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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Henri reached the dead giant while the bear was curled and nursing his battered groin. The lumbering creature probably wouldn't stay down long, so he worked fast-- once more searing off the steel helmet and pauldrons, filling the air with the acrid stench of burned meat. He could not smell it himself, having long ago lost that sense-- but he remembered well enough. The heavy plume coming off the giant would have risen a stench to heaven.

As the metal flowed into him, he felt his legs begin to work, and the damage to his chest subside from the metal sealing the gaps between the cracks, and filling the shattered empty voids. He looked like an irregular jigsaw puzzle, of broken white shards and dark grey bands between them where the iron had solidified.

He chuckled, then staggered up onto his feet. The repairs were not that great; Iron was tough, but lacked the hardness and strength of the ceramic, and was much heavier. His legs threatened to bend in ways that were not conducive to walking with each step, but at least he was upright.

Yvonne looked spent, clutching her arms against her body with a grimace of her own. He waved at her and smiled. She only looked at him for a moment as the hairy brute stood up and once more started to lunge, a thick trickle of blood going down its rear legs, matting the fur.

He crouched, then propelled himself forward by skating on the sandy ground, to dart between those legs, before turning over, and reaching up with both hands to grasp the breast plate in a bear hug. The bear had the metal he needed, and he intended to have it.

The bear tumbled from the sudden increase in mass on his chest, and fell forward on top of henri-- an event he made full use of, despite several hundred pounds of usine bulk crushing him into the sandy floor. The beast bellowed, then tore at Henri's back with its clawed hands, but to no avail-- he had fused himself with the breastplate, and the center of it glowed red hot as it flowed around him like a shell, leaving the corners pristine and shiny, with an ugly blue, purple, and orange banding pattern surrounding where he had stuck himself fast to his opponent.

He looked like a crucified man, stretched out over the beast's chest.

"GET OFF GET OFF GET OFF!!!" roared the creature, as it rolled and tossed while tugging at the straps of the breastplate.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Looking over at the records of what had been shipped out, she could find nothing of use for her investigation. Although she did wonder if a load of armour and speartips had made their destination. “And could you direct me on a map where his house could be? Or perhaps you could write some directions of where his home could be?” Her eyes quickly looked over at the apprentice.

Investigating Brik’s house could bring some useful clues. But that would have to wait as she needed to investigate what she could in the village.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

There was a pregnant pause as Yvonne's strike found its mark, the announcer and the hag's voice a dull echo in a faraway place. Then the mercenary saw the bear regained his (heh) bearings, and for a split second she recognized what a bad spot she's in - attack already fully committed, now within mauling range of a very pissed off bear who just lost his crown jewels. Who's fault was it to land her in this situation? Riiight, it was past Yvonne. What a bitch-

A heavy swipe filled with rage and little sense. The arena spun, the mercenary oddly serene as she reflected over the blow, noting that it's all blunt with no claw involved. Too angry to properly kill her, huh? Though, to be fair, this was normally enough to shatter an average man-

Her thoughts was interrupted again, this time by the sandy gravel of the arena. Bounced once. Twice. Found orientation, didn't matter, bounce a third time. A final fall, and she's still. Ow. That hurts. Okay, let's see. Nothing was stomping over to finish her off. That's good enough for now, either the bear was in too much pain to move or her team managed to occupy it. Yvonne laid on the ground face-up, assessing her own condition for the time being.

Quick version: Not good. Not good at all. In fact, she's feeling fucking terrible. Been a while. Anyway.

Sore was the first thing she felt. Sore and bruised. As for where the bruise was, well, it's probably faster to ask where the bruise wasn't. Yvonne can only be sure that it's her neck - just about everywhere else throbbed with pain. Could taste iron in her mouth, huh. Must've split her lips in the impact. Elsewhere...

