal filter online has spilled into the real world. She can, at times, when pressured, say things that can leave a bad taste in people's mouths. It is not always intentional, though. The real and online worlds sort of bleed together, as if Natalie was constantly on a bad trip from shitty drugs. There is a bit of derealization and depersonalization going on with her, as a result of constant dopamine drowning and the presence of people that are horrific caricatures of themselves. |
![]() ![]() Natalie can affect physical and mental health. Health in this case is the state of physical and mental well-being of a person or animal that is clearly alive. She can increase or decrease the healing process to the point of rapid regeneration or indefinitely prevent recovery at all. At some stage, Natalie is able to sense or detect injuries and diseases in an entity before it is apparent or felt. Wounds and diseases that Natalie has healed or prevented are also subject to be re-inflicted by her hand. However, she cannot cause new wounds or diseases with this ability. ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββModerate to severe pain can be alleviated by physical contact with Natalie. The more contact, the less pain someone will feel. However, the relief will subside the same instant as the contact is broken. This can affect certain mental and emotional duress. However, the effectiveness might depend on who the person at risk is. Physical contact is also necessary when Natalie has to heal a wound. Depending on circumstance and severity, the healing process itself might be extremely painful, as the body is not used to rapid cellular regrowth and tissue regeneration. As for Natalie herself, the ability does not work automatically. She must go through the same process of focus as with healing a third party. However, the process will seem to be automatic in regard to poisons, toxins, viruses, parasites, and other such things. That is, Natalie cannot get infected or sick by external influence. Further, the healing process could also remove minor imperfections of the skin, such as scars, acne, rashes, burning, and other inflammations or harm caused by elements. | - βΌ STRENGTHS βΊ Immunity to sickness, poison, and parasites. βΌ WEAKNESSES βΊ For serious wounds or advanced diseases, Natalie must eventually sacrifice her own well-being as a health transfer. This will show itself as fatigue, fever, and other common symptoms of a general cold or influenza. βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββΊ Radiation and other advanced hazards cannot be healed. βΊ This ability cannot de-age or revive someone from the dead. |
![]() βΌ PERSONAL DETAILS βΊ Age - Twenty-Five βΊ Gender - Male(Cis) βΊ Sexuality - Pansexual βΊ Nickname - Billy βΊ Occupation - Goddamned Rockstar βΊ Qualifications - High school diploma. He can play the guitar, piano, and cello. Does that count? βΊ Residence - Seattle, Washington βΌ PHYSICALITY βΊ Scars - A dog bite right on his butt, from mooning the neighbor's yorkie. βΊ Tattoos - Oddly enough, none βΊ Piercings - None βΊ Style - His clothes tend on the expensive side, even when they don't look it, and he usually dresses in layers, to allow for multiple pieces in any given "look." During the day, sunglasses are ever present. Most outfits are form-fitting, skinny jeans are common. Likes various colored v-necks, or else button down shirts with crowded, busy patterns(flowers and plants are common, but so are occult symbols or text). ![]() | ![]() ![]() A middle school band geek, Billy had to defy his parents pretty hard to drop the cello. He compromised by joining the musical theater program. He was already in the choir at church, so he had a good voice, which only improved under the vocal coaching he received at Ritman. By sophomore year, he was already an ever present star of shows the school put on. Billy found that he liked the spotlight, and wanted to take it with him. He became sort of a class clown, though his jests were typically good natured. He wasn't the highest performer academically, but he was well liked. Billy was friendly, and had the odd quirk of remembering everyone's name, regardless of how often he interacted with them. He was the sort to drag more introverted people into the center of attention, thinking they would want to be there too(even when he was wrong). ![]() ![]() Billy is the sort of person who can charm even as he annoys; he makes it endearing. He considers himself larger than life, and sometimes even manages to fit that description. A gregarious person by nature, he likes, and tends to be liked by, crowds, particularly those of the drunk variety. He is a people-pleaser, and though this often leads to altruism and even true compassion, the root of that desire is in the quest for attention. ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββHe has an addictive personality, and likes to share his vices. He can be a bad influence, but he's usually generous, and if you stick by him, he won't let you down. Billy's current persona is the logical evolution of who he was in high school, the most surprising part of him is how successful he managed to become. |
![]() ![]() Kinetic Theft. Billy absorbs the kinetic energy of anything(and everything) that touches him. The energy is stored, and can be released at will from his body. ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββThere isnβt a specific limit on how much energy he can store or release, but there is on how much he can absorb at a time. | - βΌ STRENGTHS βΊHe is extremely resistant to anything based on kinetic energy. βΊ The energy he emits can become quite powerful, depending on how much he has absorbed. βΊ He is always absorbing energy passively, so he will never run completely out. βΌ WEAKNESSES βΊBilly creates an enormous drag on any vehicle that tries to carry him as his power sucks up the force of acceleration. βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββΊ He cannot turn the power off, and no longer feels touch or pressure from most sources. βΊ He can't play guitar normally anymore. His power absorbs the vibration of any string he has his fingers on. |