Head felt fine. Can think. No pain from within, so brain should be fine. Breathing hurt. More than it should. And more difficult. Fracture there, then. Next, limbs. Right shoulder... didn't felt right. Heh. That's what impacted ground the first time. Probably dislocated. Gotta fix that soon. Left arm was struck by the bear, but no bleeding. Hurt like a motherfucker though, it'll bruise real bad soon enough. Legs were functional, likely with an additional mace-shaped bruise where her own mace was pressed to the flesh by the impact.

First thing first, the shoulder. Boss - of the mercenary company, not Sparky - showed her how. Step one, sit up. Pain. But she sat. Right leg folded up, clasp both hands around it. Lean the head back, roll the shoulder forward-


"Fuckshitbitchdamncocksuckermotherfuckingdirtywhore- that hurts-"

It felt like she blacked out for a split second there. Yvonne very much would like to collapse back into a bruised heap, but the enemies wont wait for her to recover. Wobbling, she slowly and carefully returned to her feet before surveying how's the battle going on. The polearm wasn't around anymore. Didn't matter much, she doubt she can wield it effectively in this state. Sword drawn again, the mercenary glared at the faint trace of bloodstain on it. Tch, cleaning the scabbard will be such a pain. But that's for future Yvonne to worry about, after she survive this whole debacle.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

[GM Post]

"Well ain't that a lengthy walk!" Quite a bit. Most travels were done on some sort of draft carts or wagons. "Cant say we've got special deal or nuthin', ya pay what ye eat but we've got a lot. Manifold your weight, I'd wager!"

The farmhand gestured at the stall, before pointing at the field not far away. A good portion had been harvested, but the remaining was looking very much bountiful.

"We have pork in here, if that's yer thing. Got lots of pumpkin and squash. And potatoes, never could'a go wrong with taters. All sorta beans too! For vegs, lettuce and spinach and cauliflower. Ya can pick what ya want and tally it up later, or say how much ye wanna buy an' I'll tell ya when it's reached."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

[GM Post]

The blacksmith didn't look bothered at Matilda failing to find anything. Well, it would be weirder if she could find some dirt, as far as he knew there's nothing shady going on. He's making good living already, no need to dip fingers into muddy water. "Dont have map or anything here, I'm afraid." He noticed the glance. "But we can guide you. Oi, Timmy!" The apprentice in question immediately stood straighter. "Guide the good dame to the hunters' place, would you kindly? You know where it is, aye?"

"Yesser! Right away! Uh, this way ma'am!" The youngster walked a total of three hurried steps before stopping, almost stumbling in the process, as he turned around to check if Matilda was keeping up. His ears reddened from the sheer embarassment as the other apprentices definitely saw it all happening.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kaito assessed the situation. The wolf was preoccupied with getting out of the net Chounan had tossed and would soon be free to attack the samurai. The werebear was a totally different story. That creature had managed to swat away Yvonne like a fly but had found himself in an even worse spot. The strange latecomer had somehow managed to fuse himself with the bear’s armor and turned it into a frying plate. The creature was in absolute agony and tried frantically to get rid of the glowing hot torture device that was strapped to his now burning chest. Judging both creatures, it was clear that the bear was paying the least attention to his surroundings.

The fox circled around the top right pillar, making sure to stay out of the rolling bear’s field of vision as much as possible. For a moment he quietly observed the werecreature’s movements from behind the pillar. Kaito knew that he had to deliver an instant fatal strike. If he would give the bear the chance to retaliate, he would be in grave danger.

The moment the suffering bear rolled with his head into the direction of the pillar Kaito initiated his strike. Lunging forward from behind the pillar the fox thrusted his wakizashi with all his might into the exposed head from the bear. The fox could only hope that he has enough strength to pierce through the werebear’s tick skull.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


The knight nodded her head, glad that someone would be able to show her where Brik lived. “Thank you, sir. I appreciate your assistance in helping me with this investigation. Your efforts will be greatly rewarded.” She said bowing towards the blacksmith in appreciation. Walking out of the building with the apprentice. Not speaking to the young man during the duration of the walk over, but occasionally she would glance over towards the apprentice.

Despite her heavy armour, she was able to keep up with the apprentice. When they arrived at the house, she thanked the apprentice. Handing him a single coin for his troubles. Heading towards the house, hoping that she would be able to find a crucial clue in the house. Opening the door and heading inside the house.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Chounan had enough time to switch his yumi bow into sword as the Werewolf regain its freedom, he activated his Ki for countermeasures. Wolves and werewolves crippled as there nose and eyes are no longer function. He had been dealing with this type of scavengers upon soloing or an ecort mission. He pulled out his kunais and hurled precisely on both eyes and nose. As the Werewolf charged in, a Perfect Counter is activated. With the concentration, everything is slow downed except himself. He performed a cuts aiming on its arm following up a heavy stroke on the head.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The bear bellowed. Clawing up the parasite before clumsily unbuckling his metal armor and throwing it aside. Then, before he could stomp the naked, shattered, and battered stoneman, a sharp pain assaulted him at the back of his head. It was Kaito who jumped with his blade, trying to impale the beast's gigantic head with his thin blade.

But the werebear's skull was as thick and hard as stone. Lacking sufficient strength and entering at the wrong angle caused the blade to slide sideward, ripping his scalp from the back of his head all the way to his ear. With a sheer of primal rage, the Bear tried to reach this cowardly backstabber. His right hand was injured but his left hand was free, and he was this close to grappling Kaito and subjecting him to a gruesome punishment.

Before more people could get mauled, a crystal arrow came whistling in and bit deep into the Werebear's muzzle. His rampages faltered in a loud gasp, and a pained grunt followed as he tried to reach for the jutting fletchings.

Standing on four, the werebear was pretty much alive, but struggle to keep his balance. His bloody scalp hung like a piece of carpet, revealing the thick skull that gleamed akin to a big chunk of marble. Everyone in front of him was ready to end him, but then a voice rang.


"Ohhh! Poor little lady! I hope she's not dead! I really do! Isn't her pretty face a fresh change in our little bloody game? Yes, yes, I can hear you hiss. I'm a fair commentator, and I put my career and reputation on the line to say that! No mistake! But still! I'll play along-- did Ted the Executor managed to bash in this pretty little face of hers?"

"--w-what the hell is that? Jumping from the shadow! Is that a Gollum? Crawler? A very ugly Ghoul?! Isn't that guy dead already!? Can someone--- oh wait, what in the hell! He is naked! And he burned the poor Ted! Oh! he forced the champion to disrobe! Ohhhh! He fucked him so bad look at that stone asscheeks! Goodness gracious I told you to not blink but this is disgusting, and I have seen a lot of and described shit to entertain you all! And finally that Gollum let go! It should be easy for Ted to crush him now--

Watch out watch out! It was Lady Stritzel's second favorite! Doing a sneak attack on her first favorite! What is this? A fight for Lady's favor! Whatever it is, Ted is in trouble right now! I don't know about you, but don't like this! Ladies and gents... I really do!

There was no shrill anymore except, even from the announcer who watched in disbelief. A shrieking fleabag Stritzel again demanded to forfeit the match, but nobody listened to her until gradually her demand came in a hurtful plea. Please! Stop the match! That fifty grand's all yours! Stop this. My boy is suffering!"

Then in desperation, she shouted at the fighters below, to those who really could decide the fate of her pet bear. "Champions! You have won! Please spare him! I beg you. I-I will see you compensated! Teddy My sweet Teddy Gugu! Stay there and don't fight them. You have done enough! Mommy's proud of you!"

Still, nobody listening. Not a single noble up there knew what the Guild Master had planned. That he intended to use all of the champions to kill these unplanned contestants and sow profit from selling their injured bodies. And now, seeing his plan had crumbled before him, the man stormed off from his throne.

"Seal the arena! Recall all of our men. The bombings were obviously their doing!"

"But Master, Grond is still there!"

"Do I look like giving a damn? Do it, and silence that Strezel bitch!

"So the match is over? Wait, boss? Boss?!!"

When the announcer looked at the arena again, he had nothing to comment on. Everything had gone to the south, and it became even more apparent when he saw the elf woman launching another dazzling arrow at the trap door... which had already been rigged with two similar arrows.

The explosion was massive it did not only blow the door away but also destroyed the surrounding wall and launched a good chunk of stone across the arena. Not even waiting for the dust to be settled, another arrow launched, and that time, the Announcer only knew two things:

That the portcullis gate would soon be history, and he needed to find a new job.


With Gerrald calling the match off, confusion filled the entire tribune. Some were angry, some had enough sense to smell trouble and go home without a fuss. Some were still watching the fight eagerly. The first ranker having a duel with an unknown fighter was a rare sight, and they wanted to be the ones who see the end of it, after all the ticket was paid and the guild offered no refunds.

Chounan did not care. His focus had sealed him from any disturbance of the mortal world and solely directed his attention to his enemy. The furious slash came swiftly, but all in the world seemed predictable in his eyes. He formed a stance, and then the blow exchanged. Metal clangs and bone severed. But was not his.

The werewolf had his arm slid away from him, and the next attack came like a violent hurricane. He managed to move his head before the small human could score a fatal blow on it, but he didn't predict it when the blade bite his shoulder deep and cleaved his chest open. Grond the Champion staggered for a moment before slumping to the gravel.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Hokay. Bear, mauled. Wolf, sliced into ribbons. And to top it off, the opposing portcullis blew up. Yvonne, as the only one that's on a very temporary break from all the fighting, saw everything. And their target's barely contained panic. She chuckled as she took a few tentative steps. The pain was still there, but had faded into a persistent dull throb in the background. She laughed. And laughed. Her steps turned into a stride, before breaking into a sprint. Straight for the gaping opening made by Sparky. Ooh, got to be quick, quick. While those audiences still clogging the venue's exit.

The mercenary rolled her shoulders as she went, feeling the reduced range of motion. Shush, endure a bit more. Just a bit more. Rest will come later, when these fucks were dead under her boots. Yes, all she need to do was to find a way up there. After that?

Like a rabid fox in a henhouse.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

[NPC Post]

There was a commotion in the house as Matilda draw closer, sounds like a few people arguing very loudly. The voice overlaid with each other to the point that it's difficult to make out what's being said, but insults were about alongside bits like "escape" and "dead". The apprentice blacksmith received the coin and stood there, unsure of what to do, even when the knight ignored him and entered.

Three pair of eyes turned toward the intruder. Two of them didn't look any different than ordinary peasants, simple but durable and practical clothing commonly worn by just about every lowborn. The third one wasn't dressed much differently but was absolutely filthy, eyes bloodshot like he hadn't slept for quite some time. A quiver of arrows hung on his hips and more were packed on a table next to a backpack he's in the process of filling with all manner of preserved food, the handle of a few daggers visibly sticking out on the edge.

"Who the hell are you?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Chounan saw Yvonne rushing on the open gap that Jaz made. He performed Chiburi and sheathed his blade. "Suffer no more... You are free now." he prayed with his one hand for the deceased Werewolf. The three should be fine and enough, the more important thing to do is to escort the noblewoman. He then started to accelerate and chased Yvonne from getting in. He slipped through the gap and slide smoothly with his two feet to reduced the acceleration. He found Yvonne alone inside the interior, looking around for way up.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Henri felt the bear finally tear the plate free, as it tossed it, and him, aside like old garbage. This suited him fine-- He really just wanted the metal the beast was wearing. Needed it in fact-- he was so damaged, he needed a heavy coating to be able to withstand walking for any distance. He really did not pay much attention, as he commenced assimilation of the steel, and the make-shift full-body reinforcement. He plucked the eyeball from his throat, where it had been shoved down when he had been slammed into the pillar, and popped it into his dull grey eye socket, letting it spin and click into place, before getting up and observing the room-- The frenzied cries of the announcer being quickly cut off by a deafening explosion. He was thankful to have been thrown behind the third pillar, as the debris rained on either side of him.

He surveyed the room-- Yvonne sprang up like a rabid animal, and dashed up the stairs through the enormous gaping wound in the wall. The samurai slew the wolf that had foolishly tried to pick him up earlier-- and the bear lay on the ground gurgling and snorting blood with his scalp peeled back like the skin of a ripe fruit.

His thoughts once more returned to the kindly, and childlike bearman he had been acquainted with the day before. It struck him how at once, both of them could be so similar, and yet so different. He supposed circumstance played a great role, and he wondered how this bear might have lived, had things been different. It was not like they were a common sight-- Creatures like the two of them were so rare as to be myth, which is precisely why they sometimes ended up in places like this. For a single, solitary moment, he was sorry he had burned the beast the way he had.

Carefully, and with great deliberation, he tottered rather than walked, toward the prone bear, who only growled at his approach, before cursing at him. "GO ON AND FINISH ME THEN, YOU FILTHY LUMP OF CLAY."

Being angry was an entirely natural reaction to having your body beaten, battered, torn, and burned-- He himself was so angry he felt he could rip somebody's head clean off their shoulders, and he knew exactly which head he wanted-- but it really wasn't this bear.

"I didn't come here for that." said Henri coldly and flatly. "So I will do no such thing. I just wanted you to know, you are not alone."

The bear snorted a disgusted laugh, before speaking again.


"There's another bearman, you idiot." Henri retorted flatly. "Outside. Free. I met him yesterday. I thought you might want to know."


"No. To give you hope."

Finished with his good deed for the day, he levered his now considerably heavier frame to turn around, and slowly ascend the stairs behind the group that had dashed up earlier. An insanely crazed looking old crone dashed through the wide door and around him, cursing "BUTCHER!" at him, as she passed, rushing up to the downed bear man in a flurry of tears. He didn't care. He had his own fish to fry, and she wouldn't get away so easily.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Jazdia followed. As she reached the stairs, the interference felt weakened, rapidly. She could use her enchanted vision again, and immediately, as she hiked from one stair to another, the elf utilized her power to scan the entire place.

There he was! Hhite-haired, prominent jaw! Jazdia climbed two more stairs and reached Yvonne's wrist.

"That's not the way! Follow me! Gerrald is heading toward the catacombs. It seemed our guy doesn't want to leg it to the surface. He has five goons blocking the way for him."

As the elf passed Henri, she took a moment to look at him with a mix of amusement and confusion. His bulky and unnatural interior no longer amazed her after the whole debacle. "Mister Henri. I am surprised to see you here. I presume Matilda sent you? You are... quite resourceful to be able to find us here."

Then Jazdia rushed toward the aisle, noticing how the pathing, the lighting, and the overall atmosphere gradually changed as they went deeper into the guild's massive tunnel system.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

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Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

The farmer offered plenty of stock for Cedar to consume. Being one of the farms along the outer reaches of the village, it had more access to the fertile lands, and as a result, was able to grow a plethora of crop in such abundance. A testament to the prosperity of Hdur.

“I should have enough coin to cover whatever my friend fancies at the moment. I see you’re familiar with the hunters, what can you tell me about them? Has their pattern of behavior changed in recent memory?”
Asked Solomon. “I’m not sure how privy you are to their schedule, but anything you can share would be appreciated.” Solomon wandered nearby as the farmer collected various stock for Cedar. It was good for Cedar to finally have a proper meal. He seemed ecstatic about it, anyway. While he ate, might as well see what the farmer knew, if anything.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"That's not the way! Follow me! Gerrald is heading toward the catacombs. It seemed our guy doesn't want to leg it to the surface. He has five goons blocking the way for him."

As the elf instructed, Chounan went ahead from the two woman. Two long straps of cloth can be notice as were tied each of the hole of the handguards flowing opposite that Chounan's heading to. Those cloth belong to slaves he accidentally killed. The slave man's cloth tied on the katana's handguard the slave-woman's cloth tied on the wakizashi's hand guard. Chounan want the rest of the party have breathing so he voluntary himself break the odds who were obstructed their way. He blended on the darkness of pathway and with his Ki his awareness enhanced. Hunting down the Guild Master Gerald without killing him.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Yvonne stopped as the elf caught up with her, inwardly annoyed at how everyone seems to move faster than her short legs. Still, looks like whatever magic bullshittery clouding Sparky's vision had been lifted if she can now track Gerralt down. Good enough, cant wait to break his legs for all the trouble he caused.

"Just five? If they're only men it's nowhere near enough." Any one of them can probably take the whole lot. "Lead the way, boss."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago


Cedar's face erupted into a mischievous smirk at the notion that Solomon was paying.

"Ya sure fella?" he mused with a sparkle in his eyes. "No takesies backsies now--"

Solomon made a gregarious "Be my guest" hand gesture at the food available with his own benevolent smirk in response. The farmer just looked back and forth between them with a sparkle in his eyes and a wide smile, awaiting payment.

"Innat case...." the bear chortled, "I'll have somma dis-- somma dis-- Somma dis--- Somma dis, Somma dis-- somma dis-- Somma dis-- somma dis, and somma dis."

"Is that all?" asked the farmer, started at the rather large assortment of foods the bear had selected, including half a barrel of fatty bacon, a 20lb sack of potatoes, 4 large cabbages, a sack of carrots, a 20lb sack of pottage beans (mixed), 3 cauliflowers (whole), 4 broccoli (whole), a tray of ripe tomatoes, and a whole ham hock.

"Nope-- Ya gots a renderin' vat? How's about some nice garlic-- an onions! OOH-- an cell'ry-- Gots ta has the cell'ry--"

"Are you... Truly gonna eat all that?" asked the farmer, incredulously.

"Sure is! Not all at oncet acourse, bu' I's should has it all polished off by mornin!"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 1 yr ago

kaito could feel his blade hitting the bear’s skull. Rather than punching through his wakizashi was sliding down, following the contours of the skull and only cutting open flesh, skin and muscle where it should have skewered the brains in order to be fatal. It was at that moment that the fox realized that he had made a grave mistake. From his peripheral vision he could see the giant muscular bear arm swinging towards him. If it would connect, it would turn the kitsune into fox pudding. However the attack suddenly stopped as a timely arrow stuck the creature right in its muzzle. Jazdia had saved his skin.

The fox readied himself to strike again but then some form of chaos ensued in the audience. Gerald ordered the arena to be sealed while the elf had blown up the trap door. For a moment he looked at the bear and then at his companions before making a dash towards the door. This fight was over but the mission was not. They still had to capture Gerald.

Kaito quickly caught up with Jazdia and Yvonne. “Even more fighting?…you can have my part if it makes you happy. Spoke the fox as he had seen enough fighting for today but knew that there would still be a lot more of that stuff coming their way.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Walking into the desolate home, she was on high alert cause there were intruders. Checking every nook and cranny of the house for any clues she could find. Hear heavy could probably be heard by everyone in the vicinity. She could hear voices in another room, so she slowly made her way over toward the source. Not drawing her sword yet, as she wanted to talk to them first. And also her sword was comically large, so she was afraid it would cut the house in half with just one swing.

Standing in front of the three men, she scanned them with her eyes. Making mental notes of who is armed. She looked over towards the third man, he looked well armed and much different than the other two. She assumed he was some kind of mercenary. And judging from his lack of sleep, she assumed he had some involvement with Brik’s death in the fortress.

Name is Hilda, I was told by Brik to meet em at his house. Who are you? Where the ell is Brik?” She said wondering what their relation to Brik was.
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